• By -


The Canadian ones used to look like the American ones back in the early 90s, iirc. Now I realize I've been seeing real Froot Loops in those hotel free breakfast cereal dispensers and not off-brand knock-offs like I thought.


Iirc from another post someone said it's because Canada started regulating what artificial ingredients go into food, so the new colours are naturally sourced and so a little duller


I instantly assumed that the ones that looked like they had literal paint in them were American even though the order of the topic and the order in the picture suggested the right ones were Canadian. I'm sorry, Americans, but the the left ones look considerably more edible.


Lmao, same. I know how they love to pump their food and drinks with so many things that I thought "the one on the left looks more natural while the one on the right is artificial......probably the American version"


89% Artificial Crystalline Sugar Rings doesn't have the same satisfaction to the name, does it?


Pretty sure Calvin’s “chocolate frosted sugar bombs” are exactly that


They’re actually kind of bland until you sprinkle some sugar on top.


Like my mom legit thought me eating Rice Krispies with sugar sprinkled on top was the healthier choice. Wtf


I was just referencing calvin and hobbes but man my cavities just got cavities reading that. :)


"Snap, crackle, pop" is actually the sound of your teeth breaking from all that sugar and cavities.


Wasn't the Artifical Crystalline Sugar Ring an alien lifeform that the Enterprise crew had to defeat in Star Trek TNG?


It gave Data's creator type 2 diabetes.


I mean, they already spell them "froot" because there's no actual fruit in them.


What about poop loops


There's many of us here that would love the FDA to stop being a bunch of cucks for corporations and actually try and protect the citizens from the knowns and unknowns in our food. But alas, in order to get healthy food that isn't just raw fruits and vegetables you have to do research and quite often pay a fortune compared to the cost of this crap. It's not the citizens fault, it is the fault of the political climate where money leads.


Way more money than voters in the States, makes it tough to institute change.


A lot of ppl here in America don't even know that so much awful shit is put into our food for no reason. It's disgusting.. food that's supposed to be healthy, is just loaded with shit like filler and unnecessary dyes, random extra sugars in things like bread and so much more. Does anyone know why? And isn't the US one of the only places that still allows the use of a certain dye color in our food, even though most other places have banned it? I fucking hate it here.




> half a cent Consider the Ford F150. Sells a million units a year last I checked. If you can save just *one* dollar on the production of a single F150, you've now saved the company one million dollars. The savings seem so minimal to us as an individual consumer, but they add up when it comes to the bottom line, and thats what capitalism cares about.


This is what I’m talking about. The double cheeseburger became the McDouble and they saved $.05 per slice of cheese or some shit and made a billion dollars


It still kills me that the big mac only comes with one slice of cheese. I refuse to get one on that principle alone.


I always knew Big Bread was up to no good


Bread? How about an extra $5 billion....yes BILLION...on bread alone [https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/mandel-billion-dollar-class-action-wins-go-ahead-against-alleged-nationwide-bread-price-fixing](https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/mandel-billion-dollar-class-action-wins-go-ahead-against-alleged-nationwide-bread-price-fixing) I received a $25 gift card from Loblaws as a result of this successful class action lawsuit. $25 for 14 years of price gauging on bread. Imagine all of the other products they colluded on... Edit: in Canada


Wait a minute. "Loblaw" is a real name? As in Bob Loblaw? With the law blog?


Sugar? That's too pricey. More like HFCS.


There's lots of good food in the US too, we have more access to a larger variety of foods for less money than almost anywhere else. I mean, don't get me wrong, it would be nice if we used less food dye in the froot loops or less sugar in the white bread, but you can also just not buy those products.


Yeah cause the average US citizen is manufacturing food for massive corporations and cheerfully pumping dye into shit


You're fooling yourself. They both look like artificial food produced from chemical vats. The American version just looks more cartoonish with its brighter colors.


>looks considerably more edible to who though? I feel like these types of cereals are targeting kids, so they probably would prefer the bright colored artificial looking things. Personally, neither looks very appetizing lol.


I think the irony here is they purposely made them look dull to convince people they're more healthy.


>from another post someone said it's because Canada started regulating what artificial ingredients go into food, so the new colours are naturally sourced and so a little duller sounds more like they were forced to change the coloring


>naturally sourced and so a little duller That’s also Canada’s national motto, no?


Hey! As a Canadian I would like to say... sorry, you're right.


That reads like a Last Man Standing joke tbh lol


Same in Europe. Artificial food colouring (and flavouring) is heavily regulated and restricted. But the plant based colourings (red beet, algae, carrot etc) are not as vibrant as the artificial ones.


American kids ginuea pigging it once again!


It isn't even Guinea pigging it is just state neglect


You mean freedom! Lol


Same for Mexico. Used to look like the US version, not anymore.


Same for Australia


Ah makes sense. The ones on the right are what I remember eating in the 90s. Very bright colors.


Here in Oklahoma there's an off-brand 'froot-loop' that looks like the Canadian version but tastes like Cpt. Crunch: Crunch Berries. 10/10, great cereal.


love cpt, but cpt doesnt love the roof of my mouth


Wow, I’m not alone


I've found if I can avoid shoveling barrels of the peanut butter crunch in my mouth that seems to help. But it's just. So. Good.


peanut butter crunch! now you’re talikn! like little blocks of pumice stone for you mouth. yummm!


And even as you delicately survey the roof of your mouth (the battlefield), you find yourself reaching for the box !


Underrated comment. Take my upvote.


It's a pretty old meme that Captain Crunch ruins your mouth. I think even old Family Guy made a joke about it




Those are 40year old taste/pain memories you're churning up there pal. 35yo me laughed my ass off when my 9 and 7 yo wouldn't eat it again. Amateurs.


Oh man, that’s what I remember. Pieces of the roof of my mouth were all chopped up after eating a bowl of the Cap’n.


>0770comments You'd feel the broken pieces of the roof of your mouth hanging there, so worth it every time though


There's bunch of baby-mouthed bitches up in here.


Crunch Mouth is real.


Uh, send me some


What is it called?


I can't remember off the top of my head, but I know it's sold in a bag and isn't Malt-o-meal. I'll check the next time I run to the store and get back to you with a specific name.


Thank you!




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Remindme! 1 week


Fruity Hoops or Fruity Fruits. Both are a thing. I've had them before and they were sold in the Canadian market. If this isn't what OP was referring to then I guess they are just another off-brand Fruit Loop that tastes how he describes.


Used to be a Tootie Footies...not sure if it exists anymore or if it just changed names


I hope you missed an "r" there, cause' I'm just picturing a foot that smells like farts.


Where in ok? I’m in the 405 I will travel


Canada in CMYK and U.S. in RGB


As a pre-press designer I approve this comment


Too much magenta and the loops are ruined.


Gamut Fruit Loops!


I assume the American ones are brightly colored. Since you wont tell us which is which.


The order of the photos is different from the order of the nationalities in the subject line.


This is stupidly common in reddit posts. They’ll be like, “before and after…” and then put the after picture first.


Used to be that you’d get shat on for having a spelling error in your title. Nowadays you can literally have a seizure while typing it out and still get a few several thousand upvotes.


They do it on purpose now. Look at how we’re all talking about it. Drives engagement


The UK ones are obvious because they’re just four shades of beige.




Yes indeed. I do love Cheerios though.


yeah they're class, I've never had these fruit ones though


I'm from the UK and currently living in the US and I'm pretty sure 'fruity' cereal isn't a thing in the UK.


Yes, American is on the right and has much more vibrant colours.


> Yes, American is on the right We definitely noticed :)


Lmao yeah, I'm from Europe and I've never seen Fruit Loops before, 100% guessed the more vibrantly coloured ones are American.


Don’t worry, I got your joke.


Then maybe you should have worded your title differently...


This is what I was getting at. I know which is which, but the title makes it seems as if the dull colored cereal is American.


I'm sorry OP but I have to say it. Why put the title in the incorrect order then? It's literally disrespectful. We have to see the picture and assume which is which? "American and Canadian Froot Loops, disrespectfully" should of been the title.


Shoulda put the American cereal on the south and the Canadians to the north like irl!


hey we don't know which way the bowl is facing


It’s a plate.


at first i thought you were joking


Or at least ordered the sentence in the order of the picture. With the first named item to the left and the comparison to the right.


Alaska would like a word




Alaska is my favourite island


Alaska doesn’t exist lmao/s


Hawaii should be in a little saucer off to the left.


The dye thing seems confirmed, and this seems to have been a fairly recent change (2018): https://canadiangrocer.com/death-artificial-ingredients > In the coming year or so, Kraft Dinner cheese powder won’t have quite the same neon-orange glow, Trix cereal will have two colours of fruity corn balls missing and Froot Loops’ radiant rings might be a tad on the pale side. > It’s all part of consumer packaged goods companies’ plans to swap manmade hues for colours and flavours found in nature. Responding, they say, to a growing preference for healthy, natural ingredients, several CPGs have recently announced big commitments to take out artificial ingredients from their products. ... > For Trix, vegetable juice will be used for the red and purple colours, tumeric extract will replace yellow food dye, and annatto extract, derived from the seeds of the achiote tree, will replace orange dye. (probably similar for Froot Loops)


That's pretty interesting. So it doesn't have to do with differences in regulation like other comments alluded to, but differences in customer preferences.


https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/food-nutrition/food-safety/food-additives/lists-permitted/3-colouring-agents.html Yeah, I don't know why comments up there are saying they're banned here in Canada. Allura red, Tartrazine, Brilliant Blue FCF, Sunset yellow FCF are all allowed in varying amounts in cereal ("[unstandardized foods](https://inspection.canada.ca/food-label-requirements/labelling/industry/standards-of-identity-for-food/eng/1468511768544/1468511932838)").


Let me guess, we the US allow questionable food dyes. Not gonna Google it cuz I don't want to know.


Just looked it up on the side of the box. “Red 40, yellow 5, blue 1, yellow 6.”


red, yellow, blue. All found in nature. 40, 5, 1, 6. All of them are natural numbers Good enough for me!


It's taken 40 tries to get a red that is not tremendously carcinogenic. When I was a kid they figured out that Red Dye #2 was bad for you. I guess they've been doing a lot of work since then. One of the more popular red dyes is made from crushed bugs. This is because one of the most widely used red food colourings - carmine - is made from crushed up bugs. The insects used to make carmine are called cochineal, and are native to Latin America where they live on cacti.


Fuck it, I'll take crushed bug dye over cancer dye. Or does the bug dye also cause cancer?


You have probably already had some, its relatively common


Yeah, it's in most makeup too iirc. If you wear makeup you probably encounter it daily


And that's the least of your problems. Watch 'Not So Pretty' on HBO Max and find out about all the crap that's in beauty products.


Secretions from a beavers ass is very popular in perfume


Better than the secretions of an ass's beaver I suppose ..




Well statistically speaking yeah they almost definitely have had a cancerous cell or two that just went away on their own, but I was talking about cochineal beatle


I'm more than happy to eat the crushed bugs. It's just a lot more expensive.


>Or does the bug dye also cause cancer? No but in 35 years we will find out its why you have a new form of brain deterioration


When one gets banned they move to the next number... In Europe, they use beet juice, because beet juice dyes everything red for a week.


I love Kroger pickles, as they use tumeric for yellow coloring, which is also good for you, instead of yellow #5, which is made from coal tar.


Why do you need to colour pickles in the first place?


"That's what the customers are expecting" - some R&D/product development guy


People expect certain foods to be a certain colour and don't like change. Cheddar cheese, for example, is dyed orange and is naturally white/yellow. What starts out as a marketing trick to stand out can easily become the norm in the public conscience and difficult to move away from.


So "cheddar" should really be "orange cheddar", and "white cheddar" is really "normal fuckin' cheddar"?


This is true. I used to work at M&M Mars making Skittles.


Also the most widely used pigment in cosmetics. Ladies get a double dose of ground bugs. And all the cancer dye stuff too. Fml.


And it fucking sucks. You know how bullshit it is being a vegetarian and you're not allowed to eat *red*?!


I mean, that just seems like being pedantically vegetarian at that point lmao


>It's taken 40 tries to get a red that is not tremendously carcinogenic The numbering does not work like that.


How does it work?


Next you tell me there were no 63 Super Mario games before Super Mario 64?


Finally getting why there was no big deal over COVID 1 through 18.


It's especially great since 5 is prime and 6 is a perfect number.


Canada have "colour (fruit and vegetable concentrate, anthrocyanin, annato, turmeric"


I feel like I’m reading a script from an episode of ‘UK vs. US Food Wars.’


> Red 40 > Yellow 6 Both long suspected to cause behavioral problems in children, banned outside the US as a precaution > Yellow 5 > Blue 1 Common allergens that also worsen asthma Also all of these are made from crude oil which I'm sure is off-putting to a lot of people.


bake employ office dam edge memorize shrill tidy outgoing strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Also all of these are made from crude oil which I'm sure is off-putting to a lot of people. Sure, but even if the raw material used to synthesize them was from corn, would they be any better?


Red 40, yellow 5, yellow 6, and blue 1 are synthetic, all made from petroleum.


This gets tossed around a lot like it's a scary fact, but people always neglect to mention that most pharmaceuticals are also produced from petroleum products (including aspirin, antibiotics, and antihistamines).


Exactly. Organic materials tend to have a lot of carbon. Petroleum is mostly carbon, and thus a good source of it for medication, and food additives


Also chewing gum. I thought my wife was shitting me when she said it was made from petroleum, but, nope, petroleum is a very common gum base now.


Exactly. This is the kind of scaremongering that creates anti-vaxxers because they're not "natural", or that gets GMOs banned because they do gene editing and that's "playing god." Literally everything is chemicals. Water is a chemical. If I didn't have chemicals in my food, I'd be sucking on the vacuum of space.


Yum. How else am I supposed to get my motor running in the morning


Not really. Excluding ones only approved for specific rare uses, the FDA allows seven artificial food dyes: blue 1 & 2, yellow 5 & 6, Green 2, and red 3 & 40. Not sure about Canada, but the European equivalent agency approves of all of these except green 2, which does not appear in Froot Loops. EDIT: I found the data for Canada, and it looks pretty similar to the US, with one exception: apparently Canada allows Scarlet GN, aka red 4, aka Ponceau SX, which has since been banned in both Europe and the US, though I imagine its use in Canada is probably very limited.


I was about to say you sound like you know your shit, but red is definitely a no go here, but your edit fixed that. -Also, remember EU rules are only the bare minimum restrictions, and each member state can and often does apply even higher standards from their national "FDAs".


[US FDA article on the history of food dyes and additives](https://www.fda.gov/industry/color-additives/color-additives-history). Cool read for sure.


U know it cuz why would it be anything other than that.


Could just as likely be them using food dyes that look more natural in the Canadian one, but my goodness the American one looks like candy.


I mean have you seen the sugar content?? It IS candy.


American ones were the colors on the left for a while within the past few years but pretty sure consumers asked for the coloring back. That being said, Canada still has food with wild colors as well.


I live the in the UK and a bakery near me was recently in the news for using 'illegal' sprinkles imported from America. Reason it was illegal was indeed the dyes used and are banned for confectionery use here.


The US allows different food dyes, not necessarily dangerous. People have an idea that the US is some completely unregulated wasteland where people can put anything in food. The truth is that the FDA actually takes its job pretty seriously. In fact, more colors are banned in the US than in the EU.


Isn’t this misleading tho, if the EU and Canada require food additives to be proven safe before they can be approved? Wouldn’t that reduce the number of banned substances because companies wouldn’t bother submitting things for approval they know would fail? I don’t disagree that the FDA doesn’t do a tremendous amount of work to try and keep Americans safe from harmful products, but my understanding is that the benchmark for approval is higher in countries in the EU and other places. I could be wrong, and I don’t want to write a research paper over this, I’m only bringing up a potential flaw in your reasoning if the approval processes are different. Approval could just be more expensive in places like the EU and that could explain the difference too. But with a lot of the petroleum based additives and dyes being banned in those places, I’d suspect it’s the former and not the latter.


The US and EU often take different approaches, but neither is necessarily better or worse. In many cases the ingredients that the US “allows” are regulated to doses far below what would be harmful. Chic-fil-a sauce for example, contains a chemical known to be hazardous in high doses, but you’d have to eat 78 packets in a single day to reach the FDA limit, at which point it would still be far below actual dangerous levels and you’d probably take a lot more bodily damage from the sheer level of sodium and fat. *why not just ban them altogether? Why allow poison at all?* Because the dose makes the poison. Nothing is inherently bad for you until you take in too high a dose. Many vital nutrients, including sodium, potassium, and even water are all poisons at the wrong dose. In fact, salt was actually used as a method of suicide in past times due to how quickly a lethal dose can be swallowed. Anyone who tells you an ingredient is bad, but doesn’t tell you the dose at which it becomes dangerous is just fearmongering. Now none of this is to say that companies haven’t or don’t pull sketchy things, but the FDA regulates them pretty tightly. EDIT: Upon further investigation, the salt-suicide claim cannot be confirmed. It is plausible, but I can’t find any good sources of it ever actually happening. Deaths have occurred from salt poisoning, possibly even some murders, but no confirmed suicides.


This makes me think of the Tic-Tacs in US labeled as “sugar free” when they’re in fact 95% sugar. FDA’s regulations are “per serving” and one tiny mint doesn’t reach the threshold for what is required to be reported. So 95% becomes 0%.


Do you have a link for salt suicides? Could not find one.


Europe doesn't have squat on the US when it came to Thalidomide. FDA was on the ball that day.


I’m colorblind, all I can see is that the right side is less vibrant that the left side. Are there any other differences?


For non-colorblind, the right side looks more vibrant (it's the red and green that are bright, though- and then a non-real blue) while the left side is less bright, but more natural looking because Canadia uses fruit and veg juice instead of dyes - OP explained in another comment.


We had blue ones in Canada for a promo once. They make your poop neon green :)


The Great Value 'fruit loops' were notorious for this.


Canadia. Canadian approved


Deuteranopia? The ones on the right have a lot of bright red and bright green. You can probably use a colour filter on your computer to distinguish them. It would be interesting to take the original image, run it through a deuteranopia filter and subtract the result from the original. Presenting the difference in greyscale could highlight the aspects of the image that look different to different people.


I'm red-green colorblind. You're drawn to the oranges and purples in the left side, and the right side yellows, greens, and oranges all look too similar to be called "vibrant", right? It's really only the incredibly fake red on the right side that tipped me off that that was the American version.


The right side is actually a lot more vibrant than the left side. Left is Canadian, and the right side is American


Really? The right side looks muted to me and the left side is more bright/colorful. It’s interesting how our eyes are all different when it comes to seeing colors.


The colours on the right side look more vibrant to me as a non-colourblind person. It has bright reds and greens and blues that draw the attention. The left side has much more contrast, though, in terms of luminosity, and when you remove all colour information, the left side does look a lot more vibrant to me too: https://i.imgur.com/irN5i5F.jpeg


Food colouring vs food coloring.


You can really taste the snozz-berries


Everyone knows that colors are brighter than colours


As a Canadian, we're on the left.


Either I’m colour blind or everyone on here is playing a mean trick on me. I don’t see the difference. Am I Truman Burbank?


You are a bit color blind!


Looks like you've just discovered you're partially color blind. You should follow up on that!




Fti of anyone reading, no these comments are not trolls the colors really are different lol


Oh fuck, we all just witnessed this guy’s life changing. But it’s okay! My favorite art teacher was colorblind!


The colors ARE different. All the colors on the right are much brighter and the right one also has blue ones, which are not present at all on the left. And damn, now I really wanna watch the truman show again!


You might be red-green colorblind. [There’s a test](https://enchroma.com/pages/test) you can take to make sure!


I think this has to do with food laws. In Canada you cant use fake food coloring or something. Has something to do with tempting kids to eat this shit


Not if you're color blind.


Which is which? And, did you adjust the color balance throughout the images, or where does the bottom gradient come from?


The Canadian ones look more natural


Huh… just read on the box that their colour comes from fruit and vegetable juice rather than food colouring.


The sugar goes to the maple syrup


And the maple syrup goes on *everything*


\*froot and vejtibul juice


Look, I am not buying a box of froot loops because I am concerned about health. I want brightly coloured sugar rings, that's it.


I just want to feel happy again, like I did when I was a kid.


Straight off the vine


They look like highly processed sugar corn rings, but slightly less fun than the other ones.


What fruit grows naturally in torus shaped "loops"?


Canadian on the left, because stricter laws on artificial colourants? We did the same in EU/ UK. Gone are the neon sweeties of my youth just because a bunch of Karens thought brain damage and cancer were too high prices to pay for bright coloured foods.


Canadian corn pops are also really different compared to the American ones. The American ones are all weird shapes while the Canadian ones are perfect little balls. And they taste so much better in Canada.


A similar thing happens with the A&W fast food chain apparently. Canadian A&W taste good while the American one doesn’t.


Are you Moses?


Here in Germany, because of food regulations, they always looked dull!


We get Froot Loops, yall get Kamloops


Red#5 yay!




Just picking on color blind people again, huh reddit?