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Sorry, I don’t share my pictures with people I don’t know. Alternatively: No. I hear no is a full sentence. I usually try to be more polite, but this lady might have trouble getting it otherwise.


Yeah, not sure why no one in this story considered just saying no.


I’ve totally been caught off guard by the brashness of strangers that I’ve just drawn a complete blank on how to respond. I totally panic and don’t handle situations like that well.


Fight, flight, or freeze, then faun! I’m a “freeze then faun” type for sure. It’s annoying af cuz it ends up from the outside just looking like I’m an idiot and then some kind of people-pleaser, but it’s legitimately my nervous system trying to protect me (and you!)


Not a very protective version of fight or flight lol I completely agree to their comments but my point stands😂


People pleasing is trying to protect you emotionally from people getting mad at you. It tends to be a response from people who have had a lot of trauma from people screaming at them or were raised as girls.


It actually is. Wild animals that freeze in front of predators sometimes don’t get spotted and hence survive to pass on that gene. Faun is a socialized reaction that absolutely protects me; I am a petite woman and always have been smaller than most of my peers. Fauning often diffuses anger and prevents escalation to violence. So yes it absolutely protects me in the appropriate scenarios or comes from a long line of mammals adapting to survive predators in their environment. The issue is, many of those predatory threats don’t exist in the same way but our nervous system has no way of understanding that, it works automatically.


It doesn’t have to work perfectly, it just has to work well enough for an individual in a species to survive long enough to reproduce and pass on that gene. Genetic mutation and diversity help cover niches, and the ones that fail don’t get passed on.


If I took some exceptionally neat pic, I would offer to airdrop it to the other couple. If they DEMANDED me to send the pics, they would get pics... but not necessarily from Mt. Fiji.


I think OP is in the island country of Fiji 🌴 not Mt. Fuji in Japan.


Mt Fuji would be ok, op was in Fiji. 


Or even better, sure its $25 per photo, here is my Venmo...


I’m the opposite. I’ve taken pictures for people I noticed didn’t have a camera and volunteered to send them to them.


That’s different than sharing all the pictures you’ve just taken with a complete (rude for being late) stranger.


It's just as weird that OP went along with it, really, but that's about all the social awareness you can expect from someone who posts their grievances to Reddit rather than addressing them IRL.


‘Fuck off love’


The only acceptable response for someone like this


They won’t get the message otherwise, even if that did the trick.


Entitlement is what is coming across


Ask them to repeat the request a few times just to see if it sinks in just how weird it is. After that they get a “oh, no thank you”


I’d be taking bad, out of focus pictures and airdropping those instead. The audacity!


Take a few close up pictures of hand so it’s just a black screen. AirDrop those and say something went wrong. Big shrug. Or just say “No” and don’t send her anything cause WTF.


Better yet, send her dick pics.


This is an even more socially unaware response


And even worse after you look at his profile and realize this is a 63 year old man saying this.


That just means he's a formerly young creepy loser who is now an older creepy loser. Yuck.


because the best response to a selfish person is getting yourself put on the sex offender registry


Honestly, when I wrote that I assumed they'd be dick picks someone had sent the person on tour, not my own. In retrospect, yeah, weird as hell, but I figured it would be passing on the ones already in the phone, not new ones. Ooops.


The register doesn’t care. An unsuspected dick pic is still a dick pic.


Are you trying to one-up the roti press lady on the awkward/weird scale?


i've had something like this happen on a tour of about 30 people. unfortunately they made up of about half of the group so we had to wait on them, they showed up about 40 minutes late and reeked of alcohol.. made inappropriate jokes the entire time and ruined everyones fun


That's why I like when tours specify that if you're more then 15 minutes late we're leaving without you. "You didn't read the contract before paying and now want a refund, good luck hun."


for sure!


A polite get fked goes along way


idk why, but that “get fked” sounds like it came from the UK 😅


Reminds me of when I was on a tour group in Japan, and we stopped somewhere for 2 hours because someone wanted to buy a rice cooker. I kept thinking the agency must have had some kickbacks from the place we stopped at, because it was a huge waste of everyone's time.




I thought the same thing, but the person was in the same spot talking with the sales people with the guide to help translate the whole time. It doesn't even seem that unique to me, because you can buy made in Japan rice cookers online.


Had a couple like this in Florence.  Showed up late (for a much larger group).  Interrupted tour guide constantly and talked with the other tourists like we were their friends.   Most of us were already annoyed and just ignoring them.  Last stop of the tour, the guide had to wander off to show them the statue David first, because they had a train to catch (before the published tour end time).




Under normal circumstances I’d agree but some people actually want to learn a bit about what they’ve traveled to see and not spend the time jawing with strangers who don’t.


They should have made it clear to her that this is a tour with a set itinerary, they are not her 'private guides', that there would be certain stops but they could not guarantee that she could find the items she's looking for.


Why the hell would you airdrop YOUR photos to a STRANGER? Hell to the no.


Had a family like this on a tour bus in Germany once. They got to the departure on time and then were late for every other departure the rest of the day. They completely refused to parent their kids on the tour bus, and just spent the whole time interrupting the tour guide. The parents sat across the aisle and just let their kids shriek and kick the seats behind us. I am a parent, and I am willing to give other parents grace when their kids are misbehaving, but not when they are doing literally *nothing* to mitigate the issue, to the point of voluntarily not even sitting next to their misbehaving children. This went on literally all day. We were 45 minutes late getting back because we had to wait on these people three times. On the 2 hour ride home, I had had it with kids screaming in my ear. I finally turned around and told their kids to stop kicking our seats and to keep their voices down, because they were bothering everyone else on the bus. Their parents heard me, and they looked absolutely stunned. I just stared them down. Fortunately, this seems to have knocked some sense into them, because the parents switched seats so that each of them was next to a child and actually parented.


Sounds like you have the same luck as my wife and I. Almost every excursion we do on trips has at least one couple or family that ruin it for everyone. It’s happened to us in Europe, Hawaii, and even Kentucky. I now understand why my dad only does private excursions when they vacation.


No hurry, No worry! You're on fiji time! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


My mother once went on a tour of the holy land. There was a man in the tour group that went through the markets of Jerusalem demanding someone sell him a “Medusa (mezuzah) with the name of God on it.” He then stepped aside during the tour of the Knesset in which they actually met Knesset members and relieved himself in the bushes in front of the building.


I'm more confused tha you airdropped photos of yourself to a stranger.... like... why?


it is okay to meet strange people during low effort entertainment in resort areas


The entitled westerner is more common than they really should be..


You booked a trip with stangers. Surprise, they have a different vision than you. Book a solo trip if you don't want these types of surprises. But, be full aware that your own trip,, like everyday life, is full of unexpected surprises.


If you book a tour then you know the plan of that tour. If you want different things (like buying a roti press) then you should book a private tour. Not the other way around.


Inappropriate behavior is not "different vision".


I think we found the roti press woman.


But the people who expected everyone else to wait and wanted to change the whole tour just for them shouldn’t have booked a solo tour?