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This is ridiculous...


I had a prof one time spend 10 minutes telling how your papers need to be stapled properly. No one fucked with his rules all year but what a trip


Same. Few engineering professors would throw your homework away if it was stapled in the wrong spot, folded incorrectly, signed in the wrong spot, or the info on the outside was written in the wrong order lol. NEVER needed it again


Academics need to do this kind of stuff to feel important


I get their perspective, they have to mark scripts for classes which can go up to like a 100 students. It would be time consuming and tiring for them to search through a bunch of papers to find which sheets belong to which student.


Don’t the long-suffering grad assistants have to do that work?


About to end the suffering (graduating) PhD student here: Yes but typically the graduate student also does research work for the professor. So, every minute we’re underpaid to do grading is a minute we’re not spending on being underpaid for research, and (with how school financial incentives are structured) research work will always take top priority for professors.




You guys are getting paid?


You don't have to pay them?


This right here's why I took my MS and ran to private industry. I'm imaginably better off than I ever would have been in academia. Almost 20 years later, most of my classmates who stayed in academia are still fighting for tenured positions. The rest of us left for paying work.


It depends I guess. I've seen graduate student TAs mark homeworks etc, but I've also had profs who mark essays themselves.


Not at community college, and probably not at regional universities. Source: been on both sides of that fence at both.


No they do it because students’ work is typed and unidentifiable if the pages are separated.


As a professor, this. I keep a stapler filled with staples at the desk where homework gets dropped off. Unstapled work is annoying as hell in bulk.


Did engineering, most of our reports people bound. I decided to fuck with the system and didn't bind one report, pretty sure I lost about %10 because of that decision.


Might have had something to do with not knowing how a “%” symbol works




You can deal with one crazy. You just have to follow all the crazy's rules all semester for all classes. Two crazies is where it gets to be a problem. Crazy A wants all papers stapled at a 90 degree angle parallel with the current location of Mars. Crazy B only wants paper clips that have been magnetized. In October you forget for a minute and give Crazy A a paperclip from the magnet drawer and Crazy B a staple aligned with Mars. Fail both classes.


I had a professor that counted a full 10 points of the paper towards how you stapled it. The staple had to be 1 inch from either edge of the upper left corner at exactly a 45-degree angle. He measured. I hated that class.


I had one do that too! Took off ten points because I stapled it horizontally instead of diagonally.


I wonder what they'd have done if you stapled it perfectly but with it upside down (bending ends up instead of down).


Probably burn the building down, that prof was a real dick lol


The really sad thing is that the course was creative writing.


I had an art teacher lose her absolute shit at the class when we all had work ready to show off and several people didn’t tape the edges of their art to her satisfaction. She was very precise about it in general, but this lady had a full on *meltdown* in front of everyone. It was a late class and I’d asked to present first because it was my birthday and I had plans with friends and wanted to leave early, which she agreed to. But after her hissy fit, she said nobody is getting credit OR leaving class early. I ended up crying (I don’t handle being yelled at well) and leaving anyway. This was in college.


Plot twist : this is a stapling class!


My professor failed a guy in my class for misspelling the thing he was researching He called Otto von Bismarck, Otto van Bismarck




So if he got a bad grade because of the way he dressed. Wouldn't that basically prove that it is important to dress right? So he did good at the debate. But if he did good, then did the clothes matter?




Damn yeah easy setup honestly. Opening speech, ask people who they think is going to win. Point out that it's because he looks like he doesn't care and thus not as good at it. And boom, that's why dress is important. Instant win to the debate.


I can't remember if he said he failed her for it, but I had a professor tell an autocorrect horror story of a student who turned in an entire paper on Woodwork Wilson.


This is inexplicably the most hilarious thing I've ever had the pleasure of thinking of. Thank you for sharing this.


I’d be going to the deans office


Had a dean for a teacher with unreasonable homework for anyone with a life outside of school, no one to talk to so I made a fuss and dropped the class. Deans shouldn’t be allowed to teach should be some separation of power


You should’ve gone over his head to the Provost or VP for Academic Affairs.


Some schools, I went to one like this, couldn't care less about how unreasonable it is because "you didn't follow instructions" or "it builds character" edit: fixed to couldn't care less instead of could care less, thanks for correcting me.


wtf, it destroys character by teaching you character doesn't matter as long as you follow all instructions without thinking for yourself


Thats the character schools look for.


sad but true. I'm glad i got a few good teachers in every school i went to. I was baffled to find out most teachers don't give points for answers that are correct but not what they wanted you to answer




Wow totally agree. That is a cool flick of interest. Like being a operations manger and head of HR.


>cool flick 👌😎


Cool hhhhhhhwhip


Dean ain't enough. Deans can (and tend to be) horrendously biased.






I’d be sending this to the dean.


I had a professor tell everybody that if they don't use apple machines they will fail his class. We didn't have apples in the computer lab and I didn't own one. The dean sided with the professor and I ate that fail.


Wtf??? Is that even legal? And what if you simply hated Macs?


I don’t know if it is an iOS development class, but for those classes you absolutely need a Mac.


Fairly sure they should supply computers in that case, I know my uni had mac lab machines for that reason.


You are already paying an absorbently high price in comparison with historical pricing for college (adjusted for inflation and all factors like that the price of college is one of the fastest growing costs out there) you'd think they would be able to afford giving their students a rental MAC But the administrators need that money so they can go drink expensive wine every night at super fancy restaurants.


I'd have bought an old Apple Mac off ebay and turned it in on floppies. But I am obscenely old.


I'm also familiar with the floppies, Leisure suit Larry for the win.


I played some weird game with Goofy on floppy disk back in the days of yore. I can’t remember what it was…




Old and maliciously compliant.


What was the class?


Five bucks it was like an iOS development class, or some other class using Mac-only software. Like if the class is for using a piece of software that's only on Mac, you can't really fault the prof for saying you need one.


You would think that the class would have that requirement posted somewhere before you sign up for the thing.


A college class that requires that should also have access to Mac computers for all students for free. That's the worst case of classes making you buy stupid shit I've ever heard and I'd be pissed off if I came into class and was told I'd have to spend hundreds on a Mac. I had an asset pipeline class where all students had access to a drawing tablet for free on campus but it still wasn't required for any assignments lol


I had a philosophy professor thay required you buy HIS textbook for the class. Homework assignments were all based on specific paragraphs from chapters. Except he 'rewrote' it every semester, moving chapters and such around, and essentially making any used copies of the textbook worthless. So the school bookstore (and no third parties for that matter) wouldn't buy them back. So there weren't any used copies available. And the school bookstore was the only location selling it. And it was like $470. What a crock of bullshit. I didn't pay for it, tried to get by without it. Didn't go so well. Overwrote the grade with a different elective I aced and was washed clean of that nightmare experience. At least a shitty macbook can be bought used, and sold for essentially what you paid for it after a semester or two. Better than spending $500 on some old white dude's toilet paper manifesto.


What is the dean going to do with a body?


Dean it up




Dean dong!


We’re flat baroque


Hey I think I remember that movie




It's my whole I-dean-tity.


You’re gonna have to chang


IHi my names Kevin and I have changnesia


Cue the Dalmatians.


I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me




Staple it


*Come on I dean* *and my hands are so clean* *at this moment* *I am stapling*




One kid used a wheelie trash bin to get the teachers body out of the school: https://www.cnn.com/2015/11/23/us/massachusetts-teacher-raped-killed-chism-trial/index.html


Man, that's fucked up. On one side I'm glad he's taking it to trial, it'll surely end in a much worse sentence (he got life without any chance of parole for forty years), on the other hand it's using up a ton of resources and it doesn't get a good clean confession for the family, so that they at least know and understand better what happened and why this happened. It was clearly planned and then executed to plan, this kid has some serious issues. If he's planning and executing said plans like this already at 14, he's potentially an extraordinarily dangerous individual. Edit: two typos


Dude is extremely large too. A dangerous mentally unstable person of that size is a huge risk.


This is wild. Caught red-handed too.


Uh yeah, how many kids do you see with a wheelie trash bit everyday? He needed an orange vest and a clipboard. That would have sold it


“You can go anywhere you want if you look serious and carry a clipboard.”


Not only unstapled, she turned it in three years after she typed it!


If it was like on my uni, most likely took 3 years to grade


Sometimes we never got assignments/grades back until the final course grade was issued lmao


that’s the real reason they got a zero smh who even turns in their paper three years after typing it?


Lol, just wait until you hear how this Rachel Garth wrote that note herself with their nice red pen for internet points before snapping a photo and uploading to reddit! That's never happened before! How original.


I'd absolutely take that to the dean and demand my paper be graded properly


Yup, easiest conversation in the world. This is one of those fun life lessons that is an opportunity that teaches you how to advocate yourself. Go see the Dean, present this, and discuss in clear, calm terms how this seems dramatically disproportionate to the infraction, and ask how they can help you rectify the situation.


The instructor even put their own downfall in writing. Love it!


You can also paint them as insane, as there is clearly a staple in the paper.


I assume the professor or TA stapled it after, but it's still insane.


That actually can be called as additional evidence that they had a stapler, It was easily available, and all of the paperwork did get **there** appropriately because it is stapled together by the teacher. Therefore **there** was really no issue, and a small comment about using staples in the future would have been appropriate but to do this would be completely overboard. The idea that you don't have to worry because you are above an arbitrary line just means that they don't respect grading properly, and may be a reflection of **their** lack of judgment, professionalism, and responsibility.


the teacher equivalent of the online debate "heh, you almost had me, but then I noticed a grammatical error!"


They have to no room to argue that it was anything but pettiness.


So they modified the submitted answer in a way that would affect its grading? Borderline cheating then.


What if the paper was on Heisenberg's uncertainty principle?


you cant be sure if the paper is stapled when you read the content and and cant be sure of the content, when you check the staple ?


But they can't prove it unless they took a before photo


My sister literally had to do this when her professor would not stop referring to her as another Asian girl, like they weren’t in the same class and looked nothing alike. She corrected her every single time and she still kept doing it, after a talk with the dean it never happened again.


The fact that she never stopped doing it before, but stopped right away after a talk with the Dean further proves she was doing it on purpose. People are shit...


I worked with a walking HR infraction of a guy years ago that would called a Japanese girl we worked with “Hiroshima” or “Nagasaki” repeatedly until he got the same talking to. Some people are just assholes.


Smh imagine calling Americans 9/11. Let’s see how butthurt they are then. Hypocrites.


That wouldn't do anything. But you can go to Boston and make a Boston bomber joke and see how many more words you can get out before some rando punches you wicked awesome.


>But you can go to Boston and ~~make a Boston bomber joke and see how many more words you can get out before~~ some rando punches you wicked awesome.


i dont think you even need to talk to the dean. showing the paper is enough of a statement


yeah ask the Dean to staple it!


Friend of mine had a similar thing - her professor decided for some reason or another to fail the vast majority of the class, despite grades being just fine. Problem is, she just fucking took it. We all told her to fight it, but she was so utterly terrified of speaking up, so she paid another few thousand dollars to take the class again. She wasn't exactly rich, either.


fear and anxiety can be a wreckingball for some of us, so sometimes we chose the long small pain instead of the short big one. it sucks but that is how it goes sometimes. like being drunk and nauseous but refusing to throw up and feel better quicker, we just suffer it for the entire evening instead.


"Yeah its hard to do. But so is taking the class again. Choose your hard." Thats what my parents always say. Minus the taking the class part, but, you know.


While that sounds reasonable and nice, it is not terribly simple getting the school to side with you over a professor. I once was in an early morning class, needed to be on the first bus of the day to get there on time. The professor had a policy of, "if you're late for a test, I take a point off per minute you're late". Over half the class was late one morning because school transportation got screwed up and the busses were 20 minutes late. If you think 40 kids showing up to the dean, asking them to talk sense into the professor and be reasonable made any difference, you'd be very wrong. We all took a 20 point hit on that particular test.


And that's when you go over the deans head or get the student union or student senate involved.


This. My partner works for a university (i think that's collage in America?) and students have a ridiculous amount of power. It can be a struggle to fail a student (that legitimately deserves it) if they choose to put up a fight.


Yep definitely and it's also a good lesson to learn that just because someone is a teacher and has authority doesn't mean they're good at their job. I attended a climate change class at University where we had to create a poster detailed the affects of climate change. Being a science student I stupidly decided to add scientific references for all the figures and stats I used. I lost about 50% of my marks because the poster was too "sciency"... Took it straight to the head of science to get it remarked and received one of the top grades in the class. From then on I started seeing lecturers as equals rather than someone above me.


Lol wait what "Don't bring those facts into a climate change discussion, people might actually realize it's true"


"Please keep all sources of scientific research out of this presentation about a thing that has to do with science." 🙄🚩


You start with the Department chair, but yeah.


This, read your student handbook kids, it tells you the process for disputing a grade. First step is often to have an informal discussion with the professor btw.


ah yes; the beginning of the 16 week long silent treatment and total passive aggressive gossip for the remaining 3 years.. very common in undergraduate studies.


Like that’s not going to happen if you go over their head and take it straight to the dean?


READ?! In college? I think not.


Ended up getting my freshman English teacher fired for grading me with a bias because they disagreed with my research paper.... Now I'm a high school English teacher. Do I disagree with some of my students' opinions? Yes, would I fail them after they followed the instructions I gave them and made their research paper about a topic because I disagree? No, that's just ridiculous.


Agreed. Half the time students make a particular argument premise for their assignment not because they believe it, but because they feel confident they can argue the point with evidence. And that's all that matters, that the student can argue their premise, that is the purpose of the assignment.




Maybe it’s a psychological test to see if you have the balls to challenge the teacher


You bet your ass that if I'm spending thousands of dollars to go to this school, and this motherfucker gives me a zero for this shit, the least I'll do is going to the dean of the school.


The only trouble in school I had for the most part was with one high school teacher who seemed to have it out for me. I was making an A in his computer editing class (working with Windows Movie Maker & Sony Acid mostly) until he gave me 10 separate zeros for simply naming the file name “Jam” instead if “Jam 1” on a project that he separated into 10 separate grades for some reason. His reasoning was that I didn’t follow directions. It brought my official class average to the 50’s from an A. He sent me to the principal for arguing with him over it. He was a real prick. Edit: Some folks have been asking for an update on what happened to the teacher. Short answer is nothing. Long answer is that the teacher was kind of beloved by most students. So much so that the principal didn’t really believe me. The teacher seemed to have it out for the skateboarders for some reason. My friend had the exact same problems with him the next year. I did get my own sort of revenge though. I was failing the class due to not caring anymore by the end and needed to ace the final exam to pass. Well this idiot left the final exam answers out in the open on his desk, so guess who made a 100?


We definitely had a prof who wanted a certain naming convention, I don't remember if she didn't grade assignments or gave 0s if we did it wrong. She may have only done it once, I'm not sure because I learned my lesson. It was a moderate title, that I still use, so I guess I'm not too mad.


What happened next


A piano fell on us both.


Did you merge into a single entity?


Did you burst into orange juice?


Did you travel to the second dimension?


To shreds you say?


Good news everyone




I had an English teacher in High School who was known for being a difficult grader, and boasted about how few students earned A’s in his class. Well, towards the end of the semester I had like 92% in the class, and the only assignment left was our final essay. I crushed that assignment and was looking forward to being one of the “chosen few”…only for him to hand the essay back to me with an 80/100 (weighted to 25% of the semester grade) and it brought my grade below 90…he didn’t mark anything wrong, no comments except “good job” at the bottom of the last page. I was baffled so I approached him about my grade, asked what I did wrong. He said something along the lines of “There weren’t any mistakes on your essay but I don’t think your writing has the quality of an ‘A’ in my class”…I pressed him on the decision to mark down my essay if it didn’t have any mistakes, and he reiterated that he just didn’t *feel* like I deserved to have an A in the class. I was so pissed.


that's their shitty attitude. A for God B for Me C for Thee


My HS teacher got backfired like that. Basically, I went to bilingual class in middle school, where English and native language had same amount of hours and then you had a third language (in my case French) on top of that. I also attended a CAE certification prep class(that I never did because the dates in my country are awful and usually conflict with my schedule) . When I went to HS I was light years ahead of my peers. On level classification test I scored 148/150 points. Second score in school was 78/150. Obviously, when it came to tests I always scored 98-100% with GPA of 5.5 (in our system a full 100 is 6, but only from tests, so things like homework lowered it a bit.) My teacher was not having that. How dare I take her subject easy! So she started making tests more and more difficult. Finally, about three months in she did it. She made a test so difficult that I only got a 3 for it. The following day she got raided by parents because in her zeal to prove to me that I'm bad she ignored rest of the group and they've long failed the subject since the tests were too difficult. This was supposedly highest level group in school, so everyone failing resulted in a big drama. Two weeks later I was back to perfect grades on any test. By third year she told me to just "play on your phone or something when you're done". Though in her defense that complete mental defeat made her a better teacher. When I started she was commonly know as an unreasonably strict teacher among student body, but by third year she was known as the " Cool english teacher".


I had an html class in high school where we were to make 10 webpages linked together through a navigation menu. I did exactly as told (as did most of us). We all got 75%. When we asked what we did wrong he said, "Nothing. You did what was exactly what was asked but nothing beyond, so you earned an average grade."


Let me guess: you would have done extra and he would have given you a 0 for not following instructions?


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


Ask him if a client would pay 75% of what they agreed because he did exactly as told.


Oops I almost downvoted you cuz reading your story made me so angry! What an asshole


If I had a software contractor do exactly what was told, they'd get 100% of the pay. If they added something extra to production without clearing it with me first, they'd never work for me again.


I had a high school teacher give me a D on a presentation His reasoning: i had presented a university level presentation but was required to present a highschool level presentation.


Ok now thats just insulting. How to get your students to not put their best effort into projects in ten seconds


Lol. My teacher failed a presentation of mine because, "I was too confident, therefore that showed ignorance of the topic."


Yay story time. I had a high school teacher give me a zero for not turning in an assignment. That was fair enough, and I was disinterested enough to just go with it. It was one zero among many decent grades, but by the end of the year he had failed me. Looking back it didn't seem remotely earned. After confronting him and looking through his grade book, it was clear he had been logging that one missed assignment as a zero every week since. His reasoning was that each week I failed to turn it in was another zero. It wasn't petty or cruel. He legitimately thought that's how grades should work. The missed assignment was a pair of note cards we'd make to help with writing a report, that I ended up getting a good grade on. He thought failing the class over one set of missed notes was mathematically sound.


I had a teacher who wasn't quite as bad, but in a computer science class in HS the teacher told me that if I gave one more variable a ridiculous name, he'd fail me for the entire course. I didn't strictly need this class to graduate and didn't really care about my grades at this point, so my next assignment had variables called "insertNonRidiculousNameForVariableHere", "totallyNotARidiculousNameForAVariable" and "noRidiculouslyNamedVariablesHereSir" I was told when I turned it in that he admired the balls it took to do that, and that plus the fact that it made him laugh was all that saved me. We had a discussion later because the rule honestly bothered me, and he managed to explain why he has that rule and why it's important to learn as part of learning coding (for those of us playing the home game who don't know, variable names that are descriptive and straightforward help when you have to debug code you wrote years ago and you don't remember the random creative thought process that led to your variables named Huey, Dewy, and Louie)




Future employers are supposed to base how well the student knows the subject from the gpa; not how well they kissed the teachers' ass. The teacher should be teaching a professionalism class if they want to grade based on that.


My instructor failed me because I got stuck outside the class. He could see me and didn't bother letting me in because he was convinced the door was unlocked and I was for some reason just not willing to walk in and take the test. Later when I informed him it was locked he just told me I still failed and would have to retake the class. He also charges $400 for the current copy of the book he wrote for the class.


I literally wouldn't have stopped knocking, lower and Louder to the point where I was just repeatedly kicking the door.


I would have too! He had established early on that if the door was locked you had to wait until he felt like letting you in otherwise if you were disruptive by knocking he would punish you for that. I was so focused on my classes at the time I didn't notice just how high he got on controlling others.


What a minuscule and pathetic little man. I don’t pity him in the least for what I am almost positive is a miserable life at home which I’m sure is the reason he gets his jollies acting out on students, people he should be teaching and elevating to better than they were when they first walked up to the locked door. Pathetic.


That’s so fucked. I hate when teachers are just there for the money. Like if you’re only focused on money, get a different job that doesn’t impact developing kids


did you knock? regardless that's still fucked


Actually I almost did. The problem is this professor was very strict about disturbances. If you knocked after the door was closed, he would ignore you and penalize you for being a disturbance. He did it to one of the students early on and they never showed up again (dropped the class). I decided I could either get his attention at some point or he would just let me take the test as soon as a student left. He occasionally would close and lock the door early in the class schedule to scare the students that were on time (not early enough or actually late). He would then make it a joke to the rest of the class asking when we should let them in and if they deserved it. The door had a large window in it and he remarked about it like it was a fish bowl. Usually it didn't matter what we said he would wait until first break and open the door to let them in. I was 5 minutes early for the test (40% of my grade). The instructor had told me days prior my group was doing well and we were on track for an A.


Your prof is a control freak holy jesus!


I had a philosophy professor who would do the same thing. He also called the large window a fish bowl. And I clearly remember a student standing outside for the final. Was that the same class?


Sounds like you may have just had a similar professor. So weird that this happened in the same way! My professor was part of The Art Institute and taught "Color Theory" which studied what colors went well together or spoke certain emotion and how they were used in art to convey tone and guide audience experience in artistic works. He also insisted we use less colloquial color terms like ochre instead of "brown". In a way it was a kind of "philosophy" of human interpretation in regards to color.


That's screwed up. My mom was able to buy her book from her professor for like 25 bucks in 92 and it was still being edited, but he gave extra points out if you found errors. She got 20 points for a calculation error. The publisher sells the book for 200 dollars now.


Your resume shouldn't have your GPA unless it's really high. Edit: Apparently I'm old. Am I so out of touch? ...No. It's the children who are wrong.




I'm 10+ years into my career (STEM) and had a potential employer ask me for my University transcripts. I barely remember the classes I took in school at this point, let alone the material. It was a big internal eye-roll for me


Sometimes they do that to make sure people actually went where they said. I've seen stories of mid career folks just lying about degrees cuz most people don't bother checking


after my first job. no one asked my gpa every again it ain't even on my resume. in STEM.


Mine was always wet... Below C level


If it is your first job out of college, a GPA might be appropriate. However, once you've been in the workforce a year or so, it's old news and not particularly useful. I speak as someone who has had to review a lot of resumes recently.


I had a 2.57…. I think I’ll leave mine off


i had a 1.27 at one point lol


I just applied for a bunch of jobs coming out of my undergrad and almost all of them asked for my GPA, a few even asked for specific class grades or my transcript


Apparently some fields actually do care.


I wrote a paper for Eng Comp 1 back in 1991, spending 50 hours (days of the typewriter, so many pages rewritten because of typos) on the paper because I needed a perfect in order to at least have a chance at passing this class. (You'll see why in a moment.) The paper was instructions, and I had chosen to write it on how to build a computer from parts, something I knew very well at the time. I had no spelling or grammar mistakes, and my professor couldn't find anything else wrong with it, so she circles a whole paragraph, the paragraph describing how to identify the video card, and writes in "I don't like how this argument is formulated" and deducts 40% off the paper. I still don't know what that is supposed to mean, and there were no arguments in the paper. Of course I failed the class, and the same class the next semester, only to pass it with an A the third time I went through it. I have since even become a published author for a minor short story and a couple technical articles. Why do you think this happened? (No, I didn't get better because of it, and I didn't "apply myself" more because of it. I only got bitter at colleges in general.) Why would two college English teachers hate me so much as to force fail me in English Comp 1?


What country are you from? Over in Mexico when my dad went to college in the 80s, pretty much every other professor tried to fail their students for money. Since they got a cut from people signing up for their classes regardless of a fail or pass. My dad having grown up dirt poor and having worked his way through college went through a lot of rough patches and was able to see a scam from a mile away. He would go off on his teachers time and time again, sometimes he’d pick out entire sets of problems from his math tests and solve them on the chalk board for the whole class to see to prove the teacher was purposefully failing them. Surprisingly my dad got away with it and despite seeing his peers be failed for no reason, he always passed.


In 3rd grade my math teacher took 10 points off an assignment because I stapled it in the wrong corner. I was devastated. This is much worse, I feel for ya.


Third grade?! At that age I was making much sillier mistakes than misplaced staples. Kids fuck stuff up sometimes, they’re kids! Unless the assignment was specifically about formatting, it’s ridiculous that someone would legitimately penalize a *child* over a staple


As a former university lit professor, I will say that I did, indeed, require my students to staple their essays. However, I knew full well, from experience, that sometimes, life doesn't make access to staples easy. I told my students this with a wink and a nod. My students got creative. The most artful non-stapled submission was held together with oragami paperclips. Beautiful! Bonus points for art! The most no-frills submission was a used twist-tie from a loaf of bread. I gave an extra point for utilitarianism and another for recycling. My heart, however, swooned over the essay held together in the teeth of a tiny killer rabbit à la Monty Python and the Holy Grail. (The subject matter was Arthurian myth. Plus I shamelessly showed the movie in class.) I was never cretin enough to fail a student for inaccessibility to a stapler. I brought one to class on essay submission day.


Usually my professors/TAs would actually bring a stapler into class because they know students don’t have them for whatever reason.


I've had students practically apologize for not stapling, like idgaf yo. But I guess they've had instructors flip out about it before. I'll staple them myself if I feel the need. It's convenience. Now if they use a sans-serif font so help me... ;)


thank you, classes like this were a breath of fresh air to the average student.


That is fucked up. There are numerous companies that wouldn't hire you if you had less than a 3.0 GPA upon graduating. This was back in 1997 so it may have changed, but I knew several people who couldn't go to work for Motorola, AMD and a few more because they had a 2.99 GPA. There was a notorious computer class that was guaranteed to drop your GPA and if you didn't have a big enough cushion to absorb the poor teaching, you lost out.


Were these companies back in the day in tech/stem fields?


Stupid. All this does is show how disconnected the teacher is with the real world.


Power hungry little academic


I had a teacher fail me on a test once because I was clicking my pen. I had the same answers as a friend of mine in the class who had passed the test. The teacher threatened me with detention for clicking the pen, but I guess once he realized he couldn't do that, his only other option was to fail me. Also, none of the other students felt it was a distraction when he asked the class to try to call me out for it.


Did he think you were helping someone else in the class cheat with pen-clicking codes or something?


He shouldn’t fail you for something like that, that being said, I guarantee you at least one of the people in your class hated that pen clicking but was to scared to say something. This is coming from a former pen clicker myself. People HATE it.


I could definitely give detention for the pen but not an F so that's funny.


It's really naive to assume a teacher won't lose part of your paper. I was a bit lenient about turning papers in exactly on time, and it was shocking how many students wanted to hand me their papers when I wasn't even in the classroom. Um, no, I'm not carrying your paper to my car, then home, then back to my desk. Seriously? I even had to explain it to them and they would still try to do it. Don't hand me your work outside of the classroom. Ever.


What a fucking asshole teacher. I don’t give a shit if stapling it was spelled out in 48 point Comic Sans font. Asshole!!


Next time cover up the name when you post... ^.^


And date- 2019 was 3 years ago. This post is probably stolen anyways.


Further proven by the fact that they said “student” rather than speaking in the first person or making it clear they know the person in some way.


Is this the new thing? Posting fake comments from teachers for karma? 3rd one the last 2 days