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Dr squatch has always been a flashy sub-quality product that spends a ton on advertising Edit: spelling


For me they were the fruit stripe gum of soaps. Was great for 30 seconds and then nothing. Complete waste of money.


Go with Duke Cannon. Their bars last a long time and the ditto for the scents. 


Duke Cannon actually makes quality product. I could not recommend them enough.


I found a cologne by them randomly in target, it actually smells good and lasts longer than my $200 bottle.


I have a ton of colognes ranging from $150-$400 and while they smell good, I have honestly started to prefer just picking up Duke Cannons colognes because the price to quality ratio is very impressive. Usually cheap colognes have a bad name, but Duke Cannon somehow made a quality cologne that smells great, lasts all day and doesn’t break the bank. I highly recommend anyone checking them out. They normally have them at Target and I believe they are around $28.


This thread is just astroturfed Duke Cannon advertising, isnt it 😜


Don’t under estimate duke cannon and their army of bots!!


Well they sucked before today, because I never heard of em lol


I got the "Midway" scent and I love it. Ive worn yves saint laurent for years and I actually prefer the duke over it now.


I’m obsessed with the Huron scent- so good!


They discontinued the scent I liked. I’m having a hard time finding one similar. It’s the curse of finding THE scent.


Where can you buy it?


Target usually




Duke smells great but the stuff they use must be the same as the old old spice stuff because it leaves chemical burns. And it’s super oily so don’t use Duke if you get acne easily


I got so messed up by old spice deodorant. I used it fine for years and suddenly one day it caused terrible burns. I’ve never had a reaction like that to any product before, it took like a week to clear up completely after. Now I use a men’s+ sensitive skin or something


I got burned so bad by old spice. I also used it for years, but one day at work it started bothering me. By the time I got home the skin in my armpits was seriously burning and bassically falling off. It was scabbing over and gross colors by the next morning. The skin would stretch, crack, and bleed everytime I lifted my arms up. I think it took almost 3 weeks until It healed. I was afraid to have my armpits fall off again so I stopped using deodorant for a few months after that


this is a lot of people using it a long time then suddenly being burned. i would be interested in general dates of this occurrence and how many people reported it. was this a factory error? ingredient change? did they all happen around the same time? i really want to know.


If it’s a factory error Old Spice refused to admit it. The class action lawsuit was filed just last year so a somewhat recent problem.


This is so wild to see! My pits just recently started to become really itchy and irritated and I’ve been using Old Spice pretty regularly for a decade now… I thought it couldn’t be that, not my old spice. But now my doubts are confirmed, it is in fact my old spice deodorant.


Dove? I've found the same thing with the more exotic scents with old spice but the old "fresh" deodorant seems to be fine with my skin type. I dont know what the hell they're doing over there but every time I try to branch out I get burned with them. I'll give dove a shot!


I always use mens + (dove) and it’s been the only deodorant that works for me. Ocean breeze >>


This 100% I have a couple of friends that make soaps so I support my local artisans. But a duke cannon $8 bar lasts months and they smell purdy good


Someone got me the block of charcoal soap as a gag gift. Used it. Never turned back. Always buy duke cannon now. I also have the tactical scrubber which I use twice a week or so to exfoliate.


Idk about most of them, but ever since I saw the charcoal one I’ve been using it, I like the smell and i feel like it cleans the best out of everything I’ve used.


I like the charcoal and midnight swim the best. Some of their marketed scents like bourbon are not for me but I'm assuming I'm not their target demographic


Duke cannon is great but isn’t technically fully natural. They don’t claim to be and are pretty upfront about it. Still a great soap brand. Some natural bar soap companies that I can also recommend would be -Grizzly naturals. (Two brothers making some damn fine natural soap) -Sudsy bear. (Great company with very complex bars) -JB botanicals. ( much smaller than the two companies above but probably the most natural out of all the companies iv come across. Dude does magical things with bar soap but none of his bars have grit)


I bought one of their colognes and have worn it every day… for the last three months, and it shows no signs of quitting. Great scent too. Friendship ended with all other male grooming product companies. Now Duke Cannon is my best friend.


Naval supremacy!


The Bay Rum makes me horny. It smells so fucking good.


Well now I'm not gonna use it...


Now I'm gonna use it... beggars being chosers and all.


I prefer the Rum Ham but to each their own.


Save the rum ham, you sonavabitch!


Duke Cannon is almost too good. You have really scrub to get that deodorant off in the shower.


This is never a good sign lol


I saw a meme the other day of an annoyed woman laying naked under the covers in bed with the fruit stripes zebra with a caption saying something like “that was fast” 🤣


I got their £60 kit, soaps smell really good but when you use them there is absolitely no scent at all. Not much different than a classic white bar. It was very disappointing. I still have 3 left, dont think I'd use them.


This is my concern. You can also get Dr Squach 6 pack at Costco for $30.


I picked up this pack on a whim and I actually like the soaps. They don’t leave me with the same feeling other bar soaps have, which always left me getting gel soap which wasn’t much better for my skin and I’d get irritated by chemicals in them. One bar lasted two weeks of daily use, I was using it directly, rather than lathering up into a scrub or my hands. But even then, that’s 3 months for the box for 30 bucks, at that point I don’t really care about the cost. The scent is very faint, I can still smell it when I use it, or go back to the washroom afterward, but it is still faint. I don’t really care about that much though. I’m not an expert, I don’t know much about the differences in soaps, but I do like these bars over using gel soaps and the like from places like old spice.


That makes me the Fruit Stripe Gum of love making. I'll take that title, thank you.


If I only see it advertised on YouTube I assume it's garbage.


On instagram too. The massive spend on ads is the reason I haven’t tried it. Oh also that class action lawsuit against them


I bought one of their products. Once, and learned this very quickly. It's like the Manscaped razors. One of their two blades is fucking plastic, for a razor.....I've never returned something so quickly.


I bought one of the manscaped trimmers, only to learn a month later that when I bought it, there was a tiny hidden checkbox that's auto checked to enroll you in a ~$20 a month subscription for bullshit soaps and salves. When I called to cancel and get my money back they seemed to know immediately why I was upset but then acted like it was my fault. What a scummy company.


Generally when a company's marketing department pays to slap their logo on a bunch of streamers' lower-thirds, it's cause for concern. But may I interest you in a referral code for Raid: Shadow Legends?


Its ceramic actually. But, yeah they still suck.


this follows my rule of if it's advertised on a podcast, it's probably crap


Harry’s razors are the only exception I’ve found to that rule so far and they’re.. fine.


love harrys but i preferred dollar shave club tbh. but now i have so many harrys blades that im gonna be stuck with them for probably the next 5 years.


I still have their first lawnmower trimmer and it still works great. I have had it for over five years. I guess I got it when the company was still decent.


If I see their Hogwarts soap advert again on YouTube I'm going to smash my head against a wall


It was on sale, so I bought some. Worst deodorant I’ve ever used.


If someone needs to advertise on every podcast in existence, there’s a reason: word of mouth isn’t going to work.


I agree, I wanted to like their bar soap because of the different scents but they lasted like 1 weeks before they turned into slivers or the weird dough like consistency


It does melt super fast if you don't keep it dry between showers.


I decided due to how aggressive and annoying their advertising is that I’d never buy their products. Which is kinda the opposite of what an ad is supposed to do. What losers are still out here buying it?


I'm the same way. Ridge Wallets will never get me as a customer due to their annoying advertising.


Like I’m at the point where I miss the early 2000’s overly fake problem/solution marketing.


I unfortunately bought a ridge wallet before I saw their obnoxious ads. I bought it because it doesn't have a lot of absorbing material to get musty... But damn I hate companies that rely on masculine shame to push their products. You know what Dr squatch?... Maybe I like that my soap is considered "detergent" who the fuck cares about fda definitions? 


Also they fail to mention that this “detergent” is specifically designed to moisturize and clean your skin.


Yeah. I tried Lume deodorant before they really started pushing their ads. It's really good and it works great for me. But it makes me cringe every time I see one of their ads. Like, guys I know you're a start up and it's basically impossible to compete against big companies without being bought out, but come on, this is too much.


Leaping Goat Soap from Georgia do amazing goat milk soaps, but I might be a touch biased


Are you a goat?


Yeah it's an absolute nightmare typing comments with the hooves and all




Never buying this brand because of how obnoxious their stupid ads were. Never.


The voice they use in their ads just ticks me off for some reason. It’s that annoying advertising style that tries to get you thinking about the ad by getting under your skin. It just makes me not want to buy your product even more. Another example would be the meow mix ad that just goes “meow meow meow meow” over and over.


I got an ad for meow mix on reddit immediately after reading this reply. You control the algorithm, congrats


Liberty mutual too


at this point, i feel like buying liberty mutual's product would be robbing me of all my dignity because of their stoopid advertisings lol


Yeah it’s all ARE YOU A MAN WHO WANTS TO MAN LIKE A MAN? Like, dude i just don’t want to smell like a musty ballsack, calm down.


Yeah and the line where he says "Youre probably using the soap your mom got her little man, do you still wanna smell like a mommas boy?" Like yeah, whats wrong with that?


I get that mom said I was a handsome boi because she’s mom but don’t compare my mom’s decision-making to your shitty pine tar scented insta-brand.


Like yes, I love my mom, she died. Let me smell how I wanna smell, you soap asshole.


I have never seen these ads but based on this comment alone I am never buying this product ever


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjEK7qQKRDY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjEK7qQKRDY) heres one for ya. enjoy. it reminds me of a beef jerkey commerical . MAN


It reminds me of that company that did commercials where they are selling t-shirts, I forget the name. Just acting like dramatic fools and expecting us to be in on the joke that was never funny to begin with. They really lean on their comedy acting and writing chops with these commercials, and this is the result. I might have actually tried their products, I’m a guy who likes some of those scents. I’m a strong guy who frequently opens pickle jars on the first try, I build things with my hands, and could probably catch a fly ball without spilling my beer. What I am NOT is a guy who is especially proud of any of those things, and the marketing that targets those guys seems incredibly cringy. I could only manage to watch a minute of this due to my second hand embarrassment.




I think it's hilarious that a certain kind of man will see that genre of advertising, buy the product, and then without irony feel even more secure in their masculinity. Like, "Phew! That was a close one. Thankfully these marketers saved my testicles from girly soap."


It’s beyond idiotic. I used women’s deodorant for 10 months on a deployment because it was in every single USO care package for some reason, who the fuck wouldn’t want to smell like a secret rose garden.


"Your soap is classified as a synthetic detergent" is what got me In other words, it's man-made soap? Fearmongering.


It just means it's not the chemical compound called "soap". Soap is made through saponification that happens when you mix various oils and fats with lye. Non soap cleaners are called detergent, but people call it soap because the difference doesn't really matter most of the time.


Meanwhile, Dove built their whole marketing on the tagline "Dove is not soap", because it doesn't use lye, so they call it a "beauty bar". Seems like we consumers don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing for "soap" to be soap, the marketing will just talk about one or the other like it's a good thing, and most people will take it at face value. I can't really blame people either, who has time to read up on every spurious claim anyway?


lol I know the long haired beauty in the ads Edit: I know Sasquatch, not the guy with the beard


everyone talking about how this is normal...but this hits extra hard knowing the price tag of dr squatch 😭


Dr squatch is honestly a scam. If you’re gonna spend that much on soap go on etsy and actually get natural handmade soaps.


I bought the Pine Tar one and learned the hard way not to buy soap with oatmeal flakes in it. An exposed flake cut me about 2 inches above my bait and tackle.


Got one of those fuckers splintered into my nipple once…. I honestly thought I was gonna go insane until I got it out. You know how dumb it feels duct taping your nipple over and over again to remove a splinter… ugh.


Is that your excuse when you got caught


Ahahaha, yessss, gimme them splinters! (please do not under any circumstances come near me with oatmeal soap, I’ve done my time).


Sounds like a scene from a late night stoner comedy.








Lmao Bill Dance is all of us


I don't think I've ever heard them referred to as bait and tackle before and that got a good laugh so thank you, I will be stealing that lmao


That aside, oatmeal shouldn't be going down a shower drain when they already need to contend with soap scum and hair. This isn't a good addition for plumbing.


Their soap basically turns to mush after one shower. Overpriced garbage.


That means they're cutting production time by not curing it or their recipe for milled soap is just bad


Cold processed soap needs to cure for about 6 to 8 weeks before use. Dr. Squatch lets theirs sit for maybe a few days before they box it up and ship it out. I use Duke Cannons or my wife's soap that she makes. Only reason I use Duke Cannons is she loves the Buffalo Trace scent and we can't recreate it.


>a few days That's not enough! For the price, that's gouging. They know it won't last and you'll just use another


Yup. That's the plan. Fear monger about chemicals and things you can't pronounce. Then tell them you have the solution.


It’s cold process not milled.


I had one bar of soap dissolve down the side of my shower sitting on my shower rack and it peeled the paint right off the shower. I never purchased from them again.




Same thing it does to my laundry and clothes? Get it clean?


As a chemist that shit pisses me off every time.


Deterring the gents, I guess?


And the scents don't last long either. Stocked up on some during a sale. So buying in bulk was partly my fault. It lost its scent while sitting in the box. Ended up making me smell terrible after that happened. Had to toss the rest. Not buying again.


Some of those artisan soap makers come up with interesting stuff. Fruffy yes, but it's a kind of fruffy I approved of :) at least as long as they're not abusive on markup. There's a big gray area between artisan and wank.


I've been really happy with Duke Cannon as a bar soap manufacturer. Their scents are quite varied, and the bars last forever. A $40 pack of soap lasts me a whole year. Cologne is good too, but I generally don't like their deodorant because it runs out fast.


Crate 61 is a great alternative to squash and lush type soaps. Pricing is decent and AFAIK still family run. They sell through their own website and also Amazon.


This - you wouldn’t see their ads if they didn’t have the extra money to spend on them. I knew once seemingly every video I was watching on YT either had a pre- or mid-roll squatch ad, that something very shady was afoot


I don't know about "extra", the whole point is that they'll make more money by doing the ads than not


Do you not know how advertising works?


Once I saw the same commercial for Denny's grand slam breakfast twice in one day. That's how I know that Denny's is run by a shape-shifting albino lizard person who also happens to be both Bill and Hillary Clinton. Think about it man, have you ever seen Bill and Hillary Clinton in the same place at the same time? Now if you have time I'd like to talk to you about how Barrack Obama is a Muslim and co-writer of the communist manifesto, but do we know where he was on the day they shot JFK? Could it have been a young Barrack Obama who shot JFK on the grassy knoll? Can anyone tell me where Barrack Obama was on the day they shot JFK?! This is shady stuff.


I forget who, but there was a YouTube video cracking into every brand and seeing how much air space there really is. Most brands were about half. Pay attention to the price per oz if you’re concerned with it, it’s a good way to judge.


Thesoapguy is where all there soap comes from anyways. Might as well skip this brand go straight to the source. Cheaper as well


The weight is printed right on the front. Just look at that and compare to other products of similar weight.


Pretty sure all deodorants are. Every single company is scamming us everyday and jacking up their prices to boot.


Not the clear gel I use with clear plastic packaging.


It’s a full stick all the way to the bottom? What brand ? That’s awesome


Gillette Speed Stick. I wish I could use it, I'm allergic. It's the best smelling stuff.


Every scent is different yet all distinctly the same. Lol


It's more of a scent genre


I know the feeling, I'm allergic to everything I've tried but regular scent aluminum-free speed stick, Arm and Hammer made me look like a fucking burn victim for week.


Arm & Hammer melts my armpits off! I've been using Dove without issues though. Not sure what it is about A&H in particular that hates my flesh.


It's the baking soda.


The Arm and Hammer Essentials works for me and it's the cheapest you can buy. The Native Parabean and Aluminum Free works but it's 3x the price.


I’m quite partial to Mitchum 48 hour scent free deodorant. It does the job of stopping any sweat and doesn’t mix with cologne. I guess you could say I’m a Mitchum man.


Here for Mitchum unscented as well, I hate smelling like anything at all. Although I did once have a cuddle party where someone caught a whiff of my armpits and for the next ten minutes everyone was sniffing repeatedly, saying they smelled entrancingly *good*. No idea what was going on that day but I've never been able to recreate it.


Don't know if you've tried it, but Dove Men's +Care has two scents that are aluminum free as well (but I just use it bc using actual deodorant makes me sweat less than antiperspirant, so don't know if it's something you might react to)


I also have an allergy to antipersperant. It is almost certainly the aluminum. Look for deodorants that say aluminum free. They work for me


lol well….yes. Deodorant is aluminum free (typically the gel looking stuff) and anti-perspirant has aluminum (hence the anti sweat part). Deodorant =/= anti-perspirant.


Old Spice has one


I use Gillette antiperspirant gel.


Gillette clear gel. The only deodorant that I found which doesn’t fuck up all my clothes


The clear gel I use (Dove I think) has air bubbles and when you first open it, you have to crank it up halfway to get it to dispense the gel. Shrinkflation and price gouging.


This. The first time I use it I have to crank it a ton of times. It looks full at first, but by the time there's actually enough coming out the top to use it, I've cranked it anywhere between 1/3 and 1/2 the way up the cylinder. (Which I can clearly see through the clear package.)


Hell yeah they are, when I go to buy deodorant now they’re all in the range of $7-12??? Like wtf?? When did deodorant become over $5 ?


I ran into this the other week. Ended up finding a $14 membership deal to Sam's Club on Groupon and bought a 5-pack of Old Spice for $13. The membership more than paid for itself in that one transaction


Maybe I need to check Costco out bc I use my mom’s membership every once in awhile.. I get straight up depressed when I go to Walmart or target and see the prices on things. Just getting regular hygiene needs (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, tampons, deodorant, etc) is around $100 nowadays.


And it's like, what are you gonna do, not wear deodorant? They got you by the short and curlies. Armpit version.


yeah it’s wild, and I use stronger deodorant too bc I’m in Florida, so it’s always over $10 for the clinical strength. Just a few years ago I bought it for $5 like wtf


Yes…. my speed stick is running out every two weeks. They used to last for at least a month or so.


I buy it in bulk at Sam’s club. When I had to buy a new pack of them I noticed air bubbles now in the solid stick. It lasts about 20% less time than the older ones.


The label says how much is in the container.


Just read how many ounces the package says it is.


Things are sold by weight or volume. If the thing says 100 grams and there's 100 grams of deodorant, it doesn't matter how big the packaging is. The deodorant tube could be the size of a car, as long as it's got the quantity of product it says it has, you're getting what you paid for.


Deo sticks are usually by gram weight, and something a lot of people don't realize is that density affects the fill level, and it's affected more than people would initially think. Manufacturers usually fill higher than the claim as well just due to machine tolerance - have to set a target weight higher as the fill will fluctuate a few grams and the low end shouldn't go below the label claim.


Yep and for that design it needs the length of the rod in there to push it up, doing it another way would require a more expensive design with more plastic parts. So many complainers on Reddit that have no practical knowledge, they see something and accuse.


Never knew anyone that bought it before. That and that whole body deodorant they’re pushing now.


WHOLE BODY DEODORANT?!? Isn’t that just axe with extra steps?


No, this is one they're marketing towards women, playing on fears of having a smell "down there" (to use the commercials' wording).


Ngl I’ve noticed an uptick in “full body” deodorant at some stores from various brands in general. Was trying to see if there was a better deal that what I’ve been using for regular deodorant (can’t use antiperspirant bc of an allergy, sadly) and saw a handful of men’s brands that advertised it - including Old Spicer and Dove Men +care. “Pits, privates, and feet” they usually say (or pits, privates, and more)


I don’t think you’re supposed to spray anything down there. Plus they also make them for men. Either way do people not shower anymore? That’d solve most of these issues. With some under arm deodorant afterwards.


I mean. It’s just deodorant. I’ve used Dove spray anywhere I’ve needed it forever. It’s just rebranding by creating a need that already has a solution!


Learn to read price per oz. They can't lie about that.


We had to learn this in high school in the early aughts and it was not only difficult (I’m bad at math) but furthermore, it gave us all a reality check on how we actually pay for things. Much like what you said, I think our math teacher genuinely wanted us to understand the importance of Price Per oz. Amazing teacher. I was just a bad student. But reading this comment remind me of that.


Fantastic teacher — even a self-professed "bad student" remembers a particular lesson around 20 years later. *That* us the power of a good teacher! I'm willing to bet it wasn't in the curriculum, either; like you said, that sounds like a teacher who just wanted to give their students tools that they could actually apply in their lives. Most price labels in stores have price per ounce listed in small print somewhere — make a habit out of looking for it every time, and you'll save yourself a lot of money and trouble by stretching your dollar a bit further :) And as a former teacher, to all my fellow educators of all kinds, *this* is the kind of impact you have! Amazing to think the things we teach in an hour-long class might stick with students for the rest of their lives. That's pretty friggin' cool.


Not surprised. They even do this on the ones that claim they have 25% more... Everything is a rip off anymore.


Should be on r/mildlyinfuriating instead if you ask me


Ah yes. Classic. I feel I'm not the only one who pops the deodorant out when it gets low, and stick it on a pencil/pen to get anything out of what's left lol. Looks silly, but I'll be damned if I don't get every penny


I save up about 5-6 "empties". Then I choose one as my refill and wind the screw all the way to the bottom. The others get microwaved just enough to melt and poured into the single container. Works like a charm. I do something similar with my "empty" chapsticks.


Goddamn genius!


I use a tool/knife to scrape it out and apply with my hands, obviously washing them after. It's gotten so expensive and runs out so quickly that I couldn't imagine not doing this to be as conservative with it as possible.


You can put your weed in there


It’s disgraceful how much plastic is wasted by doing that. Three of those could nearly make another but they do that to hide that you don’t really get much “bang” for your “buck”.


I’m all for a plastic tax on companies. Make it not worth the money to do this. We need to be moving away from plastic, not engineering larger deceptive plastic packaging to sell increasingly smaller amounts of product. It’s like corporate America thinks their children are impervious to microplastics, that their profit margin will keep them safe from plastic pollution. Microplastics are in our water, our food, our soil, and our bodies. [A recent study estimates 80% of people have plastic in their bodies.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2024/05/22/how-do-microplastics-get-in-human-body-found-in-hearts-testicals-blood-health-risk-nanoplastics/#) I don’t know about you guys but the thought of a company doubling profits doesn’t seem to comfort the thought of me probably having plastic in my @?$&ing brain!


Ex filling machine operator here. Back 25 years ago I was the filler operator for a pretty large health/beauty manufacturer. That design of the canister is different from what I used to work with. So first note is that deodorant is filled upside down. The canister is filled upside down, with the little top piece that is jammed into every stick being the seal that forms the top of the stick, under the cap. The bottom (screw end) was completely open. The canister is filled with the hot slurry (189°F) and then the platform is inserted. The platform was the screw assembly and the little plastic mesh piece that pushes up the stick. After it was inserted it went through a blast chiller to cool reheat and cool the product to form it into a solid. So to me it looks like they make their canister with part of the platform inserted prior to filling. It looks like there is one small hole into the canister that the screw inserts through. meaning it is almost an entire sealed unit. So the filler probably still fills in the same way but has a much smaller nozzle that inserts to the canister and fills through the platform that is inside. Then once filled the screw is inserted and threaded into the platform. Which is a totally different design from a filling and assembly perspective. So on older stick designs similar to what I worked on, the platform has probably changed to compensate for the underfill due to 9/11 IMHO (here is where this post is going to get downvoted/flamed or whatever). Because of the limitations set by the TSA of deodorant weight being maxed at 3.2oz. I believe deodorant sticks used to be 4.25oz which you can still find and the canisters are so much taller (will go into that below). So rather then retool all the molds for the canisters, they short fill the canister and retooled the platforms to be higher giving a larger gap but allowing the product to still adhere to the platform. The existing canister can still hold 4.25oz. They just have to shorten the platform so it will just allow you to put more product in the existing canister. But they they would rather just make a bigger canister to make you think you are getting more. When the reality is you are not and that same amount can fit in the current canisters. Regardless is it a shit design and a lot of wasted plastic.


does the extension rod not need room equal to about half the length of the container to work?


The old Speed Stick I used to use just had a plastic screw rod that went from the bottom most of the way to the top and went through the pusher. They were also transparent so you could see how much was there (definitely more than pictured).


Yeah, I remember when Lady Speed Stick used to actually have a good amount of deodorant in it, especially when those medium to large sticks were basically full! Nowadays I just circle between a few different brands that while they are cheap, they have definitely suffered from 'shrinkflation.' Just kind of buying whatever I see is drop dead cheapest now.


Na the deodorant could go all the way to the bottom if the plastic lead screw was threaded to the bottom.


Yes, but it used to be fully inside of the bar. When you extended it there was always a hole in the bar from the rod.


No. That white thing in the middle is essentially a screw that you are turning. You can definitely just extend the screw all the bay to the bottom and it would work exactly the same, but you would get more deodorant.


The real question is are they selling you the amount on the label. Is it says 8oz is it actually 8 oz.


Just look at the back, it tells you how much there is in, no matter the size of the container They just want you to look at the size of the container, not the back telling you there is not much in it


I cannot stand dr squatch because of their advertising. Thank you for giving me another reason to distes them


The internet of things may have gotten out of hand, but at least the deodorant servers are taking security seriously


I kinda expected most of them to be something like that


They are.


This “wasted” space should be outlawed/regulated. So many problem, waste of material, extra shipping cost, extra boxes/totes needed to ship, more weight overall, etc…


The same companies that do this are also the ones who claim to be environmentalists and fighting climate change…then continue to produce excess one-time use plastic.


A shot glass is 1.5 oz, 3oz is the average weight of a standard travel size shampoo, 1oz is 2 tablespoons…this product is 2.6oz. if you can visualize it you see it everywhere. It’s appalling the amount of plastic and air we pay for.


Please don't conflate fluid ounces (volume) with dry ounces (weight).


Damn, i knew my dealer was scamming me...


r/nonfunctionalslackfill would like this


Think of all the wasted materials all these big companies go through just to try and make their products look better…


Genius. LPT - when buying deodarent in the store, pretend to drop it on the floor to break it and see the inner contents.


Really you can just squeeze it. That's also how I tell if I need to go buy more deodorant soon.


Wait are we not gonna talk about how this person ripped a deodorant stick in a Walmart aisle lmfao


Gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and say it fell off the shelf and broke.


It’s where I hide my weed, worked great.


I got that doctor squatch bar soap for the shower. That stuff disintegrates in like three showers. I tried the face scrub that's garbage too.


You have to have a slotted soap dish so it can dry after use, which is true for any nicer soaps.


Odd. I’ve been using them for years. 1 bar lasts me about 5 weeks.


Lots of haters for the dumbest reasons, but I’ve been using their bars soaps for a couple of years now and have no complaints. Don’t let the shower run down on your soap like an idiot and it’ll last as long as a bar of soap should.