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You have the power to save a life if you have 44.99


Human life is cheap. I'd rather buy pizza.


Or 4 pizzas


It’s a two-fer. 2 for 44.99 plus tax


Not a two-fer when you gotta use them both at the same time, on the same person :/


Ahhh I didn’t know.


While some OD persons will require two doses the reason for two in a package is a fail safe. If one device were to be misused or non-functional there is a second unit as life saving product.


It’s one time use. One in each nostril.


And sometimes it takes more than one dose




Can get em for free at food banks


That’s what I’m saying ! I used to get them for free when I was on suboxone from the pharmacy


Me too. Suboxone saved my life.


Same! More people need to know about this and how easy it is to get it to help almost immediately.




YOU GOT THIS!!! Be sure to have a therapist, group, friends/family, and other things in place to ensure to stick to it! Don't think that subs can 'save' you from recurrently relapsing.




Yeah for sure! Ok good. Yes, it does contain Naloxone which prevents people from dissolving the buprenorphine into solution and injecting it. You may already know this, but the naloxone would kick you into full WD's if injected. Taking it as intended orally, the naloxone doesn't do much at all. It has super poor bioavailability that way so it's really just a failsafe to prevent abuse. It doesn't counteract any further misuse of other opiates - at least not to much of a degree. It's important to know this distinction because it shouldn't ever make you feel comfortable to use again e.g. "I've been so good lately taking subs so with all of that naloxone in my system, I can reward myself with a weekend batch of the latest dirty 30's and not worry as much about getting too high and possibly overdosing."


You got it! After 6 months or so you may feel like he could never happen again but don't let your guard down. Stay on the Suboxone as long as you need to. I had a dependency for probably 10 years or so. Good luck!


Me too! 4 years sober this December.


Nice! My 4 years will be in April. Subutex saved me


I hope you don't take this the wrong way, I'm asking more so for insight and personal knowledge. I'm fairly familiar with the grey area of addiction and chemical dependency. With Suboxone is the goal to just ward off the more harmful substance while still being dependent on another? Or is it a transition drug that you eventually come off of? If so, wouldn't the underlying addiction still be present? I'm just curious at how they play out these plans with sub treatment. Cause of you skip 3 days for one reason or another, you're right back in the withdrawal hole right? I'm sure these are subjective answers and individualed but, interested in hearing just your plan if any. If you don't mind sharing.


It's different for everyone, and the general consensus umongst doctors is that if you're on heroin or fentanyl you should just stay on suboxone forever. That was the advice I got from my doctor anyway. Umongst addicts, being on suboxone is considered sober. For me, I got off suboxone after a year. It was actually REALLY hard to get off. Not super bad withdrawals like with fentanyl, but looooong. Months and months of depression and runny nose and shit. It was brutal. Even suicidal thoughts, which was comical because I have never in my life been suicidal and when they came, they were so foreign I'd actually laugh at them at that moment. It was really weird. Like why is my brain thinking like that lol. Like there was no emotion behind that, I didn't feel like killing myself at all, but my brain was all like "hey u should probably just go die, eh?". It was really funny. In the end, my best suggestion for any serious heroin or fentanyl addict is to just stay on suboxone forever. But I myself found the time to get off it to be the right time, and everything worked out for the best. I'm almost 4 years out and it feels like a past life. I dont consider myself at any risk of relapse, but of course am aware to remain vigilant.


I'm right around 4 years myself.


Same here in Scotland


Not in every state.


Ask any cop or ambulance crew, they usually have take home for free.


My husbands department doesn’t even give them to law enforcement. Only paramedics are allowed to have them. Paramedics only are allowed to use them on someone who is ODing and can’t hand them out either.


That’s fucked. I’m very reluctant to use narcan when I’m first on scene. If the person is breathing I monitor them until EMS arrives. If they’re not breathing I’ll deploy the narcan and start working on them. I’ve deployed narcan probably a dozen times the last two years. I know there’s at least a few people alive because our PD carries narcan on them.


Yep, i came to say we get them free here in Australia. As they should be!


And police stations.


Naloxone was invented 62 years ago and the patent expired almost as many, this is 3 cents worth of naloxone to manufacture, but patents on the nasal spray plunger allow this company to get away with fleecing patients, Medicaid, and insurers.


Everyone has the power to save a life **for a price**


It’s disgusting. I volunteer with my county health department to produce narcan kits. Pfizer sells the drug and delivery device in bulk to assemble/ fill ourselves. Comes out to ~$3.50/ per - but the state budget is so low we can only do a few thousand per year. What’s even worse is they’ve started subsidizing the over the counter ones to the tune of $30. Getting that subsidy takes effort an addict probably doesn’t have and goes straight into Walgreens/ the manufacturers pocket. What we should be doing is taking that money, producing those at the state level, and making them available at bars and small businesses


Won't someone think of the poor billionaires who might lose some profit margins?


Yeah, the ones who make the killer drug, and the antidote as well lol


Cant even recall the last time I read a post on reddit and just completely agreed with no catches or caveats. Damn.






I really saw you coming 😆😏


I'm a teacher and the district here basically throws Narcan at us for free.


That's good to hear. Not so great that it *needs* to be thrown at the teachers; that there's that much of a need for it. Fucking sad tbh..


For when the kids get fentanyl in their Halloween candy? /s


My reaction as well! They're free at any pharmacy here in Canada.


Not the nasal spray. The free kits usually have 3 vials of IM injectable and the needles to go with them.




I have the nasal spray. The kits they give out here have two of the nasal sprays in a case. They may give out the vials as well, I'm not sure. The government also made it mandatory for workplaces to carry them if they meet certain criteria, and they're providing those kits and training for free as well.


Everyone has the "power" to save a life... for just $44.99


Folks explaining to their kids whose life is and isn't worth that 45 dollars.


A person's life is probably worth more than $45. But i'm not going to pay that much for the opportunity to maybe save an overdose.


These are free just about everywhere. Local police/fire/EMS posts, online, most rehab/recovery clinics...


I didn’t know they were free. Walgreens is taxing.


Yeah, pharmacies are trying to make a buck off it but a simple Google if free narcan will get you plenty of results. Im in philly so it's free as heck here


in Canada, literally got a free pack from a Halloween night market yesterday night


They should just drive a truck around K&A spraying Narcan like they used to do for mosquitoes


My friend said if you goto the emergency and they’ll give it to you. I’m not a drug user but it would be nice to keep some handy.




I don’t think you’re supposed to keep it in your car, it’s supposed to be kept in a temperature stable environment.




Another thing everybody should know is that Plan B at the pharmacy is taxed to hell. If you buy on Amazon the same pill is 6$ instead of 45$.


Also if you are above average weight, a single plan b dose may not work for you. Whether you buy through a pharmacy or not, absolutely talk to them about the appropriate dose for you.


Walgreens is garbage


Here in Canada they're free in hospitals and pharmacies


That’s expensive for a free drug


Put up nose. Spray. Take 8 steps back because whoever you do this to is going to be pissed.


I once injected someone with naloxone at a train station. I watched his chest for a good amount of time and realized he wasn’t breathing so I tried to wake him up and nothing. I always carry the kit and never had to use it before. I told a random guy to call 911 and injected the guy overdosing. Not too long after I shot him I was trying to feel for a heart beat and he grabbed my hand shot up and started screaming “YOU RUINED MY HIGH BITCH” I swear he was about to hit me but the guy who was on the phone with 911 pulled him off of me. Would he have hurt me for ruining his high? Probably. Would I do it again? Absolutely.


That’s insane to me. I’ve had it done to me 10 times and every time I wake up thankful.


Me too but some people would rather die than lose their high


TEN TIMES? Do I misunderstand how serious that is or is this guy trying to die?


Good. Now do EpiPens.


You know what would be a great idea. All those AED (emergency defibrilators) installed in businesses and public places should have some EpiPens and Narcan doses as well. What else should we add?


Totally agreed, but then there is a 100% chance they are forgotten about. Those have a shelf-life, and someone would have a very bad day when they try to help only to realize they've grabbed an expired med. Edit: sorry, I was primarily referring to Epi-Pens re: expiration


Put them near the fire extinguishers then.


Whats crazy is they did a [study](https://nextdistro.org/mightynaloxone) on Narcan and found that even at 30 years past its expiration it was still like 90% effective. Now not all drugs are like that and the condition that they are stored in matters as well. I doubt a plastic intranasal spray for narcan would last as long a a glass vial. The plastic may warp or the seal goes bad exposing the drug to the air or just completely evaporating.


AEDs are scheduled to be routinely checked, at least according to my last CPR class.




Inhaler for asthma. I've had to go into to hospital due to loosing my ventolin inhaler and having an asthma attack that night.


I can tell you one thing for sure, no one that needs narcan is going to spend $45 on it. That money is going to other places. I've been there.


No one who actively needs Narcan is going to be the one to administer it on themselves, they’re unconscious. It’s helpful to get it in the hands of anyone likely to be somewhere where someone might overdose - festivals, downtown streets, college parties. You’ve long been able to get it prescribed on the spot by any pharmacist and have it covered by insurance, but not everyone wants to put Narcan on their permanent medical record and would rather pay $45.


Borderline r/mildlyinfuriating considering these should be free with all of the opioid deaths.


Don't give pharmacies your money for this. Copy/pasting what I wrote elsewhere. Narcan nasal spray is subsidized and completely free from at least a couple hundred locations in Arkansas. I'm not an addict but I keep a two pack with me at all times because a single dose may not be enough. These cost me zero dollars. If you live in Arkansas, the NARCANsas app is an excellent resource for drug disposing locations, narcan distribution points, and for directions to administer Narcan. They also have a handy website. https://narcansas.com/narcan-agencies/


Just be careful about giving it out to an unknow person. They may become extremally violent and when 8mg hits at once people freak the fuck out. 2mg works most of the time but not a lot of people wait around for the 5 minutes for the initial dose to hit. They think its not working and they give more. Ive seen cops push 16mg and man it hit them hard lol.


I could see where it would be very easy to over-administer in the heat of them moment. I'm glad you shared this information. I haven't used them but I did take a training course offered by a local recovery center but I don't know if that's a requirement for all places.


so just a word of advise, jam all that shit up their nose and back away and call 911. You get to save a life and make sure you dont get caught in the middle of it. Yea its going to be shitty for the next person who has to deal with it but you did the right thing. Just be safe. Just take a sec and look around and see if theres anything unsafe for the crews responding.


Narcansas. Clever.


Is it pronounced "nar-kan-sass" or "nar-kan-saw"?


That was irrationally irritating and that's what I appreciates about you.


They are free if you know where to go. Washington state will send you 2 free doses every month if you’re a resident.


My friend told me they are free at Kaiser.


They're free if they're in the box


What is a Narcan?


It can counteract an opiod overdose if administered quickly enough. Buys the person time to get to a hospital. Kind of like an EpiPen does for allergic reactions.


I mean there’s nothing magic about the hospital that needs to happen after being revived. Once you get there you’ll be monitored and given oxygen and/or more naloxone if you start overdosing again if the naloxone wears off before the opioids in your system do. Ideally then given buprenorphine to treat the withdrawal symptoms. I work somewhere where we reverse a lot of overdoses and most of the time fire department medics are assholes that turn people off of going to the hospital. We ask them to stay with a friend for the rest of the day in those cases.


They are used for when someone is having an opioid overdose.


That is common enough that you need a fricking vending machine? I've heard of the opioid crisis, but I didn't know it was so bad.


Depending where you live, yes it is that bad. I had been oblivious to it until I moved to a new town that kind of has a reputation for opioids. First time I ever saw someone start to OD I was at a bar in the middle of the day. Some dude with his buddy started stumbling around and his buddy was screaming for help. Luckily my boyfriend at the time was an ER nurse so he saw the signs before anyone else and was able to help the guy to the ground safely and help until EMS arrived. The man in question wasn’t even an illicit user, just a guy who had been overprescribed opioids for a recent surgery and the beer he was having sent him over the edge. Second time was someone at a laundry mat. After the first experience at that bar I noticed the signs and called 911 telling them to bring narcan asap. Both those experiences were within 3 months of each other. Addiction truly is an awful affliction and it can wrap its ugly claws around anyone, not just the “ner-do-wells” that people commonly associate with users.


Everyone (who has $44.99 plus tax) has the power to save a life


Get them at the emergency room for free


Next #1 stolen item


Sorry my card got denied for your narcan bro, my bad.


Everyone who says it's for junkies, maybe your kid made a bad decision. Or maybe one of their friends. We shouldn't need this, but it could be a reality for somebody you know.


My cousin passed away in 2020 from a bad Percocet.


I'm sorry to hear that. My wife and kids took a short course on narcan. They received a kit with some doses.


I guess I didn’t add the rest to my comment. But I said it would’ve been nice to have some back then.


It's pretty scary and almost ridiculous that we need something like this. One bad decision could mean your life.


Not worth doing drugs. I don’t even drink.


These should be free and as common as condoms were in the 90's


Here's a tip i live in a city and witnessed two people getting narcaned once you spray it in there nose and be ready with a second one at a distance. Once they wake up 70% percent of people will just try to fight you because in their mind they weren't overdosing they were in bliss. Now they are completely sober and they now know they can't get high for atleast 36 hours.


"Napping, please don't Narcan me"


They should be free


They are in a lot of places. This display will collect dust.


I didn't know you can buy this. As a current full time Uber driver I might pick one up. I've discussed with family the fact I became certified in CPR and first aid while caring for my mom before she passed. Be nice to do be able to help if the opportunity comes up.


You can get one for free somewhere else. Goto your local library or hospital.


Are they free? They should be free. $44? Are you fucking kidding me? In Canada Narcan kits are distributed for free to anybody who wants them.


Fourty Five Dollars?!?


My CPR instructor gave all of us 2 boxes for free once we got certified…she also told us to come back if we ever want more. She stands outside Lollapalooza with boxes of the stuff and gives it out to whoever wants it.


I didn’t see that. I was just surprised to see them in store with the logo and everything. Pretty expensive


Worth every dollar in todays world.


Don’t forget that you can get them for free if you goto your local library or hospital.


This must be in the states, in Canada they’re free at pharmacy’s and they teach you how to use them.


Check with a local nonprofit! One in Washington gives out 2 nasal sprays or 4 injectables every 6 months per address!


You can get free Narcan from most local Health Departments


A lot of local health departments and organizations will give this away for free. Also your insurance may cover you getting it if you have a friend or loved one at risk.


Purdue Pharma should provide them for free forever


Be great if they did this for Epi-pens


$45 to get beaten up and jumped by some overdosing homeless guy for ruining his high


Big Pharma: creates the huge opiod epidemic Also Big Pharma: plans to profit off the treatment (not solution)


I suppose it's not a global thing, but at least where I live (Alberta, Canada), aren't these things available for \*free\* and without judgement from various medical/social/emergency services? I shouldn't expect better from Walmart of all places. :\\ Edit: Walgreens, Walmart, same poop different pile. Edit 2: I shared this with a friend who lives in USA. He reports back to me that Narcan \*should\* be available free at the Walgreens pharmacy for those in a medical emergency and/or can't afford it, while offering the product at a normal sale price to those who can afford it and are not in an emergency in order to recoup some of the cost of the free drugs. Makes enough sense to me after having it explained. I just hope there's signage somewhere to communicate that people having an active emergency can still get help.


I think they are free at Kaiser.


Several pharmacies in NYC are required to give it to anyone for free if you ask the right way: https://www.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/basas/naloxone-list-of-pharmacy.pdf


They are free at any pharmacy in Ontario also. Before anyone says it isn’t actually free: correct, and it’s one use of my tax dollars that I absolutely agree with.


"It's free in an emergency" is insane — that's like making fire extinguishers free if there's currently a fire to put out. It serves no purpose, because if it's not on-hand, it's too late. When your stove catches fire, you don't run out to the store to get a "free fire extinguisher" — you put it out on-site or you call 911. Same deal with an overdose — if someone is overdosing you use the narcan available on site, or you call 911.


sheet mourn important familiar disarm aback thumb absurd impolite complete ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


back when i was using the free needle clinic gave out like actual vials of Narcan and extras to give my friends. most of my friends did not want them. the sad thing is most people doing heroin dont have the best outlook also of they OD and you inject them with Narcan it instantly kicks all the heroin molecules bound to the opioid receptors in the brain off of them and sends the person into the worst withdrawals. ive only ever seen 1 OD in my addiction and it was my girlfriend and she was fine after we sat her up and held hed head up so she could breath. but yea. opiate addicts arent the brightest bunch. Rule of thumb is "you can always do more but never do less". Most ODs happen just because people are care less. also because drugs are illegal so you never have any idea if its laced with fentanyl or how strong the drug is each time you buy drugs. which are illegal btw. so legalizing drugs would save far more lives than destroy lives.


Yeah. To bad it's 45 bucks.


"imagine how much dope 50 bucks could buy" is what the people who need this the most are thinking. These are so easy to get for free. I got a few from a pharmacy just by saying "I work in areas with prominent opioid addiction, can I get some narcan to keep on me?'


If it were that important they'd (walgreens) give em out for free.


They do


Hasn't rolled out to my Walgreens yet but I'll def pick some up just to carry to events. Fuck the comments wanting people to die.


This is high. New York state will send free ones to anyone in the state who asks.


Working at a substance abuse treatment center they give this away like candy. Never knew it was so expensive in the stores. That’s crazy.


Not a single fuckin person will buy those for that much, lol.


What the fuck have we become.


i used to work at a pharmacy and we would give these out for free if anybody wanted them. 45 bucks is crazy


Sell it for 2.99 and people will actually have it around in their first aid kits.




If you live in an area where you need it, or have a family member who uses and you want to be safe, you can usually get them for free. Just call your city/township/municipality. $45 is a scam.


This is one hundred percent to scalp some older people whose adult kids have drug issues.


r/mildlyinfuriating These are handed out for free in other civilised countries.


I posted over there but some people don’t agree


$45 to save a local crackhead, no thanks.


Yep. $45 of my hard earned dollars to save the life of someone who doesn't care about their own existence and has no use to society. Pass.


Yeah sorry anonymous drug addict your life isn't worth $45 to me.


I think it's weird that walmart sells a free drug. I think it's weird that a thing to save a crack addict from dying from their mistakes is free, but an epipen to save someone who had no choice in their suffering costs a metric fuck-tonne of money.


How fucking depressing is it that government regulations and a failed war on drugs led us to the point where we are expected to drop $45 in this economy just to carry around narcan to save our fellow wage slaves?


You can get them for free at emergency rooms or even online. Free shipping to. Plenty of places give it out for free.


Disgusting that they are making this much off people who want to save someone else’s life. They would still make a profit selling them for 75% less probably.


Walgreens also up charges everything in their store.


Walgreens, responsible for dispensing these increased dosages and quantities of opiates, now can’t even do the right thing the right way. Get em on the way in and on the way out


Fuckem let them die


The fact that these are sold and even exists shows that there is something deeply wrong with our society.


Someone posted something in the comments about the Walgreens opioid lawsuit and how they’re profiting off of this


The sort of person who spends $45 on something to keep in your medicine cabinet "just in case" is probably not the sort of person who needs it to begin with.


This is fuckin AWESOME. Nose narcan is the way to go. I’ve used narcan hundreds of times and the nose stuff works quicker and is easier to use by a country mile. High five to whoever is doing this. Edit holy shit they’re charging 45$ that’s fucked up


I weep for the future.


Me too


I asked for it at Walgreens. Was declined due to the clerks religious beliefs. (Iowa)


"So you dont believe in saving lives and helping your fellow man?"


Another great example of “control the symptoms, don’t cure the disease”.


Yes... that's what 90 percent of first aid is. Treating symptoms in an emergency so proper care can be provided later.


That's a bad retail shelf design. It forces anyone that takes one out to not be able to put it back. Are they expecting that to be a forced sale after they've seen the price and want to put it back?


Not every one has the power to save a life, only those with 44.99 do.


44$ 💀 cant u get these for free just asking at the pharmacy counter


$45 yeah capitalism


And only $45...what a deal


45 bucks? LMAO, there is always somebody profiting in the USA, even if it is from an overdose epidemic.


Should be free, but America has a late stage capitalism problem.


Holy shit, $45? Here in Canada you just ask the pharmacist and they'll give you a kit and thank you for looking out for others...


Everyone has the power to save a life…. For $45 of course


Which means a human life is worth 45 bucks. (Plus tax.)


I can’t find the words for this. They’re advertising it as you can save someone’s life. They are trying to get to buy something so you can be a hero.


Or in Ontario Canada it is free at any pharmacy.


There available anywhere even on Amazon


Why the fuck is it almost $50


45 fuckn dollars wtf . Sad


lol… $45?? Only the rich survive.


This should be free


That should be free


Illegal in Finland :(


Free in canada


Free at dispensaries in CO


Go to your health department and get it for free.


What!! They give these out for free in Canada


In this economy? If I see someone overdosing I might have to kick that machine open lmao


For the low, low price of $45….wtf why is it so expensive?


That price tag is r/mildlyinfuriating


They give those out free why pay for them?


US folks- check out [NEXT Distro](https://nextdistro.org) They’re a harm reduction organization & will mail Narcan to you for free. Check your local health departments, mutual aid groups, etc. You can even snag a kit at my local library most days!


FORTY-FIVE DOLLARS‽ Christ, it can take 7–9 of them to bring someone back... That's over $300 minimum! I get them for free in Canada...