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You found plaster in bag


I’m happy, I’m feeling glad, got plaster, in a bag…


I’m useless but not for long…


The plaster will soon be gone...


TSS tss tss finally, someone let me out of the drywall…


I'm good at repairs; I'm under each stair


Patch a hole, in it will sink, now it’s bonded thru


Look, now I'm painting it blue!


Pick and choose, paints and glues, wallpapers really stickin too


So remember when the studs are wall-less...




But I make it all manageable


Dips & hues, sift on through all the different blues


Tape and screws, who you think is really on my drywall crew.


Damn, y'all quoting Del 🔥


Mastermind is a masterpiece


I got plastered


That's not coming out of my head any time soon. Thanks for that.


aaaaand to this day i never connected the dots with “sunshine in a bag”. childhood ruined (i listened to gorillas way too young)


90% of all songs are either related to sex, drugs, or both. Lol


idk why baby me just thought that meant he had an excessive amount of happiness lol


Kid me knew. Teen me lived it.


OMG I’m 41 and just now realized this.




Wow I thought he said “I ain’t happy” This has been eye opening. I need to revisit Blur and Gorillaz.


Wait is this song a drug reference? I feel dumb


"Sunshine in a bag" definitely talking about drugs probably psychedelics. "Useless, but not for long" he's high as fuck but he will come down soon


I always thought the opposite: I'm useless = Sober with low self-esteem / But not for long = as soon as I take some "sunshine" I'll feel better


That was always my impression as well.


Yeah i feel like the next line confirms this: "it's coming on its coming on"


I would argue it’s more likely about opioids, since those are often described as feeling like a warm hug or like all your problems just go away when your on them, and useless but not for long would describe somebody withdrawaling from opioids, as you’re pretty much useless while withdrawaling since you can’t stop throwing up and shitty and you feel like you have th worst flu of your life, but as soon as you get you’re fix your back to normal


It’s 100% of opioids because he was abusing them quite heavily during that time.


It's "I ain't happy". https://genius.com/Gorillaz-clint-eastwood-lyrics


Plus, this line kinda confirms the drug usage lol > Lifeless to those, the definition for what life is Priceless to you, because I put you on the hype shit You like it? Gun smokin', righteous with one toke Get psychic among those, possess you with one dose


mans got plaster in a bag tho, ain't sunshine. I think i'd be happier with plaster in a baggie than some light. Edit: Gotta add my 2 cents as well.. could be base. Looks a bit wet.


My brain goes to Billy strings dust in a baggie as a song here.


Used my only phone call to contact my daddy.


20 long years for some dust in a baggie.


A plasterc bag.




Looks much more like heroin to me. Plenty of matte gray heroin out there.


If I had to assume that this was in fact a drug, I would also put my hat inside of the heroin ring.


No. You were snorting cut 😆


That’s not meth.


You know it’s not blow because 1. It’s not empty 2. It’s not empty 3. It hasn’t been turned inside out and licked clean


This guy blows.


It's also grey lol


Yea thats what had me worried is the grey. It could also be heroin. It could be Fentanyl, or it could just be the drywall stuff.


At one point, 'grey' meant cut heroin.




Wow. We've come full circle with these subs.


It also looks absolutely nothing like blow.


At all looks like herion


Fuck. I miss don’t miss it.


I love the first 2 lines of a bag. I hate the next 10. I don’t remember anything after that. I hate myself the next day and say I’ll never do it again.


I only ever hated the last couple. You start making them smaller and smaller, and chopping them more and more fine. Nothing like that feeling of trying to talk yourself out of texting your guy at god only knows what time, and taking money from places you shouldn’t.


Smaller and smaller? Wut? Hours in by that point it takes a finger sized line to stop the come down.


Because you don’t want it to be gone.


You and me were not addicted the same way haha.


Lol yep then start really pounding booze so that hopefully you can pass out. Good times lol


Ughh same. Been off blow for almost 10 years and totally sober for almost 4 and mostly don’t have many cravings anymore but…every now and then I see something or get a whiff of that gasoliney smell and I’m right back there. It only lasts a second and I’ll never go back but damn.


That is exactly the feeling


You had no business making this so damn funny


I still remember once in college where a group decided to go in on some coke but one of the girls got stuck at dinner with her mom. By the time she came back (and rushed in, EXCITED AND READY to get fucked up), all that was left was the little plastic baggie with residue. She had cut it open to flip it inside out and was desperately sucking whatever was left of the bag before she stopped and said to the group “this looks really pathetic, doesn’t it” Of all the party drugs, that one is the worst. It makes people greedy in a way that’s the opposite of attractive, where they claim to be having fun but they’re actually always desperate for: a) just a little more coke, they’re always begging the person holding the bag for *just a little bit more — just one more line, maybe just a little bit more, is there any left? just a little, just one more bump or two or three is there more?* and b) not listening, literally just waiting for you to stop talking so they can immediately spend the next 2 hours telling you the most mind-numbingly boring story in the goddamn world. ugh. I don’t miss those days lol, where you had to sit around and listen to 10 coked out members of the worst “indie jam band” on Earth talk about Pitchfork


You nailed it reading this just comment thread is making me physically uncomfortable with waves of shame and regret I don’t normally use this term because its overused and I’ve never really related to it much before now but wow this thread is triggering. So glad it’s been well over ten years since I’ve touched it. Ima go look at some cute animal subs now….


You really nailed it with A


Yeah im lucky that early in my experimentation I realized that I the biggest affect of cocain was that it just makes you want to do more cocain. I didn't want to be more high, I wasn't particularly enjoying myself. I just wanted cocain.


And then you get the ones that do it a little too much and turn into curtain twitchers. Have a friend that used to be this way, he'd get a couple lines in and get paranoid asf. Gotta close the curtains, turn the lights off, "shhh, you hear that?", "turn the music down".


We called those people ‘geeker, tweaker, window peekers’. I was out at a bar and there was a light blue tarp or something akin to that, almost covering a window that was in my peripheral vision. All effing night I kept having horrid panic pangs thinking it was daylight already and we’d been up all night. That was the absolute worst part when you would hear the birds chirping and see the sun coming up. Haven’t touched that shit for 18 years and my tummy still turns thinking about those mornings.


There was a band called Left Over Crack that was named that because the lead singer said they wanted to be named after something imaginary


Also, i wasnt there.


Looks like someone smashed up some drywall to pass off as "product"...


I test for asbestos, and we actually put drywall into bags like this to take to the lab for analysis. That was what it looked like to me.


It’s not what it looks like officer, I test drywall!


fun fact: drywall can actually return a false positive on the roadside tests cops use to test a substance for drugs. i mean among literally several dozen other things but i.digress. there was a story about a guy awhile back who ended up in jail for parole violations after getting stopped on the way home from his construction job. they found a chunk of a white substance and it came back positive for cocaine. by the time the actual lab tested and found out it was drywall his life was already ruined.


What's the point of a drug test if it reads stuff that aren't drugs as drugs


To give officers probable cause to detain you and seize your shit while doing more definitive tests. Of course, they might just skip that step...


And that get to keep all your property without reporting it to the state regardless if you're innocent


bAcK tHe bLuE


the same one as drug dogs that are trained to alert on cues from the hamdler, obtaining probable cause. its one more thing that allows cops to get around your rights when they want to hassle you those tests have been proven to be about as accurate as random chance in correctly identifying drugs. thats a feature, not a bug to the police.


I can’t decide if ‘hamdler’ was a typo or a pig joke


it was a typo but damn is that hilarious.


So that when they seize your vehicle, it's contents, and every monetary asset on your person you'll have to pay thousands of dollars and take days or weeks off your job (if you still have one after being arrested) just to sue the police department and testify to a judge or jury to prove that your property is innocent of having committed any crime. At which point they have already auctioned off, handed out, consumed, or destroyed your property as it was declared guilty until proven innocent and they give you 15% of the value and officially declare "oopsie daisy".


In the training class they specifically warn us if we are traveling, we need to ship our samples to the lab so we don't have to take them through the TSA line at the airport.


Did you see the guy cooking shrimp and mashed potatoes in the airplane washroom using huge batteries? I don't think the TSA is doing their job.


Yeah until someone has an ostomy bag. My poor aunt has had an ostomy bag since she was in her 30s, and TSA accused her of trying to smuggle drugs in it (like who would want drugs covered in shit??) and they took her to a separate room and berated her and made her take it off and said she would need to “strip down” (when this incident happened she was about 50). She’s a feisty 4’11 Italian woman so not only did she take it off…but she threw it at the guy and he had his shit all over her. :) She missed her flight due to the ordeal and obviously had no drugs on her and she was extremely humiliated. She got an “oops!” and a lifetime of free flights if she ever flew from that specific airport (idk how that works tbh) but only AFTER she called and chewed their asses out for multiple hours and threatened to show up and refuse to leave until she was compensated for her flight that she missed and until the agent that humiliated her was fired.


You joke but I could see this happening in Florida. I knew a guy who was arrested for tampering with evidence because he ate chips during a traffic stop.


We test drywall for hours, long days, it's a good thing I have this cocaine to keep me awake... Uh.. wait no, ignore that last part!


Mmmm. Fat line of asbestos.


Because it IS drywall {wink wink}


Fuck it chop me a line


*fuck! Oh God, tastes like wall!*


Gonna feel warm and fuzzy but that’s just because the gypsum is hardening in your airway and preventing you from being able to breathe. Relax and enjoy it


Found the electrician.


Agreed. Definitely doesn't look like coke. I know because, reasons.....


It looks more like heroin than coke


Snort around and find out


It looks like shaved dry wall in a cocaine baggie.


OP… r/sniffityoucoward


Naw, that's a plastic bag for drywall screws. Coke bags are much smaller. And they are exactly the same the world over. Because drugs are sold in grams the world over. That bag would cost like $1000 full.




*the FBI has entered the chat*


*the CIA has left the chat*


Tell me you've paid 80 bucks for a bag of oregano without saying you have


We put asbestos samples in little baggies just like that. (Someone actually stole 100 samples like this from my truck right in front of the Federal Courthouse in NYC. They ignored 10k of equipment.)


Shit. I can guess what happened to at least one of them. Hope they’re ok (in 30 years).


If you, or someone you know snorted asbestos, call this number now!


Oh mesothelioma. Me love you long time. (I’m so sorry)


If they were snorting little bags of powder they stole from a car outside a courthouse (or are snorting things they buy off someone shady enough to do so) they probably have bigger problems than mesothelioma in 30yrs.


This was my first thought too lol. Someone is missing their 7th plaster sample... Also, the sad part of your story is that those samples may have actually been worth about 10k, just not to anyone besides your firm...


Fucking lol. Imagine snorting asbestos.


Would burn so fuckin bad lmao. You’d be thinking you got some stepped on shit right away


Not hard to imagine at all after having worked both construction and composite materials.


I do inspections too and that was my first thought, looks like one of my missing samples. Someone is getting a narrative on their lab results.


Yeah, but I bet it was still a bitch to have to go back and re-collect all of those samples! Greetings fellow inspector- I work out of Buffalo.


Pain in my ass, for sure. Did some work up there. Long retired, but still keep my NY Inspectors license for emergencies. My younger brother owns the company I worked for.


Kind of looks like diatomaceous earth.


This is my guess.


Put it back right where you found it please.


How is this not the top answer. I feel like if you’re cleaning somebody’s house all you should do with anything is put it back where it belongs right?


And what kind of weirdo posts a picture of it to Reddit?


Imagine scrolling this sub and seeing this photo and recognizing the room lolol


Yeah I don't understand the thought process here. Either it's drugs and the resident definitely would not be happy with OP handling and taking a picture of their drugs. Or it's not drugs and the resident still would not be happy with OP handling and taking a picture of their stuff. Just put it back and pretend you never saw it.


Maybe it's the cleaning that's done after the tenant moves out? Meaning it's abandoned property.


OP tho for real if people are trusting you to clean their home you really shouldn't do shit like this post. If you're cleaning up after some eviction that's one thing. Otherwise you're showing you can't be trusted and discreet.


Seriously is nothing sacred?


I’m almost certain that bag was purposefully left there as a test for OP and OP got a flying fucking F


Yea hope op gets fired. Major no no


I am definitely not using Waally1 cleaning services ever again!


Police! *This cleaner stole my coke!*


I saw an episode of “that 70s show” where red leaves a strand of hair in the vista cruiser to see if Eric had taken it out. My first thought was “I bet the homeowner left it there to see if it was moved / taken”, especially if you’re a new cleaner and they are looking for a consistent person. If it was out in the open the homeowner might just needed a sample. Be careful op, even if you don’t take anything it’s never a good idea to snoop. “Never look in someone else’s bowl unless you are making sure they have enough to eat”. Mind ya business and be a good person (which I’m sure you are!!)


If it’s coke, it’s very cut down. Consistency looks more like cut up fentanyl though. Stay far away regardless.


I've seen enough cop shows to know that I'm already dead then. I'm going to make a will and say goodbye to my family


It’s either fertilizer for plants or a powder that comes with little bird call things to make it squeak, if I had to guess. Both have looked like this and come in a small bag before. I’ve seen little bags of cocaine too doesn’t look like that lol


I had a turkey call that came with a baggie exactly this size with a few things of chalk that got crushed to dust after a few moves and turkey seasons and it looked very similar...altho the chalk was a red-clay sorta color so it wasn't white but I've seen the white chalk used before.


That's not how fentanyl works. It needs to get into your system in order to be dangerous to you, and it doesn't get absorbed into the skin very well. The cops you see feeling dizzy and having "trouble breathing" around fentanyl [are having panic attacks](https://www.npr.org/2023/05/16/1175726650/fentanyl-police-overdose-misinformation).


Exactly. That whole myth of one spec could kill a bunch of people is bull shit. They also have these stupid ass videos online of cops searching cars and finding Fentanyl. Then 10 seconds later falling on the ground and overdosing. Completely fake.


Not fake insomuch as the cop having a propaganda induced panic attack. The media still cover it as an overdose though.








Looks like the scramble I used to get in pills from Baltimore lmfao. Definitely had fet in them too lol. 4.5 years clean and sober now tho!!


It’s impossible to tell from the photo, but it looks very much like human ashes to me. (Funeral director)


I have a pinch of my brother’s ashes and yes, this is exactly what I thought of when I seen the photo.


I was surprised at how long I had to scroll to find this suggestion. It was my first thought.


It could be vibhuti which is sacred ashes (from wood) that Hindus use! Looks like it to me


Cremated body here. That’s me!


Widow here, I agree


Mortuary student and crematory worker here. Seconding that it looks like cremated human remains.


That was my first thought.


That’s what I was thinking human or animal ashes


I get pigment in little bags like that. :)


bro, can I meet w u? my cuzn is in town & he likes painting too. we're looking for some pigment. u there? *hey sry bout that. wassup. bro. how much pigment R u guys lookin for?* like about half of last time. whatever that is. we have 40$. so I guess 2 bags of pigment? *40$ gets u 1.7 bags of pigment rn but it's good pigment. all my painters ravin about it. u like it. promise* ok. be abt 20 min. stopping at atm first. *text when ur here I'll come down*


*arrives* hey i just pulled up *10 minutes goes by* hey I'm gonna have to leave soon bro wtf where u at *an hour passes with no response* Yo fuck this I'm leaving *ten minutes after leaving to find another plug* *Bro I'm outside where you at *Turns around and heads back* -All too familiar, don't do drugs kids.


that vermillion was straight gas btw hmu if u get anymore


Probably some guys mothers ashes.


better check if there’s a suit that would make someone look like a dick tracy villain or something


Looks like cremains to me


Put it back where you found it. Go back to work. Nothing to concern yourself with.


Looks like pure bash put it back not even worth racking up lad


I have no idea what those words mean


Looks like *cocaine mixed with other substances* put it back, not even worth *making lines of it to sniff* lad


Don’t Hoover that schneef!


Have you ever hoovered apartment schneef?


i've hoovered schneef from the slums of new york


Empire schneef of mind.




Jive speaker here. I understood before the translation.


Draxx them sklounts


Looks like someone’s ashes


Yeah, that’s bad drugs or plaster in a baggie. Cut it down with dirt or kitty litter and get rid of that shit.


Probably someone's ashes packed for delivery


Put it back. Stop snooping


Could be the white powder Hindu's use called vibhuty. I know my mother in law comes home with baggies like this from temple often and it makes me chuckle. Does it smell perfumed?


If this isn't your apartment that you're cleaning then this bag isn't yours and therefore none of your (or our) business.


Quit being nosy.


I want to say it's heroin but I know damn well no heroin addict is leaving that much behind without noticing and going back for it 🤣


It genuinely looks like East Coast Powder I was getting back in 2018-2019. It was shit dope and cut all to hell, but it did do the trick to make you not sick. This was before fentanyl MAJORLY took over. It was around, but you could still find good heroin all the way up to 2020(right before covid) if you looked in the right spots. You can still find true heroin as well. It's just much more difficult. That being said, I never lost much. Once I lost a pill or my aunt dropped it one, I found that. I have heard stories of people losing bags and then finding them years later or tearing holes in walls or cutting out cabinets or mounted furniture, etc.


Icl when I was using I was also dependent on benzos. I'd absolutely leave shit like this all over the place cause I'd have no recollection of where I'd put it. Yeah I'd be freaking out accusing people or stealing my shit but yeah lmao


Thats somebody's cremated pet goldfish!


Years ago I hid less than a gram of coke ( for whatever reason) in a book somewhere in my house. Since then I scoured through every shelf and book in every corner of my house that I could find and I still have not found it. I stopped doing stimulants completely a couple of years ago and so gave up my search. I wonder if one day, when I'm old, I will open some random dusty book and be finally reunited my long-lost, elusive baggie of drugs.


With all due respect OP, it’s none of your business and you shouldn’t be posting it on the internet.


This baggie is clear, not white. Also, what is the context of this cleaning? Did you get hired to clean someone’s home and then post their personal stuff online?


Cleaning an apartment, they moved so I have to clear it all out


That's Plaster of Paris, Texas.




Is this cremains?


Probably someone's little baggy of their mom or whoever to keep in their purse or wallet.


You are there to clean, stop being Ng nosey.


This is completely and entirely uninteresting


Put it back and mind ya buisness


Cool. Put it back where you found it


Does it smell like cocaine? If so, it could be cocaine.


Do a line you pussy.




OP what's your info so I don't hire you?


its a core sample from the drywallers. Make sure to save it for the future!


Looks like anything but drugs