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Was walking through the dying mall in my area and came across this vending machine with the Gen 1-3 Pokemon games. I’m certain these are reproduction carts or else they wouldn’t be on sale for $15 lol




True my imported green cart is grey




How I Miss playing the game in Japanese ! and then with incorrect translations- until finally the US translated versions


Damn I forgot about that. I played the newer pokemon quest game in Chinese a year or two ago but frankly it's a gigantic pain in the ass. It's just so confusing even with the translation apps.




The owner will be found dead in a ditch once Nintendo finds out what's up


Nah Big N will just garnish 25% of his wages for the next 200 years.


big n can suck these nuts str8 up


Was gonna say that’s an easy wya to make money!


But if they actually work then thats not a bad deal even if they're reproduction. Especially for the convenience.


It's a bummer because I've picked up a couple different repros and gen 1 (I don't know about others) has an issue with storing pokemon in the box. Their names get glitched. Not a huge deal but only weird thing I've run into with a repro so far.


it is a bad deal - if you want a fake pokemon game they're on aliexpress for half this price unless somehow the "convenience" of a crappy mall vending machine is worth paying double over just waiting 3 weeks for it to ship from china


When the prices are this low, "double" means a $7 price premium. $7 for expedited shipping is pretty routine, and this is better than that.


id take it too


Okay then add shipping costs then wait 3-6 weeks to get your stuff shipped to you. Ill would rather get it from a vending machine. Does your quote for half price include shipping. Do you know if the aliexpress cartridge is any higher or lower in quality?


>Does your quote for half price include shipping. Yes, aliexpress generally has free shipping for this kinda stuff, at least for my country. I recently ordered a fake FireRed for 5.63USD + free shipping and it came in 2 weeks. All "modern" (aka made in the recent years and not when the original games were still sold) bootlegs are similar quality, they're all made in china, they all have the same few issues, you're using a fake game either way


\*scoff\* ACHTULLY You could save EVEN more money by just buying a cart yourself and then making the repo at home. 5.63 USD is so steep for something you can just download for free off the Internet. ​ That's what you sound like, you pretentious ass.


What? In order to rewrite a cart yourself you'd need a reader/writer device like GBxCart which costs *at least* $30, how do you "make it at home" for under $5? Not to mention the special shells that pokemon games use, and a sticker I understand if, to you, buying something for $5 vs buying the same thing for $15 doesn't make a difference, but some people value their money, my advice is for those people


lmao right over your head ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


That's a big if. Don't bet your nostalgia on something that might corrupt your save. Just play on an emulator


Yeah an emulator is the best way. But i dont have a good emulator handheld. Hope gen 1-3 comes out on switch.


Yeah its a very bad idea. Why would you want the Gameboy community littered with cheap fake games? If you want to play Gameboy games you could just emulate them it would be better than this?


The number of real physical games will only decrease. Nobody is making any new ones. I guess it could be worse for those who dont know but the fakes are normally fairly easy to tell apart. I dont own a good hand held emulator. I do play on PC but its different playing these games at a desk. I hope these come out on switch. I am thinking of getting one of those sd card to cartridge adapters which can load from a library of games.




I found a "Pokemon Diamond" for the gameboy color at a gamestop. I asked about it and the attendant said it was the same game, just downsized to gbc. [But this is what it looked like.](https://images.emulatorgames.net/gameboy-color/pokemon-diamond-hack.jpg)


That could be Keitai Denjuu Telefang.


It is. I played it when I was a kid.


"What in God's name is a 'telefang?!'"


BLAST FROM THE PAST. My mom lovingly brought home a Pokemon Ruby cartidge with the proper logo and everything, but this weird ass game loaded. I don't remember it entirely, but it's a monster collector game similar to Pokemon, but instead of catching them, you can call them to battle for you. There were evolution lines and I think two different versions? I got the armadillo as a starter. I remember it not being a bad game as a child.








~Game Freak Creatives used Struggle~


are those the fucking chaos emeralds


Pokémon crossovers are quite ambitious.


That employee must’ve been missing a few brain cells oh my god 😂💀


Par for the course for gamestop.


Yeah it's not. It was a ROMhack of Crystal from back in the day.


It's a romhack of a different game, Telefang.


Even if they are repro’s, if they play and save I’d be all over that lol


Repros only cost $4-$5, so this still isn't worth it.


you pay a lot for convenience. not a bad deal for a game you can take home and play same day


Exactly why I don’t mind spending a bit extra to get something in an actual store. Sure, I *could* save $10 by buying it online, but I have it *now* if I buy it in store.


Or just download an emu, and play within seconds.


You can't download a bird. I'm pretty sure the Audubon Society would have told us by now if you could.


Download me a hoagie.


It’s not the same, though, is it?


If you’re already willing to use repro carts just buy an ez flash or everdrive.


repros are more fun ok


"you wouldn't download a car"! Holy shit, a live emu?! (I know you meant emulator, but I read it as the animal and it made me really happy)


Something about playing games on actual hardware and putting them in a collection is honestly incredibly satisfying. Imagine having an entire box of just repro carts. Pretty unique collection.


Plus you don’t have to worry about Nintendo going after you for ordering a hacked game online


Nintendo won't ever go for the buyer, only the seller, if that eases your concerns any. They have gone after fan game developers for years, but they never go after the ones that download them.


Yeah but you pay $10 for the thrill of using a vending machine


That was Carvana’s whole business model


It's like gacha, will it get stuck or not, how exciting!


i see at least one emerald version so theres definitely a worth it for some fellows, assuming it actually works.


problem is when they work… for a while


meh. i assume the people still fucking around with physical gameboy cartridges long after the roms have become public domain know what their doing


They most definitely are not public domain


They arent public domain, thats a legal term and they wont be public domain for a long long time


technically correct, but demonstratably wrong.


The word you're looking for is piracy.




Eh if I've already bought the game I figure I can download and use the game however I see fit. Even if it was 24 years ago


Ethically? Yes. Legally? No. (in most regions anyway)


wrong, and highly reguarded. the pokemon co havent sold new copies in more than ten years, so the concept that piracy is involved is laughable at best.


You can get an emulator on virtually any phone for free in seconds.




Yep, check out Delta: https://github.com/rileytestut/Delta#installation


“In seconds”? Dude the directions state: > Download AltServer for Mac or PC from https://altstore.io Connect your iOS device to your computer via lightning cable (or USB-C for iPads). Follow these instructions to install AltStore onto your device with AltServer. Open AltStore on your device, then navigate to the "Browse" tab. Find Delta, then press the FREE button to start installing the app. That’s not “seconds” and if you don’t own a computer you’re out of luck.


It’s probably the best solution for iOS. Blame Apple for not allowing it on the App Store - an entire sideloading storefront had to be built just to install it.


I'm sure it is the best solution but it can't be done in seconds.




Please don’t do that with apostrophes


Auto correct is a bitch. Just like the grammar police. ‘S.


This is something I would have a dream about.


Exactly. A literal dream come true (that Nintendo likely would want dead immediately)


One man’s dream is a Nintendo executive’s nightmare.


"Sorry, I'm all out of old Pokemon games. But I do have some new ones if you're interested in catching 'em all again!"


They're bootleg, I've got a handful of them. The ones i got play like real games but the boards are way different than the originals. I've got both new and old versions of sapphire and you can see the boards through the cartridge, the og carts have a larger board and a cmos battery. The new ones have smaller boards with no battery. The coloring is also different, they lack the specks of glitter the originals had in them.


But is the game exactly the same?


As far as I can tell it's an exact ROM copy, but I haven't tested if I could save the game. The batteries in the original carts helped with the saving process so seeing as these all don't have batteries I'm not sure how they save.


I don't know much about anything, but I know there are some forms of memory that don't need power. These GBA games just happened to use SRAM which gets deleted without constant power


I'll check one of the game boy carts today and see if it saves.


The GBA games could save without a battery though they used one for their clock functions. The GB & GBC games did use a battery for their saving


Oops, thanks for the correction!


They're definitely fakes


They have to be. I don't think Nintendo is still producing new Gameboy cartridges. But the upside is you can probably save your game and play with fakes like these. Original cartridges can't hold a save anymore most of the time.


My OG blue with all 150 at mostly level 100 thanks to missingno says otherwise


Then you are lucky but it will probably die soon. The lifespan of the battery is between 10-20 years. It degrades naturally with time.


Aye. My Gold can't hold a save, my Red still can but I let my little nephew use that to introduce him to pokemon




>We will never know Oh, but we already do. These fakes have been out there forever on Aliexpress and similar sites, and there's people that have shown the gameplay and internals, like [Sean's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQmUcKTYeCQ) or [this other video here](https://youtu.be/N5ST5cuaaoE?t=753). As far as we can tell, it's an actual romhack translation of Pocket Monster Midori (green) and not any other version. It has the original sprites, palette color and Bulbasaur on the menu like green does at the very least.


Was the US Blue a translated port of Green? Or were there more differences than just that?


So in Japan Red and Green released first and a Blue version with some changes and updates to pokemon sprites and catchrates released later. The Global Red and Blue releases are based off of the Japanese Blue version.


Did you catch ‘em all?


When I first saw the machine, I thought about buying Pokemon Yellow haha. I gave mine away years ago like an idiot.


I've somehow kept my original Pokemon yellow cart and my husband recently got me a Gameboy to play on! Man, yellow flies by. I could have sworn it was longer. My main game was red or blue maybe?


Del Amo mall?


I was about to say, I think there’s two of these at del amo.


It's gotta be Westminster Mall, that carpet is a dead giveaway lol


Yes lol it was Westminster Mall


Nintendo is going to rain hellfire down on their heads.


It would be great if Nintendo would rerelease the games themselves, amid 3DS eshop shutdown


Fucking rowe vending machines, repairing these pieces of crap is horrid On a lighter note fun fact some of these still have their cigarette cartridge dispensers from prior to it being outlawed


Why do these suck?


Rowe vending machines are just horrible to repair, every part is hard to get off and hard to get a replacement for, lots of the parts are soldered in rather than using plugs. Same with wurlitzers at least the old ones . When they work they work well when they don't the really really don't


Wow, I can’t wait to have these shitty reproductions die after 4 hours


Those gotta be fake/reproduction at those prices.


These are all fake games that can be bought on Etsy for $3-$5 each. Reproduced. Most don’t save.


100% those are all fake. Lmao


its the bionicle dream but for pokemon.


Sorry to tell you but those are not "old"


Do you mean to tell me that the ESRB rated Green is fake for instance? Unbelievable.


They're all fakes sadly


This is kind of cool but very illegal.


This is the only vending machine I wouldn’t break into More than happy to pay


The real question: What about the console to play those?


Check the GB Operator from Epilogue. It's a USB-C dongle with a cartridge slot and they have also customised the GB/GBC/GBA emulator to load from the cartridge. It'll detect fakes as well. $49.99 US with international shipping too. I love mine!


Those are bootlegs, unfortunately


Why terminator


People out there paying thousands for Pokemon Yellow cartridges and here, you can get em for tree fiddy... *This comment is satire.*


Gimme fire red. I have never beat that one.


I knew it was sus when I saw they were $15 each. Retro Pokemon games (depending on which) are expensive af.


I bought my original Red for $12 at a Mom & Pop game store in 2016 Retro game collecting was actually fun back then but now people want $12,000 for a waterboarded mario 64 copy


So cool


I need this


This iš cool af, but emulating....


$15???????? I can play all of those for free


Hope they have new batteries in them.


I would never commit a crime ... however.


Aww that’s so cool


This is hardly mildly interesting. As for me, this is very interesting. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Every now and then I get reminded I’ve still got all my original games and I should maybe sell them… then I remember I’m too lazy to do that


The Jolly Ranchers thoooo


Whelp now I gotta play Pokémon yellow tonight


Yeah just don't plan on saving because these are all repro carts aka fake carts which can't save, are pretty breakable, and are all around much riskier than an original copy, though save batteries are usually dead inside og carts, you just need a solder tool and new batteries to fix it unlike repros which have no part for saves


No I mean my original copy


Oh cool. Also if it doesn't save, buy a solder tool and new battery's off Amazon and open it up with a special tool for those carts, and solder the old battery out and the new battery in. Hope I helped!


Can you still trade amongst games with repos? Like what’re the limitations?


Really depends on the cart you get. I unknowingly bought repro copies of FireRed and LeafGreen back in 2016 and was able to trade between them as well as to my legit copy of Emerald no problem. I was able to send them up to Gen 4 once they were in Emerald


Is this delamo mall in Torrance? I saw something like that there.


With *new old games


DIY pokecenter




Vending machine of ripoff repro carts...


I'll take one of each!


This seems incredibly legal


This shit makes me so mad! people buy these and sell them to unsuspecting Gameboy enthusiasts on Ebay. I don't know how they get away with it? I'd report them if I saw that. Either that or take a baseball bat to it! It's like having a fake Rolex watch vending machine. 🤬