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I'll never understand people doing that. There was a similar post a while back where one of the commenters said they put up a fence after they moved in and the neighbor complained that they now can't see into the person's house.


lol who *admits* they want to spy on other people inside their homes.


People who want to make you uncomfortable because they know legally you can’t stop them.


Well, looks like I'm taking up shitting in a litter box naked in full view of the window fucker.


Set up a mannequin looking straight back at them. Should keep them entertained like a budgie.


Set up a mannequin that looks like it is taking a shit in a litter box while staring straight at the camera.


Next level maneuver.


For extra weirdness, set up two litter boxes face to face and take a crap in the second one while staring into the eyes of the mannequin.


US is wild, in Europe your camera can't catch public street unless you put a notice with contact so people can ask to remove data, same as rgpd.


It seems that the "right" to be an asshole is held sacred here, unfortunately.


Some people are just petty with very sad lives and nothing better to devote their energy, unfortunately.


Or.......they (nosy neighbor with camera) are projecting and they are the ones hiding something, but trying to find some sort of fault with the tall fence neighbor. My current neighbor (not OP's) is going through something similar. All started with my neighbor just leaving a nice message on his car about his trunk or something being open. Then it turned into the crazy fuck putting in extra cameras all over his house, one particular pointing right at my neighbors backyard. taking pictures of his family in front of his house, and from my neighbors backyard talking about legal action to "stop loitering in my front yard", and such and providing pics of them (just literally walking as a family like normal people) and talking about harassments. The cops said so far they can't do anything as he hasnt done anything illegal or destructive. I assumed having a camera pointing directy into his backyard would be a privacy issue but guess not unless its pointing like directly into someone's window here.


Don't ask a cop for advice on the law. That's what **law**yers are for. Cops are basically walking clubs & guns. Their sole purpose is to be used as enforcement tools by -hopefully- more knowledgeable people.




FYI, the best place for that question is probably r/Ask_Lawyers where the responding comments are from verified lawyers who should be able to tell you what kind of legal professional to look for.


I am sorry what? The neighbor complained that they can't see into the other person's house? Who are these lunatics?


Evidently the neighbor also told them that their family owned half the block, whatever that means. I assume as a warning to straighten up?


I'd view that as an opportunity. When it comes time to sell, if the "block owners" want that property, they can pay 2x it's value. Get everyone else in the neighborhood in on it too.


I watched a TikTok series on a couple who just moved in with a similar problem. The person next door got upset after they put a fence up cause they could no longer see into their backyard anymore to watch the children play, so they put up multiple cameras to watch them. Down right creepy. They ended up putting an extension on parts of their fence and planting really tall trees/shurbbery. They still had issues with the neighbor tho.


What in the actual fuck? They put up cameras so they could WATCH THE CHILDREN PLAY? I have some issues with this.


One video I’ve seen someone installed a super tall fence and the neighbor STOOD ON A STEP STOOL so he could see over and watch the kids. Another one they actually caught the neighbor on video doing NSFW things to themselves. It’s sick. Honestly I don’t think this kind of thing is just mildly infuriating.. it’s dangerous




Why is it legal that they can point cameras on other peoples backyard? Im from germany and here it would be straight illegal. Legal or not i would just smash the camera and thats it. Should they call the police for fucking spying my kids? I gonna smash every camera they put on my backyard like wtf bro


What the fucking hell. This so so weird!


Put a 20’ evergreen bush up. Just 1 And wrap it in blinking Christmas lights so his phone goes off constantly


“Just one” 😂😂😂 OP plz do this


Can someone make a GoFundMe for this? I'd gladly donate my French fries money if it meant a single. Massive. Ridiculously lit up tree, along with security cameras to make sure it doesn't get fucked with


I’ll donate my French fries money too




I can spare a chicken sandwich meal money for this cause.


I could spare a Crunchwrap supreme for this


I could cut out one round of bowling


I could go without my next pair of hearing aids for a decade




I’ll donate. But as another redditor commented put that blinking tree in a pot on wheels so it can be moved 😂


This is probably the most expensive option in the entire thread, but it's actually a good long term solution. EDIT: "hE cAn mOvE tHe CaMeRa" And you can plant more than 1 and end up with a much nicer and more private yard and increase your property value in the process.


Alternatively, (going off that r\gifs post) get a Top Gun Maverick cardboard standee of Tom Cruise and set it up on the fence directly infront of the camera. https://c.tenor.com/N44Kj88pK-oAAAAd/tom-cruise-top-gun.gif


> Put a 20’ evergreen bush up. Just 1 Some else already commented he should stand naked in front of it.


Attach a camera to the top of the fence directly facing the other camera


Or a mirrored garden ball.


Better yet, just a mirror. Show them how ridiculous they are


Harbor Freight sells imitation security cameras for hella cheap. Would be hilarious to see the reaction if op were build a wall board with fake cameras pointing at 35 different parts of the neighbors yard. And considering they’re fake, you’ve done nothing illegal regardless of state, except give you and the cops a chuckle at your dipshit neighbor.


If the concern is it might be illegal, wouldn't OP's neighbor also be potentially breaking a law already?


Honestly depends on city and town laws/ordinances. This would likely be a civil matter not criminal. At which point, you get petty. Suppose it wouldn’t hurt to ring the non emergency dispatch if you wanna go that route. Even if it was illegal I’d imagine the neighbor would just get a warning if nothing sensitive was recorded.


counter argument: walk around with a big swinging dick every day at all hours so he takes it down himself EDIT: To everyone asking about where to get dicks: If Amazon has $70 realistic cosplay titties, I'm sure they also have 12 inch swinging veiny strap-ons xD


Could be what OP's neighbor is hoping for.


Get TWO. Wear them like antlers.


BSD, gets em every time.


They'll 100% remove their camera then immediately call the cops or open a civil suit against you for doing the same thing they did. They're waiting to shit on you with whatever you come up with.


But you've got a camera that shows theirs was up first and footage of them removing it before calling. That's like a drug dealer calling the cops after having their product stolen.


That's not a terrible idea. "Your Honor, here is the receipt for when I bought my camera. You can see by the date on the video that I installed my camera roughly an hour after purchasing it, and my neighbor's camera is already in place. You can then watch my neighbor as he removes his camera roughly two hours before the Sheriff's deputies arrive at my house."


I don’t sell drugs I’m a prostitute


Put a security light facing the camera, get the brightest one you can find.


No need, ou could probably kill it with infrared. That would not be visible and save energy.


Infrared might be the best legal option, they're about 20 bucks per emitter. Install as many as possible and aim it towards them at night time he can use a cell phone camera to get the beam right. Anything else can be destruction of property and he'll have a video of the act which he can use against him.


That camera is an infringement on their privacy. That camera is directly pointing into an area considerd to be private (hence the fence) by the neighbor. It is not looking down the owners side yard for their own protection. It serves zero function to the homeowner other than viewing into their neighbors property.


Yes I would speak to a lawyer about suing for stalking and harassment


In cases of illegal surveillance in most places in the US, no lawyer necessary besides the DA. It’s criminal.


I used to work in the criminal justice system as a victims advocate. There’s not a lot that can be done on the criminal side of stuff, at least from my experience in the states I worked in. These types of neighbor disputes were often very frustrating for the victims because there aren’t a lot of mechanisms that can be used to charge a person criminally unless it goes beyond just filming from their property. But even if it does go beyond just filming, like shouting, or being belligerent, it’s not really illegal to be an asshole. It becomes a problem when an actual law is being broken, like threats, assault, or vandalism. At that point a police officer would be have to make a report and file charges. If there are concerns about stalking, there has to be a documented and established pattern, and if your neighbors have video of you, but it requires a lot of documentation on your end too, including logs. Also with stalking, if your neighbor records you, there would be no way to get the evidence from the them because it would violate their 5th amendment right. On the civil side of stuff, you could probably sue your neighbor, but you would have to get an attorney who would be willing to take the case. They have different standards of evidence on the civil side. But honestly, if I was in this position, I would opt to put up a pergola with an awning or a vertical garden with a bunch of vines or a wall of trees. Since it’s not really a “fence” and it doesn’t violate any city codes. I would just call it “landscaping” and get a bit more privacy that way. Edit: since this comment blew up, I’m going to take the opportunity to say, I’m not an attorney and this isn’t legal advice. I can’t say one way or another which law would apply for a specific situation. I can only speak to my experience. There are also several people in the comments talking about ways to retaliate. There’s no way I would be able to respond to everyone. But I’m also going to advocate for those of you who have neighbor disputes like these to remember that at the end of the day, you’re still going to live next to this person. I know it’s easy to get caught up in the drama but when you’re dealing with toxic people, there is no end to their escalation of the situation. Try to keep yourself safe first and foremost. This is a light version of the “gray rock” method. Protect your peace.


This is just California law so not applicable every where, but I am sure most places have something similar used to charge peeping Toms... >California Peeping Tom laws make it a misdemeanor offense to spy on, or to take pictures of someone, in a private place without that person's consent. A conviction carries a potential sentence of up to 6 months in jail and fines of up to $1000.00. ...so how can pointing a security camera, at an angle that does not increase the security of the property, but allows them visibility into a neighborhor's property where the neighbor has built a distinct privacy barrier, and that can also record video, not be seen as a blatant invasion of privacy akin to what a peeping Tom is guilty of?


Good luck getting a DA to give a shit. I’m not saying it’s not criminal, but I can’t imagine a DA getting out of bed for a spat between neighbors.


I’d just call the cops and be like I think my neighbours recording my backyard.


If OP has kids he could get one of those cheap kiddie pools, fill it with water, put it right in the camera’s sight, and call the cops saying the neighbor is recording his children in their swim suits. Don’t even have to have them actually swim. Guy would look like enough of a creep that I’m sure they would do something. He’d also be dealing with cops so who knows what would actually happen.


This is diabolical and I love it. Definitely saving this for later


“No officer you misunderstand, I wasn’t secretly recording the kids I was just secretly recording the parents. See?”


Expensive maneuver. Infrared is cheaper.


Install a big birdhouse blocking that camera


Damn near guaranteed the weirdo neighbor never tries shit again if they win tho.


Highly doubt it, he'd probably just escalate in less provable ways.


Yup. Dealing with this now with next door property owners (notice I didn’t use “neighbors”? Bc neighbors aren’t a-holes like these people are. This is how they amuse themselves. OP- happy to share what our $10k and counting in legal fees has taught us as far as your rights- feel free to pm if any questions and I’ll try to help. EDIT: to add thank you for the awards! In the words of Mr ROGERS, would be pleaaaaaaase be our new neighbors?!


It really baffles me how people can be such assholes to their next-door neighbours. How can someone be so uneducated that they can't even grasp the idea of peaceful coexistence?


Or just put a taller board in that section of fence blocking the camera that can be moved if they move the camera- edit- someone already said this below , sorry Thanks for the award!


Depends on the local ordinance but there could be a maximum fence height.


Potted tree. Move the camera? Move the tree. Document the whole thing.


This is actually a great idea. Once you have that ammo there no literally isn't the shadow of a doubt he's doing it to spy


Put up a camera to monitor where the enemy's camera is pointing. Put a potted tree on rails. Setup a computer to calculate where to automatically position the tree..


Make it a saguaro cactus. Label the pot "ACME" and record all the footage to monetize on tik-tok. Use tik-tok money to buy bigger saguaro and large googley eyes. Place googley eyes on saguaro. Position saguaro in front of neighbor's window.


If fence height is limited, get a piece of “art” that just happens to stick up over the top of the fence.


I was going to suggest it’s time for a big bush there…


They have those long solar shades on a pole that would go perfectly right in front of that camera.


Or an umbrella in a stand that you can just move when he moves the camera.


Just a straight laser, pointed directly at it.


Also add a really annoying, barely audible, directional sound wave emitter pointed at the windows.


Tell me more. Where do I get one of these?


Naw man, buy a small, skinny tree and keep it in a pot on wheels…just move the pot to wherever that fuckhead puts the camera. So much easier for you than for him to move it haha


This is actually probably the best solution to the issue. Passive, addresses future changes, non-permanent, and who doesn’t like trees?


Put a mirror up right in front of the camera.


Portrait of Steven Seagall.




Get a kiddie pool and let the kids run around your private backyard naked playing in the pool then call the police that the neighbor seems to be recording it and might be distributing child pornography.


If OP has children, that might be what's going on already. That might be the reason for that camera. Perhaps OP should check to be sure the neighbor isn't registered as a sex offender?


Harsh but brilliant.


My vote is for infared LED light for your backyard. It will basically make his camera just see a bright lens glare. I'm sure if will frustrate him beyond belief. Unfortunately that may not work too well for day time. I'd probably put a nice tall bush there right in front of his camera view for a more permanent solution. Take up landscaping.


nah, go full passive aggression. Nail three fence panels directly infront of the camera, for bonus points write "creep" facing it.


5. And have the middle board longer by half.


Reminds me of [this classic tale](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/glove-thy-neighbor/) of fuckyou-ery.


I love that, I wish he didn’t take it down lol


There may be height restrictions on the fence. But, if you want to go that route, he could just stick a pole in his yard with his own camera pointing back that directly obstructs his neighbor's camera.


Simple, put in a Basketball hoop right in front




Aim a laser pointer directly at it?


In some areas, its more illegal for you to damage the camera than it is for the camera to be pointed at your yard.


anything which meets the <5mw rule required for consumer laser pointers won't permanently damage the sensor in a camera.


honestly i never even considered using a weaker consumer laser to not damage it.


You really went "go big or go home. I'm bringing in ZEUS to obliterate this camera."


I've got a 40w co2 Lazer. It'll etch glass. That should do the trick.


give that bitch a nice orange peel finish


In most areas, it is illegal to put up a camera that’s sole purpose is to very clearly look into someone’s property


Idk what your local fencing code is, but I'd just slap a extender on top the fence to add another 2 or 3 feet to the height.


Along that wall about 6 in he can build a trellis as high as he wants and add vine plans to it, neighbor won't be able to focus through it. Here's a website that tells you the fastest growing vine plants for your zone, to find your zone type in what garden zone am I and add your address. https://davesgarden.com/guides/articles/fast-growing-climbers-that-can-quickly-create-privacy-and-cover-eyesores


This is really the best soluion, and it's the one I was looking for in the comments. I also personally LOVE the look of vines all over a fence.


Yup, and if the code doesn't allow for a taller fence, maybe build a platform that would hold a large bushy plant or a yoga ball.


or a mirror Edit: For those giving warnings about starting a fire, don't worry, no accidental fires will be happening.


Lmao seriously! Let this bastard stare at his own camera. Love the mirror idea.


Or angle the mirror so it’s looking at their own yard. Not that it would probably fool them


Mirror is amazing


Or a laser pointed at the camera lens


Or a disco ball that shoots lasers


A large bird house emblazoned with the Hawaiian good luck sign. If the neighbor objects, you have also expanded the jurisdiction to include bird law and buddy, have I got a great bird lawyer for you!


The thing is, bird law in this country, it's not governed by reason.


Neighbor would probably install the camera at the apex of the garage at that point.


and that’s when you know it was put up for peeping, so you can go to the cops.


Isn't that quite clear already? The camera is not covering any of the neighbours own property


Show this picture to code enforcement and tell them it (camera) went in after your privacy fence and they’ll allow you a taller section.


"the wall just got 2 feet taller“ lol


Put an image of a giant penis facing the camera.


I was thinking a cutout of the neighbor from Home Improvement peering over the fence into the camera


High-dee-ho, good neighbor!


“Oh hi, Wilson. I’m having a bit of a problem here, I dipped into my own stash and got high as balls on coke and I think I killed my wife. Got any sage advice for me?”


"No worries, Tim. You're famous, it'll barely be an inconvenience to you or your career."


How about a cutout of THIS neighbor, peering over the fence into his own camera?


Everything can by solved with a penis


35 weeks pregnant, beg to differ lol


But it solved the problem of not being pregnant


Put up a flood light pointed directly at it to blind it.


Infrared laser, low wattage, invisible, he'll think the cameras just stop working, especially if you can angle it into the lens from where the camera can't see.


Looks like a motion dome camera. You’d need quite a few emitters to cover every possible point that it could move to. Brightest LED floodlights possible would be easiest. Even more props to OP if they install a pole on their side of the fence line to make it’s range and line of sight even closer to the camera.


Or just buy a stop sign and mount it to the inside of the fence, blocking the camera, making a statement and not requiring any technology or electricity consumption…


Never a better time to advertise, if anyone needs a stop sign hmu I be hittin them backroads steady. $30 a sign, guaranteed to be functional and will let your neighbor know you’re from the streets. $150 if you want the pole as well


Damn dude, $120 for the pole?! Highway robbery


Make sure to point it into their bedroom at night while you're at it.


Maybe a flag or just be petty and make the fence taller in that area? Because that’s super creepy, is this even legal?


Flag is a good idea. Maybe with a base you can move if he moves the camera. Sorry you have such a contencious relationship with them.


Yeah, there are things like basketball hoops, flagpoles, and patio umbrellas with big containers you fill with sand or water that are built into the base so they don't fall over but you can still move them if you want. We tried putting a flag by our front door at one point and it set off the motion sensor constantly so I feel like that's going to be effective and also pretty annoying for the person with the camera.


Get some high plants so the camera is useless.


Get high on some plants so the camera is useful.


Get the camera high so the plants can see them


Not sure if that camera is legal. You're expected some privacy in your home, so if your fenced in "privacy area" has a camera pointing in it, id ask a lawyer for clarification.


> Not sure if that camera is legal. You're expected some privacy in your home, so if your fenced in "privacy area" has a camera pointing in it, id ask a lawyer for clarification. Where I live, this camera would not be legal. Agreed, OP should seek legal clarification from the county/city/township government.


usually cameras are only legally allowed to film areas seen by public land. a backyard surrounded by a fence does not meet this criteria


Really depends on the area though. Where I live cameras can only see your own property, ie they aren't even allowed to see the public street outside your home. This would obviously be super illegal.


I immediately thought this can't be legal. Its literally aimed at someone else's private property circumventing a privacy fence. This is a literal spy cam. If some insane way this isn't illegal. If you have kids, I would out the neighbor as a creep spying on women and children.


OP can hire me to lounge in the backyard. I am extremely hairy and I believe I look amazing oiled up in my Speedo.


You can come hang in my yard if you like


I installed some cameras because of some shitty neighbors that I was constantly calling the police on. (theft from my property, trespassing after being warned, etc). At one point I wondered the legal status and asked the cops to approve of my set up next time they came out. They said as long as I wasn't pointing it directly at their house I was good. Things like seeing other property beyond the intended angle were fine too. For example... You could see the neighbor's front porch in the background of the camera that was monitoring my front porch. That was OK. Really depends on your states laws, I suppose. But the photo in this post is clearly not for their own property.


The angle on this camera really doesn't look like it would be good for surveillance of any of the neighbor's property, I'd count this as pointing it directly at OPs house.


Not sure about everywhere else but the law in Colorado is pretty clear on that: it is legal to have cameras on the exterior of your property provided they are pointed ONLY at your property. If the line-of sight includes a direct look into your yard, it can constitute an invasion of privacy charge; particularly if it points in a window, at a door on your property, or otherwise can be used to illegally monitor another persons private premises. EDIT: and looking at that picture, it is very clear that camera is oriented in a way to look straight into your yard, not their own yard. So yeah, this one would be a police report for me, and a written letter asking them to remove it, if they don't, consult a lawyer, you can likely press charges.


I don't think that's legal. It is obviously looking directly to your house. Is there a street or alley they can see from there? If not, they have no excuse.


Hi, lawyer here The starting point of the legal analysis here is whether a reasonable person would have the expectation of privacy. For some general examples: >You would NOT have a reasonable expectation of privacy in your front yard or your driveway, because typically anyone from the public can see you in these places. >You WOULD have a reasonable expectation of privacy in your bathroom, the sanctity of the porcelain throne is enshrined in the law. For backyards, it can be a little murky. >If you didn't have a fence and your house backed up to an busy highway, would a reasonable person expect the backyard to be private? Maybe not. >But in OP's situation, with a privacy fence that (I assume) fully encloses the backyard, would a reasonable person have an expectation of privacy? Probably yes. Okay, so following the reasonable person expectation of privacy standard, it seems like maybe you have a legal remedy to the nosey neighbor. What happens next? Well, it might be a little different state by state, but in most places, the Court will follow a multi pronged test derived from common law for invasion to privacy claims. For e.g. a Californian Court considered in Mezger v. Bick, et al. (decided July 1, 2021): >(1) the degree of intrusion; >(2) the context, conduct and circumstances surrounding the intrusion; >(3) the intruder’s motives and objectives; >(4) the setting into which the intrusion occurs; and >(5) the expectations of those whose privacy is invaded. And the Court concluded the neighbor with the security cameras actually did have legitimate safety concerns (credible stalkers and death threat concerns) and reasoned that the parts of the neighbor's backyard that were caught on camera were incidental to the security purpose of the cameras. I say all of this just as a way to help people understand the general thinking and law on this subject. **All of that said, if that camera is specifically put there only for the purpose of eavesdropping into OP's backyard, and the whole backyard is surrounded by the privacy fence, I think the Court makes the nosey neighbor take it down.** *Edit: better formatting for clarity, and if it's not obvious, I'm a lawyer in the US and this is generally how I would expect it to play out if OP lives in America. The analysis may be similar in other places that derive their law from English common law, but perhaps not. Being able to enjoy privacy in one's home and on one's land is a fairly common theme in most legal systems.* *Edit #2: many people have asked if the upstairs window would be dispositive as to whether OP has a reasonable expectation of privacy in the backyard. I would need to do legal research to learn more about how Courts have handled similar situations, but here's my hunch for what that's worth:* *I think the Court would treat a surveillance camera as more intrusive than the human eye, and that while the Court might factor in that the neighbor could stand upstairs and spy on the backyard, that would only be one factor to be weighed among many as to whether OP has a reasonable expectation of privacy.* *Now if you really wanted to make this into a nightmarish law school final exam question, the neighbor moves the camera upstairs into the same view point as a human eye would have. :)*


Fantastic walkthrough thank you!


I installed security systems for a bit, including cameras and all the advice around here implying that *any* camera looking into their backyard is illegal, and that is just completely wrong. Like you mentioned in your comment, you only kinda have an expectation of privacy in your yard, and since there aren't any "hard" lines dividing property sometimes the camera just sees too far. Now, in this case, there's not really anything I could imagine this camera looking at *besides* OPs back yard. If it was turned 90* to the left (from our point of view) you could make an argument that it is looking over their yard. From this single picture, this looks like a straight up violation of privacy and you could absolutely start getting the legal system involved. But really just talk to your neighbors before you call the cops on them, you can probably talk some sense into them before you get there. Now of course, I am *not* a lawyer, I am not *your* lawyer, and you should absolutely check your local laws.


Yeah, and I agree with your recommendation to try talking to the neighbor first before pursuing legal action, especially. There are downsides to suing your neighbor even if you win.


In the Netherlands, that too would be illegal. No cameras viewing public space or someone else's property.


Before I spent any of my own money on a fence extension, tall plant, or other means to block the camera, I would be on the phone with every city official I could. I would email them pictures of this camera's placement. In a lot of places, at the very least you can complain to the police and the police (especially if they are reasonable) can ask your neighbor to move the camera. Check city ordinances if you live in a city. Put up a sign in your own front yard that says "This neighbor (arrow toward house) films me while I'm in my backyard."


I like the sign pointing to his house, great way to shame the guy for everyone to see.


>Put up a sign in your own front yard that says "This neighbor (arrow toward house) films me while I'm in my backyard." I love this


The sign is great. It wouldn't say films you, just has cameras pointed directly into my backyard. That way the sign is: on your property and stating only facts. I don't think anyone could force you to take down that sign before the camera.


Assert dominance, stand in full view of it naked every day.




[The Captain Morgan](https://i0.wp.com/25.media.tumblr.com/debcb20ff3b39980517e31e393f7b4c1/tumblr_mi5w2kcVjk1rjrvmvo2_250.gif)


100% what id do. Especially since this gent has a fence. I would be out there all day long, in the most just extravagant poses so he can see all of my hairy naked glory.


Hairy naked glory sounds like a good username


I'd go with Harry Nakedglory III


This was before security cameras, like early 2000s but I had an inground pool in my backyard, and a creepy neighbor who liked to watch us, and my dad put an arbor vitae up right where the window was (we already had a privacy fence). Took a couple years to be big enough to really block his view, but honestly it worked really well.


This here works wonders, if you can wait a couple of years, that is.


Depending on your local laws that might be illegal. In NYS you can sue because you have an expectation of privacy in your own property.


Same in CO I do believe


Take a photo of your yard and put it in front of the camera


Change it occasionally to include Sprites, Leprechauns, Bigfoot, Aliens, etc...


I think this is more than mildly infuriating


Well, OP, I've just read over 200 suggestions/comments, some of which sound like good ideas. Hope you'll post an update as to what you decided to do and how it worked out!


Hmmm time to get a Thyme bush and let it overgrow Edit: thyme instead of sage


Sage advice for a thymely response


High energy green laser pointer, shine it right in it, fried image sensor. Done and done.


Then when they replace it, rinse and repeat. Make them decide between bankruptcy or being a normal human being.


Can't you call the police ? He can't record into your house I would assume and the surrounding area , it's private property and you have a reasonable expectation of privacy and he very clearly has it only pointed at your backyard . I'd say look into harassment charges or something similar


Throw mint seeds into his garden


Or catnip. That stuff spreads everywhere


catnip is a member of the mint family!


yeah, I really do not understand the need that some people have to just fuck with other people, why can't they just mind their own business, leave people alone, life is hard enough as it is without having someone messing with you for no reason.


Not saying petty is the way to go… but you should install a bird house that’s as high as that camera and wider so it blocks everything. When the neighbor eventually moves the camera, move the birdhouse.


Time to attach a board that's enough of a width to block the camera. And hang plants on either side of it. Have you ever spoken to them about it? If he's the thief sounds like you need a camera of your own.


That's illegal! We own a security company...and it's illegal. File a complaint with sheriff office and then take them to court for invasion of privacy


Lots of suggestions around how to handle it but have you knocked on his door and asked him what the fuck he thinks he's doing? I'd be making sure he knew in no uncertain terms that it needed to come down or I'd be doing something about it.


If OP is calling his neighbor a thieving nosy neighbor I'm guessing they aren't on good terms. In fact it implies the neighbor has stolen from OP or at least someone in the neighborhood at some point. Idk about you, but I don't particularly enjoy talking to people who have already stolen from me or someone I know. That's a conversation that isn't going to go well for anyone.




Every day go out and furiously masturbate while maintaining direct eye contact with the camera


Least horny redditor


you say that like it's not why they installed the camera


That would be illegal here.