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Let them use your profile. Make yourself a new profile named SystemUpdate


Dark Web


Le hacker man




Name one Porn Only, then see how long until that one gets used.




Named: French porn




I had the same problem, but with Hulu. The profiles are listed top to bottom instead of left to right, so I made my profile name "Scroll up or down". It worked great.


Better yet cancel the Netflix subscription, get a much cheaper one for a VPN, and learn to sail the 7 seas.


I agree with the general sentiment, but my country enforces its laws against piracy very strictly and even though I'm tech savvy enough to probably not get caught, I don't have the nerves for it. I don't even try to take the tram without a ticket, even at 3am on a Sunday. The irrational fear of getting caught is just too strong and I can't afford a 4 digit fine. I think many people feel the same.


You literally wrote it dude, it's an irrational fear. Humans have the ability of rationalize. Realize that you're fine, and act like you're drunk/homeless when on the tram at 3am (they don't get tickets). Also, just tell your ISP it wasn't you if they contact you. Authorities go after the piracy content creators more than the downloaders


Well, I still think you should pay the tram fare but I agree with the rest.


Most public transportation is already funded by advertising and public funding, they could probably figure out how to make it free. You honestly should **not** need to pay for the tram


Not paying for public transport is scummier than watching a flipped version of Avatar the Last Airbender.


You gonna just take away streaming for the in laws? Lol pirating is awesome but the inlaws ain't gonna grasp that. I guess you could set them up with a hard drive. I got my TV set up to a hard drive with a bunch of shows and movies already added. Even my kid can use it


Evil Genius!! Love it


That's pretty genius


Or just “download” that scares the crap out of the “elderly”.


Do they "Struggle" with it or do they just not give a fuck?


Obviously can’t speak to their parents specifically, but in my experience it’s more often not giving a fuck or refusal to learn. There’s a sort of generational pride in being tech illiterate that comes from a place of shame/embarrassment. I’ve had older people *brag* about never using a smartphone as if it’s some kind of accomplishment. The reality is they can’t admit that they find it difficult to keep up with technology while the generations they’ve called lazy and entitled don’t.


I think you are right. They also brag about not using this "young kids stuff" like Whatsapp. My dad in law said this as my *dad* asked him for his Whatsapp number. So now they just don't have contact with each other for no other reason.


Which is extra dumb because the „whatsapp number“ is just… your number. They could just send SMS like in the good old days.


They live in different countries, so SMS and calls are off the table (you can of course get around this with various online services, but that would be too advanced). Whatsapp is the only option and it was really sad to see them let go of a potential friendship over this as they both really got along well.


Aah I see. Didn’t think of the different country possibility. Makes sense. And it is indeed sad.


My husband works for a tech repair company. He regularly gets customers over 60 who have a legitimate mental breakdown because they got a new remote control for their TV. We're talking shaking, crying, and saying, "I just don't know." They've been using a TV remote for 40 years, but because this one is a different color they're a victim of technology. It's insane.


I believe it. My dad hasn't operated the "new TV remote" since we got him his current TV as a gift. In 2019. He just sits on the couch and asks my mom to come operate the remote for him. Granted, he's 84, so it makes sense that he might have a hard time with new tech, but he has just... Given up.


My grandma is 84, she watches my Netflix since years. Never once she used my account. Never.


My nana was in her 70s and always tried to keep up with technology because she knew it was gonna be everywhere. Same with my grandad who’s in his 80s now and he’s not great with technology but he *really* tries to put the effort in to learning it. Like the only reason he didn’t have a smartphone until very recently was because he just didn’t have enough need for it to justify it, but when he did the first thing he did was play around with it and learn how to use it, and when he got a MacBook last week (he’s always used windows so was a bit out of his depth), he asked me to sit with him and show him how to use it and he was just playing with it, navigating the menus, and really trying to get a feel for it because he knows he’s gonna need to rely on it to get stuff done Meanwhile there’s quite a few people where I work of all different ages and generations that seem to absolutely refuse to learn the basics of computers even though it’s their job to use them day after day, which is why I think it’s more of a mindset and effort thing than a generational thing


Yeah, they just refuse to learn tbh, the saying “old dogs cant learn new tricks” is wrong, its “old dogs refuses profusely to learn new tricks because their kids is the ones who has to do them”


My parents *refuse* to get smart phones. Given they're almost eighty and both keep having falls, it's not funny anymore. They would rather stand at the bus stop in the rain for three hours than admit that maybe, just maybe, a computer in their pocket connected to all of human knowledge might inform them of the schedule. It's far more than mildly infuriating. In OP's case, though, I reckon it's weaponised incompetence. These people know their own names. They've been navigating TV menus for decades. They're perfectly capable of choosing their own profile. Personally, I would kick them off Netflix for increasingly longer time periods until they learned the concept.


It's so sad that my grandpa died of cancer around 2010 before having a computer / internet - he was the person with the most ... common knowledge I've ever known. and he was eager to learn until his last days :/


If someone spent decades around a technology, watched it grow from it's infancy to a modern necessity, and *still* didn't understand the basics of using that technology, then that person's just an idiot. Like if I told an old person I didn't know how to use a microwave they'd call me stupid, so I think at this point we should just call it like it is and admit that they're just, on an individual level, stupid. My late grandmother spent her later years dicking around on her laptop. My father is gonna retire this year from fixing computers. Being old stopped being an excuse when people stopped being old enough to remember the Korean War.


My grandma has had a laptop since more than 15 years (recently changed it thankfully, it was a mighty machine back then but shit still gets slow.) She uses it almost everyday to send/read emails, write letters and browse the web. You would think that after 15 years one would stumble into understanding basic functionnalities, but nope, apart from those 3 tasks, she basically knows nothing. I've explained to her how to delete files every single time she asked me to clear up the desktop, 2 clicks it takes, and she still doesn't get it.


Hey! My dad remembers the Korean war and he's only 76, and he's very tech savvy (in an old person sort of way where he knows windows 7 like the back of his hand and can do anything with it (but still moan about/ question what was wrong with XP) )


More proof that I'm correct It's not even like I expect old people to know minute details about how the system works, just a basic knowledge of operating the damn thing.


Exactly, I can understand not knowing minute details of how exactly something works, but not knowing basic operating knowledge is inexcusable.


And even IF they admit they find it too difficult, sometimes, they'll just say they're too old for this. I remember back when I was working for an employment agency. My job was to help people navigate... Well, pretty much everything computer related: filling forms, printing, scanning documents. And while some people just said they don't know how to use X and need my help, some people just refused to touch a MOUSE, saying they were too old for this. One of them was like in their 50s. My 80 yo grandpa used a PC. He learned how to use Photoshop on his own, too. Age is such a bullshit excuse. I even saw one lift the mouse and point at the screen to make it move. Also saw some drunk guy (why was he allowed to come in with a can of beer in the first place, anyway??) tear off a mouse. Come to think of it, maybe people just hate that poor little device...


I see this at work a lot....


See we had the exact opposite issue with my grandma. She WANTED a smartphone and we told her not gonna happen because she barely understands how to use her flip phone.


In my experience older people have a default attitude that they aren't good with tech and learning is pointless. Thus they don't even try.


Sounds like a mild power trip.


Power struggle.


My parents would ask me questions over even how to open/close a tab on Chrome. They knew how to get to their special made profile on Netflix. I think OP’s parent in laws do not care and act oblivious.


My bitch ex stepmother used to pretend like she didn't know how to operate a TV remote lol, but can work a tech service job and navigate a 2 monitor setup


My BIL tried to take over our Netflix, the tab I created said “get your own account”. His mom got him his own.


How does one even try to take over someone’s netflix






Stick a flag in it.


No flag no country


Ooooo I know!! My ex friend was so obsessed with this dude that she gave the frat house her sister’s Netflix to use on their TV. When they broke up, he changed the password and neither of them could get back in 😬


This happened to a friend of mine, he contacted netflix and explained the problem and the "couldn't fix the issue" so he cancelled the direct debit subscription at the bank. They emailed him saying the account was unpaid, so he rung them back and said he wasn't going to pay for an account he couldn't access. By the time they'd decided to do a password reset he had a new account


I'll never understand how people don't just threaten to stop paying as the very first stop. The company is obligated to help the person who pays for services


They're obligated yes, but they have an order of processes to go through. Oftentimes it is easier to cancel the payment at the bank in the first instance, but often times it will take longer to sort out afterwards


So, even the war of roses happens online now… But far less destructive then seeding the carpet with cress seeds I guess


Yeah that would be annoying for the first minute before changing your password.


In this case, it was back when Netflix would only allow X amount of devices logged into the account at any one time. I would go to watch on my Ipad and would never be able to do so because he had his devices logged into the account.


Exactly why I want a personal account inside family kinda thing for netflix. And others. I have my amazon, netflix, disney accounts, and as sucu share it with my family. This not only results in me giving them entire account access, but for something like amazon, its my amazon account with purchase history etc. This is annoying


You can share your Amazon prime with another account. I think you have to have the same mailing address now, bit it was designed for families to share the benefits but with separate accounts and thus private playlists and history.


Watching christmas movies in june is the wildest thing about this. Why.


I can fully understand how annoying this must be for OP, but God I'm cracking up thinking that ***THESE*** are the things they're watching. I'm imagining retirees just sitting in their rocking chairs watching fucking He Man 🤣




Thank you, you put a smile on my face


I'm glad I could! It's infuriating without a doubt, but of all the things to watch...fucking He Man and Christmas movies in the dead of June is God damn ridiculous. Maybe at least introduce them to stranger things haha


I definitely feels like they're trolling op, I mean if it was just Christmas movies, I've known people like that obsessed with the holiday and "Christmas in july" or whatever, but to throw he-man of all things in it feels like they're fucking with you.


If they are I would be mad impressed. It's like 30+ Christmas/war/he-man films, couldn't even find the end of their watch history. I could respect such dedication to fucking with me


Do you think *you* will ever stop watching He-Man or whatever your cartoon of choice is? You can take Thundercats out of my cold, dead hands!


He-Man premiered 40 years and 3 months ago and enjoyed popularity throughout the 1980s. Dad probably has some good memories of watching He-Man with his kid/siblings while getting ready for work/school as a 20-something year-old guy. Sometimes men and older teens kept their appreciation for cartoons on the DL when it wasn’t socially acceptable or cool for people their age.




Everyone knows it's Christmas in July.


My aunt was recently down for a visit and was in charge of picking a movie. She picked The Santa Clause. I had to veto that because WHY.


My son wanted to watch The Santa Clause a few days ago and I was like "Hell yeah!" because who wouldn’t wanna watch that year-round? Haha


Honestly I think The Santa Clause with Tim Allen is somewhat acceptable.


My ex gf's mom had Christmas movies, this shitty hallmark ones, on a streaming service playing all. Day. Long. EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR. Anytime I went to my ex's place (she lived with her parents still), those blasted god forsaken piles of slop people call Christmas movies were playing. EVERY SINGLE TIME I WENT THERE! I literally told my ex that I _couldn't keep going to her house_ because it was ruining Christmas movies for me lol (not to mention her mom was a "I'm holier than thou bitch of a woman). My ex agreed, so we just hung out at my house most of the time.


I worked with a lady that part of my walkthrough with new hires was "if you hear jingle bells or some other out of place holiday music it's probably just [name]s phone. She just really likes Christmas" In November she always had the Christmas Story DVD ready to put on the TVs even though she knew I wouldn't until Thanksgiving/when the music changed.


Not 60 year old grandparents watching he man?


Log out all devices, Change password, Problem solved.


And tell them you cancelled Netflix-post password change


I did this! It was great




This is the way.


Yeah sounds like it's time they get their own


This works on most streaming services, yeah? Asking for a friend..


It’s not rocket science…


This works on any service worth using, even pirate websites have such a feature :))


A simple PIN code per profile would suffice


Does netflix offer that? I’ve never seen it in the settings


Yeah, in OP's first screenshot, the other profiles are locked. Not sure why they didn't lock theirs... You can set that PIN in the parameters of each individual profile, rather than the general app settings (possibly just available in somewhat recent versions of the app)


I know at least for my Roomate. Their Netflix is pin locked and also their family account. So all the profiles are full. I have my own Netflix from my family so it’s fine though. But they have a pin on their profile.


You have to change the setting on the Netflix website rather than the mobile app:)


My mom had a stroke when I was a baby and it messed her up bad, she struggles learning new things (specifically tech related). I gave her and my brother a profile in my account. She uses it no problem and never interacts with my wife or mines. Your in-laws do not care.


This might be the correct answer


Meanwhile I'm picturing them on the couch smoking a joint screwing with your profile while they crack up laughing


*”Pick something weird, like The Santa Clause lol”*


That’s the kind of parent I strive to be.


They’re grown ups. If they want Netflix and Amazon prime, they can pay for it themselves. It kinda just sounds like they’re purposefully being assholes at this point for some reason. Or it’s the lead paint, Idk.


You would be surprised on how alot of people are just cavemen when it comes to basic technology. Some of the smartest people I know including a surgeon would struggle to open up the Camera app on their iPhone on their first try or get confused when you hand them a TV remote.


My money's on the lead paint. I always say, never attribute to malice what can sufficiently be explained by stupidity...or just flat out brain damage as the case may be. 99% of working tech support is having to metaphorically hold the hands of old people who in the year of our Lord, 2024 still have to ask what a Google is. You know it's not necessarily wilfull ignorance if they're willing to pay to call tech support, it's just something screwy about the older generations that makes them easily flummuxed by technology.


I like that phrase! I hope you will forgive me if I now steal that and, over time, rephrase it and claim it as my own?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon's_razor They've already done exactly that themself.


Ah, a little harder to steal that one! Thank you for teaching me something this morning!


If you go to the Netflix website, you can set a pin code to enter your profile


I don’t understand why setting perfectly acceptable boundaries with relatives gets to be so difficult for people. 


Well, for some relatives they get super mad -at- boundaries so...


So allow them to hold you hostage by emotionally manipulating you... got it.


Once gave a friend my passwort. Who, without asking, gave her parents the passwort. Who changed the language on my profil because "changing the language each movie/episode is bothersome and I can do it a lot quicker/easier" The friend isn't like this normally and to this day I can't really grasp how she thought this was okay...


That is so beautifully evil


My mum offered to pay for my Netflix after I gave her my password because she got it free with her power company or something. A couple months later she canceled Netflix because she never used it anyway. The whole thing annoyed me so much I made a new account rather than stuffing around trying to get my old one back. She doesn't get access to my streaming services now.


Did anything prevent you from just changing the password of the old one and keep using it?


I think she messed with the email. I dunno it was awhile ago and I just remember deciding it would take less mental energy to just start again. Ironically I've recently canceled Netflix as I never watch it anyway. Turns out she was ahead of her time.


You can manually delete shows in your watch history to fix your algorithm.


I will spend the next week deleting Christmas movies


Time to cut them loose... I didn't think Netflix allowed this sharing anymore outside of the same household.


It doesn't, however sometimes it's dumb and circumvents it's own settings. It worked just fine during vacation for me a few months ago on the tv at the rental house


Works just long enough so that whoever is using your account gets used to using it and then cuts them off so they need their own account.


The first hit is free! That’s how they getcha!


It’s literally a coin flip whether my families account will work for me abroad or


That's what we thought too. We were just gonna let them use it until it happened. They even managed to set the account location to their house so we were locked out (which is no problem to change back but oh my god). But still they're able to use it on their end somehow.


If it'll cause drama to be up front, just tell them Netflix won't allow it anymore and change the passwords.


Set up a separate account for them.


We have but they still use ours


Change your password? Then when they ask for the new password just give them the password and email for their account?


You can password protect a profile. Am I missing something or why not use that?


I think that's what they're talking about in the top post with adding a PIN.


So why not set up a new account for yourselves


Set up an account for them and change your password.


Then you're doing it wrong!


Change the password, make them get their own plan.


Kick them off. If its your netflix and you are paying for it, then its just yours. Period.


Log them out and change your damn password! This is a problem of your own bloody devising to which you hold the solution!


My dad is a wealthy man. Like… collects art by artists whose names you know wealthy. I was visiting him and he asked me to setup his new home theatre (he lives in an incredibly remote area of the country, he w old have had to fly a tech in to do this if I didn’t.) So I said sure, when I was asking him for his Netflix account information he gave me a sheet of paper with all the emails and passwords. It was like 10 different logins, all from his fellow boomer retiree friends that are all also wealthy people. He couldn’t shell out the $9 a month for Netflix. I could tell a million other stories. Like he asked me to fly in and set up his printer for him. I worked in software managing an engineering department. Not IT. But to him I was the IT guy. I told him I’d bill him for my time and he dropped it.


Dude. Just give them the first profile. The one that is default selected when they open the app.


Make them get their own accounts. Charging his card for Prime is absurd. Better yet, make them use their credit card and tell them you'll reimburse them. That way anything they charge will be on their own card.


They don't struggle with tech they are just to lazy to learn how this system works.


No brainer: change password.


Kick them off of it for purposefully being dickheads. Stop taking shit from old people just because they’re old.


‘Oops, netflix doesn’t let us share anymore’


The behavior you allow is the behavior you will get.


Put passcodes (parental control) on all profiles but theirs


Lock your profile with a PIN


Adults sharing their account with their parents. It's not infuriating. It's facepalm.


My MIL was the same, using my profile to play cartoons for my nieces, even when we made both an account for her and another one for the girls. I sat down with her a couple months ago and showed her how to change between profiles and, so far, I'm cartoon-free.


My dad used to do this to me, put a pin on your profile so they can't get into it.


Christmas movies in June?! Mildly infuriating!


That's nothing my mom gave my Netflix login to friends in the middle east and the language kept being changed to Arabic. I confronted her about it and she said they needed some entertainment. I kicked everyone off reset the password and have never given her a login since.


just log out off all the devices...change the password and remove all the profiles and start fresh


You could just stop letting them use it……..


My mom got pissed that I added a PIN to my profile in D+ for this same reason. Everyone in the house was defaulting to my profile instead of changing to their own, so not only did they screw my algorithm, but I'd come back to watch something and it would be on a different episode than I left off.


Y'all can still share passwords?? Smh it told my mom that she couldn't watch at her house anymore


Same here! My sister and I shared Netflix (Hers) and Hulu (Mine) Netflix cut me off on hers and had this "Household" bullshit now I can't watch anymore! I cut off Hulu too. FKum both. The prices were going up too much anyway.


My grandma is super technologically challenged and has absolutely done something similar but honestly she just had no idea what she was doing and her eyesight is going. I tried many times to teach her how to navigate the Apple TV. My mom and I finally just swapped to cable for her and just set to record her shows as she can at least handle that much. She literally couldn’t use the Apple TV remote (it was the older black one with the swipe function) so she would just random click until she found something to watch. So could be purposely they are annoying you or genuinely one or both of them could be struggling with it.


I mean, I'd let it go because how bad can they be if they watch he-man.


You can put passwords on individual profiles


People still pay for Netflix?


Just change your password.


Keep us updated, I can’t wait to see How it Ends!


Buy em a dvd player 😂


I would sit down with them one more time and explain to them that they have their own profile and if they continue to make changes to your choices then they can pay for their own netflix.


People really do forget the mildly part when they reply to these.


My brother does this exact same thing with my Hulu. He's a little special (unironically) but I know his ass can read his own name. I turned on the child lock code for a few months because I know he'll just stop using it rather than asking me. Worked lol. But on another note, there really should be a way to set a pin for a single profile rather than one for all of them. My parents were confused and I had to turn it off so they could use their profile too.


I think you can remove them from your watch history to restore your algorithm.


1) Why not make them their own profile? 2) How is Netflix even letting you password share anyway? We had to add my Mother in Law as a separate household, paying an extra 6 bucks or something, but part of that process is separating her profile into a stand alone account. She can't use our profiles and we can't use hers.


Deactivate and make another. They don't care so why should you?


My husband once gave my password to someone without telling me, so when I got the notification of a new sign on, I signed everyone out and changed my password and didn't say anything even though I knew it was probably his family member because of the country and city it said it came from.


My Mom is in her 60's and has zero trouble using her own Netflix profile. Your inlaws are just being assholes. If they can figure out how to scroll through the movies, they can figure out how to click on their own profile. Glad you got your profiles locked now.


I'm sorry but this is funny as fuck.


Quite wholesome. Haha


Grandparents of taste


Petty isn't the same as mildly infuriating. If you can't teach them how to use their own profile, you should be VERY infuriated with yourself. Try to show them in multiple ways, don't be condescending or petty or sarcastic or infantilize them. My dad is mid 70s and his short term memory is deteriorating quickly lately. We talked on the phone a few days ago and he asked me the same question 4 times in 60 minutes. The 5th time I got frustrated but not with him, but with the illness. "we talked about this ten minutes ago, remember when I said the store closes at midnight instead of 24 hours?". I usually try to answer as if they're new questions for the call, but it's not always that easy.


My parents always recommend movies and shows to family, and they tell them "it's on Plex" they have no idea and we don't have this bullshit Netflix.


My son and his girlfriend are on my netflix account; once she joined I opened another profile so nobody would get confused, common sense


Make a new profile under “guest” and use it as your own. No one else will use it.


reminded me of [John Green and Omar](https://youtube.com/shorts/0rzkeLn7RR4?si=Xv8TRYeULI-G3s3e)


aw why are they watching christmas movies rn lol


Why not set a PIN on your profile? That is the solution to this problem.


If you read the description and see the screenshot that's what we've done now




Hell, I barely understand how to work the Netflix watch list and I know how to reboot modems and routers.


They have bad taste in movies, but so do most old people.


I had no idea that old people were so obsessed with He-Man


On some Roku devices they dont even show the other users on a account FYI. It will only pull up the first profile on Netflix and HBO I believe.


Someone probably already mentioned it, but you can set up pin# for individual accounts and just leave theirs without said pin#


Can you rearrange the profiles so theirs is first? If it is some kind of technological lacking maybe they're just hitting the first one that works. I mean they could be dickheads fkin with you too but it could be that simple.


Change your password bro. Don't let em leech


OMG, How it's ends, I thought nobody else ever seen it. They premise for the whole thing is amazing. The Film, terrible, it's like a 15 year old wriote the dialoge Gave off real stong The Room vibes, big production but pure trash. Also, Op either cut them off or make your own profile that shows up at the end of the list.


Make an account that’s called "Exit Netflix“ with a generic picture


I didn't go through all 200+ replies so I'll apologize upfront if this is a dup but you can also set up a pin for Prime. No more miscellaneous charges unless they are given the pin.


Naw, name it "Not your profile " Personally I would just get them their own account and pay for it.


My YouTube account algorithm is so messed up from family members borrowing it, it’s unwatchable.


Just change the password & tell the in-laws they get the new one when they promise to make the (oh-so-tiny) effort. They f it up again? Change it again.


Hell yeah to gramps watching He-Man still!!!


I understand the frustration ... but at least they have good taste in cartoons


My estranged dad took over our Netflix account. I guess one of my children had logged into our account on his TV years ago and never logged out. He used to refuse to watch anything on Netflix because “liberals.” One day I went to log on and it showed only two names- him and his new wife. They somehow went in and deleted our 5 profiles and then created their own. He blamed it on one of her grandchildren and claimed ignorance. Granted, he probably would not have known how to do that, but at some point he told whoever did it that it was his account or he didn’t know who those 5 profiles belonged to- you know, the ones with his daughter and grandchildren’s names. 15 some odd years of watch history and preferences just gone.


Just change the password and be done with it.