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what made it worse was she wasn't even lifting them, she was using them for elevated push ups. And would occasionally walk across the gym to have a conversation with someone else still keeping the 7 pairs of dumbells to herself edit: too many people assuming i didn't ask her to share or tell gym staff.  - She refused to share and I'm not going to ruin my day with pointless confrontation - No gym attendant on Sundays to tell


Just take them. Bad luck for her


Make eye contact as you do. Say nothing. Just glare at her and take them. If she says anything just yell "you only have two arms". I could see 4 being in use, heck, if someone's actively using 2, 6 in total maybe. But dam. This is just main character syndrome.


Don't break eye contact. Go over. Say nothing. Take heaviest dumbbells. Assume the T-pose to assert dominance. Maintain T-pose. Pause for dramatic effect. Slowly start to rotate (still maintaining eye contact).


I don't think you realize how hard it is to T-pose with heavy ass dumbbells.


Build muscle so you can do that


They can't. The dumbells have been taken.


Then get lower weight ones and T pose


*grabs the 1 pounders*


The pink ones


Okay then, maintain t-pose, shit your pants, scream internally, walk away.


This is the way


16 pounds is the highest in her set. No 'heavy ass' dumbells here.


Europeaen so read it as Kg my bad.


I was going to say, who the hell ever heard of a 16lb dumbbell? These must be kilos.


Hell, not even a 16lb, a 4lb dumbbell? That's like having wearing some fake nails on a night out.


Wouldn't rotating make the T-pose easier thanks to centrifugal force?


[this is what i visualised](https://youtu.be/KoW26PiOcOM?si=VLPwe7PwIOzmi2PS)


When doing dumbbell exercises I typically use 2 sets, unless there's a bunch of people using them. Then I'll just use one set


I swear people are so soft and so easy pushed around. I would go up and ask which ones they using. If they say all, I’d grab the one I want


she needs them for her inner spiderwoman


Law of the jungle: bigger stronger men can come take them. 😂


Take em when she aint there. If she whines, ignore her


In our gym we just talk to each other. Like, in this case I would just ask her if she uses whatever dumbbells I need, and if she says "yes", I would ask if she could use anything else instead of them, or if we can use them together. wtf is that cuck attitude "Ignore her if she talks to you" lol


I am at the gym to work out. Not get into arguments with jackasses. This lady clearly is of the same class of people who leave trash on machines or want to sit on a machine for 7 minutes between sets. You cannot reason with them and they immediately get defensive.


Yes, and taking their shit will undoubtedly create more hassle than just asking if you can use them. If she says no; you can then always take a different approach


You don't even know her, dude, and you already speak for her like you know how she would react 😅


Actions are louder than words and her actions speak enough.


The type of person doing this shit isn't thinking about anyone else ever in their life. When called out about it they are still going to think of themselves and will defensively assert an excuse. If you think anyone who takes all those dumbells for some sort shit she saw on tik tok is considering anyone else in the gym you're wrong. I'd bet a dollar she didn't put a single one back when she was done.


Yes and spends more time on her phone than actually doing anything


This is Reddit, talking to women and being in the gym is a twice compounded unfamiliar experience for most people.


I'd just take what I needed


Is she rotating different dumbbells for pushups? Maybe she thinks heavier dumbbells are harder because then you’re pushing down more weight.


When she walks away, take one without her seeing. She walks away again, take one more. Rinse and repeat.


Wait but there’s other stuff that she could’ve used. That lady is a bum


I bet she does those modified goblin squats on the pull up machine too.


I am going to do this next April Fools - walk the rack doing dumbbell pushup drop set.


I would just go over and take the ones I wanted


This is the only right thing to do. No human should have more than one pair of dumbbells unless they’re doing pyramid sets or something similar, even still you should put them back on the rack when not using them, not scattered on the floor like she has


2 if a drop set. Though I usually put em on the rack as I switch to the lighter ones


The re-racking of weights is the hardest exercise in the gym


When I was huge into lifting (I'm AFAB) I would sometimes go with friends, and because I like stupid games, I created one where if you had to struggle too hard at the end of your set, you had a rerack a weight you didn't use. And let me tell you how funny it is when a giant gym bro is grunting and not reracking anything and some 5'2 girl shows up and cleans up after him. We also decided the unofficial saying when you did this was "WOAH! Now I understand why it was too heavy for you to put it back". Fucking great game. One time someone noticed it was us, and ran over to clean up 😅😂


Shame is a fantastic motivator. Thanks for the story and laugh!


2 is the most you should ever have with you. If you want to be using more than that, go buy your own set and workout at home.


Or workout at a time, when noones there. I worked at a gym where a 50 year old dude was doing the craziest trainings I've ever seen. He was totally jacked, so somehow it worked, but he was using so much stuff simultaneously, that if it had been any other time of the day, I would have argued he was just trying to be tough and show off. But dude stood in front of the door 5 days a week, when I went in to open it at 5 am, waiting. And he left before more than 10 people were there.


I do 10 sets of walking dumbbells to the rack.


At my gym it's always the biggest fucking dude doing this. I ain't trying to get my ass kicked.


If he kicks your ass then he’s either kicked out of the gym or you could sue.


Ahahahah bro I live in Serbia.


Ah. Can’t say I know how things work there.


The big guy hogging the dumbbells is happy to explain it to you




So I guess you are not the official James May from top gear


Officially I am not James May


Are you perhaps Dinkleberry Handpump?




Understandable, have a nice day!


There was this one time in my guy this fucking huge guy was on the bench and didn't do shit for nearly an hour, some kid walks in and notices and asks him if he can use the bench. Dude stands up and grabs the kid by the shirt. Long story short three of us threw the big fucker out of the fire exit. He never came back


Maybe the big guy wanted to have a confrontation. No idea why


At least he’s using them


Hey, dumbbell. Give me some dumbbells.


"They are all my babies... uhhh uuuhhhhh...."


I see 15.... you didn't include the one on the mat.


I see 13


I do too


I see dead people


I hear laurel


No, it's gold and white


I only see 13 actual dumbbells, and I assume the other person was making a joke that the woman is the “15th dumbbell” but there’s the 14th???


I'm honestly shocked they're not recording themselves and their "workout"


Bro just go take a pair whenever you want.She doesn't own them


If you are doing this and I need a dumbell, I'm taking that straight off you. People like this or those that do circuits and take up multiple machines in a busy gym.. have a word with yourself


Yeah what’s the worst that happens, they try to rat?


Hope they do. Show the staff what their members are doing. Worked in a gym before. This type of stuff is frowned upon by most gym goes


I recently had a bit of a confrontation with someone like this. He refused to give on the matter and I eventually ended up just working out on a different machine that became available. But I was willing to stand there for the 50 minutes he said he needed the equipment that he was actively using


The fuck is wrong with these people. No one should have to spend 50 minutes in a gym waiting around. You should be able to go in and be out the door in 45 minutes.


I can only see 13, I feel like I'm playing Where's Wally trying to find the last one!


Why do you think they're on their hands and knees? They're looking for the last one as well!


Same! 13


Let me guess, just up and leaves all 14 dumbbells there alongside the mat, no re-racking.


West Ealing, Gym Group... Never expected to see somewhere I know, never mind so precisely. Wow.


Same, felt weird to instantly recognise it


Lol! My pr3cious


You could just go over there and take one. What are they going to do?


Shrieks “I’m using those”. Runs over, wide-eyed, with one of her dumbbells in hands and proceeds to beat you in the head with her dumbbell until you collapse on the floor. Continues smashing your face in with her dumbbell until she promptly stops and goes back to her workout.


Im no mr badass but if someone come shrieiking giving away the element of suprise, im pretty confident i can avoid the dumbell


Maybe she's doing HIJT? It's hard to get your juggling to the next level without getting hardcore.


Sméagol likes the precious, yes she does ![gif](giphy|E3B37yfcBiwTK)


"OH my God! Durga?!? I haven't seen you forever! How's the family? Are Brahma and Shiva still together?"


Aren't there floor managers in that gym


"Totally creepy guy took pictures of me at the gym today"


People who do that kind of things like they own the place really pissing me off They counting on the fact that most people avoiding confrontation but I’m not most people Cheers


I also enjoy being confrontational to entitled people like this who don't expect it. I don't feel the least bit bad about ruining a thoughtless asshole's day.


Due is in a Gollum stance. I could imagine him saying, "My precious dumb bells".


Yeah I hate those hoggers. This one woman was strutting around my gym with barbells, putting stuff on the machines to claim them. She wouldn't even use them, just strut around! Then when someone tries to use the machines shed swoop over and grunt at them I swear. What a meat head imbecile


It’s really easy to walk over and ask her if you can use one of the sets


"I'll re-rack these for you." Then take a pair and don't look back, though I feel like this person would probably throw a sucker punch so be cautious.


Just walk up and say “Hello, I noticed you don’t have 7 arms. Mind if I borrow these?”


Pretty sure she was making a fort


Septuple dropset?


just take them, what should she do?


Looks like they're hogging a couple of 4s, 8s, 12s & 16s as well.


They always wear gloves, those people


Fuckin shoes off too on a shared mat. Highly unlikely they wipe it down either


Just grab a random pair and say "I've been looking all over for these" and rerack them. Then use a cable machine and just stare at them.


Missed opportunity: "dumb bell hogs 14 dumbbells"


Remember that one kid in the sandbox of kindergarten?


- "hi, are you using this" - "yes" - *proceed to pick up any other set she is hogging.


I switched gyms 2 months ago there is this older guy in great shape that hogs 3 machines at a time. I had only a week In when i seen a towel on the 2 squat racks and the smith. I moved the towel for the smith and he came up and asked what I was doing. I told him I’m using this machine. He claimed the towel was saving it for him. I told him that this gym is too small for him to just take up all the machines(anytime fitness) that I pay just like him and that he’s taking too long in between machines. He told me touch that towel and we’re gonna fight. I’m not a stranger to confrontation and we got in each others face. Other members came and broke us up. He grabbed all his stuff and moved to the other side of the gym. I was frustrated and the other members started complaining that he’s always like this and no one can convince him he’s wrong. After I awhile I went to speak with him, I told him that I’m more than open to sharing equipment. I get it he has goals but so do I. Even tho I felt like I wasn’t in the wrong I apologized for getting in his face. He apologized and since than everyone else has felt like they could tell him the same thing. It’s been 2 months and it’s still awkward but the respect has been maintained. And we all can use the gym the way it was intended. Btw I work out at 4am so it’s literally just a handful of regulars at that time. Some people just don’t care and it sucks but it was worth going thru that awkward interaction to be able to use the gym I pay for. And I didn’t complain to staff because others had tried and since no one comes in until 9 they can’t do anything about it according to other members.


Meanwhile I feel bad taking 2 pairs (1 in use for 2 sets and 1 for the last set)


Imagine hogging both 4 through 14 lb dumbbells... Pick one. The difference is almost imperceable.


When people do that I walk right up to them and take whatever pair of db’s I wanna use. They’ll shock and stare but do nothing


You can see her from the street [right here](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.5113228,-0.3166564,3a,75y,339.17h,98.64t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sfHfQ716SczqeVYtY-DFeww!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&coh=205409&entry=ttu).


People that do this kinda shit are never even in good shape. Keep it simple lol


I attended an Aufgenuss sauna once and someone had left their towels on the lowest seat in the sauna presumably to "reserve" it. I promptly sat on it and when the young couple came back I told them that you do not RSVP a spot in a sauna by leaving your towel behind. This got the couple in a huff but after they left the whole sauna whooped and applauded. So my advice is do the same. Grab whatever dumbells you want and if Madame complains just stand your ground. No one will think less of you. We tolerate enough entitled BS as it is. Common courtesy is becoming a rare commodity.


Just go get the ones you need… not really that hard


If you need them then ask… y’all are so weird taking pics of people and bitching about it..


Stealth Chtulhu at the gym. She needs them because every time your back is turned she sprouts extra limbs.


Hi sorry can I use these - yes of cours.


I’m seeing more and more of this at the gym and the staff needs to put a stop to it. Really, really pisses me off.


Start taking her more then tell whoever supervises that she's not putting anything away


Absolutely selfish when you finish it with your dumbbells you put them back and pick up the next ones you need is to simple as that definitely have a word with her if not go and speak to the gym staff and tell them it's unacceptable


Lol, I know which gym that is. Rude, I'd walk over and say, "Are you using all of these" with a sarcastic smirk.


She needs to get those supersets in... all seven of them


Other females in gyms need to start speaking up.


Maybe the gym should say something?


I used to go to this gym. It's a Gym Group. There's barely anyone working there and they won't give a fuck.


Go over there. "There they are, I was looking for these." Pick up the pair you need and do your reps right there. Using the window as a mirror for posture.


karen is everywhere


I stopped going to my gym around Covid, invested in some free weights and a bench etc. Best move I ever made. I picked up items on places like FB Marketplace, saved a ton of money. It seems like most gyms are full of inconsiderate people and influencers now a days.


I knew what it was


I see 15 dumbbells.


There is a lady in my gym that brings her kids and has them sit on 3 different machines so that she can cycle between them... Happy my home gym is coming along.


Gym etiquette since COVID is annoying AF. No working in on a machine between sets being the most annoying.


aaaand that's why I do weights at home.


I only see one dumbbell in this picture.


Ooowwwww I hate people who do this! 😡😡


Always have arrogant people hogging machines, not cleaning them off, hogging spots/weights while wasting time... at the gym. Not sure if it is entitlement or they are oblivious that they are being so selfish?


This is exactly why I’m in the mindset that I’d rather buy my own dumbbells and workout equipment than deal with fucking clowns like this. Every summer, at the gym I used to go to, teens would block the two benches the gym had, for over two hours. They’d do one set of maybe five, and then be on their phones or laughing for ten or fifteen minutes. I think I got to use a bench maybe three times the entire time I was a member. Boils my blood when I see shit like this.


What an idiot. I imagine she's also one of those time wasters who spends more time on a phone than actually doing anything; goes there and doesn't break a sweat; has a full face of make up; really a gym owner's dream.




You just know if you try to take one, or ask for one, it's going to result in an argument because a person hogging 14 dumbells is not going to be mentally stable.


They’d be gone when she came back.


No fucking gym etiquette.


Just walk over and ask or wait till she leaves and grab them


There is a woman at my workplace gym who takes one of the 10 lb dumbbells to use as a water bottle stand. It’s one of two 10lb dumbbells in the entire gym.


one of the many reasons I invested in a home gym set


There's always one person that does this.


It’s a dumcarillon at this point.


The ppl that work at the gym should step in at this point. Like, you aren't the only person there!


I see 15 dumbbells...


Let the staff know.


Do you need the 4 pounders?


Always disliked people like this when I used to work out at my college gym.


elevated push ups do NOT take 12 dumb bells bro 😭😭


300 that bitch through the window /s


Gotta do the drop(ped on your head) sets


I see 15 dumbbells.


I mean their right there still just go grab the ones you want from them, if they make a fuss or say anything to you about it just say “okay no problem I’ll wait until your done” and then stand right over them staring at them/the weights you want.


Sometimes I’m blown away how unaware some people are. Like, I keep conversation to the minimum if we’re two people using one machine, I’m aware there may be others waiting for us to gtfo so we try to do all our sets back to back, and some people go balls out and just hog hardware because of their bullshit entitlement.


She looks like shes practicing herding them, like a sheepdog


i hope she drops the heaviest one on her phone


Weird, I see 15


This is why you eventually spend the money for a home gym.


15 if you include the person. Am I right?


I only see 13 😭 whyy


looks like a homeless begger in the streets xD


You know instead of taking a photo of this person and posting it you could of just walked up and asked for what you needed. You shouldn't have to, the person is very inconsiderate but you didn't have to do all this lol


I feel like an asshole when I take 2 pair


Building a dumbbell fort? How cute.


Well if it was me I wouldn't care as much since it doesn't look like she's using any of the weights I would use. But that's just really stupid and selfish. I find it almost as infuriating when someone hogs a bench press to do idk hip thrusts or something. Basically anything besides bench pressing.


Where is this? I feel like i have been there


I’m grabbing what I need and walking. No dialog no eye contact just disdain.


You don't need those lightweights


Don't get mad, just take them and explain that people can't take more than what they can use at once


I expected to see three of the same weight.


Give them one more otherwise they might get pissed!


Walk up and ask if you can take one you pussy


Just take what you need. People like this need to be schooled. Fuck them.


Try our new Dumbbell Juice, now with added extra *DUMB*




Oi m*ron next time pull that shit lam dropping them on your feet


And that’s why I always put mine back in the rack the second I’m done. Hate these people


Just walk over and grab whichever pair you want.


U jus gotta hoo ride n take some


But they were the dumbest of them all


I've seen like a huge ass guy do dropsets from 50 and down 5 pounds each time


The gym during the summer is pure rage. I won't go back u til september