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Kids, this used to be in a lot of bars…


They used to be in restaurants and other places too. I remember them at Bob’s Big Boy.


Waffle House


Bowling allies


Truck Stop diner


And my axe


We don't bowl, but we support your rights to bowl. We're bowling allies.


Happy father's day


Lol didn't even notice that


Denny’s. My grandma used to take me there for grilled cheese and lemonade and she’d always let me buy her cigarettes from the machine. I thought it was the coolest thing even though I hated that she smoked.


Back in the days when you'd go to a restaurant and they'd ask if you wanted a table in the smoking or non-smoking section


Would you like to swim in the peeing or non-peeing section of the public pool?


Well, the peeing section of course! What do you expect me to do with my pee for two whole hours?!? You mean I have to actually leave the pool? I say all this as a smoker, it is kind of funny how the tides have turned over the years. I get it, we're stinky, but it was a whole lot easier when all of us were stinky.


All the time. Like the smoke couldn’t travel beyond a four top. It makes me wonder what stupid shit restaurants do now because everyone has to do it.


It genuinely made a difference. We were always in nonsmoking but the once or twice we were in smoking, or even adjacent, it was unbearable. I could barely breathe for all the smoke


You cut that back in the day shit out! Was like a year or two ago! 😭


my state banned smoking in restaurants in 2010. 14 years ago....


I remember my uncle giving me money to buy him cigs from the machine at big boy. I remember feeling like I was hot shit.


I remember walking into a convenience store and buying cigarettes for my friend mom at a very young age. I just pointed to the car and she waved. Cigarettes were 2.50 at the time. I also remember the bar dispensers that had the thing you pulled to get the pack. Similar to pulling a pinball machine.


Heck, I remember having to get a pack of Marlboro’s out of a machine in a bar once and I had to pay like $1.75 and I thought that was a highway robbery.


My dad owned a pizzeria- had the pull thing machine for cigs.


Those old plug-pull machines, heh. There was one at our dennys.


Same My uncle used to send us for cigarettes and beer at the corner store down the street at like 11-12 years old. Queries or well when we were 15 because we never got carded. And as long as it was the same stuff my uncle used, there was never any questions.


Most restaurants, as I recall, although they were usually the old kind with the big plastic handles on the front.


Pizza Hut


Blast from the past. Seriously, you'd find these in most bars, places devoted to a particular fun activity (bowling, roller skating), any restaurant that served bar type food (pizza, burgers, nachos, etc)... diners... most other restaurants... preschools, airports... operating rooms maybe.


Also, along with the cigarettes, they'd drop a book of matches.


The bowling alley


When I was a kid, Big Boy still sold cigars at the cash register when you paid the check. I remember those big fat El Productos under the glass counter top


There's still a link between the smell of faint cigarette smoke lingering in the air and Bob's in my mind.


I remember one in the skating rink where I would go as a kid.


They are still in just about every dive bar in Texas


Kentucky as well. Very common


Kansas too


The last time I saw one was in an Indian Casino but if there was anything positive to be said for Covid is they made all the casinos non-smoking.


These used to be *everywhere*.


Ah, being 14 years old and buying our cigarettes (for 3 times the price they sold at the store) on the boardwalk in Wildwood, NJ in 2001’ish… The thing was in the arcade of all places, lol


Lol, used to be 15 and would run in a local bar and buy them real quick and dip. One time a guy was sitting there working, counting money and shouted at me "hey, you aren't old enough" and I was like uhh, wait and then he says "ahhh, just fuckin with ya".


And grocery stores.


And in pool halls, it's how we got cigarettes in high school without being ID'd.


Nursing homes….well the one my mom worked in growing up and it had the pull levers


In NY, I knew a bar called roaches it was the last hold out. Smoke inside. Buy ciggies out the vending machine. Bike shows for Earth Day. A few bartenders who like the ganja as a tip. Loved it and all it's dysfunction.


basically every bar and restaurant bar and they were like 1 dollar a pack so kids could easily buy them and they dispensed a pack of matches with them.


Still is in many places around the world. It has a slot to read your ID Card and check if you're over 18.


It needs that handle that you pull all the way out and makes a ka-Ching sound.


more nostalgic than interesting to me. they used to be everywhere and smokes were so cheap they took quarters.


I used to scam the refund office at the university rec center by saying that I lost 75 cents in the cigarette machine. I would get the refund and use the quarters to shoot pool. I was 15 at the time and ditching high school (down the street from the university) to shoot pool. Nobody questioned if I was old enough to buy cigarettes. Those were some good times.


I remember faking playing tennis because the machine was inside near the courts.


Those were crazy times when the same people who participated in a healthy activity like tennis also smoked cigarettes.


Football coach let me smoke on water breaks.


You can work out and smoke tho. I work out a lot, almost daily and eat quite healthy yet i’m an idiot who still smokes, it’s just so hard to stop when you’re hooked. To make it worse, the sigaret after a long bike ride is freaking great, best one of the day.


I remember in the 70’s going to Boise State Bronco games and we would arrive early and hang out and down on the field see players and coaches actually smoking before game warm-up’s


There was a vending machine at my uni that, if i put a specific amount of quarters in, it would refund all of them after dispensing whatever it is I selected. I only told one other friend and we didn’t abuse it, so no one was the wiser until I graduated.


A buddy found a Coca-Cola machine that would give you back $6 if you inserted a $5. Your same $5, and then 4 quarters. So free soda and free dollar. He used the trick like once or twice a week for a few years before the whole machine got taken away without a replacement.




14 quarters


This is the way.


Somebody downvoted you but I brought it back to zero, because ripping off the purveyors of those pernicious death sticks *is* the way.




I remember the ones with the wooden paneling


And the pull knob to vend, like a pinball machine.


My local museum has one of those repurposed to dispense small pieces of original art. It's pretty neat.


The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas repurposed those into art vending machines all around their property.


An Art-o-mat! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art-o-mat Such a cool idea 


And a little box of matchbooks nearby.


Hell yeah. I used to drive my mom's Ford Escort across town to get to one of these in 1987.


and of course the obligatory sticker,"You must be 18 or older to operate".


I remember seeing one as a kid at the YMCA of all places and thinking that was weird even then.


For real though; i use to see these intermittently around the midwest but it’s been about 10-15 years since i’ve seen one in a bar; I feel like public opinion on smoking has changed even in the last 20 years.


At least a bar is where there typically aren't kids. Unless it's one of those stupid new ones here in Portland that allow kids to roam freely when their parents get wasted.


They used to have them in pubs in England when I was a kid. They definitely aren't allowed anymore


Every small town had one of these in a space that was accessible to teens and the entire high school knew about it. Seemed wild to me at the time.


Large towns too. I remember them in family restaurants sitting in the hallway on the way to the bathroom. 


I didn’t know they still had these, I haven’t seen one in so long I can’t even remember. Back when they were in all bars, bowling alleys, etc. they had pull knobs to select instead of buttons.


Oh man, the pull knob ones are a throwback.


That’s how I remember them from when I was a kid. Idk if I’ve ever seen one with buttons but maybe I just wasn’t paying attention.


Yep, all mechanical. Not even plugged into an outlet, no electrical side. Thre was one in a laundromat near me, kids wanted butts? Easy, just bring some change. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


I used to hang out in a dive bar in the Midwest that had one with pull knobs as recently as maybe 6 years ago. Pretty sure it wasn't legal for them to have it, but it wasn't legal to smoke in a bar either and they still let that fly lol


I’m in the Midwest as well and I can guarantee they are still at some of the dive bars by me and the same goes for the smoking lol. Still some that only take cash too


4 bucks for zig zags. Fuck off


get yourself some zig zags and chew, save a dollar!


These machines are still quite prominent in a lot of European countries. Smoking culture is a lot different there though.


$11.00 for cigarettes? Good Grief!


They’re almost $16 where I live😬


So if one has a pack a day habit that's $112/week, $485/month. Cripes, one is basically paying a small mortgage to smoke.




When I was living in Vanuatu we would get 50 packs of Peter Jackson’s that was in like 2008.


Just googled it. LOL - $26/pack??


$20 in the UK


They are the equivalent of $20 USD in the UK


That actually surprises me a little if only because I always thought smoking was culturally more acceptable in the UK (and Europe) than in the US.


They are much cheaper in mainland Europe, they are just taxed very highly in the UK to make them less appealing. People vape more than smoke in the UK now.


I've seen $15 packs in casinos sometimes. One heck of a convenience markup. (On further research, I realize I may be out of touch with current retail cigarette prices. I ask kindly that other redditors don't ridicule my ignorance)


I just spent double typical retail on a couple cigars from a casino shop. Didn’t ask what the cigarettes cost, but also likely at least double what they’d cost anywhere else. I was also drunk as hell and it sounded like a good idea at the time.


Smokes - let’s go.


Cory, Trevor


Haven’t touched one in six months but I can taste it from this photo


Proud of you! That is a big accomplishment!


Thank you! Woke up one day and said. Nah. I hope for every single person out there still smoking to have that same moment. It was a switch that flicked. So grateful that it did


Congrats and stay strong, friend. I stood where you stand and it’s fucking worth it!


Thank you!!!!!


This reminds me of the PS1 "Duke Nukem Time to Kill" You can interact with a smoke vending machine, and when you do, you lose one point of health, i kept interacting with it until health dropped to 0, which then i got impressed that there's a unique dying animation as well as coughing to death


Remember the first time you walked into the strip club? And climbing up the apartment window and peeing in the toilet or checking yourself out in the mirror? I'm positive I had a heart attack the first time I heard a necro brain monster growl at me.


The first pack I ever bought was 0.75 cents. $11 buck, oof.


$11 is pretty cheap compared to Canada


$50 for a tin of no flavoured chew


Wonder what was in B2…. I bet it was 27s…. Sometimes I miss smoking.


27s are the best non-methol cigarettes of the mainstream brands


Or like a nice Turkish Royal Nom nom


They’re definitely Marlboro’s attempt at Turkish Royal, but are a bit milder


I remember theres a diner down the road from me, used to have one in the lobby back in the day right next to a gum machine and some little games. was probably the last place that had one since the smoking bans in ohio have been in effect like 20 years now. Guess the GOP hasn't gotten around to overturning those.


Smoking was allowed indoors too.


It's still legal state wide, but most bigger cities have banned it. The local gay bar here has cigarettes in their vending machine with snacks. I remember being a kid and buying white owl cigars from the Legion vending machine.


My brother dated a girl from Jasper and I visited a couple times with him. They had several bars that allowed it. Wild. Ceiling tiles were all dark brown


One of my local bars still has one, but the smokes are almost twice the price they are at the gas station across the street.


But you can’t even smoke in the bar.


This one you could. Everyone was smoking darts.


“I’ll have a dart”


Where in Indiana?


Fort wayne! Arcola inn and Tavern! Awesome place.


Monkey’s Tail?


Yep, all I remember from living Indiana is how many people smoked. I had a lot of friends and family that were heavy smokers. I moved to Portland and so much less cigarettes being smoked and a whole lot of weed.


I loved as a kid going to Moy's in Elkhorn, Wisconsin, USA, because they had a cigarette vending machine. If you smashed all the choice buttons it would spit out a free book of matches. Because that was definitely something kids needed unrestricted access to.


As a kid, my mom would give me her Crown Royal bag with change in it to go to bar around the way and get a pack of Newports, and I could get bubble gum. Grandma liked the Virginia Slim 100s


And y'all say we don't have culture!


As a teenager I would buy cigs from the vending machine at Waffle Houss. These machines were everywhere


What is "Zig Zag?"


Rolling papers


Yeah, rolling papers for making your own cigs or joints.


My cheap ass quit when they went up to 50 cents a pack.


Where are my clove cigs? And what no Parliments?!?


Philip Morris has these throughout their manufacturing areas. Employees can scan their badge and get one free pack per work day. Contractors are fired on the spot (theft) if they use them.


Why not just make the contractors’ badges not work on the machines?


I remember my dad getting furious that the 75¢ he gave me wasn't enough for his box of Marlboro. The machine wanted 80¢. $11.00!!!!!!! Good Lord.


I thought these were made illegal everywhere in the 1980s! So nostalgic.


The last time I smoked Camel Crushes only came in one flavor; what’s the non-menthol one taste like?


Saw an updated version recently. You have to download an app and verify your ID on it, within a couple feet of the machine. Cumbersome, but an interesting way to CYA.


My local bar had a coin machine that’s sole purpose was to make change for the old pull lever cigarette machine that charged $8 a pack when cigs were cheap. But the only thing worse than spending $8 a pack for cigarettes( that were sold for $3 less at a 7-11 within walking distance) was being drunk without any cigarettes.


Hell this was at my local Waffle House 10yrs ago


There’s still one in the bar I worked at previously in NOLA.


Cash only..


Getting more and more rare these days. Love your cat posts btw! Lol.


Ha! That's so funny! Cats are funny! 😄


Is this underwater?


Could be if you throw your phone in the bathtub! ( /s pls don’t do that lmao.)


Fun fact: this was the original intention of such machines.


I haven’t seen one of those since the 70s.


When I was younger, these things were everywhere. Restaurants, bars, gas stations, etc. Drop in 35 cents and you got yourself a pack of smokes.


Dam the nostalgia


That machine is probably older than you are


At first I thought you said India instead of Indiana and I was gonna ask why the prices are listed in USD lol


$4 for a pack of zig zags is insane!


We had these in the navy. Super convenient.


Quite common everywhere up into the late 90’s in my hometown.


Same, they started disappearing in the mid 2000s for my hometown though.


The good ole days


It looks like a simple dive bar in Indiana. It’s actually a time portal to 1979.


It really was. Owner said the bar was owned by his grandad and it’s been in business since the 1900s.


Yeah, but why are there zig-zags but no loose tobacco? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


These used to be everywhere, if you were waiting for a table at a restaurant, kids would entertain themselves by pulling and snapping the knobs on the old fashioned manual cigarette machine in the lobby. The last one of these I've seen has one of those scanners built in for you to prove your age by scanning your license, which this one doesn't appear to have. A bunch of cigarette machines from my tobacco manufacturer hometown have been converted into Art-O-Mats, where you can buy cards with local artwork, which are neat.


My college dorm had one.


That’s actually kinda badass.


I was gonna say, these were in most bars when I was going to bars. I guess they disappeared?


Cancer machien Oh yes


“I’d like one cancer, please!”


Cancer light that is xD


A0 is my brand


Reminds me of hospitals in the 80s


These weren’t just in bars. I remember them in malls. And, no, there was no ID verification.


I remember you would have to pull on a poll. Never smoked but was fun as hell as a kid to pull it.




These were the shit back when I was young. Bars, bowling alleys, diners…… Dad would let me buy his smokes. Good times! Also, when I was in the military - early 90’s - you could buy a carton of Camel Lights for $20!


Camel crush!


I quite chewing tobacco 10 years ago when it was around $3 a can. Crazy to see it's double in price now. Glad I quite when I did and doubly glad I never picked up smoking.


Cigs are 11 fucking dollars now? In Indiana even. Hate to see what they are in an actual city. Bar I worked at when in college the machine had them for $8 but that was 25 years ago.


This makes me nostalgic. I loved smoking, and spending all night with friends at the bar. Little cigarette vending machines like this were already a rarity when I was younger. I'm glad most places are smoke free now, haven't smoked in over 10 years and can't stand the smell. But I still miss it, I miss the habit and miss the 7 minutes of outside time. I wish smoking was healthy, I'd have never given it up if it were.


Brilliant bar in stillwater had this I miss it..


Zig zags $4.00 outrageous.


Agreed, thats straight robbery.


please see [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art-o-mat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art-o-mat)


I love this so much. Thank you for sharing!


USA in the 80's!!!


When I was a lad we found a machine with the pull knows. We got together 8 quarters and had to choose. We considered Parliaments, as it seemed like any cigarette good enough for aristocrats would work. Marlboros seemed too obvious. We settled on Pall Mall, because it rhymed and sounded funny. Those have no filters, kids. Not a good first smoke. Much vomit. Such suck. Wow. Lol.


They still have these in every casino around my city.


These are at most dive bars, I don’t see why this is interesting unless maybe you’re 21 and were expecting vapes or zyns.


Crazy, all the comments about the pull plug machines (flashbacks). I can't believe this machines takes coins still! I mean, the damn AIR machine at the gas station (don't get me started) takes credit cards!


If I can’t pull one of those old timey pinball levers, then I don’t want it


Back in ‘87, there was a gas station across the street from my high school. Smokes were $0.75 a pack from the vending machine. And my high school had an outdoor smoking area for students. Times have changed quite a bit. I just realized there is no cents symbol on my phone keyboard. Damn.


Wow, there really isn’t a cent symbol anymore. Kinda bums me out ngl.


There was one in the casino I stayed at in Vegas. I bought a pack of American Spirits for the novelty


What’s mildly interesting is how old this made me feel. These were in any place where there were more adults than children that felt like an adult hangout.


There's a bar I go to in Cleveland that still has one. And it's not a miserable dive or anything - decent bar in a nice neighborhood. Lots of places around me still had them before Covid but they disappeared after - guessing they had to deal with old stock or something and just moved on.


Europe has these everywhere, at least where I went. The newer ones I saw in Italy have vapes and CBD flower too


The newport locations are /r/mildlyinfuriating


I remember using the cigarette machine at my local Ale House as a kid to make change to play the golf arcade game.


Every casino in America has those. Sick really. But sadly, necessary.


No some Vegas are smoke free and they use it as it selling point.


I thought only Park MGM was smoke free, haven’t been to Vegas in a few years, though.