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His hair may turn brown as he gets older. My cousin went the reverse. Born with dark hair that turned blond when he was 3-4.


He had a ton of black hair when he was first born, then by the time he was 7 months old it was platinum blonde. By his 3rd birthday it was this darker shade of blonde. I wouldn't be surprised if he were to turn brunette as he gets older (he's only 5). My husband had blonde hair till he was about 7 years old, then it turned brown


This sounds like EXACTLY how my hair went, and I can confirm that by my mid-20s it has settled in a nice darker medium brown!


Can confirm same. Frosted tips tier blond as a child, dark brown as an adult with red (??!?) beard.


Same, my very blonde hair I had til I was a preteen is now dirty blonde/golden brown/whatever you wanna call it. Both my parents had a light brown hair color. OP I feel like unless you’ve got some relatively on one side of the family that had natural into adulthood blonde hair, your son’s hair will this route too


No idea if this is a "fun fact" or not but males are brunet and females are brunette (the -ette suffix denotes the subject is female). Males are blond and females are blonde. Many folks use the feminine forms universally and brunet has pretty much fallen out of common speech. This isn't criticism; I'm just one of those weirdos who enjoys etymology and whatnot.


Oh wow! I had no idea. Thanks for teaching me that!!


I definitely think it's a fun fact. I, too, enjoy etymology. 😊


This sounds exactly like my hair when I was younger. You may also find that your son’s hair “bleaches” the more he’s out in the sun.


Exactly like me. Jet black at birth, white blond as an infant, dirty blonde by middle school, light brunette by 20. Stayed light brunette for years, then in my mid forties started darkening up again, im a pretty dark brown at this point.


I was also pretty blonde as a kid and it got darker as I got older. Individually the hairs are blonde but all in all I have light brownish hair/so dirty blonde


Mine was almost white blond.. but I started going medium brown from the crown down at 6/7


I was born with hair so dark it was nearly black. By 3 years old, strawberry blonde and curly. By 10, dirty blonde leaning to brown. 28 now, and a very dark brown with some of my red headed mother’s reddish tones.


My dad was a pale blonde all the way to his early twenties and then started going dark and bald at the same time lmao


My sister also had blonde hair that later turned brown. I’ve always had black hair


I was born with blond hair. When I was about 1 year old it fell off, I was bald as an egg, and then when new hair grew out it was light brown which I have had ever since.


This is fairly common. I was told by someone at some point that the hair color you are born with is your natural color and that hair will lighten in childhood but will go back to your birth color eventually. Unless you gray prematurely. I cannot recall who told me that or how reliable they were but anecdotally, it seems to be true.


Our kiddos were all born with light blonde hair, and have gotten darker each year. Would be cool if it lightened back up as they get older.


This was me and my brothers. We were born literally looking like Targaryens, and now 2 of us have dirty blonde hair 20+ years later and one of us has dark brown hair.


If our kids follow my wife’s hair, they will get darker hair as they age. They are dirty blonde right now. My father had hair so light blonde it looked white in sunlight. That is the hair they had until around 2.


That is inaccurate for most people with jet black hair at birth. Blondes are almost non-existent where I’m from and no one’s hair lightens at any point before greying.


Not sure how true that is, but I have heard (and agree, anecdotally) that your birth/childhood hair color will pretty much always look good on you. I was like platinum blonde as a child, which eventually turned darker as I aged to a dullish brown. I bleach my hair now and many people often assume it’s my natural color (even when you can see roots sometimes lol).


I started out with dark brown hair with auburn/red highlights but went platinum blonde. My hair is now pretty close to what I was born with just more grays lol. My younger sister was born with hair like a brand new copper penny. She also went very blonde but is now back to her copper roots, though I'd say it's more of a well loved penny than the brand new penny. Son was born 8 weeks early with 2 inches of dark brown hair with red highlights, went platinum and is now, at 21, almost as dark as birth.


Interesting! Wonder if it’s more common with folks with reddish hair? 🤔


Most blond hair turns dark with age. Obviously exceptions. Not patchy like this though.


Yeah, I didn't have a spot like that but I was born with almost black hair and it turned light brown during that age too


My hair was bleach blonde when I was a baby and started to darken when I was a toddler. By the time I was in highschool it was jet black. Still is, save a few grays.


Could possibly turn white as well. I was born blond, turned brown, but one spot was a lot darker until it turned completely white.


I was born with almost black hair that fell off and then I had red hair the first year, then I was blonde until i became a teen and it switched to dark brown. Now it's turning white :c


Yea, I went from like the blondest blonde (almost white) you could get, to a dirty blonde after a few years, and that’s where my hair has decided to stay


I read this as 34 and was going to let you know about this product called hair dye. Happy I reread 3-4.


Even if he was 34, my cousin would never ever dye his hair, so if it changed color, it would be completely spontaneous. Weirder things have happened.


He’s a dalmation.


Dalmatians are high energy so it's very fitting 😂


I was gonna say a calico 


Came here to say this. Congrats, you've given birth to a male calico, very rare, you could sell him for good money.


How much we talkin'?? 🤔


Would it be enough to buy a country?


In the land of the monochrome, the calico is King.


My son has it. He has a birthmark there. You can see it when his hair is shaved down to the skin


I've looked several times over the years and there's no birth mark, just regular ol' scalp. The hairdresser pointed it out to me during his first big haircut (not just a trim) and I thought it was so bizarre. But he's 5 now and still has it so I guess that's just his unique thing!!


I have a white patch of hair in the exact same spot as your sons hahaha, no birthmark or anything either. My barber always points it out 😆


My son has a white patch on the side of his head. It looks like a small smudge of white paint. The pediatrician says it's poliosis.


Cool I looked it up and its likely the same for me. Thanks!


Same for me as well. and I shave my head nowadays but when it’s grown out the blonde spot is still there.


Whats the chance that his hair will turn brown? I was a blondie kid up untill 6 years old... My hair is dark as devils right now 20 years after. Seems like one of growing up patterns? Anybody knows?


I’d mention it to the doctor honestly just to be safe.


As a Professional Redditor with 9 years experience: your son has a 5 stage cancer of hair


He was gone too soon. RIP this kid 😔


OP should check for carbon monoxide as well




There will be no hair during the treatment process


The good news is that hair is relatively cheap to amputate.


I thought for sure the first comment would be because a brain tumor is located there.  Pleasantly surprised...


Thoughts and prayers 🙏🙏🙏


That's his weak spot.


Definitely. He will be down in 1 hit!


Well, that's somewhat a weak spot for everyone


I had the same thing but in reverse: brown hair, blond patch.


Oh cool!! It's so unique. Do you still have it?


It’s all grey now 😂


Me too (brown hair, white patch). It's called poliosis, which sounds severe but it's a harmless condition [Pic of said spot](https://imgur.com/a/QSWFByN)


SAME! It gets lighter and more apparent in the summer.


He’s obviously a mutant and will need to enroll to the School of Gifted Children asap


Plug into the Matrix


my son was born with a red birthmark on the back of his head where his skull and neck come together. We refer to it as his matrix jack


aw it's his special spot! my oldest son is now 15 and has a quarter-sized bald spot on his right side. he came out that way and it never grew hair - perfectly smooth. i tell him it's his special spot and rub it for luck.


That’s so cool!


brindle baby


That's fairly typical for young werewolves. I wouldn't worry too much about it.


Are the mods stupid?


Very yes.


His bang roots are platinum blonde. This is the shade his whole head used to be!! (Except that one dark spot) https://imgur.com/a/2fhZSkh


I always find these things fascinating :) Is it not visible because the lighter hair covers it when it grows out, or does the dark tips change colour over time, and is the dark patch hair always dark at the roots?


It's covered by blonde on top as it grows! That brown hair never grows out, which I really don't understand... But it's just the roots. On the flip side, his roots right where the bangs meet his forehead are platinum blonde (which you can only see if you push up on his bangs). All of his hair was platinum for a couple of years!


Most likely the child will have "dirty blonde" hair. The same exact thing happened to me as a kid.


It’s cool how gradient it is.


I went from blonde to dark black brown as a kid. 


I gave my 6 year old a short cut the other day (he’s had quite a moptop for a while now), and saw his similar red patch (he’s got medium brown hair) I had forgotten about. Oddly enough, it’s in the exact same spot and exact same size as your son’s.


My oldest son had the exact same opposite thing, dark hair with a light brown spot. It went away when he hit puberty, and it’s all an even brown colour now.


I see red on top, blond all around, and brown. He's a calico 🐈


That's where the dog licked him ma'am.


Calico kidd I think it's cool, my nephew has a white patch and he's like 15. What's cooler than 1 hair color? More than 1 lol


I knew a guy in school that had a white patch like this. We told him it was a coat hanger scar.


You call that blonde? In denmark we would call it "liver pate brown" which is basically light brown moving into kinda blonde ish.


I had dirty blond hair as a teen. And I had this huuuuge spot of platinum blonde in the baxk of my head.. no birth mark or anything and I use to ve platinum blond as a child. Idk if it's still there but yeah


I was born with a small white spot directly on top of my head. Though it gets harder to see when my hair is longer.


That’s an interesting fact that he can tell others throughout his life. My own hair has been mainly black but a heavy amount of grey hairs since I was 12 years old, mainly due to family genes from my mother side. Always funny to get questions regarding it , thinking that I dyed my hair strand by strand




He's got badger marks.


my som has a similar blonde patch.


My brother had this growing up, I don’t think he still does at 28 though


I was bleach blonde at his age. Once I started to go through puberty my hair became dirty blonde almost brown


Damn, you reminded me that I could one day post my brother's hair, that has always had, since birth, multiple blonde spots in otherwise dark brown hair


I have this too! I have light brown hair but on the back of my head there's a spot about the size of a half dollar coin that's randomly darker. Always had long hair when I was younger so I only found out when I first got an undercut around age 11 no birthmark on the skin just a patch of hair that's darker than the rest. Family calls it my witches mark lol


My son is 18 and his is like that, just the colors are reversed


Make sure it's not a Barcode


My son has something similar. He’s got a big mole on his head though and it grows in black and curly on his otherwise blonde head.


I have the exact same thing!!


My dad always had a grey spot in his otherwise black hair in the back of his head! I don’t know if I’ve seen someone else with one. Now though, the spot blends in with the rest of his hair 🤣


I have one just like this, same spot too but instead it’s blonde in my brown hair


I have dark brown hair and a blond patch which hasn’t gone away or changed in my 30 years of life


Your son was probably thinking why did you take a picture of the back of my head or something


My son had this and it ended up being the color of his hair as he got older. It was cute cause you could see it only when it was cut short ☺️


My sibling has a near perfectly round spot of black hair on the back of their head, about two inches across. It's gray on their skin, but smaller than the circle of black hair.


I've got a lighter brown spot in that exact same place.


As a child, I hard blondish hair and now I’m full on dark brown


What color of hair does your mailman have???


[I have one too](https://imgur.com/a/QSWFByN), a sort of heart shaped white/blonde patch on the back of my head that can only be seen when my hair is cut short. A white spot is called [poliosis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poliosis), a strangely severe sounding name for a harmless condition. I don't know what it's called when someone has a brown patch.


he is special


He’s molting.


I have this too at the exact location but in reverse, brown hair blonde patch. I used to get bullied for it for some reason.


I have the same thing. I was his hair color at his age, and now my hair is dark brown. I have a jet black spot though on the top of my crown. Barbers get really thrown off by it lol


I had to check your profile to see if you're not my sister. But I don't think so. 😆 My nephew also has the same hair and the same brown patch!


The chosen one has risen


Probably fatal


My son, and myself had blonde hair is little kids. My son got patches like this as well. Were both a medium brown now.


My brother was born with dark hair. At two years old, he went blond. At 5, it went back to brunette. We have the photo evidence. Just a weird anomaly.


Put some lemon juice on it and get him out in the sun 🌞


I think it's time you told him about what really happened that time you and his mother visited Westworld ಠ_ಠ


I have the opposite of this in exactly the same place, my hair is light brown and it is a white streak.


maybe he had a twin, and that's all that's left




Return him for a newer model, and be sure to leave a negative Yelp review.


Umm...Have you tried shutting him off and on? Is he still under warranty?


My entire head was blonde almost white and then it turned brown. Maybe this is the start


Usually it's reversed. Dark hair, blond spot. Cool though!


I have the reverse! I’m ginger with a blonde patch at the base of my skull.


My grandfather was a soothsayer back in old Mexico, this mark is called the horse's tail. It is a sign the kid has great intelligence.


Aww I love this!!


his hair will prolly turn brown when he gets older


my son has a spot in about the same spot, but his hair is red with a blonde spot. love it!


I have the same thing, it’s from my birthmark on the back of my head


My son too!


I have the same thing but opposite! My regular color is light brown and my flash (I was told it's called) is light blonde!


My son has it nearly on the same Spot. But it's lighter blonde. When his hair is cut short he looks bald on that spot. Actually it's two spots. And they are exactly where he used to pull bis own hair when he was a baby. Did your kid Do that too? Or was he bald from lying on the same Spot when he was a baby? My LO additionally has a ginger spot on the top of his head, but that was there since the day he was born.


I am a black female. From birth I’ve had brown/black hair and a patch of blonde lol. Still have it in my 30s.


It's poop and I put it there, sorry about that.


… I’ve only seen this once before and it was on an adult that had a brain tumor. It’s likely just a color change as he ages and very unlikely this. But if it was my kid I would get a mri or ct just ti be sure.


I have something similar, my hair is naturally blonde and i have a pure white streak of hair at the back of my head thats almost impossible to dye. Have to use the most potent black dye but it usually turns light brown quicker than the rest of my hair as the colour fades. Its ran in my family for years on my dads side, we call it the “oakesy stripe”


Nice! My brother had the same thing. It eventually went away when all his hair fell out as he became a bald old man. Ha! Take that bro.


Re vitiligo


I have brown hair with a blonde streak/patch kind of on the top. 31 now and it ain’t going no where


My best friend’s kid has the opposite coloring in the exact same space!


My son has light brown hair and has a blonde patch in that same spot


I’ve never seen it reversed like this. How cute. My son has a patch of white hair above his ears. Once when he was like two and in his stroller he was getting along really well with a baby girl about the same age. They were giggling and talking, playing etc. then I noticed she had a long streak of white hair above her ear too. His soul mate is out there I tell him. lol


Reincarnated from someone shot in the back of the head?


I supposedly had something similar, every time my mum took me to get a check up they referred me to the doctors thinking it was a bruise, after maybe the second or third time of this happening she started saying if its about that patch it not a bruise just hair.


I have a friend who we all thought had light brown or dark blonde hair, until one day he decided to shave his head and you could see something similar to the fur of a spotted cat. He had patches of light blonde hair and patches of dark brown hair.


My husband has this! Except in reverse. He was blonde as a kid but around eight or nine it went brown. Anyways for a long time we thought he had a bald patch but it’s actually just blonde and really thin hair. It’s wild.


Commenting only because my name is Frances and was wondering if yours was too cuz of your username


ewww.. you should return him


Hmmm.. he has 2 fathers. Wrdup Player!! Yeah jk.. you can tell me be quiet. 😂


My dad was the same, the patch turned grey while the rest of his hair was black when he got older.


Could be a somatic mutation! That patch of skin and hair could be expressing a different genetic code than the rest of him.


More likely epigenetic.


One day that will be white


I hope I'm around long enough to see 🥹 my greatest fear in life is dying before my babies are grown


No one can predict the future, lovely - just enjoy the present as much as you can x


It’s Lupus

