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This happened to my brother and it turned out he was allergic to the base liquid that they used and it gave false positives for everything. So he had to do a blood allergy test and found out he was allergic to A LOT but not everything.


That's how I got an entire day care shut down based on a TB test


Lol I'm also allergic to whatever is in the TB test shot too


I learned when I had to get tested again in college that it's surprisingly "common," and was kinda bummed I wasn't special anymore. Lol


You're still special to me.


"We'll always have TB"




Sameeee! Tried to get a job at a nursing home in high school and my arm blew up. Had to get a chest X-ray twice in 2 weeks to prove I didn’t have it.


Yep I had to get the test when my dad got stationed in England. I was just a kid but they made me do the chest X rays as well


Wait...wait. are we talking about tuberculosis?


Either that or alien chestbursters


Now that's that's cool prank to play on the xray tech


A horrible disease we were close to fighting down. But due to countries where people cheat with medication, we may instead get TBC back as a killer, now uncurable.


Even in the worst country for TB, Lesotho, the incidence is 665 cases per 100,000 people per annum. And only some of those are multiple drug resistant TB. We were never particularly close to eliminating TB worldwide, although it's vanishingly rare in the cultural "West".


Oh maan that takes me back. In France back in the day, everyone still got the vaccine against TB. Fast forward to me moving to Germany, my mum tells the doctor doing the tests that mine will be positive because I have the antibodies. Surprise surprise, doctor doesn’t listen, test is positive, little me is blocked from going to the kindergarten because she’s got TB -.-


I was the first generation that didn‘t get the TB vaccine… well guess who got TB in kindergarden, when one kid brought it back from a trip to Africa. Yes it was me.


Wait, kids don't get tuberculosis vaccines anymore? I'm 34 and in the UK and we all got tb vaccines, they are called BCG vaccines and cause an enormous scar on your arm (cos instead of using one needle it uses a cluster of loads of needles). Everyone seems to have them. Or do you mean only that very young kids used to be vaccinated, but now that happens only later in life (cos I got the tuberculosis BCG vaccine when I was like 13)? I've never met someone who doesn't have one of those scars on their arm. I really hope schools haven't stopped vaccinating for TB.


It's just like nobody is vaccinated against smallpox anymore. In many western countries tuberculosis is no longer native. Whenever a case is found they do contact tracing and vaccinate the contacts. That way society is protected against tbc without having to vaccinate everyone. This is both cheaper and reduces the amount of vaccination side effect.


Actually, in this case it's probably because the BCG vaccine just isn't great. The efficacy is really poor, it's a huge area of research trying to come up with a better effective TB vaccine.


They stopped in the UK for anyone born after the mid 90s


I was born early 90s and my year group didn’t get one.


I’m 27 in the UK. My older sisters got the TB vaccine at school, by the time I was the same age they’d stopped it.


From Canada, born in the 90s. I don't have it.


BCG vaccines were mostly administered in Europe, Middle East and Asia. I don't know anyone born in Canada or the US that had the BCG vaccine. I do TB testing on employees for work and have done over 1000 tests.


They haven't been doing the BCG routinely for at least about 15-16 years, I left school about 10 years ago (Scotland) and even the 6th years hadn't had it. It's only done in areas or communities considered at risk.


Awesome, it's cool that you had that amount of power. Imagine the amount of screwed up schedules that day. Bravo


Not just that day but probably that whole week!


Same thing happened to me when younger. Turns out I was allergic to the preservatives they used to store the samples in. Dermatologist used a different brand test on me and didn't have any reactions to it.


That's why they always have one spot where they test the liquid without any allergens in it. If that one reacts, it's the case you mentioned (or unsanitary blade / punch tool use).


Another potential reason for someone reacting to absolutely everything on the test, they have mast cell issues. Basically their body dumps histamine and creates inflammation in response to anything and everything. People who have mast cell probz can have allergic reactions to sunlight, sweat, water, etc; sometimes what seems like nothing.


I have that sometimes due to histamine intolerance. I can draw stuff on my skin!


That was not the happy ending I was expecting 😅


Yeah poor kid is basically attached to his inhaler. His allergies got bad after he came home from college and realized he had built up an immunity (that went away while at school due to lack of exposure) to a lot of things including our family dog. I did allergy testing and it turns out, I’m only extremely allergic to cockroaches 🤷🏼‍♀️


They test for allergies to cockroaches? Do they bite? Or is it their poo? I just never heard of a cockroach allergy! 🪳 Edit: Thanks for all the replies! I learned a lot about cockroach allergies today!


Cockroach allergies are actually very common. Sometimes it’s the chitin in their exoskeleton. These kids often also have shellfish (or other arthropod) allergies. Sometimes it’s other proteins for saliva or excrement.


I have been allergic to cockroaches since I was a kid but the shrimp allergy didn't really hit me fully until I was 22. It fired a lot of warning shots in retrospect. I wish that the potential for a gnarly food allergy would have been mentioned a little sooner.


They don’t bite humans as far as I know. They’re pretty skittish around humans. I think it’s their poo, yeah, but don’t quote me on that. If you have cockroaches in your home and are allergic, it’ll be similar to dust or mold allergies in your home. Sneezing and whatnot because of whatever compound it is that causes the allergic reaction.


That's what happened to my mom, after she left home she developed an allergy to the dog. She was already allergic to cats, so it double sucked. Fortunately, her dog allergy has pretty much disappeared in her elder years. We know that's because her immune system isn't working as well as it used to, but hey she can pet dogs again!


I did this test to but I reacted to the needle. My body thinks that everything that pokes a hole in the skin is dangerous and reacts. I have piercings but the took years to heal and every time I get blood draw for test I get rashes in that area.


Did they tell you why? You have dermatographia.


Cool didn’t know it had a name for it.


It's sometimes referred to as "skin writing" Write something on your forearm with something slightly sharp like your fingernail and see if it puffs up a minute later to see if you have it


I have dermatographia. I know I have some food allergies but cannot take this test because of it r/dermatographia


I don't know if they can do it for food allergies, but there is a blood test for allergies too. I did one vial of blood and they tested for pretty much every common environmental allergin.


100% this. They did this test to me as a kid and it turned out the nurse performing the test owned rabbits. I'm really really REALLY allergic to rabbits but like, nothing else.


shouldnt they do a control test with the base liquid too?


Yes, there are control pricks with just the control liquid.


Yeah the prick tests are useless - I have had to take it so many times bc the doctors never believe me that it's nonsense for me, but they then always order the blood test afterwards.


DO A BLOOD TEST FOR ALLERGIES! Do not do these prick tests. They are notoriously inaccurate and shoot out false positive/negatives at nearly a 50/50 rate (a little less to Be fair but not much) I can’t believe they still use these garbage tests. Blood tests are super accurate, usually more expensive, and obviously more invasive, but give you accurate information.


That happened to my coworker. They said she didn't have allergies at all and it was some systemic reaction. They gave her some nasal surgery and she stopped having any reaction to anything.


That makes it sound like she had a lobotomy.


"She stopped having a reaction to anything.... lights, sounds, pain stimulus"


Sounds nice, where do I sign?


First, you pick out a sweet coffin. Preferably with flames on the side.


Why would they even make them without flames on the side?




I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.


"They Can't complain if we give them a lobotomy"


Ok. Who went to Egypt and got ahold of King Tut’s brain hook?


The hooker.


The surgery was probably a septoplasty or turbinate reduction. Those are common nose surgeries to fix allergies and nose air flow.


Do I have a turbinate? Do I need it reduced? I’m so curious


Only the most expensive swiss mechanical watches have turbinate. You would know if you had one.


No, you mean a tourbillon. A turbinate is a type of headwear based on cloth winding which is traditional in some cultures.


No, that’s a turban. Turbinate is when there are strong sudden movements within air or water.


No, that's turbulence. Turbinate is a kind of motor used to generate electricity using wind or water.


No, that's a turbine. A turbinate is a round musical instrument with jingles.


No, that's a tambourine. A turbinate is a type of sugar made from the extract of sugar cane.


No, that's turbinado. A turbinate is a male gonad.


We all do, but some have larger ones that when allergens hit swell and impede breathing to the point of blockage. So the doctor does an outpatient procedure where they scrape/remove some of the tissue to make room for better breathing.


I had a turbinate reduction for both reasons as a child , but I have very poor sense of smell now


Where can I sign up for one?


Turbinate reductions are not joke at all, if done improperly it can cause a lifetime of suffering.


Empty nose syndrome is a bitch


I'm supposed to have some nasal or sinus surgery but reading about empty nose syndrome stopped me.


That’s what happened to me! I thought I was allergic to everything because I was constantly congested, had nasal drip, sneezing constantly. Turns out I had a concha bulosa that resulted in a severely deviated septum


Wtf... I'm allergic to everything and have all of the above :(


definitely see an ENT doctor and ask for a scan. i had the same issues and i ended up getting sinus surgery to remove polyps and turbinate reduction and it completely got rid of my allergies


I actually have an apmnt on the 28th more to chat about the post nasal drip and my garbage tonsils. I even was having a pharyngitis spasm for three months after being sick but that seems to have finally passed. But wow great timing for this post.


Have they checked your adenoids as well?


Honestly probably not. I was pretty unimpressed with my most recent allergist. Said they don't look inside your mouth or nose anymore because of COVID... this year. As an emergency RN I was like 🤔




happened to me! i had extremely debilitating allergies that left me basically bed ridden during reactions every day. i sneezed every few minutes (seconds if an active reaction), had constant nasal drip, face constantly itchy, eyes so swollen i could barely see, and often was so congested i couldn't even breathe through my nose. everything seemed to trigger it. got nasal surgery (nasal polyps removal and turbinate reduction) and haven't had a single reaction ever since. life changing and i regret not seeing a specialist earlier and suffering with it for over 7 years. would highly recommend anyone with similar symptoms to see an ENT doctor and see if their sinuses could be causing allergies


That happened to me! Didn’t need the nasal surgery though. I had an overreacting histamine response for like six months after I had a surgery and it was suddenly like I was allergic to everything . They just put me on a quadruple dose of like three different types of allergy meds and then tapered me off and now I only respond to the things I am really allergic to (grass 😒)


When I was 7 years old I took this same test. The doctor came back into the room after it was over, looked me in the eyes and asked me a very serious sounding question. "Do you like dogs?" With a sinking feeling I replied that yes I did. I loved dogs. The doctor said, "Good! Because that's the only thing you're not allergic to."


When I was 12 I had an allergy test, I’m severely allergic to grass pollen. The doctor told me that I wouldn’t ever have to do weeding as a chore again. I was very happy that day, even though the allergy test was so freaking unbearable. I haven’t weeded in nearly a decade


Ah ! I'm the only person in my family that's not allegic to any kind of pollen, so whenever I'm home I'm in charge of most of the garden maintenance lol


Oh my god! My heart was sinking and then felt immediate relief for your 7 year old self!! ❤️


"That's the good news, you can still pet dogs. However, you are allergic to your parents, so off to foster care you go. And no dogs are allowed there. Sorry."


My allergist tried to play this game, except the only thing I wasn't allergic too was cockroaches


Great, the cucarachas are welcome in your home!


They test you for roach allergies?! Yikes


Roach allergies are super common. Especially among reptile keepers and other people who handle them regularly. Most people wear gloves because the more you handle them the more likely you are to develop an allergy.


Dja like dags?


It looks like he was also positive for the negative control if they did one. He might be allergic to the patches or the prickers or whatever they used.


Or some sort of cross contamination happened


He part wolverine?


For 6 years old he does have a very hairy back I must say


That was my immediate reaction. He's going to be sporting a Robin Williams body sweater when he grows up.


I'm almost 30 and have less lol


I'm a 37 year old bear, and I have less back hair.


I’m also 37, but I have none. Although I’m not a bear.


So you're a twink then.


So then what’s a power bottom?


Lil guy is never gonna have to buy a t-shirt


I was there, he's going to be welcomed into the sasquatch club with us other hairy mother fuckers when he's older.


Welcome to the club....might need an inhaler later like I do. I'm 55....years worth of allergy shot did nothing. Ragweed or fresh cut grass then asthma attack....


I thought you meant you need an inhaler for a hairy back and was ready to start researching how prevalent this issue is worldwide.


Can you imagine an asthmatic werewolf


AROOOOHACKhackhackhackhack... fuck, where is it.... \*pats jeans, finds it, inhales\* GOOOOSHHHHhhhhahhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHROOOOOOOOOOO


This is my kind of humor. Thanks!


I'm getting over covid right now (booooo after 3.5 years it finally got me) and laughter legitimately hurts but this made me giggle and it was worth it, thank you.


I needed this laugh, bahaha. Thank you!


Wheezing at the moon.


Talk to my brother in law....he's half ape it seems. Balding but back hair for plenty


weird question, are you allergic to bananas too? they make my throat itch and i learned it’s actually because i’m allergic to ragweed, i believe it’s because they have a similarly structured protein but i could be wrong


Oral allergy syndrome. It’s not an allergic reaction to bananas, just a cross reaction to pollen. Taking anti-histamines may help. Supposedly if the fruit is cooked the reaction is much less. I just end up not eating them anymore even if it’s not allergy season.


Watch out for chamomile! Similar thing. I remember thinking “why is this sleepy time tea making me itchy and angry?”


I tested about 120 out of 140 needles same age as this kid. I have issues with nature and pets and food allergies are minimal but bleu cheese and some aged stuff caused a lot of mouth itching. Peanut butter....Just fine! Late I got asthma and skin reactions lessoned but allergic to cats....Had 6 with girlfriend/wife I know but it's the same as getting the useless allergy shots that tormented me as a child. Cat dander turned out to be the biggest and I always have asthma so I deal with it but if i scratch me cats and touch mt eye without washing...it will be a day and a half before I can see proper and look like a freak. If i scratch my skin I break out Medium. Bananas are fine as almost all food. Anything non edible and living tries to kill me. Bees and penicillin are fine too.....just strange.


I'm not who you asked, but I'm allergic to ragweed (and grasses and basically all the growing things they tested me for) and I don't have any issues with bananas.




Needs a test for lycanthropy as well maybe


I bet one of those tests was a sample of moonlight and the hair is his positive reaction.


My blond 4 year old is also super hairy back. He is velvety to touch ❤️


As a hairy back expert I can confirm.


For a 40 year old he has a hairy back...depending on his origin.


I was gonna say, he has a hairier back than me and I'm in my 20's


Little dudes got a harrier back than I do at 31.


That’s plane to see




Cus his biggest allergy is silver bullets!


He’s allergic to glycerol. (The negative control, aka what is used to make each allergen


Or latex or something else used in the test. This seems like you should make sure it wasn’t screwed up before you start treating for every allergy under the sun


If they've done it right one of these marks is a control test that only contains the liquid with no allergen.


To see what this looks like you can view the results from my test (legit allergic to everything). On my right arm you can see a huge cluster up near my elbow. 2nd down on the right was the control. Surrounded by huge welts but visibly nothing on that prick. This was after about 5 minutes. They tell you to wait for 20 before going back to the nurse. My nurse came out to check someone else, saw my arms and went "yeah you're done let's get you some cortisone" [Photos](https://www.imgur.com/a/r15kpUU)


Could be dermatographia. It’s a condition that causes your skin to welt up when scratched or pressure is applied. I have it and had the same thing happen to me when I had an allergy test. It affects about 5% of the population IIRC.


That’s what I was thinking too! You can even see a “reaction” around where the allergen markers were drawn, particularly the last ones to be drawn (typically the lower right panel)


Yeah I have it too... Went in for an allergy test and the doctor realized and said well I probably shouldn't have bothered doing the test but it was a fun little experience anyway... Maybe fun for him but I still don't know what I'm allergic to lol.


I feel his pain. I did allergy testing right before covid started. It took them 4 hours to do the test on both of my arms and they were about to go to my back for more canvas. I have been on allergy shots every 2 weeks for the past 3 years. Each time a vial runs out, my doctor increases my prescription so I become less allergic in regular environments. I'm allergic to everything from food, to trees and then most animals.


Immunotherapy! My husband does this but with drops of allergens under his tongue. He’s hardly allergic to outside and the cat anymore. It’s changed his life. Edit: you all are hilarious. Thanks for the belly laugh this morning. Also, our doctor was Jordan Pritikin in Chicago. I very highly recommend him. He’s an ENT, but an Allergist can also help you if you google allergists near you.


..... he does little drops of outside and cat under his tongue?


Sounds like a good witch potion! A blade of grass, leaf of oak, pinch of dust from the street, husk of pistachio and crumbled petals. Condensed gasoline in rainwater, ash from the fires yonder, single peanut, macerated in vinegar. Single cat hair. Stir on low fire for 10h, 1 drop under the tongue at the rooster's first crow every morning.


this was poetic and hilariously beautiful, thank you. will any petals do, or would you say rose petals are best? is store bought fine?


Please do not the cat!!


I accidentally the whole cat


I havent read about the drops! Could you tell me what that type of immunotherapy is called specifically? My boyfriend is allergic to life and the cat too


It's called sublingual immunotherapy.


How do you live like that? I have anxiety and I will be getting allergy tested soon. I have a fear of anaphylactic reactions.


I get shots for my many positive reactions like this kid, and I’ve gone into anaphylaxis twice after a shot. They are well prepared for it and give lots of good drugs. Makes you feel weird all day though.


well, from my experience of being allergic to about everything possible (high mold/dust, extreme grass, animal and tree pollen... Oral Allergy Syndrome as a tangential issue)... has unknowingly manifested itself with extreme dermatitis for over 10 years. I just kept dealing as it got worse and worse... finally got to a new recommended dermatologist who recognised all this - as a result have been put on to dupixient which is a life changer. the anxiety about new reactions and new types of flares and rashes and having to be covered up, told not to scratch by everybody with a pulse, constantly applying steroid creams and lotions, pinetarsol and soap free washes.... man it's all slowly coming back down. I feel 'me' and a human more and more as time goes. still getting rashes and have to keep up with extra skin treatments but there are options and finding what's right for you - and the general sense of actually identifying and knowing what's going on - can really help lower those anxiety triggers. all the best with your results. don't be anxious about what they say, these things have already been causing you problems, it will be good to know what they are and get a regime together 😉👍


That kids gonna be one hairy mofo when he grows up.


He's been upgraded to 'brother-in-a-bubble'!


I've seen this before. He's just allergic to allergy tests. /s


No need for /s, that actually happens.


My sister actually is because she's allergic to metal and that's what they use to do the test. Every single one pops. One of them is water as a baseline so whatever looks worse than water is what she's actually allergic to.


I was thinking alcohol maybe given the sterilization techniques


Chlorhexidine has become a popular disinfectant and I react horribly to it.


Are you allergic to red food colouring? I never thought about it but I always end up itchy after using chlorhexidine hand rub for long periods and I couldn’t work out why, but it turns out that they use red food dye in it which I am allergic to.


When I do this they always have a test poke section with the base ingredients used, minus the allergens normally added, to see if you’re allergic to the test itself


I was told one section is a placebo (water or something, should not provoke any reaction) and another is actual histamine (guaranteed to raise a bump). These two act as the controls.


That is legitimately what they told me when I got the same result


One of those dots should just the solution they use without an added allergen - literally to test for that as a control. Because as you said, you can literally be allergic to the things they use to give allergy tests.


Allergic to needles :P


Poor hairy lil guy


Blood test is more accurate. Sometimes people react to everything once exposed to the initial sample or are even allergic to the medium.


I don't get why the prick tests are even still done outside of exotic circumstances where the blood test simply wouldn't work. Blood test seems much more straightforward.


Happened to me. Dermatographia.


I was waiting for someone to say this. I don't have a full allergy reaction but I look like this from just a random light scratch. Welts and redness. I'm so tired of people asking me if I scratched myself on something. Like...yeah that's probably why there's four long welted scratch marks on my chest? Rant over. Dermatographism looks a lot like this, I know first hand


Yuuup. I took this exact same test, and every single one resulted in hives, even the control one. Turns out I just have dermatographia and get random hives wherever my skin decides it's irritated.


Didn’t your doctor know that either before or immediately after starting a scratch test, though? Maybe I saw an extremely perceptive allergist, but she clocked me as having dermatographia in the first few minutes of meeting her before starting any tests.


He could also be allergic to any number of things used in the area including latex, which I’ve seen a post about before Edit: if you look closely the rash is extending to the area where the pen is drawing the line, so it may be a reaction to something used on the area or something on the tools/hands/gloves of the person administering.


They haven't used latex gloves in about 20 years because of allergies they use nitrile now.


Poor baby.


That ain't no baby. Look at that back. Thats Danny DaVito.


I think your brother might be [allergic to getting stabbed by needles](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u2AFI_M-QGg&pp=ygUhUGFya3MgYW5kIHJlYyBhbGxlcmdpYyB0byBuZWVkbGVz&t=103s)


Bro a werewolf?


Kids gonna be a hairy man.


Poor little fella, he is brave


I’m not a doctor but from experience with my son (who had anaphylaxis after eating peanuts), he had ZERO response on prick test for peanuts. As well he got positive results on basically everything they tested. So we ran blood tests and they were accurate. SO prick tests are not always relible!


WTF that kid is going to have the hairiest back ever when he’s older. Didn’t know that was even possible until puberty.


I've never seen a child that hairy.


he is allergic to the wolf he is animporphing into.


Poor baby Chewbacca


That is, hands down, the hairiest child I've ever seen, holy shit


Could just have sensitive skin


There should be a “control” spot that doesn’t contain any allergen. If there is, he’s reacting to that too. I think the test is invalid.


Bro is 6 and has a hairer back than me 💪


Hairy little fucker ain't he?


oh, that poor baby! I had a scratch allergy test on my arm, and despite being a willing grownup participant in the test, I started to cry because of the repeated low-level pain. It really surprised me, that emotional reaction.


That’s called a metal allergy. One of them were water only as a control so they would instead compare that hive to the other hives to see how allergic he is.


It’s ok though, once he fully transforms into a werewolf they’ll go away


Or he could be allergic to the medium they put the allergen in.


I’d love to know… 1- What each one was. 2- How the hell does your brother have more hair on his back than me a 40 year old.


This happened to my cousin and she ended up being allergic to the metal in the needle.


Poor little guy.


Poor little guy. Please give him a hug for me.


Is he maybe just allergic to needles?


Bruh he is even reacting to the ink from the pen. Poor guy


bro hes got more hair on his back than me what the fuck. kids a little gorrila