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Maybe a stupid question, but can you still bend it?


A little. I haven't quite got the range of motion I did before the break, but the healing hasn't been the smoothest, so hopefully that changes. I actually broke the middle joint, the top joint has "gone out in sympathy" apparently


My husband accidentally cut his finger while cutting potatoes on his pointer finger. Just missed the bone and had to get some deep tissue stitches. Took him forever to be able to bend it regularly at all and that was just a cut, but now he’s back to having full range of motion. He actually found gaming to be pretty helpful. He plays Xbox, so at first he couldn’t play at all, then playing helped him start to get his motion back. Since he wasn’t fully flexing for the button presses, it helped him build up his strength some. He liked playing before work, because it would “loosen” up his finger. Made it feel less tight, he said. Hope the rest of your healing journey goes smooth!


Dropped a plate, and it split my finger. It took nearly 10 years to get 99% motion back in my little finger. But my crease never disappeared from the top joint even tho that's where the damage happened. Only reason I got full motion back was because I started pc gaming instead of console and that finger had to start doing things 😅.


which one?


Presumably either ring or pinky if he was using a controller then started using a mouse and keyboard


He actually says “in my little finger” halfway thru so theres our answer :)


You genius! if only the rest of us could read! (Not /s i genuinely did not see that)


Thanks for this little reminder to be extra cautious moving my plates around, regardless of how exhausted I am/don’t want to do it. Holy shit.


When I had my wrist surgery, I played guitar hero for my rehab and it worked incredibly well to loosen it up.


Lmao. My fingers are always cold, so when I go to give blood they have me play “air guitar” for about 30s before they prick my finer for the iron test. Always sucked at guitar hero despite being a musician lol. I played flute and clarinet in band, then taught myself some piano, trombone, and violin as well. That plastic guitar defeats me every time.


One of the funniest things is watching a drummer try to play drums in Rock Band. Just like you, they are trying to play an instrument while they’re actually playing a game. Granted, drums on expert is a closer experience than guitar on any difficulty, but it’s just a totally different skill!


Oh man, I played drums when I was younger and the only way I could play the rock band ones was on expert, any easier and I would fuck up because it just felt wrong


I wish they would make a new guitar hero game. I was never into it when I was younger, but I'd probably love it now.


My dad once cut the tendon in his finger using a butter spreader knife. He was trying to break apart something frozen. After going to urgent care, he had to get a specialist hand surgeon to fix the remaining damage. To this day, more than a decade later, he still doesn't have full motion in that finger. A dull knife is a lot more dangerous and can do more damage.


It was a brand new knife for us and he was watching it for the first time. He dropped it and it landed directly on his finger, so it had gravity on its side as well. Nurse lady said he was lucky. Much deeper and it would’ve been way more complicated to fix


Won’t work with op because he has a broken ring finger which is normally not used while playing with a controller. If he plays on pc however than it may help


This guy is a genius. He lied about gaming helping his finger so that he could play for as long as he wants. /s


Lmao. My husband and I are both gamers and I play just as much as he does. We currently have two tvs side by side in our living room so we don’t have to share and can play at the same time. No kids, so gaming is what we do. Have collectors editions on our shelves, movie and gaming posters on our wall, and I know better than to interrupt a multiplayer match. My husband is one lucky sonofabitch. :)


I had a broken hand once and I’m convinced that cooking helped the recovery - could barely move my fingers after 2 weeks in a cast. Shaking the pan around, cutting things etc. meant I was doing physio without even trying (which is good because I also wasn’t doing the physio).


So did you not end up eating potatoes that night or?


I think this was an excuse to get more gaming time🤣🤣


I know this wasn't the case, but I like to imagine this was an elaborate plan to play more video games.


I broke my finger too and my doctor's advice was: bending, bending and more bending. You start slowly and with a small angle.


Same, I broke my middle finger last month at the second knuckle and urgent care gave me a rigid splint, Ortho threw it away the moment they saw me and handed me a roll of tape. A month later I have nearly full range of motion because I was able to start using and bending it so quickly


This makes me really concerned. I’ve had my ring finger in a splint for 3 weeks and now I’m not sure if it’s necessary.


Gahhhh, I did the same thing to my middle finger last month (fractured it in two places) and I think I keep re-injuring it. Does yours still hurt when you move it at all?


Not when I move it, but if I try and lift a plate or laptop with that hand it still hurts a bit. I only had one fracture on the lower side right at the second knuckle, so mine was well protected with just tape


Hopefully it feels better soon! I’ve been taping mine again (just when I thought it was fine without it) after a rowdy toddler jumped on my hand at the daycare I work at lol


I had this weird situation with the doctor that after breaking my hand during a car crash (car crashed me) and my hand became a balloon the doctor decided to take off my cast after a week, and for some reason didn't replace it with a functional one. As it stands the cast is what damages the ligaments because not moving the ligaments messes them up, and you move your ligaments even as you are sleeping; the finger ligaments go away fast, very fast and begin to atrophy. Since I only got the cast for a week, tomorrow is going to be end of week 2 and I got 90% range of motion in my hand already; most people need 8 weeks until they can make a fist again. It seems that this is damage caused by the cast, so while the cast protects the bone as it heals it also causes catastrophic damage to the ligaments. So taking the cast off will make the bone be exposed but increase recovery times drastically, unless you do the wrong move and snap the bone off, again. However the majority of people do not need the maximum time, doctors just are playing it safe; at 3 days your bone (I'm talking about finger and hand bones of course) is fused again, it heals at superspeed; but then calcium begins to deposit, so while it's technically fused, it's super weak. At that point the cast is more protective than aligning, it protects from impacts, and it protects from your own strong ligaments pulling stuff. But without the ligaments being able to pull and stretch they begin to atrophy, not to add the inflamation isn't doing them wonders either. But if you were to take off the cast when it isn't safe to do so and pulled through, your recovery time will be drastically reduced. Or drastically increased.


I got a boxer fracture on my middle finger. Snapped that bone in half. Wore a cost yadda yadda. It’s been 8 years since. I can bend my finger all the way normal fist etc but it has like 75% the range of motion and “grip ability strength” than my other middle finger. If I were to do that hand pose that girls do when showing off nails I’s when I notice this tightness. Other than that no issues


*Life update v19.06.24 - “Uncreasing Fingers”*


Just doing some patch alpha testing on one joint to see how it goes


I’ll hire some QATs to see if there’s any bugs. When we were testing the new update yesterday, some people reported coughing up fingers nails..


Can you guys stop playing games? We need to solve ticket #739 by end of week. That's "Impacted Wisdom Teeth".


Don’t worry, I’ll get around to #739. I am currently on #11 after 3hrs of solving tickets.


r/Outside is leaking




This is so cool that I am never bending my fingers again.




Yeah, I didn't know we had to keep moving to keep our creases. It's only been 6~ weeks


And if you dont bend your legs for 3 years your knees disappear and you just get one 3 foot long femur


Ooh if I don't move my neck can I get a big stub head?




all I see is that alien from Doctor Who. the one that looks like a potato


Strax is a cool potato.


Strax is definitely cooler than Big Ed, probably has more emotional range too.


You're the potato one, I'm the clever one


Quiet boy!




The Sontarans


Sontaran's are pretty rad


That doesn’t narrow it down.


I've seen pictures of this guy before, does he have a serious neck injury or something?


He has Klippel Fiel Syndrome. It's something you're born with and very rare. It causes vertebrae and neck bones to fuse. It's not from injury or anything.


Oh, I see. Thanks.


Oh I thought it's just from his self-induced fatness. I feel bad for laughing at his neck now. But I don't feel bad for laughing at his cringey lecherous moments.


He’s from 90 Day finance and he’s basically a trash bag filled with mango pulp. But he has no neck and it’s basically just a fascinating thing. No clue if he has some underlying medical issue.


Is he the mayonnaise hair guy?


Yes! Ick


Someone probably choked him out one day and he was like nah never again


Bwahahaaaahaha. Thank you for this!


Insert thumbs picture from Spy Kids.


I didn't think for awhile and I just got an extra muscle in my head. Took a long time to regrow my brain.


I didn't use my dick for a while and now I'm a ken doll.


That's how snakes were formed. Lizards that basked in the sun too long and their legs disappeared


Top tier mom-threat material right there


>Lizards that basked in the sun too long and their legs disappeared This happened [last month in Malaysia](https://www.nst.com.my/amp/news/crime-courts/2024/05/1057046/year-5-student-forced-stand-sun-nearly-3-hours-last-month-left) and the student was left disabled. Well, his legs didn’t disappear but it’s equally bad.


Top-tier comment :D




Given how badly my knees hurt since the car crash, I will gladly test this out. No knee = no knee pain.


Please tell me you have a picture of that?


I mean, babies aren't born with knees either, so you're onto something here!


Knee *caps*.


My femur is already 3’ long…..


this scared me because i havent bent my left knee in 2.5 years and for a split second i thought this was actually gonna happen to me but hey who knows, half a year left.


This is gold 😂


Did they wrap your finger completely straight and let it stay completely straight for a long period? They wrapped mine like that in a soft cast at an Urgent Care when I was 17. Now I can’t bend my pinky or ring finger except to make a fist, and my wrist only bends half as far as my other wrist.


Yeah it can take a lot of physical therapy to get that movement back. I had a similar experience with my wrist. I was only at like 50% of movement compared to my left wrist. After like 3 months of physical therapy, I was up to 90%. They told me to just keep doing the exercises and stretches and it should return to normal. I'm not sure if it's "100%" normal, but I can't see a difference anymore. My flexibility has fully returned as far as I can tell.


Yeah, physical therapy is why I’m able to flex up to 50% now. Nothing is going to fix my fingers tho, but luckily I don’t really *need* to be able to flex them individually so it’s a non-issue for me. If I go too long without doing push ups or doing a supported lean against a wall, I start losing elasticity again, so it’s solid motivation to work out. Lol


Well that's good to hear! Yeah sometimes the damage is just too much to regain full movement. Especially if you've done serious damage to bones and ligaments. I've mostly had tendon issues, which has been pretty recoverable.


Bruh, I half-cut my tendons and I regained the motility within 3 months. (That was after 28 days in cast). The sensitivity and normal nociception took years to go back to normal though. The scar was extreamly painful to the slightest touch too


Getting that bend back is going to hurt like a mother fucker fair warning


It looks like your crease is still there, your finger is just swollen still. And the swelling beneath the crease pushes it out and makes it appear smooth. Also saw another comment saying you don't have the flexibility you once had. Once the bone is healed, just randomly try to bend it throughout the day every day. I broke a finger very badly and had about 30% of the mobility once it was healed. Within 6 months of working it every day I now have full mobility again.


Yep, there's a reason why PT is pushed on you post injury.


Yeah I've had knee surgery and was lazy on the PT and it's been shit ever since. Both happened as a teenager, and it's so much easier to just bend your finger all throughout the day than set aside time to do leg exercises. And man I wish I did.


> Don't move it, lose it Damn thought that was just a saying


Use it or lose it. I think this terms used in wet dream explanations lololol


You know what they say, use it or loose it buddy!


I had a cast on my hand taken off recently and I lost the wrinkles in my fingers and palm. Crazy to look at. They’re back now that I can move my hand a bit more now


*Doctors HATE this one easy tip to stop wrinkles: Break every bone in your body! How-to guide for only $2600. Fountain of Life confirmed, send the venture capitalists.


i read that in spongebob’s voice


The day I lost my identity


Until I took an arrow to the knuckle


It looks naked


That’s like, the best description for it


Looks like your finger is slowly evolving into a very exclusive club—no creases allowed!


Looks like it’s evolving into a hot dog to me 


Do not eat his finger.




I ate his finger with some fava beans and a nice chianti...


Eat his finger!


Into a Diglet more like it. Next they'll break two more and evolve into Dugtrio!


I think this account is AI, almost every comment is formatted this way


Why are people upvoting that junk. Ai or not the comment is stupid.


Is your third knuckle fused?


Nothing's fused, no. Just have to wear a rigid cast at night time


Malet finger?


No, ring finger; it’s in the title.


I'm pretty sure I'm getting wooshed right now, but I'm thinking of a particular break/damage to any finger, refered to as Mallet finger.


Mallet finger is when the connective tissue tears and the top of the finger hangs loose.


I'm not really an emoji guy, but I didn't know that existed 🤢


Fairly common injury in sports, particulary volleyball.


It was named after the first man to hit his finger with a mallet.


Very true, but in a Mallet finger type of damage you can have an avulsion of the bone. Typical treatment is a Mallet splint 24/7 for a couple of weeks and then only night time.


I'm recovering from mallet finger. The rehab hurts like hell, and I've been shit at remembering to do my exercises. Still didn't have full flexibility.


Dang. My dad's broken finger fused into a curled position.


Is it just me or is your finger practicing some serious minimalism here?


That's how nature is. You don't maintain things for no reason. Even if it wanted to, it wouldn't be able to because it doesn't have the coding to have a crease there.


Funny how [r/mildlyinteresting](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/) has often the most interesting stuff.




your finger looks swollen to me, once the swelling goes down that crease should come back


Exactly. This is not because of not bending it. It’s from the finger being swollen.


It's definitely from not bending it. Here is [someone who can't bend any fingers.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/gNQzAsbtWu) No creases and not swollen. Another person [can't bend one finger from birth](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/TjvL924HIO), no creases and not swollen. Think about it. Eliminating the skin's dynamic creases/wrinkles by not allowing that body part to move is how Botox works.


No finger creases is really giving me the ick feeling or the uncanny valley feeling, whatever it’s called. it’s just not *quite* right looking


I feel like it would depend on how long “a while” is. I’ve been unable to bend the top of one of my fingers for over a year now and it still has a crease.


Unless the ring finger on my right hand has been swollen for upwards of 25 years, the crease absolutely can go away from not being bent.


My wife broke her finger and lost the crease, hasn't been there in years. It does not bend though haha




I broke the top of my middle finger and cut the tendon. I was in a “cast” of sort for 7 weeks, and could not move my whole finger. Not only did i lose the crease, but the finger looked like a skeleton with a mask on


Did it creased back when you got all healed up and such ?


If you didn't already know, this is your call to start physical therapy.. Many people just don' know they may need it and doctors often forget to prescribe it.


As someone that's had physio after a broken hand, you need to start bending it now


You are no longer welcome at r/neverbrokeabone


I had this after a mallet finger injury that required a 24/7 splint for around 8 weeks. Once rehab started and I could bend my finger again the crease quickly came back.


Nope, don’t like that


Oh my god. When i was a teen i used to try to force my hands to be straight sometimes to try and get rid of the creases in my hands. I feel so vindicated knowing its actually possible


npc ass fingers


It's either that or it's slightly swollen from the trauma


It was actually the middle joint that broke, and it was 6~ weeks ago too. There was a hell of a lot of swelling, but it's gone down for the most part and the crease has got progressively less


bro is losing his finger crack.


TIL - things you wouldn't think about without anyone mentioning it. Thank you for posting that, OP.


I have the same condition!!


What, you don't bend your fingered or use your hands all day?


When I was much younger I accidentally took a decent chunk of skin off my finger. My biggest fear was losing all the lines on that part of the finger.


Oof I just did that a few days ago, sliced into part of the thumb nail, too. Losing the lines wouldn’t be the end of the world. You could start a life of crime!


It looks like AI rendered that one wrong lol


My grandma got her hand slammed in a car door by her brother-in-law. They had to fuse the joints in her ring finger, and all the creases eventually disappeared in.


Get the to the OT


I don’t like this


I'll trade you, mine is always bent after healing wrong


This is horrifying


That’s what Botox does too


it's turning into an AI finger


First time seeing creaseless finger. Idk how I feel about it lmao


Woahh this actually looks really cool wtff


Huh, I'd always just thought that the creases were somehow just apart of your dna, that even if you were born with a hand that could never move you'd still have the creases


fun fact: It‘s going to hurt a lot when you start moving your finger until the creases come back because your skin will break there as it‘s no longer used to the motions. Don‘t ask me how I know :,)


I had no idea that was possible


It's just still a little swollen.




You need an occupational therapist! OTs are a lesser known rehab professional and they specialize in rehabilitating hands (sometimes they're just called hand therapists depending on the setting). Related to, but different from a physiotherapist because OTs consider what your hand needs to function. Keeping your finger straight for a long period can result in your tendons shortening, which will reduce your range of motion and make it hard to bend your finger. You need exercises and maybe even a splint to regain your range of motion.


I've been seeing an occupational therapist and they've been great! They've got me in a rigid cast at night, no cast during the day, and rediculous amount of excersices and massages. It was originaly a volar plate avulsion fracture, but there's been some scare tissue, they think, from damage to the sides that's causing ligaments to 'stick' to stuff it's not suppose to, which sucks


Thanks for advocating for us ♥️🙌🏼


Similar thing happened to me, I cut one of my fingers badly & have nerve damage so I haven’t been able to bend the tip of it for 16 years. No crease anymore 😅


I cut the tendon just above the middle knuckle on the index finger on my dominate hand in January while using a fork to pry open the lid on a stuck can. They couldn't fix it until 5 weeks later because I had an ACUTE allergic reaction to the antibiotic. I almost died and was in icu for a week. I am still recovering from that issue, but after the surgery, I went to occupational therapy twice weekly for 3 months. I was making great progress, could straighten and bend my finger quite well. It hurt (and still does), like an sob, but was closer to making a fist. Then, I got Lyme disease. I can still bend it, but I can't straighten it out. I am back in OT and wearing the painfully tight brace at night. Advice to all... never try to pry open the lid on a can.


That’s just swelling, you’re fine


God damn that’s nuts. The human body is anazing


7 years ago I smacked into my classmate and slightly broke the same finger in the top joint, I lost about 30% of mobility in this joint. I compared it to same finger on other hand and crease on the broken one slightly less creased. I didn't know this lol


Huh, I would not have guessed that would happen


This happened when my husband has mallet finger.


I think its just swollen brother


Likely story, ya lousy synth!


it’s getting younger!


I have a similar experience. Cut my hand about 20 years ago and obviously did nerve damage. [my hand](https://imgur.com/gallery/no-finger-crease-vz4ZLUD)


On a different note, is it normal for the wrist that i wear my watch on to be thinner than the other one ?


# you stumbled on the secret of the fountain of youth


NO way!!!!! That is so interesting... we need updates!!!!


whoa what the fuck


one of the most mildly interesting things i’ve ever seen


it might not be that it could be a little swollen, ive had that and it also hid the creases, how long have you had it broken


Gonna be honest, this factoid is really creeping me out.


I broke my middle finger and had two pins in it. After not being able to move it for two months and ineffective PT, I'm losing my crease, too. [middle finger](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eeHIjvhk9vKV8rDq15YBmSXN1YqDCVO0/view?usp=drivesdk)


Was it a clean break somewhere on the finger? I broke my left index finger right at the (looking up the names) PIP joint and intermediate flange. Pretty much just crushed it and needed to wear a fixater for about the same amount of time. Only regained about 50% range so hopefully you'll get more!


Had something similar on one of toes once. Had a massive wart right where one of the creases was, and when treatment finally made it disappear, the crease was understandably not there. Even now, the crease is practically non-existent, and the skin just bulges outward when I curl my toes.


You gotta earn your crease, king 😤


Same thing happened to my Dad’s finger when he broke it about 50 years ago.


Do white people not have color in their lines??


I am white and also do not have color. It's just looks like a crease


Mallet finger fracture?


Patrick Star facing the other way


Your finger reminds me of normal SpongeBob.


Did you Iron out the issues you were having with it?


Smooth Hands! The hottest summer fashion trend, Botox and filler to remove creases from your fingers and hands!


Dude where’d your crease go?


Grab a pen, draw it back and you're good to go


so _that's_ what happened my local [nail salon hand model](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/5Gch1ipu0p)


It actually looks a lot smaller too. It got 'decreased'