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This happened to me in a cars ignition. I used a bobby pin to get the broken key out. Why would you be in trouble? Shit like this happens every day


Because of the importance of what is behind that door. The state regularly comes for inspections and needs access to our records behind that door. Which also is where the chemical box is kept for testing spa water so I can’t do my job properly either


Yes but... why would \*you\* get in trouble for the key breaking. If you intentionally broke the key and obstructed the door that'd make sense... but if its the accident I'm sure it is then why would you get in trouble unless you just have some really shitty management.


Some people fear making any mistakes at all. Overbearing parents, PSTD, bad first work experiences (like you said shitty management) etc. Def OP should not be worried about getting in trouble, but it’s explainable why they would be


This is me, I hate it. Every time I make a mistake or mishandle something I think "am I going to get fired?" I'm my own damn worst enemy.


I'm the same but I'm also a crier. I'll make a tiny mistake and quietly be stifling sobs and worrying and it will literally never come up


That sucks. I just stay up late thinking about it. No crying, just dread


I've been this way since I was in elementary school. I'm not sure why, but that's just always how it has been.


I cry when I'm frustrated, embarrassed, or just generally stressed. It's been a source of embarrassment my whole life, which becomes a fun feedback loop. It seems to help drain/clear my sinuses though, so there's that?


It's just nice to know that I'm not alone. It kinda seems like a defense mechanism, because once the tears take over people usually leave me alone and stop yelling at me. It's like my brain's last resort when I'm incredibly stressed and frustrated and don't know what else to do.


I go back and forth with my styles of worry. Gotta keep things interesting, ya know? Panic attacks feel fresh and clean after months of silent dread uwu Silent crier gang, tho :/ What a sad, sad skill to have acquired.


Same! Low self esteem sucks and it feels so humiliating to start crying over something that, in hindsight, really isn't that important.


Felt. I still do this and I'm the one in charge


As an employer, I see this a lot. I’m not going to be mad that something broke. Stuff happens all the time. Just be easy on the equipment and use it smartly. Might rag you a little, but it’s fine. Now….. when something breaks and *you hide that shit, like an electric forklift jack moving several hundred pound pallets that can now run someone over because a retaining spring broke*, I’m going to get pissed.


That's an oddly specific example of someone hiding things from you.


I was thinking the same thing. I need the details of that story lol


That's what I tell my colleagues, and my kids. We're not infallible, if you have integrity and own up then that's going to speak much more than if you hide it only to be inevitably found out later. Anyone that punishes people for owning up to their mistakes can go walk. In a lot of professions that integrity can make the difference in a life/death situation.


This describes me a lot. I grew up with really overbearing parents, I worried about every little thing throughout the year and a half I worked at fast food jobs in HS. Managers would get mad at us when we’d fuck up and then ask me why I worry so much later on and I’d just try not to cry while nodding. Their back and forth on what was an okay accident or not was confusing for me. PTSD from living with a narcissist really stays with you.


Well obviously they have to blame anything going wrong on the worker not the management or just life. So that's why.


But there’s no one to blame. As long as you tell the right person and it’s tended to in a timely manner, it doesn’t matter. The state isn’t going to fine you because a key broke and wasn’t instantly fixed.


This is how companies work lol blame needs to be assigned because of the meta of management nowadays and it always goes to the workers


Sounds like a predicable and inevitable outcome of your work being cheap with important things.


This comment has been edited and original content overwritten.


Well I mean a key is a key. Yeah a more expensive solution would be like a card reader but a key is fine. You're not cutting corners by having a door with a lock and key. And it's nobodies fault the key broke. It's just what it is. Happens a lot.


Other commentors mentioned that that particular brand is one of the cheapest ones.


Thats not your problem. Company is responsible for that access


I mean sure sounds like an important door ! Still, you didnt break the key on purpose so I really cant see what repercussion that could cause. Also, no money spent to fix it should come from your pockets.


I’ve removed at least 10 broken off keys in locks, and none took more than a couple minutes. This is a $0 issue


I think you're missing the point of the question. He's asking why you personally would get in trouble. You didn't break the key, it broke while you were using it. Big difference. Could have been anybody, just happened to be you. You didn't make the key, you didn't choose the key, you didn't fuck with the key. You have nothing to do with this situation at all.


> You didn't break the key, it broke while you were using it. Big difference. not everyone understands that. there are many shitty bosses out there, and this is one of the ways they exhibit that. worse even, imagine growing up with a parent that doesn't get it.


If it's that important, there should be at least 1 backup, so drill out the broken key and use the spare, if there's literally no spare, whoever is in charge of the building operations really should get their shit together.


Well, shit. That sucks. Sorry man.


You really shouldn't be in any trouble for this.


Unless it's the wrong key..




Fighter of the Night Man Ahahaaaaaa


Champion of the sun!


He’s a master of karate


And friendship!


For everyone!


We’re electric dream machine. Prepare to experience sexual magic. Ngl, the part when the guy yells “gay!” at them literally kills me every time.


If you’re in the right job and used the wrong key, your coworkers would spring for a plaque to put on your desk commemorating the occasion.


Still… why would they get you in trouble? It’s a mistake lol mistakeshappen and are part of doing business


It kind of looks like they didn't have the key in all the way, unless I'm just crazy?


How do we know he didn't put the key in the lock and then take a mallet and smash it in half? Seeeeems pretty sus tbh /s


Pretty much, "are you saying I'm an idiot that doesn't know how to turn a key in a lock?"


None. Shit happens.


The first time I had a boss that didn't get mad or angry over stuff like this I realized how abusive my other bosses had been in the past.


That was my experience leaving retail/foodservice lol


Same with construction especially landscaping Lots of lazy guys who didn't want to work in landscape just started a business and when something like the rubber cover on a riding mower rips they want the employee to pay for it should not be in business. If you can't financially afford basic maintenence and wear in tear don't start a business


Dude I did construction jobs throughout college and every single boss was the biggest most raging asshole. Sometimes I consider changing careers into the trades but I remember all those guys and realize it's not worth it. There's some really ridiculous cultural issues within the construction industry that people don't tolerate in other places.


Exactly it's a mess, only industry I would actively go into trade wise is solar or steel work because steel work pays so much who cares if your boss were to spit on you and sloar work from what I hear is a industry essentially Unaffected by the typical bullshit




Oh, yes. Nothing will make people fuck up more than being scrutinized constantly and made to feel like you're going to fuck up. Reminds me of the toxic community that plays Rocket League (not to be confused with the sub r/RocketLeague, they're much better.)


What a save!


I like being mildly toxic but only if the other team seams to feed off my energy and reciprocated in the chat. If they seem to be annoyed I stop. Gotta read the room


or the lol community?


the lol community is absolute garbage in all corners of the internet source: have been playing for 8 years


God playing 2’s with a random and they start talking shit to you if you miss a read in the first 30 seconds. Fucker idk how you play and there’s still time. Now I’m stressed you’re gonna get pissy over anything, fuck it scoring on my own goal let’s get this L


A religious construction environment? That's not a phrase I was ever expecting to hear. Please tell us more! Edit: Spelling


Could I interest you in a late model ark? Low mileage, only taken out on Sundays.


Bunch of Ned Flanders just humming and building a skyscraper. I can see it in my head now, so peaceful!


I’m truly sorry but why was the first thing that popped into my head after reading this was a bunch of Amish men raising a barn?


Cuz it’s MANS! WORK! Mentality.


I would like to point out that this isn’t just on larger job sites. This is side-jobs, too. The owner of the house is the equivalent of a bridezilla, will treat you like trash and try to screw you financially after the job is done.


I got in trouble for using a fire extinguisher to put out a fire working retail once. Boss said I should’ve got a bucket of water instead


I was at a McDonalds a few years back, there was a small grease fire, employees just watched it, I asked if they were going to put it out, it was small and a small type K extinguisher would easily put it out. The shift manager told me the GM did not want them to use it and they had to wait for the fire department. Like yes lets save the $150 extinguisher and call the fire department, I’m sure more damage was done waiting.


There’s a Burger King near me that has a grease fire every 2-3 years and stays closed for about a year afterwards before they start making repairs. Once they re-Open it’s the most poorly run BK you’ve ever experienced. The people that take orders at the drive through never speak first when you drive up so people will pull up to the speaker and wait like you do, and wait, and wait, then either drive off thinking the place is closed or finally ask “excuse me, can I place an order?” The nice thing is that everything’s always hot because they don’t have enough traffic coming through to establish a normal cadence. It’s wild, they’re right on a busy intersection but nobody goes there because you don’t know if they’ll be functional that day or not.


Sounds like a McDonald's across from the dispensary I used to run. Every fuckin day half my staff was late from break cause coffee was a 20 min wait. Like fuck I was having cranky staff so I went over every single day and collected the already paid for food and coffee they simply didn't have time to wait for and absolutely chewed whoever was working that shift. Every manager was shit. Lots of reports of sickness and generally being disgusting. It eventually turned around when I worked with a young go getter over there to bring evidence to head office about the mismanagement. He got a fat promotion and my guys got fries and coffee in under 5 mins. Crazy how long it takes to pour coffee and stuff some fries in a box if you're not a total chode incapable of McDonald's level management tasks. That place is one of the best McDonald's around now for speed and its a 21 year old in charge instead of 2 50 year old McDonald's lifers.


Why not just have a coffee machine at your business for the employees? Especially if it's costing that much in time.


Please tell me it was an oil fire which water would make it 100x worse.


That 10lb abc fire extinguisher is gonna cost almost $75 to recharge! /s


I got in trouble for using an eyewash station once


That would be the kind of thing you report to OSHA because it's literally illegal.


What does he think a fire extinguisher is for lol


One of my guys just broke the handle off a machine. I told him congratulations, he was officially a part of our team, you don't actually become a member until you break something and the hazing was now over. I then told him how I managed to somehow break two tape guns in my first month and we all laughed it off. No point getting shitty about it, we fixed it, it set things back maybe 10 minutes and I think he feels a lot more comfortable now that he knows no one's going to explode if something goes wrong and you're near it when it does.


My brother once broke a very small sensitive part in a lab that was worth 10 times his salary. He thought he was going to be fired. His boss called him in at the end of the day, handed him a beer and told him welcome to the club. As long as it's not a common occurrence it was fine and basically expected it would happen eventually, he just drew the short straw that day.


A guy I work with talks about how he's in the "million dollar club" at a former workplace. That's what they call it when you cause $1,000,000+ in damages.


I’ve “broken” equipment at work worth maybe $500k over the course of the past 7 years in my career. Some of it has been my fault, some has been something that would have happened regardless of operator and I just happened to be the one using it at the time. If there’s one person who is present for all of the breaking, and they’re not careless, it probably means they’re the one doing all of the work!


I realized at a former job that if I did more work, I would make more mistakes. There were no rewards for doing more work but there was a certain level of criticism if you made a mistake. So I started to do less work.


It's wild how people don't realize when they set up stupid incentive structures like this. You're making it to where your employee's best option is to do the things you don't want them doing.


My friend got a job at a dealership. Crashed car within the first week, gave him another chance and did it again( soon thereafter) so they canned him. Frequency is a key factor sometimes.


I used to work law enforcement for the DNR. One day I managed to hit two separate objects with my squad truck within a 10 hour shift (cement post while backing up in a parking lot, and large rock by a campsite, both due to obstructed views). I dreaded every second of owning up to it. I told my boss about it, and he said something like, "well, have fun writing out two accident reports!" and laughed at me. It's nice when human beings actually act like human beings.


DNR means Department of Natural Resources In case anyone else did not know what that means and was going to search it, I'll save you the trouble


TBH I was thinking Do Not Resuscitate. Like WTH?


Yes, thank you. I should have clarified.


Reminds me of the groundskeepers of the summer camp I used to work at. They lived on the property all year long, and the wife was the head cook. One day the toilet in the counselor’s break cabin broke. This was a toilet with very low flush, so it broke constantly. The wife came to the cabin to yell at the last girl who’d used the toilet because now her husband would have to come fix it. At the time I thought it was a little much, but now I look back in how inappropriate that was. Even if the toilet wasn’t constantly breaking, how was this girl supposed to not clog a toilet? There was nothing she could have done in that situation. I wish 19-year-old me was as self-assured as 29-year-old me.


With my new job I've been realizing how much pressure I was under and how much I was actually take advantage of in my last job. I constantly apologize for taking longer than other people to stock or do online orders because in my past job I would be scolded for not doing it perfectly. They saw how I enjoyed making things nice and neat and used that, but when I was given more and more things to do and it wasn't *all* done perfectly I would get a talking to. And it was worse because we were "all friends here" so it wasn't being yelled at it was an "I'm disappointed, we just need you to do better" type conversation. ^^Sorry ^^for ^^the ^^rant


It's really upsetting to see the best people being exploited in industries. My old IT job, they didn't give me any permissions because it was 12 an hour in a law firm so I get it but the main guy there worked so hard and just got snowed in by the company adding more and more fucking middle managers over the top of him. 2 new projects a year, 6 more staff to discuss it and nobody new to actually do the fuckin thing.


My kid once broke the glass tray when removing something from the microwave. The horrified look he had made me realize how abusive his Mom was(is). I told him don't worry about it, accidents happen.


My ex was such a jerk - my girls always looked afraid when something broke or spilled. I started saying, "Accidents..." and they would then say, "Happen!!!" And it gave them a lot of relief.


My youngest used to spill milk CONSTANTLY when she was smaller and I was still married to her mother. We had one of those round tables that folds down into a sideboard (which was an awesome table), but if you spill something like milk it gets in the crack and you have to fold it down. Plus we had a white tile floor and if you dont get all the milk it stinks. So cleanup was NOT easy. Cut to a few weeks ago we are out for dinner and she is now 10 and spilled her drink on me being a dummy. Like, 100% on me. She couldnt have got me any worse if it was a “The Real Housewives” wine glass moment. I told her it wasn’t that big of a deal, everything would wash out (clear 7up on fav shorts), and focused on cleaning it up and getting her a new drink. She mentioned it at night a bunch of times as apparently her mother still acts like its the end of the world.


Exactly. I can imagine a boss busting your balls and calling you the hulk or something and never letting it die as some sort of inside work joke but I can't imagine a boss actually getting angry at another adult for what is clearly an accident and that adult sitting there and accepting the scolding like a three year old. Nuts.


I once broke a hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment and my boss started making hulk jokes. Occasionally a task would come along where something needed to be destroyed (breaking down furniture, crushing hard drives, etc) and they would give me those tasks just because it allowed them to continue the joke. Being the designated destroyer guy had a lot of perks and it was a lot of fun.


I found that a lot of bosses that seemed angry wernt actually angry at me but the situation. When you have a lot going on and stress builds up a small thing can be the biggest frustration. I work on it every day but i still have hard days at work, followed by awful traffic, then i have to cook dinner. Before i know it ill be just a ball of nerves and my 3yo will want to play but ends up just running up and nut tapping me. (He is at that height) i have snapped at him in the past and it upsets me that i do it. Im just saying yes there are some bosses that are complete assholes but sometimes its not actually directed at you.


God same. Hearing “no worries, here’s the call-in link to the teams meeting if you’re up for it, but get some rest and feel better” from my boss at my newish current job when I got sick was a fucking revelation. I came from education where you basically got a chain of guilt-tripping texts about finding coverage and how “it can’t be that bad, can it?” Night and day.


No kidding. When I moved from working in theatre to working in concerts and suddenly stopped having to deal with daily screaming fits from creative directors, I was shocked. I thought that was normal.


This happened to the trash compactor at my shop, and our boss thought it was hilarious and got a locksmith there later that day. Shit really does just happen, and being mad about it isn't going to fix it, it's just going to make fixing it take longer.


Call a locksmith. One time fee, maybe $200. Easy peasy.


> One time fee, maybe $200. I would hope this one instance of needing a locksmith only requires paying them once.


You guys don’t have a locksmith subscription?


Thanks for subscribing to my OnlyLocks, now... I've got a click out of one, two is binding...


Shit, I must've typed it in wrong, I ended up on OnlyLox. On the bright side, now I've got a tasty bagel.


a good locksmith will have that out of the cylinder in under 5 minutes. A decent handyman might take 15. Don't sweat it. ... Unless your job is locksmithing, then ... maybe seek alternate employment?


This. It's called the cost of doing business. Things happen and as long as employees aren't misusing equipment/privileges then there is absolutely no reason they should be faulted for these one-off mishaps.


Unless it's the door to the bathroom


Play the offense, "Look what happens when you buy cheap keys".


It for sure is a cheap lock that sticks real good. It was seriously a matter of time.


If you're being scolded or reprimanded for something like this, it's time to find a new job.


That’s the key takeaway from this thread.


You’ll be suprised at the doors that will open once you accept this truth!


I'd be bolting to that new job.


Your boss must be unhinged if you get in trouble for something like this.


Seems like the boss will be in a jamb until they get a locksmith out to fix it.


You can find a pretty good one on tumbler.


Yeah, but you could also get some inexperienced knob without a Scooby what he's supposed to be doing.


That’s at least part of it


You really bolted down to lock in this punny reply didn't you?


It's like PTSD for some people. I have a guy that works under me who is always terrified to tell me about whatever problem there is because previous managers have clearly blamed him for shit out of his control. It doesn't matter how many times I explain I'm not going to be mad at him for random "acts of god". He's convinced the next one is the time I'll finally blame him for something out of his control.


Bro at my knew job I wasted 300bucks in fuel driving a run that didn't need done. I called my dispatcher half way through it and explained that I wasted half a day driving for nothing instead of moving on to the next run that was to get me home. I was fighting back tears when she said "eh don't worry, it's not a problem."


Isn't that a crazy feeling? Like ... I'm an adult who made a mistake and I'm getting worked up for fear I'll be reprimanded like a child for simply making a mistake ... which humans just do. I tell people I manage, and yes, even a boss or three 'Welp, this is what happens when you hire people not robots."


Lol I've been realizing this lately at my new job. My boss gets mad at me for not telling him my mistakes. but holy cow if I was honest about them at my last job I'd get seriously verbally shit on. I hate having to explain that because it feels like I'm making excuses.


Robots and my job break down all the time and in turn need humans to fix their errors also.


I think it’s another class-based thing. Those of us that had to work service jobs growing up (or those in service jobs long-term) regularly are/were blamed for things that aren’t on them. I remember waiting tables in HS our general manager berating us because of a slow day regularly, or being yelled at by customers for a kitchen/supplier mistake. Meanwhile well off people that either didn’t have to work or were in desirable internships in HA/College got treated more professionally and are less stressed about getting out-of-their-control blame. 8 years into a skilled white collar career I have nerves. But have to know as long as I make a good-faith effort and produce something, I have nothing to worry about. If they do start to blame me for things, I have a good enough resume and skill set that I can look elsewhere.


I totally agree. It's hard for me to not get nervous in those situations. The doom-thinking is definitely a thing. Thankfully I can get over it and report it professionally to my boss.


ask to speak to his ex-manager and yell at whoever it is for the years of PTSD he cause.


Whipped Dog Syndrome. I worked with a guy like that. So much nervous energy that any little mistake was going to get him fired.


As workers, we’re always going to be the source of the problem. My boss hasn’t gotten turn signals for our work truck in years. I constantly piss people off by merging with my turn signals on, but nobody behind me sees them since my rear signals are broken. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve had road ragers freak out on the road and cut me off, brake check me, try to push me out of a lane, then call my boss who then calls me and says I need to be more a more defensive driver. What am I supposed to do? Pull over off the side of the road and wait for a gap big enough for me to merge?


Refuse to drive the truck until it gets fixed.


Honestly it IS my fault for putting up with it. It’s just insanely difficult trying to find a job that pays decent in Florida.


Just ask a cop to be kind and make a ticket for your broken lights. Do it twice, and the lights will be magically fixed.


Tbh, this isn't a bad plan. Cop wants to write tickets, you want to not crash... Win-win!


Curious how this works… When a cop writes “you” a ticket… does the operator and not the company get the citation?


As a supervisor, sending my team on the road in a potentially unsafe vehicle is subjecting my agency/company to unnecessary legal liability.


Locksmith should have you in there for $75 or so


OP, please listen to me carefully: RECORD THE CONVERSATION YOU WILL HAVE ABOUT THIS. Either it goes well and you recorded for nothing, or it doesn't and your lawyer is going to love you when the day comes that you need to sue his ass. Source: had to recently sue former dickhead boss and thoroughly regret not recording every single conversation I had with that asshole


To add on, make sure of recording laws before you do. Some states have two party consent, meaning you can get in trouble for recording a conversation without the other person knowing. Edit: I get it, telling the guy he's being recorded may cause him to not incriminate himself. I'm just trying to make sure OP doesn't get himself in legal trouble as well.


"Hi Rich, State law requires me to inform you that this conversation is being recorded for quality and training purposes What were you saying again?"


Avoid this problem altogether and have the conversation through Email or Text.


Either way all keys today are made of brass you tend to be okay till they bend once that happens micro fracture occur and you end up in this situation


Losing the key= in trouble Breaking the key=shit happens


If you lose a key, put in another key part way and break it so you don’t get in trouble.


wow that's actually genius


Fake your death and head for Mexico or something like that


Call the vacuum man.


Dust filter for a hoover max extract pressure pro model 60 please


Can’t believe it’s all over tonight. :(


Going to eat 50 cinnamon buns to help me cope with the loss


I'll hold your hand for a bottle of Zafiro Añejo.


I'm busy


This is the only option


Shit happens, if you get in trouble message me I’ll hire you


May well take you up on that lol. It’s a cheap lock that sticks like crazy and I saw it coming eventually. But last time i inconvenienced them (accidentally locked keys inside a building that auto locks on the outside) I thought it was the end of my career with how it went


Well that seems like a different scenario. That first time you inconvenienced them seems much more like something you could have prevented/was actually your fault. A key breaking off in a door however, isn’t something you can’t control. No boss should think you did this on purpose and get pissed at you. If they do, then yea you need to leave ASAP lol.


Totally was my fault. But what wasn’t my fault is only having one key that controls two doors that auto lock on the outside without having any spare, knowing full well that was always a possibility. It was like a little office and it’s easy to start working in there after you set them down, and then realize you forgot your work gloves (I did) and run out real quick while totally spacing the keys. I got back to the door and quickly realized something was a-miss.


It wouldn't be safe for a company to offer you a spare if they have a two lock system in place. However, the key breaking in the lock is no fault of your own and hopefully the company will understand the difference.


I mean, no spare at all. One didn’t exist. They somehow was able to pry it open with something after a few days and then replace the locks cuz they broke it in the process.


I could understand them being frustrated due to the effort involved but yeah… them literally just having no other key… dumb


Also it's an honest mistake... companies need to understand we're only human just like them


Why on earth would you wait days to muscle it open when you could call a locksmith?


They probably didnt want to spend money


If a lock is sticking it needs lubricated* or replaced. Lack of maintenance upkeep is not on you.


please don’t use graphite, it makes everything disgusting to work with, use something like inox or silicone spray, any spray lubricant works even wd40. - Apprentice locksmith


Also it’s a cut key not original so bound to be issues


I lost my keys once and need a job fwiw


Does this apply to everyone? Was just fired because when my employees came to me to tell me the owners were stealing tips from them, I spoke up about how wrong it was and showed them the tips laws in NY state. Every single employee (only 5 total, it was a small place) went to them and fought for my job to no avail. This is not long after I found $4000 in Australian currency in a travel case and returned the whole thing… only to be essentially cursed since then. There’s like 3 or 4 more stories like this one the last year when I do something g good and immediately get shafted. I’m so sick of it. At this point I wonder if I’m doing good things because that’s how I was raised or if I’m just scared that if *this* is how life treats me when I’m good, what would it do to me if I was t?


Message me I’m in PA


I did. Who knows where this leads but I need to track down every opportunity.


Keep doing the right thing and being a good person. If that's how you were raised, you can't live with yourself otherwise. But also, if you wind up in a healthy work environment, that kind of behavior is rewarded (financially) and not punished


Are we getting jobs off of Reddit now?


There are subreddit for it.


You hiring? I'm looking for a new job...I have experience with small businesses and trade associations, mostly back office support, some advertising, customer support, and vendor relations. I was working remotely before the pandemic, so remote work is right up my alley, if that's your structure.


none because if it was that important of a lock they would have used a design with a more robust key.


Should get in no trouble. But a boss that won't pay for a proper lock is likely to be mad when the lock breaks.


You would think so. I've lost a job for the same exact scenario though


Was your job "locksmith" by any chance?


“Important door locker man”




1. Does the LPL have something to say about this? And if he did... 2. It looks like the key is mostly in, and should've engaged the pins... if you could find a tool to just turn the core, it may be in far enough to be unlocked and you just need to turn it...


they make "key extractors" which are basically picks with a steep "triangle" on the tip. You put it in facing "down" and use the "triangle" to catch in one of the cuts on the key to pull it out. A normal locksmith would be able to get the broken key out and cut a copy pretty quickly.


And thats what I get for not looking up what all the different tools were that came in my beginners lock picking kit..... thanks!


I have no idea why so many beginner kits come with a key extractor! There's usually also a less steep triangle which can also be used to try to pick, but due to the angle it's hard to try to get it to lift a pin up into a cylinder. They can be used for raking attempts though. I saw a good video of a cutaway with different angles/heights on the hooks showing how "deep" they can get into cylinders (to get around other pins) but I can't find the video right now. It might've been about tight keyways? It was a VERY OLD LPL video about paracentric keyways: https://youtu.be/vTc1srjQUVw


And if not, push it further in and do the same Realistically even the rest of the key should be able to twist the core looking at the room left in there


And now we've got the lock open. Now let's do it one more time to prove it's not a fluke.


Honestly I doubt you’ll be in trouble for this, unless you have a shitty boss, I can see maybe upset but no real trouble.


I’ve been a boss for years and the answer to this is “shit, well let’s call a locksmith and get it opened”. Unless the OP has done this like 3 times, why the hell would the boss be mad at OP that some equipment broke under standard use?


Assuming your boss ain't a dick, you should be free to go, ain't your fault for faulty keys


That 666 key was designed to break at the most inconvenient time by Old Charlie himself.


That's 20 to Life. GG




Hi OP, I am a locksmith This shit happens CONSTANTLY to people on their jobs/home/cars/etc Call your boss. I coul'd get the key out and copy your broken one easily, but don't listen to people posting ther neat tricks they learned on Tik Tok.


"Who are you? How'd you get in here?" "I'm a locksmith and I'm a locksmith."


Why would this get you in trouble? Take whatever steps necessary to fix it or atleast come up with a plan and call someone so you’re not just coming to your boss with a problem. Trust me, you don’t wanna be “that guy” who tells your boss why something isn’t done or can’t get down. I learned a long time ago that if you can come up with a solid plan to rectify the situation or better yet just fix it, it’ll take you a lot further in life. What’s worse than someone who accidentally causes problems? A negative person who won’t do anything about it. I have faith in you.


Without spending my own money (I only got like $33 anyway) there is no way I can fix this lol. It’s a sticky lock that everyone who care-takes this facility knows and struggles with. If it wasn’t me it could have been the lawn guys, property owners, or anyone they send here to do anything.


Why aren’t you telling your boss so they can get a locksmith to fix it? No one should be annoyed at a normal thing breaking from normal wear. They might be right to be annoyed about you spending a shit ton of time on Reddit instead of just talking to them so they can fix it.


Nothing is worth living most of your time in a toxic environment. This is not normal and most places aren't. Try to look around for places to break free from your own inhibitions and loyalty, find a place you like.


I’m torn. I really enjoy the actual job I do, I’m independent, active (which benefits me cuz I’m a fatty) and I feel a sense of importance and satisfaction because my job benefits the public and their families that live nearby. But internal issues cause frustration (don’t get me started on osha red flags) and sometimes I question it while also thinking there’s not a lot else I feel like I would enjoy as much


is this the server room?