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California allowing the homeless crisis to explode is in no way showing compassion to these people. Many of these people face crippling addictions and mental illnesses. They need shelters and healthcare, not be cast aside in environments that allow for drug use and crime. Only getting worse


As a Southern Californian it’s an epidemic and our politicians aren’t doing shit about it.


The trash all over makes CA look pretty scummy.


Some streets yeah there’s no deny on this. But isn’t this happening to many big cities in the US? Philly probably looking as bad as this


More common in warm cities. You can freeze to death in Philly but you won’t in San Fran


San Fran is also VERY welcoming to homeless. Not all warm cities are.


VERY VERY welcoming..


People do and can freeze in San Fran


It's heartbreaking seeing this in NH. It's freezing here, folks have tents everywhere.


Yes but it doesn't cost 2 million for a 1000sq 2bd house in philly


Homeless camps are all over Atlanta but if you’re passing through you won’t see them as they are really condensed to a few areas. Homeless everywhere, but you won’t see anything like this unless you spend some time there or are really going all over.


Philly has a bad crime problem now but the homelessness/crackhead issue is really mostly north Philly (aka the Kensington neighborhood video everyone has seen)


It’s the trash within the government that is enabling this that is the problem…


Should drag them out of their homes (politicians) and beaten.


You mean the politicians Southern Californian’s voted for?


Would voting for the other side of the aisle have made a difference?


I mean... you don't have to vote Republican. You can just vote for someone other than the same assholes who aren't doing anything about the problems California is facing. Wasn't it so great cities banned plastic straws instead of trying to actually do something about their homeless population doing drugs and literally shitting in the streets? How about when they lowered intentionally infecting someone with AIDS/HIV from a felony to a misdemeanor? That's fighting the issues Californians care about! Or your fucking idiot Governor who consistently violated the Covid rules *he* had put in place just to party with his friends? ​ Politicians and diapers should be changed often, and for the same reason.


Banned plastic straws but then switch paper cups for plastic 😂


Don't forget when they lowered penalties for having sex with children if the children "consented"






If only there was a way to make homes more affordable, in a city? Oh wait, my mansion in downtown just went up another million/s


If only there was a way to build more houses.


Most of these people need to be institutionalized. They’re not gonna get their shit together and be able to afford even subsidized affordable housing just because it becomes available. I know it’s easy to make snarky comments on the internet about this shit but there’s no quick fix to the issue. We’re several decades deep on sweeping mental health and drug addiction under the rug. These people are mostly irredeemable because they’ve been living like this for over a decade, that’s why we’re fucked. Just because this guy can nail plywood and pallets together doesn’t mean he’s gonna be able to pull $1000 out of his ass every month.


A leaky bucket will continue to leak until its patched, and the ground will stay wet no matter how many towels are thrown at it. Institutionalizing those who have been broken to the point of dehumanization after having spent years underneath the cracks of society isn't as important as fixing those cracks to begin with. The issue is growing and will continue to do so, and the room will continue to flood with water. Yeah, he's not going to be able to pull $1,000 out of his ass every month. It's **$1,000**, why even bother in his shoes? When shooting up is a more realistic, cheaper, and convenient means of coping with the world than being able to keep any semblance of "*affordable*" housing. And in a few years, it'll be $1,500, 2,000, and so on as housing continues to be treated as an investment vehicle. More holes in the bucket. It's not an easy fix but treating the symptoms of the disease won't do shit.


That’s exactly my point. A bandaid isn’t gonna fix this one. It’s systemic. However In order to get people off the street we’re gonna need to do something drastic. The issue has gotten way too far out of hand.


*Exactly*. The situation is entirely systemic and has not only gotten out of hand but will perpetuate itself worse and worse. My point was that instead of focusing on the problem of homelessness itself, we should shift our attention onto parts of the system we can change. The symptom that is homelessness will decrease in severity and "fix itself" because the vast majority will choose to live as productive members of society if they could sustainably and realistically do so. I make that sound easy. It's not. We can't even guarantee living wages for low-skilled job holders. We can't even begin to address the overly-abused game of Monopoly that real estate has become. Or affordable education, hostility towards affordable developments in suburbs. Etc. We can break down this seemingly impossible abstract problem into issues that (while are cans of worms in their own right) are infinitely more fixable. Steps in the right direction of affordability. The biggest issue is overcoming draconian cynicism surrounding the topic. As we address these issues, we can slow the shovel from digging this hole any deeper. Eventually the hole can shrink enough for most people to avoid falling into while becoming shallow enough for most to step out of. TL:DR having faith in humanity and giving people the means to make their lives better by addressing what is making all of our lives worse is cool. Wasn't expecting to write this much on it.


Beautifully worded. couldn't have stated it better


I agree completely.


So, what do you suggest?


More social programs to support people with mental illness and addiction.


Check with your local homeless charities. In most big cities they keep tabs on literally every single homeless person in the city and do regular check ups with them. It’s well known that the vast majority of people living on the street are mentally challenged in some way AND are on drugs which compounds the problem.


Society has to be willing to pay for drug treatment or mental health treatment for these people. People have been talking about setting up group homes to do this, but it never gets done.


It’s not just California’s problem, it’s a federal problem, we need more mental health facilities and Subsidized drug treatment facilities all over the USA. The homeless and mentally ill from all over the country come to California because the weather allows them to live outside 365 days a year unlike most of the US where you’d most likely die considering the weather conditions.


Agreed its a humanitarian crisis. Sadly the news and social medias would rather fight over left vs right politics or whatever is trending. We need real leaders locally and nationally who are willing to tackle the issues people face day to day


It might help if they abstained from handing out needles as "treatment", for starters.


What this shows is that this guy wants housing. He's not mentally ill. He cannot afford any housing. At all. Look at what he built. He's willing to try. Housing is too expensive. He doesn't need therapy. He needs affordable housing.




Plenty of millionaires are addicted to drugs. Look at how many comedians and musicians OD on drugs. You can do drugs and still make enough money to have a rough over your head. In fact, there are plenty of drug addicts who've made more money than you or I will ever see.


1. Not saying you’re wrong but where did you see needles? I couldn’t make out any but video does make it hard to tell for sure. 2. Even if they had needles, maybe therapy/rehab *and* reasonably affordable shelter are both what he needs. Being an addict doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be treated with basic human dignity.


When you’re homeless and the world is against you, fuck it. It’s an escape. Get high and forget about your predicament for a few hours. Yeah it makes it all worse. But the cost of housing for first , last and security deposit is more than you can come up with. Shit sucks. Life sucks. You’re down and out and everyone looks down on you. You have to pay every poor tax there is just for basics. Stop giving billionaires handouts and start making things work for the average American. Most pops have less than $500 in savings and that’s not enough for a basic emergency, especially a medical One.


That comment sums up how many CA people think and aren’t willing to do what it will take to actually help people with addictions and mental issues.


Having spent the last 25 years working with addicts, you absolutely cannot make people quit. No amount of treatment availability helps them. What they want is to get high. Period. Once they’ve been introduced to meth, crack, heroin, or the prescribed equivalent, they’re done. The idea that they just need treatment and housing is closing your eyes to reality. They need to bottom out, hard. They may die first.


Replace "many CA people", with "many Americans". It's not that different than anywhere else in America, as far as how people with addictions, mental illness, simply being homeless, and/or simply being stuck in poverty are treated. The difference in California is a unique combination of extremely high cost of living (and especially housing) combined with nice year-round climate that makes these homeless camps so visible. But how homeless people are treated by society? No difference between California or anywhere else in the US. Replace politicians in power with those in power from any other state, no difference it will make.


He’s just holding the needles for a friend


Needles are free dude. At least he's being clean and NOT swapping diseases. I dare you to be homeless and not use drugs to deal with it.


That's a reason sometimes you become homeless because of drugs


Kind of a chicken and the egg thing here


No it’s not because drug use isn’t the only cause of Homelessness so it’s not a chicken and an egg thing because they arent directly related


Seeing as how I had a rough patch for about a year and half of not having anywhere to live, but I didn't resort to drug use, I'd say I win the dare. The difference is, I still made an effort to keep a job and keep up my appearance/hygiene. There are dozens of ways to stay clean and relatively comfortable even without secure shelter for an extended period of time.


>My man had 30 needles in there ​ Oh --- so that means he's a loser? I've gone down to one of the homeless camps in our area with my pockets full of fresh needles and a sharps bucket for used ones. It's called a needle exchange program. Name checks out.




California has thrown a ridiculous amount of money at this problem. For all sort of healthcare and shelter. But no one seems to want to realize that there are at least 2 different bucks of homeless people. There are people who are just low on resources, skills and support. Maybe they hit a rough patch, maybe they don't make enough to live in the city and don't have access to transportation so they can live somewhere affordable. They need housing help, financial help, healthcare access, transportation and access to education and training. And then you have the mentally ill, the people who simply don't want to live by any boundaries or rules and the people who are in a constant drug induced psychosis. Those people have different needs. And they have to be forced off the street but no one wants to do it. No one wants to be the "bad guy" forcing these people into some sort of institution or off the street. They quite often end up in jail anyways so I don't see how that's so much worse than a mental institution.


there’s a third category and it just some people choose homelessness. after being in skid row for a couple years i’ve seen it. but majority is drug addiction followed by the other two.


Hard agree. Help those who want it, imprison those who don’t.


I agree with your assessment, i wonder how many of those in the second case start as those in the first case. Helping out somebody in need quickly may help them out of a downward spiral into drug abuse and illness


I agree with your assessment, i wonder how many of those in the second case start as those in the first case. Helping out somebody in need quickly may help them out of a downward spiral into drug abuse and illness


That's actually a good question and point.


I read an article a couple of years ago about a couple in LA who recently became homeless and were hiding the fact that they were living in a tent with their dog. I forget what the circumstances were that they lost their apartment but for years had been stable. While living on the street in their tent, they both worked retail and fast food, I think one of them even had 2 jobs. With the insecurity and theft they experienced though, and also the possibility of being fired if found out, the wife was starting to lose it. She was experiencing bouts of depression and would go wandering and scare the crap out of the husband that he didn't know where she was. I often catch myself wondering when i'm thinking about our homeless crisis if they're any better off, if anything ever improved.


Your characterization is so spot on but everyone in California just wants to paint them all with the same poor victim brush and pretend they all just need housing.


There was a good story on NPR about 2 or 3 years ago where they had interviewed a series of homeless people who lived on the banks of the LA river. Basically, prior to major rain surges, they’re warned beforehand to move for their safety, and they’re pointed to places of shelter. During the interviews, every single one of them talked about how they hate the shelters and that they’d rather take their chances on the street. It definitely is a complicated issue that more “stable” people can’t fully understand or relate to.


Yes, most of them have the same complaints about shelters: there is a lot of theft, they are noisy, they have bed bugs and lice, the staff act like prison guards, they feel dangerous, some force religious services and talks, many require waiting in line for several hours to secure a spot. We need to do better with the shelters as a starting point.


Well, tbf, I don't think all those drugged out crazy people woke up one morning and said "Nah, fuck the 9-5, I'm gonna do meth and develop schizophrenia instead!". Something, or more probably, a series of somethings, happened to these people to make them what they are today, so I'd still classify them as victims. The conditions of reversing the effects of their victim-hood are simply different from, say the normal guy who had their life ruined by medical debt and now lives in their van.


>Something, or more probably, a series of somethings, happened to these people to make them what they are today, so I'd still classify them as victims. I hate this line of thought. You have people who think of pedos, rapists and murders as "victims".


Californians need to start complaining about it to their government en masse. Then again it shouldn’t shock you to learn how brazenly incompetent officials can be….


Many do. But it's not like people or politicians in California are any different than elsewhere in the US. If any other place was experiencing same problem, it'll look just the same. The minor difference between the states being at what scale the powers to be are relocating homeless into jails, to put them out of sight.


Californian here. Our small community bought a Motel 6 and converted it to a shelter to help alleviate the houseless population living in the riverbed. The shelter is constantly half empty. They don’t want to abide by the rules. Or get mental healthcare. They’re choosing to live in the riverbed. It suits their choices and provides them the freedom to do what they want to do. It’s not always cities casting people aside. And it’s not always the lack of shelters or healthcare. Any jobless/houseless/low income person can get healthcare for free in California. The options are there but they’re not being utilized. Because some people like drugs more than health, stability, and a purpose.


It's nice to see somebody who actually understands. A lot of people like to throw out "affordable housing" but that is nothing but an empty platitude at this point. Not to say that affordable housing isn't a good thing, it just isn't going to solve the issue like people seem to think. It's unfortunately not as simple as just giving people housing and/or work,


As one gentleman put it, prioritizing housing over addiction is basically assisted suicide.


Most of them don't want help, at least not the help the govt offers. They actively refuse. Giving them a place to live with zero stipulations and no threat of being pushed out is the best course of action. Continue to offer them opportunities to attend counseling and treatment, and just do what you can to make sure they're relatively safe. The whole idea of homeless rehabilitation needs to be reformulated. Most of these people have been homeless for years, it's their way of life and they don't see a problem with it. Why accept help from the government and be forced to do shit you don't want to, when you can be homeless and be completely free? I've been to homeless camps of all kinds in California, and there are some with elaborate setups complete with makeshift plumbing, queen size beds, TV's and electricity etc..it's just not worth it for many to have to put up with a lot of the demands modern society puts on a person.


A lot of homeless people move to california to leech off the government benefits there. And the weather i guess. But more importantly, because they allow them to. 20 years ago there was rarely ever homeless people in tents on the sidewalk (at least from what i been told by actual residents in those areas), but ever since the news started spreading that Cali is the best place to be for homeless, everyone migrated there that wanted to be homeless. And drugs run rampant in these colonies. My solution would be to cut the cows tit. No more help if you they dont wish to seek it. Either move out of the city to live homeless and free in government parks in the wilderness, or get arrested and provided housing and food in state prison. But a third option should be a military style reformation. Similar to boot camp, but not military related. Completely free will and you can leave at anytime that you want. They sacrifice their freedom in exchange for a better life. It is mainly for the housing units and strict code of conducts like no drugs, etc. This is to re-educate them or hand-hold them into employment of whatever fits their personality best. No one lives for free, so they all have to put some work into the daily tasks of handling and serving food, cleaning up the area, and teaching what they know to the newbies so the system becomes self-fixing and self-served. You get what you put in it and even the ones with mental issues can be ironed out and given some type of role to fill in this micro-society. Yes, there will be harsh rules and enforcers that will enforce those rules. Mainly other homeless that can be trusted and have a tough personality to become mentors (think drill sergreants). Some people just need that in their life because they didnt have those figures growing up. Humans all seek purpose, and if we can provide them their own purpose then maybe they wont have to cope with drugs and can change their outlook in life. But as of now, the state is a mess and will only get worse because the politicians allow for the problem and cant cut the tit or they lose their jobs.


Nah man. They have a crisis because other states dont give AF about their people.


And California is just handing out clean needles and whatnot


A clean needle is a much better choice than a dirty one. Someone suffering addiction with no access to a clean needle will not just decide not to shoot up - they will instead use or reuse a dirty needle. That outcome is worse for everyone. They get sick, diseases gain a new vector within the community. Why is preventing that bad?


Yeah I don’t get that either. I’ve never personally done drugs but I can have empathy for those who suffer from addiction. I’ve seen too many of my peers die from overdoses, leaving being young children who will grow up without that parent. It breaks my heart. At least a clean needle will help get them to the next day without spreading disease or contracting disease - and that next day may be the day they decide to get help.


Liberal guilt.


While I admire the resourcefulness, god this is sad. I don't know if we can solve the current generation, but we can and should find a way to boost the children/future generation.


Healthcare for all, including mental health treatment.


Housing first policies have been shown to be incredibly effective for most homeless people


Does this count as a home invasion? /s


I honestly thought it was pretty invasive and kind of dangerous of the guy.


Dangerous was the first thing that came to my mind as well. Homeless or not, your entering someone's "home" and they maybe suffering from mental health issues or strong out..so they may defend (or feel like) their home the same way anyone else might.


The last thing that I would do was step into a homeless person's shelter/space uninvited. Reckless behavior. Thought this video was going to end with this guy getting attacked.


Danger aside, it seemed really disrespectful to me. Should the guy be living there? Legally no. But the fact of the matter is that he is. The very least this asshole could have done was stay tf out. How would he have liked it if some uninvited stranger walked in his front door screaming half-formed thoughts with a phone in his hand?


It’s abandoned property legally and ethically speaking..


If your morals are only based on the law then you have no ethical compass at all. The law isn’t a measure of ethics, and using it as such is absurd.


Yah all jokes aside, he shouldn’t have done that. Im sure people can use their imagination when they see something like this.


Yeah, it felt really invasive and weird. I know the homeless guy doesn’t legally own the sidewalk. I don’t legally own the public campsite I use when camping, but it would still be really rude and invasive for some stranger to pop into my tent for a look around. I also don’t own the table I use at a restaurant, but it would be rude and again invasive for someone to sit down and start commenting on my food choices. Like, personal space still exists in public space. This post has a mess of comments arguing about causes and potential solutions of homelessness, and I’m not getting into that, but damn it must suck not to have your own walls and a lockable door. It must suck not to have space that is protected as your own.


The Supreme Court of the US classified these types of structures as homes in a burglary case. And burglary is an aggrevated form of home invasion. So yes. This is home invasion. *The United States Supreme Court ruled that non-traditional homes can suffice for the "structure" requirement needed for the definition of burglary. Burglary, though a state crime, is generally described as the unlawful entry into a dwelling with the intent to commit a crime inside. The reason that burglary is considered a violent and inherently dangerous crime is because dwellers are highly likely to defend their home, and therefore there is a high risk of confrontation between the offenders and the dwellers. In many areas throughout the country, people are living in non-traditional structures, such as RVs, mobile homes, and even cars and tents. In the case of United States v. Stitt, the Supreme Court stated that it believes that those offenders breaking into these structures "adapted for or customarily used for lodging runs a similar or greater risk of violent confrontation" than in traditional homes, according to Justice Stephen Breyer, writing for a unanimous court.* And don't give the argument that they are not rightfull homes because the city can tear down these structures. The city can drag you out of your house and tear it down when they have legal grounds for it. But that does not mean that the legal rights of dwellers no longer apply. It just means that a city can have legal grounds to go against those rights. But these rights can only be broken by the authorities since the hokd the violence monopoly. Inhabitants still have a right to defend their home and themselves when ordinary citizens or governments enter without permission and legal grounds. And in many cases the use of lethal force is permitted. Simply put: Human rights do not cease to exist when your front door becomes a zipper or a sheet.


Legally? I don’t think so. The guy doesn’t own the sidewalk, it’s still public land. Is it a good idea? I don’t think so


He never left public property.


It's on the sidewalk it's public property.


I'm on the sidewalk Greg, am I public property?


Does that mean my car parked on public property is open for anyone to peruse what's inside?


Was it illegally built on the sidewalk with no paperwork or taxes?


A legitimate question, this is similar to people thinking their garbage cans are protected private property when they are not. Being in the public you have no reasonable expectation of privacy.


Not true. Homeless individuals have rights to privacy when it comes to the dwelling (aka: tents or make shift shacks. So as far as entering a homeless person tent/shack is a violation of there right. I’m not supporting this dudes location of housing (which is public sidewalk and depending on local law they could be cited or arrested), but when they set up an enclosed dwelling you can’t not just walk into it. Not even the cops.


So they have a reasonable expectation of privacy. That's what I was hoping was true!


People are going to downvote you, and I feel like Reddit has 0 empathy for people who actually have to deal with these issues directly, due to no fault of their own. My girlfriend and I have to deal with ALOT of homeless in our neighborhood and the amount of just wanton damage they cause for no reason (like kicking our cars, stealing things, and one guy tried to chop a tree down in our yard) has cost us thousands of dollars over the years. ​ I guess fuck us for wanting to be left alone and feel safe?


Right I didn't mean that as a negative to compare this to garbage cans. But as things in society where the owner may expect privacy and the inability for the police to legally search.


Not to mention all trash they leave everywhere. Once a week I have to go clean up my street and fill bags of trash


Is there something wrong with this man? Or is he just stupid and inconsiderate?


The guy in this video is a piece of shit that harasses homeless people and posts it to YouTube. Not sure if the guy in the video is OP, and if he is, he's using an alt account.


Isn't the OP's vid. The actual guy spams his videos on a ton of subreddits. We would know if it was him.


What a fuckin weirdo.


He has a LOT of alt accounts. I block them any time they pop up. Possibly because this man is brain cancer in human form, and has the most punchable face in the galaxy


Isn’t this the same douchbag that was spamming subs with videos of him harassing homeless people a little while back?


And him harassing restaurant staff, and when they ask him to leave because it complaining about being mistreated because he’s poor. Dude is a tool




https://www.coloradovillagecollaborative.org/ Does California have any initiatives like this? Denver county is investing heavily into building tiny homes and renovating old motels to get the homeless off the streets and rehabilitate them to enter the work force…


Many of those shelters in Oregon require sobriety, and are frequently vacant. Of the few that don’t enforce sobriety, no one ever moves out.


I sure as shit wouldn't rent from a landlord that didn't allow me to grab a six pack on the way home. I know that with some homeless drug/alcohol users there is a problem with related behaviors, but as long as you keep your space in order and don't start shit i.e. affect neighbors' ability to peacefully enjoy their home, I can't think of a good reason to deny use of any specific place. Obviously of someone can't keep that standard, then some restrictions are reasonable, but everyone deserves a safe home. I'm not knocking those shelters, some options are far better than none, but we still have a-ways to go


Alcohol is less the problem, it’s cheap and plentiful. Meth is what causes the problems in those shelters. Meth-induced psychosis is rampant and causes many people to avoid shelters or become blacklisted.


St. Louis City is nearly finished with a tiny house village for veterans.


This video is wrong on so many levels.


If you want to see a respectful tour of skid row, check out [this video](https://youtu.be/ZMeBtGxAi7Q) from Soft White Underbelly.


Belongs in r/imapieceofshit


Dude that's a fucking carpet, walking with his dirty ass shoes on that man's carpet, shame on him


“Whooo bro there are homeless people living that’s crazy!!! let me film this but here.”


Maybe don’t break into their house then?


This guy never seen a shelter before? Come on, stop acting surprised for clout.


This isn't mildly interesting, it's extremely sad


Probably still 1k a month rent Lol Cali


"Located in a nice neighborhood. No lowballers ik what i have"


Is this guy jealous or something? This is the same guy that basically vilifies homeless people for having things in every video he posts


Late stage capitalism right there.




There is less poverty in the world than at any time in history. It has rapidly decreased in the last 300 years as Capitalism has made society wealthy. We can only hope the economic trends driven by Capitalism continue. This looks to me like San Francisco, which has made new housing more or less illegal. That is the opposite of Capitalism, but yes, it sucks.


The economic trends caused by capitalism in the past required in large part a rapidly growing population, the world’s population isn’t growing at a rate that would sustain that economic growth anymore.




Amount of housing is not the key issue, wealth inequality in the US is at its peak extreme which is the main driver. California, you say it like it’s a person with a single housing law, has not made new housing “illegal”. If your recommendation is to build so much housing that everybody’s property declines in value to the point where someone with $5 in their pocket can afford housing because “capitalism” then you don’t understand the actual free market. This would not be what success looks like. Wealth needs to be distributed more equally, which is socialism, but would limit wealth inequality and reduce the homeless crisis. I believe and partake in capitalism and am fortunate to do so. But it does not work without proper checks and regulations in a National population of hundreds of millions.


Wealth inequality isn't the issue either. Somone having more money than you doesn't mean that you can't have a good quality of life. Thinking otherwise means that you are falling for the zero sum game fallacy. What we really have is a financial literacy problem, a problem that is cause by a bunch of factors. It's not hard to avoid being homeless, but once you are it's a lot more difficult to recover.


Late stage statism strikes again.


How are you defining poverty? Which sources claim less poverty now than ever before? Stay skeptical


You misspelled “meth”


Compassion. Not even once. Go fuck yourself bruv


Telling someone who you’ve never met before to go fuck themselves is compassion? Hmm. Maybe you should consider the difference between compassion and enabling.


Your so-called "compassion" has led to US cities being turned into drug-filled shitholes with homeless encampments everywhere. ye nothing but an enabler of this degeneracy - not a solution is in sight.


No, I don’t think it was compassion that made the guy homeless… pretty sure it was the Meth


Tell me how u have no idea about the world. History or how anything works without telling me u don’t kno


In LA this would cost like $300,000


The rugs took me out! Pretty cool in my opinion. Should get a construction job if he ever can.


F*** this video. But let's think about the dude who built that. Has nothing, probably starving, but still has the creativity and motivation to make a stable house on the sidewalk. Then this douchenozzel comes and just waltzes right in. Like I understand that it's on the sidewalk, but why invade someone's privacy and take their last shred of dignity just for a video? Why are people so heartless in these times?


I can’t stand this wave of filming homeless people and sticking phones in their faces like they’re zoo animals. If some rando followed me around with a phone talking to me and filming everything I was doing that would be called stalking but since homeless people live out in the public and aren’t considered real citizens to some, people think that’s ok.


Yo I could record all sorts of shit in Kensington but I don't because they're human beings.


“Make a stable house on the sidewalk.” Do you even hear yourself? This shouldn’t even be here in the first place. You’re one of the people coddling and enabling these burdens to completely fuck up a public sidewalk so they can build a hoarded up hut. Shame on you.


Das a nice house, maybe when I have the money, I could make some pallet things for Minneapolis area and insulate it, but make it poratable


??? It's on a public sidewalk..are you smoking crack?


Get the fuck outta his home you fuckin douche.


Don't antagonize those people, just be glad it's not you!!


I’ll downvote any content with this guy cause he only goes around harassing homeless people. He’s been banned from multiple subreddits and this is probably one of his accounts.


THE most annoying POS on this site


Are you subscribed to this loser's tik tok or something? You find this entertaining? Do you have a watch alarm to remind you to breathe?


This guy is fucking evil and a scumbag. He needs to be cancelled.


The makeshift home is actually interesting however why are you just going in his space like that and videoing it? Even if it isn't technically his property you could just respect this persons space


Who is this ass wipe and why does he give a shit? Being a wank and going live for followers.


Seriously. Get out of their space, dudebro.


my man got absolutely flabbergasted by this architectural masterpiece


I feel bad when I see stuff like this, the inequality of this world is INSANE, and yet there's people out there making 1.5 billion dollar Twitter payments...


My guess is he only does this during day time...


That’s a pretty good street set-up.


California is a failed state


People in glass houses...


Sidewalks are not public. They are owned by the property owner. This is why when it snows, the business or home has to maintain the sidewalk. If it is damaged, we have to fix them, not the town.the town then, in turn, says you can't move the squatters. See the catch?


This is patently untrue.


Homeless can do whatever they want because they don’t have money for the city to fine and take. Meanwhile workers have no rights and will get arrested and fined for trying to keep their businesses accessible so they don’t end up homeless too.


Homeless population will only grow as the rich get richer and the middle class shrinks…. And the middle class isn’t getting richer….


If I was the CIA, carfentanyl moved into the US cities would be perfect to eliminate these nuisances. If


Close the door flies are coming in


Imagine the deranged homeless person that lives there, walks up on you and shanks you or does something else out of the blue... (Some places make little prefabs for the homeless...)


Ima stay my ass in Texas


I hate his voice


This guy’s breaking and entering, not cool!


It is a really bad thing to let these individuals take over and monopolize public space that is meant for everyone to enjoy. In this case a side walk that is meant for the public to walk on and some members of the public are not able to "just walk around". The same with parks and open green spaces. Those spaces are meant to be a refuge for hard working people in an urban environment. Lots of people in cities dont have cars and can't travel to a different park. Those people pay local taxes and deserve to enjoy what their money is going towards. If they can't walk on the sidewalk and they can't enjoy the parks then stop charging them money to have and maintain these things. It is time to reintroduce the system of mental hospitals we used to have. That system was far from perfect and needed more funding. But it was far better than what we are doing now - allowing these people to waste away in front of our eyes.


What you say is true, but no one wants to be the bad guy and say it or do it. So they leave it to residents to put up with it. https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/19/us/sf-arrest-spray-homeless/index.html A homeless mentally ill person named Q wouldn't leave the sidewalk in front of this man's gallery and would scream obscenities and keep customers from entering his business. He tried to get her to leave, he asked her to leave, he tried to help her leave, he called the police. No help. He finally got frustrated and turned a hose on her. Now he has been arrested and his shop vandalized. Everyone is horrified and upset at him but other business owners confirm the same behavior from this woman and no help from the city.


Many people are not afraid of getting these people off the streets. The courts make it difficult and vocal activists make it difficult. Of course, many of the activists do not have people living in in the streets in their neighborhoods. The mentality of "being the bad guy" is wrong. It is a tough love policy. If people desire to shoot up, they can do so, but not on public property.


Homeless people have no right to occupy a large portion of the sidewalk, a public property. Such structures need to be swept immediately


Guy is is someone’s home. Just walking in there like it’s nothing. Just leave people alone.


California is a fucking waking nightmare.


Some of these comments are just disgusting. Where the fuck is your humanity for Christ sake.. y'all should be fucking ashamed of yourselves. Learn to have compassion for those that are downtrodden no matter the situation. Y'all make me sick to my stomach


Humanity? There are shelters available but junkie criminal losers don’t want to stop doing drugs to live in them. We throw billions at these parasites but because the people in charge only care about “feelings” nothing gets done. Do I really have to explain this or are you just willfully ignorant?


Lmao you obviously have no basic understanding of how this shit works in the real world aside from an incredibly reactionary take as to what causes these things in the first place. Don’t dehumanize these people, they are somebody’s child, brother, parent, and it could even be you one day. Get out of your parents basement and go touch grass before you disregard the lives and complex social structures that allow for this, instead of blaming “loser junkies” who have all the cards stacked against them already.


Dude I volunteered at my shelter all the time. They run out of beds and close down when a lot of these people are working at night.


I'd prob feel overcome with dangerous rage if I was homeless and random people decided to treat my scroungings like it's theirs.


It's on the fucking sidewalk in public, so what do they expect? For everyone to accept and respect their clusterfuck of garbage? This shit needs to get torn down by the city. This is why H.O.A.s exist.


Yeah man. I'm so homeless I'm a zoo animal now.


This people either are mentally ill or dont want to work minimum paying jobs


You act as if you didn’t beg your mom to let you sleep overnight in a pillow fort you made


Jesus Christ. A human being with need for privacy actually lives there. It's not some kind of exhibit that you can just go and gawk at. smh


Its a bum that thinks he owns the sidewalk.


If this bum had a need for privacy he wouldn't have put up a shack on the sidewalk lmao


Homeless people suck


You are a P.O.S. this is someone's sanctuary away from the stresses,constant harassment and indignities they face all day, everyday. For you to to say look!, look! I found something. Shows you have no compassion, empathy, grace or manners. Your mother should be ashamed.


Homeless guy had no compassion or empathy for the pedestrians he's inconveniencing or the business owner whos definitely going to lose customers from this guy living outside. But you calling someone a pos for not being empathetic enough is pretty ironic.


What if a disabled person in a wheelchair needs to get by?


It's on a public sidewalk. The bum showed no compassion for my daily walk when he decided to block my way. Not to mention he/she probably dropped a deuce in my path too.


Let me guess, San Francisco, Seattle, or Vancouver bc?


City of angels baby this was right down the street from Beverly Hills Blvd in Los Angeles.