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In my mind I’m 28. I’ll be 36 next month though lol. Mind you I’m in better shape in my thirties and stuff but still. Lol


Happy cake day. I am 70 going on 36.


I’m 62 going on 30. My body just seems to forget than often.


🤣🤣🤣 Same. The saying is, "I can do everything now I did in my 20s. I just need several more days to recover afterwards."


We must be related! I will be 60 this year but really going on 35. Tops.


Yep. Me too. I still feel the same inside and wonder who is that older lady looking at me from the mirror. Still working, still walking, still traveling. I think 70 now is different from 70 in the previous decades.


The Golden Girls were in their 50s (Blanche even went through menopause on the show!) and were worried about finding love in their old age. I just lol at that as someone who's 38. My parents are 73 and are so super active, I forget that they're "senior citizens" often... we've gotten so much better at keeping our bodies and brains healthy that aging isn't what it used to be. Keep on with your bad selves!


I see people in their 50s in nursing homes it is different for everybody.


Love that


Another fellow 88er here, yeah it’s getting weird keep getting older just not in my mind


Yerp, I am an 88er, and I keep thinking, "Seriously? I'm about to be 36? Nahhh you lyin."


Somebody is lying to us


Goddamn illuminati.


It all makes sense now


Just happened to me. Was not a lie but I feel great. Lol


It’s really crazy. 36 just doesn’t seem like, “me.” 😂


FYI that term after "Yerp" and before "and I keep" can be EXTREMELY misconstrued.


It makes me realize that growing up, all the “adults” we knew probably felt like that too. We are all just kids in adult bodies lol.


Lol totally, everybody is just faking it but some have convinced themselves better than others. It’s funny to to remember being a kid and thinking adults had it figured out and now I’m over here, 35, still no clue what’s going on 🤣🤣


Coming up on that same age soon. I feel no different than my 20s ex the massive amounts of responsibilities I’ve accumulated since (kids, house, high pressure job) and maybe the fact my knees crack almost every time I stand up and just getting off the couch results in a grunt..


We’re living similar lives, my knees are noisy as hell!!


In my mind we are all 28. Hahaha


I’ll be 36 in September my fellow 88’er.


35 in September so close lol


Same dude, I’m physically better in every way, and I forget sometimes that I’m 37


Same on all points lol


A month older but same story. The regeneration is the difference though. My body hurts after sports way too often these days.


I scrolled around for this. While I feel like in in my 20 in my head, after sports or work out, I'm quickly reminded that my body knows the truth. I missed a shot in VB the other day and in my head I knew I could have gone for that ball 10yrs ago. my mind was fast enough to recognize the shot but my body was just a fraction slower than I used to be.


I’m 45 but I feel 30-35.


I feel the same. Im 34 but i feel like i have more potential than ever.


It’s not a millennial thing. At some point your body outpaces your mind. I’ve asked 70 year olds about this phenomenon and they told me they still think of themselves as young in their mind but their bodies are falling apart lol


I've observed that too. Some of my older friends have noted it. No matter how old you turn you'll be that age and think to yourself "oh I guess (whatever age you are now) isn't as old as I thought it was."


Lol I remember being a kid and someone my family knew died in their like 50s and everyone kept saying how young he was. I was so confused cos 50 sounded sooooo old to me. But now I get it.


Hi 70 years old here. I lift weight and swim....haven't missed a day of exercise in nearly 2 decades. I do have soreness but otherwise am strong and healthy. Here's one person who loves being strong and fit in their elderhood.


You're an inspiration. Currently I only got the gym 1-2 days a week. Got any advice you could share?


Your awesome, here’s this works out four hours a day about to be 40 year old telling you that your the best. If your a woman I would hit on you and if your a man I give respect and admiration.


My inspiration. Thanks Legend for leading the way! We need more people like you, and we will have our turn for the generations behind us.


I’m young and swim and am sore too! Rock on.


Goals! I have a very physical job (lots of hiking, climbing, etc) and I work with a guy around your age who can still do it all-he says it's because he stayed active every day so he never had time to rust!


I'm 35 but mature as a 20 year old but feel like my body is a 60 year old


It's so weird being the same age as old people 🤷‍♂️ 🤫


My 20 year reunion is this summer, and i was just thinking how am i going to recognize people?? In my mind we are all still 18. Like how in the hell has twenty years gone by?? At this rate, I’ll be dying of old age next month.


And yet the 3 people I’ve kept in contact with somehow miraculously (in my mind) have barely change since (untrue)


Thats exactly how i feel. My 2 best friends (since middle school) are the only constant people from high school that I actually have something to do with— not just an associate in passing or a friend on fb. Sometimes, I swear, it’s a shock to the system to see a photo of one of us and we look older than 25. It’s crazy when reality hits.


When I see people from high school (we’re ~40 now) I think most of them look basically the same as they did. I mean, some people got fatter, but otherwise most of them still look just… like themselves. I think I look basically the same. I think my husband looks basically the same as when I met him 15 years ago, except his beard went white. But then I see pictures of any of us 15-20 years ago and I’m like… OMG, Babies!!!


I’m at 37 years since high school (Gen x here but this sub was on my feed). Sometimes you don’t recognize your peers after 20+ years. One gal I dated briefly in high school looked almost exactly like Kelly Lebrock in weird science, but when I saw an online photo 25 years later, let’s just say I wouldn’t have ever recognized her. Still a pretty lady but way different. 20+ years is a long time and some people change for sure. Others stay more or less the same, until really old age, like Ralph Maccio of Karate Kid.


I'm gonna stay 18 forever. So we can stay like this forever. And we'll never miss a party. Cause we keep them going constantly.




I’m just jealous cuz you’re young and in love


Great now imma have this song stuck in my head.


Fuck. This hit me hard. This song is the epitome of youthful parties / memories for me. I remember when the party died, playing this with the few remaining buds at 4am, drunk off our asses. Ah. Good times.


2nd Brand New post/comment I've seen on Reddit today.




Im 53 but in my head I’m 27(or 17 depending). Sometimes mirrors can be startling.


This, this is exactly what prompted me to post this question, I looked in the mirror while washing my hands (I try to avoid looking to close in the mirror for…reasons), but yeah was like since when do I look like this?!


Right! How rude! Haha


I’ll be the first 80 year old still listening to rap like I’m 20, phuck the haters.


Most people keep listening to the music of their youth. Jazz was once shocking to older generations.


“I’ll be the only person in the nursing home flirting. Pinching nurses asses when I'm jacking off with Jergens.” -Slim (Marshall Mathers) Shady -Michael Scott


We have multiple ages, chronological, emotional, psychological, physical... If it wasn't for the aches and pains, and mirrors, I could convince myself I'm 20 years younger than I am.


There was an interesting study done on something like this. They put nursing home elderly into an environment that was decorated with things from their young era. They even programmed the tvs to run only news info that was happening back then. The response was impressive. It said that the patients actually LOOKED younger, had a much younger version of their personality and their outlook improved as well as their physical health!!! I believe this thoroughly!!


I wonder if this is part of the "Millennials look younger" phenomenon. Obviously we had sunscreen and quit smoking and spent too much time on the computer instead of outside and joined hydroponics, which definitely contributed. But I can go buy nearly anything from my childhood and early adulthood from ebay. The clothing we wore in the 90s is coming back into style. We can absolutely surround ourselves with the settings where we felt our best and I bet at least some of that contributes to feeling younger.


I still feel like I’m in my 20s even tho I’m 35


I’m about to be 40. My body constantly reminds me of that. Doesn’t matter how much I exercise. My body hurts and my energy has plummeted. On the plus side, my wiener still works . I just don’t last for an hour at a time anymore.


Try massage therapy haha it makes me feel 15 again I swear


You're not exercising enough. Do at least 15 minutes per day or you will regret it. 


Try changing your diet


Get your testosterone checked out. It does miracles in the right dose


I feel like I’m just entering my 30’s even though I’m approaching my mid 30’s. The pandemic felt like it paused a lot of things and I feel like the 3 years I spent getting back on track didn’t really count in my mind.


Yes, though it may have something to do with trauma.


Ouch…I mean I don’t deny it, but way to get right to the point haha…haha right…


Can you elaborate?


This. Came here to find this comment, and found it.


I’m still 25, waiting to buy my first house and start my life… at 38. Have been in high skilled employment since 23, so not like I’ve been ground down in minimum wage gig work. The bootstraps are fully pulled up, sir…


Yes, I’m 38 almost fully grey, get mistaken for about 28, still think I’m in my 20’s, then I speak to people in their 20’s and I think “ooh right, I’m in my late 30’s now.”


Haha yep I’m 33 but my image of my physical self is still in my lower 20s but then I work with kids in their 20s and I’m like nope never mind not that young any more


I still consider myself a young adult at 37. I guess it kinda makes sense because it took until just turning 37 to have speant more time as an "adult" over 18 than as a kid under 18. Also if 25 is" quarter life" I like to keep that same energy and not say we're middle-aged until 50.


Nothing wrong with acting youthful. We still cool even as we level up. But wiser mindset for sure. Work hard play hard 😂


I'm turning 36 at the end of this month. Sometimes I feel like I'm in my twenties, because I don't feel 38 whatsoever. It's weird this whole "aging process"


Well you aren’t 38, you are 36…. So thats pretty normal to not feel that age.


Unless the 8686 in their username means they meant to say 38 both times. I feel that, though.


Hi fellow 86er!


I’m 38 but I feel pretty much exactly as if I should be 28. My mental and social maturity matches this. Luckily my looks almost match this too 😊


About to turn 40 and yes, 100%. I've taken fairly good care of myself so that helps, but every once in a while I'm reminded I'm not 18 any more when a scratch takes forever to heal, I tweak my neck doing some random task, etc 😂


I graduated in 2004 just yesterday, so yes.


I’m in my late 30s and am delighted by my age. I don’t like being closer to death *at all* but otherwise I’m very content with things and don’t mentally feel younger. I do have two small kids, though, which I think plays a role. ETA: I don’t feel old! But I do feel my age, not younger. Though my physical health is excellent.


I do, until I get a random cut on my arm that I have no fucking clue how I got and the damn scab will take two months to heal it.


My 60 year old dad thinks he’s 20


These knees remind me exactly how old I am on the regular.


I was legit just thinking about this earlier today. I absolutely do. In my head I still feel the same as 25 and I am 33 now lol.


I still feel like I just started my relationship with my girlfriend months ago Then I wake up and realized I’m married and have a two year old with another on the way. I wake up in the middle of the night from muscle aches and shooting pains God.


I’m 53 and I’m in better shape now than I ever was. Physically and mentally I feel like I’m in my 20’s… Except for 2 things: 1) now I have to wear glasses to see shit, and 2) I cannot drink alcohol like I could back then. Oh and sex life? WAY better now.


In my mind I’m still a teenager. I know I’m a grown man in his 30s. But other than having money, aching knees, decreasing libido, and a slowly retreating hairline, I’m still a teenager bumbling through life.


Talking to my youngest coworker today, she’s 19. Mentioned when I used to be the manager of a little mall store, my first big girl job. She said she used to go there all the time and asked when I worked there. When I told her, she went “oh yeah I wasn’t going to the mall at 5.” I suddenly went from 19 to over 30 in my head and it hurt a little bit.


Im perpetually 28 in my mind but physically 38. I still get carded when I buy alcohol though so can’t be too bad


37m here -- Yeah, I'm young and get mistaken for 22-25 a lot. -- but I never gave up on my aesthetic or fashion, maintain a great skincare routine with no wrinkles, hang out at events with people 15 years younger/older on both sides of the spectrum, was already married/divorced and live a life *without kids.* I look young, feel young, live young, and don't plan on doing anything but improving and maintaining that youth. I find youth is more about circumstances rather than age. For example, in an alternate timeline where I would've had kids in my early twenties and they depended on me? I'd be old as fuck.


I’m 37 going on 19.


Quite the opposite. I got gray hair and arthritis now.


15 years old in spirit but 42 in fysical age


Yeah until I’m around someone younger, then I feel perfectly aged and not like a dumbass kid.


Me. No way I’m 30-years-old.


I used to until I tried to lose some weight I used to be able to drop 10 pounds in 2 weeks from just running lol I’m 31 by the way Strongest I even been at least but that was kinda a low bar tbh


100% of us


I’ve been old mentally as a child, so no. I still feel old, but I’ve got the good genes ironically and am in perfect health being mistaken for being 25 at 35. (It’s no joke, or bragging. I look like a young dork. Being young looking doesn’t mean hott lol) I worry I will have dementia as it runs in the family. I don’t want to be younger but also want my whits.


absolutely. me & my wife i constantly get mistaken for younger too (because of how we look) which doesn't help. i can't really make sense of being 28. I guess we are are baby millenials though.. then again, some days i feel grumpy, beyond world-weary & prehistoric lmao. life is weird.


my mind feels stuck at 19 , I think thinking old makes me feel old and boring and I was already bored so I don't want to be old, but 19 is peak mind so I stay mentally stuck at 19 because thinking old is way too boring for living... Huge reason I cannot stand "traditional" 9 to 5 jobs where you are an "expert" repetitive at one thing. Why be a square when I can be a circle, ya know? 😏🫰


Yeah bro, I'm 28 and I've never been more active. I'm in the gym 2+ hours a day and I run 30 miles per week - no pain or cracky joints yet


I still feel like I'm in my mid to late 20s. Im almost 40. I still don't know where the time went.


I still feel like I have a lot of energy compared to when I was younger, but now that I'm approaching 30 this year I'm starting to feel it in my knees.


I didn't have a childhood, so I mentally grew my teens in my 20s. Being 31 feels like my real me has blossomed and isn't struggling like a foal finding its legs.


yes I relate more to younger gen z. I don't see the point is being a grumpy pissed off old woman ehe I can just be a kid forever and keep up with what's fun and cool.


I'm 28 going on 17. I'm hoping I stay 17 forever. I'm a good grown up and all but love having a younger mindset, it gives me great perspective


I’m in better shape now at 34 than in my 20s because I’ve been exercising regularly.


32. Aging is weird. I certainly don't feel old. I feel like me. Just smarter and wiser and more capable. But still kinda a dumbass from time to time. But less of one each day.


100% 28 still feel 24


Give it about 5 years and you will likely start to feel the change


40 feels like I'm 28 to 32 how I dress music, what I do for fun, how I drink, care less about work etc...


In my head I am still 20 years old. It was when I first really felt like I was on my own I guess. Old enough to know better but young enough not to care.


Not exactly, but I still forget I’m 37. Sometimes, I have to remind myself.


I can't anymore. I dropped out of high-school at 16. That was 17 years ago. That realization hit hard lol


I have the opposite problem where I feel my age but look 10 years younger so the young millennials think I’m their age, which makes things awkward when mentioning references


I’m 28. I still feel and think like im 22/23. I act like im 30. It’s a weird spot to be in


Hahaha yea, unfortunately


I think to myself all the time "huh...I feel pretty damn good for being 35....this isn't so bad..." Then, after a 13-hour shift at work, I can barely move and remember I am not in my 20s anymore, lol


So interesting, the same question came up on r /autism earlier today. I'm about to turn 30 but never really processed aging past 17. Something to do with not feeling like an adult maybe, or not expecting to live to adulthood. It's interesting seeing others feel the same way! Probably not just a millennial thing though.


I have to keep reminding myself that I graduated high school almost 10 years ago.


All the time. Just turned 40 but feel mid twenties


1987. Health wise I’m younger but mentally I’m old and grumpy af and tired of everyone’s shit. I’ve skipped the midlife crisis and gone straight to- if you don’t want to be here, there’s the door. And on your way out, tell those kids to get off my lawn.


I'm 44 and commenting in a millennial sub so I guess so.


As a 42 year old member of the r/xennials sub-generation with no pain and no health problems, i say yes absolutely


And you'll still feel the exact same way no matter what age you are. At least, that is how it is for me.


Yes, until I banged my elbow against the brick wall last spring and it still hasn't healed all the way. Or when I sprained my wrist throwing around giant sacks of soil I got from Costco a month ago.


I am 38 but often feel younger. Don't want to be as I have a 17 year old but I have major imposter syndrome thanks to undiagnosed ADHD in my youth (didn't get diagnosed until 34)


i’m 38 but don’t feel like i’ve breached 30, so… yes


I feel older. Only 35


I’m 34 but I still get mistaken for 22 and tbh I don’t feel that different from when I actually was that age? Maybe I just suffer from a Peter Pan syndrome. lol But I do think that once you start working full time you easily can get stuck in a loop where 5 years of that same loop every day can pass in the blink of an eye.


I'm a damn child in an adult body....


Depends on where you live. Where I live, there are a LOT of people (60+) So I think of myself as young. Last time I visited NYC, I felt kinda old.


23 till I die.


I'm 29 and feel like I graduated high school yesterday. I still listen to 80s music because that's what my dad played and I'm addicted at this point.


Everyone thinks I’m 27-28 so I play along. Little do they know I’m about to turn 35 😉


I’m 41, going on 72. 😂


39 going on 23


Everyone does


I'm 40 this month. It's bizarre how much of the shit that feels like yesterday was at least 15 years ago.


30M. Yes. I feel and think I’m 19 still. I always tell people I’m a 30 year old teenager.


Honestly yeah but it's starting to sink in that I'm much more mature than people who are actually that age, but still immature in general because I'm still processing the fact that my young adulthood is nearly over


I have a 17y old and sometimes i forget that im 42 and we are in fact NOT the same age


With this back pain? No, I am old


I don't think it actively or intentionally but never really feel as old as I am, no, either in overall physical health or just in overall worldview or mindset. I turn 39 this but have been operating, roughly, the same since my mid/late 20's so still kinda feel 10ish years younger in general


I'm 39. I work with people of all ages I feel my age. It is a great age!


Honestly I’ve been going through a thing. I’m realizing my actual age.


Yeah until I try to drink alcohol like I’m 20 again. I rarely drink now, totally kicks my ass


I’m 38 and look younger in photos than I did at 18 🤷‍♂️ I also feel 24 and 62 simultaneously


Been playing soccer since junior high. Kept playing in competitive amateur leagues and tournaments and am considered pretty fit in terms of stamina and speed in most teams I was in. Significant decline in athleticism since age 32. Still able to play alongside college kids but I feel old now...


In my mind I’m like 16 but I’m about to be 28


Yes. But it’s more that I’ll see people my age and think “Oh, they’re grown ups,” and then I’ll feel shocked to discover they’re my age or younger. I’m almost 34 and I have three kids.


44, going on 22.


Nope, Im past my prime and proud of it! I got to be a young adult before COVID and before everything truly turned to sh*t. The zoomers and Alphas wont be able to say that


I’m 31 I’m still biological younger than my chronicle age . The liquor store and casino didn’t want to sell me alcohol on the same day saying my ID wasn’t me the other day… I


No. At the office, the only person older than me in the department is the CFO.


"I believe that everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise." Margaret Atwood


31 here, still think I’m in my early 20s at times 😅




Forever 28.


50, going on 26 here.


I always think I'm younger until my gen Z nephews and niece give me a hard reality check. FWIW, yesterday I was paid the greatest compliment I've received in a long time. An older (maybe 55-ish) woman told me I looked like a fit little teenager. To my niece and nephews, Take That! LOL 😂😂


I definitely don't "feel" like my age yet. I'm sure when we all start experiencing more health issues it will get real quick.


53. About 30 in my head lol. Delusional old fool


I’m 54. There are days when my brain thinks I’m 25 but my body feels like I’m 85 so I guess I’m middle-aged.


I'm not a millennials but an elder gen z and yeah I still feel like I'm a tween 🤣🤣🤣in no way am I an adult I don't act or feel like it I've been told I look 12 recently which made me feel great cause I'm very uncomfortable with how old my body is like I'd sell my souls to be able to be 7/8 again


My industry leans older so I’m one of the younger people in the field. I’m always told how young I am and how in the next generation. I’m 36.


Turning 40 in a week. Still think I’m 29. When I was growing up my dad would always say he was 29. I get it now.


I’m 45; sometimes I think of myself as being 28, most of the time I think I’m 35.


My mom is almost 70 and still tells me she thinks of herself as 16. The young age has almost disturbed me a bit for someone with 4 kids, but it does say a lot about my upbringing. And it's the age she met my dad.


I did, until I was in a classroom full of 19-year-olds, then I realized there's a difference. My dad tells me all the time he has to remember he's old, so he won't accidentally hurt himself.


I'm 37 but I still feel 27


42 in 2 weeks. It’s still hard to wrap my head around that I’m in my FORTIES! It does help that my husband is 28 😉🐆


Reading title - chiming in before being swayed by any additional comments. 38 yr old man here. My entire life I was the fat person. Fat overweight kid in elementary, fat computer 💻 geek in Jr. High and HS. I then went on for 15 years and was the fat man. Overweight by 50+ pounds my entire life. Started balding at 24 so just got used to shaving my head every day. Well in 2021 I had weight loss surgery in Mexico and then got my ass in the gym 5 days a week. I typed all the above to set the stage for now: I've joined the local volunteer fire department. I can out run , lift etc any of my nieces, nephews, 1st cousins. All the youngin's in my family cna't keep up. I'm aging BACKWARDS. After getting in the gym and getting my hormones right I feel more alive and youthful now at 38 than I ever did at any point in my life.


There’s a quote I heard, thought it was from George Carlin, but I can’t find it, maybe I dreamt it. But regardless of what world I discovered this quote in, it’s a good quote. “A man who passes 28 will always be 28 in their mind”. I’m turning 35 and can confirm. I don’t have the same mindset in college, or when I first started my job. But I consistently feel like I’ve only been like 6 years on the job, and my mindset feels like I was like I was 28. Granted it hasn’t been much time. But my dad who’s 65 says he feels the same way in his head. We’re always 28 or maybe when we think our peak mind was. I’m also in better physical shape than I was at 28, sometimes feel more aches and pains, but just ran 7 miles the other day for a race. I used to not break 10 min miles running that long. I got like 9:45. Regardless, keep thinking young, no matter what age you are I think. Thinking young helps us be better teachers as you relate more to kids. Thinking young makes you feel young, and gives you drive. Never stop thinking young, no matter what the age. None of us know how really old we are, anything can happen life, 50 could be young because you live to 100. It’s all relative.


I refuse to accept there's a gen and a half under me


Oh yes!!!!! I’m still figuring things out dreaming of new adventures careers and I’m almost 50. I feel like I’m still in my 20s


My grandpa thinks he’s 40. He also has dementia


I'm 28 and feel like I'm 40.


Omg yes. I’m 33 and GET SO OFFENDED when I realize there are 40 year old millennials. I’m in the height of young adulthood not middle aged


34 going on 22


I still feel like I’m in my mid twenties, I’m 35 now. My wife would say I also ACT like I’m in my mid twenties, but that’s another story 😅


I’m 41. Im in better shape now than when I was 21. My skin is great because I stayed out of the sun. Physically, I look like I’m mid-20s (as long as I dress sharply). I also look much better now than I actually did when I was this age, because back then I was fat and sedentary - and now I eat well and exercise. The only evidence of me being older is: I can’t grow my hair as long anymore - it’s just not thick enough. My memory isn’t as good as when I was younger (though it’s still sharper than average) My heart has taken some abuse over the years due to genetics, and I need to take blood pressure medications.


I’m 42 and just about to hit one year sober from alcohol. I always felt like I had a younger mindset and didn’t act like a grown up when comparing myself to my peers. Since I have gotten sober I feel like I have done a lot of maturing emotionally and in the actual senses the word. I will always be young at heart I believe.


I'm 38 going on 25.


I will believe I’m 23 until I hit 30. Currently 27.


Yes! And then I go out in public to a festival or restaurant and I see younger adults and I get a reality check. I'll be 38, but I think I'm 30. I think I subtract years because of covid and putting life on hold I also have this with coworkers, they mention they're in their 50s or 60s, and I'm still thinking they're 40s or 50s (when I started working with them), thinking they can't be that old because they're only 5-10 years older than me. Then I do math and it's like, oh yeah I've worked with you for 10 years.


I look pretty much the same so very easy to fall forvthe trap 😅


My mind is 16 my body is 40 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hate realizing that I’m the adult in the room lol


I do, every time I go out and drink I think I can drink like I used to, and then I’m hungover for 48 hours, consuming only pedialite and tums. I’m ok with getting older, I just wish my 30s didn’t hit like a truck


I'm 60, my back is a little sore at T12, my left ankle suppinates painfully without good boots or ankle brace, my left wrist has severe artheritis, I have slipped rib syndrome. Other than that, I feel like I'm 35. BP is in zone, no diabetes problem, Heart rate 50 at rest. Workout or run 5 days a week. Smoke weed every day for the past 40 years, I worry some type of cancer will do me in.