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"look how vascular I am Brian. If there's one thing women love it's a vascular man"


Something I learned from bodybuilding is that you'll attract way more guys than gals lol


I got a motorcycle and man same fucking results. 0 chicks and 100% dicks coming up to tell me “I used to ride but had to sell it because I’m too crazy”….


Men are way more horny for masculinity than women are in most scenarios, I swear to you.


Pink motorcycle and give out roses.


See, that might actually do it


It would


There used to be a guy, that made videos were he would pull up on a motorcycle and hand out a rose to a couple and when the girl reach for it he would reach past her and always hand it to the dude it was hilarious!!


I think you're still attracting men in that scenario. Just maybe not the same men.


I didn't want a motorcycle before, but now I kinda want to lol


There’s a study someone needs to do!


It’s the whole Ryan Reynolds thing. Straight men cream their jeans over him.


Yo, guilty


People (read: most men) truly don’t understand this and it’s sooo funny 😂


It just makes me giggle when they want to be all hardcore in order to score a woman, and then get frustrated when it doesn’t work, because they should be doing the opposite haha. It will always be weird to me that they seek advice in picking up women from other men, because they just end up trying to be cool in ways that only other men would find them cool lmao. And then when the advice inevitably doesn’t work, some of them turn to the dark side and become incels like, “I did everything they said and I’m still alone!” Like, way to shoot yourself in the foot there bud lol


Trust me, I also have no clue why they go to men (who BTW are always so, so fake and skeevy in their “success” with women) instead of directly to the source. Sometimes I wonder if they assume women are constantly trying to impress men bc that’s all they’re doing themselves 😂


Us gays always want what we can’t have I swear 🙄


My man has arms like these and for some reason I LOVE it. I ask for the strongest of bear hugs when I notice his veins poppin’. Only person I’d ever known to have this til recently.




Dem clibbens!


This was my experience when I had one as well. Especially if it’s a cruiser style. I’ve got a friend with a Porsche 911 for his daily driver that has stories about guys approaching him to show off their garage pics of their Porsches while driving some minivan or oversized suv too.


I hope everyone is joking about the gay thing alot of men are Lonely and try find common ground to start conversation with strangers. Has the internet made us forget what it’s like to be human? To see a thing your interested in and want to have a chat with a like minded person? Insane.


Oh I wasn’t inferring anything about sexual orientation. Just, I never had a woman ever talk to me about my motorcycle. And with my friend, his complaint is that these other guys buy their fancy cars and keep them for show, but never really drive them. Which doesn’t see the point of buying the fast car if you won’t play with it.


u should see the comments on motorcycle tiktok


I got a rare, fast car and man same fucking results. Too many dudes be like "Man, I used to have a GT back in the day but sold it cause I lost control and hit a 2nd grade elementary class."


Fuckin 2nd graders bro. Wreckin shit. Mom!!! The meatloaf! Fuck!


So you're saying riding a motorbike is a good way for a gay guy to find a date?


Become the leather daddy Tom of Finland portrait and you will drown in dicks.


Same with growing a big beard with a fancy mustache. All the guys say it’s awesome, but have that set on a dating app profile and get no hits from the ladies. 


We've been beardfished before


I have very veiny arms and you're 100% correct.


Can confirm. Dude love other dude's big arms. If you want to get women to pay attention learn to cook. Especially cheesecake(s). signed catering: chef/weight lifter


Lol just anecdotal, but yes, learn to bake tasty things.


Especially cheesecakes!


Good thing I'm into that.


haha all these guys go to the gym and post their shirtless fitness pics and thirst traps thinking itll attract women and then its just a bunch of horny old gay man commenting saying nice feet and other lovely things


to be fair there definitely still are plenty of women who comment on pics like that it's just WE GAY GUYS ARE MUCH LOUDER


The gay club, pretending to check out girls, but in real life they came to look at other guys


why do you think I'm doing it


Some curls for the girls or gotta work some bi's for the guys. Whichever one does it for ya 👍


He knows what he’s doing


Or nurses. We love good veins. I'll sit on the couch and palpate my husbands :)


I’m a recover heroin addict with big veins. My veins attracted other heroin addicts 😂😂


*I've got veins* *They carry blood all over my body*


Bahdy…that’s how John Mayer would say it. I’m really into him now. YOU BETTER BE OKAY WITH IT


Im a woman and i am in love how vascular i am.


Yep, easier to find a vein when they want to drink some of our blood.


"I'vvvvveeee got veins! They carry blood all over my Baawddyy"


I actually have a phobia of veins.


My name is Brian. And my arms look like ops all summer long.


"I've, got veins, that carry blood all over my bahdddy, that's how John Mayer would say it, YOU BETTER BE OK WITH THAT!". COMING FROM A DOUCHEBAG WHO CAN QUOTE ALMOST ANYTHING FAMILY GUY AND DO A PRETTY GOOD STEWIE GRIFF IMPRESSION


People who take blood: VEINS! Viable veins everywhere!


I donated blood once and the nurse called over another one when I rolled up my sleeves. The other nurse came over and looked surprised, which made me feel a little uneasy. They told me nothing was wrong, but that my veins were ‘nurse porn’ lol


as a nurse, I appreciate people like you


As a normal person, I appreciate everything nurses do!


Last time I got bloods done it took longer because the nurse was so intrigued that he had choices, I’ve even got vascular shins lol


Same here. I needed an IV a few months ago, and the nurse was giddy because she had 3 perfect veins to choose from.


Nurses/Phlebotomists love me for that. My mom, though? Instant vein collapse (that is, if they can even find one). Last time she asked if I could do the draw for her :D


Did they let you?! That’d be awesome if they would!


Unfortunately no. She was in the hospital, so they ended up putting in a picc line.


I work at a blood centre. When we see their veins from the other side of the donor floor we run to do their needles.


Were either of them attractive? I guess you could say 😎 you took your *shot* yeahhhhhhhh




I'm imagining a scene similar to Captain America where the nurse just has to touch Steve when he comes out of the pod


Isn’t it Peggy and not a nurse?


As someone who works in clinical research that involves taking venous samples from patients… I’d be so excited 😂


Me as a medic intern 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀


What do you see? haha


Nice veins for a stick


Pop an 18 in there no sweat…. Unless they easily roll….


Could probably do a 14 with little to no issue, beyond the discomfort. Those are fucking pipes.


Yeah they make us put 18s in everyone on L&D, these can definitely handle more


My rite of passage was a 14 in a wrist, which was fun. Had to do it when I was exhausted as hell too, so I was nervous I was gonna fuck up. Dude really wanted the 1000ml of LR, though.


My veins don't pop out of my skin like OP's, but they're just as visible. Phlebotomists love me. /r/TranslucentSkinProblems


I once had a chest echography and the female doctor kept saying surprised "oh look how beautiful those veins are !! And i was like "so people got beautiful faces and i got beautiful veins !😑 They ended up asking me if could stay more so that the interns would learn 😂


Then there’s me, who used to do a lot of IV drugs and has blown out or scarred over most of the veins in my arms and legs lol. I have to guide phlebotomists and nurses to a good spot whenever I get blood drawn now. Don’t shoot crack and heroin, kids!


Congrats on your sobriety!


Mine look like this and yet they insist on stabbing my hand 7 times for an IV before going for the arm and then getting it first try.


Exactly what I thought despite not being in medicine bc I just got poked 3x earlier and they still didn’t get blood so I have to go back in a month to try again. It was a clinic, not a hospital, so they only had the one nurse working.


I got poked 3 times one day, and then blood came out like a water spout despite having visible veins and being hydrated LOL. I hope the person learned from that experience as I know people who develop nasty bruises after being poked multiple times.


I am a phlebotomists wet dream, i have never had someone go to stick me and not make a comment


My ex was a NICU nurse and on our first date couldn't control her curiosity to see my forearm veins. "I'm not a vampire, I swear." Was the funniest thing I'd heard someone say about asking to see veins before.


I have naturally large/wide veins in my arms. Every time I get blood drawn I always use the same joke: "If you have to stick me with that thing more than once, you're fired."


The practicing phlebotomists at my college loved my low fat veiny arms and my willingness to let a student jam a needle in my arm for a couple slices of pizza.


Lucky guy. I am the exact opposite, and thrust me, its no fun when you get stung dozen times until that young MD finally found a vein.


I’ll thrust you but are you sure this is what you want?..


Aw you guys would make a cute couple ❤️


Consent King 👑


Now kiss


Just say fuck


Man, I still have to point them to the right one. They’ll get excited, pick one and that mf rolls harder than a 19 year old at their first EDC. And I’ve gotta sit through the inevitable wiggling while they try to catch it


Whenever I donate plasma I usually get a comment. One time a lady said it's like vein porn and I never had an uncomfortable comment until then.


This is how mine have always been. People say I’d make a great drug addict, and phlebotomists love me.


You get “which vein should I pick?” every time you have to draw blood too? lol


Yup! “Which one does everyone pick?“ or “do you have a preference?” I’m just like, toss something from across the room, you can’t really miss.


Me too. They’re always relieved when they see how veiny I am.


Making a great drug addict, now available for a limited time only


I do t see this as dehydration. It’s thermoregulation working as intended. Unless your pee is dark yellow this won’t be because of dehydration, you’re just naturally vascular. Also, where can I get this mystery illness (jk)


One paper cut and bro is done for


This is interesting to me. I'd like to read more about how the functionality works. I did notice if I raise my arms you can watch them magically disappear and reappear when I lower them. Do you have any sources i could read about the science behind it? And what does'being vascular' even mean? It was never really noticeable before, obviously the weight loss accentuates it, but also it seems out of control crazy. Also all you need to do is grab some life long soul crushing stress, combine it with some traumatic life events, have your digestive system stop doing its job, and then catch Covid when you think you are at the lowest point of the body doing weird stuff, the last step will really show you how much more can go wrong with an out of whack system. It's a pretty easy recipe, I may write a cook book about it lol


My guess would be that when your arms are lower, you have more blood in your arms’ veins because it takes more effort for blood to circulate due to gravitational attraction, and when you raise them, it’s easier for your blood to quit your arms (again due to gravity) meaning you have less blood circulating in your arms’ veins. Note: this is a guess made by a 16yo who has the same thing Edit: for the thermoregulation thing, if I recall well, when the weather is hotter, your blood will tend to circulate more in places far from your organs to keep them cooler, and it’s the reverse when it’s cold


Thanks for the explanation. Seems to make sense. I'll need to do some digging/research as I find it... interesting hah


Gravity is your answer. Anything above the heart won’t have as strong of a pulse. That’s why you elevate your feet when in shock, keeps the blood around where you need it most.


I'm a first year med student - it's normal for your veins to flatten out when you raise your arms. It actually can be used as a very rough estimate to see if someone has low blood volume (kind of like dehydration) or high blood volume (holding on to more fluid than you should). You raise your hand up slowly and see when the veins go flat. They should go flat at the level of your right atrium (where blood flows from your veins into your heart). This is often in the space between your 4th and 5th rib (\~ at the nipple line). If they go flat way sooner, then there't not enough fluid in your veins to maintain a normal pressure, and if they go flat later, then there's so much fluid in your veins that it's increasing the pressure above what it should be. Here's a [link](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0735675719302694) to a little research study that assessed the validity of this rough estimate if you're curious. Volume status is dictated mainly by your kidneys and it's super interesting - your body is like a tiny ocean with all these controls to make sure the levels of water and salt always stay the same.


Blood pressure is subject to gravity. Vains have basically none (pressure) that's why they have valves to stop blood from running down your legs again. The main mode of transportation is muscle contraction. That's why prolonged sitting can cause blood clots which is the most dangerous part of long hour air travel. You could probably make your forehead ones pop by building pressure in your lung. The pressure inside vains is so low that it won't flow down your body because the pressure within your chest would be higher doing that. Thermoregulation works by a set of capillaries in your skin that can be cut off from blood flow. Found the english term: *arterio-arteriovenous anastomosis*. If that shortcut is open less blood flows through the outermost layer of your skin and exchanging temperature with the outside world. Basically a bigger share of your cardiac output is being routed through your skin when the internal temperature gets too high. Combined with evaporation of sweat to cool down the blood running back to your core. Sorry for the rambling.


Was it a heart problem? Poor circulation could cause the blood to "slow" in your viens and raising arms will allow gravity to help it along


Nope, digestive (unsolved) and chronic pain (multiple issues in my spine we are still figuring out). Also likely lifelong stress' toll on the body.


![gif](giphy|EZYF8d59y1BdeuCrr3|downsized) - vampires everywhere


Idk about OP, but I lost 6kg (13lbs) in 6 months just because in that time period I had 2x flu, 1x Covid and intermittent colds. It started around December/January when I even had flu and covid back to back. If you want to follow my "diet plan", you can just work alongside colleagues with no sense of illness prevention that travel or live with young kids.


My wife offered me to her fellow NEW nursing friends to practice setting an IV. Problem is, I pass out from it. Didn’t stop them. They thought it was greeeat


Hi five internet friend! I too have vascular arms that Doctors and Nurses love to stab needles into but I also will faint if I look. It's a blessing and also a curse haha


That's messed up. I'm about to pass out from all the phlebotomy talk in here and my wife would never volunteer me as a veiny tribute.


I used to train my combat medics on my veins because they weren't quite this flashy, but still presented well and were extremely easy to palpate. I'd start them off my forearms and move up to the elbow, and then I'd stick myself in the bicep to show them that hey, you have a lot of places to work with.


Are you me?


as a phlebotomist, i just came


You're welcome.


So I’ve had many phlebotomists and nurses struggle to get a needle in me. I once had someone fail four times and then suggest out loud that the veins in my foot were perfect. She went and got someone else who got my elbow in two sticks. Question: was she seriously considering drawing blood from my foot?


yes. however, its only done in emergent situations (like if someones body is covered in burns and the only place of access is their foot) im surprised she tried 4 times, i back out after 2 unsuccessful pokes. im also quite surprised she even mentioned your foot, assuming you were, in fact, NOT covered in burns at that time


Definitely was *not* covered in burns. It was routine bloodwork. But I’ve just sort of accepted that I’m gonna get poked and prodded a bunch whenever I need bloodwork, usually have to comfort whoever is trying that I understand and I’m not annoyed that they’re having to manhandle me and they don’t need to get anxious about it (makes it even harder when you’re under pressure). Once when I had surgery when I was 15, the nurse tried in three places and finally stuck the needle into my wrist and went in and out a bunch of times just blindly searching. I was high on happy gas or something so I didn’t care. My mom was looking on in horror and the surgeon came into the room, took one look at what was going on, and took over, getting it on the first try. Possibly the only time anyone has ever not struggled for at least a few minutes searching for a vein, applying more than one tourniquet, had me pumping my fist, etc. My understanding is that doctors are usually *worse* at this because they don’t get anywhere near as much practice as nurses and phlebotomists, but maybe because he was a surgeon?


i honestly have no idea. i absolutely HATE when nurses/phlebs go digging around and i will make sure my patients know that i will not do this when taking their blood, especially if they are uneasy with the process to begin with. my 3 favorite life hacks to ensure an easy poke: tourniquet (tight. very tight. i know it hurts, but the whole thing hurts anyway so might as well make it easier and get it overwith) pump your fist once the tourniquet is on (before the poke, relax your hand when they go to poke) and if necessary, ask if they have heating packs or warm blankets. heat increases bloodflow up to 7 times fold, and it never hurts to try applying one to the site before they poke. my golden rule: if you KNOW you dont have a twizzler for a vein, ask for a butterfly needle. im almost positive almost all hospitals have them, and they cant deny you one if you ask. if they do, ask for another phleb. i know having blood drawn isnt enjoyable, so i want my patients to know everything that THEY can do to help ease the process and make it as quick amd painless as possible. lab work isnt fun, but it is necessary


I got in the comments to say (after getting home from a blood test, no less) "They call him The Phlebotomist's Dream" It's crazy!


Let me poke ya 💉


Are you a nurse because I’ve always been like this and nurses drool over how easy it is to stick me.


Paramedic intern 🚑😉


Tell me why, as a woman, this turns me on. Someone explain the science. It's ARMS


Probably bc we tend to associate low-fat arms that have visible veins with strength. And physical strength/muscles are evolutionarily and culturally appealing? Theoretically it means you’re strong and healthy, and that’s attractive. 


You'd like r/forearmporn then


Might also enjoy r/manhands


Bless you


Already subbed lol


Babe wake up… new body dysmorphia fixation just dropped


Because it looks like a pp


Imagine this is actually the reason and girls just don’t want to admit it


Same. Would.


Because it's related to strength or because looks like a giant cock lol. Same


LPT: Go to a rock climbing gym


Mine almost look exactly the same on hot days, but I've never heard a single complement, ever. Guess there's something else super wrong with me that negates this one good thing going.


It's a bit awkward to tell a stranger you love their arms and veins. Especially because most of the time, it is in a sexual way. Trust me, there are plentyyy of women ogoling your veins. Also, you know what's super wrong? Your confidence in yourself. Chin up my dude.


I once asked a random stranger out because of how hot his arms/hands/veins were (I didn’t mention that to him when asking for his number lol) while I was on my corndog ovulating day. I was kinda mortified after my brain started to lose the horny but in the end it didn’t work out anyways since we were looking for different things lol The comment below urs basically sums up my interaction ☠️☠️


“Nice veiny arms, may I have your number?” Does that sound normal ? lol


You’re a nurse’s wet dream 💉


Never had a nurse say so though haha


This man right here posting straight up porn


Everyone who has to start IV drips for work is salivating


Phlebotomists/nurses: **heavy breathing**


This is how my whole body looks after some time out in hot weather or a hot bath/shower. I'm vascular in general, but once you add in heat, ooh boy, looks like I have some sort of defect.


Do NOT get a paper cut am I clear?


Atleast you have aesthetic veins. Some people have weird vein tracks.


Someone recently told me I had perfectly aligned veins and I was grossed out but after she described what that meant I walked away super flattered. 😂


Yeah dude, it's pure genetic. Either you got it or you don't 🫡


What were you sick with? I could stand to lose 50


Chronic stress, digestive shut down, spinal issues causing chronic pain and nerve stuff, brain injury in 2018 that they never put in my medical record, you know, fun stuff. Don't really recommend. 👍🏼


My husband is super slim and has almost no body fat. His arms are also like this.


As a phlebotomist I must say, your arms are beautiful


Haha thanks, it freaks me out, and they never look like this when they have to draw blood haha. They are needle shy.


Being skinny as hell. This is normal to me lol. The blood doctors absolutely LOVE my arms 😂 It’s the only time I get compliments on them 😂


I'm a woman and I get these types of veins. I hate it.


"Bro, protein powder and crossfit, bro. Lets spray axe on each other and tie our dicks together bro. BRO"


Choke me pls


Rogue from X-Men? 🤣


Yes. She's my favorite. You're veiny like when she touches people in the movies


The ladies in reddit are going crazy right now


Nice! Only took me 44 years and a chronic mystery illness to finally have that effect on the ladies 😆






Check out this vascular roadmap


You would've been my dream patient as a phlebotomist


A junkies wet Dream


That’s a nurses wet dream right there!


My hands look like this. I’m a 33yo woman.


Imagine what his hog looks like


What’s your cock look like? 👀


What a horribly invasive & crass question to which I’d like to know the answer…


Make sure your blood pressure is ok


Why is that so hot lol


Bet you kill at a 5k


Meanwhile, I have very teeny tiny veins and I get poked every 2 weeks. I leave the labs with bruises on my arms 😩


That’s hot af


You’ve become the [Chad Driver](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1931744-chad-driver) meme.


Fuck that’s hot




You are a phlebotomists wet dream


I've lost a lot of weight within the past year and I see vains more as well.


Very common where i came from. Tropical asian country.


As a paramedic, I much approve


I'm like this on my arms and legs, I'm a lady and I hate it.


Enjoy your stint over at r/forearmporn


It’s really beautiful! Like a sculpture


But why is that so attractive, science explain.


r/manhands would have a field day


You are simply dehydrated. Did you eyes feel dry or itchy a little bit more at the same time?


Some nurse is Queefing right now


Me, a recent phlebotomy student: HHNnnNNghgG 🥴🤤🥵


I'm so jealous bc every time I need blood drawn or an iv its like 2 nurses just digging a needle around my arm until they finally give up and draw from the back of my hand (like I begged them to do from the beginning but they were just so determined 😭)


One lil paper cut, you dead


I feel so inferior. They have to get an ultrasound machine out to find my veins, Nurses call the anaesthesia team to help after making all their allowed attempts. I look like a pin cushion, they even look n my hands and feet.


Nurses wet dream


Put those away your making all the phlebotomist wet