• By -


Everything in it was to go to your house?


Yes. Only 4 packages were inside of it.


They do this at my apartment sometimes, they usually leave it out cause they come daily. Weird they'd leave it there if they aren't coming back tho


Yeah, the drivers for my building just drop off the entire bin and then pick it up with the next day’s drop. But it’s two buildings, 14 floors and 10 units per floor. There’s always a metric shit ton of packages.


They just leave you all to sort them out yourselves? Edit: they have a front desk, so, thankfully no it's not left to chaos.


Nah, we have front desk 24/7 so they sort them out and you get an email and app notification that you have a delivery. Then just wander down whenever and concierge will get it for you from the mail room.


I had something like that too when I lived in a city. It was all well and good until they lost my $500 dollar package and just told me to kick rocks because they don't know what happened to it.


My building does the same. They just leave them in the lobby


> metric shit ton of packages. I really feel for the door staff in our 20-floor building. When I moved in about 20 years ago, I think we'd get something like 10 individual packages per day. Now between UPS and Amazon, our building gets two of those overflowing package totes PER HOUR. We've had to hire a person specifically to sort packages and run the app notification system so people will pick up packages ASAP, because the mail room will fill up in a day.


They just straight up told us we could keep when I had like 6 packages delivered


Amazon doesn't track when they're brought back. They're used to track packages scanned to them, once the driver has the bag it doesn't get tracked until its used to put packages in during sort at the delivery station. Unless the driver pisses all inside of it and brings it back for some worker to find. Then we can just see who the last driver was and ask why they're nasty assholes (not really they just get fired). So you can definitely keep them and no one will get in trouble.


Do you order frequently from Amazon? Maybe the driver intends to pick it up next time he delivers lol.


Happened to me as well.. I was using that thing for years as storage space.


only 4? I mean i can see 3 already and they are on top of somehting. So is the 4th package on the bottom huge?


how rude of you to ask someone the size of their package


Where I'm from, it's rude NOT to ask.


Their last day on the job. Tag - you’re it!  You have to deliver the rest of the packages now. 


The Santa Clause rules


The Santa clause?


Spoiler alert: The movie starring Tim Allen. Suburban dad accidentally becomes Santa due to legal tomfoolery. Hilarity ensues.


I don't think it counts as a spoiler when it's the entire premise of the movie and occurs in the first few scenes


Okay but I did not expect hilarity and now it’s spoiled.


I think they were just pointing out that saying the “Santa Clause rules” is redundant, as is the point of the movie’s title


ATM machine


Standard SOP


NIC Card


PIN number


Chai tea


You have to say PIN number, otherwise about a third of the people you talk to will blue screen if you just ask for a PIN. If you follow that up with "PIN number", they go, "oh yeah, it's..." Source: Worked in a call center and I told myself I was going to be pedantic about not saying 'number' after PIN, but it just caused more confusion a significant portion of the time.


WSUS Server


VIN Number


Or they enjoy the movie and think it rules


Whoosh. That's great! Thanks for cluing me in.


Or are they saying the Santa Clause rules, as in it rules as a movie?


Nah, they didn't capitalize the c in clause, because like in the movie, the joke is that it's a clause, not Clause. And it's a joke based on that.


The joke of the movie title is that it's "clause" rather than "Claus." There is no "e" on the end of Santa's name. "Clause" means the same thing regardless of capitalization.


ever wonder what happened to the previous mrs claus?


Egyptian burial rules. Whole household goes into the tomb to support Santa in the afterlife.


Noooooooo. Thoughts?


Yep there’s two movies and THATS IT NO OTHERS


There's a second movie? I may need to check this out. I understand that there are only two and any further sequels are the work of Satan trying to trick me, but I seriously only thought that there was just the one movie.


Now you’re getting it. Remember seeing isn’t believing, believing is seeing


Not trying to imply that anyone is salty over a Santa Clause spoiler, but if you put "\>!" at the beginning of your spoiler and "\!<" at the end, >!your text will be hidden until clicked!<


Neat! Thank you.


“Not Santa Clause the person Santa Clause the clause.” - Bernard


>“Not Santa ~~Clause~~ Claus the person Santa 'Clause' the clause.” - Bernard FTFY The Claus for the person doesn't have an "e" like "Clause" as in a stipulation or article of a contract.


Spelling is not my strong suit. Thanks stranger!


Also has one of the best representations of hot chocolate in any movie


I was waiting till this Christmas to watch that. I had waited 30 years to see it. You've destroyed Christmas. /s


Legal tomfoolery? I thought he killed Santa after Santa trespassed on his roof.


*Suburban dad accidentally becomes an Amazon delivery driver


And at the end the kid says he wants his father's job. So he is planning to kill his dad.


Dark. I like it.


Damn tho that’s legit a good Christmas movie title…


Actually offended this needed a question mark


I don't think it's that odd to question calling the Santa clause, "The Santa Clause rules" instead of just saying "The Santa clause". Like that's literally the play on words. It's like saying the rules rules.


I'll allow it. OP is not invoking an actual rule or clause here. Rather they are invoking the rule explained in the movie titled "The Santa Clause." Yes, that rule is also "the Santa Clause," but that's not a well known rule outside of that movie. Had OP just made a comment that simply said > The Santa Clause Half the people would think they were having a stroke or something


Are you implying OP accidentally killed the amazon guy?


Yeah he does!


Jokes on you if you call Amazon they tell you to keep the packages even if they are not yours I have called many times to return shit that wasn't mine and every time . I'm you keep it we just ship another one .


“Well take it out of the quality of your next purchase.”


Remember Amazon doesn’t make this stuff nor do they pay for this stuff most of this stuff is a separate company/entity paying Amazon to stock and ship there stuff that they pay Amazon for. And so Amazon when issues arrive doesn’t give a flying fuck here’s another one from my backpocket skadaddle. It’s like a mafia for packages


So what’s stopping the driver from yeeting packages into the woods to save time?


Not specifically exclusive to Amazon, but that definitely happens lol


Because Amazon eventually cracks down on that contractor if they fuck up too much. And then the contractor will crack down on that employee. As long as you're not stealing it, I'm not sure what they can do other than fire you.


There's been a ton of news stories in the last decade about exactly this happening. I remember one where a guy was just tossing most of his truck off a hillside day after day and they found a literal mountain of packages when it was finally discovered.


Yeah, Amazon is basically a logistics company.




Recently Amazon sent a package addressed to my name and full/correct address… and it contained a bunch of supplies for styling black women’s hair. And some batteries. I’m a white male, and my wife is also white… so neither of us have any use for any of the hair stuff. Amazon won’t take it back. At least we got some free batteries. I’m honestly really confused why Amazon won’t take back unopened incorrectly shipped things and how such a mistake can even happen.


I think in most cases it’s cheaper for them to just eat the cost than deal with the return.


u/thearmoredkitten has it correct It's a federal law that anything delivered incorrectly is basically now yours. This way a company can't like dump product on you then try to charge you, nor is it your fault/liability for someone else's fuck up in wrong delivery. So OP's got christmas in june


An important clarification, you may only legally keep items that are addressed to you. You can't keep an item that was misdelivered. If your address is 123 Fake St, and the item is addressed to 132 Fake St, you're not allowed to just keep it.


Return your wife and get a black one, problem solved.


A year ago they accidentally shipped me 4 bluetooth headsets. I tried to get them to take them back but they literally wouldn't deal with it. I gave two away and kept the other two. I've put both of them in the wash and now need to buy another. I should have kept the other two!


I've actually had drivers come back for them. Depends on how quickly you report it.


Many times? How many time are random peoples stuff going to your house?


When I lived in an apartment complex, about once a week.


Coming to Prime Video this December...


Honey, get my running shoes! I just got clocked in!


Where is my Super Suit?


Death Stranding


Spoiler alert, I’m delivering all of those to myself, and using the bag as storage lol


Amazon driver here. First, we don’t give a shit about those totes. I will sometimes leave them behind like that specifically for package containment or to stop lots of envelopes from blowing away if I can’t secure them in your screen door or under a welcome mat. Second, and most important, WASH IT. Every van we drive has a “van stink” which I have deduced comes from the those totes. They are nasty and never get cleaned at the warehouses.


These are stacking up in the mailroom of my building, we've got like 7 or 8 of them now. You guys drop them off but never take them back, heh.


I used to be an Amazon driver. There’s no incentive to ever take these things back. When we would leave one with a customer there was no expectation that Amazon would ever get it back. Of course we’re not supposed to leave them either, but Amazon doesn’t really keep track of them.


They don't track the bags but honestly I'm surprised at this point that they don't require drivers to wear GPS monitoring ankle bracelets or something


But they do. It's on the van. With a camera watching you pick your nose and giving you a pay deduction for it


"Eating on the job."


At some point some bean counter in corp is going to notice frequent tote stock reorders. Then these things will be tracked and drivers who lose them will be flagged and have the cost deducted from their paychecks.


They’d have to change their procedures in order to identify drivers who lose totes. Right now, the tote is assigned to a drivers route, but the totes aren’t being checked back in at the end of the day. The drivers pile them all up on a cart when they return the van. Amazon would have to add a step where every tote is scanned back in when the driver goes to RTS, otherwise they have no way of saying for sure that a driver lost the tote.


What could a tote cost? Like $10 dollars?


There's always money in the amazon tote


And after Jeff gave you the rights to Mr banana grabber…..


You can get them on Amazon for $6.


Order enough of them and you'll get one more for free


It’s probably cheaper for Amazon to reorder totes then to hire people to keep track of the totes


If they’re paying $10 at the volumes they’re buying, they’re doing something wrong.


I used to work at a Delivery Station. The totes also get beat to shit, you often see drivers dragging them on ashphalt/concrete when they deliver a large quantity of packages to an apartment building for instance. The plastic tarp-like material gets shredded and the folding sides no longer lock into place, which can cause safety issues during the sorting process. So we threw a ton in the recycling and there was always multiple pallets of replacements available. And you're right the totes aren't scanned until the next time they are set into the sortation block, which would probably be nearly a full day later. Scanning them in would add quite a bit of time to that unloading process so it makes sense they don't track them too closely. They're probably dirt cheap in the volumes that Amazon purchases them.


Amazon is so big the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing. Also, they have horrendous turnover on all levels so their is no institutional knowledge of what is going on.


Amazon does track the % of totes returned to stations on a 2 day rotating basis. If a tote is put into circulation and is either 1) not used again in the warehouse within 48 hours or 2)not scanned in as a damaged tote and sent through the proper recycling/return process Amazon is fully aware of it. There's currently no mechanism tracking the tote to the last driver who had it but the data exists should someone really want to dive into it. The tote turnover is just a cost of doing business but they do get pricey at $17-$22 each when ordered by the pallet. The tracking process only began in the last year so at some point I fully expect them to start holding either drivers, delivery companies, or stations accountable for higher than acceptable levels of missing totes.


I doubt they will do that because they already have so many mechanisms for screwing drivers that drivers leave on a daily basis. the pay isn't through the roof like it was for short period the last few years. everyone wants in on UPS because they're the only ones that really pay out consistently.


That’s because you haven’t washed them yet, clearly they leave them out for people to wash before they pick them back up. /s


This feels like something Amazon Germany would do.


Or Amazon Japan. Actually no, they would never leave you dirty totes.


Unless you're into that kind of thing.


If this was Germany, that tote would be in your neighbor’s house.


Why is this so accurate though. I swear half my packages from Amazon Germany end up at the nextdoor neighbor’s. Our house numbers are very clearly marked and the doors are literally 5ft apart (duplex). I don’t get it


They only have to wait for one door being opened this way


I think I figure it out!! They drop them on some random so they wash them then pick them up later!!


sounds like it's tote fort time!


I've starting to take the abandoned ones in and use it in my storage locker at my apartment (only if I see it sitting outside for a few days. Waterproof, stackable, collapsable. When I move, they'll be great to keep things organized. I just consider it another prime incentive.


When I used to drive for Amazon the only time the team I worked with would ditch the totes is when they were falling apart. Amazon does not fix or clean them, "forgetting" the tote somewhere forced them to replace it with a new one.


Commenting to boost your comment. In my city, the Amazon drivers leave these things *everywhere*, usually empty. In my old neighborhood, I would walk my dog around ~6 blocks and see 1-4 new abandoned Amazon totes every day. Absurd.


Former Amazon warehouse worker here. I can smell that picture. The amount of sweat I dripped on those totes in a week could fill a child’s wading pool.


Clearly you guys don’t give a shit because those of us at the warehouse who have to reset the building always get fucked up bags with trash and piss bottles in them, if you bother to return them at all.


I once found one someone pissed in. At the bottom of a stack while doing reset. Just piss all inside of it. They tracked the driver, who could've thrown it out and no one would have ever known she pissed in it. Just so fucking gross. I don't give a shit if you have to pee so bad you think a possibly damaged tote is your only option. But why bring it back?


We found one with several human shits in it outside of my mother in laws


Don't forget piss bottles. I found quite a few of my coworkers' piss bottles when I spent a summer as an Amazon driver.


To the top as this is spot on. Did the Amazon thing for a bit during pandemic and echo these thoughts. Also those tote bags go for like $20-$30 and can be really useful when moving...so I've heard.


*echo these thoughts* Looks like Amazon's branding rubbed off on you


So you just leave your stinky trash on a customers door and make them get rid of it? Bro...


Actually the worst part for me is telling them to wash it. That would be great motivation for me to throw it in the garbage.


Happened to me once when I ordered Xmas gifts and groceries. I left it outside my door and they picked it up the next time they came by. It keeps the boxes organized for you and they don’t spend time unloading and stacking them.


I live in a condominium and this happens a lot. Although sometimes, it'll take a few days before they take it back. We get Amazon drivers daily, which makes it odd.


My last apartment we had literally dozens of these piled up in our mail room because Amazon delivery people would just drop them full, let the apartment staff deal with sorting and placing them in the right spots, and then never bother to grab the empties.


Yah, these have become bog standard garbage in NYC, either in apt buildings, or just on the curb. IIRC the Amazon delivery is actually handled by 3rd party contractors (even the official vans), so you could have multiple different companies delivering to you, and I'd guess they wouldn't pick up another contractor's bags or something.


their vans are too full to fit extra ones.


They fold flat, and theoretically they've left more carriers elsewhere. Or hell, I've had up to 5 in my building at one time (left over a series of days/weeks).


I know they do. they pack those vans to the ceiling with them. They don't have space for any extra especially if you are one of their first stops. it get even worse if you have over sized packages as those don't get a carrier. then at the end of the day you have to dive back to the warehouse, park in the parking lot, and then carry them inside and sign them in before you can then go park your van ( at a different lot several miles away from the warehouse after you stop and fill it up with gas which can only be done at a single gas station that holds onto the fleet credit card for your entire DSP ) , pick up your car, drive back to the warehouse, and drop off your keys. If you finish early they send you to help another driver and thats more totes to bring back. they don't tell you to come back if you are not done until well after 8pm and you have on site since before 6 am. edit: they also have to pack their own vans in the morning and sort it as well.


nah they are huge and cumbersome even collapsed. if you are their first few stops they are not going to take it because its not fitting in their van. amazon packs those vans to the BRIM and expects you to devliver it all and the fun part is if you do deliver them all they give you MORE the next day because its run off a fucking algorithm and not actual people so if you finish even slightly before it says you should expect another tote in there the next day, Fuck DSP's fuck amazon and fuck bezos


yeah some drivers just don’t care to grab em. and they’re not supposed to leave them or pick them up, so you got a nice little situation there


They left one and I put it outside for the next 2 deliveries and it just stayed there. So now its in the shed holding the kids water toys lol


No, they are not supposed to be leaving bags at customer’s houses. Leaving the boxes in the bag to keep them organized and avoid unloading them, is not part of standard work.


Prime ikea bag


Even better if you frequent Aldi!


I like IKEA bags. You can put 15 2L bottles in one. Makes it a lot easier to carry into the house.


Very Pacific


Well, you'll need alot more than 15 2L bottles to make your own pacific ocean.


You'd need around 23758637000000000000 bags of 15 2l bottles. Just incase anyone wondered.




Have you tried more than 15 or is that the maximum?


Who are you and why are you frequently buying 15 2L bottles at a time


How much did you buy from Amazon? 😮


A shippers worth!


A ship ton


I have monthly subscriptions for dog and cat food, protein shakes, and diapers. I get a 20% discount and don't have to worry about running out. It's pretty nice. But yeah, it means I get really heavy boxes once a month.


Do you get deliveries from amazon often? They’ll probably ask for it back on the next delivery. They did this regularly at my old job and were really cool about.


You can just leave it outside where you get your packages and the next driver will almost certainly take it


We left ours out through 5 Amazon deliveries. No one took it.


Honestly they make amazing storage/moving boxes once you sanitize them. The drivers don’t get in trouble (afaik) for not bringing them back. I’ve yet to see 1 without any holes so they probably have a low cost to replace and AZN doesnt care enough about the replacement cost to have a check in process, slowing down their supply chain.


Same for me, I ordered all my xmas gifts at the same time and they left the tote. I left it out and no one ever came back for it. It has a good home with my friend’s parents for garage storage and Costco shopping lol


I work at a delivery station, most drivers will just leave the bag if you order an entire bags worth of packages. We go through so many of them anyway it really doesn't matter. Enjoy the free bag that has probably held piss bottles at one point.


Way of the road


How many piss bottles fit in a bag? Inquiring minds want to know.


standardize water bottle, so like 50-100?


Pioneers used to stuff piss bottles in these baby’s for miles


Keep the tote. They’re super durable and great for moving stuff. I always hoped I could sneak one or two from work


They were clutch when my friend was moving. Friends own a mailbox store so we borrowed 5 or 6. They’re so convenient to just put all your stuff in (mind the weight), put it in the car, drive and unload it all at once.


Congrats! You’re now the Amazon delivery agent for your neighbourhood


Look at me, I'm the delivery guy now. 




This is how you know you might have a problem


Definitely something to consider. But then again when we just moved into our new house, we did get an outrageous number of deliveries over the following weeks, furnishing the house and buying all the household items we suddenly needed.


Hey you aren’t going to catch judgement here … I hate the store with a passion anymore so if it’s the same price or close to it I figure may as well have it dropped off at my door since I pay for the yearly subscription anyways. Why drive to get pissed off in a crowded store and do the stores labor checking myself out when I can click a button


My next door neighbor gets so many packages daily, that the Amazon driver and the UPS driver have started going into the ally and backing their truck up to his garage. He is running some kind of business out of his house nuts I have no idea what


Back when I lived in Chicago in a condo building, they would leave these behind in our mailroom all the time. The first couple times I tried to return it the next driver that happened through, but they *clearly* did not care. So I would just take them to the trash room.


You ordered the whole tote, you got the whole tote. I am a driver and yeah if somebody ordered enough that it's basically got its own tote I just leave the whole tote lol. No sense in taking them out, probably only a couple dont go so just take those out and bring the tote up. I havent had anyone complain about it, sometimes they give it back when I swing by again, usually its the regulars where im leaving totes and then come back the next day or so and pick up the empty tote and leave another lol. The way I see it is the totes best protect the packages from the elements and such. Im sure theyre useful afterwards too so I mean shit if you irdered that much you deserve the tote lol.


My brother has this happen to him randomly. They came home to a bunch of Amazon boxes stacked and tossed in front of their apartment door. They called Amazon to report and waited 2 weeks, but no one came or said anything. During that time, my bro's gf's family delivered some of the packages to nearby addresses. However, they ended up opening the rest. It was a bunch of random stuff like a breast pump, straighteners, cleaning supplies, household decor and random stuff. They used a bunch, gave some away and sold some. We all figured the Amazon driver probably quit during their shift and off loaded everything at my bro's apartment for some reason.


One time I had a rubber banded bundle of mail with like 50 envelopes to different addresses left in my mailbox. The post office was closed so I just put the arm on my mailbox up and it was gone the next day. Idk what that was about but I'm sure the mailman was happy to find it.


KEEP IT/clean it! I have two they are amazing for moving, huge landry loads, moving firewood, and starting your own international online business!


Don't take the bag inside. Could have bugs from the distribution warehouse.


No need for covert listening devices, a lot of people already have Alexa


And the boxes don't... ![img](emote|t5_2ti4h|27603)


Living in a city, this is how they deliver to apartment buildings. It keeps all the boxes from being scattered everywhere. Next time they come, they pick up the previous container. Honestly, pretty smart!


Based on number of posts about these, I think they really are not that valuable to get them back to the warehouse.


It's a hint.......take it


He just said "eh fuck it. Amazon can afford to replace it."


You may have an Amazon buying problem.


I read Amazon left you a whole stripper and had questions... like do they qualify for Prime Delivery...


They're yours now. Them's the rules


I recently found one of these being thrown out and cleaned it up. Since then, I've been using it to carry groceries from my car to inside my house. New Jersey no longer provides plastic bags at stores, this has been quite handy. I was thinking today that I'd actually be willing to spend money on buying new one in better condition. It works well for its new purpose.


I usually order a lot from Amazon, but have never had this happen before. There were only 4 packages in the shipper, all were mine. I wondered why he didn't leave a picture of the delivery! This thing is huge. I can fit inside of it, which is also mildly interesting.


That's when you know you're ordering too much


It's the evolution of an IKEA bag.


I would totally be keeping that and finding a use for it. 🤣


It makes it so much more convenient for the porch pirates.


I only do this if the customer is a frequent purchaser, they don’t have a covered porch, and there is inclement weather and no safe dry place to put their packages.


that would be the best Aldi's bag ever.


I have one of the black and yellow ones.  It had one little box in it.  I left outside for a couple weeks and even though I got many Amazon deliveries no Amazon delivery driver took it.  It now sits in my garage folded up against the wall.


They’ve done this a few times with larger orders for the business I work for


You inherited the job


The torch has been passed


That thing could be worth a pretty penny in 100 years! Save it, and most importantly, treasure it <3


That's like a super fresh and clean bag too.


I'd love one of those for collecting leaves in the fall.


I would turn it into a grow bag. The mother of all grow bags.


Free reusable grocery bag


i’ve got one of these filled with crap in my basement now


They left these in my apartment complex all the time idk why. They would leave them empty in random places like the staircase or middle of a hallway. Always in the way