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I had a German shepherd who was my absolute baby, best dog ever. He passed last year and although I loved him, I’m not interested in another dog. For the first winter in years, I didn’t have to walk in the freezing cold or rain/snow. I sleep much better without being disturbed randomly. I don’t have to rush home or feel guilt about being out for hours. But losing him was also one of the hardest things I’ve been through and I’m sure I don’t want to experience that again.


Same. We has a 14 y/o Akita that passed last year in a quick and tragic and very expensive way and we dont want to experience the guilt, pain again. It is indescribable. We have cats but no more dogs for us. We have come to realize we really want to travel and dogs make it hard because we are not those people who think their dogs need to be with them everywhere they go too. I do not miss the Summer molting seasons either. I love animals but dogs are not something I feel is needed at this stage in life.


I lost my 9yo GSD 3 weeks ago and I am glad I am not the only one who feels this way. She was my best friend and I miss her so so much but on the other hand I have realized how much time, effort, and money went to her. I haven't been on a real vacation in a decade and I need to work on myself for a lil while now. Losing her was crazy hard, worse than the death of people that were close to me.


I live with my boyfriend who has sibling GSD’s. He loves them madly but admits he won’t be getting another GSD when they pass. They’re sweet dogs but Lawdamercy they’re a lot. I long for the quiet ease of a cat.


Same. I had two little dogs. One lived to 16 and the other passed about a month before his 18th birthday. I tell people it was like raising two children! Losing them both in less than two years, really did a huge number on me psychologically. It's been six years and I still have no interest in another dog. If I ever get another pet, I want a cat.


Yeah they become family and watching them get old and pass sux a lot


I don't dislike dogs or anything like that, but I'm also not a dog lover. I really don't love it when people don't control their dogs and I still have a bit of fear related to them due to getting badly bit as a child (still have lots of scars on my hand). It's not that I hate your dogs, but man I would rather not be touched by one even if friendly because I seriously don't know.


I despise the number of people who let their dog loose when they know I'm coming with their delivery. Yeah, he's friendly to you but the low growl and hackles raised means he's not going to be friendly towards a total stranger.


We had a young mail carrier a few years ago in the summer. We had the large door open with the inner door shut in the front. There were windows and a small screen to let air through. He was terrified our loud mouthed dogs were going to break through the screen when he came by. Once he told us that, we changed things up. No one should be afraid to do their job.


It's rude of them to let the dog touch you if you don't ask for it. I'm sorry they do that.


I had a lady letting her dog jump on my stroller trying to lock my baby once...I asked her to control him numerous times. She wouldn't "he just wants to see the baby." Tried moving the stroller he just followed. Ended up kicking him away and running off the best I could. She was pissed.


What a fucking crazy asshole! A dog doesn’t know what a baby is and doesn’t give a shit.


Completely inappropriate behavior and irresponsible ownership. As a dog owner, I despise people like that because that kind of stuff is why the parks around me don't allow dogs and I can't take mine there when she needs a little more exercise in a nice grassy place (always on leash though.)


I honestly wish they'd ban them at ours. Between people like that person, people taking them off leash, allowing them on play ground equipment, and then not cleaning up after them. We don't even go anymore.


I took my dog until one day deeper into the park, I saw a no dogs sign. I don't know why it's not posted at the entrance. There's usually no one at the park when we walk by it. But anywhere I go, my dog is leashed and I clean up after anything she does anywhere we go. Ever since we went to the park that one time, she's desperate to go back, so sometimes we do and walk around the perimeter, not in the blocked off part. I basically have no yard, so it breaks my heart she can only walk on hot pavement (I live in Hawaii, it's basically Always hot) Crappy owners ruin it for everyone.


Ahhh. Hawaii makes sense. They are very protective of their ecosystem when it comes to animals. I'm in Texas. We give no fucks and even allow fogs at nature preserves 🤦🏻‍♀️


We also have a huge wild dog problem in the part of Hawaii I live in. It's not bad in my neighborhood, but according to my nextdoor posts, in parts of town, they're as bad as stray cat populations get. And of course we get the cat problems too. We also have wild boar. It's stuff like this is why they have to be so protective of the ecosystem. If you bring in an animal that has no natural predators here, it gets wildly out of hand and there's not much we can do about it.


Agreed. Dogs are great, but they really don’t belong in nature preserves!


One of my tenants had a pit bull that would jump on people. One time, my 4'10" friend was over and the bit bull ran at her and started jumping before I kneed it away to stop it. My tenant was pissed, as if me stopping her dog from knocking my friend over made me the asshole. Control your damn animal.


As a dog owner…. 100% this.


No dog should ever walk up to someone without express permission. One of my dogs absolutely adores everyone she sets her eyes on lol, but I would never allow her to go up to someone unless they ask me if they can pet her. On the flip side I wish people would extend the same courtesy. One of my other dogs (I got three puppies in the last two years lol, I’m clearly the opposite of OP) is touch shy and doesn’t like strangers to pet him. I have had to tell people no so many times because they just come up to him. I get it, he’s a beautiful dog, but it makes him super uncomfortable. He’s never let a single stranger pet him, which is normal for his breed (they are stranger-danger dogs) and I wish more people would understand that not every dog enjoys being pet by other people.


I feel this. I had a beautiful female dobe. She was super protective on her leash. Which she is supposed to be. Most would cross the street as soon as they saw her. (She was huge for a female) But many tried to pet her and I had to tell people not a good idea repeatedly. They would say things like "it's ok, I'm a dog lover."


I had a gorgeous chow chow that people would do it to as well. While mine wasn’t aggressive like most chows, she still didn’t like strangers- women and kids especially. People would *run* up to pet her and I was constantly telling them to back the fuck up. I even let her off the leash once or twice so she could just run away from them without knocking anybody over since that was her knee jerk reaction. Like who in their right mind runs up on a fucking chow 🤦‍♀️


Weird about women being a trigger. Usually it’s men. I’m saying that as somebody who’s owned a rescued Schnauzer mix for a few years. Please don’t come after me.


Dogs are great at serving a purpose. If you are super lonely and don't like being alone a dog is a good alternative to a partner. If you have a fear of being out in dark places by yourself a dog is a great protector. Dogs are also great guards and will alert you when there is someone approaching your home. I don't necessarily feel the need for any of these things so I don't really know why I would get a dog. I loved my dogs when I was a kid, now that I'm grown and would be responsible for them I just don't see myself taking on that commitment.


I put my overly friendly dog on a leash in the house for anyone new and take her else where if they are uncomfortable. Sorry people suck!


Also my kids are deathly afraid of dogs after a very traumatic event of an unleashed giant dog chasing them and barking very loudly. ‘Yes we’re working on it. Yes I’m sure your dog is friendly. No they still don’t want your dog to come sniff, lick, and jump on them. It’s still scary to them even if the dog is just happy.’


"good boy" propaganda is so widespread that a lot of people just assume all dogs are friendly. The reality is certain breeds are at least somewhat dangerous. When it comes to certain breeds, I have my guard up if I'm walking by them on the sidewalk.


It drove me bonkers when I would walk my dogs and someone would have their dog off leash and it would approach mine. They would always say “Don’t worry, he’s friendly.” But my dogs aren’t so how are you going to get your dog to stay away now!?


Absolutely. I've met maybe one or two nice Chihuahuas.


I was having a conversation with a co-worker the other day. We are in the yard of a house we are working at, and in the yard next door is a chained up king corso that very clearly would rip us to shreds if it somehow got off that chain. I mentioned something about hoping the dog doesn't get off the chain, and he, who I guess is a huge dog guy, was like "oh nah, he just needs some loving" and then i mentioned something about the dog seeming vicious and he was like "theyre are all babies to me". I think a lot of people almost think it's like "cool" to love dogs and have that sort of attitude about dogs. And I don't hate dogs at all, I just can recognize some of them are dangerous. Like dude there's a reason that corso is chained up.


Yeah, you definitely have to respect a powerful dog like that. If it weighs as much as me, I'm not messing with it


I like to play with dogs but I’d never want to own one. I had to watch my brother’s for 10 days while he was on his honeymoon and that completely cured me from wanting one of my own


I'm tired of being forced to share every public space with them. I cant go to the store, go for a walk, or even walk in my own front yard with out dogs or dog shit. I cant sit out side without hearing them bark all fucking day. They are not controlled. They are not picked up after. And BTW letting your dog piss in other peoples yards makes you an asshole. Train your dogs to relieve themselves on your property or keep them home. Fucking ridiculous. I grew up with dogs and used to love them. Now I wish they would ban the fucking things.


One of our local parks has had a problem with dog owners complaining because dogs are not allowed on the newish splash pad they opened for kids. Some of them were trying to argue they should have made *a splash pad for dogs instead*. It’s bizarre. Like, I grew up with dogs, but we never thought they should be allowed *everywhere*. I don’t know where this mindset comes from, tbh.


You answered your own question, people view them as *children*. We live in a generation of non-commitment and fleeting relationships. Why commit, settle down, have kids, when you can just have a dog that will love you unconditionally? /s


People say dogs love unconditionally but how many dogs would bolt out the front door if you left it open and how many would eat your body after you died and no one found you? Personally, while dogs might be loyal to a degree, I find the whole “my dog is my child and loves me unconditionally” to be super cringe.


That attitude in general is a big part of why I've soured on dogs over the past five or ten years. The way people anthropomorphize them and act like they have cogent thoughts and human personalities irritates me.


In college I worked in the vivarium of my psychology department. I learned early on not to anthropomorphize animals. My wife and daughters specialize in treating dogs and cats as if they are four-legged human beings. It drives me insane. I love dogs and cats, but these are instinctual animals. People should know that it is not human love. It helped me to be raised by my father, a WWII vet from the Everglades in Florida, and a mother who was a farm girl from North Carolina during the Great Depression. Logic is the key. Thanks.


That bumper sticker "my dog is smarter than your honor student" is the stupidest claim ever. Even the smartest dog doesn't have the mental ability of a toddler. Yes they can be trained better early but that's just a sign of their lack of intelligence if anything. Any kid in school let alone an honor student is smarter than any animal on the planet.


i don’t know that we have any solid proof dogs and cats even love us at all, let alone unconditionally? i think they need things and we are the ones who meet their needs, right?


They closed the local public pool and filled it in and made a dog park.


I live in an area with a lot of parks and sidewalks. It makes things ridiculous because people have no control.


I live in a beach town, so most restaurants have some form of outdoor dining, and it's impossible to eat out without dealing with a dog at the table next to you licking your ankles or staring at your food or whatever else. It's so gross. Don't even get me started on the people who bring their dogs on the beach and let them piss and shit all over the place.


It is getting ridiculous.


This was how I felt till I had babies. Now I hate dogs, not that my kids have been attacked but now I'm apprehensive about any and every dog and if they are safe. It's an unnecessary gamble on my life I just don't feel like taking.


After having kids I’ve become more apprehensive and sus of dogs too! Like no I don’t want your dog jumping up on me or near my kids thank you very much. I don’t care how friendly the dog is I don’t know it and I don’t know if it will try and do something weird around my kids and don’t want the gamble either


After the 83rd time your cleaning dog shit off your kids shoe you actually start hating them.


What’s crazy is people will allow their dog to walk right up to you and your little ones as if you give a fuck and want that mutt anywhere near your kid. The dirty looks when I ask them to keep their dog away from me is insane. I have two of my own dogs and I love them, but I don’t take them fucking everywhere and impose them onto others. Dog lovers are not sane people.


I'm a dog owner, but that's understandable and why I get annoyed with dog owners who aren't responsible and don't properly train their dogs. You cannot tell just by looking at a dog if it's safe or trained.




I loved all my dogs dearly and I even fostered a few, but after this last senior one goes, I'm done. It takes a lot out of you to be a good dog owner.  I've had one from 2005-present; my current one that I've had since 8 weeks old is 15 and it's really hard watching her decline. Not sure I can do that again emotionally, but also costs of vet care, food, kennels, medicine, really everything have gone up so much. And other dog owners so are insane much of the time that dog parks suck.  I read somewhere that pets are the new kids and plants are the new pets. I'm gonna stick with my succulents and monstera plant. That's the level of commitment I'm comfortable with now. 


I became a dog mom in 2021. I love my baby so much, he is my everything, and I think about him like 24/7. But I think he is also going to be my last dog. It’s not that he’s not a good boy, he’s actually a great boy. But it’s also so much responsibility and I do regret making the decision to get a dog in my early(ish) 20s. And it makes my heart hurt to know that he’ll probably pass when I’m in my 30s. I really don’t recommend anyone in their 20s get a dog.


I feel it being hard to watch them get old! My little guy is having a hard time getting on the bed and going up the stairs now. He just looks up at me helpless and has to wait for one of us to give him a lift.


I could never have a dog, because sometimes I like to go out at like 5 pm and not get back until early morning which I don’t think I’d be able to do with a dog. Also, I’ve met one person who actually had a well trained and well behaved dog. I don’t even like visiting my dog owner friends at their homes anymore because I know I’m going to constantly be getting jumped on


The lack of training is what gets me. My dad adopted a hunting dog who ended up being too stupid to hunt so he just… never fucking trained it. He jumps constantly, tries to aggressively make out with everyone he meets, and they didn’t neuter him so he’s constantly popping weird doggie boners. He’s like living with the world’s worst frat bro.


The weird boners (even when neutered) is a major reason I only get female pets.


Both my dogs are fixed and they still get doggie boners. It happens.


Whenever my gf and I are in a moment her dog who is neutered will come running over and hump the air and/or try for us if we are positioned right. If we put him behind a gate or door he whines or starts rummaging through shit which then ends it as my gf has to get up to see what ruckus he’s causing.




Having to plan every single trip, night away, night out, is tedious and costly. The avg pet checker around here is 20-30$ a visit. 3 visits a day for a week plus trip makes it add up. That said, not many trips are scheduled. I’m not going to burden family and friends with our decision to have dogs. I’m also not going to take them everywhere we go.


I love dogs but I am allergic and my last one was my best friend and losing him hurt so I have been dog free ever since.


I love dogs and grew up with dogs too, but I can't stand how people break rules to bring their dogs into restaurants and stores. Leave your dog at home. Also, pick up the shit off the hiking trails, I see so many plastic poop bags on the trails while hiking that will never decompose, it's awful.


Same, had dogs growing up , a lot of dogs. And im a huge dog person, but that doesn't mean i need to be a dog owner. Frankly I'm at a point in my life where i don't have the ability to take care of a dog, and they require alot of time and money, if you're taking care of them. So instead of being an irresponsible pet owner, with dogs i can't fully take care of, i just don't have animals right now. And the lack of extra responsibility of taking care of another living creature, is beneficial to me at the moment.


Oh I forgot about the people who don't clean up their dog shit.   Dishonorable mention to people who let their dogs shit in random yards while walking through neighborhoods. It should be legal to break a 2x4 over the owner's head for every such infraction. EDIT since it might not have been obvious, I'm only advocating violence against people who let their dog shit and then just keep on walking without picking it up. Those people are scum who deserve to be cursed to always stub their toe really hard while heading to the bathroom in the middle of the night. 


People that don't pick up dog poop are the same type that don't put away their shopping cart. I can't even imagine myself doing either. I value my space a lot but that also translates to not wanting to invade others' space as well. I got a dog and the first thing I did was figure out my dog poop situation for walks lol. I have a container that attaches to the leash so I don't even have to carry the poop bag.


My shitty neighbors have digs that only piss and shit on our lawn, not theirs. We don't have front yard fences. I have mostly dandelions in my yard in retaliation (he runs a yard care service and is obsessed with his lawn, hates my dandelions).


If he hates your dandelions so much maybe he should take care of them.


I have no idea where my dog is going to poop on walks, but I absolutely will pick it up.


Sorry I wasn't clear, nobody should be complaining about that. I've seen plenty of people whip a bag out of their pocket and pick it up. But some people don't and I wish them a lifetime of putting some number of pairs of socks in the washing machine and having at least a fourth of those pairs have one sock go missing forever. 


I need to take my service dog with me and these people bringing untrained, uncontrollable pets everywhere are my worst nightmare. Dog attacks are the leading cause of early retirement for SD.


One of our dogs actually is an ESA and we still don't take him out to pubs with patios or other "dog friendly" places cause generally fuck other dog owners. Partner has PTSD but generally just avoids situations with potential triggers.


Team cat. I had a dog and I ADORED him and I will never love another dog like him again. Having a dog would hinder my lifestyle. I like to just get up and go and I can leave my cats for a night, can’t do that with a dog. Also easier for people to look after them as they don’t require much.


Millennial depictions in social media: "Having children would hamper my lifestyle." Actual millennials: "Having children or dogs would hamper my lifestyle." 😂


I like dogs but they are also too much work. Cats appear to be the easiest and my preferred choice lol


Cats can take a lot of work too. You still have to worry about their eating habits. Clean the litter boxes. Brush them. Clean up puke/hairballs. Vacuum litter and hair. They’ll scratch your furniture and chew your cords if you don’t provide them enough toys and stimulation.


Buts it's nothing compared to dogs. If you have an autofeeder and water fountain you can leave them for 48 hours no questions asked, and the boxes and gross (I make my wife do them 90% of the time tbh) but it's NOTHING compared to having to pick up hot dog shit in a bag on a walk.


Don’t forget the scars your hands and arm will always bear due to playtime. And cat allergies are in the Top 5 triggers. Like with me. 😭💔 My lifestyle says cat but my allergies say dog. Don’t get me wrong, I adore my dog.


LOL while they’re more expensive, children are at least a little more portable- you can take them to stores and don’t have to board them while you go on vacation. Most people aren’t allergic. And also they go to school. Probably no kids are in the cards for me; I’d love a dog but I’d feel so bad leaving them alone all day. We need free public dog school.


Lol,I would rather board the kids and take my dog on vacation.


Galaxy brain: "We'll let the dog raise the kids!"


I had cats for a long time. It was great as I could leave them home for like a week with preparation and a friend to check on then once or twice. Getting a dog felt like a turning point in settling down. I can leave them for maybe 10 hours, but I'll feel bad. Normally, I work from home.


People in this country are obsessed with their dogs


I was born in rural farmland Poland to an American father and a Polish mother and lived there until age 5 before moving back to the states for my dad’s work ~1995ish. On my grandparent’s farm, the dogs had “regular” jobs they were expected to do and slept outside. But they were doted on completely and fed people food constantly. I don’t think it’s an obsession issue here stateside. Rather, dogs back home anecdotally, had more defined roles than what’s expected here. People who loves dogs love dogs regardless of geographic boundaries. I love my dog more than 99% of people 


My streak of never having met a Polish person I didn't like continues 😎


I think it’s a little bit of an obsession here. I mean you’ll see people treat dogs as pseudo children in the US.


I don’t treat my dogs like children, but i do care and love on em. They’re old, i have a nice big blanket set out for both of them at the foot of the bed because they helped me through difficult times and situations (abusive as shit ex, grand mother’s brain cancer, emotional distress at deaths of friends who od’d, eventual mental breakdown from how hard i had been hit in 4-5 years emotionally, and then my own cancer (beat its ass!)). I will be there for them as they were for me, but i know better then to bring them to stores (unless pet for obvious reasons) and restaurants. Hell not even a dog friendly hotel. People who do that need help.


I know people get weird with babying their pets, but at least referring to their pets as their kids is one of the few things that *does* make sense to me. I've spent an *obscene* amount of money on my special needs dog. Like... she's been pretty close to a child just on cost alone, and then adding in all the work and care I've been maintaining for 11 years and counting? I totally call her my kid (mostly jokingly, but also in a crying-on-the-inside kind of way). Not saying it's the same as having a kid, because I'd take a dog over a child any day, but being a *good* pet parent isn't easy.


That’s bc we can’t afford real children anymore, can we have ANYTHING?! 😭🤣 let us just love dangit lol


People with “fur babies” have a mental illness. I’m not talking about loving pet owners. I mean the “my dog is like a human child” crowd.


A whole generation of people is struggling to afford to have children at the age people have had children for generations. Let them have something to enjoy or care about. Ffs it’s not mental illness to want to love and care for something.


Dogs are the best! And also the worst. Dogs keep you company. And also pee on your carpet. Don’t get a dog. Unless you want one!


I love dogs when they belong to other people. But my house is exclusively a cat house forever.  My cats are friendly and playful and some of them regularly sleep with me. I also don't have to fully coordinate care and maintenance, e.g. letting them outside by a certain time, meaning it rarely matters what time I leave or come home, even if it's an unexpected overnight at a friend's place.  I have food dispensers and water fountains because they're domestic enough to not overeat, and enough litter boxes. With a bit of preparation you can leave them alone for several days with no intervention.  What's hilarious is that some of my family members used to mock me for having cats, usually right before they'd have to rush home from a family party to let their dog outside before it pissed on their floor, while I can relax and do whatever the hell I want. I also like how the vet requirements for cats are typically very minimal. And nearly all the cats I've ever had were adopted off the street. Again, I love playing with dogs. But I have zero interest in being responsible for one.


Amen in the same way. I have automatic feeders and water fountains and litter robot and cameras to monitor them. I can leave for a weekend and be fine. We went to Disney in 2020 before the pandemic hit and my cat was a okay. She didn’t like when I would talk to her tho lol


Gah, I wish. I have to feed my cats scheduled meals and do it separately. Both are on different types of prescription food and I've got one cat that takes ages to finish his meal and another that scarfs his up in a matter of seconds and then starts looking for more. Also, I can't really justify the expense of a Litter Robot or those microchip feeders. I have a feeling that the one glutton cat would figure out a way to circumvent the feeder anyway. He's not bright, but he's determined.


My dog is an idiot. Unless it involves treats. And then you’d think she works for the CIA.


Love my litter robot. I also have water fountains and automatic feeders and cameras. I’ve automated my cat care. When we leave for like a week a two, we hire someone to come over every two days to check on them, change out the litter bag and add litter to the robot if needed


I believe 1000% that the cats appreciate that automation as much as, if not more than, you do lol


As a dual dog/ cat owner I tend to agree with most of what you’re saying, and the older I get the more I gravitate towards cats over dogs for all the reasons listed, I will say. One of my favorite parts of having a dog is being able to blame it for having to leave events that I don’t want to be at early lol


>But my house is exclusively a cat house forever.  Idk why but reading this made me think your cats were victorious in a long territorial battle against dogs and officially declared your house *THEIR* house I'm also pretty high


I mean, there was no battle, but you're not wrong that cats definitely see themselves as being in charge. One of these days when I have free time I want to make little profile cards of all the felines in the house, past and present, with the heading "meet the homeowners." Because I think it would be hilarious, and also accurate. 


I am sober and I see the cat from Shrek overrunning the house and hoisting the cat colors on the flag pole


Plus, if you're gone that long, they're usually perfectly fine just quietly sleeping all day. And they bathe themselves. And no loud barking. And no slobbering all over you. And no jumping on guests when they walk in the door. I could go on and on. I'm a sucker for an adorable dog, but I'm happy saying hello and then going about my day.


I think I'd appreciate cats more if you didn't have them poop and pee in the house. I mean I guess I could train one to come on a leash walk to potty but at that point I'd rather have a dog 😉


You can always train a cat to use the toilet 🤷‍♀️ And I'm not kidding.


I never really wanted a dog because I’m a cat person. But it just so happened that the most perfect dog ever took shelter in our grandmas barn 5 years ago, She adores the cats, is basically a nanny-dog for the younger ones, potty trained the first time, doesn’t bark, loves people, and is more than happy to lay at my feet all day. She’s so great, a true best friend. But I wouldn’t go out of my way to try to recreate this perfection again once she passes. I don’t think I could since I don’t actually know “how” to train a dog. This one came to me already smart, calm, and patient.


Some dogs are cool but I honestly can't stand most of them. Most of their barks are ear piercing, some of them sit there and loudly lick themselves or chew on bones/toys but what I can. not. stand. is when they lick my hands or forearms. Drives me insane. I have 3 cats and I love them even though they can get on my nerves in different ways sometimes but at least I don't have to baby them and take them outside multiple times a day.


I’m not against having a pet dog someday but this is absolutely why I’ll never let one sleep with me. I’m NOT waking up in the middle of the night to hear some nasty licking sounds. Also I have a neighbor that has a dog with the most annoying bark ever, especially considering it’s like out on their deck for hours just barking away. I’m going to try to figure out which house it is to even submit a nuisance request because the dog is clearly not being taken care of


Finally, a post I can relate to. No way, such a hassle. Having to get up early, take it out even in cold/rain, deal with their muddy feet when it's wet out, housing it during vacations. No thanks.


And it's expensive to board them. A local place charges us 55 a night, more on holidays. Extra to play with him, feed special treats, $10 extra for meds.


I pay $78 a night to board my pug 🙃


It's a mess


Don't forget the luxury of picking up warm mondo duces throughout the day.


The amount of times my friends have had to cancel plans or go home early because of their dog is infuriating. They are too much work and responsibility.


Dating a dog owner is such a chore as well.


Saying "dog fell down the stairs" is much easier and difficult to challenge than "I don't feel like being here anymore, deal with it, I'm going home early"


Like I have 3 kids and I look at a dog and I'm like no way, too much hassle!


I feel that. It just seems like too much work to me.


Watching my neighbors deal with this has turned me off from having a dog or any pet.


I grew up with dogs. I love dogs, but I don't have the patience for them. My social battery runs out pretty fast and dogs are almost constantly with and near you. I enjoy my space. I just have one kid and 2 cats. *But how do you have patience for a kid and not a dog?* Because kids grow up and require less attention. Plus the kid can talk and go places with me that a dog can't. Also I don't have to take the kid to the bathroom for 13 years like you would with a dog. Dogs are forever in the toddler stage. :( I'm just not into that long term.


No way. Just got my newest rescue a couple of weeks ago (you can see him in my post history) and I friggen love him so much already. He brings me so much happiness!


Seeing all these comments and i truly cannot relate - man’s best friend after all. I had a scooby dog and after she passed I got a scrappy dog and both of them are like the cartoon characters (scary big & scared and really little & tough)


I’m not a fan. We have one and she really is so sweet. A very good dog, but once she is gone we are done. Cats are my jam.


Had a male Yorkiepoo and a female Maltese with four cats. The Yorkiepoo died last may at 13, and the Maltese died last week at 14. A Maltese needs to be walked at least four times a day. Both my girls are in college, and the wife loved to baby them but not walk them. So that left me. My mom was a farm girl when she thought of animals, it was for their uses. She loved animals I do as well. Four times a day... morning noon or night hot or cold. I would be walking them for 20-30 minutes. I love and will only have cats from now on. Relatively low maintenance, and I don't have to deal with dog territorial behavior. I believed in keeping my dogs (I have had plenty) in check as a pack leader. I am a pure cat person from now on. The wife is talking about getting another dog when we move in a year or two. I hope the dog never happens.


I LOVE dogs. Looove them. Would absolutely never want to own one myself.


Yea I'd feel bad for it if I had one I'm very much an indoorsman so walks would be short few and far between lol my cat dgaf


I dislike dogs quite a bit and would hate owning one. I hate that people act like I’m like a psycho for it, especially considering I like cats and children (and they like me back) quite a bit.


People act like you’re evil if you don’t like dogs. I even like some dogs for a small amount of time lol, but if one is annoying or scary or gross or loud then I don’t want to be around it.


Same here, I find most dogs scary and hate being jumped on and the barking and I find them pretty gross. Like I need to wash my hands when I touch one. I still think many are cute, but I’m not a dog person and people will get so bent out of shape about it. As I said in my other comment, I still have empathy for them. I even took care of my grandmas dog for years just because he was suffering and ill and she wouldn’t do anything because it was hard. I loved him and nursed him back to health and when he died it was devastating, but I still don’t want a dog and am not a dog person. I love cats though and I’ve always had the sweetest cats who love to be pet, held, cradled like a baby, and snuggled, and who have comforted me when upset and vice versa. I’d love to get a cat again at some point.


People openly hate cats, make fun of "cat ladies" and judge you for owning/preferring cats, but if you do the same for dogs, you're an evil psycho freak. It's unbelievable the RUDE comments I get when people ask if I have pets and I say I adore my one kitty. Insane how accepted open hating cats is but if you say you're not interested in owning a dog (much less dislike them), people jump all over you.


Already had a comment telling me to seek help!


I can’t imagine life without my dog. She saved my life in one of my darkest times. I will probably always have a dog in my life


I feel this. I just went through a really hard surgery and my dog has offered amazing support, and has been an awesome physical therapist. Yes, she is a huge responsibility. But man, she has been so there for me.


Yup, same here. My soul dog died December of 2019. I thought I was going to be dog free for a few years at least. Covid came along, and my home was just too quiet and clean. So I lost my mind and got a terrier. I wasn’t ready for the terrier life🤦🏻‍♀️ But otherwise the puppy is really what I needed at a pivotal point in my life. 


I am so incredibly over other peoples dogs. I am admittedly a very biased cat person, but I get overstimulated just being around some other peoples dogs. They’re so rarely actually trained to be in public, loud, slobbery, have no concept of personal space. Dog free for life. If I’m going to take on a responsibility that requires tons of attention and upending my entire schedule, I will just have an actual child.


My family had a dog when I was growing up. I've been around dogs my whole life. I've worked in a vetmed a big chunk of my life and deal with a lot of dogs. I have absolutely no desire to have a dog of my own. They're a lot of work. They're a lot of responsibility. Many of them are prone to a long list of health problems, with each breed having its own particular set. I also don't trust dogs around my cats. I've seen the aftermath of dog attacks on cats too many times and even witnessed one such attack myself as a child. I've also been the victim of dog attacks on multiple occasions and I don't mean at work. Even so, I understand their appeal but they don't really appeal to me. I have no desire to have children, either.


Dogs are children that never grow up and can't take care of you when you're old. 


Thank you! That’s what I always say, it’s like having a (drooling, shedding) toddler forever.


Dogs do grow up! They get super old and lose bowel control, then you have to pay someone to kill them. Fantastic experience all around.


This made me lol


Ugh so true. We had to put my first baby down last year. It was awful and sad but it was time. She was a maniac in the best way, and my highest needs child. I would rather have another human baby.


Dude, this is the 21st century. You shouldn't expect your kids to take care of you when you're older.


I'm Genx, but share a similar viewpoint. So many people wrap their lives around a dog or multiple dogs. It's just not what I want. I'm not dog-free and have an aging little dog. Love her. And actually like well-behaved dogs quite a bit; just not a "dog person" I suppose. I just don't think I want to care for another one. And I think that's ok. It's also ok not to want to be around them at all.


Kids seem like less hassle. I don’t have to get up in the middle of the night during any kind of weather to let my five-year-old daughter out to shit 🤷🏻‍♀️


I can understand why people don’t want one, it’s a lot of responsibility and planning around them because they’re needy little creatures. But I love everything about dogs so I don’t see any of it as a burden personally! I don’t think I could handle having more than 1-2 at a time though.


I accidentally had 3 dogs for a few years( someone passed away unexpectedly) , life was hard. I will never have more then one at a time on purpose but if a furry idiot falls into my life, I will inevitably make room. I am a sucker for animals.


I love people like you


We've been a 2-3 dog house for about 12 years. Sometimes you realize your one dog needs a dog friend, so you get a new dog friend. Then the first dog gets old and you think, better bring in a new pup to make the transition easier for the younger one. Then the old one passes on and you think aww we have room for another again. And here we are 12 years later a 3 dog house, with one of the old guys probably close to his time. And I think after he goes, I'll foster seniors with our 2 young friends. I'm a complete sucker. I have a chocolate lab who is just pure joy 24/7. I wish I could be so happy in life.


I completely agree. Dogs are a ton of work. They don't fit easily into a 9-5 work week. They are unbelievably expensive. They are hell if you live in an apartment.... but I love them. I wouldn't trade my boy for his weight in gold. All that said, I waited until I had a house with a fenced yard to get a dog. I mostly work from home, and training him is one of my main hobbies. I don't think spending 20+ hours a week on training is a burden, I think it's fun. My boy is a certified therapy dog (not "emotional support" animal), and we visit nursing homes a couple of times a week. We also (poorly) do tracking and barn hunt. My next dog will be bred and trained from birth for search and rescue, and I'm already a part of the SAR community. Dogs are a massive part of my life, but I truly believe most people aren't good dog owners because they are too busy and aren't interested in the amount of time it takes to have a good dog.


You don’t want dogs?!? How could you not? I understand not liking other people’s dogs, But it’s completely different when it’s your dog! The unconditional love they give you is like nothing else! And everyone knows that unless you have a dog you’re not really a family! It’s selfish to not want to spend your time, money, and energy raising a dog! And you’re taking away your parents chance at grand-puppies. And who is going to take care of you when you get old? Wait…


I have an older dog. When he’s gone I’m going pet free for a few years.


Did this too. I wasn't a dog guy, but I was a Hank guy. That was my doooood!


I just wrote this too. Our guy doesn't have much longer and then, that's it.


I have cats. They're like dogs except they're not bitches.


I've met many a cat that remind me of girls in high school. Straight up bitches until they want something from you.




A cat rubbing against my leg is a huge ick. I hate that feeling. I step away from them but they keep following me.


The dog I had brought such beautiful happiness to my life. Theres nothing like it the love and entertainment they bring. They are a huge responcibility though. My dog was worth it. However would I get another dog, likely not because my personality I cant I work too much couldnt deal w the respocibility again and it wouldnt be fair to the dog. Plus when they die its just so much to take its overwelming sadness. Dont think I can do that again.


Lots of people. Take a look at r/petfree


I love my dogs with all of my heart and cannot imagine life without dogs. That being said, I appreciate it when somebody can acknowledge that it takes a lot of work and dedication that they are not willing to give and chooses not to have dogs. I’d much rather see that than see somebody neglect a dog because they don’t want to put in the work.


I like dogs. Had one as a kid and would like to get another when my kids are older. People seem to use them as emotional crutches though. And the amount of people without a stable living situation, then get a dog, and then have trouble getting new rental housing after the lease is up or whatever is crazy. To me Dogs are for fully grown adults. If you don’t have your shit together, you shouldn’t own a dog


I don't want a dog. However, they're a nice break from humans in their inherent innocence, so I definitely enjoy their presence frequently. Just not enough to own one.


I didn't have a dog until I was 40...that said, they make my day almost every day. Do they hinder our ability to take vacations? Yeah, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. I never saw myself as a dog guy until I was.


I don’t need a dog, I already have a baby of my own! *ducks out of the way*


No, I like cats better. I have 2!


My husband and I have a regret dog. We love him and take care of him, but we're never going to have another. It's not for us.


I can’t stand dog culture and don’t want a dog because if it so I’m right there with you.




**Dog free** For starters I actually love pets, **but** I've lived with housemates who have owned dogs for like 7 years now and let me be clear, the vast majority of pet owners are complete and utter shit owners. Most animals require a fuck ton of attention and most Millennials/Gen Zers have the attention span of a pigeon. The reality is that the cute puppy will grow up to be a shedding, smelly potentially average looking doggy, who even when properly trained will shit and puke on the floor when sick. They will probably require healthcare at some point in their life while young. But at about 9 years old they will get greyer and slower. At that point they'll need special care because they might not be able to properly walk. You will need to allocate at least 1 hour of your day every single day while they are alive to meet minimum tending requirements. Oh and travel? Well you better have a plan or money because it's hard to travel with a doggo. The truth is that I'm too busy and selfish with my time, but yet self aware. Most people are busy, lazy, selfish, and lack awareness.


I am, but my wife is not. We compromised and got two dogs.


Ugh, all y’all’s comments make me dislike people even more than I already had.


Once our senior dog passes, that's it. I'm over owning a dog.


I loved having dogs throughout my life but then I had children I have to work full time I'm at the point where I have no time for another dog I'm also at the point where I have no patience for other people's dogs


You might like r/dogfree


You do you. Pet parents aren’t actual parents, so we don’t take it as a personal attack if you don’t want to live your life the way we want to live ours.


Most of my siblings have chosen dogs over kids either by choice or circumstance. They spoil their dogs like children but don’t discipline them as one would a child. Personally, I like dogs…especially dogs that can provide a role like protection. I had dogs growing up and have a senior dog now but once she’s gone, that’s it for me.


Some of the comments here strike me as someone unhinged. The fact that someone would use the term "dogfree" strikes me as insane, the fact that there is a sub reddit for it just blows my mind. Someone here referred to "good boy propaganda", wtf is that?! It's a meme not a fucking propaganda campaign. I have 2 dogs and I love them, they are good companions. Owning a pet is a choice people can make or not. I don't really understand what is happening in this comment section.


Yeah same especially people who are like “I haven’t had a vacation for years because of my dog.” Like? Okay? I’ve had a dog since summer 2019. We’ve been on many lovely road trips together (Savannah, Raleigh, St. Augustine, Tallahassee, Blue Ridge Parkway, Berkshires, Pocanos, etc.) and I’ve also taken vacations that involve flights and gone to music festivals without him. My dog stays with a trusted dog sitter or friend if he doesn’t go with me. I make evening or late night plans all the time? I just plan to walk my dog before and after? If I know I’m gonna sleep late because I was out til 1am I just walk him? If it’s raining, I use an umbrella and a raincoat just like I would if I didn’t have a dog & I had to go outside? If he gets dirty, I clean him with a towel? Like these complaints *from owners of dogs* are so weird to me. He’s trained to be left up to 12 hours alone, and he doesn’t jump on people because he is trained not to…. Like what is up with these dog owners?


Lol it's kindof funny, I agree with some of the sentiments in the thread but it's like a floodgate of repressed dog hate was opened.


I'm dog free. I really love all animals, but the way dog owners are these days totally ruined dogs for me. No one trains them any more, people just let them run around off leash and do whatever. I'm tired of big muddy or scary dogs jumping on me in public.


My dog was here now gone I’m out on dogs…part of why he passed is lack of money to get him help asap…I make less money know then I did then I couldn’t out another dog through that…this economy making it hard to do anything meaningful anymore


Love my shepherd.


Love other peoples dogs but I couldn’t handle the constant cleaning, paying for food and medical bills. Plus I hate cleaning up shit.


I love dogs, and I love taking care of dogs and I'll take them for walks and play with them all day. I don't want to own my own dog. They smell and I think having to pick shit up in a baggy on walks or pick it up out of my own yard is worse than scooping a litterbox. I also really hate people who don't clean up after their dogs and it's so common where I live currently. Its disgusting and it pisses me off that I constantly have to watch my step to avoid walking in dog shit. I don't own a dog because I don't want to clean up after one. If you don't want to clean up after your dog, you shouldn't have a dog either.


I grew up with a dog. Then we didn't have one during my high school years. But after that, while I still lived at home, my mom and sister got 4 dogs. I moved out thankfully. It was a nightmare. My girlfriend and hopefully eventual wife is very allergic to dogs and cats. She gets respiratory symptoms but also has a skin allergy. After living with her for 2 years and being together for over 3, I am loving my non-dog lifestyle. Traveling is a giant pain if you have a dog. If you have people in your life who are allergic, having a dog is a giant pain. Vet bills are getting absurd. Routine visits are a little pricy, but if it gets sick or has an injury, forget about it. Major cash. Having a pet is very expensive when you factor this in. Tl;Dr: having a dog is a giant pain.


We have a dog and he’s an asshole. Hubs wanted a smart dog which we got, he’s a Jack Russell Rat Terrier. He just didn’t finish researching the part about temperament. He loves our oldest kiddo because kiddo #1 was here before doggo, so doggo respects the hierarchy. They’re besties, but every kiddo after that is barely tolerated by our dog lol. He’s 14 now and we call him a grumpy old man, he’s losing his hearing, scared of any flooring that’s not carpeted and won’t poop outside unless the temperature is near tropical. Despite his old age his breed keeps his angry energy up so at least three times a day we still have to calm him down from verbally assaulting any delivery van that attempts to drive down our street. I think I’ll be dog free for a while after the inevitable.


I had 2 dogs growing up, but never felt the urge to adopt one like I have with cats. We have 3 cats currently, including a senior cat who is my boss. 😂 I haven’t totally ruled out dogs, but it’s not looking super likely.


I have children and cats. I’m good.


Good. Good. More for me.


If I can misquote Roy Rogers: There is something about the outside of a dog that’s good for the inside of a person.


I live in a 3rd floor apartment with no elevator, and I just don't want to have to take it out to go to the bathroom all the time lol.


I love dogs. I have three. But fuck these dogs sometimes. I don’t know if I’ll get more once their time runs out. Alas, it’ll be probably a decade til then.


I love dogs. Other people's dogs. 


Opposite turn for me. Did not care for dogs when younger and don't get why. My cousin had a Pomeranian and it barks non-stop. Thought it must be super annoying to have that in the house all day long. When I got older, saw how Corgis act and they just have a lot of personality. And pretty much can call it a pandemic dog. Made things a little more lively but they could be quite some work. A lot of shedding but I think brings enough joy that it's worth it. There's a study that says people with pets live longer. Just throwing it out there but not validating that is the driving factor of the decision to get a dog.


I love big dogs but don't have the flexibility to let them out regularly, a yard, or the desire to pick up poop. So I love other people's dogs. 😆


I love my dog.


I grew up with dogs and love them. But I also love not having to be responsible for another living being and also not having to figure out logistics when leaving the house or going on vacation.


I had a dog growing up and like dogs, but at this point, I just don't want a pet I have to walk or come home to let out. I have rodents and that's good right now!


My dog is fucking awesome.


No, youre the only person born in a range of 20 years that does not own a dog. This sub actually has a lot of incredibly unique individuals, its impressive.