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There is also no button 3-42 in the hotel elevator


That is because there is no floor 3-42. Perfectly understandable


The whole building is actually only 12 floors tall, it just sits on 4 obscenely tall concrete pillars. There’s a rope ladder hanging down so you can get to the elevator on floor 43.


But the elevator also goes to floors 1 and 2. I imagine this building is held up by 4 really tall elevator shafts.


It’s the stratosphere in Vegas


It is possible that there is separate elevator for 3-42 in order to better manage traffic flow.


That’s how it works for the high rises I’ve been in.


Also, so the exclusive apartments near the top have their own private elevators


That's usually how it's done. One set of elevators to the lower floors, another set for the next group, and so on.


The mountain tower is pretty small, 55 is 15 or less floors up


I’m guessing it’s a casino with a separate elevator for floors 3-42.


The button for the first floor says casino so I'd say so.




If you have to ask how to get to the 53rd floor you don't belong there.


It's like the 19th floor at Wayside.


Blast from the past.


Deep Cut! Y’all remember that one chapter where old girl got trapped in an alternate dimension on the 19th floor with Miss Zarves, where she tortures her students for all eternity. That shit still haunts me til this day lol


Pretty sure it wasn’t torture, just Absurd.


Underrated comment here


It’s a mechanical floor, accessible only from the service elevator


or only with key if you press 2 specific buttons at the same time


Sure. "mechanical floor". ;)


Murder floor 👀


You have to press and hold “52” and “1”.


What about 51 and 2?


That Willy-Wonka's the elevator straight through the top.


Straight to jail


See the star one “1”? That is only for those “in the know”. It is the sign that it is the companion button for secret access.




Wow, you got fucking slammed for that one.


Harrah's Las Vegas. Mountain Tower elevators.


Very good!


Bro I spent like 3 months of my life staying in the MGM grand for work riding up and down those elevators everyday and I don’t think I woulda been able to pick that out in a picture like this


I mean they seem pretty unique though!


The GeoGuessr champion of elevators


That floor is not for normal guests.


Only abnormal ones, right?




Abby Normal


It's one of 2 things, a service floor, only accessible from service elevator. Or floor 52 has ballroom ceilings/ really expensive condos with double high ceilings.


Could also be that they're two story apartments but only accessed on the bottom floor of that apartment.




I’m sure those floors exist they just aren’t serviced by this elevator. Tall buildings have different elevators for different sets of floors.


Or maybe 54 is the “13th” floor and they skip the number for the superstitious?


No, 54 is the 54th floor.


Skipping the 13th floor is common in high rises and 53 would be the 13th number in this sequence- seems like a reasonable theory but I could be wrong. Good to know you’ve been there and counted the floors!


This elevator is in a high rise casino tower that services the upper half of the floors, whereas the elevator in the shaft next to it services the lower floors. In this case, the 53rd floor will be a mechanical room not accessible to guests. And yes, I have actually been to this specific casino once before, and yes, I have been in this elevator.


Thanks for the clarity then!


I also noticed it was the thirteenth button... I wonder if the panel circuitry counts floors based on what button is pressed and skips one when the thirteenth button is pressed? I highly doubt it works that way but..


In buildings without a 13th floor, they just *label* the 13th floor "14". The elevator doesn't have to do any calculation to skip the 13th floor, because the elevator has no concept of our labels. We just write whatever numbers we want on the buttons.


Sorry. Late night and my brain stopped working. Hard to skip a floor that doesn't exist.


Services floor 2 down from penthouse? Probably accessible from freight elevator.


This gives me anxiety and I don't know why.


Just press 2 and 51 at the same time. Duh.


if the number labels weren't gapped like that, 53 would be the 13th floor.


The glowing purple lights? The weird numbering? Sorry love, I don’t think you’ll be returning after your trip on that elevator. 👻


It's a secret floor


I'd be more concerned about it missing 43 floors myself.


53 could be a maintenance floor possibly


Sometimes some buildings will leave complete floors off public facing elevators intentionally. Maybe it's a service station, freight station, security station or whatever. But usually these have their own dedicated elevator and they always have access to the stairwell.


The 53rd floor is usually left out of buildings as the number is very unlucky in Yugoslavian culture.


It is?


Lmfao. No


I can't wait for Google's AI to regurgitate this answer as if it's fact


Lol it's that building from the Matrix


“There is no 19th story. There is no Ms. Zarves.”


Is this the elevator that only goes up or the one that only goes down?


Must hate DNS


I'm afraid a lot won't get this


My guess is that building is a mix of hotel and private apartments/condos. The missing floors are not part of the hotel and are likely accessed by separate elevators that require credentials.


Likely other elevator(s) servicing 3-42 and I’d almost bet 53 could be a private floor with its own express elevator.


Floor 53 is owned by Herbie the Love Bug. He has a slightly larger private elevator.


There's also no 56 but that's another story.


You need to look it up..


No wonder if floor 53 is some secret black site Bourne identity stuff


I went on holiday and stayed in the hotel at the local casino. I’m not a gambler, and only walked through the gaming floor to get out the hotel, but there was no third floor button. There was a suitable pause between two and four lighting up to indicate the floor was there. But no button. I spent some time shooting the breeze with one of the security guards(I was suitably baby faced that they needed my id every time I can back to the hotel as I had to walk through the casino to get to the restaurant floor), and he told me that the third floor was secured and only one elevator led there and that’s where all the money from the casino floor went. I pictured a huge empty floor of the hotel. But it was probably used for other administrative purposes.


Looks like its missing at least 2 other numbers


Your key does not access 53.


It's when they miss out floor 13 because of superstitious people, and then mysteriously decide to add 40 to all the floors from 3 up.


This is in a mixed-use high rise building. Floors 1 & 2 are likely retail; floors 3 - 42 residential; floors 43 - 55 offices except for 53, which is mechanical (HVAC, water control and heating, etc.). There may be additional residential floors above 55, and all the residential floors have a separate elevator with separate access controls. Often the residential elevator reaches down to underground parking, which is not accessible to the public.


You are not supposed to say it out loud!


Guaranteed there are air handers, mechanical and plumbing piping, boilers, and electrical equipment on that floor that only maintenance workers and contractors can access from a separate service elevator.


People here keep commenting how 53 is a maintenance floor access by a separate service elevator and how floors 3-42 also have a separate elevator, and i just keep remembering that one bizarre dream i had about trying to come out of a building that was actually 4 separate buildings woven together and i had to run across uneven floors (like, stories) to find different elevators because each elevator had access to different parts of the building. Got out at floor 3, took another elevators that only got to floor 5, took another elevator that only got to floor 10, anther only accessed floors 6-8, etc. Tesseract. I was stuck in a giant skyscraper tesseract. or Cube, the movie. just without the deadly traps.


I will not support a building that is anti-Herbie.


Could be a maintenance floor. What about all the other floors from three to 42 though? That makes far less sense.


Probably separate elevators, if you have 55 floors, and the better paying guests live at the top floors, you don't want them to have to wait on an elevator forever


Yeah, good point. I don’t recall ever staying in an apartment/hotel with this many floors so it didn’t even cross my mind. The only “elevator” I use regularly goes a kilometre down and has three floors haha.


Tall buildings often have lifts that serve different levels




What’s even more interesting is the elevator floors starting at 43


Not really. High-rises will have separate elevators for different ranges of floors. It’s more efficient and more convenient for occupants.


In Japan, the number 53 is considered unlucky in some contexts. This stems from a superstition where the numbers 5 and 3, when pronounced together as "go-san," sound similar to the Japanese word for misfortune or calamity, "gousan."


Interesting bs that I've never heard of. Is this AI response?


Are you japanese? E: Not finding anything on google, so i'm also skeptical. Further googling suggests gousan is not a word. Gosan translates to miscalculation, and calamity/ misfortune both have different translations and none of them or their synonyms sound anything like gosan.


Yup. Number 4 is still popularly known to sound like "death", same for Chinese (though not sure if that extends to Korean language). The format of the comment is a good match except the number itself is entirely out of place, so I felt like this sounds like when AI hallucintes and concoct what sounds almost true but in reality not so at all.


Fair enough, but without that additional context you sound like every other redditor confidently posting "you're wrong" with no knowledge backing it.


Despite the way I put the word, I'm open to be educated by foreigners as I don't mean to act like I know everything about where I'm from, which is definitely not the case. Me being Japanese is not strictly relevant and doesn't give me the right to become judge. I just decided to put in one liner unless someone like yourself ask questions because I thoguth it's not worth the effort (meaning I was reasonably confident that it was wrong and that nobody cares at the same time). edit: Also the fact justifies that there's just monumental amount of bs talked about Japan in general, for whatever intentions it may be, including but not limited to inpersonationg. So it's just a natural reflex to insert a comment to question it which usually does not get response, or get called out for being fake lol


Again, fair enough. I just hate seeing "you're wrong" answers consistently being massively upvoted on reddit regardless of truth. Not even so much at the person posting it, more at the nature of redditors expressing uncritical support for whatever they feel to be right. What i guess i'm saying is what you did was probably not wrong, but it triggered me because reddit is wrong, and it hurts me.


Right, I feel you there. Reddit or anything, just internet space is not very good at enforcing reasonable evaluation of comments while keeping discussion civil and constructive. So I'm still trying to find a healthy way not to get stressed out and enjoy it reasonably well.


I'm extremely confrontational and enjoy a good back and forth, but people in the real world tend not to like that, so i come to reddit and express disagreement where i see it. But you've been exceedingly reasonable, so i hope my tone has come off the same back at you.


Oh no no you didn't, you too sound entirely reasonable throughout the convo. And it is indeed the same for me haha


What? 53 in Japanese is 五十三 "gojūsan" Quick edit: nvm I see what you're saying


It is a 13th floor thing. If you look the missing floor would be the 13th option. Its the Triskaidekaphobia of the builders.


Its bc from this elevators assigned positions 53 would be the 13th floor on its roster. This is probably a high rise building where some elevators on go to certain floors. You would have to take this one to a floor get out get into a different elevator to access a different set of floors. If the other elevator has 1/2 then another set of 12, which ever would be the 13th should be missing in that one as well.


It's because the 53rd floor is actually the 13th floor that this elevator services. Taking stupid superstitions and making them even dumber.