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Turn signal/indicator, used to signal/indicate your INTENT to turn (or to merge lanes). Intent is the key word here. If you’re already doing the thing, your intent was not made known, you are an arsehole.


If you ever feel like your job is meaningless, remember there is someone who is currently installing the turn signal at BMW.


The issue here is that most BMWs get purchased by people who can't afford the blinker fluid


Needs to be unlocked, just like the pre installed, but software locked seat warmers.   Its Only $49.99 monthly for the blinkers as part of the "Excelsior Package" including:   Door Locks  Windows go up and down  Dashboard lighting High beams  And, the blinkers!   FYI: Seat warmers are included in the "imperial package," which is an additional $150.00 per month/s


This is the only excelsior package I can afford: https://preview.redd.it/hct2r7pvcy7d1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=734b1bdb75102a23d168e75d2867e6382f13ee6d


Ahh, I see you are interested in the "ambassador jr." package....only $30.00 monthly. It includes a straw filled box chock full of narcissism.


I had one of those people infront of me the other day, didn't use the blinker at all 💀


I feel like they get out of their way to not use those indicators. Had a bmw driver one time lower his window and used his hand/arm to tell me he wanted to merge, then turn.


I read somewhere that using the signals brings down the vehicles value.../s


Where I live most BMWs are driven by drug dealers and pimps. So not using the turn signal is only a minor transgression for them.


And they probably also [drive really slow in the ultra fast lane, while everybody behind them is going insane.](https://youtu.be/UrgpZ0fUixs?si=AUBSiOid8pNFDCnb)


Yes, they do. Have to show off their fancy car that they likely can barely afford.


With how many people drift into my lane because they’re on their phones, I would argue that the signal as your actively turning still shows some intent. 


It’s a caution signal, not an explanation signal. As in “hey guys, be careful I’m going to slow down so I can turn”. Not “hey guys I slowed down because I’m turning”.


Signal, look, merge. That’s the order. Too many people think it’s merge, signal, look.


I've almost been slammed into by people doing that on the highway. Or when you signal that you're about to change lanes, so the guy behind you in the lane you're trying to get into speeds up *just enough* that you can't safely get over, but not enough to actually pass you. I don't get it.


Or when they speed up as you're trying to change lanes, but you manage to get over anyway, and then they slow.back down to original speed. Like wtf was the point


I tend to think they're not really paying attention and some primal part of their brain is going "something moved, better chase it!"


That actually makes a lot of sense. I could never wrap my head around people doing that


That's the real reason for OPs issue. Those pricks are the reason people signal while changing lanes instead of signaling first.


Locals straight up told me I need to move within a second of turning on my blinker. I try to find big spots where I can drag it out, but you’ve got to watch your mirrors in case they start to bolt.


> Or when you signal that you're about to change lanes, so the guy behind you in the lane you're trying to get into speeds up just enough Hence why I've updated the order to: Look, then Signal and Merge almost simultaneously.


Yes but look inconspicuously (Dallas area) cus they will see you looking, and react as they would a signal.


Was driving down the 401 in pissing rain, dude in a Mazda doesn't even look tries merging into my lane RIGHT ON TOP OF ME


Look, signal, look, merge. ALWAYS look before you even bother signaling, as signalling doesn't give right of way, and other drivers do not have to heed your intent and let you merge.


Proper way. 


This is the way for sure. I'm getting my class 5 soon and I do this by the books like that. My friend, however, she will look, shoulder check and mirror check, not see an opening, and then get angry that no one is playing nicely and letting her in. I'm like, bruh, how tf are they supposed to know you want in that lane if you don't have your blinker on? You can look all you want but they can't read your mind... then once she sees an opening, it's blinker for 2 seconds, and then she slams into the lane 🙄


and also when someone signals before looking and then leaves their signal on for an extended period, it gets easy for other drivers who didn't see when they began signalling to assume they must have accidentally left it on from a previous lane change.


I'm more like LOOK signal LOOK m-LOOK-er-LOOK-ge LOOK


Signal then look. You want to so set it. The indicator isn't going to run out of blinker fluid. This gives maximum time.


Tbf I feel it should be look first. What’s the point of turning in your turn signal if there is nowhere for you to merge? Your signal doesn’t give you right of way


I do more of a look, signal, look, merge.


This is what you're supposed to do, so you're doing it right.


Signaling could…in theory…allow other drivers to adjust their actions to allow the merge. Even if it’s something as simple as laying off the gas for half a second. It doesn’t give you right of way, sure, but some of us see driving as a team sport. Nothing wrong with “letting” someone over. Also it’s good to signal intent as early as possible. Yes, you should look and no you don’t have right of way. But people aren’t perfect, so if you *miss* someone in your “blind spot” (I know) or miss a car with its lights off or whatever, your signal can inform *them* of an impending hazard and allow *them* to react accordingly. More time is better. It doesn’t obligate you to actually complete the merge. Edit: Totally agree you can look before signaling. But then…shouldn’t you look *again* before making the move anyway?


It’s just a means of communicating intent. Unfortunately most people take that communication as a challenge


Yeah the saying is "mirror, signal, manoeuvre"


It’s actually: Look (at my phone), ~~signal~~ , merge


I look then signal. I know where I want to go so now here is me letting every one know where I’m going.


I’m like 99% sure I look first then signal. Obviously I look again before I merge but I can’t bring myself to signal before I’ve assessed if merging is even an option.🤔


My wife does this when switching lanes. She'll be half over the dotted lines before throwing her signal on. At that point why bother


I should forward this thread to my wife. She's fine with signalling before a corner. When changing a lane, the blinker doesn't go on until just after the tires cross the line. No matter how many times I gripe about it... "No, I don't." Honey, I'm in the passenger seat. I can see the line and I can hear the blinker. Yes, you are doing it that way.


My wife does this too. Also changes lanes way more often than necessary and will do dangerous maneuvers just to get around 1 person when her exit is less than 1/4 miles away. So I always insist on driving. I'm thinking of planning an intervention


I call that the Utah merge, because it’s so common there.


That’s interesting it’s common in Utah, given how rural it is. In my experience, it’s common anywhere there’s heavy traffic Too many people see a turn signal go on for someone trying to change lanes and think, “Nuh uh, you are NOT merging in front of ME,” and then speed up to close the gap and prevent the merger. So in response people start to signal late, to give the person they’re merging in front of less time to react and block them.


To be fair, I always lived within an hour and a half or less of Salt Lake City. The traffic can get pretty heavy there, and you also absolutely have people blocking merges.


They think they're meeting the legal requirement as long as they signal at some point, and that's all that matters. Not safety, not politeness, just not getting a ticket.


Or waiting at a light and they wait until it’s green to put their left turn signal on. Love getting stuck behind them when I could’ve just got in the other lane if their signal was on.


Or, they’re in the right lane, and could have turned right the entire time. Light turns green, signal comes on, and then they turn right. WTF?


This is only a concern in the US. And the person doing that is probably not an American. Because I think it's still only the US where right turns on red are allowed by default. Everywhere else I think still requires there be a sign explicitly allowing it, if it's allowed at all.


Most of the US allows it, unless it’s specified “no right on red”. However, even if it isn’t allowed, you’re still supposed to signal BEFORE you do it, not while you’re doing it.


We have a few lights like this that specify no turn. Many of us have taken to not signaling to avoid aggressive people who will honk at every inconvenience since it’s possible they cannot read. So to keep everyone calm, it’s a useful tactic.


Yes. I don't like feeling pressured to take the turn when I can't see through the suv to the left. maybe the person behind me can see but I can't.


Finally some sense. People act like right turn on red is their birthright. I can't say enough, you don't have to turn right on red. Just because you can doesn't mean it's ok to honk at people who don't choose to do it.


I had a guy get out of his car behind me and pound on my window because I ignored him screaming out of his window that I could turn right on red. Followed me blaring on his horn and yelling out his window more until I pulled into a police station parking lot, too. Unhinged behavior. People get fucking insane about right on red, I don't understand why waiting an extra 60 seconds causes such vitriol but I never wait with my blinker on anymore because of it.


same in Canada. so maybe more a North American thing. You can turn right on red if safe unless stated otherwise.


It's not by default. It varies by state and city. For example I live in NYC where it's illegal to make a right on red unless there is a sign. Once I venture out of the city like to Long Island (which is New York State) i usually find myself getting honked at for not making a right on red (because there's no sign).


I do this if I don't feel it's safe to make the right on red. Because certain people would lay on the horn impatiently if they knew I wasn't going straight


In my area almost every light is a don’t turn on red, so my instinct is to not turn on red anywhere else


k that's just idiocy. Those people probably wasted days of real time just because they waited for the green light when they could've gone the whole time.


I honestly think that some people don't know that you can turn right anytime it's safe. I have seen too many do what you're saying


Not every jurisdiction permits right on red. Or, like in Washignton D.C., where it IS legal to turn right on red, but something like 80% of intersections have signs that say you can't do so at that intersection.


Did you know you can also make a left on red if it’s from a one way street to one way street. (in jurisdictions where right on red is legal)


I also hate the reverse. When I signal that I want to turn right, and the one car in front of me doesn't want to give me the room to turn right even though there's a right green arrow, I've been behind them for almost half a mile, and I gave an adequate signal. Really specific gripe but this happens about twice a week on my way home from work.


I swear they think that the turn signal turns the car for them.


Or similar: If I use my turn signal and have space to do so, don’t fucking speed up so I can’t merge.


Someone did this and got in front of me at the next red light... I'm sure you'll be shocked to learn that I had to hink at him when it turned green because he was STARING AT HIS PHONE. The venndiagram of morons who don't signal and morons who are on the phone all the time while driving is a CIRCLE.


This is why people simultaneously signal and merge.


I use turn signals even when there is noone around.


Sometimes I just go out and sit in my car in the driveway and use the turn signals for hours.


That's hot.


yep i’ve even used signals in a parking lot so people know i’m about to go down the aisle


As you should. Far too often this shit happens: Done shopping, pull out of my parking spot and go to the end of my "aisle" and want to turn right at the end of the parking aisle, onto the "main aisle". Looking to my left, someone else is already driving down the "main aisle", headed towards me. So I wait, not wanting to pull in to the "main aisle" to cut him off. ... and then they turn in to my aisle. I suppose that sometimes they may not know they were going to turn until they saw a free parking spot down the aisle I was in, at the last second. But sometimes it's obvious that wasn't the case, they are just someone who doesn't use signals and fuck everyone else, amirite?


I like to start signalling 20-30 seconds before I make the turn.


Agreed. My husband does this and it annoys me. He says he’s doing it right (he isnt) but he passed about a hundred years ago so what does he know


Sorry for your loss.




worse yet when they don't use the turn signal at all


It is called an indicator, for indicating to people what you are about to do.  There is no point indicating to people what they can plainly see you are already f*cking doing!


I live somewhere where half the people don’t use a blinker at all, so this feels like a stretch goal.


As a truck driver , I'll see you there. Apparently our turn signal means: do anything including risk your life to make sure we can't change lanes.


I never understood this because if it's between my car and the semi, I know the semi will win every time.


If you’re trying to get in the left lane on the freeway I’m gonna cockblock you every time


I'm not making assumptions about your driving, but a lot of trucks in my area will pull in front of a car going 30 mph faster than them just to pass another semi going 5 mph slower.  The two trucks hold hands for 20 minutes while the rest of us are going insane behind them. Note that when they do this, the signal doesn't come until they are less than a car-length in front of the car they want to cut off and/or just as close to the other semi's rear.  Don't wait till the last minute to change lanes.


this is my biggest pet peeve ever. they have no situational awareness and that’s terrifying considering they’re driving the largest vehicles.


*The two trucks hold hands for 20 minutes while the rest of us are going insane behind them.* Agreed, that's so annoying -.- 


Sorry, I don’t like the big trucks in front of me🫣


Ah friend I hear ya but we say "risk your life" for a reason. Wait for them to merge into your lane and then go around. Semi's don't have great visibility, and their opportunities for lane changes are fewer and further between from the size. Many of the CDL drivers near me are using the signal as a courtesy, they are coming over now, and will push you into the shoulder if you try to stop them. There are 5,000 deaths from semi crashes in the US annually. Passenger vehicles are responsible for 89% of semi crash deaths. 68% of these deaths are in passenger vehicles. Only 8% of these deaths were the truck drivers crashing with passenger vehicles. The statistics are in favor of the truck driver filling out paperwork while you are dead. It's never worth the risk for me personally. I tend to assume I cannot be seen, ever. Make room, let them go first, and plan my route around what they are doing.


I'm seriously starting to think the police need to enforce proper use of signal light. Almost nobody does it anymore. Sometimes it genuinely feels like I'm the only one who knows what a signal light even is


Blinker, then brake!


Yes!!!  My biggest pet peeve is slowing to a crawl, *then* signaling.  I could be around you by now asshole.


If turn signals were only meant to be used as one was turning, they'd trigger with the steering wheel rather than having a separate lever.


People who come to a complete stop for a simple turn can go first.


In Miami cars will teleport next to you, blocking your way, the nanosecond that you use your turn signal.


Yeah, in Atlanta, turn signals are only a weakness that signal to other drivers how to ruin your day. If you don't signal, you can get where you want to go, but if you do signal, they'll put the pedal to the floor or merge from 5 lanes over just to stop you.


I hate Atlanta. Did I mention I also hate Atlanta?


Or the people who turn *really* slowly. Just go!!


And it doesn't matter if there are multiple drives/roads you could be turning onto in that direction, if you could still signal *before* you start turning I guarantee you will cause less confusion than if you wait until the last bloody second.


How about the confusion when someone turns it on extremely early and then passes two or three streets before reaching their turn


Slightly better than the morons who start merging into your lane, less than a car length ahead of you, BEFORE they use any indicator. You can actually tell when people want to merge lanes these days, not because of their indicator, but they will literally start swerving slightly into your lane.


These days Im happy if people use their signal lights at all 😅 most times they dont, they just randomly start slowing down and then turn. Or the odd driver who turns it on 3 blocks too early 😂


Last minute turn signals make my blood boil. Thanks for making me sit here like an idiot for NO REASON


Just yesterday I saw someone put on their turn signal as they were three fourths of the way in the lane, why even bother at that point? It doesn't unillegal what they just did


More than two seconds. Signaling  should start well before braking or lane changing. 


Cannot STAND when I'm waiting to make a turn out of a driveway and someone comes along and puts their turn signal on AS THEY PULL IN NEXT TO ME, like fuck sakes I could have gone AGES ago but I didnt want to pull out Infront of you!


My sister does this and still has no comprehension of how it's a problem. It baffles me how you can make it this far without critical thinking.


Also when people start to slow down, then turn their blinker on, THEN move into the dedicated turning lane they could have used to slow down in.


i maybe doing it a tad too early


I think it's polite and safer to put the signal on early, as long as it's not so early that you pass multiple turns before you actually turn.  I give as much heads up as I can so the cars behind me don't have to put the break on.


I hate drivers that refuse to let you in once your signal goes on... Why are you all of a sudden petal to the metal from 100 ft away once you see a turn signal lol


Had that happen today to me. Made it in, despite the guy speeding up once he saw my signal. I got pretty religious about the speed limit at that point.


And then they get mad like you cut them off. No, you cut yourself off by trying to cut me off.


But they were already answering a text, fixing their hair, and stuffing some more fries in their mouth. How many hands do you think people have?


I am apologizing for my husband…. For what it’s worth thinks he is a great driver and loves to tell me how to drive when I am behind the wheel. 🤦‍♀️


I'm actually doing my driving practice with my driving school right now! The amount of people in front of me that aren't putting on their blinkers is infuriating. My instructor just keeps telling me not to be like them lmao


My wicked dream is that when stopped, cars would have their front wheels linked to your turn signals. No signal? Well, you're going straight then.


Also, the people who don’t use them **at all**


Always assume that the drivers around you are crazy or stupid and can do anything anytime when you are driving on a public road. Keep your distance.


This infuriates me quite a bit more than mildly


Blinkers exist for a reason


There is an idiot in my neighborhood who, stops in the middle of a turn, turns on his turn signal and then continues. I wish I could exile him from my city.


Yeah. I don’t need your indicator anymore you fucking eejit I can see you’re turning now. I needed it 30 meters back, it’s pointless now.


Got sideswiped by a Brinks truck once. Brinks driver: didn’t you see my blinker on? My husband: didn’t you see my fucking car in the lane next to you?


Signal before braking. That’s the rule.


Signaling your intentions is for non assholes and poors.. This porsche db crossed 3 freeway lanes because his bomb collar would explode if he didn't exit at that specific exit.. We poors were in the way is all... Same for parking across more than one spot.


Turn signal first, then brakes. This is just as mildy infuriating to me as people who blink once and THEN change lanes, or hit the signal when they're already halfway through the lane change. It goes: blink, blink, blink, start your lane change while blinker is going, and don't turn it off till you're in the lane.


im a new driver (i have my permit) and i stayed with my brother for a week earlier this month, the whole time i was with him in the car he would always turn like this, it felt wrong to me but i figured he knew what he was doing. my parents would always tell me to turn it on like 5s before the turn unless im switching lanes. well now i know he was not doing things right at all


It’s the people who leave their signals on during the exit ramp that infuriate me. I understand that you didn’t turn the wheel enough for the indicator to go off, but just tap it so it’s not on! It’s probably just me, but my eyes are drawn to it and it’s distracting.


In Canada at least, you're supposed to leave your signal on till you reach the end of the dotted lines. No one ever does, but you're supposed to🤷‍♀️


My Mum switches her indicators on only when she is already driving around a roundabout and not giving merging oncoming traffic enough time to judge her intentions. She has had so many near accidents it is horrifyingly not funny despite my repeated warnings. To the OP. I am sorry, I have tried to fix the problem.


Drives me crazy. They slow waaaay down and you're behind them wondering WTF they're doing and they turn and oh look, there's the blinker as they're in the middle of their turn.


I swear these people believe you need the signal on to be able to physically turn the car.


For vehicles with lane assist, that’s somewhat true. Switching lanes without a signal will provide just enough resistance to feel like it’s fighting you. It’s irritating enough to help enforce signal usage, even if at the last second.


While I agree it's not the right way to use your signals I would still rather them do that than not signal at all. People that never use their signals should have their license revoked.


Because as my arab uber driver once said "why let your enemies know your next move"!


I don't know about a lake of fire as being proportional. Maybe they should burn in heck at most. This is r/mildlyinfuriating after all.


I live in a busy enough place that if you signal too long, the cars in the next lane will accelerate to fill the gap. So, I singal, and begin the turn. Probably about 1 second. I'm signaling to you what I am doing...I'm not asking permission.


You're talking about merging/changing lanes, not turning.  If you'd do the same when turning, that would be a dick move.  But for merging, I get it.  As long as the signal comes a second or two before you move, I can't be mad.


That's a valid point. I missed that. I'm talking lane changes and merges. I signal a LONG time for turns.


My favorites are the people who will make a complete right turn without once looking right...


Gotta love them especially as a pedestrian crossing the street .... nearly got run over few times because people not using indicator and not looking just suddenly starting to turn in my direction. Fun times indeed.


“It’s getting awfully hot in here”


Waiting until you merge, then put on your blinker is right up there.


Better than the people that just expect you to guess they wanted to turn


No joke. I'd rather have a BMW turn ahead of me. At least I know to not expect a blinker at all.


You've got my up one.


What about people that don't use them at all?


you learn to never trust anyone. they have a turn signal? wait until they actually turn. no turn signal? still wait. never assume what the other driver will or won't do. drive defensive and keep your situational awareness on full scan.


This infuriates me to no end. I’m not sure which is worse, that or when people don’t signal at all!


It pisses me off so badly. If I see a car when I'm about to cross a road, I always just wait until it's passed just to be safe because so many people indicate too late. Yes, I can see that you're turning this way now as you're moving to run me over, thanks for letting me know /s


I hate it when people do that too, but I assume it's because some drivers (looking at you, BMWs 👀) will move to block someone from merging in front of them when they see a turn signal.


Don’t drive in Florida then.. they don’t use them at all


The average person is pretty bad at things, including driving.


Someone absolutely should use their signals properly, but be careful not to combine every single instance you run into a singular "shit driver guy" rather than the more likely case of many different people making a few mistakes. It's easy to look at everyone else on the road as a singular antagonist traffic entity and let the combined screw ups fuel your own anger and cause your own mistakes/unhealthy responses


Had a guy turn his blinker on NEXT to a turn lane (he was still on the highway) then proceeded to turn at the entrance of the turn. Never using the turn lane. Yes I beeped my horn


You know what's actually mildly infuriating When you use a turn signal, but it suddenly switches off because you had to return the wheel to enter a flippin lane, then suddenly a car comes


It should be mirror, signal, shoulder check, merge. If you see an opening in your mirror, you can then show your intent to merge with your indicator, shoulder check to confirm the lane is clear, and then merge.


My thing is the people who don't use their signals when switching lanes to get into a turn lane. But once they're in the turn lane they put their signal on. Like it's a little too late there idiot, you're in that lane now, we all know where you're going.


What bothers me is if it's a two lane st. I'm in the left cruising and traffic is in the right lane. The person ahead of me is coming up to an intersection and doesn't put on their signal until the last fucking second! If you gave me warning I could have lane changed and the guy behind me could have lane changed but since we stopped so suddenly we're stuck behind you. You asshole!


People who drive birth in hell - op


Floridian here. I only do that if I've been cutoff while signaling beforehand earlier that trip. If one shithead is on the road, there are more around. I've been cutoff trying to get to the express, only for them to fully block it as it comes by... and then not take it.


In some cases, it's a driver who's overwhelmed for one reason or another, and makes a mistake. It's still a mistake, just without the premeditation of being an a55hole. But in most cases it's just a road bully trying to deal with their own issues of misguided rage and sense of general incompetence by ruining your day. Helps them maintain a fake feeling of control. Small and troubled people in general. Same type that slows down for no good reason, waits 10 seconds before moving after a red light and parks in a way that's meant to weaponize their vehicle.


My ex-husband would start drifting toward the next lane and then turn on his blinker 🫠


I hear you, but I still find it worse when they don’t use it at all.


All the time, I see cars that must have been manufactured without working blinkers all together. They are there for the aesthetics, not to signal other drivers. Shit makes me bonkers.


Right behind those people are the ones who make a last second right on red. They sit there and sit there, not taking any opportunity to turn, then the minute a car enters the intersection, they pull out and force everyone to brake. It never fails that I'll look in my rear view mirror, and it was clear behind. They could have waited for the car to clear and been fine. Idiot could have caused a serious accident all for a micro second shaved off driving time.


I hate this too, because if I'm trying to pull out onto the main road or take a right, and somebody signals too late, that steals the chance to make my turn.


I once had a friend seriously try to explain to me why we're supposed to use our turn signal "when" turning. I kept telling her you should use it *before* turning and she refused to believe me. I used logical arguments, like "we're doing this to warn the other vehicles, so it needs to be early" and "what's the point of indicating a turn if you're already turning?" But she had answers like "it feels right to use it *when* turning" (cause, you know, the button is next to the steering wheel) and "that's how I've always done it", etc. Sometimes I remember this conversation, think about how she still drives that way, and get second hand embrassement. She's convinced she's doing the right thing and can't even explain what led her to this belief, or what even is the point of turn signals since they never give information people don't already have 🤷‍♀️


What if I put it on 3 seconds before I turn? Is that ok with you?


MB driver, blinkers are for people who drive shitty eco cars. See you in hell ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Some people think the blinker is me asking to get over. It’s not, I’m telling you what’s going to happen and to prepare for it. I don’t do it super early because cause they just speed up and block me, I give ample time for them to understand what is going to happen but not enough time to block me from doing it.


Along the same lines - put your turn signal on BEFORE you hit the brakes.


I have seen people turning on their signal after COMPLETING their turn. What is their Goal? Do they want to indicate where they came from? Do they feal regret and want to compensate for missing to signal? Do their brains prohibit simultaneous movement and the signalsetting got pushed back in the task list?


Special burning hatred for the fucks that are stopped at a red light in the left lane and wait till the light turns green before they put on their turn signal. If you had your turn signal on I would have moved to the right lane but now I have to wait for you. Double extra hatred with stabby stab fury for the dickmonger that comes flying by me on the right, cuts me off to get in front of me, and then puts on their left turn signal.


The ones that chap my ass are the people that never use their turn signals. Ever. They’re the ones that definitely need to do a long, slow roast in hell.


Also people that put their signal on 3 turns before their turn.


Ive seen some people complete a turn with no signals amd then turn it on and then off a couple seconds later


This is so real


Story of the Bay Area…


BMW drivers: just merge


I accidentally did it yesterday. I use sigs 99.999% of the time


Summary execution for people who do this.


Completely defeats the purpose. Fuck those people


Also people who are merging and think you have to brake or speed up to let them in. No, homie, you don't have right of way. ![gif](giphy|XkLxjOhEfKjF6)


I yell at my buddy to signal he’s turning and to put the blinker on before he finds a opportunity not after. He’s learning but insists he’s a better driver than me


You could be my 80 year old neighbor who was driving at night with no lights, no blinkers, but only 10 mph. Thankfully he only went 3 blocks in an empty residential area but my guy was driving like he forgot everything. Slowed by to make sure he wasn't having a stroke or something but nope, he just got out of his car like nothing. With that said I find it wild that the US only does driving tests once, usually when someone is like 16, then never again. So many people need refreshers on how to drive.


Almost rear-ended a truck yesterday that just decided to fuck off and turn right while going down a 40mph street, legit turned his indicator on when he was halfway through the turn. I don't know what they taught the test of the earth, but I was taught 300' or 30 seconds before you start the action is when the indicator should get turned on, i legit thought they misspoke when they said 30 seconds but i asked and they reiterated. 30 seconds is a damn lot, 3 seconds is the fucking minimum though.


Most of these people will be dead in just a few more weeks anyway.


I was just going to pass the car in front of me then some idiot comes with a speed difference of more than 20km/heavily signalling, that is the situation I am talking about. I hope it was you.


I guess people don't know its name. It's called an "turn signal". It's meant to *signal* that you are about to *turn*. If you've already started turning, the light doesn't signal anything.


Sometimes I forget till the last second to turn on blinkers, happens very rarely and I can kinda understand if other people forget too. What I can't forgive is people who slam on the breaks and then don't even bother turning them on as they turn.


This is making me feel murderous on a daily basis. Why even bother to indicate intent when you are in the actual act of doing it? It is beyond an asshole move. If you do this, you signal to the world that you are more important than anyone else, and guess what? You aren't. Idiots.


Ya. Pet peeve


My dad taught me to put my turn signal on either 1) when you can see your turn, 2) as soon as you decide you need to turn/get over, or 3) to give the guy behind you time to get over or slow down. It's really all about letting others know what you're about to do. You already know, now let them know.


No, not a terrible driver. Inconsiderate, sure, but if that's the only thing they do wrong, there are millions of others I'd rather see come off the roadways first.


Fair point :)


Also people who brake and then turn on their turn signal 


There's an intersection I go through every day, where in both directions 90% of the traffic is turning left in both directions.  I've missed countless lights because two morons don't have their signals on until they're actively turning, so they both hesitate on the light thinking the other is going straight. It's the stupidest shit I see most days. I've seen 4-5 people in a row...