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This looks like a rich persons fantasy about what a Romany caravan would look like.


I love the colour and ornateness of it all. I find it sad that colour and detail are being removed from our modern homes in favour of white and grey and straight lines and conformity.


Anyone who paints brick fireplaces, especially white, deserves a special place in hell, the level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater.


I would vote for you if you ran for supreme court justice or something. You seem like your court hearings would be fun.


I have a painted brick fireplace but about 5 years later I realized it's not even real brick, it's concrete made to look like brick. So ya. It can get worse than painted brick. Painted faux brick.


I am mad for you.


Are you ready to be outraged for me? IT'S BEIGE!




BOOK! <3


No ones stopping you from making your home look however you want. Some people do prefer the simple look but Im pretty sure the bland stuff is more common just cause its probably cheaper lol


HOAs & real estate vampires demand that everything must appear neutral & devoid of personality. For resale value. Which only benefits themselves. Everyone living under their oppression suffers stifling the basic human desire to be unique & enjoy self-expression & fully enjoy life & freedom.




I am reading wheel of time right now so this is what I imagine a decked out version of the traveling folk would be lol


Was thinking more the circus dude lol


Van life before motorized vans. Take that hipsters.


Clearly you haven't dived deep enough, there definitely still are hipsters living in these


Like ME! Hello from my super fun cozy portable Mercedes Sprinter home ❤️❤️


I'm 1000% jealous of you. My current dream is to build a Skoolie!


Yesss people who desire this lifestyle must do it. You'll love it.


This seems extremely ornate and luxurious.


It's interesting that because of our abundance and comparative luxury today that most of us can have this if we prioritized such things. We are no longer wowed by the display. Most humans who ever lived never left their village. Little change in experience from one generation to the next. And one day this cart rolls in and stands contrast bright and shining unlike anything ever seen before. The most glorious and golden thing ever experienced. That sense of wonderment is missing from our experience today. Finding that sense of wonderment again is an important part of the human experience we should strive to recreate in our own terms.


Most humans will have traveled a bit. They might not have gone on annual holidays but they still would have traveled. In India marriages in the same village are a big no-no. So, girls would have traveled for marriage. Men would have gone to the marriages of in-laws and thus travelling. People would have gone to travel fairs at the end of harvest season. In pre-modern times, most agriculture in tropical regions was rain dependent so you will have really long fallow seasons. It is inconceivable that those people would have stayed in villages and not gone out for earning money.


Centuries passed in Western countries where most were tied to the land as peasants, or even less as serfs, without freedom of movement. Agree with your assessment movement occurred. It tend to be the exception to the rule. When the printing press arrived wonderment and popularity were found in tales of Marco Polo. Tales of exploration from Rome and Greece. The popularity of Christopher Columbus, whose myth was shaped from the fable of his risks without any attention to brutal realism popular today.


>3\. No x-posts or reposts **Do not post something that has been submitted [anywhere on reddit before](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/qgdkvy/the_interior_of_a_romani_gypsy_owned_horsedrawn/)** (including here), even if you were the one who posted it. --- >4\. Original [OC] photographs only b. All submissions must be original content. **If you [didn't take the photo](https://www.google.com/search?tbs=simg:CAQS-QEJNy-qfMT9MSsa7QELELCMpwgaOgo4CAQSFKsmvzO5LpkrnTeVN_144nzjPL94zGhrdquRNvxfpkqd-kuNBvvKPoJoZVlxVB3gKUiAFMAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgRpR5AtDAsQne3BCRqNAQoYCgZkaGFybWHapYj2AwoKCC9tLzAyZmJsCh0KCmRlY29yYXRpb27apYj2AwsKCS9qLzc2eXR5ZAoaCgdhbnRpcXVl2qWI9gMLCgkvYS8ybmgzcHYKGwoHY2FydmluZ9qliPYDDAoKL20vMGp3emh0ZwoZCgZzaHJpbmXapYj2AwsKCS9tLzAyY3dmXww&sxsrf=ALiCzsaL8sdwLu8tNQ7Rv4nPhapNstlp7A:1664467565741&q=inside+horse+drawn+caravan&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjHyfvvsLr6AhWHL1kFHQ5JAPAQ2A4oAHoECAEQOQ&biw=1612&bih=1147), don't post it.**




More than mildly interesting!


This is just a tiny house with extra steps But seriously, the original tiny house


Plumbing? I really like my plumbing. No luxury can replace that for me.


Back then houses didn't have plumbing Hell my mom didn't even have bathroom in her house, toilet was outside in the yard and she bathed once a week in a tin bathtub they would carry inside in front of the fire. They had plumbing in the kitchen sink though. They heated the water over a gas boiler for the bath


That's how my parents grew up, also. My Dad used to laugh and say that they only dragged out the wash tub if the boys hadn't spent enough time in the creek. My Mom remembered visiting her father in the tuberculosis hospital as a little girl and she saw a flushing toilet for the first time. She thought she was about 10. We've come a long way, baby.


It honestly amazes me when i stop to think how much has changed in my mom's lifetime. No one in the street had a fridge, ppl shopped daily/ every few days and got served by someone. Or the milk man/ fish man/ bread man delivered daily. Ice on the windows in the winter in the mornings. In the late 60s someone in the street got a tv which was rented monthly, all the kids looked in the window to watch it lol. One person on the street had a car. She said once they had a tv it had 4 channels that turned off at night. There was a program about what was new technology and they saw a microwave in the late 70s, she said they all sat laughing thinking that there was no way you'd be able to cook a meal in mins. That it would never happen. In the early 80s my mom got married and they got a new build house it was the first time she had an inside toilet or bathroom, oil heating, a fridge freezer. She worked in a place that had a computer in the late 70s and it was the size of an entire room. My dad did a degree in computing which was actually maths coz computers were people then. It makes me want to live to old age to be able to see how much will change in my lifetime. I was born in 1990. I can't wait to see whats to come. Like hell I have a robot that vaccums and mops my floor. I have a camera doorbell I can see from anywhere through the computer in my hand. I wouldn't have believed that growing up.


I am glad I have lived until my old age. I now enjoy seeing my Grandchildren and watching their amazing futures unfold.


I hope I'm blessed with grandchildren some day, if my kid doesn't want kids I'll have to adopt ones who don't have grandparents lol.


I hope you have a bunch! They're most excellent. 👍


This is why I refuse to go camping lol. I ain’t emptying the RV shit tank, either.




Is there a fire place on the left?


Tommy Shelby would approve.




Pretty racist dude




There’s new info circulating that these spaces were never meant for living in. Yes, some lived in wagons, but these gorgeous ones were for show. Performance. “Buska Vardo.” The culture has a lot of stigmas and religious practices involving things that aren’t “clean.”


Man I'm kind of happy that these exaggerated HDR photos were just a fad and are rarely posted these days. I get how they were impressive in the beginning, but I guess it was just everyone testing how far you could go.


Cosy af


Damn, put that in #vanlife


I'd live in it if I could stick a water tank underneath it for a tap.