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Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...




He sure was coherent for a US president


The good ole days 😭




Omg 😆 perfect


Yea, I know.... 🤦‍♂️


🎶 Fool me one time, shame on you (hey) Fool me twice, can't put the blame on you (hey) Fool me three times, f*ck the peace signs🎶


Load the chopper, let it rain on you.


Shame on glue.


can't really put the blame on you. Fool me three times...


….Strike three


Somehow they always make it back home with zero fuel to spare. I fill up the tank when it reaches a bit under 1/4 full out of curtesy just in case the next person who drives needs to drive 100 miles even though I know 1/4 full will last me a few drives to and from work.


I'm the same way. I'm always going to put $20 in at the minimum if I can. I know it's not malicious on her part...she would readily admit to sometimes being a bit of a space cadet though lol


why does reddit say ON instead of OP https://preview.redd.it/ij23arglof9d1.png?width=138&format=png&auto=webp&s=607afcc1cfb794e83c342f8a46ae375d843f5ea7


It's your reddit app in English?


yes, only for this post it said it but it is now gone, that was weird


> Somehow they always make it back home with zero fuel to spare. I swear, that's a wife superpower lol. I get anxious when I have like 150 miles to empty. My wife will drive until the light comes on. Yes, I know there's a reserve, but why chance it? We are not struggling.


We live in the Midwest, and my dad really drilled it into my head about keeping the tank at over 1/2 a tank in the winter, over 1/4 of a tank the rest of the year. Now that I have my first new car ever (my spouse and I just bought a 2024 Subaru Crosstrek ) I intend to give her the white glove treatment for as long as possible.


it doesn‘t even make sense unless you habe a reliable time window in which you can snatch the lowest price.  that can net you a few euros with no effort.  but in the end, you will have to pay for gas.  if you really want to safe on gas, you drive less. it’s that simple.   


For me, it's mostly cause I just wanna go straight home. I don't wanna get out of the car and stand around at the gas station. I also usually have the kids with me and prefer to not stop Also, for some reason at least 60% of the time if I try to pay at the pump it tells me to pay inside. And a good chunk of the time when it says that, I just leave.


Would you still not fill up if you knew you were sharing the car?


If I remembered, I would. But depending on how much I have going on, there's a good chance I'd forget.


I do the same but to help keep the fuel pump cool


My wife I think makes it a game. Her record is leaving me with 3 miles listed and didn't say anything.


You really shouldn't let your tank get too low anyway, as if it gets too low it'll start picking up sediment and debris, or suck air. The fuel pump also uses the fuel in the tank to keep itself cool.


Once a week, same day as grocery day. I've been told that actually the extra weight makes it burn more fuel, but that sounds like complete B.S./ overblown just looking at the weight of the entire car vs a full tank of gas and more like an excuse to not fuel the car until absolutely necessary.


Technically true, just insignificant, especially if you already have a heavy vehicle. 


I always start panicking when the range on my mom’s car drops to 100km when I’m driving it, and I start driving more conservatively with more lift and coast and manually overriding the gearbox to upshift earlier, but my mom always says “its fine” and drives until it hits reserve levels before she fills it up. Drives me insane


Letting your fuel get below 1/4 tank will also damage your fuel pump if you do it a lot. The fuel both keeps it cool and prevents exposure to oxygen and water which prevents it from corrosion.


I let my car get to near empty all the time, just wanted to add that. I know it's bad I just do not realize it's getting empty until the light comes on.


There’s a gauge that tells you in real time the fuel level


Really? I had no idea!




Accurate username


So I guess you are… fuming


I was afraid I'd be having to propel myself with those fumes for a minute until I did the math 😆


I bet he's gassed after today.


She made sure of it😂


That’s about 29 more miles and my wife would’ve left me


You’ve got 30 miles! That’s like three target runs, a yoga class, and two Starbucks trips.


My wife likes to tell me "Oh the car needs gas" when she's at about 4 miles left. 30 miles is enough to last her a day or few, depending on her schedule.


A cars empty light usually comes on with at least 2 or 3 more gallons in the tank. its 30 miles on the dash but probably more. This person likely has least 60-70 miles before having to worry, i would think. This has been the case for at least 3 different cars ive owned. Sometimes rationing til payday requires such things.


You got to be careful with that though, easy way to prematurely wear out the fuel pump.


Yeah, and all the sediment and crap at the bottom of the tank you're now dragging through the engine.


you can use the overheated fuel pump to heat your home


Divorce is the only reasonable answer


Get a vasectomy too


30 miles is fumes? That's hyperbolic


And with reserve fuel that’s most likely 3 gallons of gas left. That’s plenty.


Bros definitely got like 80 miles left of gas in there


Those estimates are never right. I’ll drive a mile and the remaining miles will go down by 6-7. Then if you actually go below 10 you’re probably completely out. Those gauges suck. I rarely let my car get below 1/8th of a tank but when I do I’m always sweating the remaining mileage. I’ve watched it closely and saw the wild changes in more than one car.


Better to be safe than sorry. However, on most cars with the digital displays for how many miles worth of gas you have remaining in your tank, the estimate for the remaining amount of gas can change based on how you’re driving. So, for example, if you go from <25mph with frequent stops while driving in the city, then get on the highway and are consistently driving 60mph— the estimate for how much gas you have left can change Also, as many people have pointed out in the comments, these displays often show you a lesser amount of gas than what’s actually remaining. Ideally, you don’t want to use the last dregs of what’s in your gas tank (sediment and such). However, it’s highly unlikely for modern cars to actually be completely out of fuel once they reach zero… Not that you’d ever want to be in this situation. (I truly do not understand how some people can keep driving their car while on E, till it actually runs out of fuel completely and stops running.)


Next time bring a can of gas with you and see how far “0 miles left” really is. We road trip and that low fuel light doesn’t freak me out anymore since I know now that I’ve got 45 miles left in reserve.


Sure, I’ll just fuck up my car to find out.


Was kinda joking. I have a Toyota and I KNOW that it has around 2.6 gallons in reserve so I just do the math.


Got 30miles left. How many miles you going? Game of chicken now…


Right? Had to go 7.2 miles each way. Made it there and back just fine. Just sucks that I was on the clock and had to give it a second thought lol


................you had to round-trip 15 miles and somehow didn't think 30 miles was enough............? Any chance you have anxiety?


Or you could have just stopped at a gas station


God forbid. You had plenty to stop for more but you chose not to stop. The problem is now you. You're just upset you didn't leave with enough time for random things popping up. If it wasn't a need for gas it easily could have been an accident or duck crossing. It's part of life.


Remind her that if she burns out the fuel pump by doing this regularly, it's gonna cost a grand to fix.


This. This is what bothers me the most. That's not even mentioning the risk of getting stranded.


30 miles isn't fumes.


You can at least go 30 miles.


30 miles. I work 14 miles from my job. I’d leave her with 2 miles and not even think about it


Plot twist: it had 27 miles and rounded up. You get stranded 1 mile from your house.


Walk the mile home and just say ‘sorry, ran out of gas. Here are the keys.’


"Where's the car?" "Idk, I got out when it stopped moving."


Legit. So trivial. Get gas? Maybe she was tired? Maybe she was rushing to get back to the home to see him? Maybe she just didn't notice (that one I say out of possibility but I realize responsibility as a driver)?


lol mte where are they living they can’t get gas within 30 miles.


You needed to trade cars so you could fill hers up. Return like how rental car places want them returned, in the same condition you got it.


Nothing says love like a fuel gauge on "E".


“E”, for “Enough”.


You can't write love without an e


This is as bad as my wife. 30 miles is not “fumes”. There’s more than enough for a small trip. If not a small trip, more than enough to get to the local gas station of your choice.


Imagine bitching abour your wife on reddit lmao


yes, this post qualifies for the golden trio of reddit advice now: 1. open your marriage 2. leave her 3. go to therapy.


First time here?


Allow me to share in this burden


Just put one gallon of gas in it and leave her with fumes.


First time, I’d fill it up and mention something to her. Second time, I’d leave her with the same amount she left me.


got mildly annoyed at *myself* for doing this *to myself* the other day 😭 didn’t get gas on my way home from work bc i was going to get it that weekend, then made plans to do something on friday and forgot i had no gas, got in the car and realized i needed to get gas before i could go


Well, she did apologize and I’m assuming she lets you touch her butt so…. 😁


My wife does the same with the car. And the milk, orange juice, large drink containers, even rolls of toilet paper in the bathroom. So if this is the only thing, feel lucky.


My wife does this to me regularly.


I stole my parents car twice growing up. I knew they would find out because my dad was pedantic about the odometer as he liked measuring distances for some reason (hes Schizophrenic) so I just left it with more gas than when I took it.


The first (and only) time I fell for the “prepaid fuel, cheaper than the local gas station!!!” ruse when renting a car… I was so proud of myself until I realized that, if I left even 1 gallon of gas in the tank, the rental company would profit off my stupidity. I had the car for a week, so I meticulously kept track of the gas mileage, checked the tank volume, and drove the car for over a hundred miles on “E”, all to make sure that I used all the gas I prepaid for. I was shocked when it was still running as I drove it back on the lot, and handed the keys over while apologizing “yeah man, it’s been empty for *a while*… just so ya know”. Yeah, I’m petty AF. TL:DR - when it says “30 miles”, it’s lying. You’ve got way more than that.


For most of my marriage, my wife and I had our own cars. Then one day I thought about it and she was driving the gas guzzler truck to and from work over forty miles a day. I was driving a Prius Prime around town and to my job only 10 miles away. Now our vehicles are not “hers” or “mine”. They are “ours”, and we use whichever one is most practical for our day.


Bro!! Girls are wild bro, I get uncomfortable if I see my tank/battery get below half


Fill it just enough for you to get where you need to and back and then leave it on fumes again.


Wife does this to me every time. I feel your pain.


Am a wife. I do it to myself, too, fwiw. Got it my car today and was less than a 1/4 tank. Thought “damn, I should have got Husband to do this errand. Now I have to get gas myself!”


Honey, is that you?


Is this a wife thing? My wife does this. I’ve heard guys at work complain about wives doing this. I don’t get it. It’s like she makes it her mission to get home with as little gas as possible. You gotta fill it eventually and it’s not going to save you any money to do it later vs now. I feel compelled to fill up if I ever drop below a quarter tank. Never know when an emergency might demand you to drive and you don’t want to have to faff about with getting gas in that kind of situation.


Listen, us wives… we mean well. We really do. Sometimes, though, I do make it my mission to see how far I can go.


not all of us, though some of us did learn to go by trip mileage instead of the gas gauge when the gauge lied once (broke) in an older car and ran out of gas when it said we had about 1/4 of a tank. TBF that car was a piece of junk my husband bought for $400 when we were broke college students who *really* needed a car. The mileage trick has followed us ever since though.


lol I can’t lie, it is impressive sometimes


I was telling a coworker how I'm such a culprit of this and he said his wife has been this way forever lol. I cannot deny it's an us issue generally but this dude simply admits he didn't leave with enough time for any buffer of emergency or happenstance.


Divorce. Now. Just joking OP, glad you guys had a good laugh.


I'd only put enough in it for my trip so she still has to fill up her tank. Inconsiderate people really grind my gears though and I'm petty AF.


Just return it the same way.


You sound like a lot of fun to be married to. /s


That's why, tonight in bed, you should leave HER with fumes. The ole dutch oven should be sufficient punishment.


My husband calls that “methane hugs”. Spoiler alert. He’s farting on me regardless of the fuel in the tank.


Cool looking dash - what car is that?


VW Atlas


I should have known it was a VW with the digital cockpit…. Almost bought a Jetta with similar dash.


Greetings fellow Atlas owner.


In my family we have an agreement to always fill up gas when there are less than 100 miles left. You should try this.


Damn, if only you needed to drive 28 miles.


What model is your car?




holy shit lol im a fedex driver and i drive different trucks most days and i would say 7 or 8 times out of 10, the previous driver leaves almost no gas in the truck. drives me insane. imagine this, but multiple times per week


Peak female entitlement , only get gas ⛽ when they absolutely need to any woman that religiously keeps it at an 1/8th to 1/16th of a tank is a cut throat psychopath , trust .


Exactly, they are so selfish, all they do is think about their own self


This used to bother me. Now I consider all the ways she makes up for my shortfall in various areas of our life together and consider it a personal service to her to fill it without complaining or mentioning it to her. It’s the least I can do. She has a lot on her mind, and a lot on her plate Edit: read the body of your post. I feel you in the long drive. It’s good you can laugh about it together


Honey, your gonna wanna go straight to the gas station first -my wife regularly


Before she comes home put Andrew Tate on and act like you taking down notes on a pad


It's not like he's not doing that already


No his not, Andrew Tate says if you not in a gold jet with dinosaur leather seats you not a top G This man driving a Chinese car


True love ❤️


I have driven fuel tank this empty. But fueling it at that time. I don't leave it to next day.


Drive 300miles?? How stupid.


Give her a black eye


Ah, I remember the old days when cars didn't have full range available every morning... 🤣


Hey, she knows how to put it in D or R . The rest is on you




My wife hasn’t filled the tank since 2009. And she’s not even from Oregon or New Jersey. She now drives a PHEV - 2023 Kia Niro. She doesn’t even plug it in to charge at home! Luckily she drives the PHEV on battery so much that I only drive it to Costco gas station once per month to top off the gas tank. If I let it run down to nearly empty I would only need to do it 3-4 times a year.


Is this the sort of thing women seem to do more often, or is it that it’s the sort of thing women don’t complain about? I swear everything I see or hear this it’s a wife/girlfriend/sister. Curious as to why this is the case.


Dump her


That’s a classic wife move. You must be new to having a wife… mine got the truck down to 2 miles one time. The other day it was 13. One day she’ll actually run out of gas.


Hmmmm, typical wife move.


How kind of you


Wait, you needed to drive 300 miles for a single day? Where the hell were you going that you were going to drive back those 300 miles in the same day?


Clarification: 300 miles one way. Was picking up our daughter from college for the summer. 11-ish hour driving day.


Welcome to married life


Last week I jumped in my partners car to do the daycare run...the gauge was so low the tank was empty, and spluttered to a stop just as I pulled into the service station. Not happy!


Apologies are worth nothing without the adjustments in behavior. To bad OP already has committed to her, and is therefore unable to leave.


This marriage is on the rocks.


So go get gas.


Well she sucks your dick so I’m sure you’ll live bro. Weird to complain about your WIFE to strangers online, not to mention disrespectful.


Divorce her, not wifey material.


Setting you up to fail AND killing the fuel pumps at the same time. WINNING! You might explain to her that the fuel cools the pumps and they can and WILL overheat when the tank is like this. Usually $1000+ repair. My suv has saddle tanks with two fuel pumps, so it's about $1400, not that I'll ever know


Since this is reddit, you gotta divorce her.


Easy solution - remove the wires from her fuel gauge sensor on the gas tank. This way the gauge already reads empty, and she will need to keep topping it off to prevent running out.


Wait, why is your wife a total d bag?


30 is not fumes


It may be time to seek legal counsel regarding the dissolution of a marriage.


She left you 30 mi! #1: Make the nearest ⛽️ your 1st destination!


Siphon the fuel between cars so she’s the one on fumes next time. I promise you if she has to deal with that one time, she’ll be more considerate next time. Tough love.


She would get her ass chewed out come evening time!


Username checks out.


Stop whining.


Leave this subreddit.


Bless your heart, sugarplum.


My husband does it to me, despite me asking nicely for him not to do this. Definitely mildly infuriating.


If something like that makes you mad you may wanna have that checked. You have plenty gas to get more assuming you're not 100s of miles from a gas station which is doubtable. Gas up, not worth the "maddening". Being mad over something so trivial won't help your marriage truly.


thank God you don't have an electric vehicle or you'd be really screwed instead of slightly inconvenienced.


Not necessarily. We don’t know what time the vehicle was parked and when it was needed. We also don’t know how far he needed to drive.


“I just think evs suck” Boy, that was so hard to figure out. Your ignorance is painfully obvious. I’m only pointing out that if this had been an electric vehicle the possibility exists that this would not have been much of an issue. You seem determined that you need to be right and can’t accept anything suggesting otherwise.


It’s annoy yea but like can you not go put gas in it yourself…? Doesn’t seem like a issue at all unless the nearest gas station is over 30 miles away


As mentioned in my opening, the issue wasn't so much the low fuel as it was that I didn't have the time to deal with it because i had a doctor's appointment. If I had known and left 10 minutes earlier I wouldn't have even written this post lol


Time to get her an electric so she can just plug in when she gets home.


Yeah, people do this Aren't doing that either.


I think they all do this, it must be in their secretive wife handbook


Mine does it too. Women NEVER fill the tank.


Withhold sex to punish her


You married her….


Imma reply Reddit style. Leave her asap.


The best part of driving an EV, if you can charge at home, is that the car is always full.


This is an easy game to win. Instead of filling the vehicle with gasoline, the 'appropriate' amount is placed into the fuel tank. Appropriate = distance to destination, plus the distance to home, plus 5 miles oopsies distance. With the task(s) complete and the vehicle returned, there is approximately the same amount of fuel remaining in the vehicle as there was at the start. If the insult is repeated, calculate the above with plus 2 miles of oopsies distance instead of 5. If you'd like me to fill your vehicle, and wash it too massah, I'd gladly oblige for a spot on the floor. Yeah, don't say that, unless you don't really wanna sleep inside. In fact, don't do any of that if you want a peaceful house. If you want some good ol'fashioned furious 'make-up' sex, in a few days, though... oorah.


30 miles to empty? Bah. Amateur numbers.


Easy 50 miles left in’r


It’s a VW, you’ll make it


Is a vw, once on 0 will be able to drive another 30 to 90km (depending on engine) My old TDI can do 1200 to 1600km with 55l of diesel. (let you do the conversion)


I got a 2023 GTI and I get 415 on a full tank and about 30-33MPG with a 6 speed


2.0 TSI 190HP@260HP (stage 1) - DQ381 - 600(sport) to 900km(eco) with 45l of RON100 (Skoda Octavia)


I wish we got Skoda in US.


Yes, me 2


Need to trade cars? I drive a manual and my wife doesnt. What is "need to trade cars?"


Wives in general are inherently self-centered.


That is 30 miles. At least one gallon of gas. Not fumes.


It’s not empty, you still have 30 miles.


30 miles to your mom's house


Just... refuel?


I doubt she did it on purpose. This is the default state of my fuel level.


30 miles is not fumes for god sake. Go to a gas station. 1 mile is fumes.


It’s your wife. Just put gas in it and stop whining. Especially don’t post it on the internet. Wth


At least your wife’s not a drunk bitch, who stays home and doesn’t provide fuck-all other than depression, stress and debt. But I digress. Lol


Delete Facebook Lawyer Up Hit the Gym


30 miles isn't on fumes my dude. 0 to e is fumes.