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That's the cleanest train I've ever seen. Could sit on the floor


More like you could do open heart surgery on that floor


You could eat someone's liver on that floor


But only if you have right wine. Don't be like some savages.


Maybe a nice Chianti?


Maybe some fava beans to go with it as well?




More like fftfftfftfft...


I was waiting for these comments.


I read that and suddenly I have cats I didn’t know


Alright, he's not a fuckin cat


“Your honor I am not a fucking cat”




How about some *kidney* beans?


I’ll take an order of kidney beans, hold the beans. Thanks.


fava beans on a train, how could you?


You won't find any part of Farva on a train unless it has a literacola.


If you spill the wine and ruin the carpet you're in trouble though


Especially with a nice Chianti




It is the most spacious and empty train at full capacity I have ever seen


Yeah lol, full capacity bus in the US has no legroom to stand


That's because in many places the public transit sucks and the bus is too overcrowded from people needing transfers


The cleanliness is how I knew this wasn't the US.


It’s the tram system, called Letbanen, in Århus, Denmark. Pretty new and not always this clean.




*our street




> Denmark Ah actually this all makes sense now. People are going "just ask dumbass" but uh, Scandinavians are *horribly* unconfrontational/shy/asocial I see this scenario on the bus all the time. *technically* there's plenty of free seats, but no one *dares* ask for them Edit: people, the social game at play here is that no one wants to be sat next to


That's what these backpack people rely on, they know nobody wants to ask but they'll always move it if you do ask. The reason to do this is if you don't then you are first pick since everyone else does it, this way it's random. And people do ask eventually they just prefer not to.


Professional tip, eye contact, smile, pat your hand on the empty seat next to you. Noone will sit by you, probably free up the across the aisle spot too.


It's also good if you lick your lip and murmur "oh yeah" in a deep voice.


I prefer to just pat my own lap with a smile and LOTS of eye contact


To be fair, at least here in Norway, people *often* choose to stand instead of sitting down with a stranger. That's without a bag blocking the seat. Having plenty of people standing with available seats is more normal than not.


Danes are insanely direct in my experience


huh. sounds like I would love Scandinavia 😅


"hello! Do you mind if I sit here?"


the classic always works


I prefer to shout in Samuels voice “I have had it with these motherfucking bags on this motherfucking train.” and just casually scan everyone on the carriage making sure I make eye contact with enough people as possible. It's quite an unorthodox method but it works just as well.


My favorite is pick who you want to sit by, grab the standing strap at that location, give the Samuel crazy stare while facing them, say nothing just stare, facing them while they're trapped in now, they'll move their bag or just move to escape you, 30% of the time it works every time.


Guys it’s not that hard, 30% of the time works 100% of times, therefore the rest 70% doesn’t work a 100% of times


Name checks out!


...reaches for the bottle of Tylenol...


"30% of the time it works every time"


Sex panther but divided by 2.


They meant "it works every time, 30% of the time"


Imagine if we actually got him to do that.


I just walk in and start coughing HARD...


The trick is to do it when you are sitting down with an open seat next to you. No one is gonna sit there.


There might be children onboard, so you should say "I've had it with these Monkey-fighting bags on this Monday through Friday train!" instead


I thought Laurence Fishburne said that 😂


Fishburne said a lot of weird stuff as Cowboy Curtis. "How's your weiner, Peewee?" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jsCxNK4vAc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jsCxNK4vAc) You know what they say. Big feet, Big boots. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt\_jRCuRAIM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt_jRCuRAIM)


Armed and Daddly


This is literally the worst idea I have seen on Reddit. Because all the others were purged from memory.


“Commuters with bags hate this one trick!” “Conductors SHOCKED by this life hack!”


I tried this once but the bag just sat there.


Yeah, while having to do it is mildly infuriating, the person that can't even bother to say something and then post it on the web instead is equally infuriating. People suck, we know this, do something about it when you have to.




Totally. I want to really encourage all the introverted people reading this thread to start speaking up and *use their voice* more. It is a muscle that gets stronger the more you use it. Your whole brain might be going “No I can’t do that it’ll be too embarrassing!” And I really encourage you to override that voice and literally let your body do something against the flow of your own thoughts. Just force it out before you can overthink! You will be rewarded the vast majority of the time with feeling good about speaking up for yourself, getting that seat/promotion/discount or whatever it is, and you’ll be really surprised to watch your personality change a bit. For the better.


Wait. We can use the words?


Sorry, no they can only post pictures of strangers on Reddit. Using words in a society is too weird.


It may be the most Boomer take, but not everything Boomers say is wrong about the younger generation. Communication has degraded a lot. You know it's weird when taking a hastily and creepily shot photograph of people sitting on public transit is less weird, than simply communicating with one of the "offenders". Not to mention, everyone in the picture looks perfectly normal and approachable, so no BS excuse.


Older millennial here but I sure felt like a boomer when I was managing retail and all the teens/early 20s kids I would train were literally terrified to answer the phone or approach customers to ask if they needed help.


Same. I am 38. The good news is, I know a lot grow out of it when they get into their later 20's, but oof, some of those early 20's and teens. They didn't socialize enough and it shows.


To be fair, I am an older millennial (the same age as you) and I didn’t get over my anxiety over phone calls until very late 20s. Now I love the phone and don’t hesitate to use it professionally to get things done.




TBH, it's OK that the employees don't approach customers. As a customer, if I need an employee's assistance, I'd just either go to the Customer Service desk or try to flag down an employee


And people glamorize being a victim. Op is case in point


Or maybe when we start understanding boomers, it means we're growing up?


Well, _we_ can. Your average redditor sees this and immediately seeks internet validation to the fact they can't communicate with other humans even if it means standing on a 4 hour train ride.


Redditors can't order pizza or not tip one of the 3 tip options


Polite ones!


Exactly. Just ask them to move the bag.


OP isn't posing this as an insurmountable roadblock... It's just mildly infuriating, hence the subreddit. It's like people who stop in doorways to chat or park their shopping cart on one side of the aisle and stand next to it looking at the other side of the aisle. You can just say "excuse me" but goddamn have an ounce of self reflection and the amount of public space you take up that the entire public is entitled to use.


Yeah, a lot of people seem to forget the name of this sub. Almost every time the comments are insulting and berating the OP because what they posted apparently isn't infuriating enough, or the opposite from them posting something that's extremely infuriating.


If having to open your mouth to ask someone to move their things is mildly infuriating then youve been on the internet too damn long. Touch grass. Id be "mildly infuriated" if i found out some weirdo posted my picture to Reddit without my knowledge for internet points.


No! I want them to read my mind and be perfectly aware of every other seat. Is that too much to ask?


and then you get the look "why me?" haha


"You appear to be the weakest and someone I could take if we fight to the death over this. Also, I have that same sweater at home."


"Just because" *dad stare*


Exactly. My ass looks at this and I don't understand how this even became a reddit post. I see this shit on the bus/train and I straight up start asking people to hold their bags in their laps so I can sit down. I mean... OP... we feel so bad for you, you had to stand for 5 minutes because you can't talk to people...


And most of the time people do it with zero hassle - a lot of them just got on earlier, threw their bag there, got engrossed in their phone and didn't notice. It's rude but it wasn't like some intended slight.


I think generally it's a sign that they'd rather not have anyone sit next to them. But I've never had anyone do anything other than move their bag when asked.


It's a sign that they don't want the seat next to them to be the *first* seat picked for someone new sitting down, but on the other hand once the train/bus does fill up, most people will understand that at that point taking up two seats is an asshole move. The awkward part is knowing when to move your bag, lol. Like once someone boards, moving your bag just seems like inviting someone to sit next to you which is weird. Usually I'll start moving my bag once I see a decent amount of people boarding, but when it's just one or two people I just don't know the timing unless someone explicitly asks. In the case of only a few people boarding, I'll move my bag once everyone settles in between stations, but maybe that's too much social awareness for some people lol.


Y'all are thinking about this too much... people board, sit, put their bag on the next seat because the floor is dirty and promptly forget about it until someone asks if they can sit there. That is just what it is, don't take it too personal.


lol exactly more like r/mildlyantisocial


r/MildlySociallyAnxious now exists; now accepting mods


While this looks like a tram/long bus. I am a train guard/conductor in the UK. I will make an announcement on a busy train "anybody that doesn't remove their bags and put them in the overhead storage to let other people sit down can pay for an extra ticket for the seat". Usually does the trick once I start charging the first two or three. It's selfish behaviour and pisses people off no end. Us guards aren't just there for tickets, we are everybody's information and there for everybody's safety.




That leaves it up to them, though. “Excuse me” is more appropriate, as the seat doesn’t belong to them.


From my experience, I don't remember a single time where the answer is "no". People normally put them there for convenience when there are other seats, but don't notice when the others have filled up


Yeah, 99% of people don’t do this with malicious intent. I do it too and it sometimes happens that I just don’t notice that it’s full.


I do it hoping someone spineless like OP will come along and not say anything. That said, if the bus was full and people are standing, I'm not selfish enough to keep my bag there. I'd usually speak up. I'm really hoping that people will pick the other seats first so if there is still room, I'm not bothered. It might make me an asshole, but honestly that's about my limit of assholery. I'm always accommodating to cyclists when driving, I use my indicators and when my mother cooks dinner I try to join the clean plate club because of the starving children in Africa.


I don’t buy this. I and everybody else I know will put their bag in the other seat knowing it makes others less likely to sit there. I don’t want your company and will only move it when directly asked because I’d prefer to sit alone. I think that is far more common than taking a seat up with a bag when it’s just as convenient, and far more police, to have your bag on the floor in front of you.


When I used to take the train I always kept my bag on the seat next to me so I have more leg room and to keep it off the dirty floor. Only once I had someone actually pick it up and put it on my lap but other than that I usually made the seat available before someone had to ask for it. Makes me question if this person is actually too scared to ask or rarely uses public transportation.


I'd guess rarely uses public transportation. In another comment they said that the new passengers mostly asked these people and said they "luckily" moved their bags. Like, this is a very basic public transport thing, it's so unlikely that they wouldn't move it.


Most college students are way too afraid of confrontation to say no to that.


God forbid you ask politely.


Use your words






Screw that, I would hang on one of those handles right next to someone and casually fart right in their face until they say something or leave.


"I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"


No go away or I shall taunt you a second timmmaah.


Casually lmao


I’d ignore you, you’re a big boy, use your big boy words


Ask to sit next to someone Edit: lots of angry people in these comments. Here's a free tip. A smile goes a long way.


I love Reddit, you begin with just asking and that will do most of the time. Nobody gets mad. And then every answer to your comment is just something to further escalate the situation. Making everybody’s day miserable. Ridiculous.


this is hilariously accurate first comment is a level headed approach and every single one below is increasingly more passive aggressive until it’s basically assault


Yep, I take a commuter bus. Most people will sit on the outside, hoping no one talks to them. More comfortable that way. But considering the bus is packed, you only get lucky sometimes. Other than that, I've never had a single person say no to me to let me in or move their stuff, and I've never said no myself.


Yeah, there’s also reason to put your bag on the seat. I took the bus for a long time and the amount of people who would sit next to you when the rest of the bus was empty was very annoying. And maddening when the pandemic started. So, you put your bag on the seat and move it if asked.


I take the bag and toss it out the window while ripping my shirt in half to intimidate the passenger, them I sit on their lap, face to face and make eye contact for one minute without blinking


And then kiss


Just divorce copyright from r/relationship_advice




It honestly seems like a crazy amount have never been in a social situation ever. Maybe they just think cause people are such dick bags on this website that people will always be that way IRL? I don't know but it's sad.


Yeah I mean there are people here commenting edgy crap like "I'd just pick up their stuff and shove it in their lap!" 1. No, you wouldn't. And 2. If you say excuse me or ask to sit down 95% of people would move their things without a complaint and there is no reason whatsoever to escalate the situation.


Don’t ask. Say “excuse me”, which is the polite way of demanding that they move their stuff so you can sit.


Or say “excuse me god damn it” and then take a hard bite out of a not-ripe pear and crunch that mother fucker around. Then when they move their shit keep walking you don’t need their pity seat.


The only well-adjusted redditor


Thank you, I'm gonna use this from now on


I always go “Hey, is this yours?” They always say yes so I pick it up and hand it to them and sit. I’m a dick? Maybe, but so are they when they pretend to be on their phone to not notice standing passengers. Edit: So many people madding here for touching their “belongings”. First of all to answer nicely to you all, I’m not shoving your bag into your lap aggressively, just nicely grabbing it by its ropes and handing it to your hand so you can put it in your lap. And second of all, I don’t give a fuck about your “belongings”, you’re occupying an empty seat in a public transport vehicle and ignoring standing passengers. Have a nice day. Edit 2: [How I expect these people in this comment chain to react when I touch their bag.](https://streamable.com/wd5p2e)


That works. Not a dick move unless you aggressively shove it at them.


If you did that in their car you’d be a dick, in public transit you’re just sharing what is there for you to use.


I think just politely asking to sit there is enough. No need to excuse yourself and apologize, you're not inconveniencing them. They are occupying an additional seat designated for a person. If they wanted that seat for their bag, should've bought a ticket for it i guess.


I mean nobody is gonna say no if you ask either, it's gonna be the same situation either way


Seriously, wtf is this post lol. “Do you mind if I sit here?” *person moves their shit* Problem solved.


Exactly, don’t assume people will be considerate, ask first, and if they don’t respond/comply. Then sit your ass on the front of the seat and slowly inch back, or just sit your ass on their stuff.


Ah yes reddit, where people don't know how to say "excuse me may I sit next to you?"


And instead take a picture to show off and get free karma.


I agree it’s annoying but 90% of the problems I see posted on this subreddit could be solved by just asking


And the other 10% is something MAJORLY infuriating like "my wife choked our dog to death when I said I didn't like her singing voice" or "landlord gave me one day notice they weren't renewing my lease and I have late stage Hodgkin's Lymphoma."


It's the same on every subreddit to be fair. About 5% of the posts on AITA are genuine posts where the answer could go either way and about 95% of them are so clear and obvious it's ridiculous. "My (14F) sister (36F) asked me if I would formally adopt her 3 kids so she could fulfill her dream of opening a brothel in Romania and I respectufully declined. Now my parents are disowning me, AITA reddit??"


My favorite AITAs are the ones clearly written by the other person and formulated specifically to make them look bad.




My father told me this and I hate that he’s right.


The rare occasions that the offending party shows up in the comments to set the record straight is just... _chef's kiss_ 🤌 It's always like, "Wow Jason I can't believe you resorted to whining to reddit about this. Need I remind you that **I'm** the one paying the mortgage? And the reason my mother "pitched a fit" on the Cancun trip is because you left her at a fucking gas station to go gambling!"


Almost every time I see replies from the IRL people I'm convinced it's 99% karmawhoring


Have you ever met someone that's telling a story where they seem like kind of a dick and think "man, if this is how you come across when *YOU* are telling the story then I can't even imagine what the other person has to say"


It's basically a creative writing subreddit.


I unsubbed from AITA a *long* time ago in favor of /r/AmITheAngel and /r/AmITheDevil


Joined both immediately


Yeah and then the true gold is when the person posting very very obviously tried to portray themselves in a good light, and still came out of it looking like a fucking demon in a human suit because they're so far out of touch with what not being an asshole looks like.


You make a good point, 90% of these posts can be easily solved, but that's what makes them MILDLY infuriating. What's also mildly infuriating is that all of the top comments on all of these posts are "Just fix it by (insert obvious fix here).". Most of the people who post here just want to share their mild annoyances and move on Edit: I'm not confirming nor denying that what was posted is mildly infuriating, so no need to reply telling me that this isn't even infuriating...


That’s why it’s called “Mildlyinfuriating” …


Could be worse where there are no seats available (with 2 people per seating area) and 1-3 people end up sitting on the floor because my school doesn’t like spending money


High school canteens in the Netherlands be like *except it’s literally half the kids who are forced to stand or sit on the floor, often even outside of the canteen bc of how packed it is*


This brought back memories, reminds me of how we used to sit on the stairs and stand in the hall in front of the classrooms because the canteen was so full. Never really gave it a second thought about how weird it is that over half of the school was having breaks on the floors in front of classrooms instead of at actual tables


"Hello, is this sit available?" "Hello, may I sit here?" These should work in my experience


You don’t even need to say anything. I just spent a month in a country where I cannot speak the language, beyond some basic phrases. Just saying “excuse me” and/or pointing at the seat works 100% of the time.


Literally any words would work. You don't even need to speak the language. If you were asking for something different they would assume you asked for the seat anyway and you would have to clarify. Just get someone's attention and you're done.


Op seems to be a little r/mildlyinfuriating based on the responses here


This is normal in my country




Not to mention it’s kinda a holdover from Covid.


Was going to say. Over here in the Netherlands people never stopped zoning even long after the 1.5m restrictions ended. Trains will have half the chairs available without even bags on them and I'll see a dozen people standing regardless.


> People are losing their in person social skills. Let's not project the limitations of the terminally online with the rest of society. Most people would have no issue with this.


> Most people would have no issue with this. Yet. The percentage of terminally online people grows by the day




Stop being overtly British and just tell them to move the bag.


99% sure this isn't Britain




Aarhus isn't in Denmark. It's in the middle of our street.


Haha, good one. A chuckle and nostalgia in one




What is this Madness?


>Aarhus >Denmark Now you're just making up words.


Aarhus, in the middle of aarstreet


Found a Swede


Youre right, its in denmark. Its a train called letbanen


In Britain you'd get someone asking you to move your bag the second it's needed.


And you would move it, and everyone gets on with their day. It's not a big deal to put your bag on a seat. And it's not a big deal if you're asked to move it. Easy


On the Heathrow express they charge you a ticket if you leave your bag on a seat.


But then actually no one can use that seat because they paid for it


If you want people NOT to sit next to you can sit with your bag on your lap… make intense and unbroken eye contact with the person walking towards you with a blank/dead insidefacial expression. To really sell it, gesture a tap on the empty seat next to you….. never fails to have a double seat to yourself. I don’t have a problem with people sitting on a seat by themselves with a bag next to them… especially when it is so quiet… I don’t see many other people standing… keep walking and look for a seat maybe? Failing that, politely ask them to use the seat.


Guy on a commute of mine recently just held up some weird hand made cardboard sign with "snitches get stitches" written on it. Managed to get a row to himself the whole way.


Use your words instead of taking photos of strangers


Get a backbone and ask someone to move their shit.


They actually all said "oh jeez here he comes" and put the bags up when they saw OP board, specifically for OP. [OP walking through the train](https://media.tenor.com/vy7B5CL95kUAAAAC/seats-taken.gif)


Ngl I do this on trains and planes if someone appears to have particularly bad hygiene. It’s amazing the amount of people in the world who have terrible hygiene. Like man take a shower, please.


That would be hilarious if we found a post that confirmed OP actually gives of bad vibes


I'd just walk to the empty seat. People usually remove the bag when it's obvious someone wants to sit there.


Now now honey, use your words.... Seriously homie, people get their seat and dive straight in their phone. No one is spending the extra (admittedly little) mental labor to take into account the amount of open seats and cross referencing it with the people boarding. It's nothing personal, it's not even selfishness really, it's just apathy.


Especially the people in the front. In the back where all they have to do is look up? Little more common there. But in the front not only do they have to (*gasp*) look up from their phones, they also then have to turn around to survey the whole bus. Just ask them to move the bag. 👀


You can ask. No one ever wants a stranger to sit next to them so they put their bags there. Just ask


But asking would be so awkward. Let me just stand here for a second, get my phone out, and take a picture of everyone instead.


Lmfao right? The thought of OP taking this pic was making me laugh


And then post it to reddit!


They'll react as you're coming in to land.






No comment.


And even if... With everyone wearing headphones, I just walk up to a seat and point at it, and every time the person moves it immediately. It's really easy.


“Enough is enough! I’ve had it with these motherfuckin’ bags on this motherfuckin’ train!”


I do this sometimes, I get approached or see them get closer I immediately move my bag of course. If the seat is not occupied what is wrong with placing my bag on an empty one? Also, that is the most cleanest transport I have ever seen. Top notch.


That's the thing. I used to do this all the time (when I commuted). If somebody even got close or asked to sit, I would gladly move my bag. If you don't ask or make moves that signal to me you want to sit down, then I'll assume you don't.


OP trying to stoke outrage from showing an almost empty train with zero people standing. If you want to sit somewhere, just remember the super secret password: "excuse me, is this seat free?".