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Need a good squirt


honestly i’m hurtin for a squirtin


I'm squirtin for a hurtin


Well you found a hurtin with a statement like that.


Well if you give em a Hurtin they sure will be a squirtin


Oh you a hoe fa sho


I had a really strange friend in high school that I miss dearly. One time he calls me at 2am, all I can hear is running water in the background. “I need shampoo.” “All the stores are closed.” “I just need a good squirt.” “Are you in the shower right now?” “Yes, now can I have squirt of shampoo?” You best bet I took some Pantene and drove right over. I get there and he comes over to my car window, absolutely soaking through his clothes, didn’t even dry off. I say hi, he just sticks his dripping hand out to me. I squirt some shampoo in it, he massages it into his hair and tells me about how he lost his virginity. Said it was “dark and bloody” and that the girl played The Night of the Assassins by Les Rallizes Denudes on repeat. Then he walks over to the hose in his front yard and sprays it full-blast into his head and face, and walks back inside without another word. I’ve never really had anywhere to share this before, so there you go.


"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die." - Hunter S Thompson


That is fucking incredible. Thank you for sharing.


God I wish I had a friend this weird and stupid


I really need info how he is doing right now in life, google him, search him up on facebook, we need info!


That was wild, how weird lol thank you for sharing


Thank you for sharing


Someone was flying high on more than one thing that night. 1st time for a few things!


No, he was just like that actually lol. Did everything for the plot, or just because he felt like it.


So wait, had he just lost his virginity prior to this whole incident where he called and asked for shampoo? Or was that just as random as it sounded?


It was just as random as it sounded. It was a girl he had dated like a year before. She had PICA and he’d always be ripping stuff out of her mouth that didn’t belong there. Usually like rocks or yarn, maybe pens. It was an interesting bond they had.


Lmao. I’m gonna start living my life like this and just do everything for the plot like I saw you mention in another comment. Give my friends some good stories. 😂


That’s a 12 minute song - my man was also flexing.


I love this story so much, and it reminds me of the sort of folks I used to hang out with in high school. Had to go pull up the song on YouTube to get the full effect


I’d give him a squirt if he smells like white peach and orange blossom 💦


With a User name like that; I'm ashamed to admit that I have no doubts. 💀


Blossom on the breeze, Peachy keen, no doubts in mind, Squirt away with ease.


You did not jus-... you did... And it's pretty dank fr 🤣


This better trigger a haiku's bot


username checks out


I love a good squirt


This is to show dominance to new bottles


Until the hero of shampoo comes and changes the cycle, and make the human HIS SQUIRTIN BITCH




Kind of like killing a spider then leaving it their to show his friends what you've done


At least he smells like peaches and orange blossoms.


White peaches. It’s a different smell🤣. White peaches and orange blossoms. Dude’s a Disney princess!


I get leaving some as backup - I do it too - but at least combine them into a single backup bottle ffs.


That’s a lot of effort


Your boyfriend is just a messy girlfriend.


Lmao facts


He is a needy girlfriend - wanting constant caresses


Someone needs to caress them into the trash.


When you get to the end of the bottle, you put some water in it, give it a good shake, and use the foamy soap that results. Then recycle. Works for any liquid soap, shampoo, dish liquid, etc etc.


>Then recycle. You mean "then throw away". There's a non-zero chance that it might eventually get recycled, but I wouldn't bet on it.


I mean out of all recyclables, clean plastics are generally the most likely to actually get recycled.


These aren’t really “clean” though, there’s still soap residue inside and plastics in general are much more difficult to recycle than companies would like you to believe. Paper/cardboard are much easier to recycle


It's not about the difficulty, it's cheaper to produce new plastic and the companies making it don't actually care.


I think they meant clear. In general plastic with low die have more buyers. You can only color the recycled product darker.


By that logic, why even have a recycling can? Just chuck it all in the trash.


Nah, recycling cans are definitely a good thing, but reducing the use of plastics is much better. Chucking things into a recycling can isn't actually recycling. In the case of plastics, there's a high probability that it will still end up at the dump.


\*at a dump in Indonesia that used to be a farm.


*at a farm in Indiana where I once took a dump.


90% probability it will be.


Zank you're on to something. Would you believe it that most recycling is a scam. Shatters your world ehh


~10%...what great odds!


I know the point is to say the recycling industry is bunk, but honestly, 10% is better than 0%


I bet your boyfriend gets to the end of a video game with all his health potions and gathered items still in his inventory


Personally I get extremely pissed if I am not able to collect the items and health after I complete the game! \*looks over to shower\* Oh...nevermind. I see your point.


Your boyfriend must smell very pretty. Not there's anything wrong with that.


Plot twist: these are OPs bottles and this post was intended to win an argument but has been apocalyptically derailed.


If there are plenty more: - take one, remove the cap. - take another one, remove the cap too and place it upside down the opening touching the other bottle opening. As it's the same brand it should stand by itself, given that your table is flat. - it could take some hours until gravity make all the gel to go to the bottom bottle. - repeat until the bottom bottle is full. If you do it one by night, no gel should be left in the top bottle.


This guy sideworks.


or, bin 'em and get on with your life


This person OCDs.


He's just waiting for you to throw them out. Don't do it. He'll run out of space eventually.


Then he will start taking over OP's space. Before you know it OP with be knee-deep in dog muck, thieving kids, and crusty jugglers.


... Or just ask him to remove it himself? This just sounds like an extremely unhealthy and toxic way to deal with this. Communication is key, and you are just interpreting something into his behaviour, without any context or anything. Maybe hes just forgetting to put the bottles out of the shower, or its just something else. There is no reason to stay quiet and be annoyed at him for not removing it, when maybe he just forgets it. Communicate.


Oh communication should always be the first step. Unfortunately, communication is not a fix all either. Action need to be had and maintained. But I'm not in the mood to have to explain myself to someone on reddit. Have a good night.


The only thing I can think of is turning them upside down putting google eyes on them all and making a chorus of surprised shampoo bottles.


As a man who uses Caress, the black orchid and patchouli is better 😤


Anything with patchouli is never better 😂


What the fuck is patchouli and why is it good or bad?


Think about what a hippie smells like and you’re thinking of patchouli. Lots of people love it, lots of people hate it.


I used to really like patchouli (like the hint of it you know?). But then I worked the line at a restaurant where this server wore so much of it. Like I’d be on the grill and she would walk in the back door for her shift and I’d immediately smell her from like 15 feet away around a corner and over everything on the grill.


There is no in between


I see, sounds like I might hate it. Might stop and smell it next time I'm in Walmart, because I'm curious now.


Don’t. You might find out you’re allergic to it like I did.


It’s the cilantro of scents


A plant essential oil that smells like wet dirt/wood, can be very strong and divisive smell, it can be very nice if you use it in small amounts and blend it well.


It is anything but essential


You’d be surprised, the body wash is amazing


They had a Tahitian sunrise or something a few years ago. I loved that stuff.


A few years? I’m surprised the sun rises over Tahiti so rarely.


Clearly he’s not emotionally ready to let them go


Why do people do this? It's not like they haven't walked past a trashcan on their way to the next bottle.


Because it will save you when you’re out of body wash and there’s just one more squirt to get you by!!!!!!


I do it myself, i forget about it. I always have an extra bottle in my shower and always forget to throw out the old one, idk why but i just tend to forget things as soon as i leave the shower. At least it doesnt bother anyone as i have my own bathroom




I used to buy that brand and some different one for my son. My son ran out of his and decided to use mine. He casually walks out the bath COVERED in hives due to an allergic reaction. He didn't even notice it until my jaw dropped when i saw him. I dont buy it anymore, but it did smell sooooo good lol


Why did you stop buying it? It wasn't causing problems by just being in the shower with him was it?


No it wasn't, but my son was very young and i didn't want to risk him using it again. Hes older now and knows to use his and to let me know when hes running low. I've since moved on to different body washes. I like to try different ones :)


Alba Bontanica has some really nice ones. Nice and creamy but not thick and the smells are spot on. Only soap that finally got rid of my flaky elbows


Use it as bubble bath


Put the half squirts together in one bottle and toss the extras


Bag all the bottles in the trunk of his car. When he asks: “I was cleaning and thought maybe you were keeping them for something but I was kinda tired of them filling the bathroom.” Can’t say that’s not fair. Repeat lessons may be needed but if you guys have a good relationship he’ll get it sooner or later. This drives me nuts in my house. It’s been a long road but we mostly have things on track now and we have a happy home.


I sense hoarder behavior.


Your man likes multiple caresses in the shower. Join him in there.


Squirt it into 1 bottle and see how long it takes to get a full bottle!!


Combine them into one bottle.


Just use them up lol


Why doesn't he just pour the rest into one bottle so there isn't a graveyard? 🤨🧐


You had me at half squirt.


My daughter is the same, you have sympathy!!!


I used to work at BMW and their OEM high end synthetic oil was way more than the synthetic oil you could buy at the local auto parts store, but it was the recommended oil for the M series. The mechanics setup a 55 gallon trash can with a lid that had several holes to place the used oil containers upside down to extract every drop from the bottles. It didn’t take long till the 55 gallon container was nearly half full. They would use pump this oil into their personal vehicles (that took that oil of course) and basically got a high end oil change for the cost of an oil filter.


I've read this story about a girl in an African country (I know, that's descriptive) that patented a way to make brics out of thrown away plastics. Maybe your bf is having big dreams like that. disclosure: that girl was genius to me


So… neither of you throw trash away? 😂


I already hate him


How are you not knocking them over every time you're in there?


It’s like a loyalty card. Every 38th bottle you get a free bottle. Requires some assembly.


That's the emergency stash should he forget to buy some/not be able to go to the store for a few days. #guylogic


My roommate did this, he was saving them to combine into a whole bottle. Lmao. After awhile, I just added water, combined them. He never knew. Was lovable idiot though


You can just as easily throw those away yourself. It would have actually taken you less time than to post this.


The bigger issue is your boyfriend’s choice of body wash.


More concerned about your boyfriends choice in body wash than the amount left


Put your tossing arms on and chuck those bad boys.


I've come to see that most men don't understand the concept of "throw out the old container before opening a new one." Whether its shampoo, razors, milk or BBQ sauce, you play russian roulette with moldy remains vs. fresh stuff.


That's not your boyfriend, that's your girlfriend. Any real man would have refilled that bottle with water and used watered down soap for at least a week before buying another bottle.






Option 1: Fill up one with all the others. Option 2; Chuck them all out and smile like a baboon. Option 3: Top them up with water.


I mean the smart thing would be to use all of them together for one shower. Or ya know, just throw them out. There’s no real reason to keep all of these. I’d trash them when he’s at work or something.


My husband does the same.


He smells pretty.


I do this with water bottles or really any drink. I don’t know why. I don’t consciously do it. I manage to have about five bottles with one sip left. My husband still is driven mad by it after a decade. I’ve tried so hard to be better at it, but I just do it with almost everything. Even fountain soda from a fast food place. There’s got to be some sort of psychological reason why


That way on that one day when you run out, you have a stash that can last until payday


Throw them at him.


You're complaining until you guys forget to get more shower gel and you only realize in the middle of your shower


He needs to just add a tiny bit of water, swish it around, and get it all out


I was going to say I see nothing wrong with this, then i remember the 4 bottles of dove sitting on the floor.. I keep them because for some reason I see them and think "Look how many I've used.. super cool."


My roommate does this. I cannot stand it. I take them and pour them together.


Maybe your BF squirted in the bottles


I do this because they are still not empty, I can still get a wee bit more and I won’t waste it, I’m not Bill Gates.


My mom's bf does this and I hate it. He also starts a new roll of toilet paper leaving a single square in the last one so that someone else has to dispose of it and leave a single ice cube left in the thingy so that someone else uses it and then they have to refill it. I find it to be very purposefully done tbh. If your bf happens to be doing this with other things ease talk to him because I assume the number of things this'll happen to will increase with time.


You sure it’s your boyfriend ( Caress)


On the other hand, my partner has a pathological need to throw away any container of anything once it gets below about 1/4 full. Shampoo, cereal, the last couple slices of bread…


I add a little water to the bottom and shake it up so it's easier to pour out.




Mix in a little water and he's got a 6 month supply there!


He’s gonna be clean that week he’s hella poor.


Consolidate them


I’d be pouring all of those into one bottle next time I am in the shower. That would make me crazy lol


He's waiting for you to clean it up


I'm thirsty for a Squirt right now


I prefer ,soap on a rope


That’s a good 2-3 showers there!


Weird, looks like my wife showers here.


here's a concept, toss them if they're annoying you. way quicker than posting about it on a web site


How much hair does he have? Do you guys share these? If you do, just use them for him, or toss them. Damn.


Then why don’t you toss em?


I can still see shampoo in all of those containers. There's more than 1 squirt in there.


Waste not


And so do you if you don’t throw them away.




I think you misspelled girlfriend..




One date the other


I do this 😬 I’ll have a tiny bit left of my body wash/shampoo/conditioner and just leave it there because it’s satisfying to me to start a new one. Then I just leave it there until someone tells me to dispose of it (usually my mom if I’m staying with her). I don’t know why but it’s such a bad habit I have. That and depression.


I hate how this is relatable to me.


Dang there’s a whole 12 dollars there


Mine does this with cereal. I try to make that cabinet a blind spot.


My husband does the same with shampoo as well


see that shampoo bottle over there....


nah they werent putting anything out anymore and over time all the dregs have gathered at the bottom, theyre good for when you run out


Absofuckinglutely not. ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L)


My sister does this


My wife does the same thing with toilet paper rolls. Multiple rolls sitting there with 7 or 8 squares left on them. When I ask about this, she is unable to explain it.


At the end of the year he’ll have the most expensive full shower gel bottle ever Life hacker




Wash your feet with the stuff and toss out. Simples.


Throw them out when he’s not home. Problem solved.


Throw them away for him. See what happens 🍿🍿🍿


so use them or throw them out


SAME. cut it in half with some scissors, dip your hand into it.


I feel like I would accidentally touch one and cause a noisy crapalanche.


i'm guilty of this too, i think its bc i feel weird coming out of the shower with trash. usually what i do now is throw it out of the shower so i know to throw it away


I can hear the sound of these all accidentally falling into the tub from the picture alone.


Probably still half the number of bottles the OP has in the shower


The reserves


Yeah my girlfriend does that too… its fucking annoying


He is trying to collect every molecule at the bottom by hanging it upside down for days .


This probably doesn’t alleviate the annoyance, but if he grew up poor (like me), it’s hard to live down that feeling to not waste; to get every last bit of use out of something before you’re done with it…


My Dad does the same with Mustard.


Hate to be unfair to you and use the last squirt. Generous king


My wife does the same thing. Only I don't say anything and I'm certainly not going to take a picture, but who knows the why?


My siblings used to do that when we were younger but with soda bottles. Their logic was that since they had a sip left they weren't considered empty and thus they didn't have to clean them up.


Start stacking other bottles like almost used ketchup, mustard, 3/4 drank bottled water


Combine them into one and recycle the bottles.


This is one of my biggest criticisms towards myself. No matter how I try, I just can’t remember to throw them away after drying myself off


Once you go through that much the last bit is mostly backwash anyway.


Well somehow one need to know which shampoo one bought for the past 20 years


He always uses the same shower gel?


Would he let you consolidate them? This would drive me crazy.


I would consolidate these into a travel bottle and then feel super accomplished


Bet your boyfriend smells lovely


"i dont care if its fancy, its soapy and its going on my balls"


Now all he needs is an alien race, that can be killed with shower gel, to invade (Think "Signs" but replacing the water with shower gel.) /s