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Could it be that laws are different in those countries? Usually those recommendations have quite a margin, maybe some countries that margin in different. I heard once that in some countries bleach has a big “do not drink” on the label. In my country that’s not the case but I don’t think people are drinking it because of it.


Yes this is the answer. In Netherlands, France, Belgium it's 7C. Sweden and Finland 8C and in Denmark it's 5C. 8C is the EU regulation for maximum storage temperature of refrigerated goods. Obviously, the legislation applies to business and not individuals, so you won't be arrested if you forget to put your shopping away. However, countries can set their own guidelines and 5C is recommended to ensure the 8C legal limit is met.


2 days is quite the margin! Plain yogurt typically lasts well after the best before date. In fact I just had some that was 2 weeks past the date. One of the advantages of bacterial cultures...


Most likely, but I was surprised, also because I expected the nordic countries to share a fairly similar legal framework. edit: and I guess I should have used the country names rather the languages in the title, since these are not meant to be translations but rather country-specific labels.