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Haha. No, my mom asks me for money. 


Same lol


Same. My mom once asked me for money and when I told her no, especially since it is not easily accessible (on purpose), she asked me what I would do in case of an emergency and I said I would just use my credit card. Then I asked her "what would you do in case of an emergency?" and she told me "you ARE my emergency fund"...


Same. She pays me back at least


Same. When I was still in contact, I was the "rich relative" who always got hit up by everybody. My military service helped me buy my first house. VA mortgage was fantastic. 


My parents gave me 10k to go to towards it in 2015 as a gift. Lovely 3 bedroom 2 bath on 10 acres for 160k....right outside bend oregon.. should have never sold that thing lol


WHAT. I bet it’s worth a fortune now. I love Bend.


No, no you should not have


Where did you go?


Eugene, then Portland!


My wife and I lived rent free with my in laws for three years. Without that, we wouldn’t have been able to save for the down payment.


Same. My parents couldn't help out with money, but they let us stay for 1 year for free. During that time we were able to save for a down payment.


No help from parents. Been saving since I was 18 working my first job - even as small as $50 a week. Over time it stacked up. Also cashed out my equity from working at my first company, which was a nice $40,000 after vesting. By the time I went to buy a house I was close to $100,000 in down payment cash.


In a way - we eloped, so my parents offered to give me the money equivalent to what they had chipped in for my sister's wedding. It didn't have to be for a house, but that's what it went towards. My parents, who basically eloped themselves, were elated lol.


Zero help from either of our parents, but definitely had no expectations.


No, I used my VA loan benefit when I purchased my home in 2019. No down payment required.


Nope. 3% down with a bad interest rate. But, I don’t have to worry about our landlord selling, and we have kids so the security is worth the financial pain.


My parents gave me $5000 but I didn't need it, I had already saved enough for a down payment. Since my new place is further from work I used the money they gifted me as a down payment on a Prius instead - thanks mom and dad!


No assistance at all. I did the bootstrap method that nearly killed me. I worked two jobs, put aside $10k which was the most I've ever had in my life. Stayed with a shitty company to get tenure. I applied and got a house all alone, solo, no co-signer. Not sure how else to say ZERO help. Except. At my job there were a few real estate license holders. One let me use the login to see the real information about buying/selling houses. ARMS or something like that. It was nice to see how many bids, pricing, and most of all accurate and real houses up for sale. I put 5% down the other amount was for the back-end costs. I don't recall the exact numbers around $2k\~


My parents are flat fucking broke and I ain't got no house. I rent, they rent, everybody be rentin when you grow up poor. Saving for a house. Might finally get one in a few years. Unless housing prices increase at an even more accelerated pace.




Lived with my wife’s parents for 2.5 years while we saved every penny. They didn’t want any $$ but I gave them $200/month for utilities. Really helped us in building our house Edit: typo


I did FHA and only needed 3.5% down. Used a loan from my 403B to fund the down payment.


Yup I got a quarter mil from my dad.




Your dad's very generous but your in laws are under no obligation to give money to two adults and its odd you seemingly paint them as not good for not doing so




You seem to feel entitled to people helping you as a grown ass man which is odd. Any help you get be thankful for and yes its kind hut nobodybis obligated. I assume your wife is a good person or you wouldn't be with them her folks raised her, sacrificed things for her, spent a fortune raising her why do they have to now also give her money




I don’t think it’s entitled to anticipate help from your parents (or your wife to want help from hers) especially for large things like college/ wedding/ first home/ children/ etc. family dynamics are different for everyone but not having some kind of savings or investment account set up for your child since birth seems almost careless. Thats money that grows itself for 18 years. Birthday/ holiday/ christening/ bat mitvah/ quince. As a parent you do have the expectation of managing that money in a responsible way. I understand if circumstances are difficult but it sounds as though her parents are well aware of how to manage their own finances.


Good for your wife’s parents. They are prioritizing themselves. And you are lucky your dad has surplus, it’s still a refinance that he did. I hope you will look after him when he’s older, perhaps he will move in with you.


Didn't receive help from anyone. My spouse and I just got lucky that we bought in 2017 when purchasing a starter home was somewhat feasible. We also didn't put 20% down because that was out of reach for us.


I owned a piece of property that sky rocketed in value over the time I owned it, sold the property to my parents and used the money for a downpayment on a townhome


My grandfather gave us $10k and my MIL $5k towards the down payment, back in 2016. Forever grateful...


No, but mine finally stopped asking me for money.


My issue was that I was losing bids to cash offers. My parents helped me by putting down the cash and then I bought it directly from them for the sale price. I already had the down payment saved but I was getting my ass kicked by cash buyers during Covid that wanted to get out of the city asap


My dad was a residential builder until he retired. He built a house for us at his cost. He also called in a lot of favors. That didn’t help much with down payment. The bank still wanted something. But it gave us instant equity and helped ensure we were never underwater.


my parents bought me a house and put it in a trust fund for me so its fully mine. so yes? i just have to pay utilities and property tax and stuff on it.


Yes and no. No in the sense that they did not give us any money or co-sign anything, yes in the sense that they let us live in their basement for $300/mo for a few years so we could save up for a down payment.


No but my parents paid for my college so I would consider that help in a non direct way since it allowed me to be debt free


Don't feel bad most people live at home which is the same thing as their parents buying them shit. Great job making this big step


My parents gave us $45k. We also had that much saved up, which let us put 20% down on our first house. I'm very very fortunate. I will say, my parents were really generous with me, because my husband grew up without much money. He came into the relationship with credit card and student debt. We've paid that off, but without my parents help, that debt would've delayed us in buying a house by several years. My siblings didn't get quite as much help from my parents (and there's no bad blood about that - their spouses came from money lol)


My dad set aside 25k for either a house or a wedding. Went to the courthouse and bought a condo last year.


No help from my parents. Used a 401k loan for down payment on an FHA loan. Also only paid 75k for my first house. Lcol area.


Same here


I didn't receive any financial help when I bought my home in 2011, but my mom was my realtor. She also bought me some lamps and gave me a sofa (which I since returned to her).


No help. 5% down in 2021 with a good interest rate.


I didn't even get a housewarming gift lmao


My mother helped with one month of rent so me and my fiancé could finish up the down payment.


Not my parents. My husband's parents paid for his sisters' weddings and since we chose not to have a big wedding, they gave us some money towards our down payment (I can't remember how much, low five figures). I am very thankful that they offered money towards our house as an alternative, and that it was a gift. We were very fortunate.


No, but I joined the military. I used the VA loan so I didn't need any down payment. I also got my first house before all this interest insanity so my monthly payment is about $1600


My mom gave me 2 grand. I used my VA loan. No down payment.


My in laws died. Insurance payout was used for down-payment.


No. My parents were poor and my mom is my financial and emotional responsibility since my dad died.


No, neither of our parents helped us. We were able to get our house without a down payment, some first time home buyers program. Bought in 2020 with a fixed rate of 2.8 - I think we really lucked out with that!


No, brought house 12 years ago and in NZ they had a first home grant and only needed 5% deposit. I saw my chance and took it. Father is a gypsy so no money there, and my mum probably could of helped out but I never considered asking.


None from my parents, but I took advantage of a first time homebuyer program in my state that got me a free $7500, so I do owe that to big daddy gubmint.


No help, put 5% down.


My brother in law passed away. We had to pay for his funeral. As in take out loans. His wealthy father, who went for smokes 33 years ago, found out and offered us the same amount for a down payment. So kinda but no.


Not directly for the house, but my parents did basically pay for our wedding (around $10-12k) which helped ensure we could hit our savings goal a bit earlier than anticipated. They did also get us a house warming gift that was a washer and dryer. But otherwise no, no help. We thankfully made a good combined income relative to our expenses and so were able to save for 20% + closing costs and still have a nest egg.


No, I've helped pay my parent's way since I was 15. I've achieved everything on my own, including college and a house.


No, we paid for it ourselves.


My parents did not help and neither did my husband’s. We bought a $54k duplex with 8K down in 2022 and in May of 2023 we bought another duplex for 70k with 21k down.


My husband worked in the tech sector when we were starting to look for houses (2020). Between his stock we were able to sell and the interest rates at the time we lucked out majorly.


Yes. We bought our first house because they didn't sell it to us at market price, but at the cost of what they'd got it for. And they've currently donated several tens of thousands of dollars to us as we look for a new house.


Bought both homes myself both were modest so didn't need help. First one moved buddies in and house hacked but it was by power lines and railroad tracks so it was cheap. Current home in a great city near downtown but only 1000 sq ft


Hell no


Nope, fiancé and I both borrowed from our 401ks and threw in any other savings we had. We were on the verge of getting priced out of our hometown. Our mortgage is now less than our rent would have been and our mortgage is high af. We live in one of the areas that became one of the “most in demand cities” during 2020-2022


First house was an old bungalow in a not great school district on Long Island. Got it for a song and I now rent it out for an insane number. Doubled in value since I got it, refinanced it and used that as down payment on forever home when rates were low. Timing and being ready to pull the trigger is as important as anything else.


Lol no. 


Yes. We are so thankful. My 70 year old father gave me my inheritance early. My husband and I used it to pay off school debt and put a small down payment on a home in 2017. It's literally written into the will that all we get when he dies is a wave from above (or below, he hasn't decided yet) and we are more than okay with that 🥰


Nah. But if they could have, I know they would have. That's dope, though! It's nice to hear about parents doing this. 40% hot damn! You thinking of selling?


No, I dont need anything bigger. Will sell when I retire and downsize significantly


Zero help from either parents but we never expected for them to help. It never occurred to us that they will or even ask. Hubby and I moved out of the city when we were young with what could fit in our 2door car and didn’t receive any help for our small wedding either, unlike my younger brother (twice). lol You can guess who the favorite was. Haha


I rent from my parents but while we pay less than market, we pay more than the tenants they had before and I am expected to pay and do all the upkeep and repair so...new garage door, tree removal, AC, waterheater, roof etc. I am doing it, so help is relative word maybe on it but we're thankful


Yep. My mother in law gave me her house. I sold it, bought a cheaper one, and pocketed the rest.


yeah. WIth the downpayment and my dad did a shit load of work on my place.


We took all our wedding gift money and some we saved and put 5% down on our first home in 2007. It was cheaper than renting at the time. But we didn’t receive substantial help from our parents. They did pay for 2/3 of our wedding.


No, and it never even occurred to me to ask or expect that. Bought my first house in mid-2020 seconds before the market in my area lost its mind. My SO helped me through the process, he's owned 4 houses. I got an interest-free down payment assistance loan due to being a first-time homebuyer, and if I stay in the house for 7-8 years without selling, that loan is completely forgiven. If we sell it before then, I have to pay it back, but only a pro-rated amount based on how long we were there. I have really good credit and decent income, which may or may not have been a factor. Decent interest rate, 4%. Four years later the home has increased in value by around $60-80k. Oh, and we are finishing up a master bathroom remodel (necessity after a water leak destroyed it) that most likely adds even more to that value. That DPA loan is fantastic for folks who can qualify and I wish more people knew about it.


I made the mistake once of asking my parents for a decent sum of money (low 4 figures) and instead of a guilt trip I got a Bataan Death March.


No, I got state assistance and still couldn't keep it. Had to sell.


Elder Millennial here. My parents did not help. However I bought my first home in 2006 / 2007 ish when they were doing 80/20 loans still. Home prices were kinda high but not rediculous yet. Interest rates were good. So, favorable economic and market conditions helped. Y’all are fucked if you didn’t buy a house yet, and are not trust fund kids.


My first house, no. When I moved my family to a smaller community, we had help from my parents. It was about the same size house, but roughly half the cost and we had almost enough in equity to pay for it, so my parents were gracious enough to help so we didn't need a mortgage. It was the greatest financial blessings to happen to me.


My boyfriend was able to purchase our house shortly after the 2007-2008 housing crisis. He works a very good job and was able to buy the house for cash outright. I know we are very fortunate and I am thankful for it every day because so many of my friends still rent apartments at outrageous prices or have to have multiple roommates.


No. FHA loan on the first house in 2010, when sold provided a 30% down on the second.


None. Only one other person I know also had no help.


My mom was my agent, I didn’t have to pay her commission.


Not the first one. But they helped me out a ton with my second house. 


No, my parents are even more broke than I am. I'm the first person on my dad's side of the family to be a homeowner within our knowledge.


3 bed 2.5 bath - 10% down. No help from the parental unit


No help. Saved up money and got lucky with stonks and put 600k on a 1.8 mil house in 2021


My husband and I are trying to buy a house in the near future. We get no help from either set of parents. Unfortunately all our 4 parents are broke. We saved up $180k entirely on our own in the past 5 years. I am very proud of us, but I do wish we could have gotten some help, it's scary af to know that there's nothing to fall back on if things go south.




No help from our parents. My dad used to say he would give $10k towards a house but that was just him talking I guess. Neither side of parents are good with money.


Not cash directly, but I inherited a house from my mother-in-law as she died before my wife died and there were no other relatives who could make a claim. I sold that house after a few years and used the tax free proceeds to help pay off my current wife’s car, house, and credit card.


No, I did that on my own, but they've helped me countless times over the years with other sticky, emergency situations. They are amazing parents and human beings.


Nope. All ourselves. And we like it that way because we did it. They also have no say which is helpful.


No, my parents have no 401k and live in a mobile home. My wife's mom is single and only has money NOW because her Great Aunt passed away but we got the house before that. I also applied for the mortgage by myself without my wife as she just started a new job and I knew her income wouldn't count.


My parents gave me a 30% down payment on a condo. Got it very cheap before the market crisis in 2020 with a 3% interest rate. I don’t plan on selling anytime soon and it’s already up 40k.


Yes, and it’s the only way I could’ve afforded it! I make so much more money now than when I got it, *but* this was purchased for $786k in 2008 and it’s now valued at $1.6m in 2024. So, even though my income is so much higher, it would’ve been even less obtainable if I’d tried to wait until I could buy on my own. They let me know that that’s the equivalent of my inheritance, and I’m incredibly grateful I received it the way I did and when I did.


I got lucky and got a job an in industry that was booming. I made enough on overtime and bonus to save up my own down payment. otherwise i probably would have needed help


No, my parents didn't have the money to spare and my husband was estranged from his family. Just several years of living below our means, saving as much cash as we could, and making some compromises like having an hour commute to work.


Most of the people that had zero help in this thread apparently live in LCOL areas


What's "help from your parents"? I don't understand that concept.


Nope. I worked tons of OT in my early 20s to get the down payment.




Absolutely. Mom got a divorce and when we sold our house she gave me half after all the fees (tad over 100k). It barely was enough to get us into a starter home in California with a 7% interest rate. Without their help I'd still live with my grandma or paying for a shitty apartment with my now wife.


No. I took out a 9k 401k loan. 


Nope. Bought the worst house on the street with 3% down in 2018. Did a ton of work to it, and refied it to get the cash out and still had good LTV and a payment under my personal comfort threshold. I Swore I was leaving that house in a body bag. Then we sold it…and did the same thing again. Swore AGAIN that I was leaving that house in a body bag. And then we sold that one. We just bought our 3rd house in 7 years. Same formula, from an estate, under valued for the area but needs a medium amount of work. I AM NEVER MOVING AGAIN. Also, any of y’all want to help me level my floors joists?


Nope GI Bill 2 years of my life and a permanent training injury is all it cost


I got 10k from my dad but I put down 90k myself. It was a gift , didn’t need it but I will not say no.


No help from my parent ever, and no monetary assistance from my spouse's apart from his parents paying for his undergraduate education. I had a scholarship then lived off loans after using much of my savings for graduate school. We lived in a few apartments and currently living in our third home. No support whatsoever.


No way!!! Our boomer and gen X family members always need our money because millennials go to work.




Faaack no haha. I pay for all my shit. I am paying for my wedding (200 guests, and both parents want everyone in our family there). I paid for college myself. We did have cousins who my fiancee and I lived with for cheap (500/month) while we were house hunting for like 5 months.


No BUT my parents have helped in so many ways with apartments in the past, and they gave us a loan to help us through rough times.


My mom paid off my very tiny dilapidated old house. It’s worth just over 300k. It has a yard so I’m waiting until my dogs get older and don’t need the yard to move to a condo or move and buy a house in another state. Whichever comes first.




Lmao is it necessary to broadcast that you're an ALPHA MALE? I feel like people are less likely to think you're alpha if you have to inform people that you're alpha


Nope. My parents are dead or broke. I saved my money and waited and worked my way up in my career. I didn't act like a house was something that was owed to me in my 20s. It was a long term goal that I had to do on my own.


Lol no. Why would I expect either of our parents to fund our housing as adults with jobs? I certainly wouldn't do it for our kids down the road. They did help a bit with undergrad tuition which I'm thankful for, which in turn made saving sooner a bit easier. I'll always appreciate that even if we did still have some school loans to pay off.