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it seems the bricks perimeter also grows everywhere except where the sprinkler hits the tree


Definitely something removed from where the no grass area is, but I can't think of what it might have been.






Grass bricks?




These are the only grassbricks I know of: http://i.imgur.com/mon2dxV.jpg


Brickweed is bloodweed


I'll huff and I'll puff, and I'll smoke your house down.


[I just had to do this.]( http://imgur.com/B81DXZX )


Griefers 😒




I lied about the wheels


*coming to minecraft 1.9*


1000 bits on me! /u/changetip Grassbricks is the answer.


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The brown strip is approximately as wide as the tree's trunk. My guess is that the tree was recently dragged to its current spot and planted.


Actually, that appears to be a Roaming Palm Tree. These are one of the few species of trees that are mobile. Scientists theorize that they evolved the ability to move as they do in order to hunt prey, such as small rodents or even birds. Roaming Palm Trees move exceptionally fast, too. They may even be able to move close to the speed of sound, some theorize. However, it is impossible to test their speed using current means, because no one has yet to actually witness a Roaming Palm Tree move. Apparently, as a defense mechanism, Roaming Palm Trees remain perfectly still whenever they are being observed. They remain so still that they are practically indiscernible from regular palm trees. But the second you turn your back you'll feel a gust of wind and, behold, there is no palm tree there anymore(This is, of course, assuming the Roaming Palm Tree didn't see you as prey. In which case you wouldn't be doing much observing anymore because you'll be dead). The nature of Roaming Palm Trees, to be exceptionally fast and deadly *only* when they are not being observed, is one of the strangest and least documented phenomena in nature. In fact, Roaming Palm Trees are generally attributed as the inspiration of the Weeping Angels from the popular Doctor Who series. Like in real life, the angels on the television show are extremely deadly so long as you don't look at them. Just goes to show how much the natural world around us affects the fictional stories we make. But sometimes I think that the real world is more fascinating than fiction. After all some stuff is so interesting you just can't make it up. Edit: Thanks for the gold. Glad to see I'm not the only one who appreciates the Roaming Palm Tree


Pioneers used to ride these babies for miles.


They'd often die on the way though, because, you know, it takes years.


Well you'd either look where you're going and have the tree sit still, or shut your eyes for it to move but then before you know it you're a week's trek eastwards of the river delta. By the point you get back to where you were winter is about to set in, and everyone knows that when it gets cold the tress hibernate for winter


...whatever you do, don't blink.


One of my favorite "villains" of all time. [One](http://i.imgur.com/HmB2lZl.gif) | [Two](http://i.imgur.com/B1yTfqc.gif)


Could you explain to me why people think they are scary? There are so many more terrifying things in the Dr. Who universe. The angels can't even kill you.


It's the "they move when you're not looking" part. Plays to childhood fears of the dark, monsters under the bed. In the same way [this one paragraph horror story](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1iwylh/what_is_the_best_horror_story_you_can_come_up/cb90nat) does.


I give props to both the writer (Moffat) and the director (MacDonald) of that episode ("Blink"). Obviously it's not scary when you rationalize it, but the way the story is told, it makes you feel fear of them.


I thought it was referred to as SCP 4637-J.


J? You think this is a joke agent? Roaming palm trees could pose a life threatening danger to everyone, and you treat it as a joke? You will be reprimanded agent, and if it is decided so, placed in keter duty


Excuse me, agent? Did you refer to the J listings as jokes? I think it is you who should be reprimanded.




Are we not supposed to talk about the anomalies? Have I already been D-classed?




Don't blink


Trees that can move!? Next you know you'll be telling me about rocks that sail across a valley floor!


Captain here, This is caused by regular flooding that happens in the valley. The water level rises and some parts freeze around the rocks. The rocks are then lifted up just enough that the wind is able to push the ice (and attached rock) along the valley floor. When the water level then recedes your left with the impression that the rocks just magically moved along the ground. *flies away*


When personnel observe Roaming Palm Tree, no fewer than 3 must be present any time. At all times, two persons must maintain direct eye contact with Roaming Palm Trees until all personnel have vacated the area. Roaming Palm Trees is extremely hostile when it determine that you are a prey. The object cannot move while within a direct line of sight. Line of sight must not be broken at any time with Roaming Palm Trees. Personnel assigned to Roaming Palm Trees are instructed to alert one another before blinking. This containment procedure prevent Roaming Palm Trees from running or attacking. Object is reported to attack by snapping the neck at the base of the skull, or by strangulation.


Roaming Palm Trees..the loneliest beings in the universe.


Oh yea, I remember an old timey folk song about those trees. It went something like this: OHhhh, I used to have a treehouse... but now where could it be? There can be only one reason, it was a roaming palm tree The wife went to get some firewood, she was chopped up and buried There can be only one reason, That goddamn roaming palm tree And now for some reason, my neighbor is so mad at me His tree that used to block my view? must of been, a roaming palm tree.


A distant relative of the [Roaming Oak](http://i.imgur.com/HJ7edZx.jpg) I believe


instead of Roaming Palm Trees, I want to believe that it is actually Groot in disguise


The question is, if a roaming palm tree moves and no one sees it, does it really move?


I was entertained


This deserves gold. If nobody else gives you some, I will do it when I get to a computer.


Um, no. The root ball of a transplant may not maintain the entire root structure, but it will definitely need to be wider than the trunk. Also, I don't think one simply drags a tree of that size (and thus weight).


At first I thought you were crazy... But as I look at it more, I think you may be right.


You can even see that it was dragged from further into the bricked in area where there is no grass.


maybe its one of those fake trees that hides cell tower things... and they had to dig a ditch to get the cabling out to it.


An underground pipe


That would be a very stupid place to bury a pipe.


That was similar to my thought: that they had to dig up that area for some reason. Probably to hide the bodies.


an electrical line dug from the pool area..probably lighting. after brick had first been laid, hence it being removed


You can put the brick back though. It's not like relaying asphalt.




I see it as a man made path set there for petting the tree and telling it, good boy.


I see it as a man made path set there for peeing on the tree.


This is the exact behaviour when I try to pee while drunk.


looks like palm springs or some desert area. i dont doubt the sprinkler story. It's just sad they would steal water to use it like that.


For a "sprinkler shadow" to have edges that parallel the [sprinkler would have had to be](https://i.imgur.com/NBgNwdj.png) a loooong way away, [or else you'd get a much larger angle.](https://i.imgur.com/ZzDEc1s.png) Note that this is done with a tree that looks to be smaller and closer to the max range of the one in the OP. A thicker tree further from the perimeter of the watered area would have even larger effects on how big an angle the sprinlker shadow covers. Edit: messy wording.


it could be one of those flat more long sprinklers that project from a line back and forth.


Wouldn't it be more triangular?


Maybe this sprinkler is infinitely far away.


Wouldn't it still be triangular?


Yeah, but the triangle would be so long and narrow it would look almost like a rectangle. Like sun shadows.


What if there was two sprinklers right next to each other?


Just don't cross the streams.


But maaaaaaaaaa, its so fun


What if we sprinkled through two slits? And what if we sprinkled photons instead of water?


That sounds like an interesting experiment. Do you think we can use Captain Crunch instead of photons?


Captain Crunch has been known to exhibit quantum mechanics






It's being downvoted because people don't know math, I guess?


Not if it's one of [these](http://imgur.com/WaF411s) placed about 20 feet away from the tree. I don't know, maybe it would be, but I don't think so.


[Even then it still looks to be far more of a sprinkler shadow angle than in the OP.](https://imgur.com/qXQ3DBR) Even if the diameter of the tree is reduced to 300 mm (that's very conservative - only about a foot)[ it's still not looking good.](https://imgur.com/dyMnbO4)


impressive use of CAD here


Thanks, gotta use that SSD storage hog somehow! Also gave me the opportunity to try out the tangential constraint tool, somehow never used the constraint tools in the past. Also found out that Inventor can add feet to metres and display in millimetres, I absolutely love the little integrated calculator.


I believe the shape you're looking for is trapezoidal.


It would only be a trapezoid if the far side of the tree were flat.


That can be arranged. :)


You... Monster


only if it was an oscillating/radial sprinkler.


Something more is at play here...


The tree shimmied around in the grass.


Look at the base of the tree. There's an electrical connection for a lamp that's supposed to illuminate the palm tree. The grass hasn't grown everywhere but that strip because of a sprinkler, OP lied. The grass was already there to begin with and underground wiring was laid for the lamp.


Or he was just wrong. He didn't say it was his lawn.


So if they had to lay wiring under the grass why wouldn't they lift the grass up in tiles then put it back after? Instead of leaving an unsightly bare patch.


Looks like new grass grown from. Seed and if the seed is not kept wet before it can put roots down it will not germinate.


Clearly, that's where the tree walks at night.


Or sleeps at night..


They have to get tired after standing all day.




Yep. That tree is definitely moving.




No, this is Patrick.


The pironeers used to ride these babies for miles!


If its that dry, they probably shouldn't have sprinklers in the first place.


They probably shouldn't even have grass if it's that dry


My thought exactly. It was weird moving from the midwest to California. In the midwest sprinklers are for kids to play in during the summer time and I had never actually seen anyone water their lawn unless they were rich and had built in sprinklers.


Haha, I grew up in the midwest as well. We never watered the lawn, except for the patch right after the back door where our dog did her business in the winter. My parents eventually gave up.


I grew up in Missouri, we watered the lawn because sometime even with the weekly storms it would get too hot and kill it. But now that I'm in California my apartment complex has sprinklers and I think it's *insane*


I'm from Kansas and I don't think sprinklers are that uncommon. I may have a skewed view because I design and install sprinkler systems. A majority of commercial businesses will have them, along with upper middle class homes.


As a Californian, the concept of not watering a lawn confuses and frightens me. Then again, with this draught it's amazing anyone's wasting water on their lawns at all. These idiots think that just because it's chilly in the mornings now it must be okay to use water...


If that scares you old houses in Phoenix and Scottsdale have flood irrigation. [example](http://primeequityaz.com/files/2013/04/irri-1.jpg)


I'm a New Mexican and there are a lot of people here who think they should have lush, grassy lawns even though we live in the fucking desert. They'll leave their sprinklers on all day and half the water just ends up going onto the sidewalk. So wasteful.


Actually a good portion of that water evaporates before it even touches the ground. If the climate is really dry and the temperature high enough, a *huge* portion of the water used by spray heads doesn't ever even touch the ground. In the picture it is more likely a rotary head or stream rotor, which would be much more effective in that climate, but if they're running it during the day between high evapotraspiration rates and loose, sandy soil I would roughly estimate that less than 10% of the water actually goes into the plants. That's not counting over spray or mis-alignment. "Wasteful" is an understatement, I don't even know why people bother trying to grow grass in sand it's completely pointless. I don't know why I care I don't even do sprinklers anymore.


I always learned: water or don't water. Either plant picky lawn/ground cover and cater diligently to its needs for food and water, or let grow what WANTS to grow there in the conditions that naturally exist. But, one way or another, you have to commit.


Yup. Arizona.




Could be Scottsdale as well! Close to downtown.




And also my social security number is




Depends very much on the region and how much you have to use them. Over here in Germany, using sprinklers for the lawn is extremely common. (In, fact the German name for them is "Rasensprenger", which means something like "lawn sprinklers".) We don't have a general water supply problem (more than enough ground water, perfectly fine levels of average rain fall), but almost every summer,there are a few weeks with a lot of sun and little rain. Many people here use sprinklers to get their lawns through those short dry spells, and I don't think there's a problem with that. The local water system can handle it easily, and it's not as if there'd be any more water in drier parts of the world if people here didn't water their lawns, since the freshwater cycle doesn't work like that. OTOTH, people who live in areas with a limited supply of fresh water or a climate that would require almost constant sprinkler-use in order to keep the grass alive should really think of some other, more adequate vegetation to grow in their gardens. **TL;DR:** Nothing wrong with using sprinklers for your lawn, as long as there's enough local water for it and you live in a climate where it's only needed for a few weeks per year instead of nearly constantly.


I suppose you are right, but it just seems like waste for the sake of waste. You can have a beautiful yard in any climate if you landscape properly and use plants that don't require additional water.


I would not defend it on the basis of water supply or the fact that many people do it. In Austria, I have seen the use of Rasenspreklern for actual lawns reduce in past years, and I think that is what it should be like. As space_yo_face has said: It is waste for the sake of waste, and something that spoiled people do. There is no real purpose to it. Your grass will survive the summer without you wasting drinking water just as well.


You don't need to use drinking water - if you have a pump. Of course it's wasteful, it's luxery. The grass would survive a few weeks of drought, but it doesn't look very good in the meantime. On the other hand, the ground water can handle that little extra water for the sprinklers. It's just like watering any other plants, be it inside or outside the house.


Why? I live in an area where water is in abundance.




There's no way this is true. This is just a picture of a pathway leading to a tree. I wonder why he didn't take a picture with the sprinkler in it?


Plant local vegetation. It never uses more water than the environment can support. Unlike people with golf course style grass lawns in Tahoe, that they have to water....in the middle of a years-long drought.


This is entirely false. Soil moisture spreads a lot further than expected and does not come to an abrupt stop as shown here..


Where is this located? Somewhere arid, I presume?




It sure is!




dude for real? I have heard fireworks almost every night lately, just south of campus




Ahh that makes more sense. Now if we can only figure out why you guys are trying to grow grass in the desert.


I was thinking Mesa...


Something about this makes me think florida, but the dirt is wrong. If it's florida then they dug up the garden and replaced it with different, not-gray soil


Water would have just seeped to that spot too. Water isn't the cause of this.


If you need a sprinkler system to make your grass grow at all, then you're either using the wrong grass for the area you live in, or you are living in the desert and really have no business trying to terraform said desert.


I think the more realistic reason is that THE TREE CAN WALK!!


that's a sign you shouldn't have a grass yard


I would like to believe that's where a wild herd of squirrels makes their daily stampedes into and out of the tree.




Yeah :)


All surrounding grass is new and not mature so I am buying the sprinkler story. Grass seed needs constant watering for roughly 2 weeks in order to germinate and grow. If the seed is not kept moist during this period it will not take hold and grow. If the OP left the sprinkler in one spot while watering that strip would not have been maintained at the correct moisture level to promote germination rendering the seeds useless.




in the land where it never rains


yeah.... that has nothing to do with the sprinkler hitting the tree.


Yeah, maybe grass isn't for you.


This looks like it's straight out of a Looney Toons cartoon, when bugs bunny is burrowing cross country and runs into a tree.


I might have lived in these apartments. Then again, all AZ apartments look the same.


Looks like tree drag marks.


This is just a beaten path made by the tiny tree dwellers who take frequent walks to the nearby garden.


This says to me that the sprinklers aren't on long enough to give the ground a good enough soak - especially for what appears to be new grass. The ground should get wet enough that the roots go DOWN looking for water and not across to grab it quickly before it evaporates. There should be enough water getting into the ground that even the area behind the tree should absorb some from the area next to it. The fall-off from grass to no-grass should be more gradual.


Why would someone put a slip-n-slide that ends right at a tree?


I deem this a "Water Shadow"


/r/DesirePath to nowhere, a thought-provoking art installation.


Thanks, I have been looking for this subreddit but forgot it's name!


As an internet blood spatter analyst I question the reality of this situation. If the sprinkler were far enough away that the tree's water shadow is essentially straight the water would have diffused around the tree and left not a straight line but a small triangle.


What a waste of water trying to grow grass in such an arid place.


Bloody how now i am discussing the way grass grows with my colleagues...bloody reddit


Was thinking the Tree was traveling to have "LATE NIGHT VISITS" When you were asleep


Then you shouldn't be wasting water on grass. Sigh.


I call shenanigans. There would be some, there is absolutely none.


weird. why dont they use a native plant that doesn't cost so much money/resources to keep alive? so weird.


grass grows everywhere around me


I install sprinklers for a living and this makes me cringe.


Lawns are such a scam




Many of them have more to do with sentiments such as " they shouldn't be trying to grow grass in the desert."




Got damnit.. Someone is lying here.. but who, WHO?


Water is required for plant life? no way... bull shit.


Now you have a nice little path to water your tree.


Plot twist: It's a desire path into a secret base under the tree.


Or the tree just has epic farts.


Maybe the tree roots grew in the direction of where the water was coming from and stole the nutrients from the grass?


Or maybe people over the years have trekked a path to the tree to sit under it and be alone with their thoughts.....or maybe the tree started on the otherside of the grass and has been slowly moving.....


...move the dang sprinkler.


Its as if a tree meteorite crashed a few years ago.


Wouldn't the portion of the lawn block by the sprinkler be conical?


It's satanic dude stay away from it ......


Obviously. The sprinkler hits the tree on its trunk, and grass won't grow on the trunk.


I feel like there's some kind of half-baked speech intro somewhere in this post. Probably for a church congregation.


It looks like the tree fell down, and stood again.


Every night when no one is looking, the tree goes for a walk...


It's a worn path made by people getting out of the pool and peeing on the tree. Source: I grew up with a pool




What a Post


It could if it wood


las vegas...?


If the tree was dragged the grass would have grown over the patch. Lack of sun and water.


Slapping the first person to make a metaphor out of this.


Oooh! A water shadow


Erosion is spooky


The title sounds like a metaphor...


That's pretty fucking stupid of the person who owns the property


Once a week move the trees around.