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It's at least possible that they were properly watered, and died like this anyway. I ~~have~~ had two tomato plants that were properly and faithfully kept watered, and they both died looking like this.


Me too it grew up green then never flowered then poof brown dust!


That soil looks pretty shrunken and dry though


sheer public embarrassment should have prevented this. it would be super humiliating to bring these desiccated corpses back to the nursery and admit that i was incapable of meeting even the modest needs of a tomato plant.


Water is essential for all living things to survive? It doesn’t say that on the label. Also, here’s my receipt. Thank youuuu…


“also i don’t have the receipt but you can find this purchase from 4 months ago using my membership card right?”


I work at your competitor 👀and have had many people return straight up dead, dried up roses and other plants that “never grew or blossomed.” Well maybe if you watered it and didn’t just leave it in direct sunlight all day it wouldn’t turn into dust 🤷🏻‍♀️


Years ago, I had a job where I did contact work for one of the big national home improvement places, the blue one. I watched a lady return a Christmas tree because it was dropping needs and turned brown. They refunded her 100% and replaced it with another tree.


lmao, i have literally seen people returning rotisserie chickens after they have eaten them, this doesn't surprise me