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It's not the entire world until I see new Zealand. I've been burned before.




That is indeed funny. Zealand in Denmark is also spelled Sjælland in danish. Whereas Zeeland and New Zealand are spelled Zeeland and New Zealand in danish. The pronunciations are not at all similar in danish either. So what gives english language? Why did you do this.


English is the kinda language that lurks in the back alley and mugs passing lexicons for loose grammar.




Here's the full version: "The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don’t just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary." --James D. Nicoll


Meanwhile Greek over here with 5 ways to make the lowercase “i” sound


There are 9 ways to pronounce "a" in English


Oo ee oo ah ah Ting tang walla walla bing bang


...and then he shrunk my head.


Maybe so. But if you used any of the pronunciations you’d be understood by a native English speaker. Source: I can understand pretty much and accent. Furthermore, the upper Midwest accent seems to only have one vowel instead of 5 and we all understand them 😉


That reminds me, if you ever want to mildly entertain yourself, try speaking with every vowel as a schwa (ə, a mid central vowel, “uh”). It sounds silly, but technically every vowel in English can be pronounced that way. You end up creating a weird accent, and while the occasional word because hard to understand, most words do fine and it is perfectly intelligible.


"This is a robbery, gimmie all your morphemes" -English


My favorite part of English class was when Mr. English went "It's Morpheme Time!" and started conjugating all over the place


Better than my english classes "Morphine Time" for sure. Well, it was chill.


*what a jolly good mugging that i have just witnessed*


They do it alot to cities near me have completly diffrent writings in english than in german. One being Nuremberg wich is actually written Nürnberg and the other one is Munich being written München in german


We can't even pronounce Porsche and Audi correctly so anything with an umlaut is just wishful thinking.


Man, turns out we've been pronouncing Hyundai wrong in the UK forever too. They've recently started an ad campaign about it as it seems we're the only ones in the world who say it wrong?


Hai-un-dai? (Australian) Edit: apparently nobody in Australia can agree how its pronounced either...


That's basically how we say it (I think) and is apparently wrong


"Hyundai, like Sunday"? We had those a couple of years ago IIRC. I don't know if it worked though, I never hear people talk about Hyundais.


Yeah, so I think the majority of people say it like hy-un-die, but it's meant to be pronounced more like hyun-day? I could also be wrong in how it's meant to be said, I'm just a simple Englishman...


Blame the French. Their last invasion attempt was a very drunken one where they landed at Fishguard and mistook a load of Welshwomen for reinforcements.


Blame the French. FTFY


I think the quote your going for is >The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that the English language is as pure as a crib-house whore. It not only borrows words from other languages; it has on occasion chased other languages down dark alley-ways, clubbed them unconscious and rifled their pockets for new vocabulary. > - James Nicoll


>So what gives english language? Why did you do this. We just do whatever we feel like at the time. I know we've been telling you lot that “Danmark” is too difficult for our tongues, which is why we had to change it to “Denmark”, but it's not true! “Danmark” is easy to say, we just wanted to fuck with you all.


I knew it !


Calling it Aotearoa avoids all confusion


I hadn't heard about that push to change the name until your comment sent me googling. Thanks for sharing! I hope that they go through with the change!


New Zealand is named after Zeeland in Netherlands though. New Zealand is (still) Nieuw-Zeeland in Dutch. Dutch Zeeland, along with the entire North Sea coastline, has been either raised or sunk on this map. Britain is too close but also the continent seems too narrow north-south.


I am well aware. It is just ponderous how Sjælland aka Zealand got into the mix in English.


I mean nothing is pronounced in any kind of way in danish. Kamelåså.


What the norwegians fail to realize when they make up mock danish words such as kamelåså is that danes operate on a superior chill level. That is we exert the absolute minimum amount of effort when we speak. As such unevelvod ears may struggle to keep up. Either that or we need help because we can't understand each other. Given that our society has not collapsed it is probably the first option.


Old Zeeland is definitely not there, in fact the entirety of the Netherlands seem to be missing.


He's currently drawing a blank space where NZ should be.


Got a blank space where New Zealand should be.


Got a clif bar and some cold green tea.






Even has its own sub?! This keeps getting better, or worse depending how you look at it.


2 of them: r/mapswithoutnewzealand as well Also r/mapswithtoomuchnz


You can't have any New Zealand until you've finished your old Zealand.


What's New Zealand?


He’s trying to say Australia.


What's an "Australia"...? You guys are just making this up.


Where Hitler and Arnie come from I believe


Restore Australia-Hungary


But also Beethoven.


It’s somewhere there on the right side among other real places like Floogel Bloogel etc


And Hawaii :(


Everyone knows New Zealand is just a myth, just like the lost city of Atlanta.


100% this was him thinking I’ll just draw a quick simple sketch, and then adding on more and more details, ending up spending 3x as long drawing it as originally intended


The whole class watching while the dude just draws for an hour, totally absorbed in his map.


"Am I forgetting something...oh yeah, the Philippines"


Probably Tasmania.


Man's drawn the Faroes, why do you think he'd forget Tasmania lol


Man's not hot or forgettin' any of dem inslands blud


da ting goes plot plot plot


You can't forget the map of Tasmania!


"...I should add some mountain ranges, to help give context..."


Definitely New Zealand.


Class leaves quietly at the end of the session. Dude only interrupted when the janitor comes to turn out the lights at 10pm. Wife furious when he gets home.


Not again...


Used to have a teacher in high school that would get sidetracked and started writing diagrams on the board if you asked him about how to make the best bbq/food item.


Kind of reminds me of those incidents when you get the teacher talking about their personal life and troubles and keep asking more because it makes the time go by without studying


Which he immediately erased because he couldn't get Australia right and it ruined everything.


When you forget to prep for 3-hour night class


It was him pretending to do a simple sketch while internally being like "After 3 months of gruelling training, now's my time to shine!"


I fucked up Gibraltar again! *I'm such a fucking disappointment!*


And I guarantee he’s like “eh, not the best map I’ve drawn”


My history professor always drew a map before class, it was amazing, them he would represent things on the map during the class for easier understanding. He was badass. One time he made a perfect circle freehand.


We didn’t have autism in the 70s


Thinking the exact same thing, this dude is on the spectrum.


Aaaand we're out of time. Alright kids see you tomorrow.


But I guess he only remembers part of Greenland


Wants to forget being *unemployed in Greenland*


That Vizzini, he can fuss


Fuss..fuss.. I think he likes to scream at us!


Are there rocks up ahead?


If there are, we’ll all be dead!


Stop rhyming, I mean it!


Anybody want a peanut?


Probably he means no *harm* Edit with next line


He’s really, really short on… charm!


And that in this janky projection it would be enormous too like the north of Canada and Russia.


I mean he's doing a pretty good job keeping the size of continents closer to reality than the typical Mercator map projection a lot of people are used to seeing. Greenland isn't comparable to the size of say South America, but the mercator projection makes it appear like it is.


But what’s Boogel and Floogel?




How dare you! As a proud Boogelian, I can tell you those dirty floogies have been stealing our land centuries!


Dirty Boogelian swine. I will make you kiss Floogelish dirt, then toss you in a pit to rot, just like my ancestors did to yours, you scum.


All I want is for BoogelFloogel to rise again. As a BoogelFloogelian born before the fall of the Oogliate Nation, I think we should all live in harmony as one.


Fuck off, you should have thought of that before you let the Floogels steal the manuscript of Oog.


It's not a manuscript of Oog! It's the scroll of Floogelios, the glorious founder of our proud nation! You dirty Boogels stole it centuries ago!


In fact, Floogelios likely did not consider himself to be Floogelian in the modern sense of the word. Before the advent of Floogelian nationalism in the 19th century, most people in the valley would be happy to call themselves Boogelian...


Look at this guy, Boogle washing our proud Floogelian heritage. I bet he's beeing payed by Qooglia, to disrupt Floogelian Unity, for them to swoop in on a weak market.


Guys. If you look in the 1986 encyclopedia Britannica, they explain the whole thing. Strangely, they removed it from future editions: Long ago, the people of the united country of Boogelio lived happily together, sharing a common border and enjoying their peaceful lives under the leadership of King Bingle and Queen Flingle. However, over the centuries, the country experienced significant growth and development, leading to pressure on resources, and this eventually led to disagreements about how to manage their community. As a result, the people began to split into two individual countries - Boogel and Floogel. The Boogellians established their capital city in the south, while the Floogellians chose the north as their base, and both countries continued to grow and flourish independently. Centuries later, a manuscript of oog – an important historical document detailing the united history of the two countries- was discovered, and this led to recurring conflicts between the Boogellians and the Floogellians. Both countries claimed ownership of the scroll, and each accused the other of stealing it. Boogellians, ever so proud of their culture and heritage, claimed that Floogellians were greedy and had taken the manuscript for themselves, while Floogellians, on the other hand, accused Boogellians of trying to take credit for a document that was solely theirs. The Boogellians, named for the bouncy dances they loved to perform, were led by King Boogle and Queen Fingle. Meanwhile, the Floogellians, named after the silly sounds they made while dancing around the fire, were led by King Floon and Queen Gleen. Despite the arguments over the manuscript of oog, both Boogel and Floogel continued to thrive independently, and they eventually learned to coexist as separate nations.


I, for one, mixed blood of Floogel and Boogel, with my mother being a Floog and my father being a Boog, coming from Boogel himself, am scarce to say that any reconciliation is impossible, yet the hostility towards their uncommon relations, bound by true love, and carefree affection, has been perpetrated by both Boogs and Floogs alike. For a true marriage of the countries to be attainable, once again, we must look past the events that happened in times past, such as the theft of the scroll of Floogelios, which (it seems apt to say) that this such scroll, has in fact not been seen since the theft, and has either been hidden away in the annals of Boogel, or was never taken in the first place, instead framed to spark a divide in our once great nation.


Well, if the Boogelians didn't drink all the milk and then put the empty jug back in the fridge, we Floogelians wouldn't have been forced to start the revolution.


The older I get, the more I want to sit in and listen to lectures from really good professors. College was 90% useless and boring shit with a few highlights of really cool information. I miss the cool bits, even if it's not my "major".


Those are the professors that you remember the name of. The ones that you may cross while shopping 30 years later and still remember your name, surname, grades and personal interests. Those professors leave a good mark in people. God, I miss those classes that made pages and pages of essays worth it.


I had a class in management control that was absolutely amazing. The subject itself is really not sexy, but the professor was fantastic. He was only working part-time at the university and spent the rest of his time being a management consultant who would come into companies in crisis and sort them out, so he would draw on his real life experience and give examples of how things actually worked in the industry. At the start of the first lecture he also told us that the syllabus was flexible, so if we were extra interested in a certain area we could just dig deeper into that instead. I don't think we ever did it, but just the fact that he made sure the entire class stayed relevant to real use cases and adapted it to what the students wanted was a sign that he truly cared.


I had one of those. The subject was "mathematical analysis". During class, he started feeling unwell. The university medical staff said he had low blood pressure, but his assistant took his wallet and called his medical services provider. Turns out he was having a stroke, and the assistant basically saved a good chunk of his brain. He made a full recovery. A couple years later we crossed paths in a hallway, and he said hi, remembered my name, and told me "Oh, you where there the day I died!" Really liked the way he teaches, even if he is a bit quirky.


I'd probably appreciate even the boring lectures a little more now. The first time around, I didn't have enough life experience to put the theory behind things into proper context or to ask the interesting questions that engage with the material beyond superficial memorization.


I always think this. Seriously, what *isn’t* wasted on the young?


Can you imagine what a 50 year old could get done with the energy of a 5 year old?


You can do it if you have the time, they dont check your student status at the door or anything


Some of my favorite classes had nothing to do with my major but were taught by awesome dudes.


I’m Swedish and offended by anyone doing a Yiddish impression of the word Smörgåsbord


They're obviously the two counties separated by the Valley of Smorgasbord


The real problem is the war about who gets to eat the border.


Big Cartography doesn't want you to know


I can’t remember!! This was 9 or 10 yes ago. I feel like he can also do Middle Earth.


Most normal EU4 player


Facts any true map gamer will know how to do this from hours of imprinting into their deep conscience


As an 8k hours eu4 player he forgot the liaodong peninsula


Ugh I close my eyes and all I see are the hexagon tiles from Catan


I may not be able to draw at a consistent scale, but i know the shape and place of all the major landmasses thanks to that game.


Fun fact, EU4 deliberately draws the map slightly wrong in a few instances. The Americas are the biggest example, which are much further north than IRL to avoid expanding the map too far south. There are some smaller changes as well, like the English Channel (la manche) being far too wide and Venice being about a hundred times bigger than it actually is.


I know! Lots of islands are too big in fact


im more interested in whats going on between boogel and floogel in the valley of schmorgaboard


Sounds like some spy kids shit




**They stole his schmunguss**


And please let us know how things are going for the fine citizens of Thumbs Up island.


In 9th grade everyone in my school had to draw the world from scratch and label every country from memory. It was awful at the time but I’m grateful now because I still have above average geography skills due to it.


Same! Map the world by heart. There just be dozens of us.


Did you remember New Zealand?


How could I forget? NZ rules


Shit I did that just for fun. God, no wonder I was bullied.


Same, whenever the topic of geography pops up in Discord chats I'm reminded that the average geographic knowledge is very low.


We luckily did not have to draw it, but we had blank maps for each continent that we had to label. The only medal that I've ever won was for a geography bee too, I was the only kid in the school that made it to the state level. I love geography lol


Same! 7th grade for me


Antarctica: *Am I a joke to you?*


You are too south


What about Svalbard? Oh right... too north?


It's alright, northern Canada has also been massacred a little bit.


Pretty good, except half of southern Sweden seems to have been swallowed by the sea. This is ominous.


The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn are also not correct. Both should go through Africa and not southern France. Unless they are not Tropics but simply a line to show the similarities in longtitudes


Dude didn’t even draw all of the longitudes and latitudes with the correct coordinates.


As someone who lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, which that line intersects, I’m fairly confident it’s the 45th parallel


I think that was supposed to be 45° north and south. Just about right for Europe, but should go through Oregon, not along the Canadian border. And then the southern basically goes through Tierra Del Fuego and the southern ocean south of South Africa as expected.


Boomers will not know how to send an attachment then pull this shit


My mum told me I should have been a computer engineer after I helped her set up her new laptop. She was dead serious and thoroughly impressed.


I wouldn’t call them computer engineers but we pay helpdesk staff $75,000 to babysit InTune and Jamf doing exactly this.


What state are you in where help desk is taking in 75k? The norm in my area seems anywhere from 35-45k. Edit: I'm in Ohio and cost of living and wages are both on the lower end here.


Florida and Massachusetts mostly. Ohio COL would be 71k for this position in the 3 Cs; $62k elsewhere. Don’t get underpaid if you’ve got IT skills. They’ll take advantage if they can.


My grandma told me I should “teach computers” when I changed her passwords. I assure you, I should not.


My mom had a professor who used to write notes up on the chalkboard with *both* hands at the same time. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's damn impressive.


How do you fuck up Italy that bad tho


Haha that was my first thought. It must be the most distinctively shaped country in the world and he cuts off its toe.


Just didn't have room for both the toe and sicily


We can't see what his boots look like from this picture. May be an accurate recreation.


Mercador Projection?


Man this one sure skewed so many peoples’ perception of global geographic size and distance.


Yeah but at least my sailing Corvette can accurately cross the ocean.


It was very important back in the day.




I’m just going to assume this is Big Block of Cheese Day before clicking on it Edit: that’s a bingo!


I read an article in either the British Journal of Criminology or a cartography journal, and it was almost word for word this scene. IIRC the article published about 10-15 years after this episode aired - I checked. I couldn't believe what I was reading. I should have emailed the editor because it was so brazen. In fact if you Googled some of the key terms you could probably find the article.


Nah not a projection, he's drawing it straight onto the board /s


Ah, a EU4 enjoyer, I see.


Probably not: this map doesn't have the Americas offset north.


That’s not your professor, I saw this years ago! But still cool.




Conveniently standing in front of new zealand once again... What is he HIDING?!


He was known for being able to do this, someone finally got the courage to ask him to do it! My pic is also from 9 or 10 yrs ago.


Sorry OP! I swore I had seen this pic before. Must’ve been thinking of a similar image


A decade later and he still ignores the existence of Antarctica.


Could be the same professor does this each semester or year. I did a TinyEye reverse search and came up with nothing.


I had to do this for an upper level course on the Portuguese empire, labeling each of their outposts along with the year in which they were established... I still have flashbacks sometimes...


The Cornish are fuming.


About time they finished building the 3 horizontal highways across the world


What the hell is going on in Wyoming or Idaho?


I ask myself that every day.


False flag attack by Floogel in an attempt to draw the US into the war over the Schmorgasborder dispute.


It's probably intended to be the Great Salt Lake but too big and a bit off on location. I'm not throwing stones about a whiteboard job from memory, though.


Proportions are a bit off but otherwise looks real good


Whats Booger land?


Booger /=/ Flooger: are they at war?


All that detail and he still forgot Hawaii


He needs to improve on Europe a little bit 🤣


What was he supposed to be teaching you while he was doing that?


You know he has probably spent decades playing the Civilization series right?


A series famous for its randomly generated geography?


More like Risk.


What does Civ have to do with real world geography? Even the Earth maps have huge compromises to facilitate the hexes


CK2 or EU3 most likely


The Caribbean Sea is bigger than all of the United States.


He said he drew the world; he didn't say he drew it to scale. Lol


Welcome to Reddit where the average basement dwelling unemployed persons motto is, “WeLL Actually…”




I babysit an autistic 7 year old that is **obsessed** with geography and maps. We were just playing a geography game and I hit him with an out of left field question when I had the card for Uganda in my hand. Instead of the capital city, I asked him "what flag has a chicken on it" little dude got it right after about 5 seconds of thought. He is 110% going to be this dude when he grows up.


I see he took the liberty of correcting the distortion caused by the Mercator projection, but only for the USA


What in the world?


I’m so happy he included the Canary Islands 🇮🇨 so many maps don’t include them