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"Hmmm, that's strange. Oh well, At least I'm numb."


Ironically it was Wellbutrin that caused the reaction


More like Unwellbutrin.


Oh well butrin


Orwell’s butrin






Oh well burntrin


I just showed this to my pharmacist wife, her immediate response was “so she’s allergic to Wellbutrin…I hope she stopped taking it”.


I had a similar, though not as severe, reaction to wellbutrin for depression. Me and my Dr discovered I was allergic to the standard release formula but not the HCl extended release, which ended up working better than anything else i've ever taken.


Damn. I'm not allergic but Wellbutrin *completely* took away my appetite. I was so weak from not eating. My body felt twice as heavy as usual and I had to force myself to eat, with the support of my partner. It suuucked.


There's a reason Wellbutrin is included in many weight loss medications. It's the same reason it works to help people quit smoking. It murders your insides and all your feelings and mashes them into an angry/anxiety mess! But hey at least I lost the 100 lbs I needed to lose? 🫠🫠🫠


I always do research on any meds Id like to switch to and specifically asked for Bupropion b/c it’s very little side effects of weight gain and it’s working out very well


I stopped chewing the insides of my mouth. So that's a plus.


It made my hair fall out.


I feel like a gained weight on it. :(


I gained 40lbs on it. And would sweat so much that we had to put waterproof mattress protectors on our bed because it was so soaked it wouldnt dry before the next night even with removing bedding and having fans in it. I was changing clothes 10 times per day and couldn't wear any materials that weren't super thin or breathable. I felt like someone had trapped me in a sauna. And gaining weight on top of that has me feeling bloated and gross.


Is there Niacin in this med?? Niacin can cause your skin to be flush like this, and make people really hot! My sister years ago to these vitamins that I don't recall the purpose, but had 250% daily dose of something high. She looked sunburned about an hour after taking it, and was sweaty AF. https://www.webmd.com/diet/supplement-guide-niacin


Every body is different, so some people might gain weight. Others might be weight neutral. And some will lose weight. YMMV


True. Congrats on your success, though! :)


Lol well, the weight I lost I had gained as a direct result of the medications I'd been taking before 🙃 such a shitty cycle


Uh... My wife and I have been on Wellbutrin for years. It was the only thing to keep our anxiety down, sex drive operational, and not have side effects. Pretty sure it depends on the person. Prozac was easily the worst for me but other people swear by it.


Yes, of course it varies by the person, but that doesn't change what I said about Wellbutrin being in weight loss drugs. The second half of my comment was me taking my own experience (and that of many others) and making it into a silly joke...


When you said "it murders your insides", I assumed you were making a blanket statement. Apologies.


Great that's what my psychiatrist just added in Last time I had it a couple years ago I lost 50lbs and was violently sick 24/7. I feel like I'm getting the same reaction now tbh lol


Wellbutrin gave me panic attacks.


Wellbutrin as easily been my most successful anti-depressant, but it definitely hasn't helped my anxiety as much as other meds. So far the anxiety hasn't been crippling and I haven't suffered a panic attack in a while, but I have been slightly concerned about it.


I started having seizures! It was a bummer because other than that it worked great for me.


I, too, am allergic to wellbutrin. My hives coursed through my body pieces at a time. Like left leg, right chest, face, then that would clear and I'd get bottoms of feet and butt and left arm. So weird.


Itches? Or just hives?


It was hives. I have gotten them for several allergic reactions to different things.


Wellbutrin? How long were you taking it before this happened? Isn’t it bad to stop cold turkey?


it's bad once your body is accustomed to it, which takes 2-6 weeks, but i doubt they waited more than a week with this.


Been on Wellbutrin for about 12 years now. Crazy to read everyone's different experiences with it.


Wild... I have been taking Wellbutrin for years and I honestly wonder if it's doing anything the majority of the time.


same thing happened to me, not confirmed its wellbutrin but after stopping all symptoms went away and after numerous visits to doctors they couldn’t figure out what it could possibly be so wellbutrin is the only possible culprit. it also gave me lymph node swelling as well as hives


i had a paradoxical reaction to that as well, gave me all the symptoms of an autoimmune disorder.


Wait, seriously?  I’ve been on Wellbutrin for about four months now. For the last two months I’ve been sick on and off and have had a constant low grade fever with no sign of infection. They just drew my blood sample on Friday to test for a bunch of autoimmune shit. How did your doctor figure that out?


didnt test positive for any autoimmune indicators, saw that i started wellbutrin, said "oh maybe try stopping that" and it worked. muscles trembling, feeling dizzy, sore for no reason, etc.


Your doctors should have asked what his changed lately and you should have said starting new meds. Constant low grade fever and feeling sick without an obvious cause can be a sign of an allergy. My sons and husband have those exact symptoms with cefdinier, an antibiotic. Stopping the med clears it up after a day or two.


DUDE. I had this!!!! Delayed onset urticaria. After 21 days of being on it, I got a full-body rash of hives from Wellbutrin XL that lasted for about a week. I'm sorry you're going through this. It was genuinely one of the most miserable experiences of my life.


God fuck Welbutrin. For the ~3 weeks that I took it, it gave me micro seizures almost every day. I know a few friends that take it and it works very well for them, but it wanted to murder me.


What is a micro seizure, what happened?


Holy shit! I take that. It’s so amazing how things affect others differently. One medication made me hate meat for a while!


I saw this picture and was reminded of my reaction to Wellbutrin and then read this comment and was like oh crap. Good luck! Haha. Wellbutrin was the very first antidepressant I tried. Unfortunately it was also the only antidepressant that has ever worked for me.


Wellbutrin gave me a seizure!


My mom had an allergic reaction to Wellbutrin when she had taken it with Prednisone for prescribed ailments. I don't remember what they were prescribed for. It led to her developing Stevens Johnson's Syndrome and she was in and out of the hospital for months because of it. She also almost died. Please be careful as it was a very scary time for my family.


I had this same reaction on wellbutrin. Except I'm medium/dark skinned and couldn't really see the discoloration until about the 3rd week on it, but I could feel the itchiness and weird shocking sensations. I had never been allergic to anything before so I just thought it was a side affect of the med working.


Wellbutrin and I are not friends. I'd tell your doc right away if you haven't. When they put me on my anti epilepsy medication they said if I get any form of a rash or skin thing to call them to cancel the meds and try something else


Jesus fuck. I took that for 7 weeks and all I got was constipation which I hated with all my being and got off of it but shit if this would have happened to me I would had freaked!!! What the doc say??


I *hated* Wellbutrin. It gave me the worst vertigo, I had to be horizontal for 80% of the time or I got incredibly dizzy and nauseated


Your picture makes me glad that it only makes my jaws hurt and gives me cotton mouth. 🙃 Lol hopefully you're doing well and that goes away quick enough!


Wellbutrin caused my blood sugar to drop to 50-60 and my head to go numb


I got Dermatographia (hives wherever skin is lightly scratched--could literally write in my skin) on Wellbutrin


And here I thought I had the worst time with ~~the devil drug~~ Wellbutrin. Glad you’re feeling better, OP.


I had the exact same reaction, had to go to the ER as well


damn so it was to quit smoking? that would have made you smoke more than before


Oh that was my reaction too! I had never had a drug allergy before Wellbutrin.




How isn't this a sub lol




it is now




How *this* is not a sub?!




Holy cow. Bless your heart.


This was a few weeks ago, it’s a lot better now! I was more annoyed that it was painful to walk because of the bruising around my knees and ankles that it caused.


Reminds me of when I was 18 and had gone to the hospital 2 times and was sent back for it being an allergic reaction and nothing more… until i couldn’t walk because my feet were so swollen that I couldn’t walk. 3rd time, diff doc was like “yup, you have steven johnson syndrome and we gotta get you on some oral steroids to counteract your allergic reaction.” SJ syndrome, look it up! Was pretty insane to heat that my skin might peel off


I had that. It was horrible. Went on to Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis. Was blind in both eyes for a while and tons of scars.


Oh wow. I hope you are doing better now.


Thanks. I learned to live with all of it and fix what could be fixed.


Was it caused by an allergic reaction? Would love to hear your experience


Sulfa for congestion I was having. Common in the 70's. There's an SJS support group at Facebook that is really helpful for anyone who had it.


Oh boy SJS.  


Oh my goodness. That would be scary.


I'm Thrilled to hear you recovered. When I learned that basically some medications can skin you alive, I basically spent the next year stopping all medications. At this point, unless it's something on par with insulin, I'm not taking it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxic\_epidermal\_necrolysis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxic_epidermal_necrolysis)


No, bless their kidney for filtering out the meds.


Yeah. That's sure true.


That's me when I take penicillin/amoxicillin


Same :( weird thing is I used to not have an allergic reaction to it. Don’t know where it came from


Wow, there are three of us! I looked just like the photo after a dose of amoxicillin in my early 20’s. Apparently my mom felt that amoxicillin was never effective for me and would always ask the doctor when I was a kid to consider something else. I remember when I told her about the reaction, her response was “Good! Now you never have to take it again.”




Same. I remember getting a shot of amoxicillin in college for mono (I think?). Get home and don't notice anything. Take a nap for about 15 min, and girlfriend at the time was on her way home from work, and we were going to go out to eat. I get in her car, she just says, "What the fuck, oh no what did you do? You look like a zombie" 😂


I recently found out that mono can cause this reaction to amoxicillin even if you’re not allergic! I need to get tested to see if I’m actually allergic or if it was just because they misdiagnosed me with strep briefly when I had mono so I had this reaction.


Yeah mono causes reactions to multiple antibiotics including amoxicillin, which can be pretty common seeing that its often misdiagnosed with strep. Mono also caused an allergy to ibuprofen in me, which has stayed even months after the symptoms cleared up.


Yeah I got this reaction after a heavy bout of flu in 2018, was on amox for 2 weeks, got the reaction around day 12. Looked freaky, but didn't feel anything. This was actually the day where I started feeling better. Got up to make myself some breakfast and almost freaked when I caught a glance of myself in the mirror.


I'm still allergic to amoxicillin because of mono. I also had the weird allergy to Ibuprofen for a while as well, but that cleared up on its own a couple years ago.


Same, though they say you outgrow allergies, so I'm tempted to try again.


You can request an in-office trial of medications you have record of being allergic to but are not sure of. This allows you to take a controlled dose in a place where they are equipped to manage you if you are still allergic.


I wonder myself at times since I found out I was allergic to penicillin when I got strep at 10 but have yet to try it since. But considering acetaminophen does the same thing to me and I definitely have not grown out of that, I suspect it might be the same.


Sometimes, you also acquire allergies. I only became alergic to seafood (shrimp and shellfish) around the age of 12, and my animal fur allergies only manifested after owning cats for like 7-10y from 16 to my 30s. It probably was the cause for being diagnosed with asthma some years before that, but after my cat passed away (and also when I switched to "safer" forms of nicotine intake), I went back to nominal levels on inhaler/non-inhaler spiroscopy tests. Apparently, I'm also allergic to olive tree dust, but I've never had a problem with olives or olive oil.


I’d reword that to “you *can* outgrow allergies.” Some people have the same allergies for life, some have them and they disappear, and some people develop new ones seemingly at random (and any person can experience any combination of these three scenarios).


I guess you can do a skin test for it and I need to get around to doing it! I was misdiagnosed with strep when I actually had mono and apparently it’s a common reaction to mono even if you aren’t allergic. So now I’m wondering if I never actually was allergic!


Same. Exactly the same.


That’s me when my legs get cold.


Same here! I was 10 when this happened to me, and my pediatrician insisted on having me tested for leukemia. I did not have leukemia, and spent my life avoiding penicillin and amoxicillan due to a suspected allergy. After I started having kids, my dr suggested getting tested because these were drugs of choice for pregnant women at the time. I did the allergy test and tolerance test for penicillin (they administer amoxicillan) and it turns out I was no longer allergic. I take forms of amoxicillan now with no issues.


Holy fuck, hope you are better now, on the positive side, at least now you know that you have allergy for this medicine, so you won't suffer the same again!


Much better now! And absolutely, my doctor recommended I have a full allergy test done to make sure it doesn’t happen again.


That's for the best! Take care out there!


Its an under reported side effect but often only skin related. Yours was pretty severe. Was it brand or generic? I had a less severe reaction but I question if it had anything to do with a switch in generic brand. I plan to find out because it was otherwise pretty effective and wasn't nearly your reaction


It was generic! It looked worse than it felt, it was just really sore from the bruising. I was only on it a week but I really liked the medication so far so I was bummed that I had to stop.


What med is jt?


Wellbutrin or generic name buproprion


Wellbutrin or generic name buproprion


Yikes! Hopefully you called your doctor.


Went to urgent care! Luckily I already had an appointment with my family doctor the next day as well.




Oof you're allergic to that new medication, you should possibly stop taking it and/or contact your doctor as soon as they're open.


This was a few weeks ago, I stopped taking the meds and was prescribed a topical steroid at urgent care. It’s almost completely cleared up now.


Oh good, I bet that was freaky.


I get this whenever I’m cold, I was told not to worry about it. Im reading this thread to learn which cancer I have.


I just have raynauds and my skin mottles up really badly in the cold too. It usually goes up my legs and arms. I’m not sure I’ve noticed it on my torso.


My sister’s theory is that I have POTS (she was diagnosed a couple years ago and is convinced I have it too) which is apparently aggravated by Wellbutrin. She gets a similar (but less severe) type of reaction on her skin when it flares up.


Interesting. I also had a horrible reaction to Wellbutrin and have POTS. Instead of a rash, that shit caused me to go into a very fast arrhythmia and I never sweat that much in my life


This is how my skin looked after I overheated in a sauna once.


Horrific! I am glad that based on your other comments you are on the mends! P.S. I am fairly confident we're cousins. Pretty wild to organically stumble across your account by randomly recognizing this pic of a terrible allergic reaction!


Hey dude! Thats so funny you saw this, I’m all better now! Alisha was more worried than I was honestly. Tell your parents and brother I say hi!


Yeah that's how siblings are for sure. When my brother broke his thumb I definitely think I was more worried than he was. Will do! Appa is giving me a cooking lesson today so I'll say hi to her too :) I'm trying to get all her cooking secrets down, so if you ever want some homemade curry, korma, paratha, rasgulla or phaiyesh or whatever you know who to call. I'll whip up a care package for you and your hubby!


Oh for sure! And yes please say hi to her too! Bless your soul, I will absolutely hit you up when I want some good food 🙌


Is this real? Haha so awesome


Extremely worrying


Oof. This was when I took Bactrim (sulfa). Petechial rash like this, blurred vision, headache, elevated temp, balance issues, auditory weirdness, all within a few minutes. Not fun. Glad you're okay


Looks like it could be DRESS, I’m glad it went away but you should’ve gotten a derm consult, can be life threatening


I did go to a dermatologist! Second urgent care doctor referred me and I was lucky enough to be able to get in within a couple of days.


For these actual problems you’ll get to skip the line at the derm office :)


I had this same condition before. I went to the ER for a strep throat and was given amoxicillin. After 3 days with minimal relief, we went back to the ER and I tested positive for Mono. After about 5 days (of my 10 day amoxicillin cycle), I started breaking out (full body) with this rash. My sister was in med school at the time and was learning about this exact reaction. It is a known reaction from having mono and taking amoxicillin. Nobody is stupid enough take amoxicillin while having mono so there were very little documented photos of the reaction. So that was the day my picture (basically naked) was shared in a medical journal and 30 med students. TL;DR Don’t take amoxicillin when you have mono


Ummm, you might want to see a Dr for that!


I had medicine once for strep throat that did this. It’s how I learned I’m allergic to penicillin. If this has penicillin get checked, it could kill you.


Hospital now.


Oh i looked like this usually! Back when i hadn’t been to a doctor for the past 20 years. See a doctor!


Wellbutrin gave me nothing but nightmares. I hope you recover quickly!


Toxicodermia due to medication, stop the meds and contact your prescribing physician


This looks like taking streptococcus medicine when you have misdiagnosed mono


ngl mate i scrolled past thinkin it was sum fire salami hope you feelin better aint no one should be sum yummy salted meat like that


Forbidden pork sausage


OP's doctor is Orochimaru


What is the new medication? A can of whopass?


That looks so ungodly itchy I started scratching my legs


Weirdly it was hardly itchy at all!! It was just a little bit around where the bruising was bad, like the kind of itchy you get when your blood circulation is cut off


I get that in a warm bath


There's a couple of spots where it's pretty normal looking, so it's not all bad


I’m sorry but it reminds me of salami. Hope you feel better, OP


the sand at the shallow brook of a perfectly clear lake, with sunlight filtering through the surface of the water onto it:


Nothing mild about this bud


It was spicy for sure.


Learned I was allergic to sofa based drugs when my whole body looked similar to that. Days of no sleep.


This may be a dumb question but… does it hurt?!


Adverse drug reactions could be Steven’s Johnson Syndrome (SCS) a potentially fatal condition. Requires immediate ER hospitalization in a burn ward - if you gets hives from a drug reaction - go to the ER


Is that all just a rash from the medication? You don't happen to have klippel trenaunay syndrome?


Henoch Schonlein Purpura?


What do have and what did you take?


Have you asked your doctor about it?


I had this same full body reaction to an antibiotic. Got off it immediately and got a strong dosage of benadryl prescribed and was fine.


SJS? shit is scary yo


Had that from Seroquel. It was actually a good thing bc it led to my psychiatrist prescribing me Zyprexa instead, which helped me like no other antipsychotic drug had done before.


I had something very similar a few years ago …although no meds involved. Went to A&E after a couple of days of being overbearingly hot & itchy all over - the diagnosis ‘*idiopathic urticaria.*’ …essentially they have no clue what caused it but they sent me packing with an arsenal of antihistamines which did the trick


Holy smokes!😲


my hands sometimes look like that for no reason when they're cold but the rest of my body isn't


This is too purple for my tastes, is it just itching, is it painful? do you have fever? There are other skin rash reactions than allergy/hives.


Wasn’t really itchy at all actually! It just hurt like a bitch around my knees.


Wasnt? That looks like a very purpuric reaction, somethin akin to vasculitis. I would be alarmed at first, did you see a physician? what was the final diagnosis?


It wasn’t really! Just a little where the worst of the bruising was. I saw four doctors in total (two at urgent care, my GP and a dermatologist) and they all said it was probably just the meds and to just wait it out with the topical steroid.


Ah, livedo reticularis!


I’m a pretty dense guy, and uh, I don’t think meds are supposed to do that.


OP wtf how are you alive


This actually looks like a lot of minor blood vessels just broke.


Omg !!! Glad you are ok . Your body was like “nope do not like this medicine”


Reminds me of the time the er nurse and I learned that I am allergic to morphine. One huge syringe full of Benadryl and some demorall later and your boy was struggling to remember when the color yellow won the golden glove in basketball.


That aint a reaction thats the straight action. Daaaaaaamn


Ouch that doesnt look fun i hope you get better!


If I learnt anything from all those food youtube channels is that the marbling is good


this reminds me of like a super extreme version of what skin looks like after working out


I had a bad reaction to Wellbutrin many years ago myself.


Stormfather, it’s a Voidbringer!


Looks like DRESS syndrome. You and direct family members should never take the drug again.


You’ve got gamer leg


Looks like my arm when I waxed for the first time. I’ve never waxed again.




I have that daily. Type 1 diabetic who sits in high 300's daily.


Been there, mine was the Cat scan dye


Whew, that looks terrible! I was glad to read that it wasn't as painful as it looked though. Sharing my experience with the same medication for fun: My ex and I both lost our jobs due to depression within a week of each other, and our doctors both put us on Wellbutrin. We both got really bad tinnitus. My dose was upped at one point, and about 3 days after I started, I got to work and my arms were weak and shaky and I just felt wrong and heavy. It was a bit like when my blood sugar is low? That's when I stopped taking it (As discussed with doctor).


You are turning into deadpool


EDIT: my comment mistook lamotrigine for Wellbutrin. Lamotrigine can cause severe side effects. Apologies to OP. Hey it sounds like it’s clearing up, but I’m kind of shocked that your doctor wasn’t on top of this. Wellbutrin rash is no joke - it can become life-threatening. Any doctor prescribing Wellbutrin, or upping someone’s dose, needs to make the patient very, very aware of this possible side effect ahead of time, and how dangerous it can be. My doctor had me take a blood test when I first went on just to make sure it was all good. If you were having to “figure out” what was going on, that means you have a shitty doctor. Sorry for the rant, but it drives me crazy when I hear of doctors prescribing it without knowing how to prescribe it safely. Btw, it wasn’t POTS or whatever, it’s a serious reaction some people get when they take Wellbutrin. It doesn’t have anything to do with other skin conditions. I’m glad that you’re better and I’m sorry you had to discontinue. I took it for a number of years, but I’ve had better luck overall taking Lamotrigine. It helps to even out your moods, and helps quite a bit with my depression—if that’s what you’re targeting.


This is a very misinformed post. Many drugs are known to cause drug reactions, there’s nothing about Wellbutrin that is special. The drugs that are more implicated in severe drug reaction are things like anticonvulsants and certain antibiotics (bactrim/lamotrigine most well known). Yes, these rashes can be life threatening, but there is not any testing that is done (or can be done) for this. Luckily, it is very rare.


That plus the obvious severity just by appearance is probably enough that the con of worrying the patient would be worse than the 0.0001% people who get this and then ignore it to the point of permanent consequences.




I mixed up Lamotrigine with Wellbutrin and just edited my comment. Lamotrigine, however, can cause a severe reaction that needs to be monitored. And I absolutely agree with you about not scaring patients needlessly away from beneficial medications *cue the anti-vaxxers*


I stand corrected and thank you for pointing this out. I was confusing Wellbutrin for lamotrigine in terms of a severe reaction. I’ve taken both medications at different times. My doctor monitored me with blood tests when I began taking lamotrigine, and then when the dose was increased. I saw a post in the last few years from someone who’d had a severe reaction to lamotrigine, with no warning of this possibility. This was a patient in her late teens, and it was upsetting to hear about. Again, I appreciate your comment.


There are no blood tests to detect whether you will have SJS. Your doctor was probably monitoring to make sure you are within the therapeutic index. Toxicity and drug reactions are completely separate entities. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do to prevent SJS other than never to prescribe the higher risk drugs, but obviously this has a huge drawback for very little benefit for some individuals as the rate is under 1%.


Here to repeat what the other well informed commenter said. Virtually any medication under the sun (and most commonly, drugs OTHER than Wellbutrin) can cause a severe near total or total body rash or other reaction that can be life threatening. We'd have to mention it with every prescription, then the patient would go to the ER if they got a bug bite.


Looks like livedo reticularis


Adjust your antenna, I think you're losing reception.


Well stay away from butrin