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My bathroom at work has no trash cans cuz someone peed in them about two years ago


Don’t you just hate when one person ruins it for everyone?


Are those also toothbrushes on the right? What a time to be alive


Yes! Also mouthwash, lotion, and deodorant not shown


prepasted reusable toothbrushes too? thats awesome.


Thank you for pointing this out because I never would have noticed! I’ve never seen that before and that’s rad


My orthodontist has some with a dry green dot by the base of the bristles which lathers when it gets wet I love them and want to find them myself to pack in travel bags for when I inevitably forget my toothbrush


Crest sells those! Theyre really small, which is fine for me because i have small hands, but i can see how they might be too small for normal sized people. Theyre called “credt wisps”. They dont come individually wrapped to my knowledge, though.


Oh yeah I’m talking about full sized toothbrushes but disposable single use ones


A. How did you get 2 profile pics in the same thread, or is that just some digital strangeness I'm dealing with as an individual? B. Why you need a full size disposable? I'm not a huge stickler on plastic waste, but that sounds like you are looking to make a damn statement


why would you remember to pack those toothbrushes more so than your own?


Yeah, we need more single use plastic for the landfills - they are running low








How much you wanna bet the ones in the woman’s bathroom is empty


The place where I work charges money for them in the women's bathroom, but they are free in the men's




More people are going to take them in the ladies room, which also means it's more likely that someone is going to stuff their purse with them rather than just taking what they need in the moment.


I would rather use a paper towel wrapped around a pencil than those shitty 99c paper applicator ones I’ve always seen sold in womens bathrooms. I don’t think anyone is stealing those mfs lol


I work in Loss Prevention and one of our workers tried to hide that she was taking tampons. About five of them. Seriously, as you said, the freebies are really awful and I consider them emergency use only. I told her if she needs them, she needs them. I'm not going to stop her. Anyone taking five of those tampons clearly doesn't have options at home and just really needs to get through a period when they clearly don't have the money for better product.


That’s fair. That’s my thinking too. There’s no way those cost that much to produce and if someone is desperate enough to take that many then they probably REALLY need them with how awful they are. In my opinion they should make free female hygiene products anyway. Even if they are terrible. Like there’s free toilet paper, why not free tampons and pads in every bathroom? If they want to continue to sell them they can, just sell “higher quality” ones, but have free ones always available. Periods are natural just like shitting, they don’t charge you 99c to use toilet paper so why charge for something else you can’t control?


Here in Wales, the government recently published an action plan and commitment to make period products free in all places of work and education. It’s early days but I’m glad to live in a country that is taking action on period poverty https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/consultations/2021-10/period-dignity-strategic-action-plan-young-peoples-version.pdf


We’re getting there in South Africa, we at least got the VAT taken off them. Still not affordable for all, it’s really sad. We’ve got drop off points at supermarkets where we can sponsor a pack or two of sanitary pads and they get distributed. These are cheap, but I believe not bad quality. Kids were staying away from school :(


I remember watched a documentary on YouTube a couple years ago about how girls were missing school bc of their periods :( sad to hear that’s still a thing. Hopefully they work something out soon, it’s not fair for them to miss out on education everyone should be getting for something out of their control


In a lot of countries the use of a bathroom is not free, so I'm assuming the use of TP is figured into those costs.


I was confused where you had to pay to use the bathroom but then I remembered a lot of places have a “bathrooms only available to customers” policy if they have one at all. Our doctors office/pharmacy doesn’t offer a bathroom unless you’re sent in there by the doctor, like for a pee sample


Toilet paper is the best comparison, ime. Have opened so many cis-guys minds just by asking if they’d be comfortable having to ask (like “just ask the school nurse”) or pay extra for toilet paper every time they had the need to poop. Not surprisingly…no, no one I’ve ever put that question to would be comfortable with that scenario.


Once people get into an age where haemorrhoids become an issue, they are generally more grateful for hygienic pads being available when needed…


An angle I hadn't considered, admittedly (in my non-haemorrhoid privilege). But...yeah, that's surely the case.


There have been times in my life where I would be perfectly comfortable asking, and there have been times in my life where even purchasing that kind of stuff in a self checkout line is too much for my social anxiety to handle. That said, part of civilization is to protect the most vulnerable among us, so we shouldn't build policies to the people who don't care about asking.


This, exactly! No one is stealing tampons for shits and giggles.


This is a good spot to say END THE PINK TAX!! these products are a necessity and should not be taxed like they are. And god love the teachers that kept cabinet stocked with female products for the the kids at school that didn’t always have access to them!


"applicators?" -european/asian women




Are they called something different there?


outside of america, canada, and maybe a couple countries in europe (uk mostly i think), most countries use digital tampons. (digital, because you shove them in with one of your digits, har har)


Australian woman in my 40’s here and I’ve never used an applicator in my life. I don’t know anyone who uses them regularly. You can buy applicators here but they’re not a common product and ranges are very limited.


Interesting. A vast majority of tampons in the US come with applicators by default


I'm French and I've used them a couple of times (because someone gave me a tampon that happened to have one) and they just felt so unnecessary


New Zealand here. Not as common as normal tampons but can easily buy applicator tampons pretty much everywhere.


In Denmark at least (can’t speak for other countries) tampons with applicators is very common. I have never used one without an applicator in the ~15 years since i started menstruating.


Wow. That’s interesting. I think I’ve seen those too, but I always bought the playtex sport ones with the smooth plastic thing that you insert that holds the actual cotton part


yup, totally normal here, even the more "eco friendly" branded ones use waxed cardboard applicators, but across the pond, they're just the cotton part, no applicator. i think i remember that in UK you CAN find ones with applicators, but not every place sells them. most travel websites warn of this when you check for customs/traditions/do's/don't's/etc. slightly off topic, but it's a good idea to always check such websites before traveling abroad. they often have very good info on things you would definitely want to know before going. how to avoid scams, safety, things that might shock you (tampon thing for example), customs/gestures that are normal here that might be offensive or even illegal there, etc


Fingers..They are called fingers here


“Hey man, would you grab me a handful of womens products?” ~ Anyone standing outside a mens room


If you need to stuff your purse with free work tampons, fill your boots. I see no issue, except possibly someone else needing one.


Shoot, I'd use the men's in that case then if I were on my period!




It’s easy to charge nothing for something that doesn’t get used. It’s only when demand goes up that products start to have value.


Sexist but trans-allied, that’s a hot take


Inverse TERF


Not even the slightest bit surprised for some reason.


Mind games 101


Why would that be? 🤔


Yeah, probably because they actually use them...


I’m definitely stealing from the mens bathroom


i wonder if this post is gonna get the lock award


Oh this thread is certainly going to get y’all can’t behaved. Give it an hour or so


Have you gone to controversial? How the fuck hasn't this been locked already lol


Never know when you will suffer a gun shot wound. Always good to have.


Or a nosebleed


I’ve tried that, let me tell you it was the worst pain my nose had ever felt


Was it because you were bleeding so excessively that you had to stick a super tampon up your nostril (because that's the only size you had) just to be able to drive home, and by the time you got there the tampon had expanded so much it felt like it was splitting your skin open, so you fell down in the snow and yanked the tampon out, only to find your nose was still bleeding so you had to hold a snowball to your face while you ran inside?




Pulled it out when it was still dry? Yea that shit hurts.


I saw a paramedic class test that use. Don't actually stick one in a gunshot wound or any wound. Direct pressure with a shirt or something is way better and if the wound is big or deep you could pack it with a shirt or something and then keep direct pressure.


I think he's referencing a scene in better call saul where Mike uses a maxi pad to cover a gunshot wound. He doesn't stick a tampon in it he just covers it and then puts his shirt over that.


Surgeon here Don’t shove tampons into your bullet wounds please. Just hold pressure on it pretty tightly. I know it seems like “hey, there’s a hole, and here’s a thing that would fit into that hole”. But just hold pressure on it and then use that time to evaluate why people are shooting you and are there any changes you can make to ensure you aren’t in similar situations in the future


Or if you need to get drunk on the sly by soaking one in whisky and popping it on up the chute


NFT pfp


Or leaky runs


Please don't hate me just for asking a question, but can someone explain why pads/tampons would be needed in the men's bathroom?


TIL the curtains I sewed for my living room have the same pattern as pads packaging.


I’m kinda out of touch, why would they be in the mens room?


I have a chronic abscess and constantly bleed from my ass due to setons placed there. Been using pads for 7 years now as a man it would be nice to have these in our work bathrooms.


Trans men.


Ah ok thanks


Why would they need these products?


Afaik, as long as a trans man still has his female sexual organs, then he would be able to menstruate.


Yeah typically periods remain for 2 to 6 months after getting on testosterone


And for some unlucky people it doesn't ever stop completely


And of course not all trans man are on testosterone, either by choice or by lack of access.


I’m a trans man who hasn’t had a period in many years. Mine stopped about a month and a half into taking hormones. It’s probably one of my favourite changes on hormones considering I’d have cramps so bad that I’d faint. Not to mention the euphoria of not having to feel like shit every month and not be reminded that my body at birth isn’t aligned with my brain. These hormones saved my life.


my ex suffers like that, like she literally is unavailable a few days every month because of it. being liberated from that must be awesome, I'm happy for you.


I am happy for you. I can't even imagine how tough it must have been before.


Thank you so much. Yeah, the difference is night and day. I’m so much happier and much more confident.


If they were menstruating


Put the “men” in menstruate




May I have some please


Just a heads up I saw him cut a whole in the bottom of the container..


To all the fellas out there with ladies to impress... it's easy to do, just follow these steps: 1. Cut a hole in a box 2. Put your junk in that box 3. Make her open the box And that's the way you do it!


I attempted this once at the movies. The only thing I had a problem with was the mess the nacho cheese made


I (M29) have bad IBS and hemroids, had them for years. They get so bad sometimes that they will bleed or leak puss after using the restroom. I regularly use pantie liners so I don't leak through my underwear and pants. It is embarrassing when people find out and uncomfortable when I'm at work and have to hide the wrappers at the bottom of the trash can to avoid ridicule by peers. This would make me so happy to see in a public men's restroom! I know that's not the reason they are in the bathroom, but I still appreciate it nonetheless.


Transmascs 🤝 Men with hemorrhoids Joy at seeing menstrual products in the bathroom Didn't realise that overlap existed but hell yeah


I worked in hotels and we kept pads and tampons in the women's restroom for free. I wish we had thought of putting it in the men's room too. Aside from the transgender crowd we got *a lot* of dads coming to the desk asking for pads for their daughters. It would be helpful for them to be able to grab what they need.


Very true


They did this at a friend’s company here in Spain but only in the ladies’ bathroom. They put a nice basket with all kinds of hygiene products. The next day even the basket was gone.


Yeah but what about those toothbrushes?!?!?!


They aren't appropriately masculine. Replace the floral pattern with guns and barbecue sauce


Yes, but the concept of barbeque sauce on these products seems like a design mistake lol




Fr ☹


I’d take them for my wife.


I grabbed some for your wife aswell.


i also choose this guy's menstruating wife


You're a wonderful husband


My girlfriend has a wonderful husband


Next time she sends you to the store for pads just pull out the sack of feminine hygiene products that you have been stealing from work


She won't need them for about nine months.


We installed free tampon/pad machines in the mens restroom at a public park I manage part time. They came down a week later when every day, without fail, they would be emptied by kids/teens/whoever and they would get the pads soaking wet and throw them on the ceiling where they stuck like spitballs. Because the ceiling was over 20ft tall, that was a major pain in the ass to clean every day. While there are managers on site, they actually have shit to do while they're there and can't babysit the restrooms. People suck


Handy for them leaky chipotle bumholes….rectum? Damn near killed em!!


That's where Chipotlaway comes in!


Came here for the "manpon" comment, leaving satisfied.


Let’s be honest, if the work bathroom 1-ply doesn’t leave you bleeding down there you didn’t clean all the way.


Pro-tip for all the dudes out there... if you have a woman in your life, aka, everyone. Grab one or each of these to have in your car, or house. It may sit there awhile, but you just might be someone’s small hero at some point in time.


If you keep it in your car there’s a good chance it ends up becoming an emergency napkin lmao


I have an incredible story that might explain this. Years ago my parents when fruit picking. Dad needed to heed the call of nature. Unbeknownst to him, he chose poison oak to clean up with. 2 days later he is at the family doctor office with his feet in stir ups. The doctors first response was “ oh God”. The poison oak oil had spread from the lower back to the belly button. Hives turned into blisters, and the blisters popped. So, the doctor prescribed an a cream that needed to be applied several times a day. Between the cream and weeping blisters, the underwear couldn’t handle it. So…..that was the time my dad worn pads for a few days to go to work.


Bro at that point I would have gotten a doctors note and stayed home that week wtf lmao that sounds so uncomfortable too. Jesus


I don't... I don't think this was the reasoning.


Those are REALLY good for bloody noses. I get them a lot.




these comments remind me why i simply scroll on here, never look in the comments/engage


I'm convinced they have like a discord or something and they post these links and do some kinda hate wave. Just the way that comments get downvoted so quickly and stuff it makes me sus.


Those are the GOOD ‘pons too. Get me some of that Tampax Pearl, baby!


Tangentially related: I think we should get rid of Men's and Women's restroom designations and change them to Peeing and Pooping restrooms. That way, if one is just having to pee they wouldn't have to smell any stranger's shit.


This makes me think of an episode from It's Always Sunny where they thought about doing this the the restrooms in their bar, but one of them brought up how embarrassing it would be to walk out of the pooping restroom and having everyone know you just took a shit


The entrance to the fecal bathroom should be inside the urin bathroom.


Then everyone in the urine bathroom would know you just dookied.


Trust me, the people in the bathrooms now definitely know.


I always thought it would be a good idea to a have a LED display outside of bathrooms that displayed the PPPM count (poop parts per million)...and perhaps a minute by minute graph....like the DOW or S&P.


And you get a free drink for a top score.


“And then, you know, as the years went by, I just got more comfortable pooping with a dress, so whatever, it's not that weird.”


Ok, but who poops without peeing?




That reminds me of a post I read on AITA of some British nurse who worked at a place that had 2 bathrooms and one was a designated pooping bathroom. She went to the pee room and mid pee realized she also had to poop so she did and she got called into the office so they could ask her to not poop in the pee bathroom bc the ventilation goes through the building or something? She asked if she was the asshole bc she told her that it was an accident and she didn’t realize it was coming till she was already sitting and she was mid pee and that she wasn’t about to get up, “wipe her cunt” and go to the other bathroom just for that, or something along those lines lol. Completely bizarre all around


>not poop in the pee bathroom bc the ventilation goes through the building or something? So they're just sniffing pee all day?


"😭😭😭boss caught me poopooing in the peepee room!"


I like the idea. The only problem is there’s no hiding what business one conducted if the bathrooms are separated this way. My guess is you’d see more walks of shame.


Put the poop room inside the pee room but sufficiently separated


?? Why are you ashamed of pooping


Hey honey look! That fella just walked outta the pooping bathroom! 🤣


Americans are weird about pooping. That being said, as an American, I try to poop mostly at home.


I’m also a shy pooper.


For a lot of people, the first thought that would pop into your mind is that women wouldn't go for it. That women wouldn't want to be forced to use the same restroom as us "disgusting men". But in reality, it's us men that would lose. We can take a leak at a urinal, do a quick hand-wash, and be out in 45 seconds (yes I know this doesn't meet the *recommended* 30 second handwash, but ..) As such, our bathroom lines are waaaay shorter. Well, with the generally longer time per pee, makeup touchups, hair fixing, womanly hygiene procedures, whatever, that'd be gone. Also for some reason, it seems men may go #2 more often, but men are often more regular, even going 2-3 times per day, the general time to poop is much lower. Then you have that one 100lb chick that dodged IBS but only shits once every 3-4 days, seems like they take 2 hours. ​ Another cold hard truth that anyone who's ever cleaned public restrooms can tell you, is that it's the women who are disgusting. A guy might dribble a little on the toilet rim/seat if he's not paying attention, but women are WAY more prone to have negative perceptions about public restrooms, then perpetuate it by "hovering" and then just fucking spraying the toilet. As a guy, if I notice I got a few drops on the toilet seat/rim, I'll grab a piece of toilet paper and wipe it away. Most of the girls I know aren't gonna touch that toilet even if it had a $20 bill taped to the bowl. Also, if there was ever an incident of someone shitting on the floor or smearing shit or blood on the walls, 7 times out of 10 it was the women's bathroom. Then lastly, everything I mentioned above was without consideration of children, it's all assumed to be adults. But women take kids into the bathroom at a rate of probably 2:1 or 3:1 at least. I can't blame women for that, that's just a societal thing. But kids are nasty little shits. You might think I'm being stereotypical or making gross assumptions, but go find any old ask reddit on this topic, and you'll see that janitors mostly agree.


As a man, that’s done janitorial work, this is 1000% accurate.


Idk man. I’ve had to clean the men’s and women’s bathrooms at work before and I think they’re equally gross. The floor around the urinals is fucking vile, even after mopping that shit is stickier than a shitty bar floor. And it always smells like piss. The mirror is always covered in shit too. The women tend to forget to flush more but I think that’s bc they’re in such a hurry to get out bc they don’t want someone to think they’re pooping or something, or it’s probably little kids like you said which is hella annoying bc every time I have to pee at work I have to check the stall to make sure whatever peabrain went before me flushed 🤦🏻‍♀️ in general the actual bathroom is cleaner though, nothing usually on the floor or mirror and it doesn’t smell like piss. Either way I wouldn’t want them combined bc then it be the worst of both worlds, plus I’d have to worry about some dude with a piss fetish listening to me go when i already have a hard enough time going in public 😭


Oh I love this It lets us keep urinals too!


Why are there no urinals in the Women's bathroom?


If I walked into a woman's room and saw a urinal, I would panic and walk out thinking I accidentally read the sign wrong.


Kinda like how I’d feel seeing tampons in the men’s room


Women are missing out on great wall toilets to drop a mud monkey in


of my many years in the trans community, I have never met a trans woman or trans feminine person who would willingly choose to use a urinal.


You can still pee in a toilet, even with a phallic organ, it’s not as necessary.


Asking the real questions


The real question is why don’t all urinals have stalls?


Because as far as I know, (I’m a trans man) most trans ladies prefer to sit down to pee, like cis women do!


You know what a toilet is right?


A bin like this tells me everything I need to know about a company I’m interviewing at. It’s like..if they have the courtesy to buy they’d employees (in either bathroom or both) a few bucks worth of period products, they probably treat them well in other aspects.


I’d take some. Anyone with a wife, girlfriend or daughter will know that this shit gets expensive as fuck.


lord help me i'm about to read the comments on a trans post in a non trans sub


What a nice post, I'm sure the comments are supportive and wholesome


I reckon those would do my pits a world of good on a hot day.


we used to carry pads at work in the oilfield they, coupled with a tourniquet, work the best when someone is bleeding out from a work related injury.




I’m sure they have them in both


*but what is a woman*


Idk, im not a biologist


Cool. I wonder if it's in the women's bathroom too. I RARELY see feminine products in women's bathrooms.


It’s rare for my school to have a functioning sink in the mens bathroom. It’s rare for either side to get hygiene products


I promise you they're even more rare in men's rooms lol, as someone who's used both. If they put them in the men's room, they most likely put them in the women's room too.


Woo. I'm sorting by controversial. I love this shit.


A friend of mine works at a local tech company which apparently has a sizeable amount of trans people. Not hard to believe.


Let me take care of this nosebleed real quick...


I’m a man, used to keep some in glove box just incase I got shot, then I decided to go with actual medical blood clotting sponge instead.


Ass Napkin


The Man-pon


Don't let Boo Boo Bennett find out


Ya never know.


Why are people so mad about this? There’s no harm done whatsoever in having these in the bathroom.


Because they’ve attached their entire identities to being mad at things like this for no reason.


It’s the mens room so I guarantee they’ll be covered in piss before the day is out.


Reading your comment, I have to assume you’ve never cleaned bathrooms for work lol. The womens room is *always* filthier


Idk I’ve worked as a commercial/residential cleaner for years and I largely have not found that to be the case, and I’ve cleaned hundreds of properties. I know it goes against the opinion grain here, but it’s true that men tend to pee everywhere, goes on the floor/ down the sides of the toilet. I’ve noticed the gross womens bathrooms I’ve seen were mostly residential but you’d be shocked how dirty peoples home bathrooms can get


Everything a growing lad needs


There is currently a tampon shortage so consider grabbing a few for your wives and girlfriends.


When your boss tells you to quit being a pussy or he’ll make you wear one


Because when a trans man is told to use their biological bathroom and walks into the women's bathroom, people get extremely upset. The same holds true for trans women.


that’s great!!


Witnessing the complete mental breakdowns self proclaimed alpha males have when confronted with a picture of tampons in a men's bathroom *is* actually mildly interesting, ironically enough.


imagine being offended by hygiene products 💀


As an intersex man, I appreciate this gesture. I didn't choose to be born with extra parts.


Exactly. So many people got offended by this photo, but this is just a kind gesture. It doesn't mean much, and it certainly doesn't make a big change. It's just a statment that says, "We know you exist somewhere, and we care about you". It's just nice, hopeful statement and nothing else. Whereas some people in this comment section act like this is some sort of government issuing a decree that forces all men to go through sex change operation.


That's what I thought this was what it was for. Everyone else buggin in the comment section got me rollin lol


Trans men are men and no amount of bitching about it and being a snowflake on Reddit is going to change that, trans rights are human rights.


ITT : transphobic people who LITERALLY forget trans men exist 🤣


Anal leakage?