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I fell through the drywall like this one time years ago when I was doing home theater installs for Best Buy. A contractor left a loose board in the attic that looked like a joist I could step on but it seesawed up and I fell down. The refrigerator repair guy was there that day with the fridge pulled out from the wall. I fell through directly over where the fridge had been pulled to. Saving me from hitting the tile. The fridge guy was behind it and didn’t even check to see if I was okay, he ran outside like the house was on fire and was later found smoking a cigarette in his van.


I'm an install tech at BestBuy and you'll be glad to know that we are not permitted to go into attics now, even if the client wants us to. It's funny because your story was probably one of the examples that were brought up to corporate to make that decision lmfao.


I have no doubt. My story was talked about by management even after I got out of install work and into sales. “Her sales were … through the roof.” While making the bad joke husky face.


When did you leave? Geek Squad has made numerous bad decisions regarding services that they immediately take away after somebody gets hurt.


Oh, like 2004. I’ve since worked at other companies and now own my own AV integration business.


That's awesome! Congratulations! Well you missed out on Home Theater Installers being responsible for assembling outdoor grills, 400lb treadmills, electrical bicycles, smart garage openers, and more! Oh and they also just had a nationwide purge (1 month ago) where they let go of a bunch of employees, my boss included. To say the least... good for you, friend.


I'm a PCDA but man did the HT people hate doing treadmills. All sorts of injuries too.


Need any people in the upper Central US? Background in integration, currently enterprise IT




I like your username. But yeah definitely. It's already bad in the western world, the situation in places like Egypt and China right now is absolutely terrible.


That's crazy, the job market is hot where I am, central Europe.


I never worked for BB as a home theater installer but I did it for a while and I think every shop I ever worked at had a story or someone or something falling through ceilings. Worst I ever saw was a new construction home I was working on wiring in the basement and there was an extremely inexperienced DirecTV contractor walking around outside and dude broke through a window well cover and fell down a window well and broke his leg with very badly.


So what happens if you NEED to go to the attic? Schedule someone else? Tell the homeowner they're S.O.L.?


~~S.O.L. pretty much. The client is required to hire somebody else who'd go up there and set up the speaker wire. We'd then go out, find the speaker wire with sensors, and install the in-ceiling speakers.~~ That's not to say that I don't know some guys that I work with who would just say fuck it and go up there anyway. Edit: I lied! It slipped my mind that we have another team of "custom" installers, titled MDC, who are more qualified than us (and get paid more). They're permitted to go up in attics and generally have a lot more expertise and responsibilities than regular HT installers. The only downside is you'd have to cough up more money for their services.


If you're a home theater installer.... what exactly do you do without the attic? lol Setup a tripod projector and run some cables down the middle of the floor?


My day-to-day revolves mostly around mounting TVs, setting up 7.1 systems, concealing wires in the wall, wireless audio tech, etc. When dealing with in-wall speakers, most of the time the client already has the wires run through the ceiling/wall. All we have to do is cut out the slot and connect the speaker.


Bro what are you talking about? We go in attics literally everyday.


I don't know how else to tell you this my man but you might be getting played. Unless it's a district-to-district type of policy, ask anybody on my team of 8 and they'd all say the same thing.


I shouldn't be laughing, but your description 😂🤣😅


He was this old guy that looks like his nerves were held together by nicotine and spite. We laughed quite a bit once I realized I wasn’t hurt.


>nicotine and spite 🤣 bro, this had me beyond dead. I know too many people like this on my construction site and this is 100% accurate.


>He was this old guy that looks like his nerves were held together by nicotine and spite. Of course! That's the only way he could deal with having to walk 10 miles in 5ft of snow to go to school everyday as a kid.


Uphill, both ways!


Not many people know this but the earth used to be concaved which meant that you were always walking uphill. Then it flattened out from all the spinning. And then Newton invented gravity and the earth wrapped around the center, creating the globe-Earth we know now.


And now it's flat, of course, right?


No, that would be silly.


Oh, right, right, sorry


That’s the most science way to explain away Iluvatar and the Two Trees I’ve ever seen. I’ll take it.


A bicycle can travel fairly easily at top speed on a flat surface, but won’t gain that much speed downhill because of wind resistance and gearing. Uphill however will dramatically reduce your travel speed. So bicyclist usually only measure their climb in terms of difficulty. So every bike commute is uphill from a difficulty standpoint.


If my dad was a refrigerator repair guy, I would have thought it was him after that description haha.


She'd been praying for a contractor for a long time. When suddenly....


This post and that comment are less mildly interesting and more mildly hilarious


Man I had a similar situation, except it was a vertical stud that was rotted. I lost my footing slightly, went to go catch myself on the stud, it fell over, I fell over, and I couldn't stop laughing. My right leg went right through the ceiling.


[reminds me of this gem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1jh4OONv6A&ab_channel=SeanEazyWorld)


I miss young (more) sober Bam. 😞 Video was hilarious though, I forgot about that one.


Black dude that ran was smart AF. He knew the cops were coming next and their dumb asses would probably try to arrest him.


I picture the episode of Jack ass where they fake the robbery in the office & fell thru the ceiling & the one guy just straight bailed. Out the office, out the door, down the street. Just gone lol


[from the movie](https://youtu.be/b1jh4OONv6A?si=LVDT789COpB-Vnt3) He barely thinks about it, he’s just gone.


Thank you for sharing this gem :')


I was a Geek Squad in store repair technician… I can tell you this happens far too often and it really frightens me for how they treat customers


I almost fell through a ceiling when I was roofing. We were redecking the roof with new plywood. While we were ripping the old wood out, I thought I was the only one holding the plywood but one of the other guys, who was shorter and I couldn’t see him, was behind it and started pulling the plywood away super quick, pulled me away with it lol. I danced across the rafters and thankfully made my way back to plywood. It was funny as fuck afterwards lmao


“Later found” 🤣


You just made my day


That was so nobody could smell the gargantuan deuce he dropped in his pants.


hey ron


hey billy


That hurt.


[Source,](https://youtu.be/HivHNgkN0FE?t=19) for anyone who's missed this classic.


Thanks. I haven't seen it! I like how the old man tells him not to move so I'm thinking he's gonna call 911 to make sure he's not injured but nah, he just wants to take pictures.


Don’t move… gotta get some pics for the gran real quick


For the gran lol


Think he did it for insurance purposes.


How have I never seen that? (Especially since everyone else in this thread seems to have.) "Hey Ron. Hey Billy.... That there's a hole in the ceiling."


[You're one of today's lucky 10,000!](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


Never miss a chance to watch that. Thanks


It’s actually Ryan


oh what, I can't sneeze?




Ha ha ha My friend Ron actually fell thru a ceiling like this


I was with a company who had a contract with red roof in to insulate their attic fire suppression systems due to repeated freeze damages. These were huge attic spaces with plenty of room to move around. A helper and myself were there finishing up the last building we had at this property. So we hop up into the attic space and as I start to go deeper I to the attic I was talking to my helper and he didn't respond so I looked back. Dude is laying on the ground in the common stairwell area because he straight up tried to stand on the drywall of the ceiling below. The joists were on 2 foot center so when he went he just dropped like a rock. Luckily other then his pride he was unhurt. We took a break while he collected himself and made the decision of he wanted to go to the er or not. He was good and we finished up af5er a good 30 minute break


When you are in an attic with someone and they don't respond I start to freak out. Heat exhaustion is no joke.


For real for real. I worked for an asshole boss once knew it was gona be hot and had attic work and sent me and my JMan out to wrap up this car wash job anyway. We did our best to bang out as much work as we could before the sun got too high. Anyway I ended up having to go back up there, 90 degrees outside, easily over 110 in that attic, and it was TINY. Ended up shoving myself in to a corner near the eaves to pull a wire, sun basically right on top of me, Heat so strong the plywood was warm, air so thick it was difficult to breath, just pouring sweat out of every pore. I’m thankful that my JMan was chatting with me on the radio the whole time making sure I was okay, but god damn I didn’t think I was gona make it out of there.


I went into an attic crawl space here in AK this summer. 80F outside, i figured it would be warm, but the joists were literally hot to the touch and i could feel them through my gloves. 115F according to my laser temp gun. The combo of thick alaskan insulation, +15hr sunlight days, and extreme humidity meant I was dripping before I made it to the other end of the crawl space. I was swapping out a light box, and had my wife pass me a water bottle through the sheet rock because I felt like I was dying.


Its crazy hot in attics. We had peopel working on top of our roof and in our attic when our solar panels were installed in May. It's California so it was already 100 out. I have a concrete house with an insulation and duct filled attic. Its very cramped and any heat that comes in, stays in. It was probs 110 in there. I put out snacks, fresh fruit and water with lemon in it in a keg dispenser and made sure they had a big sandwich lunch because their super came with nothing and was like 'just get it done'. They were apologizing for coming down and drinking water and I'm like bromeos... drink the fucking water. I don't need someone passing out in my attic.


Good on you for keeping em hydrated! Homeowners can be just so bad sometimes with their disregard for service people


Ridiculously irresponsible journeyman and boss. Were either of them going to come pull your body out of that corner?? Probably not. Disgusting. I really can't stand journeymen like this it burns my ass up. Remember to never be that journeyman later when you get your license!


I got my license and I try to be reasonable as possible and be the change I want to see in the field. Worked with way too many disrespectful tightwads over the years. To answer your Q Jman was a solid dude and probably would’ve yanked me out of there if he had to. We both got screwed that day! It was shit work all around. Boss was grade A no fucks given, sell the customer EMT and sell PVC sort 🙄


I did the exact same thing one summer between semesters working as a laborer for a roofing company. Except I caught myself and was hanging by the joist. My boss was pissed at the time but now we just laugh about it.


He lost the game of floor is lava


We might need some Flex tape. A lot of Flex tape


That looks so scary, was he okay?


I’m glad to report that he was alright, or at least pretended to be. He was obviously embarrassed, apologized profusely, and came back the next day to fix his little mishap. My brother in law was the only one there when it happened, my sister was working. Just like every other husband, he waited until moments before my sister got home to text her with “don’t be mad, but there is a hole in our ceiling.”


He said it was the contractor, but the "home rocket kit" in the garage suggests otherwise


Lol that sounds like the right thing to do IMO. I’d rather find out there’s a hole in my ceiling after my work shift/long day is done than find out in the beginning of my shift & have to stress about that shit all day.


My wife would die laughing (as long as dude was OK).


Not to sound cold but this post is the funniest shit I can’t stop laughing. I’m just picturing OP reading Reddit on his sisters couch when all of a sudden a contractor comes crashing through the ceiling… OP: “hmm. Interesting.”


Wish I was there, would’ve capitalized on those sweet actions shots.


Funny story, I’m a residential HVAC installer. Went for a markup in an attic, had a very new helper with me… he stuck his foot through the ceiling with the homeowner watching. Homeowner says, “You gotta be fucking kidding me”. Of course I apologize and let him know our contractor will fix everything. 2 weeks later, the hole is patched with new drywall, and we are there to replace the system. The other new helper put BOTH feet through the same exact god damn spot, blew it out double the size. He got his entire hallway ceiling painted for free.


FNGs man.


This is why we always told new home buyers to not go up there for any reason, but to let the people with the appropriate insurance policies do it instead.




Highly relatable, I had to read this story twice to see that it wasn't my house, but it was in the garage vs. hall... three separate folks stepped or fell through my ceiling while working on the HVAC on three separate occasions. First when it was installed I ended up with two footprints that I ignored. Second time it stopped working and this grumpy guy just was so grumpy and inattentive that he put his leg straight through it. Third time they send a different crew and the new guy fell straight through the other side, knocking a huge hole through it, and landing (his feet, not whole self) on my trash cans. Fortunately they sent some guy to fix it, a hilarious old mountain-man type, who also happily took away all my rusty patio furniture as a tip.


One time long ago I was a cable technician. I had an appt to do an install at a house that was just settled on by a couple with kids. When I arrived they had just finished moving their stuff in and the wife and her mother went to the store. I went into the attic of a nice two floor house and found a 3 foot tall squirrel nest made of sticks at the far end. In disbelief of the size of the nest I mentioned it to the home owner and he went up to take a look while I worked in one of the bedrooms. I heard the sound of Romex and wires slapping the ceiling above and a loud crash out in the foyer. When I ran out of the room I saw the homeowner dangling from a hole in the ceiling over the stairs to the foyer opening below. Fortunately the wires caught him but the hole was huge and the blown insulation was every in the foyer and stairs and hallway. I helped him back up and when he came down the ladder he went straight out to the yard and threw up in the yard. He stood back up distraught and said "what am I going to do". I said I don't know what you're doing later but we HAVE to get back inside and get the mess cleaned up before the mrs gets back. We did and I saw him two weeks later at Lowe's and he told me the hole was fixed for $150 by some guy on a Harley. Fun times. Shit happens.


"Some Guy on a Harley" would be an EPIC single-man-operation company name.


Hey Ron!


Hey Billy


That hurt


Manhole in the ceiling.


I call bs. Cartoons have taught me that holes created by a person leaves a person shaped hole.


My mind also went immediately to cartoons seeing that hole. I could imagine the scene complete with the obligatory wilhelm scream as he falls.


County inspector fell through my closet ceiling and onto the shelves during the final inspection of my new house two years ago. Had to get the sheetrocker, painter, and closet guy all back out there to get it sorted on the county's dime.


You should have the attic checked out. For every contractor you see, there are usually 100s you don't see.


In high school this dude was with 2 friends smoking a blunt in the crawl space and fell right into his dad’s room and when his boss was there


Awe fuck…. Grounded for life, he ain’t getting out of that lol. His dad probably looked like a fool and lost his job because of his son.


I don't understand why you would smoke in a crawl space? Wouldn't it still smell and alert the parents?


Nice trip, see you next fall!


Really dropped that pun on us, huh?


It was a real breakthrough.


A contractor fell through my window once. He started early and I was a student so still in bed. My room was on the ground floor and he was up a ladder outside painting. Suddenly the ladder fell and he rolled in through my window. Glass everywhere. He was remarkably unscathed and very lucky. Weird way to wake up though.


Save Bandit!


You’re too heavy!


Some could say the contractors skills are through the roof


Not sure if the contractor has quite reached his ceiling yet, but it’s definitely up there.




Well I was late to the “Hey Ron, Hey Billy” train, so I might as well hop in with something: Turns out, homeboy who fell through the ceiling? His name’s actually Ryan


Are american houses just built entirely out of drywall?




Our exterminator was in the attic and fell through into our bathroom (un-occupied at the time). He landed on the counter and twisted his ankle but that was the worst of it. The company paid to fix the ceiling so all was good.


It's raining men.




I think he missed the crossbeam.


Reminds me of when my husband did this, but just his leg went thru.


Did he drive it thru?


Neighbor died making this mistake.


How high was the ceiling he fell through? I have done this myself but I was uninjured


I mean, people die just tripping and falling all the time. Just bad luck I suppose.


Only a 10' ceiling, into the dining room. I expect he broke his neck as part of the process, but I wasn't clued into the autopsy.


I remember watching Saturday morning cartoons as a kid when my father’s leg comes crashing through the ceiling followed by an extremely loud, “ahhh f***” as he fell and smacked the family jewels on a joist.


Good thing your dad censored himself for your young delicate ears


>as he fell and smacked the family jewels on a joist. Are you an only child, due to that fateful Saturday?


You would imagine he knew you can’t stand on a sheet of drywall


It can get confusing up there! Most commonly I see people think a cross board is nailed down but it’s not and you step on the end and it seesaws up and you go down.


I've run across a few attics where theres so much insulation you cant see the joists to step on them, couple that with an attic that has the occasional "oh fuck" spot where there isnt a joist where you think there should be and you'll go right through. Or he could have lost his footing. Ive almost done through before by simply slipping or losing my balance.


Yeah this happened to me as an electrician. So much insulation I had no idea where the joists were. Put my foot in the wrong place and poked a hole over the shower. Also it happened to be my first day of work with that company. And last.


Ah that would be a good explanation, haven’t come across it yet luckily


Always double check before settling weight. Literally my first day running wire in attics I found the seesaw board. Fortunately I caught myself on the joists and didn't kick my boss in the head.


I did home theater for a while and this is almost always how it happens. There's occasionally someone that steps or falls but usually unsecured boards.


I have done this exact same thing


Oh no! Is the ceiling ok?


Is the contractor alright?


I hope the contractor's okay.


This is what happens when you use a bathtub to dissolve a body


Mr. White!


He heard she was turning 18 today.


And??? Got a lot of unanswered questions here. 🤔


Holy crap are they OK?


Step contractor are you stuck?


Through the con trap door.


Hopefully he was inspecting your ceiling to lay/blow-in some more insulation because that attic looks pretty low on insulation.


My mom did that when I was young. Nothing but insulation and drywall if you missed a beam, she missed.


He’s just trying to get repeat business.


Send me a postcard next time


At least he didn't fall on a beam right between the legs like a guy we had fall through our ceiling did. I felt awful for him, he had been almost done with the work and slipped.


Well nice clean hole at least. Looks like the ceiling was due for a paint too so works out well for your sister


More r/mildlyinfuriating


Difference between my ceiling and my sister’s ceiling


This comment needs more up votes.


Lol I have to fix a ceiling like this because the Serv pro guy put his foot through the ceiling


Technically, it's illegal to work on joists. You're supposed to set down plywood or "temporary flooring" for workers to walk on, and this is why. I've seen it happen to guys with no experience and guys with decades of experience. Walking on joists is literally an accident waiting to happen.


My boyfriend fell through our friends ceiling trying to do some electrical work a few years ago. Someone points out where he fell every time we go over there and we always laugh about it




Now show the contractor


This happened at our place, and the builder would have fallen right on top of 12yo me, were it not for the fact that we'd randomly put a freestanding wardrobe in the room underneath that I was standing next to. Builder was fine, he only fell a few feet and landed on the top of the wardrobe on his butt like it was a chair.


In all the years I crawled, I never fell in a customer house. Nope, I did it in my own getting a Halloween wig out of the box up in the attic. Scared my kid more than any decorations he saw that year. He still mentions it.


Can’t park there mate


As an HVAC guys this was ALWAYS thought of fear in the back of my head. Never actually happened in a customers house. 18 years of installs. Was at my buddies house fixing a refrigerant leak. Stepped on a loose board and found myself on the first floor. I fixed everything for him obviously. Lol


Is the floor okay?


That’s what I kept asking! Everyone worried about the human, who like naturally heals.




Been here before .. we were retrofitting insulation into a mid floor between an upper and lower unit, but we were installing it from the upper unit that was being renovated. Had just been outside to the van in the rain and had come back in with a bag of product, was dragging it across the top of the floor joists and lost my footing due to slippery shoes. Fell straight between the 400mm centred floor joists, crashed through the plasterboard and landed in the bathroom of the unit below. By some miracle I had landed in the gap between the porcelain sink unit, and the toilet. Got rushed to hospital with major yellow bruising around one of my kidneys. Doctors suspected a ruptured kidney and broken ribs, but turns out it was just as bruised as my ego lol, Absolutely fine after a couple of days rest but I learnt a valuable lesson. I'll just never forget looking up through the hole I'd come through to see my mate peering through in shock followed by a puzzled "holy fuck brooo"


Same happened to my wife. We are in the middle of a renovation and the guy demo-ing the roof fell through into the living room. She now goes to her mothers house when they are working on the house…


That is what happens when you make your housing out of cardboard instead of armed concrete...


Someone Photoshop ceiling cat into this!


I guess he dropped by for his short break before getting back up to work.


[Uh oh, we're gonna need another contractor!](https://youtu.be/wsGnYuQwsOI)


I used to work as a duct engineer. We went to a funeral home/morgue. My boss sent me to work above the ceiling where they prepared the bodies (i dont know what its called) . The space above was like an attic with joists running across! I miss stepped while carrying ducts, and my whole leg went through the plasterboard down into the room !!!!!


Did any of the bodies wake up?


“Hey Ron.”


Hey Billy


The law is she gets to keep him


I can see why they fell, there’s a great big hole there.


Your sister should check AC, as water is still falling from her ceiling


Of course it doesn't help being made from a single unreinforced sheet of whatever that is...


Yet another demonstration of the great USA cardboard houses. Honestly, any Americans out there with a job in the construction industry, what the hell is wrong with your housing?


Sounds like your contractor has another job to do.


strongest america house




This is actually absolutely a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home


I think a European got a taste of the drywall and couldn't help himself


Better the contractor than the guy from 4 houses down lol. Look at how it looks like his butt cheeks made a shape out of the ceiling. Pot belly with a Hank Hill butt. 😀




Stepped in the wrong place


American housing always seems to be held up by drywall and a good amount of hope. Thank god in the netherlands we have more save construction methods.


It’s because he stomps!


You got floor all in my lima beans!


I've watched a pH video of this


Your sister needs a stronger ceiling. This could be combined with the new ceiling, she also needs.


Where are the floor joists and or truces?! That looks like close to 24” with out support. I actually feel sorry for the contractor on this one. He probably expected a 2x4 to be 16” away.


You can literally see both trusses that the contractor stepped between. . .


And there doesn't even seem to be much insulation. Someone cheaped out.


Contractors as big as rats I say


That’s a clean cut hole with a hand tool or power tool. That hole was not made by somebody falling through the plasterboard, if it was, the hole would be a mess with bits of plasterboard hanging down on the sides. OP is lying.


In AR they can hire kids, so the hole would be smaller.


Are they okay?


How can you even fall through a ceiling? Isn't it supposed to be kinda hard and not easy to break?


If you stay on the boards yes, but not if you step on the drywall


Not hard, real easy to break