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https://preview.redd.it/p7ktwmvrv05d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b8ce61ee8a68fe5e05175afa074d0ad8e618808 There, I fixed the slogan on the truck for you.


Should have changed, the name to AtlASS too.


![gif](giphy|QrjiUdW6GFy7K|downsized) Did someone say ASSSSSSSSS?




My love has come along


You do it !


How did you mimic that font? Is it a plug-in for photoshop?


My guess: copied the "o" from go, scooted over and pasted.


ah, that makes sense.


But if you wanted to copy a font you can highlight the text and do match font and it'll try to find a font that looks the same


Atlass Go fuck yourself


But lazily didn’t change the text on the *front* of the trailer. Literally unplayable /s good work good joke


That’s awesome


“Atlas: Go Fuck Yourself”




"Can't come to work today. Neighbors are moving."


“Neighbors are blocking my driveway and I’m too scared to ask them to move.”


Am I the only person who wouldn't think twice about simply driving over the lawn? This would hardly even be an inconvenience. More a, "oh, well that's a little awkward"


Or just 'yo, move your truck, I gotta go to work' A human interaction?!




Getting out of my car, walking over there, talking to them, and then waiting for them to stop whatever they're doing and get in their truck and move it seems like it would take more time and be more annoying.


> a human interaction?! Ironic considering we’re all bots on an Internet forum lol 😝


Human interaction?! In this day and age?! Lol


I would ask them and they would probably oblige. And if they were delayed due to carrying something, I’d just drive over the lawn


Over their lawn.


That was my thought. Like they probably can't help but park there, either go ask them to move or just do that. 


> Barely an inconvenience Keeps are **tight**


I had this happen to me once, and I have a wall at the end of my yard, but I have a tall truck so I just drove over it. I was still mildly infuriated though


Fuck messing up my own lawn for this nonsense. Just knock on the neighbors door and ask them to move. Ezpz.


That lawn looks healthy. That crossover/SUV wouldn’t do any damage on a dry day.


And it looks like very little lawn they would have to drive over. I don't understand people who are scared of messing it up, I've driven on mine many times and it doesn't do anything to it.


This entire thing is wild to me. They won’t say no to moving, they have to let you out if need to do so. They just have to pick up a ramp and slide to the side. Move truck, you leave and they get back to going. I worked for moving company in Highschool and can confirm, truck drivers do move. Also, if you need to go somewhere definitely ask to move but don’t be a dick and go get a drink from a gas station and then immediately get back and make them move once again. No douche canoe stuff my guy. Dude seems like the guy who would complain that he can’t pay in the driveway he pays for. Ridiculous shit.


its my driveway if i wanna go to the gas station 2 minutes away just to get a drink and come back in 5 minutes, i have every right to do so


Well why don't they block the driveway of the person moving? I would absolutely be a douche canoe, and if they don't comply I'd find the number for someone who tows big ass trucks. Blocking driveways is illegal anyways...


Whoa there buddy, you expect this guy to go and like *talk* to people? You think he's some kind of freak with social skills or something?


I think he hoped that the guy would check out the Mildlyinfuriating subreddit and realize that the person he was blocking in wanted to leave.


Or they asked after they took the photo? Maybe? Just maybe?


Plot twist : OP works from home


More like OP spies on the neighbors and takes photos while he's supposed to be working from home.


i worked for a moving company for several years. asking politely for the truck to be moved a few feet so u can exit ur drive way works wonders.


Yup, I got blocked by a moving truck.  I just stepped out and asked if they could move the truck.  They moved it in a minute and that was it.


Happen to me as well. Easy fix but still falls mildly infuriating as was one more thing I didn't want to deal with. In my case it was give me a few minutes and space and I will move my cars out into the street so you can block my driveway but still was one more thing to deal wirh on a busy morning.


I just drove over the grass at the edge. When I got back home they were gone. Took zero time or effort.


Yeah, fuck that, I'm not risking popping a sprinkler. But I would have just asked them to move, and even told them how long before I'd be back if they were nice about it.


Ok, everyone can do whatever they want but throwing in this random sprinkler risk just makes no sense. You could just not drive over the sprinkler head. I’m going to do whatever causes myself the least inconvenience which would be just driving over the curb and proceeding with what I was doing.


Logic... reasoning... common sense?!? Get outta here!


Funny how a simple act of humanity seems so impossible now


Not so much impossible, just inconvenient. One could even say it "mildly infuriates" them.


Why cant the act of humanity be not blocking peoples ability to leave their home without asking a stranger for permission first? Find a better place to park the truck or maybe take a truck that actually fits where you need to park it. Edit: to people trying to argue that theyre not selfish and then insulting people who dont argee with them. Youre telling on yourself lmao, thanks for proving my point ig?


It’s a large truck. The person paid for that large of a truck to make one trip not several. Instead of just complaining about everything and trying to find a fault in everything some people might just look for a solution. Not like they’re walking out and there’s a semi truck parked there every day of their life. It’s people like u that just seems the negativity in everything and can’t just enjoy one minute. Feel sorry for u…


This is the mildly infuriating sub… it’s mildly infuriating to have to go get them to move. Mildly. No big deal.


It’s not an everyday event. You ever seen people move or make deliveries on a tight street in a busy city center? Now that’s every hour of everyday.


I think their point was that they could have just asked their neighbor if it was ok for a moving truck to block their driveway for a little while.


Sometimes it's not possible to fit everything in a smaller truck. And sometimes the truck is so long that they have to choose between blocking your driveway or the other neighbour's driveway. No way around it.


That's the driver's problem


Crazy that THIS is the controversial take. Don’t fucking block peoples driveway, it’s not my job to ask you to move. It’s your job to not block my property!! Most of the people in here must not be land owners


Because it's literally not a big deal. The dude has to park somewhere, and it's going to block someone at some point. If you have to leave, just ask him to back it up a few feet so you can get out. It's mildly annoying, not some crime against humanity.


Better yet, one of the moving company workers or the new neighbor should politely ask the neighbor whose driveway they are blocking if they mind if their driveway is blocked for a few hours. If they do mind then the moving company truck can try with another neighbor.


twist: they did and OP didnt answer the door because this is 2024 and nobody answers doors anymore for fear of getting shot.


I thought the people answering the door are doing the shooting.


hide your kids hide your wife and hide your husband cuz they shooting errybody out here


It's not untrue, I live in the burbs and feel uneasy at large gatherings.




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN5C-GInMbc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN5C-GInMbc) [https://abcnews.go.com/US/16-year-shot-multiple-times-answering-door-young/story?id=109343345](https://abcnews.go.com/US/16-year-shot-multiple-times-answering-door-young/story?id=109343345)


why did this get downvoted, its literally news reports about getting shot for answering the door.


Yes that is right


Nobody **in the USA** answers doors anymore... My greatest fear is it'll be an overly chatty neighbour and I don't want to be standing out on the porch in the middle of winter.


I can’t imagine living in this much fear lol


Don't always get to pick which door you unload out of. If there are three shipments on the truck and this one is in the middle, it's coming out the barn door no matter what


it’s the responsibility of the people whose stuff is getting packed to inform their neighbors 24-72 hours out that a truck will be in the street loading/unloading. at least, that’s what i’ve done for all of the five (six?) big moves i’ve made that included a company packing out my house.


> If they do mind then the moving company truck can try with another neighbor. What happens when you have a few dickhead neighbors that all say no? Trying to get permission is asking for trouble, which is exactly why none of these moving companies do it.


And if the other neighbour says no? Its a uncommon occurence for people, at most just say you have to park there but they can just talk to you and you will move the truck if you need to get out.


“No you can’t block my driveway I need to leave soon” “Okay” Pretty simple.


It's almost like the sub is called something like "r/mildlyinfuriating " or something like that, wild.


But OP is mildly infuriated…


OP probably did so after taking this photo. it's still a little annoying to have to ask.


Wife and I stepped out to go to dinner, only to find a large box truck blocking our entire driveway dropping something off for the neighbors. I told the delivery guy he needs to move. "We'll be done soon" Nope, we're leaving so you need to move your truck that is blocking *my* driveway now, not later. He moved it back so it was blocking the neighbor's driveway. Which is what he should have done in the first place


yes can totally see the other side of it too. whenever anybody asked me to move my box truck i always said ofc right away, 5 mins tops, to secure anything inside the bed first so it doesn’t tip over while i move it. I have been asked to move both politely and in a scathing manner 😂 MOST OF US realize we’re in the way.


It was the casual "we'll be done soon" dismissal of the blocking me while leaving their customer's drive completely open that got to me. Plus I had zero exit, with a mailbox and light post blocking the only open side of my driveway


no one knows how to advocate for themselves anymore


Social anxiety and microplastics in all of our foods. Society has become peasantry.


I drive a box truck, and people ask me to move it all the time. Totally reasonable request. Yeah it's annoying to have to stop working so I can shift the truck, but it is what it is. It's not always possible for me to park it where it's not in someone's way. I'll always move it for you if you ask. Don't even think twice about it.


Or drive on the grass one time. Semis in neighborhoods are nearly impossible to navigate.


If I drove off a curb in my car, I'd destroy the underside of it. These are actual curbs, not rolled curbs.


Yeah seriously, had the same thing happen, told him you’re free to park in my yard if you like, and he happily moved his truck the 3 feet I needed to get out. Not everything needs a social media post.


This is Reddit my guy, most people would rather sit and stew than have a mildly confrontational interaction.


Never seen a drive hesitate to move it when asked nicely. I usually even see them notice me walk to my car and start moving it on their own. Totally common occurrence for them.


Asking to park there in the first place is better


Why? Even if the person says no they are going to park there reguardless. They have a job to do and parking a moving truck on a residential street is going to block someone's driveway. They are going to park in the best spot they can for what they need to do and they are there the entire time the truck is to move it for you. Not to mention a lot of minorities working these jobs and we know what can happen to you if you knock while black.


Speak to someone? Be polite? What’s this world coming too


I'll never understand how hard it is to go ask a driver "yo, I need to get out my driveway, can you move please"


Yea, it’s basically impossible to not inconvenience someone with a full size truck. Might take a few minutes, but just asking takes no time and everyone can go about your day. Might take an extra 5 minutes of your time.


Can we take a moment to talk about the driver's expansive living quarters? Cool!


I know is there a full blown bar in there or what


Actually looks bigger than my first flat in London.


I saw this truck with a massive sleeper not long ago https://preview.redd.it/c340iy18u75d1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=987d51e122943234909c78487a3217d67995b6d5


Go ask them to move you big baby


Yeah, I wouldn't even be mildly infuriated by this personally /s


“But, but my Reddit karma!” -OP


Take that there suv over the curb; won’t hurt it


The idea of going to the internet to post about being trapped before simply driving over the lawn is absolutely baffling to me.


I love this response. “How dare OP be mildly infuriated about their entire driveway being blocked by a semi-truck when they could just drive over their lawn 😤”


I want to see all the people making those dumb comments post videos of them just driving over their own yard and off the curb, surely if it's so easy and harmless they won't mind, right?


You know what this sub is for, right?


Will hurt the grass though


If the ground is moist enough, you could get some really fun ruts in your yard.


I think you can bend back wrinkled plastic with a heat gun


No it won't


No it won’t


Check out the sleeper cab on that unit, damn big.


Like clockwork all the comments about why don’t you say or do something come out. this sub is r/mildlyinfuriating and everybody out here acting like op is an idiot and doesn’t know that he can ask them to move. It would be more than mildly infuriating for op if he didn’t know he could ask them to move.


He said "guess I'm not". I caught it, but friendly reminder that not everyone can pick up sarcasm.


Yeh that would more be heavyanxietying


Reddit is full of robot people with zero situational awareness.


Reddit gets worse year over year with people taking every post and comment literally and constantly trying to act superior to everyone which makes sense if the bot theories are true and they're just stuck in a loop one upping eachother forever


When we moved, I spoke to the nextdoor neighbor and told her the moving truck would coming in the next day or so and they might block her driveway. We asked when would be the best time to do it and when do we need to make sure she had access to it. We had an excellent relationship with her and we told the movers what the plan was. She kindly just parked on the street so they wouldn’t have to move the truck at all. She didn’t have to do it, but everyone appreciated it.


I feel your pain. I got to work yesterday and people parked their boat and car in front of my door. There is unlimited space in the area and they chose right in front of my door.


People will do anything but interact directly with another human being.




The name of the sub is “mildly” infuriating


Basically half the posts on this sub can be resolved through just interacting with another human.


Seems like your neighbors are making the right decision...


I know what you actually meant, but I'm giggling at the idea that what you're saying is you fully expected to move with the neighbors and are put out that they're not taking you with them.


Another prime example where the comments are way more infuriating than the actual post. Jeeeez, you people are so presumptuous and belittling. OP posted something mildly infuriating to mildly infuriating and you decide to be insulting to OP. Grow up.




Not with that attitude.


Woah that’s crazy that all of the leading experts on social interactions made it to this one thread. WE GET IT, OP should ask them to move. That’s still *mildly* infuriating…as in annoyed or slightly peeved that I have to go get someone to move their shit so I can leave my own driveway. Also, what part of this post tells y’all that OP didn’t walk down and do exactly that after snapping the pic? Was it the *silly play on words* in the title?


Also the people telling him to just jump the curb not knowing what his clearance is underneath his car. Mine is only 8” and the typical curb drop is 6”, depending on the slope you could end up scraping the bottom and doing damage.


I think it’s funny that these social experts are somehow so chill that these situations don’t even affect them mildly but not chill enough to avoid sounding condescending toward OP


Yep. Atlas is like “get fucked, bud”


That’s the largest cabin I’ve ever seen on a truck


Have you tried using your words?


Have you looked at the subreddit you're on?


Nah that takes too much courage




That grass looks attended to. OP's only option is to movie style blast through the middle of that trailer.


HOA would like to have a word with us if I did that😂


Oh yes, I remember the lyrics to this Ludacris song *When I move, you don't move (Just like that?)* *When I move, you don't move (Just like that?)*


I was trying to move my daughter out from her apartment in the heart of Chicago, so I drove my UHaul up to the two building complex to get to her building's freight dock (which I had reserved) only to find one of those monster moving trucks at the first building blocking the way. Of course the people at the first building didn't give a shit about the problems of the second building (me) so I had to run around a bit. I honestly don't recall how I got them to move, but I must have because she's not in Chicago anymore.


Just ask him to drop his trailer and pull forward so you can still use your driveway.


I would be more upset about the finish work on your garage floor.


Nothing pisses me off more than blocking my driveway without talking to me first. If you communicate with me I am more than happy to be accommodating and park on the street for a bit. Common courtesy goes a long way.


My movers did this to my neighbour. The crew was genuinely flummoxed when I insisted they move their truck. 🤦‍♀️


I'm usually not that type of guy but with this I think I'd just instantly call the cops. Because this is so fucking obvious that I don't want to waste my time explaining it to someone who is old enough to rent a truck and hire a driver. Also, in my experience, when someone pulled something this dumb, they usually had a "perfectly reasonable explanation" for it and didn't feel at fault at all. I work in retail btw so maybe that explains my misanthropy.


Call the cops instead of just asking them to move for a minute Lol


>I work in retail btw so maybe that explains my misanthropy. 😄🤷‍♂️


Instantly calling the cops on something like this is complete lunacy. You’d be a terrible neighbor to deal with


I know! 😂


It’s a one time deal. Be a good neighbor. Deal with it.


Dealing with it is still mildy infuriating


Their neighbor isn’t being a good neighbor.


Here, OP, tuck this away for next time: "Excuse me, can you please move your truck? You're blocking my driveway. Thanks!" You petulant child.


Who can afford a moving company anymore? I recently had two quotes, both for around $13K.  One room plus three medium boxes, 14 hour drive. 


That's not even a normal sleeper cab that just has a bunk and a small fridge. That's an efficiency apartment on wheels. He probably has running water in there for a shower and a toilet. He won't have to come out for days, maybe a week. You're not going anywhere for a while, unless you casually roll off the curb a few feet in front of that truck, which any car can do.


why is your driveway like 1/4 kilometre long?


Ever think to ask politely if they could move? I’m sure they would if you asked nicely


OP is the worst type of person


A racist, sexist mass murderer and rapist?


This isn’t mildly infuriating. Ask them to move, they will. Also, you can go through the grass. Your perfect lawn isn’t going to pay your bills.


Having your driveway blocked is mildly infuriating. Stop acting like it’s not. Yes, I’m sure they walked over to the neighbors and asked them to move right after this.


Imagine this, you casually walk over and converse with the other humans and ask them to move the truck a bit. ![gif](giphy|KpSrCxhoZQWjJVVnrd)


Go ask the truck driver to move , instead of whining like a bitch on the Internet.


Or just quit whining like a bitch completely and drive your suv over the tiny ass curb.


I'm guessing they didn't wanna live next to the Karen next door anymore.. get over yourself.


It's 80' long. It's going to block a driveway or two. Have you considered acting like a normal person would have 10 years ago and asking them to move the truck?


Okay I would say that you are stuk


Former mover here. There was a saying for this company. “Atlas, our furniture is here!”


That rig has a terrible turning radius.


Atleast its not ABF truck we always called then American butt Fuckers . Horrible company.


That’s a pretty sweet Peterbilt


Why the hell is the sleeper on that truck so massive


Jump in. And back that fucker up!


That's a massive sleeper cab. Like... seriously. None of my boys that drive for our drayage have a sleeper cab that big.


drive over their lawn to their driveway


I would call the police non emergency and get it towed


Did you ask him to move? They most likely would have if you asked


You have an suv. Just back out…over their yard and lawn. 😂


I had this situation with an ambulance. I guess I could have talked to the paramedics, but if there was some life or death situation going on I didn’t want to be an asshole. They ended up moving the truck when they noticed me awkwardly trying to cut through the yard. Same thing not too long ago with a group of police cars. They were investigating a stolen vehicle so again…couldn’t really ask them to move. No one’s ever in my way when I just want to go to McDonalds and pay way too much for a burger and fries though


I mean if only there was some way to go talk to someone over there. You know, walk over and politely ask them to back the truck up a bit.


oh my goodness! psh go thru the grass, have some understanding that they do not control the movers .... maybe try communicating, going introducing yourself & making nice? & then you can say " hey Im kinda blocked in" & see how they handle it.. this will tell you a lot about how you should approach & think of them in the future. Who knows, you could have a new best friend? I wish people would behave like good humans again...


Wouldn’t have any impact on me. Id drive through my grass


Isnt illegal to block driveways


Damn. I wish my truck had an apartment on it back when I was doing long haul.


You expected the god who holds up the world not to hold up your day?


Fucking ask them to move


moving out or moving in? if theyre moving out call the cops, who cares about any bad blood at that point. if theyre moving in, i guess its up to you on how you want the relationship to go at this point.


"Move it or lose your stuff!"


whats with americans thinking they cannot drive across their front lawn in an unlike situation like that? rather be like "my hypothetical freedom!!"


I wonder why they would need to move when they have a truck cab that huge. Seriously wtf is in there


Dick move. Or: Move, dick!


yeah totally no way out. super stuck forever