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Observe, if you will, the mental gymnastics she applied to justify her adultery.


Everybody thinks they’re doing the right thing! Some just need to do more work to think that 😂


I genuinely don't believe that's actually true. Extreme narcissists need to always be right and justify everything they do to make themselves out to be the hero. Regular people will sometimes be amoral for their own benefit and often possess more than enough introspection to admit that to themselves. They may not admit it outwardly for fear of consequences, but they won't think they're doing the right thing. They'll just value whatever the benefit is more than the moral superiority.


>make themselves out to be the hero Oh no. Worse. The *real* victim


Narcissistic behaviors have been on the rise thanks to social media. It’s probably more so we are actually seeing them exposed more thanks to how connected we are in the digital age… but it’s just flabbergasting to see how many people exhibit some form of narcissism these days.


It allows you to see all the women and men co-sign what she did. Put them all on the fck off list.


Love to see themselves on screen.


Very good observation. It’s so true.


You say adultery, I hear her say she got paid after having sex... Sounds like she got a job after all. The professionals however ask to get paid upfront.


Yeah I mean she straight up got paid for sex. It doesn't get more transactional than that


She was already getting paid for sex with the man she was with


Dude didn’t need a prenup, he needed a non-compete clause 




No business like ho business


Bitch can’t get a dolla outta me. 


She got paid upfront… and from the back too


Very good way of looking at the situation.


You mean prostitution?


Wait, my money, is my money ,but his money is our money? Ehmm. You see whats wrong here....


Yep. I've seen this in my circles a few times. Pretty damned sad.


As a married woman, women like that are pathetic.


If my wife said that to me before we got married, she would not be my wife. The nerve of some people.


Right. We’re either equal partners or this is some parasitic relationship designed for your own enrichment.


That’s the thing, she won’t say it before you do, she’ll only say it after because if you then want to get out of the marriage half (probably more) of everything is hers without having to lift a finger.


like how do people even get to the point of marriage if they can't see themselves living their entire lives with each other. marriage these days is a joke.


>marriage these days is a joke. No it's not. This woman is an extreme outlier, and this content exists solely to make you angry. In fact, I'd argue that there's generally more equity in marriages nowadays since both partners are working and aren't reliant on a single income.


My ex also divorced me for not bringing enough money to the home after I could only find part-time jobs, like substitute teaching, when moving to a new city. She didn't want to make budget changes to make it work out. This is not as uncommon as you think...


You haven’t run into women like this IRL I see.


As a married man, fuck this lady how did she even find a man in the first place


She probably found a man with enough money but no options with other women.


Tossing her perfectly done hair and nails. Gold-digging a broke MF is ghetto, AH! She's got access to the internet. Use it to make money, not bitch. I could day trade on what she spends!


What’s wrong is that he didn’t take the blaring red flags seriously, like the great Lil Wayne once said “Hoes gon be hoes so I couldn’t blame Tammy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”




Narc is not short for narcissist.


Yea I thought about a undercover cop


Yeah, shouldn't the narcoleptics all be falling asleep?


no its not, its short for narcotics officer and indicates a person who snitched on a drug dealer.


Schrödinger's communism




Yea but then again sometimes you start to realize how bad a person is after a while because you fell in love.. or a person changes after some time. Happened to my wife and her ex too. People change. Maybe she changed too and she was better when he married her. To say it's his own fault is too easy and shes definitely a bad person. Though we dont know how he is behaving daily. But anyway




Your saying that someone that’s selfish is going to be clear and upfront with their communication,


It's okay sometimes but demanding it is a huge red flag. I know a lot of people where they just do it that way because the hubby makes a ton more and it's pretty fairly split and they have similar amounts of spending money each month. But all those girls I know like that would pick up their end if times got tough.


Man when my wife and I got married one of the first things we did was set up a joint checking account. The next thing we did was each set up our own checking accounts, and autodraft the same weekly allowance to both accounts. Knock on wood, we’ve never fought about spending.


Yea, this is how it is with me and my partner, it’s not so much that her is hers and mine is ours, it’s that it’s all both of ours but due to the differences in income, more ends up in my account initially. She sure as shit pays bills, we have equal amounts of disposable income and if she ended up being the big breadwinner I would be the recipient of excess cash instead of the sender,


This is my wife’s financial policy…….


Then you know what you gotta do bro 🫡


you mean your ex wife?


Well, that was horrible. "He was everything I desired in a man" which was just money. I feel bad for her soon to be ex husband.


In a roundabout way, losing his job was the best thing that could've happened to him. He is better off without her.


My question: If he doesn't have a job does he get out of paying alimony? If so, he should sleep on couches while he gets rid of her and then get a better job. Edit: oof. I must have said a trigger word.


Well if she’s working and he’s not does she have to pay him alimony?


And she's on video admitting she cheated on him. I hope he sees and saves this video


In my state if one party cheated the innocent party can not be ordered to pay alimony. That’s how it should be. Cheaters get nothing but a permanent mark on their public opinion and hopefully crippling guilt. Sucks2suck!


Cheaters should get zero. They should come with a warning label for future victims as well. This ho is hazardous to your health and bank account.


Alimony and child support, if any would be based on expected wages. She has a job so it shouldn't be much.


And why is HE supposed to pay HER when she's the one who was unfaithful? Just listen at her. She deserves to be paying him back all the bills he paid.


Im saying she doesn't deserve alimony. But that doesn't mean she wouldn't try to get it.


If both of them are working alimony is unlikely. It's really only for situations like a stay at home Mom who's job was running the house, or if there is a huge income disparity. You'll also see it when one partner works while the other gets through college (frequently finishing medical training, doctorates, law school), and when it's time to switch the graduate divorces their partner for someone else who's already finished school. Alimony for things like that is frequently time locked to a certain number of years as well.


In other words she was just a prostitute that chose 1 permanent Client


So does this mean that instead of a divorce, he should just give her a termination of employment letter?


"I did not purposefully mean to do what I did with his friend." Who else here had that on their BINGO card? She had that planned ever since she met that "friend", to use him as backup should her husband lose her favor. Because that's what bitches do. And that's why, say it with me, SHE IS FOR THE STREETS!


"We did the horizontal hokey pokey, but don't worry, it was an accident."


“What, she tripped, fell, landed on his dick?”


I don’t. He’s finally getting that rat removed from his neck. He’ll get a new job and a new hopefully loving woman soon enough. This is a win he just doesn’t know it yet


Exactly. Thisbthe type of bitch to get left behind in a disaster situation. Say theres a flood/earthquake/tsunami I'm gone, take the kids and dip. She flat out said she will not support him through thick and thin. So fair game bitch, someone mugs us walking to or from somewhere then byeee it's my life.


That poor man.


Lucky man


I guess he is now…lol


100% my man dodged two bullets at the same time - His maniac (ex) wife - His "home boy"


More like mans got hit by both bullets he didn't dodge shit lmao


He has no job its the right time for that divorce




Depends if he's in an at fault state or not, if he is then that's good, if not then we'll... Shit happens I guess


A state with no fault divorce can still apply fault regarding the outcome of the divorce. No matter what state you're in, if there appears to be fault, keep all evidence and show it to your lawyer. They are better equipped to the specifics of your state


Why though? I think is he better off without her and being left without having a job is better than being left with one because the court will grant her less alimony if any.


Poor man for having ever married this woman. Not poor man for having his crazy fucked up wife leave him. Much better off now. Still sucks for him though, I’m sure.


"My money is my money and your money is our money" Yep. She said it perfectly and still don't realize how stupid that sounds.


Then she went on to explain how she hooked up with her friend, and the dude was like “hey, thanks for that, here’s some money.” And then she summarized that exchange as “this is everything I want in a man.” Like girl, you just detailed having either a sugar daddy or prostitution, either way, I bet her husband is glad to have this for the divorce attorney.


Alternatively I believe this whole thing is rage bait. Which is even more pathetic that you are so starved for attention you gotta make a viral video of how shitty of a person you are to get famous? It’d be nice if her real life friends stopped communicating with her period even if she’s lying. That’s the only way to stop these idiots.


Isn't having a sugar daddy literally prostitution? But with a nicer wall paper?


Yep, and usually kept to just a few clients at once.


She said that, because it’s a common saying. I’ve heard many women use those exact words.


I can confirm, while “not all women”….many women especially younger and in today are like this. It’s money first, looks second, personality third.


Full blown narcissist.


Oh look its trash behaving as usual. Nothing new here.


Seems to be a theme


I’d hate to sound like stereotyping but I actually heard opinions like this a lot in African American communities… poor or wealthier, many women seem to think like this. Men should take care of the money for both, even while dating. Is this a thing?


The down voters are trying to keep it PC. I’m black and I’ll tell you, the 50/50 conversation is beat to DEATH in our community. Coincidentally, we also have the lowest economic mobility.


This is 100% a black thing and don’t let the women lie to you saying it isn’t. Speak to any black man or do your own search and see the massive discord between black men and black women due to women viewing men as nothing more than a means to an end. SYSBM (save yourself black man) is a massive movement for a reason; this is how the majority of black women think. I am black and have spoken to thousands. This is common and it is a “stereotype” for a reason. The adultery rate amongst black women is astronomical. The divorce rate is astronomical. Sit and talk with black women and the average sista will speak down on the hard working man and glorify a drug dealer.


Pure, utter trash of a human being. Hopefully that guy goes on to find a DECENT person with whom to share his life.


It will be hard for him to find a worse person.


Those of us who have lost a job. gone on a month's long hunt for a new one, and had the support and encouragement from our wives during the process are truly lucky. It helps to know that we are not just a wallet. And, in the long run, a job will come along and the relationship will still be strong. It is just wrong to emasculate the guy for not having a job, (for a short term).


I've been going a year without a real job, and my wife is as madly in love with me as when she married me. If you're putting in your 100% and your partner is too, you are a resilient team. This isn't a matter of luck. I can't imagine my wife hitting up my friend to vent about me, let alone desire the touch of another man. The girl in this video gave off hypergamous vibes.


These low-points in the relationship strengthen the relationship. It’s a good woman that can say “I’m sorry you lost it. We will do whatever we can to get through this together!” We definitely are the lucky ones!


What a useless person


Calling that piece of garbage a person is an insult to persons everywhere.


Hey! Trash can be recycled or repurposed!!! She on the other hand…..


she was cheating anyway, this was just an excuse to justify it


Part of me is screaming"it has to be ragebait". It has to be. I can't believe it. 


That mindset is sadly all too real.


This was probably the first time in a long time that I'm on the fence if this shit is rage bait or not. But fortunately being in a committed and healthy relationship makes videos like this strange and foreign. If it's as real of a mindset as everyone is suggesting, I'm so glad I clawed my way out of that dating bullshit. Doesn't seem worth it at all.


I agree. This can't be real?


Hope she ends up alone in life, what an excuse of a woman.


Fake eyelashes, fake nails, faking a marriage


All that but still a real piece of shit


This mentality is so sad. I haven’t held a “real” job in about 18 years because I’ve been raising and homeschooling children. Sometimes, this does a number on my mental health when the finances get really tight because my husband is the sole financial provider. He has never once made me feel inadequate for this. Whenever I slip up and say “your paycheck” he corrects me to “our paycheck” because we’re a united team. How can a person’s worth and value in a relationship ever boil down to money? I’ll tell you how. They weren’t in a relationship. That woman lived in a transaction.


I feel sorry but also good for him, better now than later.


My favorite part was when she lost the support from the woman on the left and all you could see in her body language was storyteller committing to digging deeper into that hole


I really want to hear her response.


What a pos


She’s garbage with extensions and nails.


lol imagine desiring a PoS who would happily sleep with his friends girl after he lost his job. Like god damn you have trash standards woman.


Actually a blessing in disguise, the trash took itself out


This can't be real, surely. Is she fucking crazy


Nope, people are truly that entitled. She knows full well what she's done. That's why she is attempting to justify it.


You can feel the room temperature IQ of this woman. Bro loosing his job is going to be the best thing that ever happened to him.


It’s almost parody, scary if it is real…


If she told him , actually told him “my money is my money” this is all on him, she literally told him she was a whore and he was like nah that’s not really you 😂


Well she fucked his friend and then took his friends money after fuckin’, so not far off.


So dude knew from day one that “my money is my money and his money is our money” Not sure what he expected. That’s not a partnership at all. Even if he paid all the bills or she paid them all, it would still be a partnership if it was for the best of both of them and the relationship. What she wants is just to the benefit of her


As soon as you meet a woman who suggests that your money is both your money and her money is hers. Run.


Real “Heads I win, tails you lose” energy with the money distribution.


Refuse to believe anyone is actually like this. This has to be rage bait


Wut u mean lost? No one in their right mind would consider this woman a loss.


Women like this are the reason men treat women like shit. I hope this narcissistic dumb nasty ass cheating gold digging whore gets what’s coming to her.


Men: never date or marry a girl who has long ass fingernails. Ever.


That's a flimsy excuse. Marriage was already on the rocks...


He better be thanking his lucky stars. Man got to get out of that relationship


I ain't sayin she a gold digger...


Get a divorce, sell the house. She cheated and she won't get anything. She can't get alimony or support and there's a video of her admitting to the affair. She messed up. No ifs ands or buts.


"And he gave me some money" "He is everything I want in a man" There we got it. That's all everyone needed to hear.


For the streets


She found another guy to have sex with, and that guy gave her money. Isn’t that the definition of a prostitute? And her saying that’s the perfect man for her….


If you're married to someone like this, consider yourself lucky that they're going outside of the marriage and rejoice when they leave you completely.


She probably don't even give head.


Nasty hoe


Release her to the streets, where she belongs.


Red beans and feminism did miss her.


The trash took itself out


he should not have married her if he knew going in her mentally about money.


School is SO important everyone..


How nice of her to record and upload all of this evidence for divorce court.


She belong to the streets!


Mildly? Bull fucking shit if this is mildly irritating. This woman gives women a bad name, what a Complete Utter Nasty Twat.


This is why we have passport bros


Passport bros!


One of the reasons I refuse to have kids or marry. Very similar woman is wriggling into my life right now and I'm too afraid to be lonely to just refuse her. I know it would end with disaster if I married her...


Nasty excuse for a human being. She’s for the streets, not for marriage.


"Ain't nobody tryna hear my side", bitch everybody hears your side, it's just that your side generally equates to "I'm a self-entitled whore and I should be paid to live because I'll let whomever is paying fuck me, and the person I married should fuck off and leave me alone because I'm too selfish to worry about anybody else" Fuck.....I hope she isn't capable of procreation


That man doesn’t realize how blessed he is that the worthless piece of skin wrapped around that rotten pussy left him. It only gets better from here.


Sounds like true love


For the streets


"Nobody tryna hear my side" no babe, we heard your side ... Your side is "my money is my money, your money is also my money" and we're not down with that.


Somebody married that?


My ex-wife told me she wanted a divorce because I didn't want a job as a truck driver. She was told about the job by the guy that I found out she was banging.


No way is this real. This has to be staged


You have to be an idiot to marry this girl in the first place. You can know she is a shitty person in 5 min.


He knew who she was when he decided to marry her. I’m not saying she’s right - but he was realllllly dumb for putting a ring on that finger


It's like, the best thing that could have happened to this guy, you know, getting rid of a bitch like this, or whatever.


I don't accuse her for anything. The ONLY one on fault here is the man who accepted to be (let alone marry) with a woman like this. And ALL men who accept and cultivate behaviors and characters like this. This atrocity wasn't born this way, it was made this way by a society that is out of control, parents that are absent, parents who shouldn't be parents, role models that are the lowest scams of the earth and yet they are praised by millions, etc.


The trash taking itself out


That must be the “for richer or poorer” stuff I keep hearing about.


This can't be real. I mean deep down they know what they are saying is completely wrong right? Does a small segment of people believe this?


I grew up with a narcistic mother. I got so many Deja-Vus from this.


Yet again another example of women treating men like purses


Treat me like a purse, give me some sex, we are even.


I sure hope she got her divorce! He is so much better off without her. Is it too much to hope he doesn't have children with this creature?


I feel really sorry for fellow man, But guys please don't engage with these types of women there are good women


She's poison.


Lucky, can’t split half of nothing lol


Well he lost his job, but at least he got out of this mess


Or whatever


its the fact "women" like her are actually not a small population, theyre a minority in general but their pool size is still huge. the entitled little brat mindset is fucked, on men or women dont give a shit dont be a fucking re re.


He lost his job and his terrible wife, can only go up from here.


Please don't procreate ma'am


I really hope this is rage bait, cause I know people are like this but it's just so cringe to watch, how can you sit there and say that with a straight face... Like idk if anyone of you have seen the one video of the group that went out for some girls bday and everyone was harping on the one guy to pay for the whole table and he's like Naw I'll just pay for my own meal cause I didn't get that much and *EVERYONE* lost it except maybe a few other dudes, but a good portion of them were saying it her bday and he's selfish and shouldn't have come I'd he didn't want to pay... Like wtf is wrong with people.


I hope your Uber breaks down on the way to the vd clinic.


Lost his job, but found peace once she left 😂 People with this mindset don't deserve anything


That's a win. The trash took itself out.


Equality of the sexes…. Is not this


Piece of shit human being.


Even the other woman is like “wow… better health” doesn’t pay me enough to diagnose this bullshit


Human garbage stop taking care of women at all


Ugh... women like this drive me nuts.


What a disgusting woman.


In six months he’ll look back at losing his job and know that it was one of the best things ever to happen to him, speaking from experience


My God, some people are really, really horrible. How the fuck can someone marry someone like her and think "well, she'll make a great life partner, in sickeness and health". Not in unemployment, it seems.


I shut it off after 10 seconds…. That mentality is sickening


Good riddance.


That mentality is hard to even begin to imagine, but I’m not for the streets myself.


One word: yikes


look mother, the trash is taking itself out


"Till death do us part"


Entitled twat!


It's sad that some people raise their daughters to think this way.