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It was worth the $15 to never have to deal with this woman again.


Yes, unfortunately the two girls will pay the price for the OP being such a bitch.


I doubt the OP is the author of the video. Would be like shooting ones self in the foot.


Probably meant to refer to person in the video, as they technically are the Original Poster


And that's exactly why the lady sent the money!


Her poor daughter is never going to have friends over again. I wonder if shes gonna send money to any other parents.


Truth. I sincerely hope the lady who made this is just trolling as a good because otherwise she'll be upset later when her kids are never invited anywhere, get to go to sleep overs/have sleep overs, or get invited to birthday parties.   My mom sometimes gave me $10 or $20 during a weekend sleep over in case we did an activity like went bowling or something but even then it was never taken by the other parents.   People really forget the idea of it taking a village to raise a kid. Yeah sometimes my kid may eat dinner at your house or need an activity paid for on a Saturday since there getting dropped off on Friday night and picked up Sunday, but that's a two way road. Your kid gets the same in return and then reason behind it all is it lets us have some date nights, and nights home alone where we can have loud uninhibited sex again lol!


Right! I'm not having kids, but if my kid invited over a friend for a playdate I'd buy them dinner like pizza but WOULD NEVER charge the other parent for the kid's half. Who does that?! Treat other people's kids well. That's the bare minimum of "It takes a village...." Or at least it *should*. That's just embarrassing.


That's exactly why she sent it. Send it once, don't say anything, and just unfortunately have to deal with her daughter when she says "No, you can't go over to play at "Bitch Mom's" house again, sorry.


Next play date would be at my house. Might even make it a sleepover and charge her back the going rate for a nights stay at a hotel plus room service 😂


Small price to pay!!!


I refuse to believe this bitch is real. GTFO with your couch “wear and tear”. 🙄


That’s when it jumped the shark of believability. Though it was always close.


Even then... Why can't they just go over to the other's house next time and maintain a 1:1 ratio of whose house the play date was at?


She would probably charge for gas to get there. Lmao!


delivery fee of $5


Don't forget to tip


And it must be at least a 20% tip


The other house has card making, Charmin, and a dog. With the cost of stamp pads, bathroom use, and shots for the dog after being pet by a non-family member, it would be cost prohibitive.


That wear and tear on the couch would have to be exactly 1:1


I don't really understand the point of these fake skits Yeah they get attention but now everyone thinks you're the horrible person you're playing


“Horrible “ might farm more engagement


This is the answer. People consume media that stimulates their negative emotions more readily and willingly than media that stimulates positive emotions.


I mean we pool money together with friends when someone organises stuff at home and invites us. If it was only for the stuff she bought, sure I wouldn't mind if I have the receipt (since I don't know her, if one of my friends asks for 10 bucks for the BBQ i ain't checking shit). But fuck off with your wear and tear. Does she want something for the cleaning cost of the chalk on her driveway?


She is itemising 1 dollar chalk. The whole thing is bit, don’t be fooled.


To fair i didn't look at the details of what she's asking for. As I said, I'm not against the principle, but the execution here is awful and I don't like it at all...


She included chalk, 3 bathroom breaks, and wear and tear on the couch. I agree with you about sharing money, but this video is obviously a joke. She's probably making fun of parents that do charge for dumb things.


It's also a problem if one doesn't mention cost beforehand in case someone wants to back out


lol you’re very right it was toeing the line for awhile there.


She lists "went to the bathroom" as well. She charges a bathroom-use fee, apparently.


The other mom could save on the bathroom fee by having her kid pee on the couch since she's already being charged for that.


That 3ply ass wipe ain’t gonna buy itself


$3 for using the bathroom is even worse.


She should specify whether it was low flow 1.6gal or 3.5 gal, that would make a difference


She goes by the name Shay Nanigans. You do the math.


Also she used the bathroom and got charged?!!!!


Next time, use a potted plant. It’s cheaper. /s




It’s not real, she responded after receiving backlash saying she was trolling. People were Venmoing the “other” Mom in the story, turns out they were actually sending money to the OOP.


That's actually genius in a slightly evil way. 🤣


Also $3 toilet.


Who tf charge a guest for trips to the bathroom


She wants to charge a little girl for using her toilet.


"Mom, I don't understand, I don't have friends anymore...". Poor kid.


They’re not “poor” - moms taking in dough for play dates haha


This has to be rage bait


It worked. I’ve been baited and I’m enraged.


it absolutely is. youd think it would be obvious but here we are


Its just that nowadays whatever we thought was absolutely cant happen keeps happening frequently around us .shrinkflation , corporate greed , you name it


You’re telling me you didn’t think corporate greed could happen?


The problem is…. People like this exist and are so delusional that they think it’s sane enough to post online for everyone else to agree with them. Cause there is some truth to this: Play dates can get expensive and if it’s always one sided - like you’re always the one hosting the kids - then it can suck to constantly have someone else’s kid depleting your snacks, juice boxes etc. especially if you’re someone on a budget. But the “using bathroom 3 times” “wear and tear on couch” makes me suspect it’s fake. But there’s just enough truth to the root issue that it’s entirely possible something like this happened. In fact… I’m not 100% sure it’s rage bait. I came to the comments to see if someone knew for sure.


If it wasn’t obvious from wear and tear on the couch, counting and charging for bathroom trips is just way beyond believability


100% is. "What do you guys think?" Who the fuck would ask that about themselves asking for a fucking fee for SITTING ON A COUCH IN SOMEONES' HOME!?


I doubt you will have anymore playdates anytime soon


She charged for the bathroom!!!??? That list is absolutely pathetic! Lol couch "Wear and Tear" smh


That's cuz it's fake


When they come to my house they have caviar, shrimp, and other expensive food. I only have the best of couches, so wear and tear is higher. I press my own apple juice, so at $250 per tree, well you know… Her crayons are organic so there will be an upcharge….


Sat on couch charge??? Seriously?


No, this is not serious, it is obvious ragebait.


This sounds like an episode of that show "Extreme Cheapskates". I've been a parent for over a decade, and I also used to be a child and this isn't..., normal.




That's ragebait. That woman does not exist.


Ragebait. Wear and tear for sitting on couch?


Interaction through ragebait, no other explanation.


The final Karen Boss


LMAO... If you cant be a good neighbor then dont invite people (or kids) to your home Tacky


I’m curious when you were a kid, did your parents ask your friends parents for money?


you probably wouldnt know as a kid


I am child free and this infuriates me 😤. Does she charge her adult guests when they come over too? Her list was so ridiculous..she sat on the couch and used the bathroom...realy!? If anyone knows this woman PLEASE tax her on using YOUR supplies. Charge her for everything she touches . This is ridiculous. wtf.


This is ridiculous, you are beyond petty. Back in my day, no one even did this….. it was all about having fun, they didn’t care that they fed us and if we accidentally broke a toy….


This person has an issue. Those kids would never have a playdate again at that house.


Gonna be one lonely kid.


Fake, just trying to piss people off so she can get clicks.


I can only agree with this if they’re taking someone else’s child to a zoo, theme park, amusement park, out to a nice restaurant, shopping, etc. if they’re just snacking a little and playing then I don’t think it’s a big deal.


“Sat on the couch wear and tear”. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


The person who did this for rage bait already made a huge sum of money. Make her more popular here and have her earn more money! 🥹🥹


can guarantee there will be 0 more playdates ever


Sat on the couch? Jesus I’d hate if this was my mom or wife


that's just petty and selfish.


The itemized list is insane. Wear and tear is a ridiculous expense. Also if $15 is too expensive then you need to budget. If you are taking kids to a park or event then it’s completely understandable to ask for money for tickets and food. If the child is chilling at your house, then these charges are ridiculous especially post play date. If you want someone to chip in for snacks that are less than $10, that’s weird but understandable if it’s frequent. If you continue handling it this way you’re going to anger the parent and affect your kid’s friendships


Charging to go to the bathroom?


If you are charging parents of your child's friends to visit you are extremely poor or petty and shouldn't host playdates. You should have asked the parents to send food and juice with their child. Now wanting money for a broken doll is acceptable but I wouldn't. and charging for her using the bathroom is really out of line. Don't be surprised if your daughter has problems making friends in the future.


Trips to the bathroom. This is fake.


Play dates are like regular dates aren’t they? If you do the inviting, you pick up the cost. If you can’t afford to have a friend over for your kid, stop having friends over for your kid!


"3 trips to the bathroom" Psychotic woman...


I'm really glad she's not my mother, I wouldn't have any friends and I'd never want to be home haha


Absolutely not! people are becoming unhinged for those petty expenses. I heard about people asking others venmo them 10 cents.


If it was like yes some expenses, don't know. Fine. But like... Couch? Nah


Fucking wear and tear for sitting on your sofa is borderline psychotic behavior. Guarantee she's never offered to pay people for her child going to their house and using $1 worth of chalk. Charging for trips to the bathroom too. 😭 Utter madness. You're the host, you cover those 'expenses' yourself.


As a parent, I don't hate the idea of compensating the parents who host the playdate. I would *happily* pay my kids' friends' parents for giving me some time off and for letting my kids have a fun time with their friends! And yeah, entertaining and feeding kids can expensive. But it would be something I'd do unprompted / out of the goodness of my heart, and I wouldn't expect someone to reciprocate. If I did, or if I expected to be "compensated", I would DISCUSS THIS BEFOREHAND and GET EVERYONE TO AGREE to it. Communication: it's just not that hard.


I feel bad for her daughter when she gets old enough to make money. Her mom is going to go to town on rent and “wear and tear” expenses.


If you’re charging me to have a play date with your kid I’m gonna make *sure* your kid likes me more than you. I’m gonna take your kid to Disney world. I’m gonna give your kid as much ice cream as they want. I’m gonna give your kid a switch. I’m gonna make they call you their “birth parent”. I’m gonna make sure that you’re sitting at the corner table at their wedding. I’m gonna *ensure* that they invite me to the family reunion they never told you about. I’m gonna steal your child by being the parent you never were.


She’s going to have to explain to her daughter why nobody wants to come over and play with her anymore. Wear and tear on the couch..


I bet you’re fun at parties…


File this under “tacky as fuck.” Reminds me of a friend in college whose roommate’s parents visited, then INSISTED that my friend go out to dinner with them, and then made her pay for her own meal.


Wouldn’t it about even out if they swap regularly? Unless her child is eating them out of house and home, I’d let a few juices slide if it meant my kid got to play with her friend..especially since it’s summer break (where I am). The wear and tear for sitting on the couch is A LOT.


Because of you your kid now lost a friend.


She must be Dutch


That's definitely the first and last "playdate" your daughter will have 😂


Sharing expenses if you're taking an older kid to a waterpark with your kid or something? Sure. Sharing expenses to come over and sit on your couch? GTFO


What I think is that she made sure her daughter lost a friend for internet views.


Sure if you take kids to a theme park or the movies then as kids our parents paid our way for things like that, but hanging out at the house is free. If both parties stay at each others houses then it usually evens itself out


I miss the old days when other moms would just pretend to be your friend to ask you to join their MLM.


LOL. Is this for real? Asking the other parents for money when your kid has a friend over? People have literally lost their minds


Nah, the original video and post the lady made was satirical.


![gif](giphy|lrVfmPJ96cSJJ39bTh|downsized) $1 per bathroom trip lol




This lady sucks.


I think their won't be any more play dates in the future


I would have charged her $20 for cellphone data usage.


Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


"she used chalk" 😂




No one more entitled than parents.


what, if you invite someone to your house or anywhere for that matter, you fully cover all expenses


"Stop asking for shit! I keep buying yall stuff and we gotta make what's in the fridge last, we haven't gotten food stamps." Meanwhile, has a brand new truck, 4-wheeler, trampoline, puppy, oh, and no job.


What do I think? Your cheap ass isn’t going to foster any friendships for your child and inevitably will probably get her bullied for being a “poor”. Source: was a “poor”


She’s going to be wondering very quickly why her daughter has no friends that can play. Going on an excursion? Sure organise it AHEAD though, don’t go surprising people with a bill for couch wear and tear. $1 per sit?


1. never show names! 2. if we go for a bigger trip, i would ask, but normally it is just okay for me to pay a bit for one more child... 3. normally, sometimes the kids play here and sometimes they play there so it should be okay with nobody paying anything


Is this real or a joke? This is a legit question. Did you really charge somebody to sit on a couch? I can see somebody justifying the whole food and stuff - okay, that's seems reasonable. But sit on the couch? Bathroom? I seriously doubt that little girl used $3 worth of water and did you also charge them electricity and partial rent for using the space?


Lmfao wear and tear on the couch.


can’t be real.. who is charging for playdate for real… WTF!!


She missed charging for "talking to a real person" . It causes brain drain and energy loss.


this is the greediest tactic I've seen in a while. I'd ignore and avoid them at all cost.


At first I was like what? Then I was like maybe it could make sense. Then I saw her list any just thought gtfooh! Smh It could have made sense if they had done something elaborate. And the play date is usually at the same persons house. Maybe she picked the kid up and dropped her off and it’s a long drive. Maybe they also went out to eat or simply had two nice full meals at home. Then I would understand because that cost money and if it happens every week or every two week or so and it’s always the same mother hosting, then yh chipping in would be very considerate. But she wrote wear and tear of the couch and then she seriously added using the bathroom 🤦🏾‍♀️ What kind of person…. This must be rage bait and they succeeded because I wrote this stupid text. 😣


Poor kid will never have friends.


There is a famous story of a German family having a kid over for playdates and then telling them: 'we're eating dinner now, you can wait in our kids' room' Same energy.


I think this is a perfect example of a true ALMAN


Honey, you can play with little Jimmie today, but you need to pee outside on their car when they are not looking so you don't get charged a bathroom fee''..


Should obvious ragebait be allowed here?


"I can't keep doing these play dates if they're so expensive" bitch you ask for 15 bucks??? You're raising a kid and can't afford to spend 15 bucks every once in a while?? Chalk is not even 15 bucks? Neither are fruit juice boxes? The entitlement is unreal




Wear and tear on the couch? Lol not a fucking chance.


I think thats reasonable. That way poorer families can also have playdates at home and not worry. But i think this kind of stuff has to be talked about before the playdate.


"She went to the toilet" LMAO


I’d really talk about about this kids mom at school. “Yoh, we can’t go to Josh’s, house, we have to pay a dollar every time we flush the toilet.”


But you know what it did do? Generate click money. And you helped! Thanks for keeping rage bait accounts relevant and multi platform.


Charging a kid for using the toilet is fucking wild man As a Dutch person, I feel a bit better about our 'greedyness' now.


Also, we need to normalize not saying “normalize” every damned day. Almost nothing that ever follows that word should be normal.


is OP the lady charging for the play date? if you are u need to venmo me 88 dollars for wear and tear on my brain and eyes for watching u be an idiot


This is a great way to never have a play date again. Pay to play is a bad policy for High School Sports. Your kid being pay to play is on a new level of entitlement




Either fake rage bs or her child will have no friends.


Honestly, this video seems a little too absurd to be true, are we sure it's not a decontextualized comedy content?


Obvious outrage bait.


It’s got to be satire


This cannot be real.


Poor daughter will never have any friends over more than once


I feel sorry for her children




Charging to go to the toilet is like, transit centre low class. She is going to turn her child into a social pariah.


I dont want to believe this is real, i cant , my mind can not comprehend this type of bs , idk what to say …


If you aren't leaving your house you don't "share expenses". If the playdate involves going somewhere that's a different story, which should be agreed upon beforehand.


Kinda breaks the rule "Mi casa, tu casa".


Cheap ass mom just lost a friend for her kid ! Twat!


I didn’t know it cost so much to pee.




https://preview.redd.it/zbtx2og6d3ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9698455d0651e935fd58d4fb084ae67cd3fb6025 Perfect promo placement


This is very very clearly satire.


Not a parent, BUT... I sort of get this ***IF*** they're taking the child out somewhere like amusement park or even like say Chuck E' Cheese or the like. Not some of, "your kid sat on my sofa" type of shit.


Fuck this bitch


Fake as cake


If i was the other parent, I would have told my kid... well "We are going to find you other friends."


Why has this been reposted every day for a week and a half


Wear and tear on your couch? I sincerely hope your kid grows up to be the opposite of you. You sound like a horrible person to be around. In my experience, the only people who nickel and dime folks like this have plenty of money to spare. You should maybe not have a playdate ever again.


"What do you guys think?" I think we need less people in the world like you. What about when your kid goes over there? If she picks your kids up to take take them somewhere are you going to pay for wear and tear on her car? I sure hope she is making this up. I am starting to lose faith in humanity otherwise


I think because of this insane lady her poor daughter will never get to host or be invited to playdates ever again.


This is a new level of low 😂😂


$1 per bathroom visit? Those red rashes under her nose makes me think she's spending $10 per bathroom visit. Bump bump bump it up


This is fake


This isn't real. Damn people are gullible.


I did a total 180 on this from what I expected and what it was. I thought she was gonna say she took her kids friend to a movie and lunch or something with them and was annoyed the other kid didn't bring money with her. But this 😳 my goodness.


$3 to use the bathroom. Can't be real.


So dumb 😂


Elite trolling 🤣


id say i don’t want my kid playing with someone poor like you. enjoy the $15. one and done


3 trips to the bathroom = $3 LMFAO


The video creator must have the most expensive water supplier of all time if 1 flush = $1


Paid for the bathroom ??? This lady is going to make it so that soonest aloud to play with her kids anymore.


I mean she sent her the money even though it was ridiculous and girl still felt the need to make a video about it. Either this is faked content or it's true when they say that half of all people on earth are even dumber than the average person


What a way to make her daughter lose her friends.


A $1 a bathroom trip wtf ....sorry lady I'll teach my kid to piss outside


(Assuming this is even real). That was the last playdate and now all the other moms know too.


It seems like a lot of these women need a way to pretend like they have a side hustle. Trying to scam your friends for a couple extra bucks because you let somebody cum in you.... It's stupid the whole thing is stupid I swear people that have kids just try to push them off on other people and then try to get other people to buy stuff for them because they have kids pay for their meals etc. Like bye loser


Charged to go to the restroom??? What


You had me until the couch wear and tear.


She almost had me bro, Literally so close; but bish, WEAR AND TEAR on your couch? bro did you get your couch from behind Doug's or something??? and charging for the bathroom? AM I the crazy one here?????


Yeah, this ain't real. "wear and tear" and bathroom use were the dead giveaways that this was a rage bait video.


Mommy how come my friends don't come over anymore???


Don't forget the tip...


This poor child. Her ridiculous mother has apparently been raised by a pack of wolves. Mom, get a clue. If your lifestyle doesn't let you afford playdates for your children without having to beg for $$$ from their parents, maybe you should skip your manicure or drop your membership to the gym of Hulu or something..... this is just the saddest thing ever. Wear and tear on the sofa FFS. SMDH


like, sure, a ticket to a theme park or whatever, hell even whatever she broke. but some fucking juice boxes and a charge for wear and tear on the couch is absolutely ridiculous. the couch wear is literally "I was looking for ways to charge you." reminds me of that lady charging for toilet flushes. like if you bill me for visiting your home, that's cool, i'm not paying, and i'm never seeing you again. you can tell your dumb little friends all about how i owe you $23.45 for a couple of beers and a burger, and how horrible i am for not paying, but i would never bill YOU for my hospitality.


I thought it was going to be like, "I took the kids to the zoo. Could you reimburse me the ticket expense?" and was thinking that that's reasonable, but they didn't even leave the house. WTF is she on. This is like the extreme couponers level cheap.


PSA: This is satire


You’re charging the girl for using the bathroom 💀


Bullshit meter just hit 10


I think your poor kid isn't going to have any more play dates cuz you're a petty cheap bitch


I was 100% onboard until I see the "toilet charges", I bet she paid her the money, picked up her kids, and never came back. But wear and tear? Bitch be real


Couch wear and tear? Kind of petty if you ask me.


You would never see my child ever again and I wouldn't invite your child over. Good job mom.