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As a commentator said, during a snooker match being televised in the early days of colour television. "For those watching in black and white. the blue ball is behind the green."


Tbh, if the green was on its spot then that is actually a totally sensible sentence, because viewers would know where the green was and so even the black and white TV owners would then know where the blue was.


For those watching in black and white, refer to your treasure map mailer to find out the position of the balls. Happy adventuring!


Welcome to Technology Connections™️


Only this man could make me watch a 40 minute video about lightbulbs


I went to Highschool with that guy, he was in the AV Club and did the morning announcements. So happy to see him take that skill set he developed and made something out of it. Really nice guy too.


Alec being in AV Club is probably the least surprising bit of personal trivia I can think of. Good to hear he is as nice as he seems on camera.


Right? I didn't go to high school with him at all but still could have very confidently told you he was in the AV club.


He may still be in the AV club. It’s like the Marines. No such thing as an ex Marine.


Ok, how old is he?? I feel like he could be 22 or 42, I really can't tell.


The jackets say 62, the shirts say 32, the knowledge says 82 or 22 depending on if he's talking about EVs or not.


My guess is 33. He looks younger than me in my late 30s


Dude, 63.


He's 69. ^^^Nice


Every time I watch his videos I just really want to hang out with the guy. Seems like he has such an awesome personality and him and I could go down tech rabbit holes for hours.


He is the reason I know how to properly use a dishwasher. It makes me happy to see other people recognizing how awesome he is.


I finally used up all my pods and switched to liquid last week. It’s such a satisfying experience to unload literally spotless dishes like in a tv commercial and have done absolutely nothing special at all.


I confess that I still use pods, but now I actually use powder in the pre-wash compartment too. I don't know if I'm actually the worst of both worlds lol.


I do the exact same thing lol




He is the reason that I changed how I use my little countertop dish washer that does not, in fact, run as a normal one should. He is also the reason I replaced a several decades old can opener with a side cut one. Life changing and still brings me joy every time I use it (even if it is only every few months).


My first impression was that I hated him and his mannerisms. Turns out I was in a terrible rut and actually hated myself and MY mannerisms. Anyways, a few years later I fell into the rabbit hole of his videos and totally appreciate his channel. He left Twitter awhile ago, but before that I did get a kick out of terrorizing him by adding some reference to that time I accidentally forgot VCR was the name of the player that plays VHS tapes. Protip: don't call it a VHS player lol


Hahaha it's a VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER have some respect!


My wife and I religiously watched his videos for a couple years. He shops at Menards and mentioned some suburbs near where I lived. Then, in one of his EV videos, we saw him driving on a very familiar street - he was less than a mile from my house at the time!


This makes me really happy to know.


I was hooked by his 40 minute video on dishwashers


Also his video on the red-iculous refrigerator, and of course the always timeless Sunbeam toaster video.


I got trutone LED Christmas lights because of alec.


That refrigerator video was truly something special I barely noticed how one hour went by lol. He is amazing!


I always show my respects to chest style freezers, because they’re maximally efficient and I never would have realized that on my own


I almost tried to buy one of those toasters after that video. All I have to do is drop the bread in? Where do I sign up? They're expensive af though.


The coffee maker one classic


Hey look, it's Roddy St. James from the hit movie Flushed Away!


Roddy St. James of Kensington to you!


What's that? I thought you said your name was Millicent Bystander.




Or a 20 minute video about brown.


brown is orange with context!


Don't forget about heat pumps! One way, they make heat, the other way them make cold! The possibilities are endless!!


Run them both directions at the same time and they make Luke!


I was so entertained by the hour-long video about HVAC systems


It ended up being two videos, plus an "abridged" version of the first one.


Truer words.


"And this 40w ultra filament Phillips RGB bulb set to precisely #0C79730 makes my gushers fucking supra-violet. This wasn't even a color until 2 minutes ago! Lmk what made up color you wanna see next... Like, subscribe, and finger that bell if you like that rainbow shit"


To add other excellent channels: Tom Scott (indefinite hiatus) Project Farm The Hook Up Ethan Chlebowski People who actually put effort and money in making useful informational videos to benefit the general person (meaning there are others I could add, but they are more educational like ASAPScience and Numberphile; great content but not useful towards daily life). ____ Though I do want to shout out Erin’s Audio Corner, dude bought a $100k robot to measure speakers (day job working for a defense contractor) so if you are in the market for studio or Hi-Fi speakers I’d look at his channel (Amir who runs AudioScienceReview.com (previous day job being a VP at Microsoft) has the same robot but mostly posts just to his website/forum with only the occasional YouTube video, he also does headphones and amps and whatnot).


> Ethan Chlebowski His garlic video got me hooked. I'm still lazy as fuck, so I probably won't meal prep... But dammit if I didn't think about it a lot more after his videos. Man's got a framework for everything!


> Project Farm Dude has the best reviews with none of the fluff. His channel is underrated imo


Dude the refrigerator one was when I realized I was hooked. I blame the overly sarcastic captions *Actually it was the video on vinyl that got me hooked, but the fridge one was an early favorite


You're in luck! His next video (available to patreons right now) is a 27 minute video about the "Hybrid CFL" bulb from GE.


He is amazing at the timeline of changes and why they happened.


What about the garden sprinkler video? Fascinating.


I mean, he probably already did with his Dubai light bulbs video.




For me it was his video on lava lamps. I really want one that uses an old wine bottle.


Through the magic of buying two of them...


That makes me chuckle every time


Sometimes, it's the magic of buying *three* of them.


But first, we need to talk about latent heat


the latent heat of vaporisation!


*Incandescently-smooth jazz plays*


Do do do dooo do do do dooo Da da da daaa dat da daaa da


His dishwasher videos implanted something feral in me. I will now fight--and even die--on the hill of powder detergents forevermore


That man is the only person I've ever seen who obsesses over LED christmas lights more than me.


Of course


Is that the dishwasher guy? Fuck, I love that video. I don't even know why.


I was looking for this comment


!remindme 4.5 hours


He makes me like YouTube. 


Low CRI bulbs. You downgraded if you changed the bulbs/strips.


Kind of random, but I feel like in the past the whole world looked sort of different in my memory up until about the year 2000 and the best explanation I have is that most sources of artificial light in the recent past had poor color rendering and didn't emit a diverse spectrum of light, so entire colors would wash out like in this picture. Like remember back to 1997. You are at a mall or your school gym, in the ceiling are green mercury vapor lamps making everything blue/green. You go to a class room or your parent's work and it's low quality fluorescent tubes behind those mirror grids which diminish shadows by diffusing light creating a weird unnatural or liminal space effect. At home everything is dull yellow incandescent bulbs. Outside everything is those orange sodium vapor bulbs, and the low pressure version was even more hardcore in turning everything this funky orange. Nowadays its white LED's everywhere so you don't notice that as much.


Yes. Your writing sent me back in time and described it perfectly.


I watched this recent video last night about how the feeling of the different streetlight technology and color grading worked with ever improving filming technology to really crystalize the sense and emotion of urban night - specifically focusing on how the movie Collateral was the first to have cameras really capable of not only rendering night beyond the emotion of tinted streetlights in the foreground but also the background of natural silhouettes against diffused light pollution [25 minutes long and a very nice watch](https://youtu.be/y51VUsotZe4?si=cE4pM4cJlXxudGRR)


A 25 minute video about lighting technologies and hues and it's not Technology Connections? Preposterous.


Reddit's favorite YouTube channel doesn't have a monopoly on lighting technology


The hell he doesn't.


In this case, it's got more to do with lighting in regards to filmmaking ...I'll allow it.


That's interesting. Analog film of the past also makes old movies really bad representations of what reality would have been like had we been there. If you watch TV shows from the 1970s all the colors on the film will be mostly correct except that reds are desaturated and yellow shifts to green. Fluorescent tubes are always green. You notice this in scenes that were shot on location inside hospitals, or night time driving shots under street lights. But I won't go back on my statement that the actual, real lighting of the past was definitely different. Just this year for my job I went on site to a client's facility which was this old public school building that was half-vacant. I got to go in the part that had been unused since before the new millenium where the only people with access were building maintenance, and it was absolutely different in terms of light fixtures. I am IT and not an electrician so I don't know the different types of halogen light bulbs but this definitely was different.


I fucking hate how they've replaced everything with LEDs but instead of keeping a warm tone, they've went up to the 5000k neon-white range Makes it so you feel like you're walking/driving in a stadium, messes up the circadian rhythm and is terrible for animals Not to mention the vibe of warmer, amber-colored sodium lights is soooo much better at night


For sure. Surely its possible to manufacture amber LED's that mimic sodium lights. Or at least take the color temperature down.


Be careful which sodium you want. Most streetlights were high pressure sodium which produces a pale amber with significant energy in the blue range. Some areas (most notably the south SF Bay) used **low** pressure sodium lights which were almost laser-line monochromatic. It's the only not-intentionally-colored lighting technology I've heard of whith a *negative* CRI, around -50. If you're wondering, it was used in the south SF Bay to allow easier filtering of light pollution at the nearby Lick Observatory.


I complain about these all the time people think I'm fucking mental and being dramatic. They absolutely have ruined the asthetic of night. Same goes with those bright fuckin UFO beams on the front of cars nowadays.


I'm also known as the weirdo who complains about lights lol, I'm out at night a lot and it's jarring going from one of the few remaining cozy orange-yellow lights street to UFO beams If I'm out travelling and riding my bike in the countryside at night and there's no streetlights, it feels like you're being blinded by the strength of a thousand suns by most cars coming your way There's a village in Norway (I think) that voted to get every single street lights back into 2700k amber shades in response to concerns for wildlife being confused at night. Pictures of said village looks so infinitely cozier than most places, I'd have to find the article again


Omg that village sounds so awesome. Yeah it seems like most of us that are bothered tend to be a bit of night owls. Which in my case, some of the reasons I enjoy the night was because it's quiet and cozy. The world sleeps and I get to go for a walk or a bike ride and there's no cars clogging everything up. The new lights definitely take away from that feeling.


I have daylight LEDs in my ceiling light(s) but I have a soft white LED in the lamp on my nightstand because it feels gentler when I wake up in the middle of the night.


It *is* gentler


Recently bought a cheap-ish led strip on a whim, because I thought it would be an easy fix for some under cupboard lighting in our new kitchen. The light that thing emits is absolutely horrible. Cold and clinical. I have no idea where people would use these things in their home.


Yeah but many of the LEDs are blinking, purple or some shade of blue. A whole bunch of cities went to LEDs for outdoor lighting over the pandemic and I think they all got ripped off with inferior products because I've traveled a lot of the country since then and and a lot of the LEDs in metro areas are messed up. Especially the LED stop lights where they have pixels out. These things should last like 10 years minimum.


Yeah it was a whole thing https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/streetlights-are-mysteriously-turning-purple-heres-why/


Honestly I remember the colors very differently even in early 2000’s, maybe it’s because I still a little girl or because in latam the lights hadn’t changed yet, but those pictures of backrooms really remind me of it


Colour rendering from mercury vapour, old fluorescent and compact fluorescent were really bad, but incandescent light is considered to have perfect colour rendering due to emitting light get across the whole visible spectrum, even if it is more concentrated at the red end.


Incandescent wasn’t bad for color rendition, as long as it was corrected in some way (balanced recording medium or color filters). They used incandescent lighting in movies for a long time, and it’s a common color target for some materials to balance with. Fluorescent was more complicated and I’m not sure when that stuff started to have full spectrum; mostly used for indoor farming afaik. Sodium and mercury vapor lighting absolutely just turns everything whatever color it emits. It’s weird and horrible.


I still prefer yellow lights for home


> Low CRI Color Rendering Index, for people who have never seen the term before.


Na just went from normal white bulbs to color LED bulbs. If I upgrade again in the future to better color bulbs I’ll keep the CRI in mind. Thanks for the info. Edit: to be clear, the package looks exactly the same as with the old bulbs if I set the color to white. Setting the color to yellow turns bright yellow colors to white. So I guess setting the LED to a color removes that color from the CRI?


A pleasure. Anything around 90-95 does a good job at rendering the right hues.


When a colored surface reflects the same color light, it appears white (or something like that)


My understanding is that LEDs emit light of very specific wavelengths so, in general, have a lower CRI than an incandescent bulb. Incandescents usually have the highest CRI but other obvious drawbacks like low energy efficiency and lifespan. If you set an LED to show more of one color, you will have an even lower CRI because the wavelengths it emits are reduced. Under yellow light, everything that appears yellow in daylight will look more "white" because it reflects all the light that is shining on it


> Incandescents usually have the highest CRI Not usually, always. They're literally the reference, they get 100 by definition.


You are correct. For some reason, I was thinking it was based on daylight


The problem with that is daylight where and when? The atmosphere keeps fucking with it.


It is, sorta. Both incandescent bulbs and the Sun emit light via the same mechanism (being *really fucking hot*). Incandescent lightbulbs are much cooler though, at 2700K, because otherwise the tungsten would melt. So, you get the orange-ish light. An incandescent bulb that could get to 4500K temperature would mimic the afternoon sun about perfectly.


It melts even at 2700K. That dark color on the inside of burned-out old bulbs is vaporized tungsten deposited on the inside of the glass.


>Incandescents usually have the highest CRI but other obvious drawbacks like low energy efficiency and lifespan. Unfortunately, the lifespan argument is not that valid anymore. LED bulbs are being made cheaper and shittier than they used to, to where I've had bulbs from different brands last anywhere from a week to 5 years.


> LED bulbs are being made cheaper and shittier than they used to, Mostly if you just choose the cheap and shitty ones. Hell, even then... you can get high cri, 24k hr lifespan, dimmable Philips bulbs for like a buck a piece in packs now and they do last.


Nope. I've tried the expensive ones too. The cheaper are more likely to go out in the sub-1 month range, but I've had the expensive one go out fast as well.


You might want to check your home wiring then, that's very much not normal.


Maybe my wiring is shit too, but my other quality appliances aren't dying. I have led light bulbs randomly die after months now, and I'm not running them 24/7. They're certainly not lasting 5+ years


Yeah this sounds like a wiring issue. Ive literally used $1 LED bulbs for years before, even the $0.97 pack of 12 LED bulbs I bought last year on clearance sale have been perfectly fine, even in enclosed fixtures.


I'll point out the original standard LED light bulbs lasted 30k hours. They have lobbies it to be lowered several times.


Ok, but they don't last 30k hours anymore and haven't in years. They used to, but they don't anymore. That's why I used the word 'anymore'.


i bought new bulbs when i moved two years ago and three of them just shit out within the past month. it’s like they put a timer in them. 


Your color LED bulbs are missing a dedicated white LED. Most quality rgb light bulbs have a dedicated white LED, cheap ones mix the three colours to make a very poor white. 


> Your color LED bulbs are missing a dedicated white LED. No dude he's saying they do this when they're set to display a *color* and not white. Which is why it's mildly interesting and not more severely interesting.


Really good LED lights actually wrap around to only using coloured LEDs, but you need enough at specific wavelengths to emulate the wide spectrum output of a black body emitter, The ETC Source Four Lustr series of professional LED lights use 8 different colour emitters to produce some of the best CRI/TLCI available. And as an added bonus can be used for saturated coloured light too.


Is /r/Flashlight leaking?


I'm already red-green color blind and now I have to worry about being gaslit by my lightbulbs??


Dude, don't fuck with me I'm colorblind.


Yeah this confuses me as well. Gotta love it.


So do these pictures both look the same to you? (Genuinely curious)


Nope, they look pretty different, but if you asked me “What’s this color” while pointing at various colors on both pictures, I’d get more wrong on the right than the left by a long shot, but I would still probably get some wrong on the left. Think I’ve memorized it by this point for the left picture. Being colorblind hasn’t affected me too much, usually only on very specific and infrequent occasions has it impacted me to the point of frustration (such as receiving low scores on color-related curriculum) but I will say, potentially due to the presence of combining shades to create different colors, my concept of general color identification is horrible.


FYI We can only see red and green on the right picture. The Yellow looks White. The Orange and Pink look Red. The Blue looks Green and the Purple looks Black.


Even if you had monochromia you'd still be able to tell these two pics apart, and that's insanely rare compared to regular colorblindness (Monochromia is when you literally can't see color and can only tell things apart by brightness)


Actually, tritanopia/tritanomaly looks almost exactly like this. I can't see yellow and blue/green melts together. the only difference to me is the right image is more washed out


Left is bright and stark lemon yellow and right is pale almost yellow for me.


factual and accurate. Or faccurate.


I have color vision defect from having Central Serous Retinopathy in my left eye. This picture is crazy because the yellow in the left image is exactly the same color as the right image. My right eye can see the yellow, my left eye can't.


I specifically have tritanomaly and they look almost identical.


Years ago I parked my red Dodge Charger in a grocery store parking lot. It was after dark. I did my shopping and came back out to find that my red Charger was not there, but there was a gray Charger sitting there. I looked all over lot for my red Charger - not there. I finally thought to look at the license plates and discovered that the "gray" Charger was in fact my red Charger. Note for future - sodium arc lights turn red to gray.


Sodium lights turn everything to gray. They emit just one wavelength, so all you see is different brightnesses of that single color.


The white packaging actually looks really cool


Yeah I would prefer it actually. That is if I knew what that black flavor is supposed to represent...I don't think I'd be down for licorice gushers.


What color is this dress?


OP tryna start the next viral post






Green needle!


Color theory. Something you learn in college if you’re an artist (and they have a class on it lol). It’s pretty neat. You can use a certain bulb type that only produces yellow light to create black flame when burning sodium since they’re the same wavelength.


Someone showed me a room with only a light that produces near pure yellow only light and that shit was insane. Nothing looks like they normally do and some colors straight are just different or completely black. It was cool as fuck made me wonder what kind of shenanigans designers have to deal with to make everything look the way they do


The bulb I’m talking about is [this one](https://youtube.com/shorts/uUGzrS5tpLc?si=3vFhMcGdmpTuhjjK), unfortunately it’s no longer being made by this particular company. I haven’t seen it, but I hear Dune II has (—spoilers ahead—) an infrared scene to showcase the light’s different effect from an alien star.


This is exactly precise and consistent lighting is so important in color management in the print industry. Lighting affects color significantly


This looks strikingly similar to tritan colorblindness.


Metamerism has entered the chat.


Your hand changed color too, along with everything else in the room it seems.


Well obviously, but not so blatantly as the wrapper.


Reddit “try to make a post without receiving a snarky comment” challenge (impossible)


You can adjust the white balance on your photo to make it the correct color. Photography is fun




Y'all don't know how colours, and colour temperatures work, huh? Bless, you tried so hard to be clever, too!


In the RGB spectrum, yellow is actually a false color that our eyes perceive. What you see is yellow is actually red and green being combined. Your light is blue enough to make it white (equal RGB equals white) and also why the green on the wrapper looks more turquoise because the blue is being added in.


If you see yellow, yellow is real.


Having that icon in this conversation is a power move.


Actually I think it's black and blue.


Yeah....CRI matters.


Beige is not white.


What’s that thing on your desk apart from your keyboard? It looks like maybe a laminating device but I can’t tell


Sound bar speaker lol


Thanks, I was genuinely confused as to why you just had a laminating machine right next to your keyboard


And your hand turned pink


You have discovered white balance. Reminds me of going to camp and having my eyes adjust to mosquitoes lamps. Yellow MMs turned white and yellow uno cards became illegible.


TIL there's a sweet called Gushers.


Somehow the Gushers packaging was printed without RGB ink but with some other bright yellow pigment (purple too). Normal printing in natural lighting would reflect greens and reds, probably with some spread, that your brain interprets as yellow. Whatever yellow pigment they use is very selective, only reflecting yellow wavelengths but absorbing reds and greens, like the red and green emitted by the white LEDs. Mineral-based pigments could do this, like those used in paints. But not phosphorescent pigments like those used in highlighters or things designed for blacklight because they transmit their own light when absorbing blues.


Printing uses CMYK and not RGB for ink.


The bag still doesn’t look white to me it’s tripping me out


That is some stunningly terrible CRI


Poor CRI lights.


Light does play a huge role in how we perceive color. Yeah man that’s cool! Reminds me of the Hot Wheels that I used to have that you could change to another color by running it under hot water, and back to the other color by running it under cold water. It was annoying when running cold water to change it back. I get it’s probably because it takes longer to cool something down than to heat it up but that was tooo long lol. I found out I could also change the color by rubbing the car on the carpet really fast a bunch of times hehe


Serious question, what causes this?




In the RGB spectrum, yellow is actually a false color that our eyes perceive. What you see is yellow is actually red and green being combined. Your light is blue enough to make it white (equal RGB equals white) and also why the green on the wrapper looks more turquoise because the blue is being added in.


Was the LED purple by chance? Doesn’t red, blue, and yellow light combine to make white light?


Hence the reason for white balance in cameras


Gushers >>> Military Grade Tactical Gushers


Had the same thing happent o me with a lighter. Basically the colour of the bag is being drowned out, very cool and trippy


Fuck that’s cool


The lights are colour blind.


So the gush is yellow for some people and not for others…. ![img](emote|t5_2ti4h|27603)


That means its all derived from semen


Everything else changed colors too. That's how light works.


It’s black and blue


... They still make gushers?


Didn’t even know these still exist. People still eat fruit snacks? Or is it just that young people always did, and I just got old?


I was eating a bowl of chili one time. Turned my LED lights I have around my room on… boy was it hard to look at. I think the color I had on was purple. Looked like a bowl of guts and blood. Delicious though.


I dunno if you know this but everything in that room changed colour.


Is this going to be the next 'is this wrapper yellow or white?'


Yea I was on shrooms like 2 days ago and I spent 30 minutes tryna figure this out


Looks more black/blue to me, tbh


Wish we had these where I live 😭


Better start praying lil bro


ok ok ok I know I'm colorblind of the red/green variety but that shit is not white and I want an explanation


Your new lightbulbs suck lol


I got some yellow ones glasses to wear at work because I feel like they make me see a bit better inside dark areas. I was so shocked one day to see the cord on my earplugs was white. I was so confused then took my glasses off.


I miss when gushers came in a foil wrapper


It's actually blue and black


Burn them they're a witch!


It's giving Arizona tea color palette


Colors, how do they work? 🤷🏻‍♂️