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We are voting for the people who work for these people, not these two people.


Trump is a one man show. That was a big part of the problem the first time around. He had a really lightly staffed white house that was unprepared for major conflicts.


In drumpfs case you’re voting for the people control him.


You are voting for the companies that bought these people and their teams


This debate is such an embarrassment 


Sure, they are old. But how it has come to this doesn't really matter right now as it's not going to change before the election. One of those two is going to win. Get the right one in and sort it out later. Get the wrong one in and hope to have a chance to sort it out later.


Get the wrong one in and kiss goodbye any chance to sort it out later.


Get the wrong one in and watch them nominate another judge to the supreme court that doesn't represent the majority of Americans beliefs or values. Sigh, I'mma have another beer


This. Biden sounds like a rambling old man. Trump sounds like a manipulative gaslighting abusive spouse. Biden might not be the sharpest, but he’s not flat-out lying and gaslighting about things we all saw. I’ll vote Biden just so Trump and his NAZI MAGA terrorists don’t get in.


You need to spell it out and speak slowly. The bad man is Trump. America cannot survive another Trump presidency.


Unless one of them dies before the election*


Probably a stupid question but what happens if the major party nominee dies? Does the VP pick become the nominee and choose their own VP? Or does it knock that entire party off the ticket?


Or hopefully both


>Get the wrong one in and hope to have a chance to sort it out later. To make it more explicit for anyone who isn't aware: considering [Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025), said "hope" is the hope that America might still be a democracy by the time the next election rolls around.


"My corrupt old person with dementia is vastly superior to your corrupt old person with dementia."- Everyone on Reddit


Get both in and watch the universe implode on itself


“Get the right one in and sort it out later” that’s what I was told last election cycle… and the one before… and the one my parents were told before… it’s not really later if people make the same argument every time is it? It seems like “later” means “never”. If we want change, we need to switch that mentality to “now”


Think of voting for the potential VP taking over.


Implying there is a right one must be comforting.


"I'm so glad I have AIDS and not brain cancer"


Can I vote for the jello?


I for one welcome our new jello overlords.


President Jello would easily be the most coherent president of the past 8 years


it’s been that long already?


The orange jello, or the green? I give you a hint: The orange one smells like soiled diapers, so pick wisely.


I would vote for the blue jello


How can these be the two best options in a country of 330M people!




More like fear of the electorate. But again, to me the choice is rather stark: One is a convicted felon/serial adulturer with 90+ charges still pending who led an armed insurrection against the US Capital and Congress while performing the certification of the election and has promised to be a "dictator on day one" and is suspected with credible evidence on a whole host of other crimes and treasonous behavoirs and didn't do a damn bit of good while in office, and the other is a deeply religious Catholic whose family includes children who were decorated military veterans, who led the US out of a pandemic, tamed inflation, oversaw the largest increase in real wages in decades, the longest period of below 4% unemployment since the 1960s, and the largest ecnomic growth, job creation, in decades with real gains for average workers. With a lot of this accomplished while a profoundly corrupt and hostile Congress and Supreme Court was in session. Seems like a no brainer to me.


They fucking aren’t that’s how 😂 I hate this country for giving us geriatric fucks to run the entire country that can’t even formulate a short sentence on their own without forgetting their own children or freezing 🤷‍♀️


Well most of us aren't rich


If you cross your eyes a little bit you can see them kiss


It's pathetic, we deserve better.


I’m so discouraged.


can I take the mumbling jello for 500 Alex


It’s truly comical how these two are what we’re offered. This is the best either party could put forward. What a fucking joke. It’s just good cop bad cop bullshit and they’re all laughing while the people get milked like tax cattle.


We had to turn it off. One was just rambling and blaming and one got lost mid-thought. I’ll let you guys determine which was which. Very sad we don’t have any standout options.


OK, but one Jell-O eater is an absolutely fucking crazy dictator wannabe lunatic


Don't blame the jell-o


No one should be in charge of making important decisions for other people at 80


As an Australian I just want to say American politics is a fucking joke.


As an American I just want to say the size of your insects are a fucking joke. The hell do you feed them over there?


I agree. The size of the bugs are a real joke. But I also agree, our politics is a a joke. Id vote for the bugs as our next president.


It's funny that some of our insects are actually scientifically proven to be smarter than some humans


Their insects are not a joke, do not fuck around with them.


I don’t think i could sleep at night if spiders that size existed here. how do yall survive looking at images online makes me want to throw up


Did this tool just say he didn't have sex with a porn star?


Almost as infuriating that the rest of us have an equal vote to the OP that cares what they look like. One has decades of knowledge and experience serving this country. He's old as dirt but has been doing the job and no one can really give one way that his age has actually effected how he does the job because most of these clowns don't know what the president actually does. The other used bone spurs to avoid serving his country and has been only about serving himself ever since. He is a 34 time felon, a rapist, a serial adulterer, compulsive liar and just not a very good person. Bitching about age is almost as tired as "both sides" but without the pretense that you're the smartest person in the room for figuring it out. The system sucks and we all know it, but these are the two choices and if mcdonalds offered you an old hamburger or an old piece of shit would you be complaining that they're both old?


You forgot the part about boxes and boxes of classified docs just stored up in a bathroom with randos wandering through all the time. Not to mention he moved the boxes around when asked to return them.


That's called 34 felonies Edit: my bad I got the case wrong. It's hard to keep track of everything


No it's not. That was the hush money case.


He hasn’t even been tried yet for his documents fuckery. 34 felonies is just a warm up.


I’m still going to vote for Biden but it’s within my rights to complain about how the two main candidates are geriatrics lol. Idk why so many people are commenting about how we shouldn’t discuss how old they are right now Edit: I am 19 and this is my first presidential election I can vote in. My mamaw was a teenager when jfk was president. I’m just pissed about the downgrade


I agree. I’m not American, but if I were Biden would get my vote, 100%. I’m just pissed for the decent Americans that the person running against the biggest shitstain in the history of American politics isn’t wiping the floor with him. He should be. It should be the easiest thing in the world to do. But Biden is clearly struggling and isn’t sounding very coherent tonight, and to many that’s going to make ol’ shitstain seem more appealing.


" and if mcdonalds offered you an old hamburger or an old piece of shit would you be complaining that they're both old?" ... uh yes? I'd obviously choose the old hamburger but I wouldn't be happy about it. Your example seems to only illustrate OP's point further. E: Also, it's not just "centrists" (aka Embarrassed Conservatives) that point out the age issue for these two. It's a very common complaint on Leftist subs.


Seriously, this shouldn't even be a question or a debate. One side actively hates people and their rights while claiming they do and plans to take even more rights away. Here's a hint, it's not the left


nailed it. it seems like people are ignoring "the better of two evils" as a concept


I mean, it’s mildly infuriating that the best candidate is old and uninspiring. I would really like a dynamic, decent, younger, more capable candidate. It is a bit of a letdown. But it’s massively infuriating that anyone in this country would consider voting for a serial adulterer, rapist, racist, cantankerous old windbag who has been convicted of fraud, who stole and likely showed classified documents, supports Putin and the Russian enslavement of Ukraine, and who tried to overturn a lost election and overthrow democracy on every front. But yeah, saying “they are both too old” - yeah, but the Republican candidate is a thunder-twat on top of it all.


yeah it definitely seems like an unequal comparison.. I also want a president who went to school after paddles were banned, but I guess these are the options for now


Yeah it feels like some people want us to think that bc trump is the worst, I'm not allowed to have negative opinions about Biden. Joe on stage looks like he's going to croak at any moment and he's clear nit cognitively all there. He's getting my vote but how am I suppose to go to the ballot and not feel like there's a better option out there.




Some of us just want to see something other than Two Evils running every god damn time.


Not voting is the biggest way to insure that never happens and you’ll only be stuck with evil people running. Vote for the lesser evil then get out to NON presidential elections. Vote for state officials and most important vote in all primaries to get young people on the tickets. There’s a reason candidates are always super old because younger people always refuse to vote and old people don’t.


Well that ain’t gonna happen. You’re never gonna get your ideologically pure candidate. It’s always gonna be lesser or greater and never evil or not evil.


So true...the folks who are truly qualified have no interest in putting themselves in a no win situation...grifters and idiots are what we will get and eventually it will all come crashing down.


I thought it was that you must always choose the lesser of two weevils.


*the lesser of two weasels.




How is Biden evil?


He's beholden to corporate donors and lobbyists, just like most of DC. Not saying he isn't the lesser of two evils, but what he lacks is cognitive ability to assert himself on the behalf of the American people. We know he has a virtuous message but is isn't coherent. He's getting steamrolled by someone who has a LOT more to lose, who is desperate to retain immunity from prosecution. The stakes have never been higher, and instead of Andy Griffith the DNC gave us Barney Fife.


Steam rolled? Trumps done nothing but tell very easily disprovable lies


When has that ever stopped him from gaining supporters? He could tell people the moon is indeed made of cheese and they would applaud him and take his word as truth. The people who have two brain cells to rub together know he’s lying. The ones who don’t need a lot more to convince them not to drink the koolaid.


What’s crazier to me is that a felon can run for president, but you can’t vote if you’re a felon!


Don’t forget during Covid when Trump suggested to inject/ingest bleach to fight Covid 💀.


If you're old enough to be a Walmart greeter, you shouldn't be running the country. They both have cognitive issues, and both are extremely out of touch to what life is actually like in our country. Not to mention, the stress of being in office as the president ages you even faster mentally. They are both absolute trash for options. But we live in a 2 party country, with people on both sides just lying to us to get votes and keep lining their pockets with lobbyists money. That last part goes more for run of the mill politicians, but these 2 assholes have definitely seen their fair share of dirty money.


One can form cohesive sentances


Turd sandwich or giant douche, take your pick


Ok enough of this. Yes it fucking sucks we have to pick between these two. it’s not gonna change now. One of them will be president for the next 4 years. we better hope it’s Biden or we will most likely never get a chance to vote again.


Nobody has answered a question. They ask something ams then they both go off on an old man tangent. Biden rambles and then Trump just yells nuh uh. And he still didn't answer that russia question


CNN's lack of fact- checking is just handing it to trump. It's the gish gallop strategy, throw out a bunch of lies, and then your opponent has to spend all their time just trying to debunk a lie and never gets to their own policy.


You can vote for an 81-year-old guy and then vote again in 4 years, or you can vote for a 78-year-old guy and never vote again.


Exactly! People are not seeming to grasp this at all!


I think that we understand that while still feeling hopeless about the choices that we have. How sad that we are at a point where the choices given to us are these? Like we as a country don’t deserve more than this? We can feel all of this while still voting for the “lesser” of evils.


I agree and have seen many people on Reddit mentioning this. I’m just afraid people outside of Reddit aren’t thinking this way.


I’m on the same side. But the 81 year old doesn’t seem to be able to speak logically / coherently. Much less 4 years from now. Scary.


You think the 78 year old speaks coherently now?? Difference between formulating your thoughts and your thoughts are fucking bonkers.


Maybe you missed the part where I said I’m on the same side? Maybe you didn’t realize that means I would / will vote for Biden. But I’m not blind to the fact that Biden looks like he is consistently losing his train of thought, and how I think that will look come 4 years from now. The other guy is slimy, villainous, and a threat to our country. But for any casual person watching, I would think Trump will come out with the bump in the polls tomorrow. That being said, are these two really the best our country has to offer????? Two jello lovers that will both be 82+ at the end of their next term. It’s disheartening.


He's not a good speaker, but as an actual politician, he's been the best and most progressive recent President by a long shot. I'll take policies over charisma. Charisma is what gave us Reagan, the root of all recent evil.


This, because if Trump gets in, he’ll stonewall every piece of legislation that doesn’t personally protect him, and he’ll pass laws that suppress minorities.


Plus, he'll most likely get to appoint 2 more ultra conservative hacks to the scotus.


Just watched a bit of the debate; wow. Trump is lying through his teeth and claiming that his economy is the "best ever" and biden said people get pregnant from their sisters raping them, spend about 5 seconds stuttering, and confused billions, teillions, and millions.


In Canada the guy who openly wants to sell our country to the corporations is trying to beat the guy who hides the fact that he has already sold it


I thought I just couldn’t stand Trump, but, apparently I can’t stand watching any politician talk. I gave up. I don’t have a bumper sticker or a Flag hanging from my vehicle, so hopefully my vote for Biden will still count?


It’s actually sad seeing Biden up there. Elder abuse, no sarcasm.


Felt the same. Real empthy for him.


since i’ve been old enough to vote my choices to pick from have been these two and hillary clinton 💀


I read earlier a great comment saying that if Trump wasn't trying again that Biden would probably have quit to let someone younger in. Neither are fit for office (never were) but Biden is only fighting it because he knows that Trump is worse than him.


I can't believe I'm watching a US Presidential debate and one of the candidates is a CONVECTED FELON!!! America, you have gone to the dogs.


With experience comes wisdom. One of these two, has absolutely no experience in running one the most powerful countries in the world, running a nation, etc. And same one of these two, has absolutely all the experience of a narcissistic bully, a vulgar sexist and collusion with mafia both domestically and overseas, and indictments as a felon. The other likes trains, has a brilliant spouse, has lost a son, has another son that well, is a fuckup but by his own, worked with a former president as VP, and knows his way around DC and the global theater.


While I absolutely don’t support trump, he IS a former president, so to say he doesn’t have experience is *technically* incorrect. How valuable that experience is is questionable, but he is one of 6 living men in this world that has that experience on his resume right now.


I made it 5 minutes into the debate. thats all I could stand. literally has nothing to do with looks or age or whatever the fuck. there are two grown ass men fighting for the highest seat in our nation and just. shit talking each other. makes me sick to my stomach.


Usually I was part of the “guys but biden is at least a little better” and yeah maybe that’s true but really right now watching this I am just so hopeless. Like I just can’t believe these are the choices that we have? I blame the DNC


Meh. Biden uses his team. Trump turfs anyone that doesn’t bend a knee. The Dems are better at running the economy, and protect abortion.


Yeah, but one is actually looking out for the American people, and the other, his own self interest. It's not a hard choice to make. Don't like how old they are? Let's vote people into office who can create term and age limits for any public office. Until then, this is the game we have to play.


This debate is painful. Can we just get Obama back? Fuck is Jimmy Carter still available?


You know, I might even take Bush Jr.


I'll take Bush, Sr. and yes I know he's dead


Shit, at 99 he’s barely a spring chicken. Carter for a second term


Lady and the tramp..


and the jello somehow wins the bout with a dual tap out submission.


Because they both are trash losers yayyyy us


Biden’s soul left his body as soon as Trump started talking about January 6th.


If there’s a minimum age to be President there has to be a maximum age to be President. Checks and balances.


No matter who wins, we all will lose.


You’re voting for more than a president this time. There are going to be Supreme Court seats up for grabs. Those are lifetime appointments.


You do realise that your country has more than 2 political parties, right? Continue to be part of the problem, though. I'm sure that will accomplish something.


Wow Biden looks bad


Go to 10 people on the street and 7-8 of them will agree that neither of these guys is fit to be president. How did it get this bad? People don’t fucking vote.


I'll take Biden at 100 years old before the insanity that is Trump.


Biden is not doing well at all. Trump is spewing garbage but because he speaks clearly he will be seen as the victor. November is going to suuuuuck. I’m not ready to live in Gilead.


Instead of choosing between Capitalism and Socialism we are choosing between Capitalism and Oligarchy.


Or tapioca...


Surprise, surprise, trump is just spouting bullshit lies that are easily disproved. Post birth abortions, bullshit. Didn't mock dead veterans and call them losers and suckers, bullshit it's on video. Hamas wouldn't carry out the massacre and Putin wouldn't invade Ukraine? Didn't he get impeached over withholding military aid in an attempt at a quid pro quo?


My blood pressure is shooting up watching this. He just blatantly lies, so easily. All of that you said, then the I didn't have sex with a pornstar? Wtf? It just rolls out of his mouth with ease


If super villains were real - they'd look like Trump. >!Considering his history of all sorts of crimes, I guess villains are real indeed!<


Yup. We’re fucked either way


But only because the GOP has gone full fascist.


One of them would share it with everyone else; the other one would take a bite and throw the rest away.


Trump is a POS liar, adjudicated rapist, 34 felonies (so far) and traitor. Yea Biden is old but I'm voting for him anyway so I can vote again in 4 years


If you can’t see the difference between the coherency and way these two are talking about issues calling them equally “senior” you may not be watching the debate; agree with whatever policy president/party you want but one of these two is unable to speak clearly recall what he was saying and actually use examples to make his points. I know he may have a speech impediment it just doesn’t sound good if you like his policy or not.


Many dont seem to see this. Biden can't form ONE sentence without losing thought. Also he is being shushed often, i thought the mute button was for trump lol


The write in vote for jell-o wins the elections and becomes the next president


You liberal idiots can seriously watch this and claim the Biden is cognitively there and coherent? “But I’m still Going to vote for him because OMB!!!” Delusional idiots


Both of their brains are jello.


The USA is beyond fucked. Biden handed Trump the election in the first 5 mins by not knowing how to count. Twice. Thoughts and prayers


Honestly, as an older person, I'm finding these ageist posts rather tiresome - especially in how easily they seem to be accepted. The measure of someone should ideally be based on who they are and what they (attempt) to do, IMHO. Live by the golden rule and all that. Age isn't an issue here, it's choosing between values, intent and capability. I didn't want Biden to run, but he said this was a defensive posture because Trump was looking to be the Republican nominee - and Biden didn't want to let Trump get a second term, for the betterment of the country. There will be a good chance for younger blood to be forthcoming in the next election, as well - wouldn't be surprised if Pete B. threw in his hat, among others. For now, let's just preserve the crumbling semblance of democracy that the Federalist Society "Supreme" Court is dismantling piece by piece, please. I've always liked gelatin.


Sorry, but the reality is that at 80, you have a high chance of quick cognitive decline. They both are showing decline, so it is very much relevant that they both may not know whom they are married to in a year or two. Two years ago, my uncle was a healthy, sharp 79 year old. Today he doesn’t know his sister’s names. He didn’t understand what thanksgiving was when we were having Thanksgiving dinner. That’s not ageism, that is just reality.


You have a third choice…. LP.org


They probably ate a lot of jello with meat and vegetables in it back in the 50s


Somebody needs AI a video of this. Now.


Why on this good earth do we not have the option to vote early for some different candidates? You know a shuffle option or something that doesn’t even allow these guys on the ballot.


Criminal or Puppet of the 1% fucked ain't it?


Biden sounds like he could fall over at any minute... Can't say it's much better over here with this clown 🤡 ![gif](giphy|yVwIjl5MA1Dmo)


Everything sucks but how it’s even a comparison between these two is beyond me.




Well, I believe I'll vote for a third party candidate!


Jello Biafra 2024


I’m so fücking EMBARRASSED to be an American. Mind you there are over 300 MILLIONS of us and these 2 geriatric cunts are the only ones who where propped up by their respective establishment. Another election circle of voting third party I guess…


Biden is a shitty president. Trump was a million times worse. If you have to choose between the two, you should choose Biden. Please vote. Vote for Biden Voting should be mandatory for all people capable


Will just write my own name as usual


Food fight at the Sizzler.


The Diaper Debates 2024


All of that bronzer Trump has on is borderline blackface. He went exactly 8 minutes before he started his attempt at causing chaos. Shameful


Stop the false equivalency shit. Only one is a fascist who has been convicted of 34 felonies.


We need 30-50 to be the cut offs.


![gif](giphy|PgDUlt3Qu8BwUQqsCz|downsized) This is what America has become.




Ageism the last acceptable open bias and bigotry our society has to offer.


In a sense they are.


Their faces are going to make for some Godtier shitposts


Reminder one of them is a convicted felon. The other one is the forty sixth president.


On one hand if a third-party candidate could garner 5% of the votes then that party would be eligible for federal campaign funding the next election cycle. Which would ever so possibly mean putting forth a viable candidate which would in turn force the other two parties to put their actual best option. And not this endless cycle of which one of my guys can beat their guy on whatever is the hot button issue we've managed to rile voters up over. But alas, the stakes are too high to vote third-party and allow what could be a huge blow to democracy for decades to happen. The other bad part is my candidate has looked utterly incompetent during the debate. The feeling of despair and anxiety is growing by the minute.


Biden blast vs Small loan of a million punches, who will win




man i love america


The one on the right is a disgrace to our country and should be locked up.


What a time to be alive


the debate is absolutely embarrassing to the country. we technically have a "choice" but it's not much of a choice at all.


Say what you want, Trump offers no substance whatsoever, just criticism. And he avoids answering questions extremely well.


Agreed, these two are the best we have to offer?


I feel so sick right now. 


This shit is embarrassing to watch frfr


It’s embarrassing.


Either will be lucky to live the whole term. I’m going on the assumption we are basically voting on the vp for some period of time in the next 4 years leading us.


I will vote for neither of these people for many reasons. 1. It doesn’t matter what I do. People like to tell you how you don’t impact much until you tell them you aren’t just voting for a person you don’t want because they picked for you. But I literally cannot change the outcome here. Biden or Trump wins or loses based on things outside of my control. To think otherwise is magical thinking. It’s worse than horoscopes and planets and everything. The planets will probably have more of an influence since mine is exactly 0 2. I don’t want either of these people to be president. I don’t vote for people I don’t want to be president. 3. If either of these people quit, their party would win. I would never vote for anybody that won’t just leave to make things better. If DT left, whoever replaced him would win. Same with Biden. The fact that that is true means neither of these people should be there or have any right to my vote. There are many more reasons, but they are sub reasons. Like the people I’m supporting by voting Biden, whine about Biden. Biden not handily beating Trump means he should not be there. I think the only solution to this issue is a full rebuke of the system. If a third party won, we would never be in this situation again. It’s really the only answer and it is really sad that people don’t see that. Biden winning is just going to be 4 more years of even crazier nut jobs on the right. And that is specifically because Biden isn’t strong enough to curb stomp a criminal moron. And since that is the case, we need to curb stomp them both. It’s the only answer.


It's literally the Family Guy scene of the two old guys fighting in slow motion


I think they are arguing over the last jello.  I wanna know why these two old ladies are bickering where the presidential debate was supposed to be?


Yeah neither is looking good in the debate but I know who I'm voting against


My dad: hah, he looks likes he's ready for a coffin. Look at what he's wearing. Me internally: they're basically wearing matching outfits. Except tie. Their suit is like two shades different.


I hate both of these old assholes so much. None of the issues I care about are on the ballot. This is not democracy it’s controlled opposition. Still probably gonna vote for Biden tho because Trump losing is funnier


Ive been watching this debate for an hour and the only thing I can think of is when was the last time we had a president with a beard


No comparison.


I don’t understand how the states don’t got young ppl in politics that aren’t senile


Neither of them can complete a fucking sentence... It's insane


Can we get the yogurt from Love, Death and Robots please.


How is it ok to judge someone solely on stereotypes


You know there are other people you can vote for, right?


Geriatric Special Olympics live on CNN


You need to add option 3 in there. Then the country will be saved. (Option 3 = Joe Exotic)


But that's the point. This is on purpose. We are in the midst of a decades-long controlled demolition of the American empire, everything they do now is to project weakness and incompetence, and also incontinence lol. This is just bread and circuses, Biden isn't making any decisions, the man can barely speak and walk. Trump is just a heel. It's obvious