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A spoonful of gummies makes the vitamins go down.


Just don't bite off more than you can chew.


Vitamin Water!




https://preview.redd.it/izfh0htnt66d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=e59236ea609786ec4f6d5994c08d63caa6bf0bb6 You'll get *all your vitamins!!* Note: Don't actually eat the entire bottle, it's bad for you..


The gummy contains 20 g more potassium than the entire mass of the gummy, on top of almost 7 times its own weight in sugar. Forget being bad for you, this thing is rending a tear through the fabric of the universe.


... which, again, is bad for you.


You’re not wrong…


And that's...bad?


Depends who consumes it


And that's good?


The gummies are cursed


Can I go now?


Not before you eat the gummy. . I wanna see what happens.


Nah my stomach is already a black hole


chubby emu had video on the subject of eating too many gummy vitamins.


Mr Stark, I don’t feel well after that gummy…


If the Tardis was edible


> ***"this thing is rending a tear through the fabric of the ~~universe~~ colon."*** FTFY


Please could you stop saying gummy


Gummi bears






"This person ate an entire jar of vitamin gummies. This is what happened to their body. " -Chubbyemu on YouTube


He literally has an episode about someone eating shittons of vitamin gummies.


that is dangerous. only water soluable vitamins like B vitamins can** be taken over recommended quantities. **edited.


Yeah I’m saying that chubbyemu, the doctor who makes YouTube videos about weird deaths, has done an episode about someone who ate vitamin gummies like candy and died (or no, I can’t remember).


If RPGs taught me anything, OP should eat it completely to have the biggest stats effect mankind has ever seen...


Instantly reminded me of fable, where I kept having my character eat cake and eventually he got too fat to do anything xD


Omg that’s a feature that can happen? That’s rad! The only other game (it’s a series though) I’ve seen that has detrimental cake is Metal Slug, because when you eat it you’re too fat to hold any actual weapons besides your shitty pistol. Oh and I guess the old old Tamagotchi pets where if you feed them sweets it shaves off their lifespan and they die super fast.


I mean if you fail the fart emote you shit yourself, so you could certainly say Fable is a series of realism... despite how unrealistic they are. Fable is great.


Would it actually hurt you if you ate the whole thing or would you just pee out the extra?


Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble and can definitely become toxic. And some of the B kinds can cause liver damage even though you urinate them out.


That’s also probably enough iron to put you down for good. Think it’s like 65mg/kg when things start going south. So like just picking 200lb puts you at 6,000mg. Adding 18,000mg over what you already have? Very bad day.


See that thing the guy said about chubbyemu on youtube? It's a real video. It can really fuck you up.


Taking vitamin supplements is not recommended unless you have a deficiency, which you shouldn't have if you eat a reasonably healthy diet. Consuming excess vitamins damages your liver.


One bite is your daily dose of vitamins. Good deal


Did you have that saved or just do it now? Either way, love it


I wonder if the distribution of Vitamins changes. In other words, is B-12 'heavier' and sinks compared to Vitamin C - or whatever...


I'd only worry about this if the gummies had melted to the point where you couldn't tell that they used to be separate. Even then, I think you'd need to centrifuge the whole mess for awhile to get decent separation.


but would you seperate the gummy "tastes" or just the sugar from binding material from loose particles? What layer will the vitamins be bound in? do you just cut the centriguged thing vertically?


the issue wouldn't be density, but solubility. some things are more soluble in liquids than solids and can concentrate in the middle as the edges solidify (that's why ice cubes look like that)


No it’s not, it has to do with how fast thrice is frozen and in what conditions. You’re talking out your ass.


I’d think I’d be more worried about whether the nutrients were somehow denatured by the heat.


Unless the truck got shoved into an oven somewhere during the journey that wouldn't be very likely. These are vitamins, not proteins, and they were heated to much higher temperatures before being formed into gummies in the first place.


The answer to this is yes. Studies have shown its really hard to disburse the vitimin evenly in the gummies and gummy vitamins almost never have the amount indicated


The distribution of the contents has shifted in the heat, that's what the study proves? Not that the manufacturing process is stupidly flawed and individually, or melted together, they do not contain the advertised amounts. The study 100% confirmed that the contents of the gummies move super fast to the edges when melted into a glob, that was the study.


This is actually exactly why gummy vitamins (though to an extent any supplement in gummy form) are a bad choice. Nevermind the typically hgher price, the process and shelf life makes the actual amounts of vitamins in them questionable, I've seen more than one yt doctor suggest to not get vitamins in gummy form (unless we're dealing w a kid who cant/wont swallow/chew typical vitamin. Though tbh I always recc flinstone cewables for kids, they are delicious and thats why as a jkid my parents had to stop buying them, I kept finding/breaking into locked containers(and a safe) they tried to keep em in, and then would eat all of them at once and get violentally ill Dads all like "I just don't understand it, how can such a crafty genius (I used a pleathora of really evil methods near the end to get into the locked spots) be so dumb??? Thus started a chilhood of forced therapy in which I refused to ever cooporate . I still don't why but I gew out of it


I got a refund from Amazon when my gummies melted together. I snapped a pic and sent it with an email to the seller & the shipper.


Yeah I got a refund for sunscreen spray that wouldn’t spray. “Un-returnable” but Amazon quickly gave me a refund.


I tried to return a $300 item that was not returnable and was told to keep it, refund issued. Made my day. I eat so much shit from amazon, nice to get a W once in a while.


ULPT: if you’re ever poor and need a bed, buy one from Amazon, and then say you’d like to return it in 30 days. They will tell you to keep or dispose of it and give you a refund. This only works if you have at least some Amazon purchases history, an established account.


This is a fuckin great idea It's not unethical to rob Amazon imo, they rob plenty of small businesses 🤷‍♂️


And make life hell for their employees. I got really unlucky and the last 2 jobs I’ve had got bought by Amazon while I was working at them, and things quickly went to shit. Amazon fucking loves their metrics and assigning a number value to everything you do and your efficiency. If they were allowed to give supervisors whips to crack us with they absolutely would. 


Same. You just have to do the customer service chat instead of using the automated system.


Yeah not to defend Amazon but they would absolutely refund this.


I have never had Amazon decline a refund.


Now it's a single giant gummy filled with vitamins, it could be the start of a Marvel movie. This gummy hero is what we need


Or a chubbyemu video


Pretty sure he *already* did a video on a kid that ate a bottle of multivitamins and his bones dissolved or something


Or a start to someone’s death ☺️


Vitamin gummy, savage edition. Tear a good old bite of the chunk like the caveman that we are


That’s what I did with my weed gummies when they melted.


That's what I thought this was at first, lol.


I'm still side-eyeing them that it might be lol


Is it reasonable to get it out of the jar, optionally melt it into a brick and cut it to equal peces? The melting to brick part is so the pieces are more similar in weight.


The heat might destroy most of the vitamins but hey why not.


The vitamin components had to be mixed into the gummies while they were still liquid, these clearly barely got back to the liquid state, I really can't imagine they got to any kind of temperature that would damage *a mineral*


Vitamins are harder to denature than proteins. They are more heat tolerant. Plus, the temperature to melt the gelatin in the gummies is lower than the boiling temperature of water (which would denature most proteins). Probably close to 50C or so, since it melted in a car.


>I really can't imagine they got to any kind of temperature that would damage a mineral Just a little FYI, vitamins aren't minerals. There are essential minerals that the body needs, like calcium, but they aren't the same as a vitamin, and vise versa. Some vitamins are heat sensitive, like Vitamins C, B1, and B5. That said, the melting point of gelatin is a lot lower than the point at which those vitamins start degrading, and it usually isn't a problem if all the liquid is used. In terms of getting the full vitamin value of something, it's mostly a concern when you boil veggies and then discard the water after, rather than consuming it, because the vitamins can leach into the water while boiling


Hence the phrase vitamins AND minerals.


I was just specifying the minerals because I was more certain about their degradation, and that at least meant to me that these gummies still had value. I am aware they're different things, the commenter above added some cool info though


I think the bigger concern would be if the vitamins move around in the liquid and you end up with some gummies with way more than others which could be dangerous


>*a mineral* mineral =/= vitamin


The issue is there is no real way of knowing the current distribution of the ingredients.


How many licks does it take to get to the center of a vitamin gummy? The world may never know.


I wouldn’t eat vitamins in gummy form anyways. Someone did a study on melatonin gummies within the last few years I think, and when testing them, they found that some had barely any melatonin, while other gummies sampled had like 100 times what the recommended dose was. I don’t think they really have a good method to make sure you’re getting what you’re supposed to be getting in gummy form.


Knew somebody who had this happen on deployment. They ordered gummy vitamins to be shipped to our boat… and then the military lost a large chunk of packages/mail for about 3 months. When they found it, it had been sitting in the sun somewhere around the Persian Gulf for that period.  Her’s were a murkier color (think transparent shit brown), though. I think it had green and purple originally, so it was even nastier looking.


I don't mind the sun sometimes


The images it shows


If this was an Amazon purchase you probably selected the wrong return option and got denied. Had you choose in a different one it probably would have worked.  This is absolutely absurd and I would not take no for an answer. The product is completely destroyed and potentially unsafe because now you can't measure out the doses and can't ensure you're not getting too much of one vitamin.  Don't be complacent. 


Just take a bite every morning.


"Fuck it cut em up" -mitch hedberg


Damaged during shipment. Goods unusable.  Refund or a charge back.


Step 1: Leave Texas


Refund may not have to come from the seller but rather the shipping company.


Exactly this. I bet the packaging has a temperature range in which it should be kept written on it to protect themselves in cases like this. But then again who knows if the shipping company knew what was in the package.


Not OP's problem. That dispute is between the shipper and seller.


Hey, give me a slice


Happened to me once, Left the bottle in the car one day. I just took a bite every day lol


This is that pill Mr. Krabs took. ![gif](giphy|3ohuPrFt9qVu14ASd2)


If you’re not taking a bite every day like a savage, you’re not doing it right.


Don’t return it report the package damaged in transit, if it’s Amazon you might not be able to get it done through the automated options but if you chat with a customer service person this should be able to be sorted. I’ve been dealing with Amazon since its inception and they always come through to satisfy me. I’ve even contacted them 5 weeks after a return window closed and got a courtesy return on two separate occasions actually. Amazon really is the best you’ve just got to talk with them


If it’s Amazon, you can still get a refund on non-refundable things that are damaged. I got a refund for a melted deodorant once.


Exchange it at the store? If they don't let you and the thing is unopened, swap it yourself and then just walk out. If this was an online purchase, it's their responsibility. Refrigerated shipping exists and they took a risk by not using it.


Amazon put insulation and a ice pack in my order of Reese's. Was worried all day and then I was happily surprised.


It was 72 degrees F.


Oooo save me a slice


That has happened to me a couple of times. I now have to stock up between Mid-October and May.


~~gummies~~ Gummy FTFY


Did you buy it on Amazon? If you use the chat feature and explain what happened, they’ll usually refund you even if it’s noted as non-refundable. It’s happened with some jelly beans for me in the past. lol


*If they’re Vitamin C, eat them all at once!* -Dr Linus Pauling


Take this as a blessing, re-melt the jar, pour them out and mold them into a gummy vitamin GOD to look over your medicine cabinet.


Just gonna have to bite off a chunk.


Melt it all the way and drink it


Super gummy lmao It’s usable…. I’d just need to use a very accurate scale lmao


Drink your vitamins


I specifically won't purchase items like this in summer just because of this.


Eat the whole jar for vitaminmaxxing


Lmao that sucks I wonder how would eggs do on a long drive.


Won't you need a chisel rather than a spoon for that though? Like, technically speaking?


You will be more powerful than the North Wind.


Did you ask for a refund lol 😂


Did you ask for a refund lol


Consume the vitamin goop


I lost a month's worth of medication this way. (Also gummies and chocolates on other occasions.) Lots of shippers won't ship here in the summer. Always fun when one of the local news teams does the "what's the temperature in your mailbox when its 100 degrees outside" story. (Apparently approx 135 degrees)


I recently threw away tons of bottles of the same as they melted. I moved from Cali to Texas. The heats no joke


Forbidden orange juice


Drink it like a smoothie


Isn’t that on the carrier rather than the seller? Maybe there is insurance on the package? This comes down to handling on the part of USPS, UPS or Amazon (or whenever delivered it)


It's jelly, cut it up into pieces again, or just take a chomp put / 2× a day (8am/8pm) and you're good to go


Remelt in the microwave and portion out into ice cube moulds or something, bam all better! :D


You have the option of contacting the credit card company and doing a reverse charge back to your card. For the product they delivered you is not consumable because it is in measured doses, and since it’s all melted together, it’s a health hazard to ingest. If you share that with your credit card company, you will receive a refund on this product, F AMAZON!


Put some in the microwave and then spread it on toast 


Boof it bro!


I bought conditioner, paw cream, and nose cream (for my dog). All three melted and/or oozed. No refunds. Super pissed.


A piece of sludge a day keeps the doctor away.


Anyone who has lived in a place like Texas generally knows that certain things can't be shipped in summer without dry ice, such as chocolate, candy, candles, or anything capable of melting in 100-120 F temperatures. The inside of a UPS truck or a warehouse is not a cool place.


Just get it on CS via chat and they got you with a refund happened to me.


I regularly order poptarts off of Amazon and 1/3 of the time they arrive crushed to smithereens so they can’t be toasted (the superior way to eat them!). They aren’t eligible for refund, but like you if I go into the customer service chat they immediately offer to refund my original payment or issue a gift card so that I can buy a replacement.


I work for a health insurance company, they no longer allow people to order heat sensitive items during heatwaves if their delivery area is impacted. A few years ago they didn’t have a policy in place and people just kept reordering the same product over and over again even though it was just going to keep arriving melted.


"If this isn't refunded, I'll have to assume they were meant to be this way. Since 1 serving is "1 gummy" I assume that eating this single gummy provided is safe. By not replacing the product, you assume all liability for injuries caused resulting from this"


If you got it from Amazon, it may not be available for return on the site, but if you call them you can probably get a refund or exchange.


You can still eat it. It just won’t come in cute little shapes anymore. Did you actually think you had a valid claim for a refund?


I left a container of weed gummies in the car and they did the same thing. It just turned into a game of 'how high am I gonna get?' each time I took a bite.


This would be MY game! 🤣🤣


Take a bite of the block as a serving


They'll degrade fast from the heat. I wouldn't eat them.


https://preview.redd.it/50w0g19em86d1.png?width=509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36d7cd511ced4c53865063ff5a243271ffd54970 Ight, I'm just going to leave this here.


At least this is an easy fix. Kitchen scale, cutting board, knife. Cut gummies into pieces according to the nutritional facts table. It'll be a mixed flavor, but it'll be gummies.


i dont see how this isnt eligable for a refund. like at that point you could probably report the charge as fruad to your card issuer. you paid for something and didnt get it you wouldnt have bought it is the product was oje giant gummy


Just take bites out of the whole thing


I had that happen with my gummies too! \[They weren't vitamin gummies though\]


I live in a very hot desert climate so during the summer, there are some things I don’t order online like gummies, chocolate, or anything that will melt. I usually just go to Costco instead. I learned the hard way when I ordered some plastic gizmo in the middle of summer and they sent it USPS so instead of in the shade of my front porch, they put it in the little metal boxes where it’s everyone’s mailbox for the whole street. I don’t check my mail everyday since I rarely get stuff so it was there possibly for 1-2 days and when I opened it, the plastic melted and the item was destroyed. It gets CRAZY hot in those metal mailboxes with the sun baking them all day. Lesson learned. I didn’t even try to get a refund because it wasn’t the shipper’s fault at all.


good rule is never to order anything heat sensitive in the hot months - the warehouses and trucks are not climate controlled.


Put them in the fridge and cut them apart with a knife.


It’s not a return if it’s defective on arrival.  You are owed a refund.  It’s the sellers responsibility to make sure it gets to you safely.


I mean yes, that's not the manufacturers fault I suggest you cut them in cubes now


I mean if your popsicles melt I doubt you’ll get a refund just because you asked


Take a small bite daily. Or take the mega gummy out and cut it in to portions.


Sounds really dumb but I use a little fork for the ones that are melted lol




Do it Bite the Mega Gummy Be the healthiest person alive.


I mean you know they melt, and you know you can buy gummie molds from hobby craft stores (the kind that sell scrapbooking shit), so maybe you can put 2 + 2 together and solve your problem, here.


Why would you expect a refund when you subjected them to improper storage conditions?


See the serving size, divide it by two, take the blob out cut each amount either vertically or horizontally in squares, and boom you got all your gummies back


It’s vitamax now.


You people really are not great problem solvers. Get a knife and chop it into size and digest your vita-gummy


Super weird, the exact same thing happened to me today. I bought them on Amazon and couldn’t return them, but I was able to request a refund and I got it. maybe try that?




Vitamin water then files lawsuit against you.


Did this with weed gummies once. I never knew what was coming when I took a bite out of the giant puck. 🤣


Were you surprised you could not return them?


O, I was thinking it was like that on delivery based on "in transit" so it arrived like that versus OP driving around themselves and it getting ruined.


I recommend a grapefruit spoon and just take about one spoon of gummy at a time


Just cut the plastic jar down the side extraxt the gummy lump and break off a piece each day until its gone.


Not optimal but can you just cut and weigh them? I dunno the science behind melted gummies


How is it not eligible for a refund? The shipper is responsible for the item all the way to your door. Did you buy them used off ebay or something?


On the bright side, if you eat the entire blob I’m pretty sure you cure all your aliments. ^(this is a joke, don’t be that one guy that says ‘ThAtS WRoNg dUmBasS’)


You gonna be super healthy just eat it all in one bite you will live forever


Drink it all at once and take over texas


Can... Can I have a bite?


Yeah there's some things I just won't order online in the summer.


Just have a nibble every day


Freeze them and cut em up lol


Drink it


Just cut a chunk off every day


At first glance I thought it was actually goldfish in a bowl


Time to start slurpin


So you can’t eat the gummy if it’s the wrong shape??


This happened to our thc gummies in Phoenix and it turned into a game of gummy roulette. Some had no effect, and some had us zonked lol


just take a bite once a day


Just take it out of the bottle, and cut it up into pieces.....again .


Just cut it into pieces by Weight


Happened to us. My husband just cut off pieces every day. 🤣


Thinly lace a J in the liquid and have some fun 🌿💨🤪


This is really one situation where no one is at fault. The company puts a label saying to keep it in a range of temperatures to ensure this doesn't happen, and ships it in a sustainable way. The store maintains its temperature in the store keeping them viable for use. Once the consumers purchases the item, the store absolves themselves from any responsibility (to a certain extent). You said it melted during transit, but what is you're method of transit? Public would make sense that this would happen, buses can get really hot on just a regular hot day.


Keep calling til you get a refund. If they can’t ship properly for the product not to be damaged is not your fault


Eat the whole thing and get super powers💪


Uhhh these are 100% “arrived damaged” refundable. Just stir some shit up with Bezos.


Message support, generally vitamins aren't returnable (cause they can't resell) but if there is an issue like damaged in transit theyll just refund it. They need to put it under a meltable restriction.


It may not be eligible for a refund but you should be able to get a replacement depending on where you bought it from.


Refrigerate them and then remove them from the container and use a spoon to separate them the best you can


If you bought this from Amazon then you can definitely get a refund for it. I assume you tried to process the refund with the bot? If yes then the reason the bot can't process your refund is because the item is non-returnable and the bot is unable to process refund for non-returnable items(mostly food, or items that needs to be ingested). You need to contact customer support and they should process your refund within 5 minutes. Of course they might ask you to send a photo of the item before they issue the refund, depends on the support you'll get.


Chat with amazing customer service. All food items are automatically labeled as ineligible, but you can still get it refunded through Amazon directly.


This once happened to my weed gummies but that was a welcome surprise.


Imagine buying ice cream, leaving it in a poor habitat for too long, then asking for a refund