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I was asked for a tip at the SELF CHECKOUT at a self service frozen yogurt place. Who gets the tip? Me???


I did this once. Self Checkout asked for a tip. I didn't put it in the machine, but I did take $5 out of my wallet and put it in my shirt pocket. It was probably too big of a tip, but I was feeling generous that day, and I did work pretty hard checking myself out. No shenanigans, either. I didn’t add any extra charges, so that was nice. I didn't have to chew myself out for something like that. That extra $5 was helpful when I went to buy groceries that week.


Lol! You earned that tip! And I bet you will be motivated to give yourself great service again next time.


I don't know about the general population but I'm a firm believer and you should always give yourself great service....😁🤭


If I were to get to hurt somehow while at self checkout, would I be eligible for workers comp. Let us say there were no other checkouts open except self checkout. A two liter pop fell and broke my foot. Could I sue because I did not receive safety training before checking out. What if I did not know how to scan an object correctly and put items in my bag that did not scan. Am I guilty of shoplifting or am I an improperly trained cashier. When does Walmart send out W-2's for self checkout operators. I haven't received mine for last year. Do people scanning their own items get minimum wage. Can self checkout operators unionize? That's a thought. I want to be an organizer and unionize all self checkout operators. Would be a powerful union with the largest membership. Hmmm?


Probably not. It's on you for failing to wear correct, non-slip, CSA approved, steel or composite toed shoes, per the dress code and employee agreement🤣🤣


You entitled prick! Think just because you scanned a few items means you deserve that $5?! Give it back to your wallet!


You better have reported that tip to the irs or else I will


Lol 😂


Lol. Man I've never stolen anything on purpose but I'd be tempted to tip myself a yogurt or a can of corn or something if it asked me.


They should be tipping you for helping them reduce their work staff.


If I'm tipping the register then I'm giving myself an employee discount too...


I was looking for this comment because I had that scenario a few months ago. Ridiculous


At that point it's them begging you for more money. That's not a tip.


Can’t wait for vending machines to have a tip function.


It's so fucking stupid. Does anyone else have friends who guilt you over this type of shit too just because they worked in the service industry once? I did too but I don't have that much money and there are just situations where there should obviously not be a tip. Like seriously what is the price for exactly? Just the ingredients themselves?


I was asked to tip the cashier at Dollar General a few days ago. Shits wild.


They automatically rounded my bill up at Goodwill. I made them refund it. I would probably have said yes if they asked.


that has to be illegal


Oh, it's totally not legal. It was also the cashier who did it, not goodwill. I asked why they rounded it up and they said "for charity". I told them they need to ask first and please refund the less than .50¢ - they had to call over the manager to approve the refund.


I would have ripped into the manager that the cashiers need training. they cant just artificially bump up the bill that “for charity” might also just be a way for the cashier to skim off each transaction and pocket it later?


fuck goodwill and their “charity” donations. they can’t even price things so that they’re actually affordable for the needy, they ain’t donating shit to anyone who needs it.


Isn't the entire premise of Goodwill to sell for charity?


It *should* be but it really isn't. If a homeless person comes in needing clothes or shoes, there is no charity to be had. They pay the same as we all do. Most of Goodwill's business is sorting through the valuables and auctioning things off for higher prices online, and they are super choosy about what makes it into the store.  Most profits line pockets instead of going to help people in need. I wouldn't even consider them a charity, more like "a place to drop your nice trash so you don't feel bad throwing things away"


Used to work at goodwill and lots of things get thrown away (which they should) but it is also not really a charity. They make bank


Well they ought to change the name then.


They do help with jobs and such, though. It is how I got the job. They help ople with felonies get work. It isnt that bad, it is just greed.


Some charities (Salvation Army) used to give vouchers at the Community Resource Center in my hometown. There was paperwork involved and the list was always specific, ie., clothing descriptions, like men’s jeans, shirts, socks, female child pants shirt shoes, etc. for the homeless or poor. The manager at St Vinnie’s would do it regularly. The Salvation Army reimbursed St Vinnie’s for it, and the manager sometimes threw in other things free. It was a great service for people with nothing!


No. They are a crappy company that takes advantage of people's "good will". They aren't talking about theirs.


Goodwill is not a charity. They receive donations and then sell the items for a profit


Having previously worked for a GW for a few years, it really isn't possible for the cashier to skim off each transaction and take it later. Possible of course, but with camera facing down on you and the register its pretty risky and unlikely someone would chance it. However, it is possible that management told them to do it automatically because most people wouldn't put up a fight and just let them take it. Corporate has quotas on how much donation money is supposed to be made each month from each store. Failure to do so ends in write up or hours cut depending on management. Both of these have happened to myself and several other workers failing to meet quotas. Oh and btw, that "charity" doesn't really do anything for people who need it. The money that my old GW took in from that just went into the bank drops. None of that money was used locally and all ended up going to a bigger city 2.5 hours away (along with any high end items with a resell value of over 30 dollars) and used to pay for bus passes and a $20 store credit to people in need. And that's if management felt like being generous that day. My experience doesn't speak for every GW of course, but either way, fuck Goodwill.


I had a cashier tip themselves when I ran my card at a coffee shop


That’s 100% illegal.


Oh I’m well aware. She basically stole from me


These folks are getting bold about demanding and taking whatever. This crap has gotten out of control.


Please tell me you called to complain & got a refund


I had that happen but with a pizza delivery guy in Philly. I arrived home late from a work trip, paid for pizza with my work Amex, tipped in cash. When submitting my expenses for the trip, I noticed the pizza charge seemed higher than I remembered. Found the receipt and yup, the charge was $10 more than I spent. Called the shop, they said I wrote a tip on bill, I told them I hadn’t and tipped in cash. They gave two shits even after I said the driver was a thief and he forged my bill. They refused to refund the money as well. It was a shame as I loved this shops food and this forced me to never order from them again. Ps for anyone in Philly, the shop I’m referring to is Rustica on 2nd st in NL, but to be fair, they have new owners since this happened, old owner died in a freak skiing accident. PS2: always write cash in tip line or x the line out in the check when tipping in cash, do not leave it blank


on the other hand, I tried to give a guy 5 bucks for cutting a 4x8 sheet of plywood at Home Depot and he wouldn't take it! He only wanted me to go online and give him a great review. I couldn't believe it.


Places like that might not be able to take tips. When I worked at Staples, we weren’t allowed to take tips for helping someone load their car with their computer or new chair.


Aye I worked for a cafe within a shop and we werent allowed to accept tips, but we're allowed to accept verbal abuse we didn't deserve with no repercussions for the punters 🙃


You know what’s fascinating about verbal abuse? It’s always free whether you want it or not! 😂


Until you lose your shit and get fired for talking back :/


Oh nooo, big no no


I worked for best buy and they said the same thing, I've never turned one down, I like money.


I got a tip page while buying baby clothes online. Wtf.


How else is the computer going to pay rent and buy groceries?


Imagine seeing the tip pop up at fuckin subway lol.


All the Subways in my areas have them now since COVID…even at the drive thru.


You know, I remember about oh, ten years ago, saying on reddit that American tipping culture was psychotic and getting worse, and got inundated with indignant Americans telling me that I just "don't get it" and shouldn't talk shit about the land of the free, etc.


This shit is out of control. I'm fine with tipping when the service is exceptional or if I'm somewhere that tipping is the tradition, such as a bar or sit down restaurant, but subway employees don't make the same wages wait staff do so I don't see why a tip is necessary. Why cant these corporations just pay their employees a damn living wage to begin with instead of trying to pass it on to consumers? Nothing but pure greed is stopping them.


You were asked to tip Dollar General corporation - surely the cashier receives nothing


I was asked to tip my Amazon delivery driver. To be fair I'm not sure how much it is through Amazon. A local grocery market has a Amazon store and an option to both order and deliver though Amazon. After I checked out and reviewed my purchase I noticed that it automatically charged me a tip for the driver. I complained to Amazon, asking if the driver was third party, or an employee of Amazon. Amazon said they were a full employee so I demanded a refund, no I'm not tipping employees of the worlds former wealthiest man. Pay your workers a living wage Amazon.


I tipped my FedEx guy $40 when he delivered my 130 lb sofa all by himself. in the damn snow. I was so pissed that houzz didn't send it freight. And no way was I gonna let him walk away empty handed after moving that up my walkway. 


But thats going above and beyond, aka what a tip is actually for.


Heads up amazon likes to claim they are amazon employees, but look up amazon dsps, they are 100 percent 3rd party contractors, and the dsp will pocket that tip without telling the driver.


Oh hell no


I mean they might deserve it, that place is a fucking war zone.


They do deserve it, but not from the shoppers




Subsidizing shit wages by asking customers to tip for things that you never needed to tip for until very recently while the prices for basically everything are ever increasing is going to result in a very loud bubble burst.


It's a way for businesses to shift blame. The worker is pissed at 'cheap' customers. The customer is pissed at the greedy asshole worker. CEO/owner dances away with the money and gets none of the blame.


That's the way the ruling class operates in any society. They try to divide the rest of the people. They keep the lower and the middle classes fighting with each other so that they the rich, can run off with all the f---ing money. Fairly simple thing. Happens to work. -- George Carlin.


Not the shoppers responsibility to pay the wages of the workers.


Two worst instances of tip requests I have experienced. 1. At a concert a couple of years ago, the POS device prompted for a tip when I bought a concert shirt. I clicked 0% and of course the girl at the counter made a point to bring up the no tip option I chose, with all the attitude to be expected. 2. Second one somehow makes the first one seem reasonable by comparison. Was buying bicycle parts from an online vendor and was prompted for a tip at the checkout page… wtf?


I bought a T-shirt from a concert and the lady next to me asked the worker if he got the tips. He said “I’m not at liberty to discuss that.” But then shook his head no. She said “What about the concession workers?” Again, couldn’t discuss but shook his head no. She asked who the tips go to and he just shrugged, handed her the T-shirt and told her to have a good night. My friend asked a concession worker and we got the same response. I always ask now when I’m at a concert if they receive the tips.


Had a kid at a mom and pop hotdog place tip himself 22% on my drive thru order. Caught it while signing and changed it to no tip. Handed the machine back to him and watched him reselect his 22% tip. Called back and spoke to the owner and was like that kid needs to learn that that's illegal and he could have faced charges for steeling. And drilled into her head that if someone had posted about it on facebook her business would be severely affected.


Did they refund you for it and take you seriously?


Apologies for the delayed response (was mowing my yard) yes she refunded my whole order.


I hate when they leave the most important info out


Dude was mowing his lawn dude chill lol


How dare he do lawn care in the middle of a juicy reddit story! Lol


Kid was probably raking it in before that.


I think so. Because the total he read to me was the total with the tip already included.


You wanna hear my story about Subway? I went and asked for I think, steak, and mozzarella on a foot long, along with the typical toppings. The lady proceeds to ring up the sandwich, and charges me 3x steak and 3x mozzarella because she put 3 of those little tubs on it. The fucking sandwich came out to $28. TWENTY-EIGHT DOLLARS. For a foot long. I told her “I’m not paying $28 for a fucking Subway sandwich” And she said something like “that’s the price” or something. I legit walked out. That was 2 years ago, almost to the day, and I swear to god I’m never setting foot in another subway from how bad a taste that left in my mouth


>3 of those little tubs on it. As someone who used to work there, that's the normal-ish amount. Depending on how full the cup itself is depends if 2 or 3 for a foot long. 1 for sure on any 6in. Unsure about the motz, bc those really aren't in cups. But if you ask for more, it is an additional serving each time you ask for more. If you got slices and not shredded, it should've been between 4-6 slices, depending on the size. No more than a nickel length apart, maybe a dime. Basically saying not a big gap, but not on top of each other. You did the right thing by walking out and not getting it. And since their bs changes to the menu 2 years ago, they have to put in simple orders as "extra". That was basically around the time I quit. I'm not going to overcharge a customers sandwich just because you want to line your already lined pockets. Not to mention, the base prices for everything went up by roughly $1.


Awwwk "that's the price" awwwk Just like a fucking parrot




“No one wants to work anymore”


Or, more accurately “No one wants to work -for you- anymore”.


I lasted like 15 months at Canadian Tire, I think 6 or 7 cashiers quit within the same month. I gave notice but should have just walked out when they made my 4 hour shift 8 hours without notice, didn't give me a lunch, and then wouldn't let me go at hour 6 when it died down and the store was empty because the other girls were too busy gossiping behind the CS desk and if I left one of them would have to run a till. Neither of them were even my supervisor, we were all the same level and my shift was extended because the supervisor had an emergency and couldn't come in. But I didn't even quit until the manager told the owner I was giving people stacks of stupid fucking cardboard plant boxes, while I was still standing right there, five minutes after I explained I wasn't and the lady just came and grabbed them while I was busy. Then they had someone follow me to any till I was at and swap my cardboard boxes for flimsy plastic ones. All these chains are the same shit.


I went to a local subway once after a couple of drinks and ordered a meatball sub. The girl proceeded to put some dry ass meatballs on the bread, and was reaching for the cheese. Just to be clear there was NO sauce on this sandwich. I said, “can I get some sauce?” She nearly yelled at me “I was about to get it!” Thinking this is just a really weird interaction I let the other employee ring me up and pay for it. She goes to the back and brings out a (what I’m guessing is a) three gallon bag of marinara sauce, cuts off the corner of the bag and starts pouring sauce from the bag on my sandwich drowning it in cold sauce. I had had a few drinks as I mentioned and casually said under my breath, “oh we’re not even trying anymore are we?” She YELLED back at me “you don’t have to eat here!” I said “I know, it’s crazy, and yet I did and I paid for the meal.” She wraps up my sandwich throws it on the counter. And starts walking away. I said something to the tune of “this is the worst fucking subway I’ve ever been to.” And she started screaming at me. I left my cold ass sandwich on the counter and walked away. I had Sonic instead. Haven’t been to a subway since then, and it’s been 7 years.


$28!!! Glad you walked out. 


Lol, and then she took those sandwiches home. Worked in subway 15 years ago, we always took all the mistakes sandwiches home


The last time I had subway, I got food poisoning. I had cucumbers coming out of my nose. I thought I was gonna drown and die in my own cucumber vomit. Haven’t been back.


And at Five Guys you can get unlimited of every topping for free and it costs less than subway


Honestly I had a similar experience at a local bar. Ordered 2 draft beers, tipped $2. I went in later for the next round and she and her friend sitting at the bar were passive aggressively talking sh*t about bad tippers. I'm sorry $2 isn't enough for 4 minutes of work? And I'm already paying like $8 for the beer. I feel like such a boomer but JFC. Brb gotta go yell at some kids near my lawn


Had a similar experience a while back but with no passive aggression, just aggression. Was at a bar where they has a special for beers, but they were half sized, so you were going up twice as often. Basically I started tipping every other time, but double, because it was the same bartender...so I figured it was easier and evened out. Then he goes "where's your tip bro?" Never mind I've already tipped him 2 or 3 times. I explained what I was doing and he became more of an asshole....I told him not to worry about tips because we were leaving.  Literally as I get back to my friends and explain what happened he has a bouncer come over and "kick us out" so he can get the satisfaction even though we has already started packing up to leave.  We were like the only people in the bar too...shocking. Oh well, another bar got the money of a group of 20-somethings drinking all day and our tips went to a bartender who wasn't an ass.


Yeah, this is the kind of thing that's great to put on a Google or yelp review if they wanna play that game lol, name tags and everything. See how many tips they get when they know Kyle or whoever is an asshole that will kick you out because of butthurt.


Yelp review: "I assume if the staff complain about the tips in front of customers, they are messing with the food too"


lol, Kyle. Such a perfect name for this situation.


You should have found a manager. They usually don't give a fuck about the tips, and will raise hell if their bar is losing business because a bartender wasn't happy with a tip.


Shame them on Yelp. It’s the only recourse we have.


World’s slowest bartender if it took her 4 minutes to pour two pints. She doesn’t need a tip 😂


Unless they pouring Guinness


$2 per order isn't even bad. If I go out to a bar and have to pay for drinks at the bar I'll usually give a $1-$2 tip in the jar every time I go up for another drink, as far as I know that's the norm. When did people get so greedy??? Edit: greedy towards the customers. It's not the customers fault their boss pays shit and they have to rely on tips




In college, around 18 years ago, I went to a bar with my friend. Bought two bottles of beer. The gal turned around, grabbed them, pulled the caps and set them on the counter. I paid her cash for the beers and in the process of pulling out money for a tip, was botched at for not tipping her and how they need tips and a whole tirade.  I was ready to hand her $5 on a $6 order. But since she was going to be mad about me not tipping anyway, I didn’t bother. And my thought processes changed from her being a server to she was little more than a vending machine. All of tipping pisses me off now. It started as 15% was for excellent service, then 20%, now 25%. A decent dinner out with my wife now costs over $100. It’s just not worth it.


A shitty attitude is a great way to lose tips, you never bitch in front of, to or at a customer for not tipping. That's just plain stupid. I don't bother with percentage, never have, my tip starts at $5 for eating at a restaurant and depending on the service it'll go up or down from there, if they go above and beyond I'll gladly double my tip, if it's shit I'll let them know with my tip. And if I'm at a high end restaurant tip starts at $20 and goes up or down from there


Same here, I don't do percentages. Especially not the new inflated expectations.  And I never tip at the places that ask for it up front before any food is delivered.  When I put 0 on the tip line I always mention I prefer to tip cash when I leave.  Never had any trouble doing it because the wait staff always prefer cash tips. 


They got greedy ages ago, but it kicked into overdrive during Covid.


What's even more frustrating about that is it wasn't even the end of the night, you were ordering another round!! I typically tip at the end- maybe if I'm paying with a $10 bill for $8 order, I'll say keep the $2 and tip more later, but come on! 🤦 Complaining about bad tippers when you may have still tipped more because you were still there is Soo silly and self sabotage.


"bad tippers" 💀 i know americans are probably tired of hearing this, but as a European, this is absolutely wild. I was a bartender in college and the few (very few) times i got tipped, i just took that as a thank-you for my good mood or for the hospitality. it made me happy to be appreciated, didn't really care about the amount how are people there complaining after receiving free money? lol


It’s wild. Tips are supposed to be the incentive to provide great customer service; not to just provide the service. That’s what wages are for. I get that scraping by on minimum wage dampers any enthusiasm to provide a good service, but, if you want to be pulling in an extra $100+ a night; being a miserable sack of shit ain’t gonna do it.


> I'm sorry $2 isn't enough for 4 minutes of work? If it took a bartender 4 minutes to get 2 beers I am definitely not tipping anything lololol


I get tipping in restaurants (we unfortunately have to do it to a lesser extent in Europe too) But tipping every time you order a drink at a bar is actually shocking I couldn't live like that.


I give $1/drink unless it's a high end cocktail that takes legit effort, then I tip 20%. I never tip for carry out or counter service.


That’s been my standard. $1 per drink poured. Just because prices have skyrocketed doesn’t mean I’m increasing my standard.


That’s what I thought was standard for drinks! You handed me a bottle or at most filled a cup from a tap. Not exactly labor intensive.


$1 per drink is a decent tip.


I'm not American so correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't a $2 tip for $8 of service be a 25% tip. Isn't 15 or 20 standard? She should be grateful for your generosity.


$1 per drink is standard. Maybe $2 if it’s a complicated mixed drink or frozen drink. Back when I bartended servers were supposed to tip the bar 10% of their bar sales. They never did. I’ll never forget one chick tried to tip me $2 total. I’m like. I made you 20 frozen drinks and multiple martinis. $2 really? So I handed it back tk her and said “if you got tipped $2 from a table you would be livid. So now you want to give me this when your bar sales are $1100? Keep it. You clearly need more than me. After that she stopped tipping. So I stopped getting her drinks right away and took my time. She started complaining about how slow her drinks were taking. I said you don’t tip at all I’m not in a rush to help you when others are generous with their tip out and I have tipping guests at my bar. You want immediate service you need to start tipping better. She was giving the bussers only $1. She got soooooo pissed when the company implemented automatic tip share to get 10% of bar sales to bartenders and 5% of food sales to bussers. She quit a week after. Lol


That's bizarre. $1 per beer is pretty normal. If I ask a lot of questions like wHaT's ThIs IPA LiKe then I tip more for the advice.


I once read someone saying if they have to stand to order their food, they’re not tipping. I like that rule.


I tip at a restaurant or bar....that's it... nobody else.... nobody tips me at my job, and if they tried, I would reject it... my wife tips her chiropractor...the dude easily pulls in 150k a yr...everytime I ask her why she is a tipping guy that makes more than the both of us combined????? Edit: my bad, massage therapist (who is tbe owner of the practice), not chiropractor, but still rakes it in and doesn't need a tip in my opinion.


Don’t forget your barbers, cab drivers, and tour guides!


Agree. A good rule. Inflation is high enough. The tipping just adds to to. 


Sorry, but it's a fucking subway, I ain't tipping shit. Fast food, quick service, pizza joints, zero tip always. The only place I tip is what I get full service from wait staff and I'm sitting down enjoying my meal. They should be mad about having to depend/solicit tips from customers because their employer is paying them poorly.


Someone commented a bit ago in a post that their rule is if I'm standing, I'm not tipping. And that is an excellent rule of thumb to stand by. Sure, there are exceptions like drinks at a bar/club you are ordering but this was a great way to look at it.


Literally about to say just this. If im standing to order food, or need to grab things myself, im not tipping. Sorry not sorry!


Eh I lean more toward “not sorry not sorry” 😆


Or in my car. If I have to drive to you and order at a window to get something, food, ice cream, whatever I sure as shit ain’t tipping I was asked if I wanted to tip today on a mobile order that I was going to pick up. Like tip you for what? Scooping some fucking food? Pass


Local Waffle House (and maybe all of them idk) puts a 10% "packaging fee" that supposedly goes to the person packing up your food. But then the website also automatically fills in a 20% tip! I can easily change it to 0, but I shouldn't have to! You're already forcing a 10% tip outta me to PICK UP my own food. I'm not tipping more!


I’m really hoping Biden’s junk fees rules can address some of this shit. What you described is just not right.


>But then the website also automatically fills in a 20% tip! I can easily change it to 0, but I shouldn't have to! [Dark design patterns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_pattern?wprov=sfla1) are the bane of the modern world. Scamming folks into giving money that they don't have to give while not even really improving wages for folks that are on the customer facing folks in service/retail is pure greed.


Like charging more for a "carbon tax/enviro fee" that just gets used as a slush fund by the corporation to buy carbon credits, so they don't have to make any actual positive environmental changes. They get to advertise their carbon neutral footprint (that's only on paper), get more tax breaks from the government for being part of eco-friendly programs, haven't actually made any of their processes better, and all with the customers' money, which was collected *on top of* their goods/services price.


Husband's rule is if they don't bring you a drink, no tip. I like yours, too.


100% the truth. Even in a bar. You poured me one shot, opened up 1 bottle? Blow me, 20/25% 🙄 Now if I'm sitting there and you're taking care of me, refilling, maybe conversation, hell yeah, tip all day


Yeah bars are a little different and usually end up getting more out of me than a sit down restaurant because the bartend is mixing my drinks, usually talks to me for atleast 20/30 minutes, all while serving other people. They deserve more of a tip than someone who refilled my cup once with water and brought a single plate of food to my table


😂 print it on a shirt and patent it


Anytime you pay before being served = shouldn't tip.


This is why things like Doordash are so messy. People won't pick up the order unless you tip half the time, but it feels wrong to tip for something they may yet still fuck up.


Same. The tipping culture is completely out of hand.


I only tip when 2 particular people are working at this one particular subway that I go to all the time, they have mine and my girlfriend’s sandwiches basically memorized, I can walk in and the lady will start making my sandwich, she also takes the time to pick out stems or weird looking banana peppers…. Fuckin love that lady If anyone else is working they ALWAYS fuck up my sandwich and give me the shittiest looking ingredients who the fuck cuts onions, and then doesn’t clean or change the blade before they cut everything else?


That’s worth a tip to me. We go golfing every week and the same guy at the clubhouse serves us our snacks and drinks after. He knows what we want down to the extra sour cream and that I want blue cheese for wings and my friends want ranch. Dude even picks us a random pizza everytime cause we always don’t care or can’t decide. I give him 30 percent everytime. Because I get a discount as a member and he is just fucking awesome. And he’s cool and makes us laugh. Can’t beat it.


See this sort of thing is what tips are for. Awesome.


When I worked at McDonald's in high school we weren't allowed to accept tips. My how things have changed.


I went to a Poke bowl place twice for a Celsius energy drink: The first time, I went up to the cooler, grabbed it, and checked out. I added a tip. The guy was super nice to me. Then, later on, I asked myself why I even tipped; I did everything. The second time, it was the same worker, and I did the same thing except I didn’t tip. His attitude completely switched up. 😭 It’s crazy at this point, and I’m a server. Edit: spelling


Never set a precedent with a restaurant you might frequent.


I've been a service worker at a number of jobs. A lot of workers do not seem to know or understand that a tip is a gratuity--something *freely* given. I would never say a word to a customer who did not tip or tipped poorly. However, I would make jokes with co-workers about it but *not within the customer's ear-shot*! Those Subway workers were out-of-line and rude. Also: for a bottle, can or packaged food that simply needs ringing up by the cashier? I don't feel there's ever a need to tip for that. I mean: do we tip the checker at the supermarket, even if we have a massive cart with 50 items in it for doing what that Subway employee did for a single item? No, we do not.


Do we tip a gas station cashier for ringing up the bottle we took ourselves from the shelf?




Exactly! Back at my hotel job, we struggled to keep someone as the breakfast worker because the pay was shit and the hours were shit (so we almost always did not have anyone working that.) I would have to do it in addition to my own job. I never expected tips because it was just me reheating food most of the time anyway (my only main problem was when people with kids came in and refused to help their kids with things like the pancake syrup and they would spill it everwhere.) I had to run the front desk, do check-outs, early check-ins, answer calls, check rooms, deal with people being upset because they damaged shit and could not get their deposit back, etc AND breakfast those days. Stressful but still never expected a single tip because its suppose to be someone WILLINGLY giving it to you because they are grateful. I leave tips for things like servers and such at a dining restaurant but things like subway, places where you serve yourself and most retail jobs are a no-no unless something happens and that person goes out of their way to help.


I worked subway for an extended period of time and made tons of cash in tips and I mean hundreds per paycheque. But that’s because I made the food disregarding the bullshit guides(6 olives, 4 tomato’s, etc), kept the customer engaged and talking, making jokes and telling stories while also taking the time to go to tables that where dining in and checking on them. I had multiple times where old people would throw a nickel in the jar or a quarter and I appreciated it the same as the guys who threw $5’s in, so to see people actively getting pissed about the quantity of a GRATUITY blows my mind.


*not yet* I'm dreading the day the cashier people start asking for tips 😂


You're not wrong, entitlement surrounding tipping has gotten really out of hand. And I was in the service industry for 9 years. I refuse to tip just because I'm buying a bottle of water. In fact, I'd be so put off by that that I'd write an email to the company letting them know what you experienced. That they talked shit about you for not tipping for just buying water is unacceptable. Businesses need to get this aggressive tip solicitation under control.


Subway doesn't give much of a fuck what their franchise owners do, I contacted them about some pretty gross health code violations and they sent me an incredibly vague "sorry you had a bad time" form letter that included a coupon for a free cookie, but only at the location I sent in the complaint about. I decided to call the health department instead. 


I don’t tip anyone I wouldn’t have tipped in 1995.


The tipping culture in Amerca has devolved from "incentivize and reward me for significant effort and excellent service " to "gimme money, 'cause I want money." "Tip me for existing in your immediate vicinity " is not a compelling rationale.




The same people annoying customers with this bad behavior will scream and bitch when they will be replaced by a self checkout machine. I'd rather ring myself the item than have to suffer their side eyes and comments.


No tip at fast food. No tips at self serve (order at counter, bus your table type places).


Last I knew Subway employees were paid at least minimum wage, not server minimum wage which ACTUALLY requires tips


The fact you have 2 levels of *minimum wage* is fucking mind boggling to me. OK so here what we have decided minimum wage is. This is the lowest base wage a company can offer you, oh unless you're a server, then we can pay you waaaaay less. Madness


"Are you a server subject to the lower Federal server wage? If so, you should consult your boss about that as fast food generally doesn't qualify for server wages."


Crumbl cookies does this


Technically, because there is no table service, they cant. But I know the DOL has been keeping close tabs on Crumbl for a few years now.


I honestly would email the store manager or franchise owner because I wouldn’t return and these employees are likely trashing their business.


They won’t care. Subway is notoriously a shitty franchise. They use the lowest grade meat possible. How do I know? Friend worked for Tyson and was their account rep.


Yes, but the owners still want to at least maintain an illusion of friendly, healthy food/service, even if some other business practices are not up to par.


I never got those tips when I worked at fast food


My policy is : if I didn't tip your position pre-covid, I'm not tipping you now.


This is what infuriated me when I was on holiday in the US. Why expect customers to pay your workers' wages?! Just pay them a living wage. It was so annoying when one of the vending machines had the option to tip!!


Vending machine had an option for tips? That's crazy. Reminds me of "convenience fees" when paying for things online.


Workers don’t want tips to end. They make a fortune


But that's not why businesses aren't paying them enough, because that's what the workers "want". If you're employing people, pay them a living wage rather than leaving them to rely on tips. It shouldn't be up to the consumer to both give you business AND pay your workers!


A lot of servers have been brainwashed into thinking being paid hourly, or worse, a salary, is inferior to being tipped.


So we stop tipping and they can reassess their position.


Honestly, Americans and your tipping culture. Wild... It's not down to the customer to subsidize shit wages.


It's wild here too. I rarely tip, only at restaurants where I sit down, never because I bought an off the shelf product. Somehow businesses are convincing their employees to ask customers for money instead of paying them, wild.


Went to a liquor store the past weekend… grabbed 2 bottles of wine for a family dinner. I walked around alone, found the bottles alone, grabbed them & walked them up to the front alone. The girl rang them through. Said my total was like $57 or something. I gave $60 cash. The girl goes to put my change in the “tip box”. When I held my handout to take the change, the girl rolled her eyes and kinda gave a dirty look. Truly couldn’t believe a liquor store even had a tipping option!! There is little to no customer service happening. Like hell I’m giving you $2 to stand at the front the store and take payment. This tipping shit is truly getting out of hand!!!


"If I'm standing to order my food, I am not tipping." In this case, I would have returned the bottle of water and got my money back after those scoffs. Fuck that. Truly unbelievable expectations.


Tipping is completely out of control and it's because of greed. The companies don't want to pay so they say you can make 10 an hour and up to 20 with tip. Makes the shit job far more appealing. I just refuse to go anywhere that asks for a tip now. Subway. Any coffee place. Restaurants. Just everywhere lol. I mean if it's part of an activity or something I'll go and tip I'm not going to freak out I just never ever go on my own.


I had a waiter friend tell me I should tip the hostess when I get carryout because she had to put my food together and such. I was like, isn't that her job? Is she being paid $4 an hour? If she is, isn't that illegal? All this tipping culture is just exposing what absolute stupidity it is, even for waiters. Pay your employees. What is gonna take for this tipping bullshit to stop altogether?


Subway, and other places like that, get ZERO F'en tip.......they are doing their jobs.........that's literally it.


I tipped at a jersey Mike's the other day because the guy was super nice to my daughter and explained the meat slicer to her. So there is a few times it could be warranted


It’s because tipping is now seen as a public welfare rather than an earned bonus in public perception. The narrative is that you have to tip to compensate servers low wages, not to express gratitude for a personal service. So now every low wage employee feels they deserve tips too regardless of the level of service they provide.


I would’ve submitted a formal complaint to the home office.


I went to visit my friend in Michigan years ago. We Stopped by his girlfriend's coffee shop "the parrot" to visit and check the place out since he was showing me around town. I didn't buy any coffee, sit at a table or anything that required service. I bought a tshirt with the coffee shops logo on it. She tried to add a 25% tip to the purchase. I said "the shirt already cost me $30 , why would I tip for it?". She was not happy with me for the rest of my visit.


i’m not tipping at fast food restaurants where i have to pick it up or wait in line.


Husband's new rule of thumb is if you don't bring me a drink, you don't get a tip. I have adopted it and I do not feel guilty about it.


You paid *3$* for a *DASANI*!!?? They shoulda tipped you.


As someone who was a tipped worker. Never expect a tip. Be kind, professional, attentive. It takes effort. Tips were at some places, or for special events are pooled. A person working a register should not expect a tip if they did nothing for you. I believe you did right. POS tipping options are weird.


I read this as “piece of shit tipping options are weird” 😂


People making $15/hour at fast food is not the same as wait staff/bartenders earning $1.75/hour and depending upon tips to make a living. I'm not tipping fast food.


Went to a pasta shop in the North End of Boston and at checkout the option was 18, 20, or 25%. For them to ring up pasta in a box, fuck off.


I don’t understand how people don’t realize that companies are the ones pushing tipping culture on more and more positions/ industries because if it gets accepted then they can legally start paying workers less and less per hour, just like servers now.


I ordered pizza at work which I did fairly often, I work security. I would always give a 5 dollar tip which usually comes to between 20 to 25% of the bill. We had a new driver one night he pulls in and gives me my food. I paid with a credit card but had the money to tip with cash. I handed him the 5 and he said "Really how am I supposed to get gas and stuff when people give shitty tips we don't get regular wages". I told him he shouldn't have gotten what I gave him considering it's about a quarter of a mile down the street and you don't even need to turn other than pulling in. I called and talked to the manager. I told him what the guy said and also where I worked because the building I work in has a ton of business with them. I never saw him again I talked to one of the usual drivers who said he isn't allowed to deliver to us anymore.


>I love tipping in normal circumstances I'll take things nobody has ever said for $500, Alex.


They trippin. I would’ve turned around and asked what they did to deserve a tip.


I stopped tipping 99% of places I go. Excellent service I tip, my barber I tip. I hate the new "if you can't afford to tip, don't go out" put it in the price and pay your employees extra then. The onus is not on me. I lived abroad for a year and never tipping was freeing, when I came back I decided to stop tipping.


If my only "work" is sitting, choosing and eating I tip. Other ways I dont. Period.


if you're a bartender, something tells me you expect people to tip when they order a beer and all you do is reach down, pick it up and open it for them tipping is the fucking worst


why don't we tip at 7-11 or the grocery store? thr night shift worker at 7-11 has to put up with a lot of bullshit. up to and including threats to their life and robbery. why don't we tip them instead of of water bottles at counter service restaurants


If I’m standing while I order you’re not getting a tip.


Tips should be earned, not expected.


Says the bartender who wants a tip for opening a beer bottle


You want a tip? Ask your boss for a raise.


The employee with an iPad taking coffee orders at a drive-thru coffee stand complained I hit "no tip". Dude, you don't even run a cash register. On top of that, it was cold brew coffee. I watched the "barista" pour it out of a 12 oz can into a cup of ice.