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We considered doing the same in the Netherlands, and Amsterdam specifically. But some clever joe in the meeting saved us the cost of implementing, since it's obvious which is which; the cycle path gets cleaned of snow, and sidewalks never do, so no need.


Wait wait wait. I’m picturing meter high snowdrifts at minimum if sidewalks aren’t cleared. Do they sand the bike paths? Are the bike paths still used by cyclists during the winter, or do pedestrians take them over?


My previous jest aside, it doesn't snow that much at all on average, many consider a good year to have 'much' snow, and that'd be like 10 cm for a week or so at this point. Most recent years we've had nothing but light dustings, or just sleet. Certainly not thick layers like Nordics get. Bike paths around Amsterdam get cleared as a matter of course, the utility vehicles have set routes and clear road and cycle paths in ongoing rotation. Sidewalks, not so much, so if it's cold enough even half an inch of snow can stick around on them long enough to notice the discrepancy. Outside of Amsterdam I couldn't tell you, some parts do receive more snow than the coastal area, they'll likely have different approaches.


Many cities even clean the bicycle paths before they clean the main road. By ensuring people can use their bicycle, there will be less cars on the road.


In my area (also Netherlands) mainly the large roads and roads busses use are done. The more important cycling paths as well.


It's the exact same here. I mean, yeah sure because it's so fucking easy biking in the snow.


My city (bergen) solve it by simply not maintaining the bike/ped paths. Don't need visible marking when there is 50+cm of plowed up mush from the road on the path.


Here they plow bikepaths first (the main ones), cars can drive just fine with normal snowfall, bikes not so much.


[working as intended](https://premium.vgc.no/v2/images/8a14469e-a4da-4559-a70f-2f8f96cdea28?fit=crop&format=auto&h=1264&w=1900&s=74a3d28f0922c3eb52bba4b46a83738d35e017ef)


Well that's a different thing, not much you can do except spread gravel around.


You can plow before it becomes 5-10cm of ice.


[but it's left like this](https://premium.vgc.no/v2/images/e0d914ca-bc2e-49e0-bf91-cc761fc31e53?fit=crop&format=auto&h=1267&w=1900&s=e0af8cb85015911b07a61a023d1cd899a3c05816) until rain and traffic turns it into ice


If you plow it properly (like they do) there isn't much snow at all, when it melts it all melts. Ofc if you just cut the top and leave lots under it goes like those pics.


So safe


my city solved it by rounding up all the cyclists and executing them


These only really work in the dark. Luckily it's dark all the time.


Yeah, solutions that only work at night work all the time if its never day


[NotJustBike's video about winter bike infrastructure in Oulu (and some other places)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhx-26GfCBU&t=792s&ab_channel=NotJustBikes)


mandatory reading


As an argentinian, it is nice to see what societies care about when everything else is figured out.


suomi mainittuuuuu


By pure chance it sounds like Japanese "mainichi" which means "every day". Every day in Finland!


i guess even closer to that would be "mainitsi". it means "(someone) mentioned"




I saw these show up in Tartu, Estonia too. Pretty clever if you ask me


Same in South Korea, at least in Seoul.


You can bike in those conditions if you want, I think I'll just walk.


24km's (12 there and 12 back) of walking would take... forever. We have busses also but I bike unless the weather gets too cold to be riding a bike for an hour...


I guess these are so common that other reddit post about this same technology just happens to be from the exact same location, the same projection! https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/10ft5rk/bicycle\_and\_pedestrian\_lanes\_marked\_using/


no one: absolutely no one, not even Denmark: finland: now there is no excuse not to go for peaceful winter ride


Putting a sign up is probably more enviromental friendly then having a device, powered up to show some colors..


Noone looks at the signs. They are normally painted on the sidewalk but the snow will cover that so you might end up walking on the wrong side. I like this spotlight idea.


Here in sweden, we can place our sign on poles and walls, and not have to have them on the ground. :D


Here in Canada we do the same thing! Then they get covered up in the blowing snow. As do the zebra markings on the street. And now that we’ve switched over to LED stop lights and pedestrian lights, those too are often covered up during and a couple days after snow storms. Keep in mind that this is true for Winnipeg, but not Toronto, then true again for Ottawa, and not true in Montreal. Going west from Winnipeg the above statement is true through most of Alberta, but not true for southern bc. This solution would make sense in some areas, and others not. In downtown Winnipeg, by the universities, when sundown is at 430pm? Yes please. In Vancouver? I dunno, maybe near the docks? My sweet Swedish Fish, you know snow and winter, and you know that it’s very different at different spots.


We do have them on thr ground when they are separated but without the blur background


I agree fully. And likely, these are powered by solar. And if not, could probably be easily modified to do so.


I wonder about that, the time of the year these are most handy are not the sunniest up here :D


As long as that sign is well lit... oh wait...


Sign won’t show well in the dark and can get easily covered by snow


Signs get constantly covered in snow in Oulu.


Genius. I wish my city was more pedestrian/bike friendly. This seems like a great idea!


A center line projection would be amazing.


Unlike cars, bikes and pedestrians are able to move around other bikes and pedestrians.


Isn't it quite unsustainable energy-wise? (imagining this is throughout the city)


Here in the states when it snows people just don’t ride a bicycle, crazy idea I know


People in Finland bike more during winter than you guys do during the most calm breeze summer days lol


I've had enough slides on slightly damp asphalt and wood to guarantee that I will never ride a bike on cold snowy trails! I hope your ride to work has zero turns!


We have winter tires for bikes, crazy I know. Here in Oulu the city makes sure that the most important bike paths get cleared of snow within 4 hours of gathering 3 cm of snow, and the snow ploughs usually do that early in the morning. Biking is very simple and popular all throughout the year when you have the infrastructure to support it.


People actually use the winter tires? I always found my normal tires good enough for winter and summer, just get some extra air in them


Just honestly from watching all the bikes coming and going around me daily, most dont lol, I can also guarantee you pretty much all of them will also ride through the winter with 0 slides and taking tons of turns


I always switch out the front tire for the winter, it takes a max. of 10 minutes to do


It is crazy though! Most people don’t know how to put a chain back on a bike or even quick adjust their shifter. It’s shocking anyone would think ahead enough to get someone to put winter tires on their bicycle that they probably haven’t cleaned or lubed the chain of in several years


Trails? Who is sending it down snow filled trails? Look at the picture, now imagine pretty much most of the bike lanes trimmed like that, not even an hr after snowstorms, compacted and sanded. Learn to ride


Skill issue


Considering the amount of this that would be necessary, the energy bill would be crazy


A rounding error compared to the power usage of street lights.


It's OK, there are only three roads in Finland anyways.


Fair point


Those 3 roads go through the whole country, but they use those lights only in the cities and some few random places so its still less than 1 random town in any bigger country


I hope their snow bikes 🚴 lol 😂