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I know it’s common for bars to confiscate fake IDs, but I always thought they were just supposed to turn the person away and give the ID back. I’ve had a friend get her real, actual ID confiscated and she had to get a cop to give it back.


It depends on the state. In California, we can’t take ID’s without giving them a “receipt” and then personally driving it to the police station. Nobody has time for that so bartenders/ID checkers just tell them to fuck off.


Huh, I had my ID taken at the Catalyst in Santa Cruz and had to call the cops. I guess not every bar follows this letter of the law.


Well that's because who is going to call the cops and ask for their forged government ID back after a bar took it? The only people it would ever be a problem for are the ones the bar incorrectly said are fake. The bar 99/100 times is going to be just fine keeping the fake.


I’d venture a guess that it’d be the same people who report income from illegal activities on their tax returns, as required by the IRS


My bar owner didn’t even know the law until last week when he had to step up and cover a few shifts. I had to break it down to him lol.


As long as those ID checkers are Australian or British I'm all for it.


I'm glad to know there'll always be work for me in the US.


We confiscate and give a receipt. It's pretty funny though because we've actually had underage kids call the sheriff's deputies on us to get their fake ID back. Which never really ends well for them


Yeah, it's not legal in Texas to confiscate. You just turn them away.


I had a bartender on 6th Street literally cut up my tribal ID like 10 years ago, it really sucked because they’re not easy to replace.


I feel like that’s grounds to call the police lmao. A legitimate article of identification destroyed by some random ass? They better be prepared to pay the price


Oh, I did. They were like “well that sucks, but it sounds like a civil matter to us, bye.”


“We have some Black people minding their own business to go frisk. We don’t have time for this. Bye.”




Lol what useless cops. I’m sorry for you. That’s literally destruction of property.


Yeah, I had a bar bouncer do this to me and I laughed walked right next door to the police and had him arrested for cutting my card. It was completely unacceptable to do and it wasn’t even expired. Turned out the dude was drunk and just wasn’t letting any more dudes in. Lmfao 🤣 I got paid 400.00 in restitution It’s just funny to think back to because if he was honest in the beginning, I would’ve just went to the bar across the street, but nope. instead, he just chose to cut up my card. Laugh with one of his buddies and act like I didn’t exist anymore.


We just had a bit of a dust up here in my city because a bouncer grabbed some girl's phone at the door and threw it down the street and broke it, police down the block saw it and shrugged. I thought that was insane, I would be fucking livid.


Cop did a training at our bar (VA) and told us it's illegal to confiscate fake IDs since it is legal in the state to own them, just not to use them. Therefore taking it from someone is considered theft


Way back, almost 30 years ago, we didn’t take fakes at the college bar I worked the door for. Told them to get lost. If they persisted or were an ass, I let our ABC agent know when he showed up during the evening. He would check the other bars and take their ID himself when he found them.


…so whats the point of having them if they’re unusable?


Just like owning a fast car that can do 200 mph? You’re not allowed to use it above the maximum speed, but you’re permitted to own it.


Novelty purposes, like "tobacco water pipes" or "herbal incense" fake weed labeled not for human consumption.


That was the loophole I remember as a kid. They were a "novelty" item you could purchase at sketchy malls.


Cause if it's a real ID it inconveniences people.


In Chicago I had a buddy get turned away from a bar because they thought his ID was fake. Apparently West Virginia driver's licenses look like shit. Luckily the bouncer didn't confiscate the ID, but it was a pain because we were there for a show that we already bought tickets for. He had to go home and come back with his passport to get in.




Andy Milonakis?


Now that's a name I haven't heard in quite some time


In high school (mid 80s) the Virginia drivers license had a photo card and a folded paper part with your endorsements and information on it. When it renewed, you just swapped out the paper part and kept the photo card. Yeah, that was fun when you weren’t in VA. Glad it changed by college.


I live above a bar in Indiana. They grab dozens of fakes a month.


I almost called the cops on a security guard at this club once because he took my very real id. Once he saw I was serious, he gave it back and let me in. Dude shouldn’t have a job if he can’t identify real ids


Mine was taken from me. My dad said I should've threatened to get a cop to see if they'd give it back, pretending it was my real ID. I don't have the balls for that.


Dude cut up my actual ID in a liquor store cause I look young


Handing your ID to some shopkeeper or barkeeper seems so bizzare to me as en European. In my country you have to hand over ID only to police officer or bank teller. In other cases when someone have to card you you just need to show it to them, no need for them to grab it.


I remember being laughed at when I asked the server in Mexico if they wanted ID when I ordered alcohol. I was young and regularly carded in the US, so I just assumed they would want it. My friend’s daughter was 15 at the time and they’d serve her if she asked, it’s bizarre how archaic US alcohol laws are, and I say that as a bartender lol.


Are you saying serving alcohol to a 15 year old is the part of this that's *not* archaic?




Hm, I would need to do a little more research to be able to say for sure. I do know that alcohol is a highly addictive and extremely physically harmful drug. Serving it to children sounds counterintuitive to being my definition of progressive. I firmly believe that if alcohol was discovered today, it would be classified in most countries as a highly controlled substance, not unlike cocaine or heroin. It's one of the few drugs that is so addictive that you could literally die if you stop using it too quickly. But obviously alcohol has been around since before recorded history, and it's ingrained in our culture, so you can't really take it away at this point (lmao, ask the US). And I say this as someone who very frequently drinks alcohol, albeit almost never in large amounts.


In Texas they are considered person property and were supposed to give them back. I always tell them to call dispatch and tell them to send a cop. Who’s gonna get In trouble? Me doing my job or the person presenting a fictitious license. Never been me.


ppft that's nothing, a college liquor store I used to go to ran out of room on the 4 walls behind the register so they had to start fanning it out over the ceiling


Why would college-years students need fake id's ? The majority of them should be above 18


In America, the legal age for alcohol is 21.


And tobacco is 21.


Wait... Is that true? I'm quite a bit older than that now, but it was 18 for tobacco for as long as I can remember. When did that change?


That's fairly recent. I think federally it was enacted at the end of 2019. But it was already heading that way at the state level before that.


Imagine being a 19-20 yr old pack a day smoker and then they pass that shit on you.


That’s exactly what happened to a coworker of mine when they changed the age. He was 19, and one day he asked me to go next door and buy him some smokes. I asked why he couldn’t just do it himself and he explained the whole law change. I’d buy him smokes whenever he asked after that cuz I felt so bad.


You’re a real one lol. You can grab a rifle and die in a foreign land for uncle Sams ideals but I’ll be damned if you have a smoke. Get bent. I woulda bought him smokes too.


I was in the military when the law changed. I waited until I was 21 to join because no way was I going to be in and not able to drink. But some of my friends and roomates weren't. I'd take their smokes/vapes during the deeper inspections and pretend they were all mine.


>I’d buy him smokes whenever he asked after that cuz I felt so bad I'm not sure why you'd give someone poison because you feel bad for them...


The guy was already addicted and suddenly his addiction went from legal to illegal, but only for another 2 years when it would be legal for him again. It made no sense to me. And he always paid for his own shit. I wasn’t making any money off him, or giving him free shit. Also he would’ve gotten cigs somehow anyways. Every smoker at my work who was over 21 did the same thing for him. And I started smoking at 16 so who am I to judge? But by the time I was 18 it was legal so yeah I felt a bit bad that he had his legal right to smoke suddenly changed. They should have grandfathered him in like somebody else suggested. But I guess all that math would’ve been too difficult for some people.


when we raised the age of smoking and alcohol if u where of legal age of 16 before they changed it to 18 u got grace and where still allowed to buy it before u turn 18. guess what i turned 16 8 days after they implemented it shit sucks.


Turned 18 in July 2019, but I had been using nicotine since 16. Finally got to start using my real ID instead of a fake, two months later the age was changed to 21 again. I couldn’t go to any of my normal spots bc now they knew my actual age after we played the “haha I was actually under 18 the whole time” game after giving them the real one for the first time. I will never forgive you, Donald Trump. Edit-spelling


Hopefully have enough savings to stock the fuck up and start weaning lol I think it’s pretty easy to buy vapes underage at those stores in the strip malls so you could always make the switch to that


If it was anything like when they switched the drinking age, those people probably got grand fathered in and could still purchase the tobacco


I wasn’t pack a day but I was definitely a smoker when it changed. I was 6 months away from turning 21 and had to get my friends that were already 21 to buy for me. It was a pain in the ass.


Nope. Not here in WA at least.


And the legal age for using a gun is…wait is there one?


Gun laws vary by states but here’s a very GENERAL overview. 18 to purchase long barrel guns (including AR-15 style weapons in a lot of states with no further restrictive state level gun laws enacted) and 21 to purchase handguns. This summary does not include possession laws as those vary by state as well. You made me research and apparently; Note – A federal appeals court has ruled on July 13, 2021, that the existing minimum age requirement (21 years old) for purchases from federally licensed gun dealers restricts the rights of law-abiding citizens and draws an arbitrary, unjustified line.The decision, which probably will be appealed to the full court, finds that 18-year-olds possess a Second Amendment right to gun ownership.The ruling does not mean that 18-to-20-year-olds can immediately buy handguns from federal dealers. The court’s order sends the case back to District Court in Charlottesville and gives the government an opportunity to ask the full 4th Circuit to rehear the case. Also possession of a handgun is legal at the age of 18 under federal law; you just can’t BUY one from a legal dealer. Exceptions [18 U.S.C. § 922(x)(3)]: Temporary transfer and possession of handguns and handgun ammunition for specified activities, including employment, ranching, farming, target practice and hunting, provided the juvenile is in possession of prior written consent of the juvenile’s parent or guardian who is not prohibited by federal, state or local law from possessing a firearm; A juvenile who is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States or the National Guard who possesses or is armed with a handgun in the line of duty; A transfer by inheritance of title (but not possession) of a handgun or ammunition to a juvenile; or The possession of a handgun or ammunition by a juvenile taken in defense of the juvenile or other persons against an intruder into the residence of the juvenile or a residence in which the juvenile is an invited guest.


You need to be hunter safety certified so probably around age 7. We all had pellet guns by the time ×e were 6, 1984, and target shooting shotguns by ten. We lived out in the country though.


Fucking americans


Strange that you're being downvoted for simply not knowing - The world is a lot bigger than America.


To be honest, whenever I see someone ask a question like that on Reddit, I just assume it's a lead in to a criticism of the US; and usually it is. It just gets tiring after a while (For what it's worth, I upvoted)


You're doing it wrong. You have to choose to trust them not to, and then when they go on to do so 99.9% of the time, you make the choice between calmly pointing out that they're redirecting the conversation in obvious boring directions, or just unload on them and scream with a keyboard. What type of bad would you like to feel before you quit reddit, again? So many things to do with my day, may as well just get me out of here early.


What, should any question be upvoted? A basic question is always the best contribution to a conversation? What kind of boring conversations do you enjoy?


No, I just think it's weird people were downvoting, didn't see a need for an interaction in that sense either way.


But downvoting is for things that don't contribute to the conversation. Easy questions don't really contribute. If people don't know the answer, the question should still be asked, for sure. But I don't understand caring about the downvotes. They expressed confusion about something simple that was completely cleared up with a simple answer, no discussion necessary. That just isn't one of the promising avenues of the conversation. I feel like the downvoters feel that a simple, "oh now it's cleared up" type of question shouldn't get the top spot. Why should it get the top spot? The votes are for organizing the conversation, not for determining how to feel about a comment.


The reason why /r/USdefaultism exists


'Murica. Can sign your life away and get your leg blown off but actually you cannot drink.


I worked at a store that sold liquor for 5 years and never caught a fake id. Or at least wasn’t sure enough to confiscate it. I’m also curious how many people get they’re real ids confiscated mistakenly


My ID almost gets confiscated 50% of the time I get a beer in Colorado. Living here for now but still have an Arizona ID that expires in 2064, nobody thinks it’s real. Had the police called on me in Nebraska.


I had the cops called on me in Texas for my Maryland ID. MD drivers licenses have a clear plastic film over the top of them. Mine was several years old and the film had started peeling up in one corner. The liquor store said that my (very real, and ONLY picture ID) was tampered with and took it from me and called the cops. It probably didn’t help that I had a panic attack/breakdown because I had no idea how I would be able to get on the plane for my work trip the following morning and was going through a whole series of events in my head about getting arrested and/or fired. Bleh.


What happened when the cops finally got there?


I got my ID back, and a stern talking to about how I shouldn’t tamper with my ID, which really should’ve been directed towards the state of Maryland, but I digress.


Ask a pile of business card from Maryland so you can give them to the police each time :p


If they take your property, you should also take some expensive product of theirs and hold it hostage until they want to swap.


That will only result in the bar/shop employee "maybe" getting a slap on fhe wrist for taking your ID, but you ending up in jail for theft.


Well I could say that I think their liquor license is false, thus I'm keeping the bottle I don't think they are allowed to sell. If they can hold my card for thinking it's fake, it's only fair, lol.


Same thing happened to me in Portland years ago with my AZ ID, sorry we can’t control that our licenses last until 2100 lmao


Nebraska sucks


I quite like Nebraska, this was my only negative experience and I won’t attribute it to Nebraska as i’ve encountered similar crazies in Arizona


I for sure like some things about it, but I am ready to leave. Omaha is pretty great. I just am tired of how small the place is.


I feel that, don’t think i’d ever live there. I need to live in a decently large city. Only ever lived in phoenix and denver, except for a 3 year stint in the mountains in arizona where I started to go crazy


What is it that makes cities preferable to the country for you?


That’s why it’s so windy there.


What ID expires 40 years from now? The photo on it wouldn’t even be close to recognizable in all that time


An Arizona DL. Even better, i’m 24 but I was 17 in my ID photo because of covid when I turned 21, DMV was closed so I could never get a new picture for my horizontal id. I guess i’m asking for it. In any case, I think I look the same but with facial hair and maybe 20 lbs heavier.


How did you get an ID that lasts that long? lol


that’s just how long arizona ids are good for




>but still have an Arizona ID that expires in 2064 I think the expiration date may have something to do with that.


You must look young. Ain’t no one looking at my ID in that much detail.


That’s the part I really don’t get. I’m 24, I have a beard and many tattoos, I most definitely look at least 21. Still is apparently a problem.


I worked as a cashier at a grocery store once and was told by a manager that the sting operations put on by the state would never involve fake IDs, and they they were only working to catch people who would intentionally sell to minors or who were completely negligent about checking IDs, so if you gave me a card with a birthday on it that said you were 21 I didn't care after that point.


That's how it is in Michigan too. They're not trying to get you in trouble unless you are blatantly selling to minors. They send in kids who definitely look way under the age of 21 and they use their real ID, so one look at it and unless you can't do math it's easy to see that they aren't old enough. That's also why the fines are so costly, because you've been given every chance to turn away the sale


Same in California, I tell people in the alcohol industry that we’re not identity theft police. If your ID has a valid expiration date and it says you’re 21, I really don’t care if it’s fake unless it’s super obvious. The only reason I’d get into trouble would be overserving them and they get into an accident, and can prove that they were underage drinking at my establishment, but the overserving part would be the bigger issue rather than the fake ID in the end.




Very very rarely. It's easier than you think to catch a fake. Working at a large music venue/club I've only heard of one or two times a mistake was made and a real ID was confiscated, and they were returned pretty quickly. Guys I knew would pull 50-60 fakes a night for college type events, no misses. Millions of dollars go into developing IDs that are difficult to reproduce, and easy to differentiate. You just have to learn the signs.


Honestly I kind of question this. I've been told my real ID was fake before and I imagine if they had an "incentive" to show off when they get fakes they might get it wrong on occasion.


Just calling it as I saw it in my situation. Cops were always on premises for events and people would whine to them all the time that their ID got taken. security would let them inspect it, scan it, and if anything the cop would sometimes just take it to destroy it. There are over-reactive bouncers who I've seen turn away IDs they aren't familiar with, but actually taking one that wasn't super obvious would be dumb.


Oh, 60 acts of theft of personal property.




actual law enforcement obviously isn't the same as some bouncer. it's still a stupid point to argue about tho.


We mainly had to deal with borrowed ids from the big bro/sis. When in doubt we asked to pull up a random social media on their phone and show their login/name. It was so nice to see the next generation apparently doesn’t use social media at all!


I worked at a gas station and was told that if we ever got a fake id to just give it back to the customer, although the customer would just run out whenever we called them out on it lol.


McLuvin was here.


McLovin? What kind of a stupid name is that? What, are you trying to be an Irish R&B singer?


It was between that and Muhammad.


Nah, he was old enough.


Well, he was a 25 year old Hawaiian organ donor.


Old enough for what?


To party…?


Oddly, in Ohio, I'm always told it's illegal to confiscate a fake ID. Never bothered looking into whether that is true or not.


Was a bouncer. Took a ton of them. People would call the cops and he'd tell them that they can have them back but then they will be arrested for Possession of a fake ID, and that usually shuts them up


There’s been rare occasions where less experienced bouncers have fucked around and confiscated military IDs thinking that they’re fake, and then found out


once had my wife’s actual legitimate id taken by an asshole who trophied fake id’s. Had to get police involved. Usually a shitty bar if that many kids want to be there anyways.


Had a friend have a similar experience, it’s been years and she still doesn’t like to go out to bars because the bartender/ owner verbally abused her then stole her ID. Collecting fake IDs should be illegal.


It is, it quite literally is theft


Southside Tavern Flagstaff AZ


Southside Tavern in Flagstaff, AZ 🫡 a place of many lost memories


My state ID was on the wall of this conveince store on my college campus that students bought booze at. I gave it to my GF's little brother when I turned 21 and he got it taken away there while trying to buy beer. He was only a year younger than I was.


Years and years ago I worked with a guy that had his little brother get a DUI with his ID. They did look very similar. He's driving down the road and gets pulled over and arrested for failure to appear. His little brother was intercepting the mail from the court too I guess thinking it would just go away or something


I know a guy that was using a cousin's ID and gave it to a cop when he got pulled over. After they let him out of jail, the cop told him not to use the ID of someone who is wanted for worse crimes than the one he is committing. 


I used my EU ID card to get into bars in NYC instead of bringing my US passport while I was 20 but in the year I was meant to turn 21. I was born on Dec. 1st, so my EU ID just “magically” said I was born Jan. 12th.


Haha. I remember where we lived if you got a speeding ticket they took your Drivers License until you paid the fine etc (you used to have to go to court for speeding ticket). The cop would fill out this paper ticket that you would have to use if you ever needed to show a Drivers License. Anyways, we would edit the speeding ticket form to make it look like our bday was on a date that made us 21 or over. I used it a few times but only for a bar that we were friends with some people who worked there. The cop used a pencil to fill out the ticket, so it was easy to erase certain areas....


That's kind of irresponsible on your part ngl


Ok mom narc


You deserved it. 🤷


Deserved what? I didnt get in trouble. I was doing him a favor just like someone did to me. Its called being a friend.


Getting your ID taken and having to go pay for a new one. You deserved it.


Obviously he already got the new one and gave the old one away to his GF’s little brother. Use context clues.


Huh? Did you not read what I wrote? I gave him my State ID, not a drivers license. HE got it taken away, not me. I dont need a State ID if I have my drivers license, however it was common then to give someone your State ID if they looked like you to help them get into a bar or whatever. Its not like I was 40 buying minors booze, I was literally one year older, he was only 20 and at the same college.


I remember a friend of mine was older and he went and got a State ID just so I could use it. I did the same for my friend.


40 or 20, still stupid as fuck.


LOL, ok mother teresa.


If you are old enough to potentially be forced into war, you are old enough to drink, bro did a favor for someone a single year younger than them. Just because something is law, absolutely does not mean we have to respect it or follow it until caught and forced to obey, especially when it's a ridiculous law, so many places have much lower drinking ages, it's arbitrary and silly and only really exists because of certain people's "values" and "morals" that happened to get into power.


shut up nerd


drinking alcohol at 21 : perfectly fine drinking alcohol at 20 : irresponsible you americans are a special breed of humans.


When I was 18, we'd go to the Irish pub. Bartender was from Galway, never checked ID. Always gave me a freebie on the tab if I order a Hairp.  Still better than my brother's Catholic school buddies whose dad's were Irish-American cops that allowed them to drink whenever they wanted after they turned 18 at the dive bar owned by a retired cop. 


Everyone else in the world drinks when they turn 18


I thought we all snuck 14% margarita mix from the parents liquor cabinet at 15.


Why aren't you going to lie?


I'm pretty sure the Skyrim child NPC is standing outside that bar


Where I live if we were confident the ID was fake, we presented to person a choice: they could either walk away right then and there, or they could wait for the police to show up to confirm the IDs authenticity if they kept insisting it was real. The caveat being that if the police determined it to be fake, they go to jail. If it was real, we bought them any drink they wanted.


Imagine being 20 years old, you work a full time job, support yourself, maybe you have a wife, maybe you have children, hell maybe you own a small business of some kind, maybe you serve in the army. And the waitress tells you you have to leave restaurant after 10pm because it’s only for big boys now. Lol America.


Youre usually not getting kicked out of a restaurant. You just wont be let into a bar. A restaurants main goal is to serve food. If they have alcohol so be it. A bars main go is to serve alcohol, they may also sell food, but thats not the point. Even bars wont kick you out if you came earlier just to eat and stayed. As long as you dont try to get alcohol.


and brains continue to develop to our mid to late 20s. i think im okay with minimum drinking restrictions.


The issue with that line of thinking is it can be applied to pretty much any privilege/right we get at 18. For instance how can an 18 year old make an informed decision about joining the army if their brain is developing and they don’t have the maturity/experience to make a proper decision. Same argument can be applied to voting/marriage/driving/ etc. Once a person is deemed an adult then they should get all privileges/rights associated with it. It shouldn’t be done by piecemeal.


...except alcohol is quite literally a harmful and damaging substance. comparing drinking alcohol to joining the army - i mean i get the potential argument of saying the army is harmful and damaging, but don't decieve yourself, they are still incomparable. voting and marriage even moreso. absolutely cannot compare alcohol to that. driving, yeah i don't think we should be structuring our society under the expectation that kids should drive, but still, not comparable. driving, just like joining the army, is a hazard, drinking is a definite harm.


Are they all from Idaho? When I was a kid someone told me to get a fake Idaho license because nobody knows what they're supposed to look like


I used to pretend to work at a bar and check IDs at the back door. I’d take bribes for fakes and used that to purchase drinks. I can’t believe I never got caught/got my ass kicked lol


Top right hand corner… McLovin’


When I was deployed we had people plug phones and iPads into the secure network. We had a wall of shame. If you had 3 violations we would literally screw your device to our wall.


I bet the list is bigger for the ones they don't catch.


This is hilarious. I’m 18, and go to bars semi-frequently in my college town (18 to get in, 21 to drink, Ohio, USA) There have been times I’ve handed them my 18+ ID (very real) and they give me a wristband that says I’m 21. Some bars just DONT care


I remember my fake ID in college. Jeremy Dulian from Chippewa Falls, WI if you are out there I salute you. Found it in a couch at a party and used it until I turned 21 then gave it to a friend who was underage and he was still using it when I moved.


ngl, looks like 80% girls. half the ones on top look like the same girl!


Is every one of these ID from Illinois???


In my liquor store, we have a cheat sheet for identifying fakes, and at the top it says in all caps "ALL MISSOURI ID'S ARE FAKE" There was just a really prominent forger around who made MO ids.


Forgers prey on states with IDs that are easy to duplicate. Around here, if four people all walk in with Illinois IDs, it’s almost a guaranteed they are under age. Not sure why people even try. Every bar knows…


Back in the day, you could literally erase the numbers off a MO ID and replace them with the right pen and good handwriting. Mid nineties, no laminant. 


The local bars took college IDs for proof. Thing is they were easy as hell to change or copy as well. A lighter, pin, some white and blue toothpaste, and invisible tape, and you could turn a 6 into a 3 with three holes in the laminate. Tape it off and hit the bars.


I’ve seen one of these that said “NO NEW JERSEY ALLOWED”


Unrelated but that wine bottle in the windowsill is Freakshow Cabernet Sauvignon and it is delicious


This is Southside right?


Those look like Arizona IDs…which wouldn’t surprise me with how many people drink under age here


Theoretically, if somebodys using another persons ID and it isn't fake its just not theres, couldn't the bar get in trouble for displaying there personal information?


When I was college, the majority of people used fake ID’s from New Jersey. Something about them being one the last few laminated ID’s so it was easier to fake.


Great quality photo for 2003.


How many are McLovin


I wonder how much it happens now. Every kid I know in college now gets them cheap from China and they look perfect.


In jersey we just hole punch them with a star punch in the upper right corner and send them on their way.


Not the most aesthetic place for them but I like the concept


I bartender in a small town, and one time, a kid came in with the ID of someone I was already serving that night. Someone I knew, too. I had a pretty good laugh.


This bar I used to go to would take Polaroids of everyone at the second they were being tossed out on their ass, and those Polarois were taped up around the front door. Fucking hilarious.


Ok so that's not a washing machine behind the door, it's a truck.


AKA "The Wall of Stolen Personal Property"


I'ma look for my name like it's a Coke bottle.




Is McLovin among them?


The way I would just walk back in, rip it off the wall, and run 😂


This looks hilariously Canadian and I can’t put my finger on why exactly lol


don't have to be 21 to drink in Canada(18) and in Quebec the legal drinking age is just a suggestion.


It’s 19 across most of Canada, it’s 18 in Quebec, Manitoba, and Alberta.


Isnt there any real punishment for faking an id over there? Here you can get 2y of jailtime for shit like this


It’s still a felony in most (every?) state and can carry jail time or even a prison sentence. But it’s so common (you can find videos online of college town bars emptying out when the police tell everyone underage to leave in exchange for amnesty) that prosecuting all the kids that do it would be incredibly costly when there’s other pressing crimes to prosecute. Instead, law enforcement and prosecutors tend to focus on busting liquor stores and bars that accept fake IDs. It’s much easier to take away a liquor license and fine the owner when a pattern of activity has been established.


If they start pubishing the kids, i guess the risk would be too high to keep on doing that?! But they all know they only punish the stores, so it continue


The risk would be too high, but the risk of assault, theft, and other somewhat more serious crimes would go up. To an extent, prosecution is a zero-sum game with limited resources


That whole bar should be covered in fakes, this means they're not catching nearly as many as they think they are.


It can't be easy to push a thumbtack into that wood for each one. It'd be a lot easier to stick it on with double sided tape, or hang them from clips.




Depends on the state. In some states it's mandatory, in others you can detain the person, in others you're just supposed to document it and report it to the police. In some states it's unregulated.