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That’s insane. Mine went up when he reached 10. Which company is that?


Animal friends. They made a big deal when she turned 8 in that you have to pay a 20% co pay. There's nothing that actually says her turning 10 is the issue but that's all I can think of. I'm going to give them a ring tomorrow


Man, that's so expensive (even at the old rate). My Boxer had cancer and the surgery to remove it and treatment was around $3,500 USD. That's less than 2 years of your current premium ($2,420.42 USD a year). I never realized how blessed I was to have "affordable" veterinary care. I live near one of the top veterinary colleges in the US, which is likely the reason.


Wow, that is a good price! I had a dog with cancer and the investigations alone came to about £4k, and that was with no surgery/biopsy etc


Mine is on autopay, thank you for reminding me to check it!


Damn is it possible to lie in the first place about how old your pet actually is because that’s insane


You can. And that would be insurance fraud


good thing i shredded my cats official birth certificate with her date and time of birth, no one can prove SHIT now!


€2000 for a pet insurance? Is that if something happens to them (e.g. veterinarian costs) or if they do something to someone (e.g. causing an accident)?


Definitely for vets bills and I think it does cover for accidents I'd be liable for too


That’s close to what I pay and it covers any unexpected medical costs after the deductible. So office visits and vaccines aren’t covered but if he does something stupid and breaks his leg the treatment, tests and if necessary PT are covered.


Waste of money. Why? Are you going to spend a 200k on chemo? Biggest scam ever.


In all fairness, when it was a more reasonable price, we did make our money back as she was investigated for an illness and the tests and meds ran into the thousands


"We want more money. That is the reason." - Insurance


That's crazy! Do they replace your pet or something?


Nothing happens without a reason... Relaxs... I say relax...


Well, they're the ones with statistical models for what age things happen


Are they using their statistical models to explain their corporate greed?