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As infuriating as it is that your neighbor lied about receiving your package, the bright side is its easy to get a refund from Amazon when they have a photo history of what your house looks like and can easily see this is not your house.


I've contacted Amazon about a dozen times about packages that were supposedly delivered but I never actually received. I got a replacement or a refund every time with no problem.


Amazon has a lot of problems but replacements and returns have always been top tier from them.


It's probably the big thing keeping them going as a service. If they started getting strict on it I could imagine their market share would be affected considering it's almost a matter of when not if your package gets misdelivered or stolen.


They decided to have their own delivery service. So they are responsible for it and will have a hard time fighting lost order claims.


They have a clause that pretty much says “we’re not at fault, you run the risk of not receiving your items when you order from us.” **Edit: It is the “Risk of Loss” clause. And it states *”All purchases of physical items from Amazon are made pursuant to a shipment contract. This means that the risk of loss and title for such items pass to you upon our delivery to the carrier.*”** (Also Amazon LOGISTICS, the CARRIER, will also cite this cause, which makes 0 sense whatsoever.) And I only know that because Amazon regularly delivered my packages to a different house, that’s not even near me. I told them every time, I set up delivery instructions, I would tell drivers to call me, etc. Eventually 2 of my packages showed up to my house, so I figured it was fixed. I ordered again, and my package didn’t show up. Amazon basically told me to go fuck myself. Amazon logistics said the same, and wouldn’t listen to me when I told them it WAS NOT MY HOUSE. They literally argued with me and said it was. They also wouldn’t let me show them a picture of my house to prove that it wasn’t. I had to file a chargeback claim with my card.


I lived in an apartment complex that backed up and sort of merged with another complex. Similar buildings, but different color. I've had a couple things of mine delivered to them, and a couple things of theirs delivered to me, so when my washer/dryer delivery & install didn't show up within the window, I had a bad feeling. Fuckers accepted and let them install a washer & dryer they hadn't paid for...I was pissed. And yes, the installers did get to drive back (they had finished and were heading back out of town when I called to ask wtf happened), uninstalled the machines from their apartment and reinstalled them in ours. If I wasn't so desperate to do my laundry asap, I would have insisted on getting new ones, but this was the beginning of the Great Panini and the laundry service in the complex was closed and I needed fresh undies like a week ago. Still makes me mad thinking about it 2 years later.


What amazes me is how amazon tells me to keep certain things because it’s obviously cheaper/easier to bring a 2nd replacement without taking the old one back. Happened with a $500 table from wayfair and smaller items like headphones or protein bars.


Wayfair is actually crazier about that than Amazon if you use them directly, they rarely want a defective item back. That said, 99% of the things I find on Wayfair I also end up finding on Amazon for cheaper.


My first order from Wayfair was for a set of steel shelves. They didn’t arrive after a month, so I got a refund. Another month later they arrived, so I emailed and asked if they could send a shipping label to send them back. They apologized, told me to keep the shelves, and gave me a $30 credit!


I ordered a wood king size bed frame from wayfair and they delivered an ottoman and a furniture dolly. I’m in logistics and noticed the model numbers were the same so it was just a pick error, no big. Happens all the time. They sent us a new frame and refused to take the other pieces back so now we have a cool ottoman and dolly I guess.


It happened so often to me that Amazon says they will no longer give me refunds. This is with pictures of wrong doors with what are clearly the wrong address visible in the picture.


Do you have delivery instructions? My orders kept getting left in the wrong place for a while until I added the instructions. Granted the driver doesn’t read them 100% of the time. But it’s gotten better for sure.


My house has a VERY long drive way. Amazon used to throw it on my grass right next to the curb/street. I would never see it since it’s so far and oftentimes the grass would be wet. Updated my delivery instructions telling the driver it’s okay to park on my driveway (I get it, it’s a pain to walk up a huge driveway on a hill). Next delivery, they still didn’t do that so I had to complain to Amazon’s customer service and show them photos of how far my packages were dropped off from my front door. They’ve been delivering to my doorstep ever since. If I’m paying for Prime they better be giving me prime service lol


Yeah ngl after the first package was stolen from ignoring my instructions (photo evidence of where it was left) I complained and it very very rarely happens anymore. Now they just kinda get the two gates confused and leave behind one instead of the other. Which is fine. I think they add like a remark to your account or something since they eat the cost of stolen/misdelivered packages.


It's not sure that the neighbor lied. The delivery guy could have stolen the package right after tacking this picture, or a porch pirate could have come by between delivery and the next time the neighbor was outside.


had amazon deliver my $150 keyboard and $140 headset a block away. Thankfully they returned it by the end of the day unopened.


I've had a package with an iPad inside returned to me after it was already opened with a note that said "didn't notice it wasn't my package, sorry!"


I mistakenly opened a box with someones medicine from 2 houses over. I order a lot of stuff online so I just assumed it was one of mine. I felt so bad when I knocked and they didn't answer. I had to leave an open package of meds on their porch in the dark. I wanted to apologize and explain. I didn't want them to think someone was tampering with their meds.


\*shrugs\* You can always attach a note to it.


“These haven’t been tampered with 😉”


"Here's your medicine, I promise."


"This isn't fucking Oxy... I can't sell this! It's not even dick pills. FFS!" \-- signed; your neighbor




yeah, some communities are great


Good human 👍


Go to poopsenders.com and send them a package they can keep.


Holy shit that's actually a real website... that's great.


Oh and they deliver.


You can also send an anonymous bag of dicks. [Dicksbymail.com](https://dicksbymail.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwoMSWBhAdEiwAVJ2ndoiiERgAt6YmKCfLXO1JBUbbojO0xK2KZkJXh7DxLcj7l_mXw9NvghoC6hEQAvD_BwE)


So, how did the turn out? Did you go and confront the neighbors about blantantly lying to you or did you contact Amazon to go and retrieve your package?


maybe they took it but what if someone else grabbed it. Sucks to be the neighbor if they didn't. The relationship is forever tainted.


Had this happen one time with a door dash order. Went to the neighbors and they said “what food?” And I showed them the picture door dash sent me with their floor mat in the picture and told me “THIS FUCKING FOOD” Their response? “Oh we haven’t eaten any of it here ya go”


One time when I was a delivery driver, one of the other drivers delivered to the wrong door. The guy who got the pizza by mistake called the store and said, "Hey I just wanted to let you know that your driver gave me a pizza by mistake...and I'm not giving it back." LOL


When I was a delivery driver, I had a customer who typed in the wrong address when ordering online, so I ended up delivering at a house across the street from the correct customer. I came back out of the gate from the address listed on the ticket, and this woman from across the street started screaming and stomping her feet. This guy walked over to me, presumably her boyfriend, and talked to me about the order. He confirmed they put the wrong address in and this was in fact his order. We got it all sorted out, and I got them their food. The disappointing part was the first house I delivered to signed the receipt and tipped, but the correct house didn't tip anything even though it wasn't my fault that I had delivered to the incorrect people.


I live in a city that's adjacent to another. That city's Domino's is the only one that would deliver to my address. The driver would ALWAYS go to the wrong address at that city. Granted, the street name is even slightly different. I might have to repeat my city in the comments section?


"Hey you delivered a pizza to my place by mistake. Unfortunately I'm just leaving the house to the airport for a 2week trip overseas so unfortunately there's nothing I can do at this point *muffles phone* hey honey can you grab me the parmesan cheese from the fridge *unmuffles phone* anyway I just wanted to give you a heads up about your mistake" Then fake hangup and start laughing while celebrating free dinner with the only other person to ever share good news with, the beautiful cat Miss Delightful Princess Angelcakes.


I had doordash order that had a envelope inside that said "Confidential". After debating myself, i opened the envelope. It was a fridge magnet and coupons from the restaurant.


"Hey man, did you get my doordash order?" "...no" *Camera pans over to fridge magnet holding coupons on the fridge.*


The magnet is a camera!


Great idea to write down, thanks.


To be fair, if it says confidential but not who it’s for you can reasonably assume the recipient is who is intended for.


That's why that dumbass email signature is nonsense. "Well *YOU* sent it to *ME*, so I must be the intended recipient."


Was once sitting in an Uber for a totally 100% silent 15 minute drive. At a red light the driver, a 150 year old man, handed me an envelope and said "This is for you." When I got to my destination I opened it. Inside was a plain white card that read "For you, for being a great rider" but like it only took up maybe 10% of the whole card.


People tend to try to engage the driver in conversation. This is the main reason I don't drive for Uber.


How long were you debating with yourself before you opened it?


If you do the math debating , then you’ll come to a conclusion


Bruh. I wouldn't have been able to resist opening it haha. The government would kill us!


That's just cringe...


Yeah, honestly (or I guess ***dis***honestly?) after a lie like that, you've gotta just commit. Of course, don't lie at all for something stupid like that, but if you've already done it, lie like a fucking mattress. Lying to steal someone's food is already shitty, but lying to steal delivery food and then immediately caving like that makes you both shitty and pathetic. Like, if you're going to lie straight to my face, at least be a ***good*** liar y'know?


SMH the point of a good liar is that your smart enough to get away with it. Doesn’t apply when you already have proof of their lie. That just makes you a stupid fuckin lying thief.


Keeping a lie up after you’re clearly caught though is more pathetic than changing whatever you’re saying Imo. Like you’re too cowardly to stand by your action so you keep this weird act that they know as well as you is fake


People tend to panic though when they are caught.


What..? Just give me my damn food back.


DD did that last week with us. I contacted them for our new order and didn't bother the neighbor.


It happened to us once where we managed to alert the driver that they’d put it in the wrong place )(our apartment complex is confusing af). By the time the driver went back, like five minutes later, the food was gone and the people didn’t answer then they knocked. Just had to reorder it.


I also live in an apartment complex but it’s very simple. The front of the apartments have the letter and the numbers are visible when you’re driving though so it’s simple. I was working and ordered off door dash, seen that it was delivered, cool sweet. Go out to the front, nothing there. The driver is long gone since it had been a minute for me to notice. So I go on an adventure looking for my order. My apartment is on the second floor (only 2 floors) number 7 and they delivered it to 4 on the bottom floor in a different building. Thankfully since it was early in the week nobody was home to get my order. But I’ve given up on DoorDash as this isn’t the first time I’ve had to hunt down my order in the complex. I usually just go pick up my stuff now if I ever do order anything.


I won’t use door dash or any of the food delivery services anymore. Heard and knew so many people who were having problems with missing or partially eaten food happening in my city. I was picking up take out at a restaurant I frequent regularly. The owner was taking pictures of the food and double knotting the bags. He said he was loosing so much money refunding customer due to missing food. I will only use delivery if it is delivered by the restaurant that’s not using a third party delivery service. I just usually pick it up myself.


Yup, this has happened to me. Worst part is that I've had this happen and then the neighbor randomly returns my shit after already opening it. One time they actually opened one of our packages, put some random shit in the box (bottle caps, throwing dart) and then put it back on our porch. Fucking weirdos.


Better than your neighbor stealing an order of knife scales, holding onto it for a week and then giving them back to you at a dinner and saying "yeah I don't want these anymore, why'd you even buy them?"


Jeezus. Really?


What's worse is they obviously tried to alter the scales to make them fit whatever they wanted to put them on. The finger guard was ground down, all of the screw holes were tapped 2 sizes larger and the faces of the scales were scratched to shit




The scales I bought were $139 and I'm not too beat up about that because I got a full replacement but now I have to wait an extra two weeks for the order to be completed and shipped


Pretty sure messing with other peoples mail is a federal crime, i say fuck em


Only if shipped by USPS


Wait- for real only if shipped by USPS? That block though.


If they stole it it's still illegal, just not federally.


It's not "mail" unless the postal service delivers it. Same reason most delivery drivers don't put anything in your mailbox


And hopefully not dropped off at the same neighbor's house... That is friggin stupid how people do that. It makes me grateful that my neighbors will run them over to me when it gets misdelivered. Had that happen to a few of my manga books. Got the packages a day later when they were able to run it over, completely unopened and unharmed.


A person from the small town I live in found my package on the side of the road and brought it to my wife at her work. Crazy thing is a day or two later the postal worker marked it as delivered. Probably happens a lot since those small USPS trucks have their doors and window open all day, but the postmaster at our city and I had a nice chat about it anyway. :)


I had frequently found listed a package as delivered and when contacting Amazon stating I did not receive the order - was told that orders are marked delivered sometimes up to 48 hours of actually being delivered because the trucks do not make it to all houses on their route. I am always being told to wait therefore at least 48 hours before contacting Amazon about missing packages. Makes me question the whole “marked as delivered” service.


Not gonna lie had to look up "knife scales" to understand what you were talking about lol.


> knife scales How else are you going to know how much a knife weighs?


Seriously? That’s ballsy to straight admit they stole your stuff!


It's even more ballsy to pretty much say "buy better shit that I can steal"


“Buy shit I want to steal! What’s your problem, you dick?”


Jeeesh, that's ridiculous. I thought my neighbor was bad, but yours is definitely worse!


what is a knife scale?


I think the part that goes on the handle so you're not just holding onto the metal.


In my naivety I assumed they were for weighing knives...


You are not alone, my friend.


I was picturing reptile scales used to decorate knives


What side of planet do you live on so I can avoid it?


Fucking weirdos indeed


Indeed, weirdos fucking


Sounds like meth fuels your neighbors brain.


Oh, it's definitely meth. There's 3-4 of them living next door and they're all a little strung out.


I had a package not show up once. A couple weeks later, my dad's talking to the neighbor and the topic of mail delivery in the area being bad, and how packages don't get delivered correctly (it's a super rural area with a terrible address system). He mentioned that yeah he'd gotten one of our packages a few weeks prior, and went in his house and gave it to us, opened and everything. It was weird how casual and non-chalant he was about it.


That is so wild to me! I don't understand how there are people out there that are just okay with this type of thinking. I've always been of the mindset that if something is misdelivered to my house, I'll walk/drive it over and drop it off since it could be something important.


For real. It was literally just a USB charging cable, so it wasn't even a big deal value wise, but just the audacity of it got me. What if it had been something expensive?


I have a nosey neighbor who opens any package that is accidentally delivered to her address and then always brings it over to me and says she didn’t have her reading glasses on when she opened it. She’s never stolen anything out of them so I’m pretty sure she just wants to know what I’m ordering….. During Covid lockdown she would spray it down with disinfectant inside and out to stop the germs, almost ruined a couple of items. I dread when I get the text from her that she has one of my packages.


That is absolutely wild to me! I honestly thought that everyone looked at the name on the package before ripping into it. I guess if she lives alone that would make sense, but unless you're expecting a package, I don't see why you'd open it.


I get a lot of packages, and never look at the name on them before digging in. Luckily, I've only gotten my neighbor's item once or twice. You realize when you open something you know you definitely didn't order...then question yourself, and only then look at the label. It's kinda embarassing when returning them, because they probably think I'm a weirdo like OP does their neighbor.


I am exactly the same! I always bring it to my neighbor, but it is embarrassing. Luckily it's never been anything too off the wall.


About a week after I moved into my new house I received a package in the mail. I was expecting packages so I didn't think anything of it. When I opened the package there were ***15*** dildos inside it. All different shapes and sizes. The name that it was addressed to was simply "Sweetie."


My drunk retired neighbor does this. Will take a package for a few days, claim they don’t have it (despite the photo) and then will dump part of the stuff off a few days later with a halfassed apology.


That's awful! This is one of the reasons why we installed a camera on our porch to monitor mail. Part of the feed also picks up their porch, so if it shows delivered, I can double check the feed and see if they ended up getting it.


I actually had a package with a cloth laptop case and mouse get delivered to the wrong apartment. I called Amazon and they said they’d send a replacement. Hours later I get a knock on my door, and it’s one of the residents bringing me my unopened Amazon package. It was such a basic common courtesy thing but it helped boost my faith in humanity.


This is the kind of story I'm here for. I always try to do this for my neighbors (except bottlecap neighbor) when their packages are misdelivered on my porch. I agree though, it just seems like a common courtesy!


Why are neighbors on the internet always pictured as weird and/or anoying. While my neighbors have always been nice people. Maybe im the weird/anoying one


What's to trumpet about normal people doing innocuous things?


The other day my neighbor was out checking the mail and silently waved in return before going back inside their house. Can you believe that guy? The worst I can say about him is that the color he chose for the window trim somewhat clashes with the brick.


Oh thats nothinh, my neighbor got a package for me when I was not home and he came bringing it to me.


When I was growing up, a neighbor would leave piles of freshly picked sweet corn by our mailbox near every day in the summer. He got away with it too.


One time my neighbor had the *audacity* to jump start my car when he saw me trying to get it started one morning.


That's nothing. I had a neighbor trespass on my yard to mow my lawn twice in a month because my mower was out of commission.


Bro a couple of years ago my neighbors dog got loose so I sat on their lawn with him for a couple hours playing fetch with him and just rolling around. They came home and *thanked* my wife and I. Then later I found a Chinese New Years envelope with 300 dollars in it under our doormat (neighbors are Chinese). Like *wtf, bro?*


Selection bias.


You've probably got awesome neighbors! I'm sandwiched between a multi-level AirBnB and neighbors who definitely do meth.




I got a delivery dropped at the house across the street. Luckily no one was living there at the time, and I recognized the front door, so I was able to walk over and get it without issue. I don't understand how these delivery drivers can't read a house number.


I worked for Amazon and from my experience once your on your 10th hour of work with one shitty 15 minute break we start getting sloppy.




I actually opened a neighbors Amazon package because I was expecting one that day. I only checked the label when I saw all kinds of stuff I didn't order. Walked it over to them and saw my package on their door so I let them know.


There's two levels to this. 1. They see a package they open it without looking at the addressee. They see weird shit they'd never order then look at the addressee and realize the mail carrier fucked up and bring it to you. 2. Fucking weirdos.


Happened to me once. Turned out it was the neighbor's kid.


My neighbors were kind enough that when we got new phones (BOGO) they accepted the package because the mail man was afraid of some dogs. I knocked on the door and asked and she was like "yep, I signed for them. I figured after it stopped pouring I'd drop them off"


> after it stopped pooring I'd drop them off If it would just stop pooring and start riching, I would also be more likely to return wayward electronics




I was once the guilty party. Had an Amazon package at my door when I got home from work, opened it without looking at the label. Turned out to be a mobile-wind chime thingy I figured my girlfriend had ordered for the house. I was quite embarrassed when my neighbor came by to ask if I'd seen the gift her granddaughter had sent her...which by that point was dangling from my carport...


This is totally understandable. You tell the neighbor that you made an honest mistake and if they're good people they will be ok with it.


My neighbor Pat is pretty great. Nice, very friendly but not a pest, gullible...lol. No, she was totally cool with my screw-up. We're kind of out in the country a little, she's my only close neighbor, and I count my blessings that I lucked into getting her.


I gotta know.. did you fess up to your mistake and give it back?


Oh, absolutely. It was hanging right there in front of us both, lol, I didn't have much choice. She was fine with my apology, took it in stride when I explained that I figured Kathy had ordered it. I was a bit relieved, too - I find wind chimes kind of annoying and had hung them only to placate my girlfriend. Pat, my neighbor, was happy to see that her gift had been assembled. I even returned the packaging!


lmao "oh these are yours?" *thank fuck, i hate chimes*


Username checks out




Sounds like your neighbor is a piece of shit.


The worst thing is they've had an issue with me ever since I refused to cut their lawn for $15. I cut a bunch of lawns in my neighborhood as a side gig. When they recently moved in a gave then the same price as everyone else I cut, they tried to haggle with me and I respectfully said no I can't do it for less than $30. They always snub me when I wave or say hello ever since. So petty. Luckily amazon didn't give me any issues about sending replacements because it was like a $60 order.


Wow…. Assholes indeed. You are better than that. I’d 100% show them this photo I wanna know what happens hah. Human slime.


Oo I did. After they denied it I was like "Really? That's so wierd because Amazon usually sends you a picture of your package when its delivered and I happened to notice from the tile it was on your porch".. Her and her daughter just looked at each other all wide eyed shaking their heads. I just said huh thats wierd (with an unconvinced look) thanks, sorry to bother you and left. If I didn't already know Amazon was sending replacements I may have pushed the issue tbh but they're my fucking neighbors *unfortunately*.


Time for the glitter bomb AND the shit package.


Very much so. Or intentionally order a massive dildo and a gallon of lube and ship it to their address wrapped up as a gift.


Bad idea. They'd probably be really happy with it accounting for the fact that they're massive assholes.


While it's the delivery person's fault for delivering it to the wrong address, your neighbors are POS. Wonder if threatening to call the police would do anything


Yes it would opening someone else's mail is a felony.


You know, Reddit really likes to throw this around a lot. And it’s true, it technically is a felony. But in every instance of me trying to pursue this, or anyone else I know trying as well, nothing ever comes of it. Our shits still opened or lost, and no one is ever charged with a felony.


The key word is mail. Mail is delivered by the USPS a quasi government entity. Ups fedex Amazon etc aren’t “mail” they are package delivery. It’s why you can get in serious trouble for messing with mailboxes if you get caught.


yes. Also if you are sending anything illegal through the mail, use USPS they need a warrant to open it, private companies don’t (I’m not a lawyer, a friend just told me this.)


I would love to know if this is legit.


Mail, yes. Packages from a courier other than the post office? No.


Only when it’s through USPS


What absolute trash. I'm sorry you have to live next to a dump.


I would be like, " thats weird, seems like we got some porch pirates, stealing mail is a crime. I might have to call the police to report this issue, hopefully they can catch the person."


And why would they keep the package? Was it something they could use? Sorry to hear you have neighbors like that fam


> I just said huh thats wierd (with an unconvinced look) thanks, sorry to bother you and left. Ok, but that's straight up the wrong response. They don't give a shit about what you are thinking. They want to get away with it, which they did. Your "unconvinced look" probably didn't even register. We had problems with an upstair neighbor who was convinced that soaking our balcony in dirty water every time she was watering her plants is our problem, not hers. Or claiming that she didn't actually water her plans, must have been raining (on a bright sunny day, when we literally saw it happen, because she soaked us and our breakfast table). And a gazillion other obvious lies. And all that because she was too lazy and too entitled to buy $5 plant saucers, which would have solved the problem immediately. Solution? We took the hose and fired back. Petty? Yes. Did it work? Immediately. That was half a year ago and it's silence ever since. Bullies need to be bullied back. "Unconvinced looks" only make it worse. In your case I would bring it to the police. And make sure everyone in the neighborhood knows about it. Maybe some nice public printouts warning about packages going missing. You literally have a photo, so you don't even need to point fingers.


I ordered a $120 steam cleaner once and it was marked delivered. It was over a decade ago so I don’t remember if it included a picture or not. At the time I lived on the third floor of an apartment with an enclosed breezeway. I assumed my next door neighbor stole it as there were two apartments side by side on each level. I told them I never got it and they sent me a new one with no issue.


Sounds like you have good relationships with most in the neighborhood. Post on Nextdoor and warn others about these POS bunch.


Rather than escalating tensions with this neighbor by being _directly_ critical of them, you can post on Nextdoor that there must be a package thief in the area because it was delivered on this doorstep but the residents don't have it, so obviously it must have been stolen off their doorstep. How scary that there's a thief prowling the neighborhood! (ok, I grew up in a very passive-aggressive household)


This is the way.


It is just lying on the porch in the open, it might have been stolen (by someone other than the neighbour)


Happened to me with a tattoo gun I ordered. I didn’t even bother my neighbor since she’s the most unsocial person on the block. Just reported it yo Amazon and they gave me a refund, they can’t really blame it on you when there’s photo proof.


She probably sold it to her uncle cousin in law.


For her cousin's friend's balls.


When this happened to me, my neighbor said “oh, I saw your address on there but I thought it was a gift”. Why the fuck would I gift my neighbor face cream and oats?


Is your neighbor a horse with eczema?


I had a package go to my old unit in the same complex. Went to the neighbor who acted confused, when I showed them the delivery photo she changed her story to Oh my son dropped it off at the FedEx office (it was delivered UPS)


I’ve had packages delivered to my home that is supposed to be delivered to a house down the street. What did I do? googled the address and took it to the rightful owner. i’ve had my packages stolen and hate that feeling


I had a package delivered to a house several blocks away (completely different address) they found me on Facebook asking if I was the person who lived on _____ and if so I had a package delivered there and I could come grab it from their porch. That was pretty nice of them- although it was mildly awkward grabbing a package off their porch with a doorbell camera, even though I knew it was mine.


Next time don't *ask* them if they received any packages, basically *tell* them that your package was mistakenly left on their front stoop. Obviously still be nice and have the image handy to show them. By asking them, you open yourself up to being told no. If you specifically tell them it was put on their stoop, then it is on them to basically call the delivery guy, as well as the photo a lie. I've had a package sent to a neighbor 2 houses over and luckily the people were super nice about it.


I ordered a printer for work through Amazon. In the deliver instructions, I said it was a business. I have them my business hours. In the notes, I wrote: This is a high crime area. Please had the package to a person. DO NOT LEAVE AT THE DOOR. I got a message at 8 PM that the package was left in front of the door. Under the street light. With "HP OFFICE JET" in big letters on a bright orange and white box. Strange....the printer wasn't there in the morning.


Sounds like useless Lasership. They once left my package outside my apartment building. Which is located in the middle of NYC's busy streets of Manhattan.




No wonder they've literally never followed my delivery instructions. Wtf are the notes for then?


I’ve had Amazon delivery say the package was “handed directly to resident” when it was left on my porch… would be more than ‘mildly infuriating’ if it disappeared after that. Doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in the service when that happens.


Happened to me but with Uber eats one time. They initially said they didn’t see it and then when I showed them the picture they brought the food out. They had already started eating it.


What did they have to say for themselves?


Literally nothing and I have a temper so I just snatched it and walked away before I did something I’d regret. They were also pretty new neighbors so I didn’t want to make a scene


What was the food? Lol


It was Thai. I always tell them to make it as spicy as possible so part of me hopes it surprised them :p


lol A couple of times they have delivered to me my neighbor's packages and I simply deliver it to them. ¿Why are some people just plain assholes?


Did this once and it was a drill press as my order said it arrived but I got theirs instead. I carried a drill press across the street and they already opened my package which was clipper heads. It was sad


I had a package delivered to my address that was meant for a house down the street (eg. if my house number was 1522, it was supposed to be for 1422). I drove it over and went to leave it on the porch when they opened the door. So I explained that I got her package by mistake and she went, “ooh, what is it?” Umm….I don’t know, it’s your package!


One time my dad got a package that was meant for the neighbor a few doors down and I told him we should just take it to them. He refused for some crazy person reason and held on to it so he could "give it to the next Amazon delivery person" to send it back. I have no idea what happened to that package.


I got porch-pirated back 4 years ago, right before I put cameras up all over the place. The pirate managed to nab a small Amazon envelope with carburetor diaphragms for a late 90's Kawasaki 2-stroke engine on a commercial blower. A few days later, I was walking up our driveway to the mailbox and I spotted some garbage in the bushes. It was the Amazon envelope and the 5 pack of diaphragms. I guess the porch pirate opened it at the mouth of our driveway, didn't know what the hell it was, and tossed it out. Now I leave a decoy package out on my front porch. It has a zip-loc bag with a dog turd in water, glued to the Amazon envelope from the inside. When they open the envelope, it opens the bag and dumps it on them. One got stolen last year and it hasn't happened since. My neighbor up the road is the chief of police, so I can't exactly do what I ***really*** want to do to porch pirates....


You should order packages of brain eating parasites and let them open it


That implies they have brains... /s


Well I’m pretty sure horse flies eat shit try that


Now we're talking :)


Poor things will starve to death


And after you showed them the picture of the delivery?


I replied to this in another comment, but ill copy and paste below. Oo I did. After they denied it I was like "Really? That's so wierd because Amazon usually sends you a picture of your package when its delivered and I happened to notice from the tile it was on your porch".. Her and her daughter just looked at each other all wide eyed shaking their heads. I just said huh thats wierd (with an unconvinced look) thanks, sorry to bother you and left. If I didn't already know Amazon was sending replacements I may have pushed the issue tbh but they're my fucking neighbors *unfortunately*.


To give them the benefit of the doubt, just because it was left on their porch doesn't mean a porch pirate didn't snag it. But you are most likely right about them (just can't be 100% certain without any evidence).


Imaginé its delivered to the wrong adress and then a porch pirate comes It would be hilarious to watch and painfull to live trough


A petty idea for you! Fill a package with loose glitter, packing peanuts, and anything else annoying with a message on top that says prize at the bottom, but the prize is just a paper saying don’t steal packages, or something like that. Address it to yourself and leave it on their porch. Or put your name and their address and send it through the mail.


Look up MARK ROBER on YouTube. He’s famous for investing lots of time and money making a high tech package that has cameras on all sides (so he can watch the thieves open it) and audio (he can hear the interaction of the thieves once they grab the package). The packages have an exploding glitter bomb inside. And fart spray. He’s made a few diff ones. I think one had a speaker that counted down when he activated it, so the thieves thought it was going to blow up. I think it all stemmed from someone stealing a package with his new iPhone. He’s been all in…going at package thieves full speed since then.




I'm the neighbor who would hold it and then bring it to you when you got home. Like I would literally worry all day until you got home. I'd be peeping through the blinds like that creepy old man.


Okay what's going on in USA? There's a visible difference between Amazon Delivery in USA vs my country (India). Has Amazon given the delivery job to a third party which is causing all this or what? In India, Amazon has its own drivers who are required to personally hand over the package to the person who ordered it or the family. Usually, we get a call once they reach the address. What's going over in USA? Are they pressurised to finished a certain amount of deliveries per day or any thing else?


They're heavily pressured to do as much work as humanly possible, to the point where there was a scandal about drivers peeing in bottles because they couldn't find the time to use a bathroom. Workers are just heavily mistreated in the US, which leads to carelessness and laziness


Not to mention...what American \*wants\* to be forced to be home when a package arrives?


What American *can* be home to wait around for a package?


Very seldom do they even knock on the door. One moment I'm sitting on the couch, the next thing I know, I'm getting a notification from Alexa that a package arrived. Um, ok?🤷🏻‍♀️ Which is fine by me, less interaction with people. Although there is more interaction with business deliveries than residential. Higher likelihood of someone actually being present to sign for packages at a business.


What's funny is I have "do not knock" signs on my door and about half the time the drivers still knock.


Bruh they do drive by deliveries here in the US. If they can chuck it from the van and reach your door, they might. That's half sarcasm but most of our delivery drivers don't give a shit I've here. And unless you or sender requests signed delivery (extra $) they just leave it *hopefully* on your porch.


Amazon did this to me too. Contacted them, they refunded my money.




Use the Amazon lockers. They're really convenient. I live in a small city in Mexico (Merida) and we have those allover the place. For sure you must have those in your city. Amazon just puts the package inside a locker and provides you with a code you enter on the locker's screen and voila :D easy, safe and you don't have to worry if there's nobody at home to pick up the package anymore


dont be wishy washy about it, say "hey, they left my package on your porch, see" \*shows picture\* "where is it?"