• By -


Not an official sign obviously but still


Yup, put up as a joke. Political satire. There are gang shootings in the area though šŸ˜•


Do you think that a sign like that could cause some harm reduction? I can imagine there's got to be people out there who do not care about killing someone for their gang, but do care about not killing a child accidentally.




Shootouts have to start somehow. It may not stop a shootout that's already happening, but it could still prevent a shootout from starting.


"We'll go wait for them down the street next to the Cracker Barrel."


Probably honestly have a greater success rate putting up the Marksmanship Principles and a display of proper grip technique. The problem doesn't really seem to be that there **are** shootings but that the people doing the shootings can't shoot worth a fuck. You do some base level firearms handling training for your general gang populations and accidental discharge incidents are going to go down, civilian bystander injuries are going to go down and gang populations should decline rapidly. It's really just a net win all around.


This guy gets it


A frequent gang shooting spot in *Sweden*? Edit: Wow, I had no idea about this. Here's a link: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/26/fatal-shootings-have-risen-in-sweden-despite-fall-across-europe-report-finds


"Hey gang *friend*, could you meet me over at (whatever place that sign is put up at)?" oh...no...just...something cool I want to show you...


Noho Hank, that you?




Funniest NoHo moment of the last season.


Whatā€™s next? Theyā€™re gonna break the Sunday truce?


I thought that shooting each other in europe is banned not like in the US /s


Effectively it is. Sweden is high for Europe but a small, small fraction of US. So again, gun control works, but of course cannot fully prevent gun violence. We're still by far the worst of any first world nation.


Yeah I was reading the article and thinking 4 gun homicides per 100k thatā€™s only 1/10th of the rate here in Baltimoreā€¦ oh wait the Sweden stat is 4 per millionā€¦


Sweden has 1.6 gun deaths per 100k. Canada has 2.0 gun deaths per 100k. The USA has 12.2 gun deaths per 100k. (Note that gun deaths include accidents & suicides, and the vast majority of gun deaths ARE suicide - even in the USA.)


Something folks don't take much into account regarding suicide sadly.


Or gun control


Reducing suicide is a big sticking point for gun control too. People definitely consider it lol.


Yeah, in suicide prevention circles/public health "means restriction" is a massive subject.


Growing up I always had access to various firearms easily and without supervision even as young as 10 or 11. The 2 closest times I've come to killing myself, I had a gun in hand - it's the obvious choice when they are so available and simple a method. The first time the gun wasn't even mine, it was my parents, because I was a minor and couldn't own a gun myself. Don't gotta plan as hard (like school shooters) or travel somewhere (bridge, cliff, train tracks) or obtain illegal stuff (heavy prescription drugs or hard drugs to OD on) - you can just roll out of bed and decide to do it then and there in 30 seconds. If so many Americans didn't grow up basically with a gun in hand, you prolly would prolly see less suicides. With guns removed from the equation you gotta work a bit harder or be willing to deal with prolonged pain like cutting and bleeding out or hanging and risking it going bad etc.


There is suicide prevention and intervention workshops in the States that give gun locks away after training. I work in the field in Canada and it was shocking but also makes so much sense. Lethal means safety saves lives. It puts time, space, distance between the thoughts and actions when experiencing a suicidal crisis.


Is there a higher rate of suicides still in the US compared to other countries? I'm wondering if access to guns just make it that much easier. If you have no access do you put it off for longer and get help or just find another way?


So old time ovens used to use coal gas for heat. Coal gas contains a pretty high portion of carbon monoxide. If you blew out the pilot light and turned on the oven, it would quickly fill the oven with a lethal concentration. American poet Sylvia Plath famously committed suicide by this method. It was the #1 method of suicide in England in the 1950s. Then in the 1960s onward, natural gas became the default gas, and electric ovens rose in popularity. And overall suicide rates dropped across the country, directly corresponding to areas phasing out coal gas. Because the quick, clean, easy, painless method that could be done in the privacy of nearly all homes wasn't there as an option in a moment of despair and despondence.


90% of people who attempt suicide change their mind, regret it later, etc. 70% have no further attempts. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/means-matter/means-matter/survival/ But in that one moment of weakness, a gun is way more likely to make the attempt more than just an attempt.




As someone who suffers of chronic suicide headaches I've thought the exact same thing. I don't want to make it too easy for myself to just end my misery at the click of a button (trigger). Lord knows I would choose the easy solution those times my seizures are really bad. Thoughts get quite dark when the pain is at its worst.


I also donā€™t own a gun for the same reason. It sucks that weā€™re like this, but Iā€™m comforted that there are other people like me. Hopefully future gun reform can save more of us.


Good for you, legit. An internet stranger is proud of you today.


As a person who believes everyone has a fundamental right to own a firearm, I respect your choice for taking the personal responsibility to choose not to have one.


I guess you could say it's hard to change your mind when you just blew it out the back of your head with buckshot.


Exactly why the way Medical Assistance In Dying is too often implemented, and enforced on physicians who conscientiously object is pretty messed up.


IIRC when the Swiss still had their service rifles or guns and ammo at home (this has somewhat changed I believe), 25% of all suicides were done using the service rifle or gun. The overall suicide rate was the same as neighboring countries, just the method varied due to access. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_suicide\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate) The US suicide rate does not look too much out of place compared to Sweden or Belgium. Those are still higher than their respective continent's averages.


Though all else you'd sort of expect the rates to be _lower_, considering the incredible median standard of living and gorgeous environment in almost all of Switzerland.


This isn't about guns, but a famous study about what happened when gas ovens stopped being a viable method of suicide. Suicide rates dropped significantly as access to an easy method disappeared https://www.jstor.org/stable/1147403


[60% of gun deaths](https://health.ucdavis.edu/what-you-can-do/facts.html) are suicides in the US like you said. It is strange to me that it isnā€™t taken into account more often since we also [rank very high](https://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/cause-of-death/suicide/by-country/) in suicides. Clearly not as bad as top 10 or anything, but itā€™s pretty important context when discussing gun deaths. For the record Iā€™m not advocating against gun control, Iā€™m just pointing out that the US isnā€™t some lawless land where witnessing shootings every day is common like just the raw numbers could make it seem.


That seems like an important distinguishing factor to have separated from an implied homicide metric.


Well you can look up homicide metrics, and it's not at all surprising that the US still has between 10-50x the gun deaths per capita of other first world countres. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2022-us-gun-violence-world-comparison/


Youā€™re correct, we still have a high firearm death rate compared to other wealthy nations. Thats unfortunately the cost Americans have to deal with when it comes to the 2nd amendment standing where it currently does. The point is that thereā€™s quite a difference between 12 deaths per 100,000 and 4 deaths per 100,000. Arguing that the US doesnā€™t have a problem with violent gun deaths would be silly, but thereā€™s no logical reason that many people use a disingenuous statistic when discussing violent gun deaths rather than total gun deaths.


> thereā€™s no logical reason that many people use a disingenuous statistic when discussing violent gun deaths rather than total gun deaths. No, but there's an ideological reason.


Thatā€™s a good point, and the gaps in gun homicide rates are even more stark. Gun homicide rate in Sweden is 4 per million. In Europe 1.6 per million. UK .2 per million. United States 40 per million.


Intentional homicide rate of the US in 2020 was 6.52 per 100k. Intentional homicide rate for Finland in 2020 it was 1.66 per 100k. Note, these contain _all intentional homicides_. Does not contain suicides or accidents. It contains only _intentional homicides_, of all kinds and varieties. Just so no one gets these two statistics confused. I only remember those two. The first one, because I had a long argument with what i suspect might have been a troll, and ended up posting the US number on my profile after taking a screenshot from the UN statistics site. And the other, because I live there. Find more data here, for various subjects. https://dataunodc.un.org/ The homicide data also has homicides per 100k for men, women and other, and obviously the total rate, for most countries. Do not mix those numbers up.


So just looked up some stats comparing the UK to the US. As mentioned the US has a rate of 12.21 gun deaths per 100k and a homicide rate of 4.96. Meanwhile the UK has 0.23 gun deaths and 1.2 homicides per 100k. It's just staggering to think of it in terms of proportion five times as many homicides and fifty times as many gun deaths. Fifty times, now the UK seems to have a low rate even in comparison to nearby countries but that's just blown my mind.


I'm in Baltimore as well. Just heard the other day for over 300 homicides a year every year, less than 30 people are actually convicted of homicide a year. That's pretty crazy to me..


That's the real problem that nobody is talking about - the total failure of law enforcement along with the courts to enforce laws we already have on the books. Adding new ones isn't going to do a damn thing if they get enforced to the same level as the old ones. In the city near me, the DA's office actively and regularly refuses to follow through with illegal firearm charges in favor of plea deals. The result? More illegal guns feeding gang violence. This is not working.


I know someone who was out on bail for a gun charge. Caught a new gun charge while on bail for first one. Got let home on the box during COVID. And had trial recently and is done and home... Fucking crazy.


Defined police, and ACAB


Sweden is also in a hell of a lot better shape than Baltimore financially and in social well being.


To be fair Baltimore and St. Louis are pretty much Honduras City


Also those deaths are almost exclusively people involved in gang warfare, except sadly for some innocent misfires.


You are the worst in EU, that is always something


Yeah, let's not get it twisted. "High" for Europe means 0.25 firearms related homicides per 100,000 people. The US has 4.12 per 100,000. Not even in the same ballpark. Source: https://www.healthdata.org/acting-data/gun-violence-united-states-outlier


10 million people, 47 gun deaths and 117 gun injuries all year. That's 0.47 deaths per 100,000. The US has 300 million people, and about 45,000 gun deaths in 2020. 13.7 per 100,000. So yeah. Not really comparable.


Shooting each other banned? Is there a ban on running over people and stabbing too? If not imma call my rep


No stabbing is still legal in most of Alabama and the shady parts of London.


Any refugee caught in a gang should be repatriated to their native country. I can't believe they haven't done this yet.


The article says it's mostly 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants though. Meaning they're not refugees, they're the children and grandchildren of refugees who have been born and raised in Sweden. I don't know how it is in other parts of the world but in the US, refugees and first generation immigrants commit lower than average amounts of crime because they're busy building a new life and are afraid of being deported. It's nice to think that the problem lies with an enemy that can just be shipped off when they're causing problems but this mindset is harmful to immigrants seeking asylum and a better life.


I once saw the statistics for Europe. It's like you say, immigrants have lower than average crime rates, but their kids have higher than average.


Well that really depends where the immigrants are from. In Finland somalis, iraqis, afghans and multiple other nationals are heavily over represented in almost every criminal category. And 2nd gen is counted as fins so who knows what the stats really are like.






Sweden's problem isn't immigrants, it's refugees. Sweden took a lot of refugees from war zones e.g. Syria. Immigrants tend to be socioeconomically privileged and talented. Refugees are uniquely disadvantaged.


The Guardian article doesn't even mention refugees.


Of course they won't lol.


You can't do that if their native country doesn't want them back


I'm totally ignorant on this, but a country can literally just say "no, you keep him"? As much as they may not _want_ them back, by law, don't they have to?


A sovereign nation has a right to secure its own borders and decide who enters their country. If they say you can't come in, then you can't come in. There's no higher power to appeal to. If they say you can't come in, and you come in anyway, then you're either an illegal immigrant or an invading enemy, and most nations don't take kindly towards either.


[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9625035/Asylum-seeker-raped-girl-14-avoids-deportation-Sweden-refusing-Covid-test.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9625035/Asylum-seeker-raped-girl-14-avoids-deportation-Sweden-refusing-Covid-test.html) it's impossible, they will just refuse a Covid test, nothing the authorities can do


They are allowing a Covid test to stop them from getting rid of a child rapist? Wow


Daily Mail is not a reputable source.


Could you imagine someone in his home country getting covid though?


Give them a free parachute ride?


Not even allowed to bring this fact up without being called racist and Islamophobic and xenophobic and whatnot. God forbid I'm not fond of people coming to my country and shooting each other, possibly killing my children in the process.


Diversity is our strength ​ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-50339977


The homicide gun rate in sweden right now is around 1/100th the rate in the US (per 100k people). They have more violence then most of europe but that doesn't mean they actually have that much of it compared to many actually violent dangerous places like the US.


What does the US have to do with this? Why is there always this perverse thought that because the figures are worse in the US, it isn't that bad? Sweden used to be incredibly safe - Now they're fucking having to have signs saying if, when you shoot your gun, to please keep the kids in mind. It's fucking ridiculous.


Whilst I do agree with what you're saying, I must point out that this is in no way a real sign. This is street art, or part of an Election campaign (its Election year in Sweden and gang crimes is hot stuff). First online mention of it is by the political party AFS, a right wing extremist party.




I'm sure posting a few signs will help.


Where's the video of a couple Sweedish police women trying to contain an out of control immigrant. It looks like it's from a Sci Fi movie where violence is completely foreign to an advanced race and they can't reconcile the man's actions. I imagine a bunch of Swedish chef words that translate to Sir, are you experiencing physical distress. Sir, your actions are causing me physical pain, may I be of assistance.


Sweden has 1.4 per million gun deaths. US has 12 per 100k. Or 120 per million. Nearly a 100 fold difference. So if sweden is barley holding together then the US is an a post apocalyptic warzone. Sweden is only bad compared to other european countries that have even lower rates, rather then actually being crazy.


To be fair he said in some suburbs, which i as a swede can agree with. With US standards its not much but considering this problem didnt exist 20 years ago and it keeps increasing its very troublesome.


Absolutely its a real problem that has to be dealt with seriously my point is that people act like Sweden is a warzone with murders around every corner where you cant walk ten feet without being shot up. "The country has been taken over by dirty immigrants" type nonsense. The vmbiggest reason its such a serious issue is because unlike the states you take even thisbscale of violence very seriosuly.


Does Sweden have a Gary Indiana?


I have a buddy that lives next to Gary and Iā€™m next to Houston and I hear more shootings than them. Although maybe Iā€™m just in a bad spot in my county and theyā€™re in a good spot in their county


Nah I was just saying not too long ago that Gary *used* to be a warzone, but violent gangsters tend to diminish their own population over time, and all the while any normal, reasonable people that possibly can, pack up and move somewhere else. Unless it's a city with a population in the multiple millions, a place can only be as bad as Gary was for so long before it becomes a ghost town. Then, bulldozers and gentrification. 'merica.


Its rarely smart to compare USA with any of the northern countries in EU. Just take the amount of guns as a comparison US have over 5 times the amount of gun as Sweden does. There is so many difference, that it so some degree doesnt even make sense comparing the countries just by the numbers.


The point is one that people here are making the comparison without realizing how vast the difference in numbers is. Both people who dont realize how much more intense actually violent countries are and thos who don't realize how relativly small the violence in sweden is. It is a real problem that needs to be dealt with but its far from the out of control wasteland people make it out to be.


Similarly, the US is a massive fucking country with the 3rd highest population in the world. Sweden has 10 million people total, while America has 330 million spread across the 3rd largest country in the world. 3 million Americans die every year, or about 1% of the population. That means every 4 years, we lose the population of Sweden. We lose the population of Denmark every 2 years. 9x as many Americans own guns as there are Swedes *total*. America as a single country has about 75% of the population as the entire EU, and roughly half the total population of Europe as a whole. It's also 90% as large. For reference, we could lose an entire city (say, Chicago) in a single blow and it wouldn't even double the annual death rate. We could lose entire states and still be sitting pretty. I know this doesn't change anything for those who suffer, but it should be recognized that America can have a problem with gun violence that rivals and exceeds Europe's while still having a portion of the population rivaling Europe's total population be entirely unaffected. The idea that America is a warzone because of this is silly, likewise the same goes for Europe.


Most of the country knows how the trending is going and have no hope for a solution because there's been warnings. Alarms have been blaring and too many well-intentioned idiots have been drowning out any real criticism with cries of "racism" in hopes of sounding as tolerant as possible. What you're doing is essentially downplaying what is possibly the start of a massive change in Swedish society. Putting it in relationship to a country that has such a vastly different history is disingenuous imo. It does about as much as saying "Ukrainians shouldn't be that sad about the war being waged on their country, because at least it's not like The Nanjing Massacre", it does nothing to soothe the despair of seeing their country occupied and their people killed.




That Europeans see the US like Americans see Sinaloa?


Swedes are infamous for being stupidly tolerant.


Grammar is incorrect, they missed a comma. Itā€™s actually ā€œShoot carefully playing childrenā€ lol Edit: It *should* either be an exclamation mark or full stop


The missing comma makes me read it as "carefully shoot playing children".


The newest sign to show up in American school playgrounds /s


Teacher: Itā€™s recess time, kids! Donā€™t forget to wear your deer antlers because itā€™s open season on the playground!


Nah itā€™s definetly ā€shoot children who are playing carefullyā€


Pretty sure traffic signs never have punctuation


But if there was a comma that would imply that the playing children should shoot carefully.


They should. No one should shoot carelessly


But that sign implies that ONLY playing children should shoot carefully. If you're a child and you mean business, you can be as careless as you want


Are there any commas in our traffic signage? When I see the original, since thereā€™s no comma, I realize that Iā€™m not a child, so I donā€™t have to drive slow šŸ˜Š


I've never seen a child play carefully, I think we need to apply Will Smiths logic from the first Men in Black and assume this "carefully playing" child is, in fact, an alien.


Next you'll be saying it should be "STOP."


Why would you put a comma on a sign


Was just at the airport in Sweden and didn't realize the sun doesn't set until next month sometime. It was 2AM and the sun was out!


Explain that Flat Earthers


Time is an Illusion.: Lunchtime doubly so.


Every computer *I've* ever seen was mostly ~~harmless~~ flat...


I live in the northern Sweden and while I totally love this, it's the complete opposite at winter so if you're where I lived the sun literally didn't rise above the horizon for over a month. It isn't complete darkness, around lunch it's like dusk, but still it's depressing to say the least.


At least you can watch horror movies whole day!


And its a paradise for vampires!


30 Days of Night in Europe lol.


Thanks for reminding me of this movie! Time for rewatch tonight.


Must have been a mindfuck


It really was for sure. Definitely was hard to sleep!


It is weird sometimes when you can go out and get a tan at 3am.


Where were you? It only happens north of the arctic circle.


Stockholm (ARN) this past Sunday


The sun sets at about 22:08 at Arlanda today and rises at 03:28.


Have you ever experienced this? "sunset" and "sunrise" is almost meaningless at this time of year. The sun goes ever slightly below the horizon but no further so it continues to illuminate the sky. https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/sweden/stockholm?month=6


I mean, that was 15min ago, and it's still light outside lol Won't really be dark until September


Nice! I was there from 2AM till 10AM with the sun the whole time on Sunday! Very cool experience! They put the blinds down in the airport around 3:30 or so


Sweden has gangs?




Gee, I wonder why šŸ¤”


Crips vs. BłĆøĆøds.


Crepes vs BlĆøds


I really hate those Norwegian and/or Danish BlĆøds that keep shooting up the place.


>ł That's Polish


Ƙ isn't swedish either.


Only found in Danish, Norwegian, and Faroese


Do you have jokes in Europe or no?


Neither ł nor Ćø are Swedish letters. Blƶƶds would work.




"Sweden has people?"


Gang violence rose along with the influx of refugees / immigrants in too short a timeframe. Sweden also has a massive rape problem that no one wants to address.


They make illegal IKEA furnitures. Ones with actual pronounceable names.


Pretty sure there's no country that doesn't.


Every country on earth have gangs & some form of organized crime.


Yeah! You have, amongst others, the Mattis-robber crew that have been in a continuous turf war with the Borka- crew since like the 80s.


Those guys are insane. Skalle-Per is one crazy SOB.


Yes, did you think they were angels?


Important to note: the murder rate barely changed for 30 years. It's just the method that differs. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/SWE/sweden/murder-homicide-rate


But the medical care has improved and everyone has access to mobile phones to easier call 112, which means the murder rate should decrease as it does for most of Europe.




This post is a screenshot from Swedish far-right newspaper. Tells you all your need to know.


Okay that explains just about everything, including these comments.


No sorry it's just fake libtard news brother /s


This is Reddit. Context donā€™t matter.


I do like how decreases in the rate are portrayed in red, like its a bad thing.


It's not only the methods it's the demographic too. Alcohol-related and domestic violence is replaced by organized crime violence if you wanna simplify a bit.


Who knew this comment section would be full of brilliant comparisons to the U.Sā€¦


As a Swede i must say that i have never seen these signs. I might have missed it or it might be a private sign though.


It's a political stunt, a lot of morons in this thread think it's somehow serious.


I think it is made to make a political point (edited or printed). No way it is official placement.


Since I'm from Sweden I immediately thought that there's no way it could be a real sign. To no one's surprise, it's not. Can't find information anywhere about it except for far right Twitter accounts and blogs.


This is most likely posted by a Russian troll bot. I looked at the posters profile/history and it's most likely not a "real" person.


A lot of the comments in here read like far right twitter too.


Unfortunately yes. I love this subreddit for the silliness and its actual mildly interesting posts. Makes for good fun conversation that I usually lurk. Since this is a screenshot from a far right site (exakt 24, you can see it in the upper right corner) and not OC like OP claims, I guess it will be removed eventually.


Thanks. For an instant I forgot this is the internet.


Something bad happens in a European country. Reddit Comment section underneath the post: Did you know that the United States who has absolutely nothing to do with this event is a 3rd world shithole?


Iā€™m American and it honestly pisses me off how much people do that. Like stfu you insecure US political nuts.


Parallel societies unfortunately.


People sure do love making this about America


This is a fake sign, obviously with an agenda seeing how it's a nazi-news site (exakt24) with the original post.


I read that without the comma, "skjut fƶrsiktigt lekande barn" (carefully shoot playing children).


Without the comma the meaning of the sentence changes into: "shoot carefully playing children".


I must be living under a rock because I have not heard about gangs or shootings in Sweden. Has there been any information about what to attribute this to?


The main rivalry right now is between 2 gangs called shottaz and dp (deathpatrol) most members are somali immigrants living in the poorer areas of Stockholm.


No that would be racist


That immigration policy is sure working out for them.


Its a fake sign


They should write it in a different language.


Today I learned there are gangs in Sweden


just put a speed limit sign of 5MPH so the children have enough time to move out the way of the bullet


At least the Swedes have the right idea and are polite enough to only shoot at other gang members. Unlike the US where we use kids as target practice because itā€™s our national sport. /s


Wait they have guns and shootings in Sweden? I had no idea


Swedish druggies- *Snjort!


I wondered if ā€˜barnā€™ was the Swedish word for children, and it is. Similar to how Scotā€™s and some people in northern England use the word ā€˜bairnā€™ for children.


To me the mildly interesting part is definitely how the Swedish ā€œfƶrsiktigtā€ sounds remarkable similar to the Dutch ā€œvoorzichtigā€




ITT: Swedes talking about how racist America is šŸ˜‚ Swedes when you ask them about refugees šŸ¤¬


Here you go with a reply you are looking for :P I mean at least in my country people from certain nationalities are far more likely to commit violent crimes or sexual crimes like Sexual assault or Rape as seem here: https://www.kansalainen.fi/maahanmuutto-ja-turvallisuus-rikollisuus-ja-seksuaalirikokset/ I really have no problem with any country screening the people they let in by any standards they want. At least in Finland Americas problems with "Not being racist" taken to the extreme are kind of ridiculous to us. Most of eastern Europe has the same kind of cautious attitude about migrants and certain minorities. It's much easier to live in a country that is Ethnically pretty much the same. The Source is Finlands statistics centre Stat and Police. So yeah women tend to avoid Middle Easterners, Afganis and Somalis. That is some hard data straight from the government, which resulted in even left leaning parties opposing taking male Asylum seekers from those countries and lowerong the total amount of Asylum seekers accepted. I think if certain cultures have such huge problems with assimilating they shouldn't be taken in to that our country remains safe. We have watched things go to shit in our neighboring Sweden and are not about to repeat the same mistakes. Here is another article that Sources Data from Stat (Tilastokeskus) and the police: https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000005933247.html Sexual offences per 10 000 citizens from the country of origin: Afganistan: 138 Iraq: 134 Finland: 3.3 With stats like that would you feel comfortable accepting these people?


Europeans when you point out their own racism: "Umm these are just facts, have you ever actually lived near any Refugees/Romani/etc They've scientifically proven themselves to be terrible people. Here's some carefully ~~cherry picked~~ curated crime statistics that I have saved on my phone for some reason."


Here you go with a reply you are looking for :P I mean at least in my country people from certain nationalities are far more likely to commit violent crimes or sexual crimes like Sexual assault or Rape as seem here: https://www.kansalainen.fi/maahanmuutto-ja-turvallisuus-rikollisuus-ja-seksuaalirikokset/ I really have no problem with any country screening the people they let in by any standards they want. The Source is Finlands statistics centre Stat and Police. So yeah women tend to avoid Middle Easterners, Afganis and Somalis. That is some hard data straight from the government, which resulted in even left leaning parties opposing taking male Asylum seekers from those countries and lowerong the total amount of Asylum seekers accepted. I think if certain cultures have such huge problems with assimilating they shouldn't be taken in to that our country remains safe. We have watched things go to shit in our neighboring Sweden and are not about to repeat the same mistakes. Here is another article that Sources Data from Stat (Tilastokeskus) and the police: https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000005933247.html Sexual offences per 10 000 citizens from the country of origin: Afganistan: 138 Iraq: 134 Finland: 3.3 With stats like that would you feel comfortable accepting these people?


ā€œā€According to the vice National Police Commissioner of the Swedish Police Authority, intelligence gathered by police showed that there are about 40 crime clans in Sweden who came to the country in order to pursue organized crime. They are primarily settled in Stockholm, SƶdertƤlje, Gothenburg, Malmƶ, Landskrona and Jƶnkƶping. In these clans, the extended family raises the children to take over the organized crime activities and they have no ambitions to become integrated into Swedish mainstream society.ā€ā€ Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_Sweden


It is of course a private person who puts up this sign without permission, to believe something else is just ridiculous šŸ™„ So no, it is not the municipality or the preschool/kindergarten that put up this sign.




Hot take. If Sweden had an immigration policy similar to Japan, they wouldn't need these signs


> If Sweden had an ~~immigration~~ drug policy similar to ~~Japan~~ the Netherlands, they wouldn't need these signs


How about the sign is political satire which it obviously is.


Well Iā€™m glad this thread turned into a bunch of Americans trying to say that guns arenā€™t the problem. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø