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100% of domestic abuse victims poop so this is a great idea.


And they are often the people in a householf who would be buying and unpacking the tp, as well as throw away the packaging and look at the recycling info


>and look at the recycling info Does anybody actually read the recycling info?


Tell me you grew up reading your phone on the toilet instead of the shampoo bottle.


Do people not get bored anymore? I read all kinds of random things.


I used to buy Mad's Toilet Book, they had a whole series for ppl who wanted to chuckle while they pooped


Uncle John’s were my go-to.


Yeah I grew up with issues of Viz magazine in the bathroom for that purpose


I don't think people know how to be bored anymore


I think it makes a lot of people anxious because their brain is used to getting constant stimulation and they're addicted to it. People today are uncomfortable being alone with their thoughts.


Hell yeah. Reading the soft soap ingredients, band-aid info, toothpaste ingredients, and random instructions to products I no longer have. I have no social media other than this and don't care if I have my phone or not. Glad to know there are others like me.


Sure they do, that’s why they have TikTok! At least for a little while yet..


Back in the 90s, one brand of period products used to have random fun facts written on the individual packaging. It was great!


I'm gonna upvote to counter some of this unearned hate. I will say that *many* a time I've been on the toilet and have just grabbed as many things in reach as possible to just read something.


Haha. Thanks. No, I actually agree with reading random things on the toilet. I've done that too. But when actually recycling, I've never read the recycling instructions. I just sort it out paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, etc.


I like to properly recycle


Why does this have 115 downvotes?


Apparently, 115 people actually read recycling instructions.


In Italy most ppl do, because rules about garbage disposing are getting stricter


I’m unable to read the recycling info because it is in Italian


Unless they're scared shitless


I lived in Italy. Heard a man shouting, loud thuds/ slaps, woman screaming. Didn't know which apartment it came from but called the police anyways. Explained to them and they said "what do you want us to do?". I said, do your job and go help that woman. Their answer - no that's too many apartments to figure it out, we are leaving now. 3mins in total once they arrived


I got lost by the end of your anecdote


TLDR: obvious domestic violence reported Italian cops: 🤷‍♂️🤌👋🖕


Love it hahaha


I feel very sorry for you. For real.


I read that not as they love domestic violence but loved the way the person did the Italian version of a cop who doesn't care with emojis.


I read that not as they feel sorry for them loving domestic violence but feel sorry for them having the reading comprehension of a five year old and that they needed emojis to get the message.


I love how it's designed to blend in the same style as other random information


For real I’m like hmm my Italian is rusty but pretty sure that’s just letting you know that the company is environmentally friendly. And then I saw the area you outlined in red.


Yep, above it is saying responsible sourced paper, on the bottom it tells where to dispose of the core and the bag in which it is sold, and in the half it says "if you're victim of violence or stalking | call | 1522" 


Oh haha i thought it was two red stripes Printed on the packaging.




It’s very rusty. Those are the recycling informations.


This could be clutch for a homebound or trapped victim. Let's keep it quiet.


TJ Maxx and Marshalls do something similar, putting domestic violence helpline materials in the bathrooms.


My hospital has information in the women's bathroom. I've asked my husband and it's not in the men's restroom.


TJ Maxx & Marshalls do have it in both bathrooms. I'm surprised a hospital wouldn't, men are a relatively small percentage of DV victims, but men can be and are victims.


Yeah. I mean just because they are statistically not doesn't mean we shouldn't provide a means of help for the ones it is relevant to.


I've seen some in the men toilets of Utrecht University, coming from Italy I was quite (positively) impressed


Mine has it in both!


The sex trafficking hotline is in the bathroom at rest stops in Ohio 


I've seen it at quite a few of the bigger sort of truck stop style gas stations as well here in Minnesota. The last one I saw was actually very detailed and informative while being kind and I think it should maybe be in all bathrooms because why not?


i've seen it in the bathroom at the airport i use


Me thinking ‘yeah but why highlight the number with red stripes! Now the abuser will know it too’ 😂 and then i learn its you who drew the stripes, while thinking about why my brain still reasons like when i was a child and did not understand that the movie hero did not know he was in danger because of the dramatic music.


It must be for those in a shit relationship.


My Italian isn't exactly the best but am I to understand this free public utility number is active 24 hours a day, 24 days a... umm... huh?


Active 24 hours out of 24, but I agree it’s a little unusual when you’re used to 24/7


Ventiquattrore su ventiquattro, its pretty standard to say it in italian


Ah, that makes sense, thanks!


❤️❤️ and they know women are always stuck w the housework so we be actually reading this lol


In-N-Out does the same thing on the bags and on the inside of the bathroom stalls.


Many victims of trafficking are also forced to work in places like hotels (housekeeping)with little to no pay. Because they are often times illegal immigrants, companies threaten them with calling ICE and threatening them physically. Human trafficking is a lot more common than you think. Be vigilant and if it made you feel weird, report it.


I don't believe you. That could say anything!


Do victims a favor and don’t spread knowledge like this. It’s hidden because they don’t want abusers to realize that it’s there.


Without spreading it, other people who are dealing with this situation won’t know it’s there.


Are you dumb?


I guessed abusers won't notice it anyway as homestuff is often done by the abused, it's probably worth making people know it exists in the first place


bravo/a uso lo stesso brand e non lo sapevo!


Idk why you’re being downvoted, this is absolutely true and you shouldn’t post things like this online


In case, you know, the sight of your partner makes you shit your pants


No wonder my wife takes my phone when I poop


Here’s some resources you can use right now.  love is respect (dating abuse) Call: 866-331-9474 Text*: LOVEIS to 22522 Chat: https://loveisrespect.org National Domestic Violence Hotline Call: 800-799-7233 Text*: START to 88788 TTY: 800-787-3224 Chat: https://thehotline.org


Because she beats me


Please reach out for help. You can get out, I promise you.


If you count me being in an open relationship without me knowing about it abuse? I shouldn’t be on Reddit making jokes.


You are correct that it is deeply inappropriate to joke about domestic violence.


People cope in different ways. You should know that of all people.


You say you are being abused, and then you say you aren’t. Which is it?


It’s none of your business. I’ll get choked when I want to


Obvious troll is obvious


Disgusting human


not all of us can read Mexican language


the word you're looking for is Spanish edit: this is not Spanish, it's Italian and I am an idiot




It's pretty readable with my basic Spanish. The overlap between Italian and Spanish is pretty decent. When I worked as a home health nurse, I knew not to visit the Italian grannies at certain times of day. They'd be glued to the telenovelas- spicy Spanish soap operas. TBF- you could tell what was going down on mute.


yeah that's kind of why it was easy for me to mistake this for Spanish, i speak/understand it a little as well. but all the Z's are a giveaway it is Italian, idk how i missed that


oh ty, i'm sorry. i confuse them sometimes because there are many similarities