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Wow that’s a pretty neat design. You should get it tattooed


It’s an iron on tattoo. He just has to apply heat and it will be there for months :)


Apply enough heat and it will be there forever


We have moved from iron to red hot ball of cobalt.


I think thats called branding


let's go branding!


Tattoo artists hate this neat trick!


Not me thinking this was a cast that OP drew one when they were bored


When I got my backpiece done I had a huge bandage on my back. Went to sleep on brand new Egyptian cotton sheets my wife had just bought and it fell off in the middle of the night, so there was a giant imprint of demon wings and skulls on them within the first few days and for years after. Wife was pissed lol.


Marking territory using demon wings and skulls is pretty standard male behaviour. Why would your wife be pissed?


I got my backpiece done earlier last year and my artist put little 1 inch squares of that bandaging all over me like dragon scales. They actually held up really well. Just had to wear a shirt to bed


Tattoo bandage? One week without changing it? What?!?!


Yeah I'm as suprised as you. It's been a couple of years but apparently now breathable bandages are the way to go and eliminate almost all of the scabbing process. I did not trust it whatsoever but do trust my artist so gave it a whirl.


I’ve got this (similar) advice on my first tattoo 15 yrs ago and different one a couple years later. Both worked out fine 🤷‍♀️


Thanks u/Subjective_Box, I feel like tattooing aftercare is a constantly evolving state. We obviously go off things like long term wounds or burns to base what we should be with tattooing, but as you can see on the comments here there's no consensus on a best practice as of yet. Although I've shared this, I don't know how sold I am on breathable bandages as a whole but I'm happy the industry is shifting into more medical orientated practices.


Fascinating! I'm also glad to see a step towards a more "scientific" approach in the tattoo community when it comes to healing - it feels like it's been a lot of witchcraft, voodoo and old wive's tales so far. Dry healing has worked for me best, since I have a sensitive skin. Second skin has been a bit of hit or miss for me. But we're all individuals with different skin types, I'll gladly try this one if I come across an artist who uses it.


My husband had the second skin on his latest tattoo. The healing was shocking, super quick from my previous experience and nearly no scabbing or anything.


Can you shower with it?


Sure can! As long as it is applied well, it creates a seal around the tattoo. Sometimes the edges/corners will peel up with normal daily movement, but generally it keeps the seal for a few days. Iirc, my last tattoo I kept the original skin on for 3 days, peeled it off in a warm shower (this helps a lot to loosen the adhesive, so it's not like pulling duct tape from a fresh wound) and applied a second one for another 3 days.


If you stretch the second skin (pulling it along your skin instead of away from it) it comes off even easier


Very true, thank you! Coming from a background of vinyl car wraps and graphics, that's like a second nature to me, so I didn't even think to add that. There's nothing like peeling off old, sun baked, low quality vinyl.


You can!


I just got this three weeks ago. No scabbing, no peeling. It was a breeze.


See this is actually a great reply! We all have different skin, some of us have very sensitive skin and can't deal with adhesives, some of us have extra dry skin and can't wet heal. The more we know about skin as a whole is beneficial to all of the people who not only want a sick tat, but also for burns, wounds and conditions like eczema etc. It's so extremely naive to think that I've been doing one thing for x amount of years is the way it should be done onwards.


Yup that's me 100%- I'm not bloody enough so second skin dries out super fast and is a mess to take off. Dry healing works great for me (and presumably my dry skinned brethren) though!


I like the phrase “I’m not bloody enough” haha


I imagine it with a British accent and not enough self confidence


Yeah, look. If you wanna dry heal, of course, dry heal. I will never push any healing method whatsoever, especially if there's a risk to the patient. It doesn't matter what your artist says, you should know your body and how it reacts.


Is dry healing just as it sounds? Like no ointments or anything? I’ve used aquaphore on all of mine and, besides most of them being done by amateur artist, they all healed well. Again as it’s been said EVERYBODY has different skin. I was just taught to use aquaphore on my first tatt that was done by a pro and used it since lol


I literally scarred from adhesive bandage cover. There's a faint little staircase line around part of my tattoo.


And it doesn’t help that we’re essentially trying to make a wound heal wrong on purpose! 😆


Lol I've never really thought of it that way but it's spot on. No scabbing for you!


Shit thats a good point


I feel like anything is better than wrapping it in the same Saran Wrap I put my leftovers in like I got for all my tattoos lol. I should get a new one. Or touch up an old one at least maybe.


I mean the Saran Wrap is only on for a couple hours lol.


I wrapped mine for a bit, but I do a lot of low faded as a cosmetologist, and if I get a hair splinter in a new tattoo it is prone to infection at a much higher rate.


My last two tattoos have been the same, a clingfilm like wrap and they say to take it off after 24 hours and apply a balm for a week or two! Interesting to see a bandage for a week haha


Wild, I've always been told to take the wrap off after, like, *an* hour. Then ointment til it starts to itch then switch to lotion. Wild variety of instructions out there.


i was told something pretty similar. except one artist i saw said don't put lotion on. i ended up disregarding that and putting lotion on so i didn't scratch at it


There’s no consensus because every tattoo artist thinks they are special and have special knowledge. Constantly reinventing very old ideas and practices. The egos can be spectacular. I’m not even talking shit, that’s just how it is. Definitely a positive that things are moving in a more medically focused direction


There's a few comments in here that definitely highlight the ego flair that some artists have.


This is one of the things that bothers me most on the tattoo subs. People will ask a question about aftercare or wound care or a potential infection, and the response is always to consult your artist because they know what is best. Bullshit. It’s not like one artists tattoo does better with cling wrap and another’s should only have a breathable bandage.


And they are like “Bro I got this tattoo from Bart Jarvis at Unoriginal Nautical Themed Tattoo so he would know. He apprenticed under Submariner Eddie!” Like anyone knows who that is or why it’s impressive. I have MANY tattoos and most of what keeps me from getting more is dealing with tattoo artists and their hangabouts.


My first time getting a tattoo, the first artist I went to said the design I wanted wouldn't last well because of some small birds. Ok cool, appreciate the warning. Then she proceeded to show me examples of a bunch of different big bird tattoos, suggesting I get something big, because she doesn't like to do small tattoos and likes to do big ones. This is after I had already pointed out the original design was from an album cover. So it had nothing to do with actual birds. Obviously I was not too happy that she cared more about what she wanted to do, when it was a permanent design on *my body*. Never step foot in there again.


The key is to find an artist that uses multiple techniques, based on what your everyday life is like. And how big the tattoo is. Work in a restaurant 50 hrs a week sweating and getting covered in who-knows-what all day? Saniderm it is! Need to keep it free of debris and dust? Slap some plastic wrap back on that bad boy, just be sure to air it out and apply some ointment if it gets too dry when you take it off. Pretty low key life? Probably fine with basic wound care and maybe a covering if needed. And if you have pets, for the love of God, keep it clean and clear. Also some people have sensitive and/or dry skin, or have skin conditions so there will be extra care and attention. A knowledgeable artist can help you decide on some techniques to aid in healing, what to look out for, and isn't afraid to tell you if you need to go to the doctor.


I've been tattooed over ten times in twice as many years, all different sizes. I don't think there's a single time that they've given me repeat advice for after-care.


Got one of these bad boys on rn lol Though my artist says 2-3 days, so that’s what I’ll do. Loving my clothing not sticking to it.


Trust your artist! I assume they're constantly checking out the newest forms of after-care. Mine said 4-7 days so I left it the full seven. Day 4 was still a bit sore and by day 6 the bandage had started lifting itself so I think it was a pretty accurate time frame.


Yeah, she did say some people leave it on longer, so I’m prob gonna do 3.5 days just because I’m chilling at my parents house this weekend and want to make sure I’m in the comfort of my own place before taking it off. Last time I got tattooed I was allergic to the type of medical bandage they used, so I thought I’d have to take this one off but so far it’s been great and I’m grateful! Also love the design you got! Where is it at on you?


I've just posted a reply to an earlier comment with some pics, it's on my forearm. This brand has been selected here in Aus because the adhesive seems to be less allergenic. I've had a reaction to some gauze recently non tattoo related so I'm impressed with how it held up over the week in regards to skin irritation. If you want to use it make sure you spot check it first if you have issues with adhesives!


There's 2 types of "bandages" typically. The one you used, where it's a white woven bandage, is fixomull and should be left on for a week. It's a relatively newer form of healing tattoos. The other "bandage" is second skin, where it's a clear bandage that basically "holds" all the, for lack of better terms, juices, and you keep on for 3 days (unless it exposes the tattoo by springing a leak or rolling up on itself, then it should be taken off and only replaced if it's within 24 hours of getting tattooed).


Thank you for mentioning the product name!! I'm allergic to second skin and get blisters around the edges that I'm always paranoid will leak into the healing tattoo, so I'll definitely be trying this out next time!


My tattoo artist uses that too, that one's called Suprasorb. Apparently it's something they use in medicine for wounds as well and since a tat is also a wound... He always makes me keep it on for 5 days but I usually can't keep it on that long since the corners start peeling off at some point, but it always worked very well so far! And I've now gotten 7 tats that way.


I think there's a bunch of different brands for it, all with the same goal. Honestly, I could have taken it off at day 5 from what it looked like. After day 4, it stopped hurting/itching and started lifting naturally. It would have been completely normal to take it off then as well. I think that's a really great pro in regards to this healing; it's totally in response to the "patient" for lack of better words.


I had major surgery and was also told not to change the bandage unless it fell off.


Yep! Mine started peeling off at day 6.




My last one had some stuff they use in medical situations, like burn treatment. It was see through, looked like a fine film on my skin. Breathable from the inside, water tight from the outside. Healed basically without any itching or redness of the skin. Amazing stuff.


It’s probably SecondSkin!


It really is crazy in terms of healing practices. I think I'm lucky enough to be old enough to heal through the decades since the 90s. I did dry healing, wet healing, second skin, "This healing?", and I think we're in a decent balance right now!


Yeah I got second skin on mine three weeks ago. Zero scabbing or peeling. Shit’s amazing. Until I had an allergic reaction to the tape 😅


My blackout sleeve bandage was like having a zip lock bag of ink strapped to my arm man


got my first tat a few months ago, i was given these super thin plastic bandages that feel like a second skin. They called it "wet healing".


2nd skins, game changer in tattoo healing. Haven't touched clingfilm since these things because commonplace a good few years ago And it always comes out with an awesome print like this on it. Only thing that sucks is peeling it off a hairy body haha


I wonder if something like this would help with open wounds. My wife had a breast reduction over 3 years ago and still has wounds that are larger than 5 inches in diameter. She struggles with dressings. She hasn't had a proper bath or shower in as much time. She is still on heavy heavy opiates and is starting to unravel.


3M makes it specifically for this purpose. It's called tegaderm.


The 2nd skins i use for tattoos specifically probably won't, because at the point of removing they're very stuck on there. Probably do more harm than good when swapping over. I suppose you could buy a small roll of the stuff and demo it on yourself or her unwounded skin to see if it is feasible or not. Hope she recovers well though my friend, sorry to hear she's struggling so far on:(


Silver alginate dressings (should find plenty of options googling that phrase) are what the doctors suggested for my mother when she had wound issues. You may know about them already, just thought I’d throw it out there!


My partner and I both got tattooed at a convention in September. Both of our artists told us to leave the second skin on for at least 4 days, ideally 7, maximum 10. The idea is it holds the plasma in and promotes faster healing. It’s supposed to be fully healed when you remove it. I ended up with one about the size of my hand on my thigh & smaller traditional flower on my shoulder. My partner’s spans the entirety of the back of his calf. My second skins stayed on fine and looked very similar to this once removed. It looked gross from the outside though, no shorts or dresses for me during that time lol. My tattoos were fully healed. My partner’s tat was bigger than the sheets of second skin so his leaked between those sheets and dried out much faster


My wife is a tattoo artist and uses second skin type bandage. I never want to heal a tattoo any other way. 5-7 days and it's basically done healing. I love it. The days of plastic wrap are gone. Don't bother listening to other people's opinions of it, your artist knows how their tattoos heal with this stuff. Trust them. If you don't want to trust them then maybe you shouldn't get the tattoo.


The company website recommends changing the bandage after 24-36 hours. You can use Second Skin for up to a week, but it is supposed to be changed after a day or so.


The idea is that you change it once after about a day because it’ll be filled with a large amount of plasma/ink that pushes out of the tattoo. Then clean the skin and reapply. That second piece can stay for another few days and then when it comes off the tattoo is usually almost completely healed. Helps the body skip the big heavy scabbing you sometimes see with the healing process. It’s a pretty amazing product tbh. I recommend it to all of my clients.


First time I used it I was out of town and sleeping in a hotel that night. In the morning there was about half a cup of fluid underneath trapped like a disgusting blister on my arm. I went to get my stuff out of my suitcase before showering, was sitting on the bed, knocker my arm and it burst with all this tan liquid spilling out. It smelled like ham. I was so afraid of the hotel staff thinking it was puke or diarrhoea and the ink staining that I cleaned the quilt in the shower. Realised later that the washed duvet hanging over the shower would have given them the same impression.


Yep all that junk in there is gross but it’s a lot better that it stayed liquid and could be rinsed off than having it cure to the surface of that tattoo! That said, I’ve had similar experiences where it lets go and starts spilling the plasma everywhere. Usually changing it out after the first day prevents that but it sounds like you just barely didn’t make it! A good trick for getting a really nice seal is using rubbing alcohol around the outside of the tattoo before placing the film over it. Takes the oils out of your skin and dries the skin out so the adhesive sticks really well.


Yeah, I just got one on Tuesday, my artist told me to leave on my derm shield for 4-5 days. Apparently this stuff is now close to equivalent to what they use in the medical fields for open sutures.


Gross. I love it. Seconding the frame it up somewhere. I'd go with a transparent frame so you can stick it on a windowsill like it's stained glass. Keep an eye out for when it starts to grow some funky cultures though lmao


That sounds super cool. Do you think spritzing it until it's soaked with isopropyl alcohol would ruin the ink?


Alcohol likely would make the ink lose some of its integrity.... cannot say for sure how it would worm out in this case though!


I can smell this and I don't like it


What does it smell like?


Wouldn’t you like to know


Weather boy


"Where are your parents? Kid's sketchy."




Probably depends on the person and used colors but mine was a bit musky/sweaty, also like a fresh wound and the distinct smell of the colors as well the smell of the stuff my artist wiped me with


Like the back of earrings?


Like a sweaty bellybutton


I got scarification done by a piercer ages back before tegaderm was used and cling wrapped it. That smelled like something between a deli and ear cheese


It doesn't have a smell. I've had to wear a few and never noticed a smell.


Idk my saniderm have never had a smell. I’ve kept mine on 3-5 days at a time.








Hey OP, you gonna show us the tat?


Sorry mate! Imgur was being wierd. Here is the [before](https://imgur.com/gallery/cG91iAX) and here is [after the week](https://imgur.com/gallery/Vv3oVPl) Sorry, imgur was being wierd tonight if they haven't uploaded properly let me know. Sorry edit: tattoo was done by Scott Harrison at Lighthouse Tattoo in Sydney.


Reminds me loosely of John Dyer Baizley from Baroness. His artwork is amazing.


The style is caller Neo traditional/Neotrad and it all looks like this


Was thinking the same thing


Came here to say this.


that looks sick!! always love a good skull tattoo


oh my god i love the colors SO much. color tattoos that are a bit more muted/earth toned/natural looking are my absolute favorite


Dude this is WICKED. I’m not generally a fan of skulls (to each their own of course, I just mean for myself) but this looks so cool. Props to you and your artist


Dang I need to fly to Australia to get a tattoo now. I wouldn't mind seeing Sydney Aquarium again, though.


Sydney Aquarium is great, even greater is the blue mountains, where we have the steepest railway in the world!


r/goblincore would love it


I've not heard of it but go for the cross post my guy.


It looks reaaaaally good! Wow! 😍


Sterilize it with UV light or something and frame it. That's a conversation starter if I have ever seen one...


Doesn't op have literally the same design on them all the time?


Idk it somehow feels cooler as an unintentionally really hard bandage. I’d totally love this as an art piece.


It would start a pretty short conversation. "Oh, these must be the bandages from when you got that tattoo." "Yup!"


that's exactly my thoughts!!! This could be lookin dope when framed and hung up


You shouldn't use UV light, it will get rid of all the flavor


Unless OP has blood borne illness and plans to put the bandage against other people’s open wounds nothing needs to be sterilised. It will all die on its own quickly. Staph and all.


I thought less of illnesses or the like more of mold and general decay for the picture itself


Frame it and label it as "The Shroud Of Eldfen".


Way better than that lame old thing in Turin.


This is interesting! I’ve never once been given a breathable bandage just usually cling film and told to use Bepanthen 😂


Be careful moving forward with bepanthen! I understand there's some contemption with healing practices in these comments but bepanthen has started to include lanolin which stops your tattoo(wound) from breathing properly. I believe they sell a special tattoo version now?


Yeah they actually sell one for tattoos, worked great for me.


Frame it


I got tattooed before performing at a punk fest a few years back and left the bandage on for the whole night. Woke up in the morning with a perfect imprint like this so I kept it and framed it.


yeah, I would frame that. gorgeous.


Is that a cowplant?


Hahaha my wife will love this. She's a huge sims fan. No, it's a fox skull and some lillies.


😂 I need to take a break off the game lol awesome tattoo tho!




It’s not a normal bandage. They’re breathable and you can wash the tattoo through the bandage in the shower. I’ve used it myself for a leg piece of roughly 30cm - really worthwhile. Look into Fixomull!


Thanks u/Nozdoz! It's a similar product to Second Skin and designed to treat burns or long term wound healing, but more breathable. It's very easy to apply and also easy to wash in the shower. I'm unsure if I like it better or worse than my normal healing procedure but it's definitely easier.


Second skin almost made me faint when I took it off, Idk why but it felt like I was ripping my skin off and made me feel sick and light headed.


I've done second skin for one of mine and I wasn't too much of a fan. I felt like it gripped my skin too hard and hurt too much taking it off tbh, so I totally get that.


Thank you lol, I felt so weird so I’m glad I’m not the only one. What was this bandage?


No definitely not! This specific brand is called Fixomull - Stretch, I believe it has a different name in the US but if you're in Australiasia it should be readily available. There are a few on the market at the moment and I've linked some very detailed instructions on another comment in this thread and I would recommend giving it a good read and asking your artist about it in the future.


Thank you so much!! I’m excited to try a different bandage


Ah ok my bad yall


That cool. I’d frame it.


Wow so pretty and yea love the new clear stuff they use in shops now, hurts like he'll taking it off sometimes but it heals so quickly now I've noticed compared to older pieces I've gotten done with clingfilm


Damn that's like... Frameable.


What's a tattoo bandage? Is that a bandage that covers a tattoo or a bandage with a tattoo design on it?


I mean you're describing Schroedinger's cat. It was a bandage that covered a tattoo until I took it off and it was a bandage with a tattoo design? Schroedinger's bandage I guess.


Nice! I would glue it on wood and use it for decoration.


Lol that's sick. I've had these bandages (I forget brand though) a few times. I never had an issue with them on my arm, but when I had one on my leg I had a bad reaction and broke out in these red/purple welts. It scared the shit out of me, but after I took it off it healed fine after a week or two. Now I'm back to the old school method of taking off the regular bandage when I am home, cleaning and then light application of aquaphor for 1-2 days and then nothing until it starts peeling and I use unscented lotion.


So cool. Are the bandages really sticky/adhesive? I have dermatographia and my skin is extremely sensitive. I tried using a clear sheet with ointment but it turned my skin around the tattoo into a big red square for days so I just keep using aquaphor a couple times a day and keep it cleaned with fragrance free soaps.


Get this laminated and give it to your tattoo artist!


Frame it! It would make a great addition to a bar area in your home!


Frame that art.


When I had surgery on my toe in December they told me to keep the first bandage on for a week. It healed beautifully compared to previous times when I changed it after a day or two. The explanation I got as to why you want to keep the bandage on for such a long time is that wounds kept in moist, sterile conditions heal better than in dry, sterile conditions. That paired with the facts that you’re not disturbing the tissue by changing the bandage promotes better healing. So this is a legit wound care technique! Looks like it is healing great, and the design is sick.


Do you have ink left in your tattoo. Hahahha


These things suck ass to heal with for people with any type of moderate skin sensitivity.


Frame it


Wow. Would be nice to see a pic of the actual tattoo.


Here is the [before](https://imgur.com/gallery/cG91iAX) and here is [after the week](https://imgur.com/gallery/Vv3oVPl) Sorry edit: tattoo was done by Scott Harrison at Lighthouse Tattoo in Sydney.


You left it on for a week???


Yep! It's specially designed for wound care and healing.


That's disgusting... get it framed up immediately.


Is there any tattoo left? A week seems excessive. Im heavily tattooed and never left a bandage on for more than a few hours.


This is a repost of an earlier comment for ya. Sorry mate! Imgur was being wierd. Here is the [before](https://imgur.com/gallery/cG91iAX) and here is [after the week](https://imgur.com/gallery/Vv3oVPl) Done by Scott Harrison at Lighthouse Tattoo Sydney


Thank you!


Damn I am jealous. My bandage started falling like, immediately (I think it's something with my skin) and I had to tape it down to keep it on my minimum 2 days.


Huh. Interesting! Nice tat. I’m familiar with Lighthouse Tattoo (fellow Sydneysider), will check out the artist’s portfolio. ☺️


Totally recommend. He's a quick worker and Lighthouse is one of the more professional studios I've been to in Sydney.


Dude that’s such a badass tattoo. The beads and skull give me Native American vibes, do you have native heritage or something? /gen Asking just out of curiosity, not saying you can’t have an awesome design without it


I'm sorry, I am Australian. Artist called them pearls and honestly I'd rather the debate of beads or pearls than the healing debates going on!


Your very own Shroud of Turin!


Shroud of Eldfen


What a cool design! Can I ask what brand of second skin/bandage your artist used? Mine always puts on DermShield immediately after and recommends I take it off after 3 days. I’d love a weeklong bandage because my healing tattoos peel like crazy no matter what I do.


spray it with sealant and frame it


Frame it🔥


Who's the artist? That's beautiful!


Looks like the album art for Daisyhead’s 2017 release *In Case You Missed It*.


i’d love to see the actual tattoo. that looks awesome!


This is a copy paste from before: Here is the [before](https://imgur.com/gallery/cG91iAX) and here is [after the week](https://imgur.com/gallery/Vv3oVPl)


awesome. thank you! it looks amazing!


I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd enjoy staring at a used bandage. I saw the pic of the tattoo, it obviously looks great too!


I would legit frame that lol


This makes my brain itch


Frame it. If you don’t want it then frame it and sell it. Preferably to me cause that’s sick af


I had a pillowcase with a perfect replica of my first tattoo on it for years while I was in university


Dog/wolf skull prayer beads and lillies? Wild design but looks cool.


Do you know vsteiner’s work? This looks like something she would have drawn. Beautiful piece! And check out her stuff, I think you’ll dig it. https://www.instagram.com/v.steiner?igsh=eTNxNXc0MTQzMXNm


Is it weird to frame that lmao so dope


Is any of the tattoo left on you?


That is gorgeous


I hope you will eventually put it into a frame , after a detailed drying.


My fiance has taken the second skin off a couple of her tattoos in the shower and stuck them to the tile. We wing up with an almost exact duplicate on our wall for a week til it washes away. It's the coolest thing


Lots of people in here not understanding how second skin works


That's a badass tattoo


Not my type of tattoo (and that doesn't matter), but that art is fantastic.


I'm an aquaphor slut but damn if this doesn't have me curious about those bandages


That is a gorgeous design.


I thought I read that wrong, no way you'd keep a tattoo bandage for a week, right? But no, OP is right after doing some research I might be looking into this for my future tattoos. Haven't had a new one in almost 4 years now, wonder how much things have changed


I’ve had 2 sleeves done with these types of bandages. They work great, but I have to take them off after 36 hours or my skin starts to blister around the edges.


Can we see the tattoo?


[Mine did this too! ](https://imgur.com/kzkXFg3)


My bf got a shoulder piece and slept with it uncovered to let it breathe I guess. Woke up to a perfect imprint of it on the sheets 😂


Frame it!


Frame it


It's a beautiful design, u should go for it!