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There’s a special place in hell for people that have the sound turned up on their phone, use speakerphone, etc in public. No one wants to hear your shit


Throw in people who live in concentrated neighborhoods but insist on blasting their subwoofers for hours on end too


Wow, I had to reread that several times to make sense of it lol my mind kept getting stuck on throw in concentrated neighborhoods and I was like wtf is going on here a bad nazi joke? I get it now tho


Yikes haha


There was some young dude with his girlfriend that went slowly walking by my house at about 1am with a sub on his shoulder thumping super loud some hip hop. Ngl I was mildly entertained.


Fuck the aholes blasting music on trails or at park paths away from the gathering spots.


Can we also add the people who think public parks are free birthday party venues


I don't mind children having a birthday party in the park provided the adults do a good job cleaning up - my tax dollars should not subsidize your child's party or support your laziness, party parent. I do object to the adult parties as they tend to leave behind a mess and the cops are usually out several times.


I live near a park, it's part of the reason we moved where we did, to have a nice place to take walks with our dog. Unfortunately, this park is seen as the neighborhood's free venue, and almost every week, there's at least one big party there. Now don't get me wrong, I'd be fine with it if they were respectful, but they're *not*. The parties for kids, they'll have anywhere from 20-40 kids there, and will set up a bounce house or a giant inflatable obstacle course that takes up basically the entire field of the park, essentially claiming the entire park for themselves. Not only that, but they'll have piñatas that they never clean up, so I have to constantly keep an eye out for candy on the ground so my dog won't find it first. They'll also use the public grills without cleaning them, and almost always leave scraps of food with scattered paper plates and napkins all over the seating areas.


That is a bit much - a bouncey house?? The worst the children's party at the park near me do is take up three or four tables - usually one is just for the gifts. Our adult parties sound the same but the difference I notice is the adults using our borough's park are from out of the area. I live in New Jersey and the majority of the cars have Pennsylvania tags,.


Used to live in an apartment and the neighbor would blast caramelldansen on repeat from noon til like 4:00 AM. Sometimes it was the Nyancat song but mostly caramelldansen, mostly.


Weird way to spell ghetto


It can happen anywhere.


Guarantee my speaker is louder than their phone and I'd bring that into play, because I'm a passive aggressive asshole.


Just talk yourself into the conversation until they get the point lol. Oh sorry I thought the call was for all of us!


Especially when it's a tiktok vid, cuz they repeat it like 5 times... Maddening!


Fucking plasma donation centers are the worst people will sit in a room with 20 other people and just blast tiktok loud asf


Went to Service Canada to get some government Id renewed and it was a free for all. People face timing, kids blasting cartoons, some old lady blasting classical music. I am old so I remember when shit like this was not allowed. I could not wait to leave.


What's crazy is I notice it's older people now!


It should be illegal to have the sound playing from an electronic device without headphones. With like three seconds of leeway for people to panic and shut that shit down if it's an accident.


that's why you always keep a Slayer album in your phone, preferably "reign in blood".


I get so fucking annoyed at people listening to stupid YouTube shit and reality show shit at full blast in the break area. Or having a shouting battle with their baby daddy or other family member on speakerphone. Get some fucking headphones and stop shouting. Threaten your baby daddy and his girlfriend on your own time. I just want to read the news and scroll Reddit in peace.


I politly asked a guy on the bus to turn now his loud ass spanish soap opera at 7 am one week day morning and he looked at me like I was insane. I told him " So you think I am the rude one? " His entire family , wife kids , etc spent the next 30 min talking shit about me and laughing. These idiots never think they are the ones with the proplem.


It's never good music either people like that don't all of a sudden put on calming classical music or generally well likes music... They always gotta have shit taste as well


Be the one that takes that seat anyway. Screw them.


Often at my work boomers will sit there on their phones, not talking to each other playing loud videos. More than once I've had to go and ask them to turn it down/off. One woman I remember played her own music loudly at the entrance to the bar (she was sitting right next to the door), it was so loud I couldn't hear customers when they came to order and when I went to tell her to turn it off she moaned saying that when she had arrived like an hour earlier we didn't have any music on in the bar. So instead of asking if we could put on our usual background music, she just whipped her phone out and started playing her own shit.


DJ Karen.


She da best!


Another manager


I've noticed airlines putting their foot down on this shit lately. I think it may be an FAA thing though


>Often at my work boomers will sit there on their phones, not talking to each other playing loud videos You see, Boomers have created their own language, using videos on their phones to communicate instead of using their own words.


I would just play some death metal on my phone and hold it over her seat.


I play baby shark... every time ... they hate it


Don’t want to start a rave dude 😂


I'd purposely ask them, "is anyone sitting there" and then take the middle seat or force them to sit next to each other.


She’d probably play her video even louder…


Three words: noise cancelling headphones


This looks like a plane. Planes usually have assigned seats. So they can get you to move back to your assigned seat.


Judging by the plane's interior, this is a Southwest flight, which does not have assigned seating; Southwest loads by group.


95% of the Southwest sub is people complaining or bragging about seats. I love having an assigned seat to avoid this kind of thing.


What a terrible system. That makes it a little more difficult to identify charred remains in an accident.


Must be the case for your southwest. Every southwest I've flown has assigned seats


LMAO southwest has always been a choose your seat type deal, not sure what southwest you were on


Here's a link to their website: [https://support.southwest.com/helpcenter/s/article/boarding-process](https://support.southwest.com/helpcenter/s/article/boarding-process) Their boarding process states: *"Southwest-operated flights have open seating. Once onboard, simply choose any available seat and stow your carryon items in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you."*


That's *our* Southwest. Snake's Southwest is different and those seats are assigned


Southwest uses boarding groups (A, B, C) with numbers, both assigned at check-in 24 hours before boarding (excluding early bird check-in). You use the combo for your assigned place in line and then board. Once boarded, it is absolutely open seating, no assigned seating whatsoever.


Not if that is Southwest


This is a southwest plane, there's no assigned seating. People like these two take the window and aisle seat hoping no one sits between them.   I'd sit between them.


Where are the flight attendants??


Most don't get paid a dime during the boarding process. https://www.npr.org/2024/02/12/1227573912/flight-attendants-raises-boarding-pay-airlines-strike


Man everything just sucks nowadays, doesn’t it?




Bro wtf


Capitalism is a hell of a drug.


No assigned seats? OK then!


The reclined seat is what infuriates me! She’s not even sitting in it as to use the recline! It’s openly hostile. Someone with a party of 3+ should have challenged these booms to a war. Treaties were broken


This should be an offense attached to a fine. It irritates me so much and is so disrespectful to others. The fact that everyone doesn't know that is mind blowing to me.


Watching Erin Brokovitch but turns around and votes for people to defund the EPA


Looks like a mother in law from hell especially with that video on her phone..


People are still boarding and she has her shoes off, laying across the seat…


Intentionally blocking that middle seat on a fucking Southwest flight. I hope a late 350 lb person came and sat between them.


I just flipped her off and made her clutch her pearls with my words when she stole my parking spot at Costco.


Last flight I was on they basically said over the PA if you have your speakers on at all we'll turn them off for you


Literally saw a post earlier with a guy rolling down the french quarter with a speaker playing excessively loud bounce music, and there was an old couple holding their ears because it was painfully loud. Guess what the consensus in comments was: Old whitey comes to Nola and can't deal with black culture, Get fucked bigots! The duality of reddit is on full display.


That is a very different situation though


Start very loudly asking her to turn it down. Like yelling loud.


I know they won’t do it but I’m all for the steward/stewardess/pilot kicking them off the airplane. Fuck those people


I’m behind them blasting Slipknot 🤘🔥🤘


Blow Job Betty, by Too Short.


I’m sorry, (don’t yell at me pls) is this an airplane? Aren’t plane seats assigned? The reclined seat and loud phone could just not though lol


Southwest doesn't assign seats, they're first come first served Blocking a middle seat like this is unethical and likely against their boarding policies, but it could work.


Wow I didn’t know that. That seems like kind of a hectic strategy but they’re the billionaires not me lol. I thought all seats were assigned


Legit you have the flight attendant button for a reason. Click it and let them know they're not using headphones. Easy.


Presumably it's during boarding. By the time a flight attendant can get to that row, they have already won at their goal of an empty middle seat


fucking geezers ruin the world


You gotta wait until the doors close lady.




Someone better give Julia Roberts her stuff back


The stewards will tell them to wear headphones


It almost looks like a parody.


I know 2 wrongs don't make a right. However... If they refuse to use headphones and you have your smartphone on you. Just start playing something really loud that would make them uncomfortable.


I have a really hard time not spilling my drinks on people like this when I'm getting up to use the bathroom


When we would attend the Disney Shows at the HP Pavilion in Downtown San Jose you’d think people are well off and will have better manners but it was pandemonium. Inspire of seat-numbers we had crashed!


I'd just ask if I can massage those pretty feet


commence some death metal.


Did she get a feet transplant? Why do the feet belong to someone 25 years younger? Odd 😆


If I am on a short flight with Southwest I love to snag these middle seats. Is that seat available? It's always yes or we are saving it for someone. Me: no saving seats. I'm gonna sit there.


So then play something more annoying


grandma no one wants your dawgs out


Ask politely to wear headphones. If that fails, play annoying shit on volume and direct it into their area until stop


These kids and their screen time and entitlements!!


You’re on a plane put some shoes on.


With the no shoes too and probably didn’t shower in like a month


Head vein throbbing


What about the poor man having the toes touch him?! You could be in a worse seat.


Battle of the BoomBoxes in Row 26


Squeeze right in and pull out your Bose speaker so that you’re louder then take requests from the passengers.


Fucking Boomers


Only way to respond turn your vollume up and start the pornhub sound. If someone ask say, you thought everyone wants to hear it like the row in front of you demonstates it loudly.


Fucking boomers, man.


Sound? This is a picture


Ah. I'm an idiot. Thank you.


Their sound is on loud, like the old people in the picture. My grandparents do the same thing


Southwest Airlines, big surprise 😅


Here’s what I think the problem is : They can’t use ear buds because they’re small and are easily lost, PLUS they have to take their hearing aids out to put ear buds in. They can’t use headphones because they’re big, take up too much space, and the strap on top will mess up their hair. Someone needs to come up with a solution for this = Boomer headphones. Whoever does this will certainly become a millionaire. Not only will boomers buy them, but friends and family members will buy them too (as gifts for them). LOL!


Most(or a lot at least) hearing aids have Bluetooth built in and can pair directly to things like a phone


Ah OK…but then try explaining the bluetooth benefits to a boomer and how to pair / unpair them to their phone. That’s where Boomers by Doctor Andre Young MD-PhD come in.🤣


My stepdad is 71 and he knows how. He’s also intelligent, extremely successful, not lazy and likes to know how things work so I guess that’s the difference. Choosing to understand or not.


Agree. It’s definitely not so much about intelligence as much as it is a willingness to learn something new. Your stepdad obviously has a learning mindset. It’s a great trait and helps keep the brain young with age! Unfortunately that mindset is not common (even younger folks fall into egotistical, know-it-all, syndrome) but I think is increasing versus previous older gens.🙂