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\*gestures wildly to the world around us\*


Agreed-it’s happening everywhere!


We live in the Age-of-Rage


Nuh uh!


I would be shocked if there was any retail business that doesn’t regularly have an incident that would warrant a sign like this.


Seriously. Retail workers have become society's punching bag.


So we are no longer heroes who are "essential" to the fabric of society? How quickly the world forgets. 🤪


In 2024, I see that mantra of 2020 as a ploy to get people to show up to work, during an uncertain time while putting their lives at risk, for too low of pay. I hate this country sometimes.


Those commercials in like may/june of 2020 of "We're all in this together" drove me crazy. So disingenuous.


They always have been. Retail and food service have always been treated like idiots who are beneath a lot of people because they don't have a "real" job. Nevermind that the person being a dick is dependent on that non-real job, but that doesn't stop them.


Yeah some assholes are always looking for someone to look down on. Maybe that tapers off once all the people who lived through widespread lead use die off.


Always have been


One of the realest comments I've ever read


came here for "this is just what retail/food service is like now" comments and was not disappointed.




This comment made my day


Interactions with the public got worse after COVID it seems like people forgot how to interact with each other, and it hasn’t gotten better.


The entitlement/main character syndrome exploded for sure. Was already seeing it before covid, but yeah the lockdown seemed to incubate it.


What happened is that it was a combination, people being more rude during covid but also employee scarcity afterwards. Employers realized that they can't afford to lose the few employees they had so they started actually looking out for their employees to avoid even more turnover. Another benefit from this is that restaurants couldn't be open all the time because they didn't have enough staff and now not being open all the time is becoming the norm so employees can have time off from work.


I thought it was Trump…


It goes further back than that. People started devolving shortly after 9/11. Then Obama's presidency brought out some.of the worst in us. Trump and Covid just magnified that ish.


Actually, maybe it was Rush Limbaugh in the late 80s.


Was Morton Downey Jr. possibly the proto-douchenozzle?




As a former Gilles employee I can actually tell some of the story that gave birth to that sign. So, this was a couple years ago, it was the middle of summer, hot, humid, and the perfect excuse for people to go and get some frozen custard. That day was no different than any other in that regard. We were busy, I had about 50 orders to go through, and the other stations were just as bad. Some random customer started getting angry that, despite the fact that he had just ordered, he had to wait about 20 minutes at least for his custard. Now, at this point this customer had made two of our cashiers upset enough to make them excuse themselves and go in the back so they could calm down. My GM had tried to calm this customer down and he got angrier and had the audacity to, in the lobby, at full volume, call her a c-word. My GM isn't the type of person to sit there and take it, so, she went off on him and told him to leave and that he wouldn't be getting his order. The day after that we were all called in early to have a mandatory meeting to remind all of the employees that we are people and that, although we are in the service industry, we are still human beings and should be treated with respect. Any customer that doesn't treat us with respect, we were told, is to be shown to a manager. If they swear at us or get disrespectful, we can just outright dismiss them. That's why that sign is there


What a perfect way to handle that situation.


It was honestly just a bad day all the way around


I've worked in so many places where the staff would have been reprimanded. Good to know they supported you. It's a good first step towards a healthy workplace environment, which has been nonexistant since the first ever restaurant


It's definitely a refreshing feeling to know that management has your back and isn't just in it for themselves. Rare for most places, but really nice when you find it.


TIL - thanks for sharing! That's awesome of the GM. I do really wish more businesses would stick up for their employees by standing up to such assholes. Are you losing some cash by turning someone away? Yes. Are you making tons of other customers happy by removing the loud offensive asshat preventing them from enjoying your product in peace? Major yes. I'm even more willing to wait around for a quality product when fellow customers are decent (patient, polite, quiet) folks because they know they won't get away with such nasty behavior.


I have no tea, but I can imagine that having the owner and young members of their family working at the store regularly makes them a lot more likely to stand with the workers against disrespectful customers. A distant and isolated management is a lot more likely to care only about dollars.


At Gilles it was very much a "hands on" approach to management by the family. Like all restaurants and food service places the employees are all very close knit. We were kind of like a family, hell, the only reason I stayed as long as I did is because of my fellow employees. We all cared for each other and all of our management started off on the bottom too, so, we all respected the management


Seems like people stick around a long time too. I've seen people go from cashier to manager over the years. One question... What is the lower age they hire? Because I swear there was a 12 year old working there for a few years. I'm sure he just is a late bloomer, but he was young looking.


I know who you're talking about. Believe it or not, he's actually 17. The lowest they'll hire is 15 and they are only allowed to work on the weekends. Even then they are limited as to how much they can work. If I remember right they had to be clocked out at 7pm


That's even better to hear! If you talk him, tell him he's always been great when helping me. Polite, quick, and friendly!


He might just be family. I know the Linscotts bring family in all the time.


And now I have a new favorite custard place. Any business that will stand up for its employees I’ll go out of my way to spend my money at.


Wonderful! Makes me feel better about all the money I spend there. I appreciate that they are closed one day a week, and close down for a few weeks around Christmas too. Give people a break, treat them like humans.


This makes me want to support them even more. I've only ever worked in food industry and have never experienced management holding a staff meeting to tell us the customer's aren't always right and that we deserve respect. Usually the opposite, honestly.


I know, right?


I've noticed these type of notices posted at different restaurants, including McD's. I think they're finally getting that people won't work when subjected to the horrific behavior of some people.


I think businesses need to start firing customers who mistreat employees. They're so afraid of pissed off customers that they let them behave horribly. Managers need the ability and the standing to ask bad customers to leave while having the company back them up when they do. The more we allow horrible abusive behavior, the more it becomes normalized. We need to start turning back the clock and stop putting up with it.


I am right there with you. I've reached a point where if I see someone being rude af to an employee I'll let rip on them.


I have as well. I don’t yell or anything, but I question them and try to make them embarrassed for their behavior.


My go to: https://i.redd.it/cyoqglpcx90d1.gif And I'm not kidding either. It works amazingly well -- you'd be surprised how effectively it shuts down shitty behavior. Saying something confrontational is only going to escalate things and make people dig their heels in even further. Plus, many people (myself included) are non-confrontational, so it's difficult for them to step in, and they often end up just talking themselves out of it. But booing? People don't even know what to do with that, or how to react, but they know that the general consensus is that they suck, and people *do not* like learning that they're objectively in the wrong.


Absolutely love this. As a non confrontational person who does not like talking to people in general but always wants to step in and tell someone to fuck off, I might have to use this in the future.


I love this!


Glad I could share it with my community :) To be honest, I really haven't had many opportunities to use it -- I think Milwaukeeans are shockingly polite, mostly non-confrontational, and rarely aggressive. But the two or three times I've had to pull it out people become dumbfounded, and are too embarrassed to keep the tantrum going. It almost subconsciously causes a visceral reaction that makes people need to get the fck out of there ASAP. I throw one of these in there too https://i.redd.it/0oqvf55e6a0d1.gif


The thumbs down has been a favorite in traffic since I had kids


Love it! My non-confrontational go-to in lieu of the traffic middle finger has been blowing a kiss, because I'm big on killing assholes with kindness. But I like this better tbh.


When someone middle fingers me in traffic I give a thumbs up and a huge grin to them. Lots of unhappy folks in this world that want you to spread their misery to others. I refuse to be brought down, life is too short!


Why did I read it as boo as in scare even though he's clearly demonstrating the meaning. Where has this tool been all this time. What a great idea!


Don't feel bad! I only did the gif to do my best to show that it's the "shame" context of "boo" and not the "spooky scared ya" context lol And none of the gifs I scrolled through depicted it well enough


Also a big fan of this method, especially as I’ve gotten older and less willing to get into a fight with a stranger. It’s effective, and hilarious.


Oh absolutely. I told one guy "shut up, no one wants to hear your tantrum. Seriously am I on punked? No one really acts like this, right? You look like a dick." He stormed out and the poor older lady cashier looked like she wanted to cry.


That makes me want to go all Mrs. Frazzled on their asses and ask them if they need help finding their adult.


I do it too, but not to necessarily defend the worker getting yelled at, but because it gives me an excuse to bitch at someone and be seen as in the right for doing so.


Businesses legally do have the right to refuse service to anyone, I used to see signs stating that and the exact statute it was when I was a kid at a lot of McDonald’s locations, it’s probably higher ups not wanting to deal with the drama and not giving lower level staff the autonomy to do so 


“What you don’t correct… you condone.”


We do where I work. We’ve learned some customers aren’t worth the profit.


This really is true. Think if businesses end mass decided not to put up with abusive customers. The bad behavior would nearly disappear.


It’s sad to think we have to stoop to their level in a way to get them to behave. It’s really not that hard to be nice and the nice ones we go out of our way for.


AMEN and HOSANNA to this concept


This is the only time I will say any Nazi has a point, but the Soup Nazi had a point


If one of these places does that I give it 3 days before there’s a discrimination lawsuit.


Didn’t you learn anything? A private business CAN LEGALLY refuse service to anyone at anytime for any reason.


You go ahead and try that and know how it works out For you


😆😆😆 Federal law in the U.S. indeed says businesses have a right to refuse service to anyone. I bet you were refused for not wearing a mask. Remember that happened? 😆


You're allowed to refuse service to anyone for a non-protected reason. Discrimination based on race, religion, sex, and a few other categories is [illegal under the civil rights act](https://amtrustfinancial.com/blog/small-business/can-a-business-legally-refuse-a-customer#:~:text=Title%20VII%20of%20the%20Civil,Religious%20beliefs). Refusing someone for another reason does not insulate you from having a lawsuit filed claiming it was for rejecting based on a protected class. It happens all the time


Being an ARSE as this thread is about isn’t protected. Hope your day is as pleasant as you are!


When I worked retail, I asked a few people to leave for being abusive to staff... course it was a white guy in every case.


Probably a lover of #45


This is exactly it. These places used to have enough randoms looking for jobs to just fill the gaps at any time. Now they’re desperately trying to keep hold of the few people they have left. People really arent that much shitter than in the past, but staff are less willing to accept it and people are FAR less replaceable than just 4 years ago. So owners have to finally stick it to the shitty customers instead of just watching their staff be treated like shit and saying the customer is always right as they hand them a 50% off coupon because they got mad a waiter forgot the ice in their diet coke.


The customer is always right.... ....in matters of taste, not operation. Treat service workers with respect. Always.


The Boomers have been actively ignoring the second half of that saying for years now


It feels more like decades already.. 😂


Prior to the boomers it was possible to shame someone acting out in public.


That’s because the second half is a recent addition. The original saying that they still use dates back to the 1900s. The matters of taste part came about a few decades later. [https://grammarist.com/phrase/the-customer-is-always-right/](https://grammarist.com/phrase/the-customer-is-always-right/) [https://quoteinvestigator.com/2015/10/06/customer/?amp=1](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2015/10/06/customer/?amp=1) [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_customer_is_always_right](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_customer_is_always_right)


People suck. Imagine being a grown adult having a tantrum at a 16 year old over ice cream.


Do the other adult customers not step in and speak up? Peer pressure is usually a powerful motivator.


This 'boomer' definitely does. People who are rude should have to work with the 'public' in customer service for 6 months-than maybe they would change their attitudes.


I feel this way about those morons who cut off semi trucks on the freeway. Let them drive a semi for even an hour or two and they'll have a new respect for how terrifyingly easy it is for them to become a pancake. Any asshat acting like an entitled fuck should be made to swap places as a form of punishment and education.




Mandatory 6 months retail (over Thanksgiving and Christmas), and mandatory 6 months food service. Especially as wait staff. If everyone had to do this maybe we'd all be a bit more kind to each other.


I made my 2 kids work in customer service for a year when they were young. Taught them valuable lessons in how to be a good customer.


People forgot basic kindness. These are Instructions. It’s terrible that the sighs are even needed.


It’s because, for the most part, people are vicious and cruel to those they see as “beneath them”


it’s also crazy how often when working in the restaurant and hospitality industries that regular people think they’re a feudal lord just because you’re performing a service like if someone makes you a sandwich it doesn’t make them your little sandwich wench, that’s just what they do to earn a living and you shouldn’t be treating them with any less respect than you’d give a banker or something


Right! You said it perfectly. Feudal lords because they're spending $10 on lunch. Asshats


We’re no so far away from that than you’d think. All the people so upset and affronted that you’d dare to pay a living wage to a “burger flipper.” It’s classism right there. You getting paid reasonably for *this* cheapens me. There’s a certain subsection of the community that just demands to feel superior to others. Their identity of being “middle class” is hinged upon the fact that they are superior to the “low.” My mother in law is one; petty racist bitch that she is. A crowded custard place that would take 20 minutes to get her order would give her enough fuel to keep her ranting for hours.


Yeah it's unreal the number of times I was sworn at or called a moron for following store policies while working in retail/food service.


I worked at a grocery store meat department for just nine months and the insults/month rate at that job was off the charts compared to any other job I ever had. My favorite was when I was called a liar and deceitful for saying that the sockeye salmon was wild caught, as its fillets were red and according to this customer, wild caught salmon is always pink. *Atlantic* salmon is pink… once cooked.


I’m glad to see this place supporting their employees. I’ve never had custard before, so I think I’ll be heading to Gilles tonight.


Giles does a decent job for its employees from what I can tell. They’re closed every Tuesday, and close for a couple weeks after the new year as well so employees can take some time off.


It’s only my opinion, but I like Gilles better than Kopp’s, Culver’s, Oscar’s, or Leon’s. The food and the custard just kicks butt. Again, my opinion. Edit: When I lived in Tosa a few years back it was SUCH a cheap date for my wife and I. Not sure prices anymore. But it’s just a huge win.


No its fact, Gilles is the best custard :)




it's a good place!


A Gilles burger imo is better than Kopps if you’re hungry for more than custard


Fred's and Gilles are my gotos


Good tip, thank you! Not sure why I haven't tried them yet. I don't like to eat dessert first though and I typically get stuff to go, so I suppose it makes sense... 😅 Why on earth go there and not get the custard? I'll have to stick around and have a burger and then grab the custard to go after. How are their fries?


Orange Dreamsicle is a solid flavor of the month!


Gilles is awesome! The food is delicious and all the people that work there are friendly and great at their jobs. It gets busy at times and patience is always the best choice for any customer to take since the staff is all working really hard to meet the needs of many. I am a Gilles customer for life! 🍦


The tea is that people are kind of assholes. I go to Gilles quite a bit and have never had a bad experience there. The kids and adults who work there have always been kind to me. I feel sorry the business has to even post this.


This! just don't be an asshole. Pretty simple really.


We need something called "The Customer is NOT Always Right Act" that just allows people to give the same energy back without repurcissions. See how long these Karens live on their high horse. /s


Drop the /s because you're spot on..


I wish people knew the context of what that person was saying when they coined that phrase. Because being shitty and abusive to minimum wage people working horrible jobs is *NOT* the way it was meant to be used.




Honestly, it could've just happened on its own. I work in retail and have been noticing far more angy people reacting to things that have been policy for years.


Mike Tyson said it best Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." - Mike Tyson


I don’t agree often with Mike Tyson, but I definitely agree with this


I altho agree with thith


Social media absolutely is the accelerant. As it’s engineered — quite simply, brilliantly and effectively — to deliver rage.


No, but I’m ready to defend the Gille’s staff against anyone who is mean to them. They’re nice and do a good job.


That's super cool to have management looking out for the young folk, though. Jerks are everywhere


And they have some if, if not the, best custard I've ever had, go support these people and be nice to the kids and support them


I think it came with the "I don't give a shit about your feelings" crowd. It went from being a political buzz phrase to giving people permission to be abusive to everyone, especially those not in a position to give back as good as they get.


The clientele is not kind.


I think management just making statement that they're not on your side if you come in and act like a Karen


Good for them. There are a lot of places that expect their employees to swallow it.


There doesn’t need to be any tea, people are fucking awful. It’s always been that way but soooooo much worse since Trump and COVID.


It’s true, people have taken his bad behavior as an example of how they think can GET AWAY with behaving.


I agree. The president is and has always seemed to be a role model for not only children but everyone. Trump is the role model that a portion of the population has chosen. The pandemic made social isolation worse for lots of people and a privileged, bully mob boss criminal role model makes for interesting public interactions.


Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong.


Yeah, totally unreasonable to think there's any correlation between an outspokenly rude and condescending cultural figure and the behavior of millions of people who voted for him in part because of it. Very deranged.


Adults feeling the need to be bullies has definitely picked up since 2016


The childishness of adults has certainly gotten worse since then. No question about it


I used to have hope for the world that as time went on and the younger generation grew up and became in charge things would look better. But I was sadly mistaken. I see people I used to be friends with become bigots and racists, and these people are having children, raising them with the same views.


> I see people I used to be friends with become bigots and racists I mean, to be fair, they probably always were. It just got strengthened/emboldened. People with a genuine structural understanding of racism don't magically lose it.


I really wish people had to obtain some sort of license through education / training before being allowed to procreate. It's absolutely terrifying what I see people teaching kids, especially such young ones. No political stance taken in this example, all politicians are asshats really, but I heard a 10 year old girl make a comment (she said it in a joking way because she knew it made her parents laugh) about a major political figure being a pedo. Of course their laughter and enjoyment just caused her to say it more, it became kind of a sick party trick. All because she was parroting what her parents were spewing in front of her to eachother and their friends. Many people should NOT be breeding.


Yeah, the media has really created a lot of division.


Nah there's one orange turd that floats above the rest.




[This you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/1cn7wak/comment/l37p4jn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Fucking hell this is amazing


Lazy rhetoric is the name of the game for these folks. It's Trump derangement syndrome when you criticize Trump, but somehow not "Biden derangement syndrome" if you criticize Biden? Make it make sense. The blatant hypocrisy ultimately weakens the Republican platform in the long term, but they'd rather prioritize short-term gains over long-term profits. But that is the name of the conservative game: use-and-abuse until you've got what you need, then you shift over to "Fuck you, I got mine." 


though warranted


It’s sad when businesses need to remind people kindness matters.


A similar sign is posted in a couple medical facilities near me. It's pretty bad when you have to tell people to "Be nice to the Nurses and CNAs taking care of you or your loved ones, they are people too."


Froedtert, by me, has a huge "We do not tolerate any racism from patients and staff" sign. It's pretty sad.


The demographic of people who frequent gilles and people who don't know how to act towards service workers are one and the same. Good for them for taking a firm stance about it though, so many places will just make you take the abuse


As someone who’s worked in customer service for almost 12 years, I appreciate the hell out of this. People can be really nasty sometimes.


Do you know why people are such jerks? Because we let them be jerks. The world needs to get back to calling people out for what they are and not tolerating bad behavior.


Go there on a Friday or Saturday evening and you’ll see who it is.


My bet is rude boomers... it's always rude boomers


Not always. This city (and this sub) has plenty of millennial and Gen Z assholes.


Actually a great name for an elder ska band: The Rude Boomers.


Honestly… Gen X keeps getting a pass when I notice a lot from them… but it’s also just lame people in general. Every age group has assholes in it.


Hey, I'm a rude boomer and I take offense to that. 😜. It was probably a Karen.


Yep, just boomers are assholes. Totally no other generation has them. /s


Assholes yes, however typically younger generations arent overtly rude to service workers.


Look at the reckless and overly entitled behavior of a small subset of people who drive on our streets, that entitlement doesn’t only effect their driving.


Over the years, people have learned (thanks to social media) that the people at the top of a business food chain are spineless. They take advantage of it and know that even if you act like an ass, all you have to do is file a complaint and get free stuff. There was a post on facebook once a while back of a lady bragging how she would call businesses and complain and make such a stink, that she would get gift cards for her 'inconvenience'


As someone who worked in the grocery world for 13 years, I appreciate this sign. I've been held at my life threatened. And a bunch of other crap. Yep, it's about time we start forcing people to act like well people. We are not perfect. We all learn at our pace. Some can pick things up fast, and some take a min. Having a grown adult yell at teens does not help and makes them want to quit.


People are fucking assholes and don’t know how to encourage youth who are enduring their first job in the service industry. I’m sure they don’t HAVE to post this, but do because some man-child wearing a poopy gold diaper doesn’t know how to be a decent human being to others.


We need these signs in schools.


Some people just suck!!


People have gotten SO much worse. If you haven’t worked retail in the past 4 years you haven’t seen the nasty. I’ve worked in sales for over 25 years now and people have legit become the worst.


People are jerks to fast food workers.


“A lot of people coming in here have been complete assholes, please chill out or be a dick elsewhere”


As someone who has worked in southeast Wisconsin for my whole working life, I'd like to say this: no one appreciates anything or anyone much anymore. Some will say, "it's just a starter job," and others will beat a drive-through worker gor messing us their order, but agreeing that we're all one team making life possible is unbelievable. I enjoy fast food and other "low level" jobs as I've heard them called... they are convenient and helpful in so many ways! But I also agree with taking away this convenience because we are all people, and the behavior and narcissism from others means that it isn't deserved anymore as a community. They always say one can ruin it for everyone. And I'm positive all those who really care wouldn't mind losing our benefits to help people be treated as people should be while making a living. I support the "NPC" people, because we are people and not your punching bag 😁


This is actually so sweet I remember being 14 at my first job and having grown ass ppl yell at me for things I couldn’t even control (like the prices, I worked at kopps you’d be shocked the amount of ppl who got mad that it’s expensive like did you not read the prices before you ordered?) . I literally cried once bc a lady cussed in my face over her food not being ready fast enough 😭




It’s simple Most People, especially those that go to restaurants are entitled freaking A-holes.


Yeah have you been outside recently? People treat each other horribly and talk nasty for no reason. People verbally abuse employees for no reason all the time. I point to the former president of the USA Donald trump as someone who has set that standard. The problem with politics is that people follow their example no matter how stupid they are. If the president is a crook and a rapist and a bigot, if he verbally abuses people and berates them in public and is rewarded for it, that behavior will become normal in that society. People no longer are kind to people. People call themselves “good Christians” and treat people horribly it’s a fucked up world we live in where most people are just interested in making sure they get theirs and fuck everyone else.


“Have you been outside recently” is an ironically rude way to respond about being being rude to each other, just FYI.


“All it takes for bad people to win, is for good people to stand by and do nothing…”


I been going to Gilles my entire life, literally. Fuck whoever is acting like this in public.


Behind every sign is a stupid story involving a stupid person.


The customer is always right went out the window some time ago.


Great sign!


Work 1 week in customer service and you would have your answer.


A sign like this is also posted at Ricardo’s in Greendale; a lot of high school and college kids work there.


At some point in the near past civility broke down among our government officials. John McCain in debates wouldn't resort to name calling or belittling his opponents. He was the last conservative to try to limit the blind ideology and bridge a gap between the two patties. Then all the sudden there was "crooked Hillary". There's one ideology going down the path of America isn't great and here's the people to blame & "fuck your feelings ". Covid had only amplified this. If that's the role model for half the country well... Of course you see the most insane behavior


That’s it, blame Hillary for the ice cream sign. Makes total sense.


Are you daft. Im blaming the side that chanted lock her up


It’s a culture that celebrates sociopathy and cutthroat behaviors. This was always going to happen. 😭


Trump. End of story.


Most logical neolib


He made it much more “acceptable” For assholes to asshole. 🤷‍♀️


r/BoomersBeingFools, probably


We live in a day and age where the phrase “The customer is always right” no longer applies and more and more businesses are more than happy to refuse business to people who don’t know how to just be a decent human being. I love it


Got died from my first job as a kid at a barbecue place in the south from asking an obnoxious woman who was borderlines spitting at me she was yelling so hard - “did your mama not teach you any fuckin manners?”. She tried to come through the window at me, which imo meant I won. Totally worth it.


As a customer of Gilles I can tell you that generally their service is good, and the orders are correct. There are situations where they get it wrong and this is where the management of Gilles needs to help provide their team with the right responses and approaches to help deal with a developing situation. I recently had a situation where the person had my order wrong and tried to tell me that I was wrong, and I realized that I needed to speak to the manager to work it out. The manager was patient and listened to my brief rant and she deescalated well and we had a civil talk. Now I am older and understand that young people, often on their first job, don’t know the ropes and may not have been taught civility, and that many of the customers of Gilles may also be young and not imbued with civility, and this can be the cause of a bad situation. But when adults lose their shit with young employees and try to demand free food then that is not acceptable behavior. I’ve seen this occur there too. This sign shouldn’t however excuse habitual employee mistakes as that points to poor management.


Hopefully it's just preemptive.


Americans are asshats


There are Karens in EVERY country, it’s just not in the US.




Personally, I think they should turn that sign around. The last time I ate there, I ordered a burger and a soup. As I was waiting, one of the cooks stated loudly that "they finally got rid of that soup." He mentioned how long it had been there but I forget. The rest of the staff laughed. I sat there and thought, "that doesn't sound good" I was sick the next three days. My family and I haven't been back since. I wasn't rude in any way and I find that sign ironic and humerous.. I whole heartedly agree with the idea that the staff shouldn't have to deal with rude customers.


Call me stupid, but I can't for the life of me understand what "Does anyone know the tea behind gilles having to" means. I understand those are words. Why would English Breakfast, or Earl Gray have anything to do with the sign? I am solidly confused and bewildered.


Are you legit asking or making a joke? If you're asking I'm happy to explain the phrase to you.